Dear Parents and Carers, - Rosebery School · Letter: Year 7 Activities ... complaint! They are...

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Friday 8 May 2015

Dear Parents and Carers,

Year 11 have now completed the final week of their normal timetable because, as of Monday, they begin

their run of written GCSE exams, having already completed their Art, Drama, Music and PE practicals. It was

a pleasure to congratulate the 24 students who have achieved 100% attendance this year, who were

rewarded with a pizza lunch to mark this significant achievement. We look forward to marking the

contribution of the whole year group when they return for their Celebration Morning on the 25 June, prior

to their glamorous Prom which takes place that evening. In the meantime, we send every student in Year

11 and Year 12, who also begin their exams next week, our good wishes and remind you that staff are

continuing to run revision sessions and drop-in clinics throughout the exam period to offer additional

support and guidance.

Away from the exam hall, the Junior Leadership Team has begun to pilot an exciting project with Mrs Gibbins

and Ms Rundle where they are working with teaching staff to co-plan some lessons. We firmly believe that

student feedback about teaching and learning is extremely valuable and, therefore, we want to coach a

range of students across the school to participate in this programme. The staff involved in this pilot greatly

enjoyed working with the students and noted how developmental it was for them. Coaching is at the heart

of our school improvement strategy and it is now embedded in our professional learning programme for

staff. We also coach many of our students on a weekly basis to help them overcome their barriers to

learning. This week, we welcomed the Coachmark verification team into school. Coachmark is a national

award given at three levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold, to commend excellence in coaching and to recognise

schools where coaching has had a definitive impact on the culture and success of the school. I hope to share

the outcome of their visit next week.

A reminder that the PSA will still welcome applications from our talented student musical groups to

participate in our Summer Festival on 4 July 4. We are facing stiff competition from Glyn’s musicians and it

would be great to have as many students come forward to ‘battle’ with their bands as possible. Please

encourage your daughter to get involved.

Have a good weekend.

Ros Allen @Rosebery HT

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Dates for your Diary

Date Event

11 May GCSE and GCE exams begin

Year 11 Study leave starts

16 May Bronze D of E practice

18, 19, 20, 21 May Celebration Assemblies for Years 7 - 10

22 May Year 13 Leavers’ Celebrations

25 May – 29 May Half Term

Dates for your Diary Page 2

Headteacher Commendations Page 3

PSA Advertising, Drama & Performing Arts, IMPORTANT MESSAGE, Student Success Page 4

Football Focus, Year 11 SATRO Programme Page 5

Rosebery Summer Concert Page 6

Rosebery Day 2015 Page 7

Year 10 Thorpe Park Visit, Examinations News Page 8

Psychology Revision Day, PSA Summer Festival Page 9

Letter: Year 7 Activities Week Page 10

PSA 100 Club Winners Page 11

Adverts, inc. Rosebery Host Families Wanted for Taiwanese Visitors Pages 12 - 14

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Headteacher Commendations

Congratulations to the following students who have been nominated this week:

Year 7 - Miss Money has nominated Amber Cox 7SY for her ambition in English and exceeding her target

level dramatically! She has learned from her INTs in her previous essay and is excelling in English as a

result. Miss Devonish has nominated Mya Olaye, Alice Lane, Jenna Grundy and Alisa Strelkova-Lundberg

in 7EX for their presentations and information given to their class about life in Medieval England. The class

loved the food, quizzes and presentations. Miss Tayeb has nominated Natalya Elger 7EY for her fantastic

work in French. Natalya completes every task to the highest standard and her achievement in French is

beyond expectation.

Year 8 - Miss Bird has nominated Zoe Symons and Rose-Marie Luk in 8RY for the care, time and effort they

put into their sculpture project. Mrs Barlow has nominated Jemima McCaffrey, 8SY and Kaitlin Crossman

8RY for demonstrating excellent practical skills and outstanding creativity in Food Technology. They are

always focused and makes great contributions in lessons. Tazaeen Fuad and Layla Bradley 8DY have been

nominated by Miss Busuttin for settling into English so seamlessly, and doing extra assessments without

complaint! They are both a very welcome addition to Rosebery! Mrs Janes has nominated Felicity Julian

8SY, who has worked incredibly hard in French and Spanish. She is becoming increasingly confident and this

week has been helping others in the class. Holly Cochrane 8SY has been nominated by Mr McDonnell for

going over and above what was expect in the lesson – brilliant work, and conclusion and fantastic

contributions to class discussion.

Year 10 - Miss Bird has nominated Maia Bradley 10DX for her outstanding attitude towards homework.

Mr Naemi has nominated also nominated Maia and Shania Thompson 10RX, Natajsa Carswell 10SX, Louise

Thornton 10SX, Lucy Venables 10DX and Rose Collins 10SX for their consistently outstanding attitude in

Maths. Olivia Westland 10SX has been nominated by Mrs O’Shea for her sustained effort and achievement

in Maths.

Year 11 - Mr Chamberlain has nominated Rosie Kendrick 11SX and Larina Blackman 11DX, who have attended additional History Revision session with a positive attitude and have carried out independent work for their forthcoming exams. Mrs Barlow has nominated Samantha Carswell 11SY for her outstanding contribution as Form Leader throughout the year in 11SY. She has demonstrated excellent leadership skills and supported her peers throughout. Mrs Pingree has nominated Chelsea Cook 11RY for the support she offered a student in distress this week.

Sixth Form - Miss Risby has nominated Juliet Martin VIK and Connie Sibthorp-Protts VIC. They have assisted

with the British Airways Language Flag Award Club every Friday lunchtime since January to prepare Year 9

students who are completing the award in French. Mr McDonnell has nominated Sadia Chowdury VIH, has

scored an extremely high mark in her AS controlled assessment for Physics.

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PSA Summer Festival

Our Summer Festival sponsor, Cairds Estate Agents, has offered the PSA extra funding for every board that we place in friends’ and families’ front gardens to promote the event. This is an easy way to raise extra money and to generate publicity. Please email Marsali Harwood at if you are interested in doing this and to get more information. Thank you.

Well done

To all GCSE Drama & Performing Arts Students, as well as Year 12 Drama students, for completing all of your practical examinations. You have all worked extremely hard and shown resilience throughout. I wish you all the best for the exam results in the summer. We should have some record breaking results, so well done to you all! Mr J Waight Head of Year 12

Head of Drama & Performing Arts

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: School Communication In order to improve communication with parents, the school is upgrading to the latest version of ParentMail. This system will go live on the week commencing 22 May 2015. For the next few days, communication from the school will continue using the old system. You have recently received a request to activate your account and we would appreciate you doing so as soon as possible. If you have not received such a request, please contact us at Thank you.

Rosebery Student awarded Player of the Year

Sutton and Epsom’s Rugby Club Prize-giving afternoon last Saturday saw Rosebery student, Molly Chartres 8EX, awarded ‘Player of the Year, Girls’ Youth Team under 13s. Molly has been playing and training with Sutton and Epsom RFC since competing in the Surrey Youth Games last year and has progressed from touch rugby to full contact. She really enjoys it. All the girls put the time and effort in, working hard to do the best they can. Team spirit is great, the girls all support each other and Molly is looking forward to summer training and next season!

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Football Focus! Rosebery student, Lauren Marsberg 7SY, plays for Carshalton Athletic Girls football u12. They played in the Surrey Cup FA final (U12) on Sunday against AFC Wimbledon. It was an exciting and close game that Carshalton AFC won 2-0. Congratulations to Lauren, who is the goalie for the team.

Farewell Tea for the students mentored through the SATRO Programme

We are indebted to our business mentors from WS Atkins and Lisa, our SATRO Programme Manager. Our Year 11 students have been meeting regularly with their business mentors over the last two years and they have supported the girls with a range of topics, including time management, applications for Sixth Form, organising revision and independent study, as well as developing a healthy work/life balance. Mrs M Evans Head of year 11

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Rosebery Summer Concert 2015

The annual Summer Concert took place

on Saturday 3 May in the school canteen.

It featured mainly the traditional jazz

ensembles, such as Big Band and Little

Band, but this year also included the

Rosebery Singers, performing their songs

from the recent tour to the Black Forest,

and the newly formed Brass Quintet,

playing the Twentieth Century Fox

Fanfare and James Bond.

The evening

featured many pieces by the Big Band, including Call Me Maybe, Let it Go and

Superstition. Tillie Yorke played Careless Whisper on the saxophone and there

were vocal solos by Tamara and Lara Al-Wakeel, who also took the role of

compere for the night. Also performing were the Octet, Saxophone Quartet,

Wind Band and the Bluebelles, who teamed up with the Little Band to perform

My Old School. No summer concert would be complete without the Ukulele

ensemble, who this year performed their Pop Medley Mash Up.

Thanks to Mrs Searle and Mr Eaglestone, who prepared their groups for this

concert, and special thanks to Mr Valenti for organising the evening and directing

Big Band, Little Band and Saxophone Quartet.

Congratulations to Connie Harvey VIC, who was awarded the cup for Jazz

Musician of the Year, and who has also just passed her Grade 8 Jazz Saxophone

with distinction.

Mrs Turner

Head of Music

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Rosebery Day 2015

Students enjoyed their picnics listening to the wonderful sounds of

our school Staff Band during the Rosebery Day celebrations at

lunchtime on Tuesday. The Library also sold new and second hand

books to raise money for the purchase of brand new book releases.

All in all, this was a good diversion from a very busy build-up to the

exam period, particularly as the weather stayed dry enough for

everyone to enjoy their picnics and music in the fresh air.

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Parents of Year 10 Thorpe Park Visit

A number of parents have contacted school about using Blue Peter Badges or Tesco vouchers for entry to Thorpe Park on 15 July. We cannot guarantee that these will be accepted on the day, so would recommend that you pay for the cost of a ticket through school. If your daughter is planning on using one of these methods for entry, we would advise that she also brings the money to cover the normal adult entry fee to the park (£49.99 on the day price); unfortunately, the school cannot accept responsibility for Thorpe Park not excepting Blue Peter Badges and Tesco vouchers when visiting as part of a school party.

Miss Nicholson

Head of Biology, Head of Year 10

GCE & GCSE Summer 2015 Examinations

As we approach the summer exam season, students are reminded to check that all the information on their

Examination Timetable is correct. If you have withdrawn from an exam or have dropped a subject

completely, you should have received a new Examination Timetable reflecting these changes. If any student

requires a copy of her timetable, please come to the Exams Office to collect one.

Public Exams begin on Monday 11 May - Tuesday 23 June. Morning exams start at 8.45am and afternoon

exams 1.30pm. Students must arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of their exam. If you are absent or

late for an exam, please telephone reception or the Exams Office by 8.30am and leave a message.

Please ensure you bring the correct equipment to every exam. Pencil cases must be transparent and water

bottles clear; juice is not allowed. Please make sure you leave your bag in your locker and do not bring your

mobile phone into an exam room; the penalties can be severe.

Students are reminded to read the JCQ Regulation Notices and Rosebery School Exam Guidelines. These can

be found on the Exam page of the school website. Students are asked to read the notices carefully to ensure

that they are aware of the regulations and expectations regarding these formal assessments.

If you have any examination queries at all, please do not hesitate to contact the Exams Office at

We would like to wish all students the best of luck with their forthcoming exams.

Examinations Office

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Year 12 Psychology Students’ Revision Day On Wednesday 29 April, Miss Elwell, Miss Martin and the Year 12 Psychology students took a trip to London for a revision day set in a Vue cinema, Fulham Broadway. The day consisted of a complete run-through of the AS level specification, specifically with a direct focus on exam technique and how to achieve full marks in the exam. We were provided with a booklet which contained some useful tips and an overview of each topic we have studied over the course of this year. Throughout the day the presenters, who were Psychology teachers and examiners themselves, guided us through this booklet and helped us to fill it in with essential information that we could use later on when answering exam questions. As the Psychology exam is only one week away, this was such a valuable trip as it enabled us to check our revision was up-to-date and ensured that we were fully prepared for the upcoming exam! Report written by Connie Harvey (Psychology Prefect)

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Letters to Parents…

8 May 2015

Dear Parents/Carers

Re: Year 7 Activities Week

The final week of the Summer Term sees all of our students off timetable for a week of extra-curricular

activities in our annual Activities Week. We have finalised our plan for the week for Year 7 and we

are sure that the students will have a fantastic time rounding off their first year at Rosebery by taking

part in these events.

Whilst further, more detailed information about the week will follow in due course, I just wanted to

write and let you know what the students will be involved with during this week. The programme is

as follows:

Monday 13 July

We are very lucky to have secured a visit from the company Challenger Troop. Challenger Troop

run activity days with school groups and young people, with a focus on building resilience, team

work, and most of all, ensuring all students have fun!

Tuesday 14 July

Students will be involved in some team challenge activities that will see them testing their abilities,

trying all things from not squashing tomatoes in the Squashed Tomato Challenge to various

environmental and mathematical challenges.

Wednesday 15 July

The final day of activities that Year 7 will undertake with their year group this week will see them

celebrate their first year at Rosebery. Students will be working in form groups to create a time

capsule which will commemorate and celebrate their first year at Rosebery. They will also have a

picnic with their peers and Miss Lowe will lead the celebrations, recognising the achievements that

have been made this year.

Thursday 16 July

The last full day of the school year sees all of Rosebery staff and students heading to the Harrier

Centre, Poole Road, to take part in our annual Sports Day.

Friday 17 July

Last day of term. In school.

In order to allow for these activities to take place, we will require a voluntary contribution of £13.50

to cover the cost of our visitors and the rest of the week’s activities. We will be collecting parental

consent and payments online. To make your payment and to give consent, please go to and enter in your username and password. Please choose the service called

Year 7 Activities Week 2015 and make your payment; you will be unable to complete the

transaction until you have clicked on the ‘consent’ box.

If you have any questions about the week, please do not hesitate to contact me at More detailed information regarding the week and timings will

follow in due course.

Yours sincerely

Miss C Margetts, Activities Week Co-ordinator

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A group of Taiwanese students are coming to

Rosebery School this summer!

They are here to practise their English and observe life in an English

Secondary School. Are you able to help accommodate them in your


Dates: 2nd to 17th July 2015

Two students can share a room

Earn £600 using your spare room

(based on two sharers, bunk beds would be ideal)

Students would be out during the day, at weekends, as well as during

the week. Call us now for further information at:

Kingston Study Centre

Tel: 0203 289 8735

or Email:

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