Dear grandma dee

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Dear Grandma Dee

Dear Grandma Dee,

Because it’s Mother’s Day, we wanted to write to tell you what a wonderful grandma you are and how much we love you.

So we started working on a letter.

If we don’t say so ourselves, we have some skills with pens! Our letter is very colorful, and we think it really sums things up quite well:


You can’t read that?

Rats! Figures, though. Sometimes we suspect you don’t understand everything we’re trying to tell you when we are talking, too. Adults!

But no worries. We figured a multimedia presentation might be necessary for this. Besides, paper and markers are soooo 2010.

So here goes. . .

=Here you are in the hospital with Dada and Grandma Jo right before we were born. Weren’t you excited to meet us?

We could tell that you had lots of grandma experience with Cousin Aidan, because you were an expert right from the start!

Thank goodness you were there to help Mama and Dada at the beginning. Don’t tell them, but they had no idea what they were doing. They definitely couldn’t have done it without you.

They were so thankful for all the help with cooking, cleaning, shopping, and feeding us. We were thankful that you played with us.

Since then, we have been so glad to see you when you come to visit us in Seattle!

Sometimes, we are lucky enough to get to visit you in Kelso. Mama and Dada are very thankful for the help. We’re not sure why, but apparently taking care of us can be tiring. Mostly, we love all the fun toys you have. . .

And the chairs. We especially like the chairs.

Have we mentioned that you give us the very best presents?

Sometimes, it is magical and your presents arrive in the mail! * * Not that we are angling for presents or anything,

but we just wanted to mention that our address is 1700 26th Ave, Seattle, WA, 98122. And Kate wants a pony.

Did you learn to pick presents out in Grandma school? They are always a hit, especially when we look so cute dressed in them.

Dada complains about presents that make noise, but those are our favorites. Like the Cat Piano! And big presents! Those are the best.

Another reason you are an amazing grandma is your keen fashion sense. You find some of our favorite outfits. . .

. . .particularly dresses! We suspect you are making up for many years spent buying boring boy clothes .

And hats! You find our favorite hats. You clearly rub elbows with the finest milliners.

Mostly, though, we love you because you always show us how much you love us, Dada, and Mama.

We love you so much. Happy Mother’s Day!

Love,Kate and Erin

P.S. We almost forgot!

We promised we’d let Dada tell you something.


The last 18 months have been a whirlwind. We, the girls and I, would not have made it but for your support. Thank you so much for all of your always welcome help. And thank you for putting up with the 33 years of me before you finally got girls of your own to play with. I love you.

. Love, Tad