Decadence Narrative Design Document EN

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Decadence Narrative Design Document EN


Narrative Design Document for:


Episode 1: Home, Sweet Home

Written By Carlos Ramírez

All content in this document, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons and images is the exclusive property of Revolution System Games, Inc.

All information must be treated as confidential.

Version # 4.00

September 2012 - April 2013

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

Backstory The year is 2152. Nearly a century ago, all natural resources were definitely exhausted. Humanity is going through hard times of technological standstill, where the former illusion of progress has been overshadowed by the concern about surviving another day on Earth.

When scientists discovered a deposit of crystals under the disappeared Aral Sea in 2098, mankind recovered their hope. These mysterious crystals became the source for the most powerful energy known to date. However, everything has a price to pay. Once the power was removed from the crystals, the liquid residues dumped into rivers and lakes started to cause a series of mutations in the DNA of living forms nearby. Animals turned into macabre beasts and humans were contaminated by insanity, violence and addiction to crystals, while others simply perished because of the infection known as Calamity. Once again, greed had led humans to chaos.

Oblivious to the decadence of the world, there is a settlement in South East England called Hoppelin where two siblings, Max and Zoe, live peacefully. Their quiet life is interrupted by the discovery of their missing father's diary. Due to the valuable information within, this diary will catch the attention of dangerous societies and organizations involved in the exploitation of crystals. Max and Zoe will then leave Hoppelin in search of their missing father. Each one will start the journey for different reasons, but together they will understand that the interests of humanity are much more important than any personal cause.

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home is the first of a four-installment series on the adventures of Max and Zoe across the post-apocalyptic world of the 22nd century England.

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document


The first episode of Decadence takes place within a three-location map. Travel is facilitated through the narrative. The first two locations, Hoppelin and Southern Forest, are available since the beginning. The third location, Cross Forest, is unlocked by the story halfway through the game. The game world draws inspiration from works such as Fallout, Mad Max, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Rage, The Road, Fullmetal Alchemist, Dishonored and Gorky 17.

Type Known

population Estimated population

Climate Situation

Hoppelin Small village 80 inhabitants 500 inhabitants

Warm South East England

Southern Forest

Big Forest Robbers, River Nihoras, Graks, Vermin Foxes, Elkos

40 inhabitants (Mist Hill village)

Temperate South East England

Cross Forest Medium Forest

Elkos, Wulvers,

Nailer Bears, Swamp Nihoras

2 inhabitants Humid South East England


Hoppelin is a small village on the southern coast of England. It consists of two zones divided by a river, with metal bridges connecting them. The main occupation of the villagers revolves around small businesses engaged in the service industry: repair shops, bars, markets and a series of basic public services like the clinic, the city hall and the school. The main source of energy is

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obtained from the windmills. In that aspect, Hoppelin stands out for its reconciliation between renewable and non-renewable energies (a power line that helps supplying electricity to the homes). Outside the village there is a big cabin in the trees where the forest warden Alan Keeper guards against attacks by Robbers, Nihoras and other awful creatures.

There is also a tower in the middle of the village with a huge crystal at the top. This is called Zois Crystal and it was donated by Frank Lambd (Max and Zoe's father) and biomedical scientist Charles Parks sixteen years ago, when Zoe was born. Zois crystals are the only ones that can protect uninfected humans against the infection caused by other crystals. However, they aren't a real cure for Calamity. It's thanks to the Zois Crystal that people can live in Hoppelin.

Southern Forest

Southern Forest is the most extensive location in the game. It is subdivided into three parts which are progressively unlocked by the story. The atmosphere draws inspiration from the UK forest landscapes, with a mood that feels both idyllic and uneasy at the same time. Its atmosphere is more friendly than Cross Forest's, but it's still a dangerous place because of the high amount of enemies.

The most interesting aspect of the forests in Decadence is how they wickedly combine natural and unnatural elements, stressing the game's idea of how humans try to control nature.

Cross Forest The Cross Forest is like a stronghold for the Cross family. Access to this dark forest area remains closed to the inhabitants of Hoppelin. Its atmosphere gives you a feeling of constant threat and terror. Unlike Southern forest, it is really easy to get lost here, given the lack of delimited paths and wooden signs. The reason is that almost nobody has gone through it for decades. Cross Forest atmosphere draws inspiration from the classic short story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and its 1949 animated adaptation by Walt Disney. You often find it difficult to breathe due to the

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heavy and oppressive atmosphere and the thick trees, which barely let the sunlight go through the foliage. While walking through the woods you hear weird noises coming from everywhere. You have the constant feeling that something will pop up out of the bushes to attack you. There are even signs at certain spots warning of danger to those who dare to enter. It is certainly not a pleasant place to get lost in.

Like Southern Forest, Cross Forest reveals traces of pre-apocalyptic civilization at various locations, such as the abandoned petrol station and factory, a musty and run-down cabin apparently uninhabited, and Emily Parks' house, the last bastion of human resistance.

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

Main Character Bible

Max Lambd

Occupation: Amateur Fighter, Temporary Farmer Age: 25 Alignment: Ally Biography Following the deal with his sister Zoe, Max leaves Hoppelin to find his missing father, who might be the clue to bring an end to the Calamity that's devastating the Earth. Due to the poor relationship with his father, who abandoned him when he was fifteen, Max only cares about Zoe's well-being outside Hoppelin. He's capable and brave, but also very proud. Archetype Reluctant Hero / Soldier Character Traits

• Insightful • Lucid • Capable • Brave • Witty • Sarcastic • Over-protective

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

• Prudent • Sceptic • Proud

Casting Sheet NAME: Max GENDER: Male AGE: 25 HEIGHT: 185cm BUILD: Solid HAIR: Short, spiky; black FACE: Challenging, with a scar in the eye; brown eyes VOICE PRINT: Calm, generic, Brit ish accent CLOTHES: Sleeveless leather jacket, mil itary cargo pants, pendant

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

Zoe Lambd

Occupation: Adventurer, Mechanic Assistant Age: 16 Alignment: Ally Biography Zoe has spent the last three years searching for her father Frank. Unlike her brother, she doesn't like to stay in Hoppelin with her uncle and aunt. She usually travels to other villages looking forward to finding a clue about Frank's whereabouts. Villages like Pembrok, where she has found an old diary that belonged to her father. She's restless and determined, but also a bit naive. Archetype Willing Hero / Tough Girl Character Traits

• Restless • Idealistic • Dreamy • Naive • Optimistic • Immature • Unwary • Brave

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• Determined • Resolute

Casting Sheet NAME: Zoe GENDER: Female AGE: 16 HEIGHT: 163cm BUILD: Solid HAIR: Long braid, side swept bangs; black FACE: Angular face, challenging, masculine shape; violet eyes VOICE PRINT: Emphatic, Brit ish accent CLOTHES: Mini sleeveless leather jacket, f ingerless gloves, denim shorts

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

Harry "Handyman" Bell

Occupation: Mechanic, Secret Agent Age: Mid 30s Alignment: Ally Biography Harry settled in Hoppelin six months ago and now he runs his own repair shop with the assistance of Zoe. He left the United States to become a traveling nomad fifteen years ago. Despite his courtesy, Max suspects that he's somehow related to Ada, a mysterious lady that's also eager to nab Frank's diary. Archetype Best Friend / Tough Guy Character Traits

• Calm • Quiet • Confident • Respectable • Courteous

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• Charismatic • Brave • Warm-hearted

Casting Sheet NAME: Harry GENDER: Male AGE: Mid 30s HEIGHT: 192cm BUILD: Strong HAIR: Very short, mil itary; black FACE: Chiselled features, confident look, beard; dark skin VOICE PRINT: Deep, American accent CLOTHES: Overalls, aviator goggles

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

Alan Keeper

Occupation: Forest Warden, Hoppelin's Lookout Age: Early 40s Alignment: Ally/Enemy Biography Alan is a solitary and unfriendly person who lives in a cabin in the trees outside Hoppelin. He's in charge of alerting everyone about incoming attacks by Robbers, Nihoras and other creatures. However, Alan has been actually bought off by the Robbers to help them siege Hoppelin. He's a survival expert and a very well-read man.

Robbers want Alan to help them free Dugald to regain total control of the woods. They know they can't achieve that without Dugald's guidance. Archetype Bad Guy Character Traits

• Unfriendly • Solitary

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• Reserved • Wise • Thoughtful • Proud • Well-read

Casting Sheet NAME: Alan GENDER: Male AGE: Early 40s HEIGHT: 182cm BUILD: Solid HAIR: Shaved head FACE: Unfriendly, ful l of scars, beard; amber eyes VOICE PRINT: Deep, Brit ish accent CLOTHES: Hood, explorer clothes

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

Dugald Cross Occupation: Criminal Age: Early 40s Alignment: Enemy Biography Dugald is the eldest of the Cross siblings. He was thrown in jail three months ago after having been pursued over the past decade, blamed for Charles Parks' death. He's now waiting to be moved to Greedland, the capital of the country, where he'll be executed. He doesn't look worried, though. Actually, he seems to know more about Max's real feelings towards his father than anyone else. Archetype Creepy Guy Character Traits

• Disturbed • Lunatic • Vengeful • Irritating • Sly • Smart • Manipulative • Disgusting

Casting Sheet NAME: Dugald GENDER: Male AGE: Early 40s HEIGHT: 183cm BUILD: Bony HAIR: Long oily hair; grey FACE: Ratl ike, skinny; grey eyes VOICE PRINT: High-pitched, unpleasant, Brit ish accent CLOTHES: Sleeveless T-Shirt, dirty trousers, tattoo on his back that says "Home, Sweet Home"

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Emily Parks Occupation: Lonely Inhabitant of the Cross Forest Age: Early 60s Alignment: Neutral Biography Emily has been living in a fortress-like house in the Cross Forest for the last ten years. Prior to that, she and Charles used to live happily in Hoppelin. She has had no contact with anyone since her husband's death. She's the only one who knows that there's another diary that belonged to Charles and where it is kept. She hates Dugald Cross and his bloody family more than anyone. Archetype Crazy Old Woman Character Traits

• Suspicious • Wary • Cautious • Insecure • Resentful

Casting Sheet NAME: Emily GENDER: Female AGE: Early 60s HEIGHT: 160cm BUILD: Thin HAIR: Short; grey FACE: Wrinkled; blue eyes VOICE PRINT: Scary, wary, Brit ish accent CLOTHES: Headscarf, red plaid shirt, mountaineering boots

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

Frank Lambd

Occupation: Researcher Age: Early 50s Alignment: Unknown Biography In this episode, Frank is depicted as a researcher who worked along with Charles Parks to discover a cure for the Calamity. He moved to Hoppelin when Max was a child. There he met his future wife Violet, and together they had a daughter, Zoe, named after the Zois Crystal. He disappeared soon after Charles' death, but only a few people (including Max) know the real reason for this. Archetype Missing Father Casting Sheet NAME: Frank GENDER: Male AGE: Early 50s HEIGHT: 188cm BUILD: Solid HAIR: Long, ponytail ; black FACE: Angular face, glasses; blue eyes VOICE PRINT: Deep, Brit ish accent CLOTHES: Scarf, formal shirt, long coat

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

Ada Occupation: Mysterious Businesswoman Age: Mid 40s Alignment: Unknown Biography Little is known about Ada and her true intentions, since she's not seen in the first episode. We can only hear her voice when she calls Max to offer him a mission: to recover something that has been stolen from her. This turns out to be Frank's diary. And who was the person who stole it? That's right, Zoe! Archetype Mysterious character we don't know much about Casting Sheet NAME: Ada GENDER: Female AGE: Mid 40s HEIGHT: Unknown BUILD: Unknown HAIR: Unknown FACE: Unknown VOICE PRINT: Confident, Brit ish accent CLOTHES: Unknown

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

Narrative Outline The narrative of the whole story is supposed to be conveyed over four episodes, the first one being Home, Sweet Home. The game has a structure of quests à la role-playing game, always determined by the needs of the story. There are two types of quests, main and side ones, all of them related to the story that's being told. Decadence: Home, Sweet Home is a linear game in terms of plot, but not in terms of gameplay, where players are allowed to make multiple decisions regarding character customization and skill trees.

First Act & Inciting Incident It all begins with Max receiving a mission assignment from a mysterious lady called Ada. She needs someone to catch a thief that has stolen something from her, a small package. The only clue she can provide is that the thief is a girl who ran away 36 hours ago, headed towards the Southern Forest. Max is stopped by one of the security guards before leaving Hoppelin. He can't go into such a dangerous place without a decent equipment. Therefore, he needs a weapon, a first aid kit and a fragment of a Zois Crystal to protect him from the Calamity. This part of the game serves as a tutorial. It also helps the player to become comfortable with the village and its inhabitants.

Once inside the Southern Forest, Max can either find the thief by himself or give aid to a merchant that's being attacked by a Nihora. If he opts for helping, the merchant will in return tell him that he saw a girl heading to an old warehouse. Inside the warehouse he runs into his sister Zoe, and together they fight a bunch of Robbers who had been chasing her. Back in Hoppelin, Zoe shows Max the diary she found in Pembrok's street market. Judging by the hand-written

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notes about Zois crystals inside, it could be Frank's old research diary. Unfortunately, there's no way Zoe will give it to Ada, so Max will have to persuade her.

For now, Max helps Zoe repair her robot Blender, trusting that she will give him the diary afterwards. However, Zoe still wants Max to join her in searching for Frank. Max tries to get that idea out of Zoe's head, which leads to an argument between the two siblings. Zoe then leaves Hoppelin at night to set forth on her journey alone. Later on, Max runs into Blender, who comes back to Hoppelin to warn him that Zoe's in danger. They go to the Southern Forest to save her from being devoured by Vermin Foxes. However, the Robbers have already snatched the diary from her.

The following day, Max tries to figure out the reasons behind the ambush while aunt Sarah treats Zoe's wounds. He interrogates Harry, Alan and Dugald. As soon as he discovers that the Robbers are connected to the dangerous Cross family, he agrees to join Zoe in searching for Frank.

Second Act In order to get into the Cross Forest, Max and Zoe need to apply for two entry permits at the town hall. They cost 50,000 mokens each, but there's a man called Trevor Jones who can get hold of them for 25,000 mokens instead. Max and Zoe have to do several side quests to collect that money. There's a noticeboard at the main square where players can search for available quests and their rewards. Once they have collected all the money and given it to Trevor, they are asked to meet him at Donny's at 10 pm.

Max is woken up at night by the sound of fireworks. Hoppelin is celebrating the first day of summer with an open-air dance at the main square. The village is full of colours and music. Max is late for his appointment with Trevor. Donny the bartender tells Max that Trevor is waiting for him at the Southern Forest. He's supposed to meet there with the man who's going to get them

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the entry permits. However, it's all a trap set up by Alan to distract Max from his real intentions: to help the Robbers siege Hoppelin while he releases Dugald from prison.

Max has to defend the village against the siege together with Zoe, Blender and Hoppelin's security guards. At the same time, Harry tries to stop Alan from leading Dugald to the Cross Forest. They start a fight, Harry having a clear advantage over Alan, but Alan draws his axe and seriously hurts Harry, causing him a deep wound in the chest. Harry manages to turn the tables on Alan by stopping the axe with his bare hands, leaving Alan defenceless. Unfortunately, Dugald threatens to kill a little girl if Harry doesn't surrender. He can't put up with the pain in the chest and ends up fainting. At that very moment, Max and Zoe show up. Zoe wants them to take care of Harry, while Max is looking forward to confronting Alan. Zoe begs Max to take Harry to the surgery. He finally agrees, letting Alan and Dugald get away.

In appreciation for their help during the siege, mayor Thompson gives Max and Zoe two entry permits to the Cross Forest. Anyway, Trevor fled with their money. The only hint they have now is a name Harry has been repeating unconsciously: Emily Parks. She doesn't seem very friendly at first, but as soon as Max tells her about Frank, she agrees to receive them. Emily tells them that her husband had another research diary like Frank's. However, to make sure that nobody gets it, she buried it along with his body.

There's a cemetery in the farthest area of the Southern Forest. Max and Zoe dig out Charles grave only to find that the diary is gone. Then, they go to a small village nearby called Mist Hill. People there are afraid of the Robbers, who have kidnapped their children. They've been taken to a prison camp. Here comes a stealth mission. Max must infiltrate into the Robbers headquarters, save the children and find the diary without being spotted.

Third Act Looking over Charles' research diary, Max finds a name he hadn't heard of before: Cedric Moreau. The only way to find out about him is to access a database on an old computer inside

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

the town hall. This is how they discover a newspaper clipping from 2142 on an expedition planned by Lambd, Parks and Moreau. Cedric Moreau was a war correspondent and cartographer from Greedland. Max and Zoe must travel to Greedland to find out whether Cedric is still alive, and if he knows something about the crystals, the Calamity, Ada and Frank's whereabouts.

On their way to Greedland, Max and Zoe run into Alan at the abandoned factory of the Cross Forest. He will try to stop them, so give it your all to defeat him and bring this exciting first episode to a close!

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

I .U.Q. (Intentionally Unanswered Questions)

• What happens to Harry? Harry remains unconscious in the clinic for the rest of the game. He will join Max and Zoe in future episodes.

• Who is Ada? She is a former employee of OtherSide, the largest energy company in the world and the monopoly supplier of crystal energy.

• Why does Ada want to f ind Frank? She wants to protect him from OtherSide. • Who really ki l led Charles Parks? Frank Lambd. • Why did Frank murder his colleague Charles? By the time Frank moved to

Hoppelin he was working as a hit man. He had been hired by OtherSide to pass himself off as a researcher and assist Charles in finding a cure for the Calamity. When the time came to murder Charles, he changed his mind, but Charles tried to snatch his gun and Frank ended up shooting him by accident.

• Why did OtherSide hire Frank to assassinate Charles? They wanted to get the cure for the Calamity to make a profit out of it.

• Why did Frank disappear ten years ago? He didn't want to involve his family. He lied to OtherSide and told them that Charles had run away with the formula. Actually, he's been trying to go back to the Zois crystals deposits Charles, Cedric and he discovered, as well as to crack down on OtherSide.

• Does Max know the truth about his father? Yes, he witnessed the murder when he was fifteen. He doesn't know the reasons, though.

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

Narrative Elements In-game Dialogue In-game dialogue serves two main purposes: advancing story and conveying information. This is an example of dialogue between Max and a merchant:


Damn! Did you see those teeth? Where the heck are those beasts coming from?


I believe the crystals are involved. Living organisms started to mutate into those... chimeras long time ago.


Wonderful! Now the Southern Forest is crowded with creepy monsters! Great news for us traders. Thanks for saving me, by the way.


You're welcome. Have you seen anyone suspicious-looking around here lately?


That's the good thing about this place. So few people dare to cross that anyone looks suspicious. Yesterday I saw someone who looked as if they were running away, heading to the old warehouse following that path.


Thank you.

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

Printed Text Printed text is meant to be read by the player after they have picked up certain items. These media are employed to situate gameplay in narrative context and to imply past or future narrative events (newspaper articles, lab reports, photographs, diaries, audio cassettes, painted portraits and computer logs). Newspaper art icle

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

Charles Parks' research diary page

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

Cinematics These can be pre-rendered or in-game cinematics. In this case, I completely avoid payoffs, which are the narrative equivalent of a slap on the back. These are commonly used as a way to reaffirm to the player that he is accomplishing the challenges of the game. Rather than that, cinematics in Decadence are used only to set up the challenges that the hero will face, to establish new characters and to help the story progress. I make sure that only essential cinematics are used. Therefore, cinematics in Decadence always include turning points in the plot. The following is a sample pre-rendered cut scene from my script for Decadence: Home, Sweet Home:


Max beats a robber up and he falls down next to a bunch of other defeated robbers. They whine and crawl pathetically.

MAXAlright, enough with these pinheads. We have a score to settle with Alan. Let’s go!

ZOEWait Max! Look...

Zoe points at a LITTLE GIRL [11, broken glasses, tattered floral dress] who timidly appears behind a bench. She is in squatting position.


Are... they gone already?

Zoe approaches her, trying to calm her down.


Hey, it’s OK now. You can get out of there. Here, hold my hand.

The little girl gets out from behind the bench.

ZOE (CONT’D)What a pretty little dress you have. It’s a shame it got dirty.

Zoe shakes the dust out of her dress in a motherly way. The little girl smiles.

ZOE (CONT’D)There you go.

MAXShe’s fine. Hurry up, we need to find Alan and Dugald before they reach the Cross Forest.

ZOEAnd leave her all alone? We can’t do that.


It’s OK. I can go home by myself.


ZOE(to the little girl)

Don’t listen to him. Tell us where you live and we’ll take you there, honey.

Max takes Zoe by the arm a couple of feet away from the girl.

MAX(in a low voice)

We’ve no time for this. (MORE)

Look, the girl is safe, there are no robbers left and most likely she lives nearby.

Before Zoe can react:

MAX (CONT’D)(continuing)

If we don’t catch them all of this will go unpunished. This is our best chance to figure out what’s going on. Or don’t you want to find Frank anymore?

ZOE(not entirely convinced)

I guess so...

She turns her head as the little girl starts running.


MAXLet her go. Come on, we may still be in time.

Max breaks into a run. Zoe takes a look for the last time to the girl, far already. Then she breaks into a run too.


A couple of security guards. Their armors look damaged and slightly stained with blood. One of them sits on a rock and takes off his helmet. It’s a girl. She throws the helmet away.

SECURITY GUARD (W/ HELMET)You think it’s all clear now?

SECURITY GUARD GIRLI don’t know and I don’t care. Wanna go and check? I’ll catch up with you later.

SECURITY GUARD (W/ HELMET)I’ll look for lieutenant Stan. Don’t take too long.

As the security guard moves away, she lights a cigarette. She takes a deep drag and exhales pleasingly.


Two figures emerge from out of the shadows. We can’t see their faces.


Who’s there?!

Before the girl can grab her nightstick, one of the strangers throws a knife. It gets stabbed in her shoulder. A SHRIEK of pain. The other security guard turns his head, alerted by the scream.

SECURITY GUARD (W/ HELMET)What the--? Brett! Brett!



He runs back to where the girl is. We reveal Alan and DUGALD, who pulls the knife out of Brett’s shoulder. She falls down. Dugald picks up the cigarette from the ground and takes a deep drag.

DUGALDThe taste of freedom...


You bastard!

The security guard pounces on Dugald, nightstick in hand. Alan steps in, swift as an arrow, and knocks him out. Dugald laughs and dances like a maniac.

DUGALDOh my, this is so fun! Look, there comes another one! May I? Puh-leeze?

We reveal Harry B. walking towards them.

ALANThis is mine. You stay back.

They stand facing each other in a defiant attitude, like in an Old West gun battle.

ALAN (CONT’D)Robbers are certainly cheap, but not very effective. I knew from the beginning that this encounter was inevitable.

HARRY B.How much did they offer you, Alan? Was it worth it to see these poor people suffering?

ALANPlease, don't insult me. What OtherSide offers me is something much bigger than money.

HARRY B.(stunned, then concealing his surprise)

So you’ve finally led them to the diary. Is that what they’re after, right? But why this? Why setting Dugald free?

ALANRobbers wouldn’t get rid of the diary in exchange for nothing. But with the king back in his throne, they would get back what they’ve ever wanted... total control of the woods.

Harry B. clenches his fists, noticeably furious.

ALAN (CONT’D)Say goodbye to your lovely Hoppelin.

HARRY B.(cracking his neck)

Shut your face and come over here. I’m gonna beat the hell out of you.


Alan attacks Harry B. A frantic exchange of punches, dodges and holds begins. The forces are balanced. After a mighty round, they both take a break.


This fight runs the risk of going on forever, so I’m gonna speed it up a bit.

Alan grabs an axe from his back and starts a series of unstoppable attacks. Harry B. only dodges and steps back. He is finally slashed across the chest. A SCREAM of agony. He tries to stop the bleeding with his hand.

HARRY B. (V.O.)(exhausted)

I’m sorry Max, I’ve tried my best... There’s no way I can get close when he attacks...

(a beat, then)Unless...

ALANDon’t worry. That won’t hurt much longer.

Alan attacks again. Instead of dodging, Harry B. stands still and stops the edge of the axe with his bare hand. Blood gushes, quickly covering his entire arm.

ALAN (CONT’D)(astonished)

What the--?!

HARRY B.Gotcha!

Harry B. knocks Alan out with a devastating punch. He complains about the wound in his chest. It bleeds uncontrollably. He picks up the axe and walks with effort towards Alan, who lies on the ground.

HARRY B. (CONT’D)You cocky scoundrel. You don’t even deserve to die, but I’ll do whatever is necessary to save as many lives as possible.

Harry B. lifts the axe, ready to administer the coup de grâce.

DUGALD (O.S.)You sure of that?

We reveal Dugald holding his knife to the throat of the little girl from before. She struggles, pointlessly trying to escape. Harry B. looks at the girl, then at Alan. He finally drops the axe. The wound in his chest bleeds again. He can barely stand up. Alan gets up and walks towards Dugald.

ALANLet her go.

DUGALDWhere’s the fire? We could have a good time. It’s been ages since I skinned somebody.



Let. Her. Go.

Dugald clicks his tongue, noticeably annoyed, then releases the little girl. She runs away.

ALAN (CONT’D)Don't you dare help me in a fight again. Ever. Now let’s move, we’ve wasted enough time already.

ZOE (O.S.)Harry!!!

Zoe runs towards Harry. He lies face down on the ground over a pool of blood. She kneels down next to him. Max passes him by, straight towards Alan.

ZOE (CONT’D)He’s still breathing. Might be unconscious.

MAXGood news then, ‘cause I only need one minute to knock that backstabber down.

ZOEMax, don’t! I need you to help me with Harry. I can’t move him by myself. Please, he-- he’s dying!

Alan and Max stare at each other. After a few seconds, Alan turns around and walks towards the Cross Forest followed by Dugald.

ZOE (O.S.) (CONT’D)Max!!!

Max clenches his fists in anger, watching Alan and Dugald move away, then he goes back with his sister.

MAXDon’t worry Zoe, we’ll take care of Harry.



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Other Resources Storyboards

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Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

Puzzle Design

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Level Design

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Trailer Copywrit ing

Decadence: Home, Sweet Home - Narrative Design Document

Job Summary

• 70-page script with dialogues and cutscenes, main storyline only. • Over 20 main quests and 30 side quests designed. • Stock text for more than 60 non-player characters. • 500 lines of dialogue, main storyline only. • All in-game text (loading screen tips, quest goals and rewards, in-game signs and

posters, and so on). • Detailed voice over scripts. • Needed materials for the dedicated voice over director. • Collaboration with cinematic and sound teams to create and maintain consistent

narrative execution. • Backstories and personalities for all the characters. • Lore and tone of the world of the game, plus creative and efficient ways to effectively

present this world to the player. • Creative copywriting for trailers, announcements, blog posts, social media, and so on.