Dec. 1954 Special“AWARDS”Edition · Proiect Record 1952 Winner $600 Scholarship basedon...

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Dec. 1954 Special “AWARDS” Edition


FELTON DAVIS, AchievementWayne County Bro den 4—H ClubAge 18 Clug Work 9 yrs.48 proiects completedProiects: Dairy Achievement, Baby Beef,Corn, Swine, Sweet Potatoes, Forestry, FloorSanding, Soil 8. Water Conservation, TractorMaintenance, Tobacco, Soy Beans, HomeGrounds Beautification, Lespedeza, Wheat,Oats, Watermelons, and Sudan GrossNational Dairy Achievement Winner — $300Scholarship 1953Winner $150 Scholarship based on DairyProiect Record 1952Winner $600 Scholarship based on all—roundclub record 1952Winner $100 Scholarship as Farm and HomeElectric Territorial Winner 1953Member of State Honor ClubNational 4-H Congress Delegate 1953 & '54National 4-H Camp Delegate 1953National 4—H Achievement Winner — $300Scholarship 1954

ELLA B. BLOSSOM, SafetyRichmond County Hoffman Sr. 4-H ClubAge 18 Club Work 6 yrs.24 proiects completedFarm and Home Safety — 4 years: Hazardsfound and corrected — 374;County Safety surveys - 5; high schoolpaper made Safety its theme 5 differenttimes; posters made and displayed — 7;demonstrations on Safety — 2 local, 19countyState winner of trip to National ClubCongress, 1954National winner of $300 scholarship, 1954

NEL DA COBB, Recreation & Rural ArtsGuilford County McLeansville Sr. 4—H ClubAge 18 Club Work 9 yrs.66’proiects completedRecreation & Rural Arts roiect 5 yearsLed 3,275 games and 3,675 songsExhibits: 98 load, 49 county, 2] district,17 stateDemonstrations given: 52Talks: 186 to 4—H groups, 103 to other groupsTV appearances 9, News Stories 131State Frozen Foods Winner, 1953County Recreation Leader, 1951—1954Directed recreation at State 4—H Club Week,1953 & 1954Tapped into State Honor Club, 1954Winner of trip to National Club Congress, 1954National Recreation & Rural Arts Winner of$300 scholarship, 1954

JOHN NEIL HAIGL ER, JR., PoultryUnion County Fairview 4—H ClubAge 17 Club Work 6 yrs.Turkey Production 5 years; Poultry LayingFlock one year.Raised 13,000 turkeys and 2 700 layersEconomical production by following bestExtension recommendations in manage—ment; learned to produce for availablemarkets; learned disease control; usedhome—grown feed and range; sharedknowledge with others.Exhibited turkeys 5 yearsDistrict winner in Poultry, 1953 8, 1954State winner of trip to National ClubCongress, 1954National Poultry winner of $300 scholar—ship, 1954


RUTH TEMPLE, Food PreparationWake County Wakleton 4—H ClubAge 17 Club Work 6 yrs.35 proiects completedFood Preparation Proiect: 6 rs.11,830 dishes and 2,937 men s prepared;110 foods exhibits made; presented FoodPreparation Demonstrations 68 times.County Dairy Foods Demonstration Winner _

1951, 1952, 1953, 1954 _County Food Preparation Winner _ 195],1952, 1953 1954District Food Preparation Winner _ 1951 8:954Had charge of Nutrition scene in State 4—HHealth Pageant — 1954Trained younger club membersin Dairy FoodsDemonstrations - 1954State Winner of trip to National 4—H ClubCongress, 1954National 4—H Food Preparation Winner _ $300Scholarship, 1954

CHARLES CANADA, Farm 8. Home ElectricGuilford County Guilford College 4—H ClubAge 17 Club Work 6 yrs.14 pro'ects completedFarm & Home E ectric proiect 4 yearsRepaired or Re laced 295 electrical itemsInstalled 451 erectrical boxesGave 25 electric and craft demonstrationsTV appearances — 4 Radio programs _. 3Offices held: Local 1 — Count 12nd plzace Teri-itorial winner Electric proiect,951st place Territorial winner of $100scholarship, 1953Winner of trip to National Club Congress, 1954National 4—H Electric Winner of $300scholarship, 1954

BOBBY SMITH, Health ImprovementPerquimans County Perquimans County H. S.4—H ClubAge 18 Club Work 9 yrs.93 proiects completedChairman County Health Committee 4 yrs.,surveyed community health problems,sponsored drives for Cancer, Red Cross,and money drive to purchase an iron lung.Improved health practices enabled him toovercome diabetesland St. Vitus Dance.Offices Held: 6 local, 4 countyTalks: 500 to 4—H groups, 124 to other groupsTV appearances — 13 Radio programs - 21,News stories — 155IExhibits on 4-H: 65First place Soil 8. Water ConservationDemonstration team, 1951First place State NJVGA VegetableProduction Demonstration team and thirdplace winner in National contest, 1952State Health King, 1951Member of State Honor ClubWinner of trip to Club Congress, 1954National Health Improvement winner of$300 scholarship, 1954

LOIS VIOLET WINSLOW, Better GroomingPerquimans County Perquimans County H. S.4—H ClubAge 16 Club'Work 6 yrs.51 proiects completedBetter Grooming proiect 4 yearsExhibits: 111 Demonstrations: 23Held offices in local club and in County 4—HCouncilCounty Health Queen, 1953 & 1954National Better Grooming winner of trip toNational Club Congress and $300scholarship, 1954


JANET BOYKIN, CanningWilson County Rock Ridge 4—H ClubAge 18 Club Work 9 yrs.22 proiects completedCanning Proiect: 8 years1,710 qts. canned alone; 1,412 qts. cannedwith help.Taught 12 neighbors to can in boiling waterbath and pressure cooker, 1954Exhibits on Canning: Home 18 — Local 79 —County 104County Junior Canning Winner 1 year; SeniorCounty Canning Winner 6 years; DistrictCanning Winner 2 yearsWith Mother was in charge Canning DivisionWilson County Fair, 1954Winner of trip to National 4-H ClubCongress, 1954National 4—H Canning Winner - $300Scholarship, 1954

JIMMY HENDRIX, Beautification of HomeGromdsPitt County Winterville — Greenville 4—H ClubAge 16 Club Work 5 yrs.28 proiects completedBeautification of Home Grounds — 3 yearsHelped landscape home grounds for long—timeplanning; area has been increased fromsmall immediate yard to 2 acres — gradedyard, seeded and cared for lawn, rootedazaleas and camellias in own nursery bed;built pond; set up irrigation system;presented demonstration, ”Growing Azaleas”to Club MatesState Beautification of Home Grounds Winner,1953Delegate to National 4—H Club Congress, 1953National Beautification of Home GroundsWinner — Trip to National 4—H ClubCongress, 1954


MARY FAYE JACKSON, AchievementSurry County White Plains and Woman'sCollege 4—H ClubsAge 19 Club Work 9 yrs.50 proiects completedProiects: Clothing, Food Preparation,Improved Ironing, Canning, Home Improve—ment, Home Beautification, Home Manage-ment ‘Exhibits: 7 home, 48 local, 152 county,3 district, 1 State, 1 NationalState Dress Revue winner of trip to ClubCongress, 1950Statewinner in Ironing Demonstration, 1950State winner in Improved Ironing, 1952National Improved Ironing winner of trip toClub Congress and $300 scholarship, 1953Tapped into State Honor Club, 1954Sectional Achievement winner of trip toClub Congress, 1954

NORMA KAY SHOE, Dairy Foods Demon.Alomance County Mebane 4—H ClubAge 17 Club Work 7 yrs.32 proiects completedFood Preparation proiect 7 years; Total No.of demonstrations in Dairy Foods — 65;other demonstrations — 256Prepared local, county, and State exhibitsOffices held in local club and County CouncilRadio programs — 8; TV appearances — 3District Dairy Foods Demonstration winner,1952, 1953, 1954State winner and Sectional winner of trip toNational Club Congress in Dairy Foodsprogram, 1954

JIMMY STEEL E, Soil 8. WaterConservationlredell County Brawley 8. Troutman4—H ClubsAge 16 Club Work 4 yrs.19 proiects completedSoil 8. Water Conservation proiect:Replented 5 acres of pines; plantedSericia Lespedeza around 24—acrefield; thinned 19 acres of pines;cleared 12 acres of land for permanentpasture; sowed 53 acres of permanentpasture; terraced 40 acres; pushed in12 gullies; fenced in 105 acres ofpasture; put 6 acres of idle land intouse by pushing in gullies and clearingoff scrub pines.Placed in State Blue Ribbon HealthGroup, 1954President of local clubSectional winner of trip to NationalClub Congress, 1954

JOAN BATTEN, Girls' RecordJohnston County Glendale 4—H ClubAge 16 Club Work 5 yrs.41 proiects completedProiects: Food Pre oration, Canning,Frozen Foods, C othing, HomeImprovement, Better Grooming,Family Relations, Home Management,Improved Ironing, Beautification ofHome Grounds, Gardening, Crafts,Recreation 8. Rural ArtsOffices held: 4 local, 1 county, JuniorLeader 3 yearsTalks:- 108 Radio appearances: 5Wirimer of trip to National Club Congress,954


BARBARA ANN DAVIS, Frozen FoodsWayne County Nahunto 4—H ClubAge 18 Club Work 9 yrs.47 pro'ects completedFrozen Foo s Proiect — 7 years:827 qts. and 2,319 pounds frozenFrozen Foods Demonstration presented15 times.District Frozen Foods Winner -— 1953 8. '54Offices held: Local 5 — Committees:Local 8, County 5Sectional Frozen Foods Winner — Tripto National Club Congress, 1954


GLENN W. WOODL EY, CitizenshipTyrrell County Columbia 4—H ClubAge 17 Club Work 7 yrs.36 proiects completedExhibits: 4 — Talks: 80 - Radioappearances: 20 — TV: 1News stories: 85Offices held: County 5, electedHistorian, State 4—H COUNCIL 19542nd place Territorial winner inElectric praiect, 19521st place Territorial winner of $100scholarship, 1953Member of Livestock Judging Team,1953 8. 1954Delegate to Danforth Leadership Camp,Shelby, Michigan, 1954Dellgggte to National Club Congress,

BENNY RHODES, Field CropsLenoir County Moss Hill 4—H ClubAge 17 Club Work 8 yrs.25 proiects completedField Crops: Corn — 8 years; Tobacco _4 years; Cotton — 1 year; Soy Beans _3 years; Sweet Potatoes — 1 year;Irish Potatoes — 1 year.District Tobacco Show and Sales WinnerWinner in the Cutter 4—H Hand ShowFamily cooperation resulted in purchaseof a farmParticipated in State Grading ContestOffices held: Local - 8 County — 3Chairman Club Mailbox ImprovementProgramSectional Field Crops Winner — Trip toNational Club Congress, 1954

BARBARA DAVIS, CitizenshipMecklenburg Co. North Mecklenburg andWoman' College 4-H ClubsAge 18 Club Work 9 yrs.78 proiects completed4—H talks — 541; Radio appearances — 94News stories — 125; TV appearances _3%) Exhibits - 459; Demonstrations —Judging activities — 210; Showmanshipactivities — 185Served as president of local club, CountyCouncil, DistrictState Dairy Foods Team Demonstrationwinner, 1952Placed 5th in National NJVGADemonstration Contest, 1952State Cannin winner, 1953, Delegateto Nationaf Club CongressMember State Honor ClubDelegate to National 4—H Camp, 1954National alternate in Citizenship, 1954

CHARLOTTE JONES, ClothingWarren County Littleton 4-H ClubA e 17 Club Work 8 yrs.C othing proiect 8 years - 134 garmentsmade; 73 garments mended; 42garments remodeled; 102 articlesmade.Clothing exhibits: 33 local, 34 county,16 StateParticipated in State Dress Revue 4 yrs.Talks: 49 — News stories: 53 — Radioprograms: 6 — TV: 1District Clothing winner, 1953 & 1954State winner Vegetable Use Demon-stration, 1954Winner of trip to National Club Congressin Clothing, 1954


LARRY PAYNE, Community RelationsAlexander County Hiddenite 4—H ClubAge 19 Club Work 9 yrs.38 proiects completedIn Community Relations has led 'recreation, given 4—H talks, SundaySchool teacher, leader in 4—H,church and school, helped otherswith 4—H proiects, host to IFYEdelegate from Australia.Offices held: Served as president ofCounty Council and local club and asHistorian of State 4—H Council.Local 4—H Club LeaderState winner Dairy Production award, 1954Represented State at Virginia 4—H ClubWeek, 1953Delegate to National 4—H Camp, 1954Member of State Honor Club

JOHN M. TEW, JR., LeadershipCumberland County Linden Sr. 4—H ClubAge 17 Club Work 9 yrs.51 proiects completedAssisted with organizing and supervisingcommunity club; assisted younger clubmembers with records; gave 37 demon...strations on Tractor Maintenance,Entomology, Livestock Production, Farmand Home Electric. Made 134 talksbefore 4—H groups, 34 for other groups,and 36 over the radio. Active in churchand school activities. Served 5 timesas an officer in local club, 4 times onCounty Council, and as vice presidentof the State 4-H Council.State winner of trip to Club Congressin Cotton, 1951State winner and Sectional winner oftrip to Club Congress, 1952Awarded S600 Chilean Nitrate scholarship,1953

FAYTIE COX, LeadershipCurrituck Co. Mo ock 8. Woman'sCollege 4—H ClubsAge 20 Club Work 10 yrs.35 proiects completedOffices Held: 5 local, 6 county,Leader of local clubTalks: 44 to 4—H groups, 15 toother groupsTV ap earances _ 1; Radio programs _11; ews stories — 9Served as group leader at camp forseveral years.Conducted proiect workshops incounty's 4—H Clubs, going into6 communities and assisting iuniorsand seniors in setting up theirrecords.Served as group leader for countydelegates to State 4-H Club WeekRepresented State at Virginia 4—HClub Week, 1954Delegate to National Club Congress,1954

JANE PARKINS, Community RelationsGuilford County Rankin 4—H ClubAge 15 Club Work 5 yrs.18 proiects completedExhibits: 24 local, 30 county, 2 district,7 stateOffices held: local 2, county 1, iuniorleader 4 yearsTalks: 14 to 4-H groups, 23 to othergroupsTV appearances — 4, Radio programs — 8,News stories — 9Assisted with collecting money forcounty Health proiectHelped sponsor an IFYE delegate toGermanyPlaced first at Dairy Calf District ShowDistrict winner in Community Relations,1954

K ENNETH HOWE, Dairy AchievementGaston County Gastonia 4—H ClubAge 18 Club Work 8 yrs.36 Proiects completedDairy Proiect: 8 years - now has 6cows and 5 calvesEntered 19 Dairy Judging contests; made40 exhibits4th place District Dairy Showmanship,1953 and 1954Officer in local club 5 earsMember State Dairy Ju ging Team, 1953,Team placed 4th in NationAwarded $150 State 4—H DairyScholarship, 1953Awarded $2,000 scholarship to StateCollege, 1954 (other records included)Winner of trip to National Club Congress,

NANCY FLEMING CLAY, Dress RevueGrmville County Creedmoor 4—H ClubAge 18 Club Work 8 yrs.

35 proiects completedClothing proiect 6 ears: 88 garmentsmade, 46 remode ed and altered;participated in county Dress Revue5 years and in State Dress Revue3 years.Placed 4th in State Dress Revue, I953W9in2er of trip to National Club Congress,5

W. F. WORRELL, JR., ForestryHertford County Como 4—H ClubAge I8 Club Work 5 yrs.Forestry proiect 5 years _ planted 1000‘Loblolly pine and 1000 red cedarseedlings; spot planted 5000Loblolly pine seedlings; thinned IOacres woodland; selectively cut 75acres woodland; restocked 75 acresby leaving adecpate seed trees;poisoned 15 a cres scrub hardwoodwith ammate; made map of woodlandon 5—year plan; constructed firebreaks; prepared and presentedforestry demonstration.Delegate to National Club Congress, I954


EARL DAVIS, GardenWayne County Bro den 4—H ClubAge 17 Clu Work 7 yrs.38 proiects completedGarden proiect 6 yearsExhibited vegetables in county fairsFollowed year—round garden plantingscheduleCounty winner in 4—H VegetableProduction Demonstration, I954Served as president of local club and ofCounty 4—H CouncilWinner of trip to National ClubCongress, I954

MARTHA STEVENSON, EntomologyIredell County Scotts Sr. 8: Loray4—H ClubsAge 16 Club Work 6 yrs.57 proiects completedEntomology proiect: 3 years - 225insects collected and identified, 52controlled, I20 studied. Assisted withInsect Control Fair booth, wroteseries of news articles on insectcontrol, gave demonstrations, helpedothers.Territorial winner of $100 scl'mlal'sltipin Farm and Home Electric proiect,I953State and National winner in Dairy

Foods Demonstration, I953WirllngiegI of trip to National Club Congress,5

VIRGINIA REAVIS, Home ImprovementIredell County Scotts 4—H ClubAge 16 Club Work 6 yrs.50 proiects completedConducted Home Improvement proiect4 years, making improvements inevery room and porch in home ..painting, refinishing furniture,making draperies and curtains,sanding floors, laying linoleum,building shelves, ceiling attic room.Assisted in planning and improvement ofchurch parsonage and neighbor'shome.Smded I0,460 sq. ft. of floors.News stories —. ll; Radio programs _ 23;Demonstrations — I66Talks — 20; Junior Leader of CommunityClub.State winner in Floor Sanding, I952Wirltgezof trip to National Club Congress,5

ALLEN RAY OVERMAN, Meat AnimalWayne County Nahunta 4—H ClubAge I7 Club Work 7 yrs.38 proiect: completedSwine proiect 8 years: 16 sows, 344 pigsBab Beef proiect 3 years: 4 calvesPou try proiect 5 years: 1,560 hensMade 268 proiect exhibits; preparedand presented demonstration on”Control of Stom ch Worms in Cattle"Dellgggto to Nationa Club Congress,


K EITH BLACK, CornCabarrus County Bethel Sr. 4—H ClubAge I8 Club Work 7 yrs.25 proiects completedCorn Proiect: 4 years _ producedI05.55 bushels of officially harvestedcorn on one acre in I954, usingDixie 82, 500 lbs. 4—10—6 fertilizer,4 loads manure, 300 lbs. I6% N.Planted May 26 on a creek bottom in42—inch rows with 12—inch spacing.4—H talks — 6; Demonstrations — 2;Exhibits — 23; Showmanship contests ..2IOffices held: 4 local, 2 countWinner of trip to National Club Congress,I954

JOHN A. MADRE, PeanutsPasquotank County Central Sr. 4—H ClubAge I7 Club Work 8 rs.Peanuts proiect 5 years, Eroduce 3325lbs. in 1953 and 4364 l s. in I954Willing; of trip to National Club Congress,9

RACHEL STEVENS, Beautification ofHome GroundsJohnston County Smithfield 4-H ClubAge 17 Club Work 6 yrs.21 proiects completedBeautification of Home Grounds: 23improvements made in I953; 22improvements made in I954. Plannedwith family present and future homegrounds improvements.

SARAH ANN SUGG, Health Improvement(girls)Craven CountyAge 17 Club Work 8 yrs.63 praiects completedExhibits: 33 Demonstrations : 8District winner in Canning, I952, I953Disgrggt winner in Health Improvement,State 4—H Health Queen, I954Dellsgzte to Notional Club Congress,5

MALCOLM HOWARD, TobaccoLenoir County Deep Run Sr.4-H ClubAge I4 Club Work 5 yrs.30 proiects completedTobacco proiect 2 yearsz-22I8 lb./I.0acre, 1954Member Tobacco Grading Team I954Winner in the Junior Tobacco Slow 8:Sale in Kinston in competition with40 boys, I954Winner of trip to National ClubCengress, I954

DWIGHT BYRD, Tractor MaintenanceWilkes County Ronda 4—H ClubAge I8 Club Work 7 yrs.I6 Proiects completedTractor Maintenance 2 yearsOrganized Live—Power Tractor ClubGave IO demonstrations to Live-PowerTractor ClubDemonstrations: 79 local, 32 county,4 district, I StateTalks: 32 to 4—H groups, 28 to othergroupsTV appearances — I, Radio - 72nd place in State Tractor Operators'Contest, I954 ,District winner in Tractor Maintenance,I953 8: I954 .Ist place Territorial winner of $I00scholarship in Farm &'Home Electricproiect, I954Wirllrgter of trip to National Club Congress,54

EDWARD COLEMAN, Sweet PotatoesColumbus County Cerra Gordo Sr. 4—H ClubAge I6 Club Work 6 yrs.

21 proiects completedSweet Potato proiect — 6 years: Presentedexhibits at Tabor City Yam Festivaland N. C. State Fair 6 years; won over$500 in awards from sweet potatoes atfestival and fairs; assisted with wireworm control demonstration in sweetpotatoes.Winner of trip to National Club Congress,I954


JANET WALL, Improved IroningJohnston County Smithfield 4—H ClubAge I6 Club Work 5 yrs.20 proiects completedImproved Ironing proiect 2 years: 22improvements in ironing method; 2Improved Ironing demonstrations given;3 Improved Ironing exhibits made.Offices held: 3 local

HARRY LEE (Buck) GIBSON, CottonScotland County Gibson 4—H ClubAge I4 Club Work 4 yrs.

6 proiects completedCotton proiect — 2 years: Lint cottonyield 963 lbs. per acre, I953;1230 lbs. per acre, I954; varietygrown, Coker I00 W.Took soil sample and fertilized fieldas recommended by soil test.Dusted II times to control insects.Winner of trip to National Club Congress,I954

Roscoe LITTLE, Public SpeakingStanly County Stanfield 4—H ClubAge I7 Club Work 8 yrs.

22 pro'ects completedMade 50 4— talks at local 4—H Club,County Council, civic clubs, State4—H Club Week, District RecognitionProgramCounty winner in Tractor Maintenanceand LeadershipPast president of local club andCounty CouncilState—winnin s eech _ “4-H DevelopsWell—Roan e Lives to MakeWell-Rounded Communities."

BETH DAVIS, Public SpeakingCleveland County Lattimore Sr. 4—H ClubAge I7 Club Work 8 yrs.

44 proiects completedMade I30 4-H talks and I2 radio

appearancesOffices held: 6 local, 2 county includingpresident of local club and CountyCauncilLeader of local club; camp leader 3 yrs.

State—winning speech — ”How 4—HClub Work Contributes to GoodCitizenship."

STEPHEN SINCLAIR, Junior Soil 8. WaterCon servationRutherford County Oakland 4—H ClubAge I3 Club Work 6 yrs.

I7 proiects completedSoil & Water Conservation - 2 years:Working with father, planted 500Kudzu Crowns in gulley; plantedtwo acres of pine seedlings; seededtwo acres of Sericia Lespedeza;seeded one acre alfalfa; built up allterraces; practiced contour 'cul ti vation.

Presented two Soil & Water Conservationdemon stration sHeld 3 club officesWinner of $25 U.S. Savings Bond asState Junior Winner

CLARENCE CHAPP ELL, J R.Beekeeping DemonstrationPerquimans County Perquimans Co. H. S.4—H ClubAge 17 Club Work 8 yrs.Held offices in local club and County4—H CouncilState winner in Meat Animal proiect, 1950State winner in Field Crops and delegateto National Club Congress, 1951

LEONARD WEATHERSPOONSoil 8. Water Conservation Dem. (ind.)Wake County A ex Sr. 4—H ClubAge 14 C ub Work 6 yrs.17 proiects completedPresented state—winning demonstration,”The Effect of Surface Litter on SoilWater Conservation," 10 times.&Offices held: 4 local


BARBARA EVERHART,Dairy Foods Demonstration (Team)Davidson County Linwood Senior 4—H ClubAge 16 Club Work 6 yrs.17 proiects completedFood Preparation proiect 3 years; Total No.of demonstrations in Dairy Foods .— 20Offices held: 5 local, 2 county; served aspresident in local club and in countycouncilTalks: 42 to 4—H groups, 18 to other groupsRadio programs — 3; news stories - 2

JANE GRE ER, Dairy Foods Demon. (Team)Davidson County Linwood Senior 4-H ClubAge 15 Club Work 5 yrs.21 proiects completedFood Preparation proiect 5 years; Total No.of demonstrations in Dairy Foods — 20Prepared 22 exhibits for local presentaionand 29 in the countyOffices held: 5 local, 3 countyTalks: 33 to 4-H groups, 11 to other groupsRadio programs — 3; news stories — 10Narrator for District Recognition Day, 1954

LANEY COLLINSSoil 8. Water Conservation Dem. (Team)Franklin County E som Sr. 4—H ClubAge 15 C ub Work 6 yrs.Proiects: Better Grooming, Soil 8.Water Conservation, Food Preparation,Clothing, Crafts, Home Improvement2nd place winner in State in Soil 8:Water Conservation Demonstration(team) contest, 1953Presented state—winning demonstration;”Fain/n Fish Ponds," 15 times, onceon .

ERWIN FULLERSoil & Water Conservation Dem. (Team)Franklin County Willianli fiaberts MillsuAge 15 Club Work 6 yrs.10 proiects completed2nd place winner in State in Soil 8.Water Conservation Demonstration(team) contest, 1953Presented state—winning demonstration,“Farm Fish Ponds," 15 times,once on TV.

LEE. CASHVegetable Production Demonstration (Team)

No. 3 Township4—H ClubAge 17 Club Work 5 yrs.

32 proiects completedState—winning demonstration — “Seeding

for Early Tomato Plants" presentedto over 1,000‘audienceWinner of $400 Essa 4—H Scholarship, 1953

Past president of local club and vicepresident of County Council

District winner in Tractor Maintenance,1953 & 1954State winner in Dairy ManagementDemonstration, 1953Winner of trip to National NJVGA meetingin Cincinnati, 1954

Cleveland County

PAT DAVISVegetable Production Demonstration (Team)Cleveland County 4-H ClubAge 17 Club Work 5 yrs.State—winning demonstration — "Seedingfor Early Tomato Plants", presentedto over 1,000 audienceCompleted proiects in cotton, entomology,dairying, gardenin4—H camp leader on: past president oflocal clubWinner of trip to National NJVGAmeeting in Cincinnati, 1954

P atterson Springs


SHIRLEY HARRELLFarm 8. Home Electric Demonstration (Tea m)Chowan County groran H.S. Sr. 4-HuAge 18 Club Work 8 yrs.

‘ 20 proiects completedOffices held: 3 local, 2 county, JuniorLeaderTalks: 13 to 4—H groups, 12 to othergroups ‘TV appearances — 2, Radio — 4, News

stories — 7Demonstrations: "Proper Light in theHome" — 5 times; “Care of LampShades" — 3 times; “Using AdequateWiring" -. 8 times; “How to MakePin—up Lamp" — 4 times; ”GoodLi ht — Good Sight” — 11 times

Ist p ace Territorial winner in Electricproiect, 1954 $100 scholarship

GLENN LEEDairy Management Demonstration (Team)Halifax County 4—H C uAge 14 Club Work 5 yrs.Presented state—winning demonstration,“A Quality of Safe Home Milk Supply,"4 times, audience of 475

Aurelian Springs| b

JACKIE MORRISFarm & Home Electric Demonstration ( Team)Chowan County Chowan H.S. Sr. 4—HClubAge 17 Club Work 8 yrs.39 proiects completedOffices held: 6 local, 4 county, JuniorLeaderTalks: 28 to 4-H groups, 17 to othergroupsTV appearances _ 2, Radio — 12, Newsstories - 2 ,Exhibits — 33Demonstrations on lighting — 112nd place Territorial winner in Electricproiect, 1954

DOUGLAS ROBERTSONDairy Management Demonstration (Team)Halifax County 4—H ClubAge 13 Club Work 3 yrs.

8 proiects completedPresented state—winning demonstration,“A quality of Safe Home Milk Supply,”4 times, audience of 475.

Aurelian Springs

SYDNEY WHlTENERVegetable Marketing Demonstration (Team)Mecklenburg County North Mecklenburg4—H ClubAge 17 Club Work 8 yrs.49 proiects completedState—winning demonstration, ”SweetPotatoes are Tops"Presented 64 4—H talks, 78 demon—strations; held 6 local and one countyoffice.State Dairy Foods Demonstration Teamwinner, 1952Member State 4—H Honor ClubWinner of trip to National NJVGA meetingin Cincinnati, 1954

JAY PETERSON, Forestry DemonstrationNew Hanover Co. New Hanover H.S.4—H ClubAge 18 Club Work 2 yrs.Won county, District and State Demon-stration contest in Forestry withdemonstration .“Going to College ‘withChristmas Trees."Gave demonstration over Station WMFD—TV.


MARY FROEBEVegetable Marketing Demonstration (Team)Mecklenburg County Thompson Orphanage4—H ClubAge 17 Club Work 7 yrs.State—winning demonstration, "SweetPotatoes are Tops"Junior Director Southern States Fair,1952 & 1953Elected Governor of Tar Heel Girls'State 1954Elecged Secretary, State 4—H Council,19 4Post president of local club andCounty CouncilWinner of trip to National NJVGA meetingin Cincinnati, 1954

WALTER CANADY, Forestry DemonstrationNew Hanover Co. New Hangv or H. S. _4—H CluAge 18 Club Work 5 yrs.15 proiects completedWon county, District and State Demon—stration contest in Forestry withdemonstration ”Going to College withChristmas Trees."Gave demonstration over Station WMFD—TV.

CHARLOTTE JONES, Vegetable UseDemon strationWarren County Littleton 4-H ClubAge 17 Club Work 8 yrs.2nd place district winner, VegetableUse Demonstration, 1953Presented state—winning demonstration,”Out of My Garden," 5 times, 1954Winner of trip to National JuniorVegetable Growers Associationcontest in Cincinnati, 1954

DUDLEY NORRIS, Sheep ShearingBethel 4-H ClubClub Work 7 yrs.Proiects carried in Sheep and DairyingStarted shearing in 1950Entered State Sheep Shearing Contest in1953 — had sheared about 300 sheep that

Watauga CountyAge 16

year — laced at the bottom.Sheared 0 out 500 sheep in 1954; exhibitedsheep in county and State shows.Represented North Carolina in NationalSheep Shearing Contest, 1954


JIMMY HENDRIXLivestock Conservation Dem. (Team)Pitt County WintervilIe—Greenville4-H ClubAge 16 Club Work 5 yrs.

28 proiects completedCompleted 8 swine proiects2nd place in District Livestock Con-servation Demonstration, 1953State-winning demonstration, "InternalParasites of Swine," presented 14times to an estimated audience of

180,390, including one TV pre—sentation, 1954Represented North Carolina in NationalLivestock Conservation Demonstra—tion Contest in Chicago, 1954

ons BULLOCK, Health'KingEdgecombe County Leggett Sr. 4—H ClubAge 18 Club Work 8 yrs.26 roiects completedMade hea th improvement plans yearlyfor self and with family and communitygroups.Conducted special health improvementprogram with tenant families.Helped organize Jr. 4—H Neighborhoodgroup.County King of Health Improvement 4 yrs.Talks given — 100 Radio programs — 9

TEDDY G. ALL ENLivestock Conservation Dem. (Team)Pitt County Farmville 4—H ClubAge 18 Club Work 8 yrs.18 proiects completedConducted swine proiect 3 years, 26mimals2nd place in District Livestock Con-servation Demonstration, 1953State—winning demonstration, ”l'ntemalParasites of Swine," presented 14times to an estimated audience of

180,390, including one TV pre—sentation, 1954Represented North Carolina in NationalLivestock Conservation DemonstrationContest in Chicago, 1954

MACK SHOAF, Tractor OperationDavidson County North Davidson 4—H ClubAge 19 Club Work 7 yrs.43 proiects completedOffices held: 2 local, 2 county, iunior leader3 yearsTalks: 20 to 4—H groups; 31 to other groups;9 over radio; 24 news storiesState winner of trip to National Club Congressin Sweet Potatoes proiect, 1952Member of state—winning Dairy JudgingTeam, 1952Tapped into State Honor Club, 1954Placed 4th in Regional Tractor Operators'Contest, 1954



Left to right: Sonny Batten, M rtle Johnson,Anne Stephenson, Sherwood ittman

Scored 1292 points out of possible 1500 inState Final Contest

Placed 6th in lnternational LivestockJudging Contest in Chicago

Myrtle Johnson laced 2nd in Nation iniudging Beet attle

STATE DAlRY JUDGlNG TEAMRowan CountyAlamance County

Left to right: Don Martin, Alamance;Joe Billy Lindley, Alamance;Bobby Boyd, Rowan; and StephenEdwards, Rowan

High—scoring individuals in State ContestRowan County Team was highest in Statecontest; Bobby Boyd was high individualwith one of highest scores ever madein a State contest.

Represented State in National Dairy JudgingContest, Waterloo, lowa


Mrs. Eddie Bryan, Bladen County ‘9 (Mr. Esley H.Forbes, Jr. , Wake Co.Mrs. Vernon G. James, Pasquotank Co. Mr. Vernon G. James, Pasquotank Co.


FARM & HOME ELECTRIC (Award: Embossed Plaque) Halifax COunty

FARM 8: HOME SAFETY (Award: Embossed Plaque) Halifax County


RECREATION 8: RURAL ARTS (Award: $20 to each of 15 clubs)

Club County

Eastover Jr. CumberlandMoyock Sr. CurrituckArcadia DavidsonBattleboro Jr. EdgecombeYoungsville Sr. Franklin4—H Exchange Club' HaywoodCool Springs IredellEagle Springs MooreWhite Oak Sr. OnslowHillsboro Sr. OrangeWeeksville Sr. PasquotankWinterville-Greenville PittSt. Paul RowanCounty 4-H Club RutherfordBrogden Sr. Wayne

SAFETY (Blue Award Group - Certificate of Recognition)

Club Co‘unty

Weldon Sr. HalifaxGuilford GuilfordSugarhill Jr. McDowellFellowship WakeJohn Graham Sr. WarrenSaratoga Jr. Wilson



(Boy) (Tyrrell) (Wayne) (Cumberland) (Davidson) (Iredell) (Transylvania)Achievement Alice Cox Shelba Jean Bunn Jo Anne King Mary F. Jackson Barbara Davts

(girl) (Currituck) (Wayne) (Hoke) (Surry) (Mecklenburg)Beautification of Mary J. Fletcher Rachel Stevens Ronnie Culbreth Billy Johnson Clyde Templeton Charles DavisHome Grounds (Pasquotank) (Johnston) (Cumberland) (Randolph) (Iredell) (Transylvania)

Better Grooming Lois V. Winslow Tempie Daniel Vivian Tucker Mary Sue Tuttle Bobbie J. McDaniel Rosa McCoury(Perguimans) (Wilson) (Moore) (Stokes) (Iredell) (Avery)

Canning (Junior) 'lst Ann Baum Dudley Rosamond Judith Almond Carolyn F. Apple Gay He rrin Betty Jo LydaJohnston(Hyde) (Warren) (Hoke) (Guilford) (Stanly) (Transylvania)2nd Sarah Furlough Kaye Stallings Leona Guy Sara Anne Jones Tina Jordan Gail Bradshaw(Washington) (Edgecombe) (Cumberland) (Durham) (Mecklenburg) (Haywood)

3rd Marcelle Vogel Joanne House Mary J. Elekes Joyce Smith Christine Briscoe Patsy Merrill(Craven) (Franklin) (New Hanover) (Surry) (Rutherford) (Buncombe)Canning (Senior) Peggy Rose Janet Boykin Etta Kerr Jean Wilkerson Joan Reep Mabel Stevens(Currituck) (Wilson) (New Hanover) (Orange) (Lincoln) (Buncombe)Citizenship (boy) Glenn Woodley Erwin Fuller(Tyrrell) (Franklin)Citizenship (girl) Lois Kight Shirley Puckett Jean Somers Barbara Davis Clara Hughes(Currituck) (Johnston) (Guilford) (Mecklenburg) (Cherokee)Clothing Mary S. Elliott Charlotte Jones Leis Ray Faye Canada Gail Burleson Joan Crawford

(Chowan) (Warren) (Harnett) (Guilford) (Stanly) (Clay)Community Relations Glenn Woodley Stanley Carey Larry Payne(boy) (Tyrrell) (Alamance) (Alexander)Commfiity-Relations Marian O'Neal Betsy Hook Patricia Hinson Jane Parkins(girl) (Currituck) (Wayne) (Columbus) (Guilford)Dairy Achievement Janet Carraway Thomas A. Pope James Barbour Don Martin Kenneth Howe Leta Corpening(Beaufort) (Wake) (Cumberland) (Alamance) (Gaston) (Henderson)Dairy Production Tucker Barbour Harold Rogers Don Martin Larry Payne Frances E. Yates(Johnston) (Anson) (Alamance) (Alexander) (Haywood)Entomology Douglas Pritchard Linda Bailey Etta Kerr Barbara Holt Martha Stevenson Sitton Allison(Pasquotank) (Wake) (New Hanover) (Guilford) (Iredell) (Henderson)

Farm & Home Jenean Madre Myrtle Johnson Freddie Hayes Charles Canada Martha Stevenson Otus StiwinterElectric (Pasquotank) (Johnston) (Columbus) (Guilford) (Iredell) (Macon)Field Crops Ronnie Kelly Benny Rhodes Edward Coleman Wilburn Spaugh Jerry Hager Eddie Holcombe(Carteret) (Lenoir) (Columbus) (Forsyth) (Iredell) (Buncombe)Field Crops (1nd.)Corn Jerry Spence Larry Dilda Carroll Beard Franklin Finley Keith Black(Jones) (Pitt) (Cumberland) (Wilkes) (Cabarrus)

Cotton Carlton Perry Dick Whitley Harry L. Gibson Jim V. Linville C. H. Nolley, Jr.(Chowan) (Hertford) (Scotland) (Forsyth) (Davie)Peanuts John A. Madre Dick Whitley H. B. Smith, Jr.(Pasquotank) (Hertford) (Cumberland)Sweet Potatoes Kesler A. Haney Edward Coleman Ezra W. Layell Billy Waller(Wayne) (Columbus) (Forsyth) (Rowan)Tobacco L. G. Aman, Jr. Malcolm Howard David Page Charles Williard Clarence Justice Noyl P. Odum(Onslow) (Lenoir) fiobeson) (Forsytlr) (Burke) (Graham)

Food'Preparation Ruth Marie Wade Ruth Temple Etta Kerr Jean Wilkerson Omia S. Rummage Peggy Hall(Carteret) (Wake) (New Hanover) (Orange) (Stanly) (Jackson)Forestry Samuel Walker, Jr. W. F. Worrell, Jr. Bobby Auman Jack Greene Judy Ames(Currituck) (Hertford) (Moore) (Wilkes) (Catawba)Frozen Foods Jenean Madre Barbara A. Davis Shirley Norris Joyce Anderson Martha Carter Sheila Ann Cole(Pasquotank) (Wayne) (Columbus) (Alamance) (Caldwell) (Buncombe)Garden Jenean Madre Earl Davis Ronnie Culbreth Joe Lindley Johnny Reavis Charles Davis(Pasquotank) (Wayne) (Cumberland) (Alamance) (Iredell) (Transylvania)irls' Record Barbara Wilson Joan Batten Carolyn Briley Ida Ruth Martin Barbara Bradley Sara Hunter(Currituck) (Johnston) (Anson) (Wilkes) (McDowell) (Transylvania)ealthmrovement Bobby Smith Otis BullocT A. B. Matthews Wayne Gunn Jimmie Steele(boy) (Perquimans) (Edgecombe) (Cumberland) (Rockingham) (Iredell)Health fiprovement Sarah Sugg Willie Johnson Beverly Culbreth Norma Webster Rachel Jurney Peggy Hall

(girl) (Craven) (Johnston) (Cumberland) (Rockingham) (Iredell) (Jackson)ome Improvement Linda Coston Mellia Pate everly Culbreth Nancy Tuttle Virginia Reavis Martha Swaim(Onslow) (Wayne) (Cumberland) (Stokes) (Iredell) (Haywood)

Improved Ironing Emma S. Ormond Janet Wall Betty R. Jordan Lois Simmons Frances Garrison(Craven) (Johnston) (Anson) (Caswell) (McDowell)Leadership (boy) Glenn Woodley Earl Davis Johnny Tew Wayne Gunn Bob Moretz. Ronald Pinkerton(Tyrrell) (Wayne) (Cumberland) (Rockingham) (Caldwell) (Buncombe)Leadership (girl) Faytie Cox Nancy Whitley Frances Chisholm Mary A. Nelson- Ellen Watts Betty Sue Dills(Currituck) (Johnston) (Scotland) (Alamance) (Iredell) (Transylvania)Meat Animal Allen Overman Wallace Jernigan James Keith Willis Cloer Ted W. Luther(Wayne) (Cumberland) (Durham) (Iredell) (Buncombe)Poultry Carolyn Howell Virginia Davis Carroll Beard Mitzi Pritchett John Haigler Charles Davis(Perquimans) (Wayne) (Cumberland) (Guilford) (Union) (Transylvania)Recreation & Glenn Woodley Ran Batten Shelia Hinson Nada Cobb Suzanmrick eraldine SmithRural Arts (Tyrrell) (Johnston) (Columbus) (Guilford) (Cleveland) (Cherokee)Safety Billy Goodwin Mary F. Davxs Ella Blossom Carlyle Teague Clyde Templeton(Chowan) (Warren) (Richmond) (Alamance) (Iredell)Soil & Water Cons. (A) James Cardwell Jimmie Steele(Rockingham) (Iredell)Soil & Water Cons. (B) Arendall Bryan John McCollum Stephen Sinclair(Lenoir) (Rockingham) (Rutherford)Tractor Maintenance Joe Privott Chris Holtzman A. B. Matthews Dwight Byrd Lee Cash Robert W. Jones(Chowan) (Warren) (Cumberland) (Cleveland) (Buncombe)(Wilkes)


Beekeeping Clarence Chappell Eslie Sykes Maurice Edwards Jerry W. Scott William Happer Sitton Allison~Hal Collier John L. Scott Tommy Watkins '

(Perquimans) (Nash) (Bladen) (Gui'lford) (Caldwell) (Henderson)Dairy Foods (1nd.) Ida Blanchard Rachel Connell Vivian Tucker firms K. Shoe Martha Morrison Joan Crawford

(Chowan) ‘ (Granville) (Moore) (Alamance) (Rutherford) (Clay)Dairy Foods (Team) Evange line Cope landMary 5. Elliott Peggy JoynerPhyllis Corbett Shelia Hin sonPat Hinson Jane GreerBarbara Everhart etty J. MyersRebecca Tulbert Ann FarthingEvelyn Mathe son

(Chowan) (Pitt) (Columbus) (Davidson) (Iredell) (Wata'uga)Dairy Management L. G. Aman, Jr. Glenn Lee James Potter ayne Gunn rooks Pi'ercy, Jr. Ronald Pinkerton

Billy Vinson Douglas Robertson Clyde Leach Mack Turner Colvin Pinkerton(Onslow) (Halifax) (Hoke) (Rockingham) (Cleveland) (Buncombe)

Farm & Home Electric Shirley Harrell Billy Taylor Laura Bowling Dwight Byrd Mary Wiese Otus StiwinterJackie Morris Buster Bunn(Chowan) (Wayne) (Pender) (Wilkes) (Caldwell) (Macon)

Forestry William Cayton Jimmy McCrary Jay Peterson Hinkle Livengood oy Storie T. L. FrancisKenneth Mohorn Walter Canady

(Beaufort) (Halifax) (New Hanover) (Forsyth) (Caldwell) (Haywood)Livestock Conservation Rodney Needham Teddy Allen Gene Bledsoe Don Mullis Bob Moretz Hag-Old Ray

Ernest Forbes Jimmy Hendrix . Ray McGalliard Steve Briggs(Camden) (Pitt) (Bladen) (Forsyth) (Caldwell) (Yancey)

Public Speaking (boy) Bobby Smith Donald Mooring Charles Campbell Bill Horne Roscoe Little 01in Jarrett. Jr.(Perquimans) (Wayne) (Bladen) (Alamance) (Stanly) (Madison)

Public Speaking-(girl) Eleanor Cartwright Joan Batten Doris Maxwell Virginia Dancey Beth Davis Nancy Cable(Pasquotank) (Johnston) (Cumberland) (Wilkes) (Cleveland) (Macon)

Soil & Water Cons. (Ind) Cecil Gillikin Leonard Todd Scarborough Betty Leonard Fred Hamrick 'Weather spoon .(Carteret) (Wake) (Richmond) (Guilford) (Cleveland)

Soil 8: Water Cons. J. W. Gray Laney Collins Billy Culbreth Danny Proffit Buddy Bennett(Team) Anthony Mallard Erwin Fuller Ray Evans Howard Pardue Duane McDougald

(Jones) (Franklin) , (Robeson) (Wilkes) (Yancey)Tractor Operators Larry Lancaster Kenneth WTst Gerald Cherry Mack Shoaf Roy Leatherman Howard Gosnell

(Beaufort) (Wake) (Duplin), (Davidson) (Catawba) (Transylvania) .Sheep Shearing Joe Spiers Blaine Moxley Billy Kluttz Dudley Norris

(Edgecombe) (Alleghany) (Rowan) (Watauga)Vegetable Marketing Byron Meades Richard Coburn J. G. Hayes Eugene Massey Sydney WhitenerNancy Rhea Robert Jessup Johnny Allred Mary Froebe

, (Pasquotank) (Halifax) (Bladen) (Caswell) , (Mecklenburg)VegetableProduction Sherwood Harrell aynejailey Mary Braswell Gary Carter Lee Cash James TaylorLewis Bailey Edith Hutchinson Pat Davis Evangeline Morgan

(Chowan (Halifax) (Anson) (Rockingham) (Cleveland) (Henderson)Vege table Use Eleanor CartwrightJoanne Eves Charlotte Jone s Shelva Jean Fipps. Gwendolyn Elle r Beth Patte r sonGloria Putnam Joyce Gillespie

(Pasquotank) (Warren) (Columbus) (Wilkes) (Cleveland) (Buncombe)Alumni Recognition .

(man) Vernon G. James Esley Forbes, Jr. Rev. W. T.Ratchford Dwight Goforth(Pasquotank) (Wake) (Rockingham) (Iredell)

(woman) Mrs. Vernon James Mrs. T. A. Beaman Mrs. Eddie Bryan Mrs. Barbara Dean Mrs. BillBradford(Pasquotank) (Wayne) (Bladen) (Person) (Meck'lenburg)


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My Head to clearer thinking;

My Heart to greater loyalty;

My Hands to larger service; and

My Health to better living for

My Club, my Community, and my Country.


“To Make the Best Better.”

North CarolinaState College of Agriculture And Engineering

AndU. S. Department of Agriculture CooperatingN. C. AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE

D. S. Weaver, DirectorState College Station

RaleighDistributed in Furtherance of the Acts of‘Con-

gress of May 8 and June 30, 1914.