Deborah Norville - ThankYou Power - Power of Respect

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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  • 8/13/2019 Deborah Norville - ThankYou Power - Power of Respect



    Emmy Award-Winning AnchorBestselling Author

    Veteran ournalist De!orah Nor"ille has !een anchor o# Inside Editionsince $arch %&&'( Ratings um)ed %'* the wee+ the two-tim

    Emmy winner oined the series, which is now the nations to)-rated syndicated newsmaga.ine(

    /he 0ower o# Res)ect1 Bene#it #rom the $ost 2orgotten Element o# 3uccess

    Respect can make a meaningful and measurable difference in business, relationships, education, and self confidence. In this

    keynote presentation, Inside Edition's Deborah Norville describes the root of many of society's illsa lack of respectand sha

    ho both giving and receiving respect can impact the folloing three core areas of an individual's life!

    In "usiness! Employees ork longer and harder and are more creative hen there is a respectful ork environment. E

    more stunning are statistics that prove orkers ho have been respected are less likely to #uit and tend not to sueeven he

    hey are fired.

    In Education! Norville discusses ho respect in schools can help school systems find additional teaching days, simply

    because time is not spent riting up discipline reports and sending kids to the $rincipal's office. %ore impressively, test scores

    up. Norville references one institution that as so chaotic it as put on lockdon because of a riot in the parking lot& in ust thr

    years, the ($oer of Respect( made that same school a place kids ere sad to leave.

    In Relationships! Norville underscores ho something as basic as common respect keeps marriages together and can

    help repair relationships that are broken. )he emphasi*es that in everyday interactions the ($oer of Respect( is potent.

    4/han+ 5ou 0ower41 /he 0ower o# 6ratitude

    Deborah Norville presents an eye+opening talk shoing ho one can improve both their cognitive skills and energy level throu

    hat she calls (hank -ou $oer.( he results are based on peer+revieed research.

    /he World /oday

    rom the eyes of a ournalist, Deborah Norville offers a front+ro seat to events+making neshether it is the ar in

    /fghanistan, the oil spill in the 0ulf or the latest celebrity scandalmaking sense of the event and providing an insider's

    perspective on hat is behind the headlines.

    Acti"ely Re)orting /odays $ost 7hallenging Issues

    /s anchor of the nation1s top+rated syndicated nes maga*ine,Inside Edition, Deborah Norville covers the most comple2 and

    challenging issues of the day. / to+time Emmy /ard+inner, %s. Norville oined Inside Editionfrom 3") Nes, here she

    anchoredAmerica Tonightand reported for 48 Hours, Street Storiesand 3")Evening News. $rior to orking at 3"), she hos

    he nationally syndicated Deborah Norville Radio Show, heard on more than 455 stations via the /"3 Radio netork. /t N"3

    she served as nes anchor and, later, co+host of N"31) Toda Show, positions that folloed her tenure as anchor of N"3 Ne

    At Sunrise.

  • 8/13/2019 Deborah Norville - ThankYou Power - Power of Respect


    / bestselling author, Norville1s latest book is The Power of Respect: Benefit from the Most Forgotten Element of Success

    imely e2planation of the measurable increases in productivity, creativity, and other benefits that result from respectful

    behavior. he book follos her New !or" Times "est )eller, Thank You Power: Making the SIE!E of "ratitude #ork fo

    Y$%. Thank You Powerbrought together for the first time the groing body of academic research proving the benefits of


  • 8/13/2019 Deborah Norville - ThankYou Power - Power of Respect


  • 8/13/2019 Deborah Norville - ThankYou Power - Power of Respect


  • 8/13/2019 Deborah Norville - ThankYou Power - Power of Respect


  • 8/13/2019 Deborah Norville - ThankYou Power - Power of Respect


  • 8/13/2019 Deborah Norville - ThankYou Power - Power of Respect


  • 8/13/2019 Deborah Norville - ThankYou Power - Power of Respect


  • 8/13/2019 Deborah Norville - ThankYou Power - Power of Respect
