Deborah Tarr 2012

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Cadogan Contemporary's catalogue for Deborah Tarr's 2012 exhibition. Her bold compositions created almost solely with the texture of oil paint are enhanced by subtle yet effective injections of colour. The paintings, in hand-crafted frames picked by the artist, are poetic, eliciting memories and emotions.


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11 September – 13 October 2012



87 Old Brompton RoadLondon SW7 3LD

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7581 5451Email:

All of the paintings and more may be viewed on our website

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Plant, oil on canvas, 49” x 38”/124cm x 97cm

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Beach House, oil on canvas, 26” x 22”/66cm x 56cm

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Sassy London, oil on canvas, 40” x 32”/102cm x 81cm

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The White Cedar, oil on canvas, 80” x 72”/203cm x 183cm

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Clockwise from top left:Bad Horsey, oil on canvas, 8” x 11”/20cm x 28cmSouk, oil on canvas, 10” x 11”/25cm x 28cmBeach House, oil on canvas, 26” x 22”/66cm x 56cmTea House, oil on canvas, 45” x 45”/114cm x 114cm

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“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front onlythe essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had toteach, and not when I came to die discover that I had not lived.”

Henry David Thoreau

The Black Pine, oil on canvas, 71” x 71”/180cm x 180cm

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“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front onlythe essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had toteach, and not when I came to die discover that I had not lived.”

Henry David Thoreau

The Black Pine, oil on canvas, 71” x 71”/180cm x 180cm

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Tea House, oil on canvas, 45” x 45”/114cm x 114cm

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Tea House, oil on canvas, 45” x 45”/114cm x 114cm

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Weather, Towards the Cat and Fiddle, oil on canvas, 13” x 15”/33cm x 38cm Bad Horsey, oil on canvas, 8” x 11”/20cm x 28cm

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Weather, Towards the Cat and Fiddle, oil on canvas, 13” x 15”/33cm x 38cm Bad Horsey, oil on canvas, 8” x 11”/20cm x 28cm

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Opposite page: Winter, Primrose Hill, oil on canvas, 8” x 12”/20cm x 30cm

A Heart for Any Fate, oil on canvas, 8” x 11”/20cm x 28cm

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A PSALM OF LIFE by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream ! —

For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what they seem.

Life is real ! Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal ;

Dust thou art, to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul.

Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way ;

But to act, that each to-morrow Find us farther than to-day.

Art is long, and Time is fleeting, And our hearts, though stout and brave,

Still, like muffled drums, are beating Funeral marches to the grave.

In the world’s broad field of battle, In the bivouac of Life,

Be not like dumb, driven cattle ! Be a hero in the strife !

Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant ! Let the dead Past bury its dead !

Act,— act in the living Present Heart within, and God o’erhead !

Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us

Footprints on the sands of time ;

Footprints, that perhaps another, Sailing o’er life’s solemn main,

A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Seeing, shall take heart again.

Let us, then, be up and doing, With a heart for any fate ; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait.

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Spicy, oil on canvas, 10” x 8”/25cm x 20cm

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From Left:Souk, oil on canvas, 10” x 11”/25cm x 28cmCedar of Lebanon, oil on canvas, 8” x 9”/20cm x 23cmThe Lamb White Days, oil on canvas, 6” x 9”/15cm x 23cm Maitri, oil on canvas, 27” x 23”/69cm x 58cm

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Maitri, oil on canvas, 27” x 23”/69cm x 58cm

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FERN HILL By Dylan Thomas

Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green,

The night above the dingle starry, Time let me hail and climb

Golden in the heydays of his eyes, And honoured among wagons I was prince of the apple towns

And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves Trail with daisies and barley

Down the rivers of the windfall light.

And as I was green and carefree, famous among the barns About the happy yard and singing as the farm was home,

In the sun that is young once only, Time let me play and be

Golden in the mercy of his means, And green and golden I was huntsman and herdsman, the calves

Sang to my horn, the foxes on the hills barked clear and cold, And the sabbath rang slowly

In the pebbles of the holy streams.

All the sun long it was running, it was lovely, the hay Fields high as the house, the tunes from the chimneys, it was air

And playing, lovely and watery And fire green as grass.

And nightly under the simple stars As I rode to sleep the owls were bearing the farm away,

All the moon long I heard, blessed among stables, the nightjars Flying with the ricks, and the horses

Flashing into the dark.

And then to awake, and the farm, like a wanderer white With the dew, come back, the cock on his shoulder: it was all

Shining, it was Adam and maiden, The sky gathered again

And the sun grew round that very day. So it must have been after the birth of the simple light

In the first, spinning place, the spellbound horses walking warm Out of the whinnying green stable

On to the fields of praise.

And honoured among foxes and pheasants by the gay house Under the new made clouds and happy as the heart was long,

In the sun born over and over, I ran my heedless ways,

My wishes raced through the house high hay And nothing I cared, at my sky blue trades, that time allows

In all his tuneful turning so few and such morning songs Before the children green and golden

Follow him out of grace,

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The Lamb White Days, oil on canvas, 6” x 9”/15cm x 23cm

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East Coast Highway, oil on canvas, 62” x 74”/157cm x 188cm

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Deborah Tarr was born in Manchester in 1966. She studied Painting at Win-chester School of Art into the late Eighties. She now works from her home studio in North West London and a tractor shed in Cheshire.

Selected Solo Exhibitions2004-2012 Cadogan Contemporary, London2000 Core One, Chelsea Harbour1995 Bruton Gallery, Bath and New York1994 Winchester Cathedral, commission1991 Alresford Gallery, Winchester

Selected Group Exhibitions 2003- 2012 Group Shows, Cadogan Contemporary, London2002 Mark Jason Contemporary Art, Olympia Art Fair2000 Max Rollitt, Olympia Art Fair1998 Islington Art Fair1997-2000 Wilson Stephens Fine Art – various group shows1996-2007 Beatrice Royal Contemporary Art Gallery, Hampshire 1995 Bruton Gallery, Bath and New York

CollectionsRitz Carlton Residences, ChicagoCandy and CandyLouise Bradley Design, LondonHampshire County CouncilNumerous international private collections

Press‘Where to Buy’, The Week 2011‘Country and Townhouse’, April 2012

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87 Old Brompton RoadLondon SW7 3LD

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7581 5451Email:


All of the paintings and more may be viewed on our website

Printed by Connekt Colour, Berkhamsted, England

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