December 10, 2014 cac meeting packet

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Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District.

Citizen Advisory Committee

7:00 PM, Wednesday, December 10, 2014 – Capitol Region Watershed District 1410 Energy Park

Drive, Suite 4, Saint Paul, MN 55108


7:00 I) Welcome, Announcements and Updates – Introductions

7:05 II) Public Comment for issues not on the Agenda (3 minutes per person)

7:08 III) Approval of the Agenda

7:09 IV) Approval of Minutes

Approval of the November 12, 2014 Minutes

7:10 V) District Initiatives for Review, Comment and Recommendations

A) Community Capacity Assessment, University of Minnesota, Mae Davenport and

Vanessa Perry

B) Highland Ravine Stabilization Project Update, Anna Eleria

C) Recommendations for 2015 CAC Members

8:30 VI) CAC Initiatives

A) CAC Recruitment Update

B) 2014 Recognition Program Update

8:35 VII) Project and Program Updates

A) Partner Grants Update

B) Special Grants Update

8:50 VIII) CAC Observer Update

8:55 IX) Discussion A) New & Old Issues

B) CAC Observer for December 17th and January 7th, 2015 Board of Managers Meetings

C) January 14th CAC Agenda Overview

D) 2015 Meeting Schedule

9:00 X) Adjourn

W:\05 Citizen Advisory Committee\Agendas\2014\December 10, 2014 CAC Agenda.docx




Citizen Advisory Committee Meeting

Wednesday, November 12, 2014 – 7:00 p.m.

CAC Members Present:

David Arbeit

Steve Duerre

Rick Sanders

Kathryn Swanson

Gwen Willems

Members absent: Bill Barton

Pat Byrne, w/notice

Mike MacDonald

Ted McCaslin, w/notice

Michelle Ulrich

Richard Weil

Others Present:

Mark Doneux, CRWD

Michelle Sylvander, CRWD

Lindsay VanPatten, CRWD

Nate Zwontizer, CRWD

Seitu Jones, Board Manager

Welcome, Announcements, and Updates

Ms. Gwen Willems opened the meeting at 7:05 p.m. The meeting opened with introductions and welcoming

the newest CAC member Rick Sanders.

Ms. Willems requested any announcements. Administrator Doneux shared a postcard from St. Anthony

Village Sustainability Fair. The event is scheduled for Thursday, November 20th from 5:30-8:00pm at

Silverwood Park. The event is free and open to the public. Administrator asked for CAC members to help

table the event.

Public Comments

No public comments.

Approval of Agenda

Ms. Willems asked for any additions or changes to the Agenda. No additions or changes were made.

CAC 14-078 Motion: To approve the CAC November 12, 2014, agenda.


Unanimously approved

Approval of the October 8, 2014 CAC Minutes

Ms. Willems requested any changes or corrections to the minutes. Ms. Willems noted corrections to the



“Our mission is to protect, manage, and improve the water resources of the Capitol Region Watershed District.”


CAC 14-079 Motion: To approve the CAC October 8, 2014 CAC Minutes with changes.


Unanimously approved

District Initiatives

A) RSVP Program Review (Zwontizer)

Administrator Doneux gave an update on the backround of the RSVP program. In 2008, CRWD began a

partnership with City of Saint Paul Public Works Street Design to offer interested homeowners a curb cut

rain garden. The program is part of the City’s Residential Street Vitality Program (RSVP) which coordinates

street and utility reconstruction. The City constructs the gardens in the boulevard if conditions are

appropriate, CRWD provides plants and often coordinates a planting day, and the adjacent homeowners

agree to long-term maintenance. Since spring of 2008, 207 curb cut boulevard rain gardens have been


Mr. Zwonitzer reviewed RSVP program that has constructed rain gardens in eight project areas. The projects

were inspected for specific maintenance items such as inlet condition, sufficient watering, and presence of

weeds, then given an overall grade based on the garden’s condition. Gardens receiving a B or C grade will

receive follow-up information from CRWD on how to correct any identified issues.

Due to the number of projects and additional planned projects, staff are developing tools that utilize the

District’s BMP database to manage inspection information and generate mailings. Staff have also worked

with a consulting firm to develop a tool to identify appropriate rain garden locations to ensure projects result

in significant water quality improvement. Additionally, staff are reviewing current planting templates based

on field observations and will make modifications to those plans to improve the aesthetics and ease of

maintenance for future RSVP projects.

Ms. VanPatten review a weed identification chart that has been added to the website to help residents. To

access the weed identification on the website click on “Education”, and “Education Resources”.

B) 2015 Partner Grants Review Committee (VanPatten)

Mr. Arbeit reviewed the 2014 Awards Program to recognize residents and partners of CRWD. The

Committee approved four award categories and the program was promoted by CRWD staff and CAC


Twelve nominations for the 2014 Watershed Steward Awards program were received. Nominations were

received for three of the four award categories. The Awards Committee consisting of Mike MacDonald,

David Arbeit, and Mark Doneux met on Monday, October 10, 2014 to review the nominations and make a

recommendation to the CAC. The Board will approve the award winners at the December 3, 2014 Board


Watershed Citizen Award: 3

1. Ryan Backman, Teacher at Central High School

2. Janna Caywood,

3. Linda Jungwirth

“Our mission is to protect, manage, and improve the water resources of the Capitol Region Watershed District.”


Watershed Partner Award: 7

1. City of Falcon Heights – Attn: Kristine Giga, City Engineer

2. Great River Greening – Attn: Deborah Karasov, Executive Director

3. City of Saint Paul Environmental Section in Parks and Rec Dept.

4. Solution Blue, Inc. – Attn: Mitchell Cookas

5. St. Anthony Park Community Council Environment Committee, Attn: Stephen Mastey

6. First Covenant Church

7. Urban Roots staff and interns – Attn: David Rittenhouse

Young Watershed Steward: 2

1. David Rittenhouse

2. Urban Roots staff and interns – Attn: David Rittenhouse

Lifetime Stewardship Nominations: No Nominations

The committee recommend:

Linda Jungwirth for the Watershed Citizen Award

City of St. Paul Natural Resource Section of St. Paul Parks & Rec. Dept. for the Watershed Partner


Urban Roots staff and interns for the Young Watershed Steward award.

A ceremony will include all the nominations being recognized.

CAC 14-080 Motion: Recommend 2014 Watershed Steward Award Winners:

Linda Jungwirth for the Watershed Citizen Award

City of St. Paul Environmental Section in Parks & Rec. Dept. for the Watershed Partner Award

Urban Roots staff and interns for the Young Watershed Steward award.


Unanimously approved

CAC Initiatives

A) CAC Recruitment Update

Ms. VanPatten shared a map showing where CAC and Board of Managers are located in the district. CAC

members have requested this information to help identify areas in the district that need more representation.

The Freshwater Society was not able share the list of registrants from the Sept. 18th event. They would be

willing to share information on our behalf.

Ms. VanPatten reviewed that a number of ads have been placed in local papers promoting the CAC


Administrator Doneux will follow up with the University of Minnesota Community Capacity Assessment

with Ms. May Davenport. Ms. Davenport has some great sources that may be interested in joining the CAC.

“Our mission is to protect, manage, and improve the water resources of the Capitol Region Watershed District.”


Project and Program Updates

Administrator Doneux gave an update on the Curtiss Pond Improvement Project. The project is complete.

Restoration will take place in the spring when the City of Falcon Heights makes some improvements to the

park. The Opti RTC will be installed in the new utility building that will be constructed at that time.

Administrator Doneux provided an update on the Highland Ravine Stabilization project. The project has had

a number of challenges including a late start and extremely wet conditions. The project is almost complete.

The City of St. Paul has requested that CRWD conduct work in their right-of-way to improve access to the

City’s sanitary and storm sewer systems. The City has approved the contractors cost estimate and will

reimburse CRWD for this additional work.

Administrator Doneux reviewed a letter written to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Rules

were drafted for the Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area (MRCCA) on June 2, 2014. Administrator

Doneux will be following up with a letter.

CAC Observer Update

Mr. Jones provided an update on the October 15th and November 5th Board of Managers meetings. Ms.

Jenna Fletcher from the Trust for Public Land reviewed the need to develop additional parks along the Green

Line. The goal of the Trust for Public Land is to protect and conserve land of historical and cultural

importance so people can experience nature close at hand. At the November 5th Board of Managers meeting,

Ms. Wein reviewed the 2014 Fish Survey completed at Como Lake and Little Crosby Lake. The 2015

Special Grant Program received 12 applications totaling $1.67 million. Approximately $550,000 is budgeted

for the 2015 program. The committee will make recommendation for the Board of Managers to take action

at the December 3, 2014 regular meeting.

Discussion –

A) New & Old Issues

Members of the CAC discussed the views of composting in the City of Roseville vs. the City of St. Paul.

The City of Roseville offers a curb side clean up service where residents can pay a fee to rack their leaves to

the curb to be picked up. Discussion regarding the City of St. Paul’s composting sites are excessively busy.

Perhaps, additional temporary locations could be set up like at the St. Fair grounds. Mr. Arbeit suggested

that this would be an opportunity for Education and Outreach. Ms. VanPatten shared a video that was

recently added to the CRWD website and Facebook page. The video provided instructions on building a

simple composting bin.

B) Identify CAC Observer for the November 19th and December 3rd Board of Managers Meetings.

Steve Duerre plans to attend these meetings.

C) December 10th CAC Agenda Overview

The 2014 Fish Survey will be reviewed along with an update on the Eustis Street Feasibility Study.

D) 2014 Meeting Schedule

“Our mission is to protect, manage, and improve the water resources of the Capitol Region Watershed District.”


Adjourn –

CAC 14-081 Motion: To adjourn.


Unanimously approved

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Sylvander

W:\05 Citizen Advisory Committee\Minutes\2014\November 12, 2014 Draft Minutes.doc

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District.

DATE: December 3, 2014

TO: Citizen Advisory Committee

FROM: Elizabeth Beckman, Education and Outreach Coordinator

RE: CRWD Community Capacity Assessment preliminary interview results


In 2013, CRWD Board of Managers approved a partnership with Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed

District and Mississippi Watershed Management Organization to study individual actions and public

decision making within the framework of a community’s actual abilities – its capacity – to engage in clean

water behaviors. This joint watershed Community Capacity Assessment is led by Professor Mae

Davenport of University of Minnesota Department of Forest Resources and her assistant Vanessa Perry.


The assessment includes interviews, focus groups and a mail survey. Twenty interviews with business and

community leaders along the Green Line and on Saint Paul’s East Side have been completed. Ms.

Davenport’s presentation will be a summary of interview results and preliminary analysis of behavior

drivers and constraints, values and beliefs, and perceptions of clean water programs.

Forthcoming deliverables are three focus groups, a mail survey, a one-year progress report in early 2015

and a final technical report in late 2015 outlining recommendations for tailoring CRWD’s education,

communication and outreach programming.

Request Action

None requested.

W:\07 Programs\Edu-Outreach\Board\CAC\CAC Memo Comm Capacity Update.docx

December 10, 2014

V. District Initiatives –

A) Community Capacity

Assessment update

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District.

DATE: December 4, 2014 TO: CRWD Citizen Advisory Committee Members FROM: Anna Eleria, Water Resource Project Manager RE: Highland Ravine Stabilization Project Update

Background CRWD commenced its work in the Highland Ravine area in late 2010 with a feasibility study that determined the extent and causes of erosion in the ravine and flooding to downstream properties. It also identified strategies to address these water-related issues, which included rock grade control structures, side slope stabilization measures, and a stormwater pond. In early 2012, CRWD received a State Clean Water Fund (CWF) Grant of $150,000 to design and construct ravine stabilization measures in specific two areas of Highland Ravine. In late 2012, CRWD hired Wenck Associates to design and engineer the ravine stabilization project and provide construction engineering services. CRWD’s Board awarded the construction project in May 2014 to Sunram Construction based on its bid of $312,622, the lowest of three bids received. Issues Construction of the Highland Ravine Stabilization Project commenced on September 15, 2014. Anticipated to be completed in one month, an additional month was needed to finish the project due to rain, active groundwater seepage in both ravine areas, and side slope instability and slumping. Completed major construction activities included installation of rock grade control structures in the ravine channels, placement of brush bundles and biologs on the side slopes, construction of stormwater pond in Ravine 1, replacement of the City’s sanitary sewer, and restoration of the disturbed construction areas. Below is a table summarizing the project’s funding sources and expenses (both actual and projected).


Engineering - Feasibility Study $10,000 $14,854Engineering – Design $45,476 $64,584Engineering – Construction Services (Act. & Proj.) $85,327 $93,827Engineering Total $140,803 $173,265Construction – Actual and Projected $321,135Construction – Change Orders $15,482Construction Total $312,622 $336,617TOTAL EXPENSES $453,425 $509,882 FUNDING AMOUNT AMOUNTCWF Grant $150,000 $150,000CRWD $303,425 $359,882TOTAL FUNDING $453,425 $509,882

Action Requested None, for your information only W:\06 Projects\Highland Ravine\Board-CAC Memos\BM Highland Ravine Construction Update 12-03-14 .docx

December 10, 2014 CAC Meeting

V. District Initiatives – B) Highland Ravine Stabilization

Project Update (Eleria)

DATE: December 2, 2014 TO: Citizen Advisory Committee FROM: Mark Doneux, Administrator RE: Citizen Advisory Committee 2015 Reappointment Recommendation

Background At the March 12, 2008 CAC meeting committee members reviewed and discussed attendance for 2007. It was noted that regular attendance is a requirement of being a member of the Citizen Advisory Committee as well as that under state statute the Board of Managers must annually appoint the Citizen Advisory Committee. This has not been the practice prior to 2008. Issues The Board of Managers must annually appoint the Citizen Advisory Committee members. In order to maintain an orderly CAC roster and fully comply with state statute the Citizen’s Advisory Committee will submit a recommended roster to the Board of Managers who will appoint CAC members for 2015 at the CRWD Annual Meeting on December 17, 2014. Requested Action Recommend reappointing CAC members through December 2015.

David Arbeit, 1384 East Como Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55117 William Barton, 533 Cretin Ave South, St. Paul MN 55116 Pat Byrne, 243 S Lexington Pkwy St. Paul, MN 55104 Steven Duerre, 76 Bates Street, St. Paul, MN 55106 Michael MacDonald, 1391 Almond Ave., St. Paul MN 55108 Ted McCaslin, 1675 Lilac Lane, Mendota Heights, MN 55118 Rick Sanders, 363 S. McCarrons Blvd., Roseville, MN 55113 Kathryn Swanson, 2798 16th Terrence NW, New Brighton, MN 55112 Michelle Ulrich, 1561 Lincoln Ave., St Paul MN 55105 Richard Weil, 25 Charles Ave, St. Paul, MN 55103 Gwen Willems, 1880 Tatum Street Falcon Heights MN 55113

enc: CAC Attendance Roster CAC By-Laws Turn over for state statute

December 10, 2014 V. District Initiatives

C) Recommendations for 2015 CAC Reappointments

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District.

103D.331 ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Subdivision 1. Purpose. The managers must annually appoint an advisory committee to advise and assist the managers on all matters affecting the interests of the watershed district and make recommendations to the managers on all contemplated projects and improvements in the watershed district. Subd. 1a. Duties. For purposes of carrying out its duties under this section the advisory committee shall: (1) elect a chair from its membership; (2) elect a recorder from its membership; (3) establish a meeting schedule, which at a minimum meets annually; (4) consider issues pertinent to the functions and purposes of the watershed district; (5) review and comment on reports, minutes, activities, and proposed projects of the managers; and (6) report to the managers the general content of advisory committee meetings and resulting recommendations. Subd. 2. Members. (a) The advisory committee consists of at least five members. If practicable, the advisory committee members selected should include a representative from each soil and water conservation district, a representative of each county, a member of a sporting organization, and a member of a farm organization. Other advisory committee members may be appointed at the discretion of the managers. The members must be residents of the watershed district, except representatives from soil and water conservation districts and counties, and serve at the pleasure of the managers. (b) In addition, the managers may appoint other interested and technical persons who may or may not reside within the watershed district to serve at the pleasure of the managers. Subd. 3. Expense reimbursement. The managers may reimburse members of the advisory committee for actual traveling and other necessary expenses incurred in the performance of duties in the amount as provided for state employees. History: 1990 c 391 art 4 s 24; 1995 c 199 s 15 W:\05 Citizen Advisory Committee\2014 Files\CAC Memo - 2015 Reappointments 12-2-14.docx


2014 CRWD Citizen's Advisory Committee Attendance Roster

Total Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec1 Ted McCaslin 2 E E E E X E E X E E E2 Gwen Willems, Co-Chair 11 X X X X X X X X X X X3 Michelle Ulrich, Secretary 7 E X X E X X X X E X E4 David Arbeit 8 X X E X E X X X X E X5 William Barton 10 X X X X X X X X X X E6 Pat Byrne 3 X E X E E X E E E - E7 Janna Caywood 3 E X E X X E R R R R R R8 Steve Duerre 7 X X X E X E X E X E X9 Michael MacDonald, Co-Chair 8 X X X X X E X X X E E

10 Kathryn Swanson 5 X E E X - E - E X X X11 Rick Sanders 1 X12 Richard Weil 8 E E X X X X X X X X E

Avg Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecX = Attended Total Present 7 7 7 7 7 8 6 7 7 7 5 5E = Excused with notice Total Members 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 11- = Excused with out noticeL = Leave of Absence Percent 62% 64% 64% 64% 64% 73% 55% 70% 70% 70% 50% 45% ####R = Resigned

Attendance Requirements per February 10th 2010 By Laws

Observations: 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014*Meetings with out quarum (min. 5 members per By Laws to have a quorum 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0Meetings with less than 50% in attendance 5 2 5 1 0 0 2 2Average Attendance (#) 8 9 8 9 8 8 7 7Average Attendance (%) 54 59 57 59 50 50 63 60Average Number of Members 14 15 16 15 15 14 12 11

W:\05 Citizens Advisory Committee\Meeting Attendance.xls * Totals through November

CAC Member Email Address2014

If a member fails to attend four consecutive (unexcused) regular meetings or fails to attend 8 of the 12 regular monthly meetings



8 87 7


1615 15




2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014*


ance and


bership #'s


CAC Attendance and Membership2007‐2014

Avg Mtg Attendance Avg Membership

Citizen Advisory Committee By-Laws - Capitol Region Watershed District Page 1


Adopted August 4, 1999

1st Amendment May 2, 2001 2nd Amendment October 3, 2001 3rd Amendment August 11, 2004

4th Amendment February 10, 2010 I. PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY The Citizen Advisory Committee is established to advise and assist the Capitol Region Watershed District Board of

Managers with:

(a) District organizational development, planning processes, and program implementation (b) District communications between the citizenry and the Board of Managers (c) Consensus building and conflict resolution

(d) Additional roles as jointly determined by the Citizen Advisory Committee and Board of Managers The Citizen Advisory Committee performs its duties in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 103D.3311 II. MEMBERSHIP

Citizen Advisory Committee members are appointed by the Board of Managers and serve at the pleasure of the Board.

The Citizen Advisory Committee will be composed of a minimum of five members who are District residents, as required by Minnesota Statutes 103D.331, and a maximum number as required to represent the diverse interests of the District’s communities and neighborhoods. In addition, the Board of Managers may appoint interested and technical persons who are not District residents to the Citizen Advisory Committee to serve in an ex-officio capacity. The Board of Managers determines length of term for Citizen Advisory Committee membership.

III. MEETINGS Citizen Advisory Committee meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order. Regular meetings shall be held on the Second Wednesday of each month. Those members present at the prior regularly

scheduled meeting may make a variance from this meeting schedule by majority vote. Notice of the date, time, place and proposed agenda of the meeting shall be given at least seven days before the meeting.

Special and/or emergency meetings may be called by the Chair, and shall be limited in subject and scope to meet the need for

such a meeting. Notice of special and emergency meetings should include the subject and scope of the meeting and be made 24 hours in advance of the meeting by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail.

A quorum to conduct Citizen Advisory Committee business will be the presence of at least five members or a simple

majority of the members, whichever is least. At the discretion of the Co-Chairs, a subcommittee or taskforce may be appointed to review proposals or to develop

recommendations for the Citizen Advisory Committee’s consideration. The chair may appoint non-members who have expressed an interest in the topic or who have specialized expertise to a

subcommittee or taskforce as appropriate. In the event that a regularly scheduled meeting is canceled or if there is not quorum to conduct business at a regularly scheduled meeting, a subcommittee or taskforce may meet during the time of the regularly scheduled meeting without providing 24-hour notice.

Citizen Advisory Committee By-Laws - Capitol Region Watershed District Page 2

Prior to deliberation on an issue, a member who feels they have a potential financial conflict of interest shall disclose that

information to the Chair and members. Members may also identify potential conflicts of interest of other members to the Chair and members. A majority vote of members present will determine whether the conflict of interest is substantial enough to exclude the member from voting on the issue. All conflicts of interest disclosures and the subsequent determination on whether to exclude a member from a vote, shall be noted in the minutes.

All Citizen Advisory Committee meetings shall be public. Public participation at meetings will, to the extent possible, be

for the purpose of presenting information or providing comments that were not previously available to the Citizen Advisory Committee.

IV. OFFICERS Officers shall be elected for a one-year term. Elections shall be held during the regular Citizen Advisory Committee meeting

in April. Candidates for office shall have been a Citizen Advisory Committee member for at least three months prior to the election. Officers shall be:

Two Co-Chairs, and Secretary Duties of the officers:

(a) The two Co-Chairs prepare meeting agendas and preside at all regular and special meetings of the Citizen Advisory Committee. The co-chairs shall have the authority to appoint individuals to serve on subcommittees and taskforces as appropriate.

(b) One of the Co-Chairs presides at meetings whenever the other Chair is absent.

(c) Secretary administers the paperwork at each meeting, prepares and distributes meeting minutes, receives Citizen Advisory Committee members' expense reports and forwards them to the Board of Managers, handles all Citizen Advisory Committee correspondence, and maintains a Citizen Advisory Committee file of pertinent information.

Officers may delegate their duties to other Citizen Advisory Committee members or to District staff. Any officer whose Citizen Advisory Committee membership ceases prior to the expiration of his/her term as an officer shall

be replaced for the balance of his/her term by a special election of the Citizen Advisory Committee. Such special election shall be held during the second regular meeting of the Citizen Advisory Committee immediately following termination of the officer's membership.

V. PARTICIPATION To ensure the efficient and effective working of the Citizen Advisory Committee, regular attendance at meetings is

necessary. Accordingly, if a member fails to attend four consecutive (unexcused) regular meetings or fails to attend 8 of the 12 regular monthly meetings without notice, that member will forfeit his/her Citizen Advisory Committee membership. A member in jeopardy due to lack of attendance (above) shall be notified in the Citizen Advisory Committee minutes and by separate memorandum to the member that his/her attendance is required at the next regularly scheduled Citizen Advisory Committee meeting to avoid forfeiture of membership.

An absence shall be deemed excused if the member notified the Chair, another Citizen Advisory Committee member or

District staff prior to the meeting. Excused absences shall be noted in the minutes of the meeting

Members of the Citizen Advisory Committee may request a leave of absence from the Citizen Advisory Committee by sending a letter to the Board of Managers. The Board of Managers may grant a leave of absence for a period of no less than three months and up to a maximum of one year. While a member is on leave of absence, they shall not be eligible to vote, and shall not be counted towards quorum.

Citizen Advisory Committee By-Laws - Capitol Region Watershed District Page 3

Members shall communicate their intention to resign in writing to the Citizen Advisory Committee Secretary, who in turn

will notify the Citizen Advisory Committee and the Board of Managers. Advisory Committee members are encouraged to attend Board of Managers' meetings and functions. VI. REIMBURSEMENT

Citizen Advisory Committee members can be reimbursed for expenses incurred while carrying out the business of the District when such expenses are pre-approved by the Board of Managers. Typical reimbursements will be for travel, lodging, meals, and supplies to attend and/or participate in conferences, workshops, tours, and meetings. Costs incurred in attending regular, special, and emergency meetings of the Citizen Advisory Committee and the Board of Managers are not normally considered reimbursable expenses but can be reimbursed upon decision of the Board of Managers when need is demonstrated.

VII. AMENDMENTS These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular meeting of the whole Citizen

Advisory Committee, provided that written notice setting forth in detail the content of the proposed amendment(s) has been presented at the prior regular meeting.

These by-laws shall be reviewed for possible changes or updates by approved motion of the Citizen’s Advisory Committee

or Board of Managers. By-laws and any changes thereto shall be submitted to the Capitol Region Watershed District Board of Managers for

comment prior to adoption.

1 Minnesota Statues 103D.331. Watershed District Advisory Committee

Subdivision 1. Purpose. The managers must appoint an advisory committee to advise and assist the managers on all matters affecting the interests of the watershed district and make recommendations to the managers on all contemplated projects and improvements in the watershed district.

Subd. 2. Members. (a) The advisory committee consists of at least five members. If practicable, the advisory

committee members selected must include a supervisor of a soil and water conservation district, a member of a county board, a member of a sporting organization, and a member of a farm organization. Other advisory committee members may be appointed at the discretion of the managers. The members must be residents of the watershed district and serve at the pleasure of the managers.

(b) In addition, the managers may appoint other interested and technical persons who may or may not reside within

the watershed district to serve at the pleasure of the managers.

Subd. 3. Expense reimbursement. The managers may reimburse members of the advisory committee for actual traveling and other necessary expenses incurred in the performance of duties in the amount as provided for state employees.

W:\05 Citizens Advisory Committee\CAC By-Laws\2010\CAC ByLaw Changes 2010.doc


Great River Greening (GRG) Engaging Youth at Trout Brook Nature

Sanctuary and Other Sites$20,000 $5,000 $20,000 $11,000 1 1 4 6

Partnered for several years engaging high school-aged youth in water quality learning, habitat restoration projects, job skill development. Lines up

with CRWD goals to promote clean water work at Trout Brook Nature Sanctuary. $9,000 for Task 1: Youth Engagement, $2,000 for Task 2:

Program Evaluation

not funded


Frogtown GreenClean Water in Frogtown: Bring back the

frogs$13,900 $12,000 $20,000 $7,000 6 6 10 22

Partnered in educational programming and water-themed events and rain garden education at Frogtown’s Minnehaha Mall last year. $2,000 for Task

1: Overall project coordination, $2,000 for Task 3: rain garden maintenance signage, $3,000 for Task 5: Promotion in Frogtown. fund from other budget


Center for Global Environmental

Education (CGEE)Adopt a Storm Drain $20,000 $8,000 $19,500 $10,000 9 3 5 17

Hamline, City of Saint Paul and CRWD piloted Adopt-a-Drain in Fall 2014 in Como neighborhood. Proposed improvements to the Adopt-a-Drain app

and website, adding educational content and expanding the program to another area (Roseville?) $6,000 for Task 1: Improve Adopt-a-Drain app,

$4,000 for Task 4: Implementation to 4,000 homes.

recommended funding


Urban Roots Conservation Corps Youth Internships $12,006 $12,000 $16,000 $12,000 5 4 6 15

Partnered with Urban Roots (formerly Community Design Center) to fund youth intern stipends. High school-aged youth intern maintain rain gardens,

provide tours of Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary, and learn about environmental careers. CRWD augments summer programming with tours and

mentoring. Urban Roots is our strongest community partner on Saint Paul's east side. $12,000 for Task 1: Youth Interns


District 6 Planning Council Willow Reserve Phase I Clean-up N/A $19,080 $0 10 5 11 26 To be funded through Wetland Restoration budget, 325-15600


City of Saint Paul - Natural

Resources Sections

Connecting Recreation Center Youth to the

WatershedN/A $12,000 $12,000 2 10 7 19

Summer education program with St. Paul Parks recreation centers for youth ages 6-11 focused on water-themed lessons and improvements to Trout

Brook Nature Sanctuary. $10,500 for Task 1: Education Program, $1,500 for Task 2: Plant Propagation


University of St. ThomasDiscovering your urban watershed: Como

Lake environmental education initiativeN/A $19,564 $0 11 9 2 22

Water themed game/bike tour around Como Lake area, creation of a virtual tour of Como and model floating island. $8,000 for Task 1: Interactive

Watershed Activity, $2,000 for Task 2: Virtual Watershed Tour, $1,000 for Task 3: Lakeside Hydroponic Garden. Committee

Recommendation $0 - There is already a lot of activity happening around Como Lake, we will be funding a full sized floating island in 2015.

Mark suggests that this group could be a resource to help us do program evaluation/measurement rather than event coordination.


Public Art St PaulPASPider Artmaking Workshops in Western

Sculpture ParkN/A $10,000 $8,000 3 11 1 15

Partnered with PASP in 2014 on clean water lessons and activities for the PASPider mobile art program in Western Sculpture Park. $1,000 for Task

1: Planning, $3,000 for Task 2: Workshop Production, $4,000 for Task 3: Testing Curriculum.


Harambee Elementary Harambee Water Project $10,826 $9,000 $4,909 $5,000 4 13 8 25

Partnered with Environmental Specialist Jenny for two years to develop a water quality curriculum focus for fourth and fifth grade. Jenny also

initiated a school site review that resulted in a potential 2015 Special Grant partnership for rain garden design and installation. 2015 Partner Grant

expands 2014 water quality training to include new teachers and supports development of water curriculum for K-3 students. $500 for Task 1: Big

Rivers Journey, $1,500 for Task 2: Hamline Rivers Institute, $500 for Task 3: Guest Naturalist, $1,000 for Task 4: Pond kits for K/1 and 2/3,

$1,500 for Task 5: K-3 teacher training.


Lower Phalen Creek ProjectInterpretive Signage for the Maria Bates

Rain Garden$12,000 $5,500 $8,000 $0 8 14 14 36

For fabrication and installation of signage at the Maria Bates rain garden. Design work funded in 2014 grant. $2,000 for Task 3: Rain Garden Sign

Installation. Committee recommends $0 and that we facilitate the installation of signage through stewardship grants since we have templates

and they don't describe any programming to accompany the sign.


U of MN - Institute on the


Seeing Sarita: Selected Views of Hidden

WatersN/A $20,000 $0 12 12 9 33

Preliminary work for Watershed Camp scheduled for 2016 through U of MN Institute on the Environment. $3,000 for Task 2: Plan/Research and

creation of Sarita Report, $2,000 for Task 4: Create a GIS Story Map of Sarita. Committee recommends $0. The proposal does not seem well

thought out. The camp is of interest but it would be good to see more set in stone before funding. They'd like to see what happens for 2016.


Friends of the Mississippi River


Landscape for the River Community

Workshops and Youth Education$14,635 $0 $13,900 $0 13 7 12 32

Staff suggests supporting FMR through an annual contribution in the manner of our partnerships with Watershed Partners and Blue Thumb. Fund

$3,500 as a sponsorship.


Asian Economic Development

AssociationLittle Mekong Clean Waters Project N/A N/A $20,000 $7,000 7 8 13 28

Education programming near Little Mekong project. $3,000 for Task 1: Small Business Education, $4,000 for Task 3: Little Mekong Night

Market water quality information.


Citizens League and Como Active

Citizen NetworkCivic Governance Pilot $20,000 $10,000 $12,000 $3,000 14 2 3 19

Continuation of Como civic governance project and curb cleanup. $1,000 for Task 2: Test AC Track, $2,000 for Task 3: to Collaborate with

community partners.

$214,953 $75,000TOTALS

Recommended 2015


Diversity (rank 1 -


Citizen action

(rank 1 - 14)

Measurability (rank

1 - 14)

total numeric

score (sum, lowest

score is top)

Staff / Committee Comments

Review summary

2015 Partner Grants Review Summary

No. Organization Project name2014 Request (if


2014 P. Grant

funding (if


2015 Request

CRWD 2015 Special Grant Award Recommendations

Applicant Project Description

Total CRWD

Grant Request


Award Funded Elements

KMJC, LLC dba Dellwood

Gardens Dellwood Gardens

Actively controlled rainwater reuse system

for irrigation. System could be modified in

the future to flush toilets. $234,800 $30,500

Additional feasibility/design while

state regulations are developed

City of Roseville, Park &

Recreation Dept.

Roseville Parks Wetland

Water Quality and

Habitat Restoration

Restoration efforts at Reservoir Woods and

Villa Park. Woodland/savanna/prairie

restoration, wetland and wetland buffer

restoration, and two years of management

to ensure project success. $101,485 $22,410

Hydrologic and vegetative

restoration of wetland in Villa Park.

Applicant can re-apply next year for

habitat work.

Harambee Elementary


Harambee Rain Garden


Retrofitting Harambee Elementary with

multiple rain gardens that include innovative

pre-treatment product $112,916 $55,000

Split into 2 phases, do as many top

ranked projects in 2015 as funding


Central High School,

Transforming Central


Transforming Central:

Students + Environment

+ Community

Design finalization and construction of

stormwater retrofits for Central High School.

Projects include underground infiltration,

permeable hardscapes, swales, and

landscape restoration $367,000 $0

Commit $150,000 of 2016 funds

now for future construction.

Committing funds will aid current

capital campaign.

St. Paul Port Authority

Midway Stadium


Underground storage and infiltration to

treat redeveloped area. $200,000 $150,000

Award $10k for monitoring, $10k

signage, and $130k for

construction. Staff will work with

applicant to refine design before

agreement is executed

St. Paul Parks and Rec

Swede Hollow Park

Stream Improvements

Several options included to treat water,

bring water back to the Swede Hollow

stream, and improve park habitat and

aesthetics. $212,600 $78,100

Design finalization. Applicant can re-

apply in future for construction.

St. Paul Public Schools

Improving Rondo and

Bridgeview Schools'

Outdoor Spaces

Permeable pavement, filtration, and

impervious surface conversion at two school

sites. $98,809 $40,000

Funding for Rondo Education

Complex permeable pavement

project. Bridgeview project

transferred to Stewardship Grants

Real Estate Equities, LLC Wilder Square

Design finalization and construction of seven

stormwater BMPs to treat runoff and

improve aesthetics of the apartment

complex. $110,257 $110,257

Full funding for design and


Totals $1,437,867 $486,267

Funds Available $550,000

Amt. Allocated $486,267

Amt. Remaining $63,733

Capitol Region Watershed District

Citizen Advisory Committee

2015 Agenda Plan

Updated: December 2, 2014

Pervious Parking Lot

East and West Metro Groundwater Management Plan Update

W:\05 Citizen Advisory Committee\Agendas\2014\2015 CAC Agenda Plan 11-7-14.doc

CAC Meeting Date District Initiatives CAC Initiatives

December 10, 2014 - 2015 Reappointment


- Eustis Street Stormwater


January 14, 2015 -District 6 NRI

- 2014 Fish Survey

-Stewardship Grants Update

2015 CAC Meeting Plan

February 11, 2015 -Education Program Review

- Partner Grant Review

Discuss 2015 “Event”

March 11, 2015

-Upper Villa Park Project Review

-Event Planning

April 8, 2015 -2014 Permit Program Update -Election of Officers

May 13, 2015

-2014 Monitoring Reports -Awards Program

-Event Planning

-CAC Tour Planning

June 10, 2015 Tour of District Projects

July 8 or 15, 2015

2016 Work Plan Development -Awards Program Development

-Event Planning

August 12, 2015

Review and Comment on 2016 Budget -Awards Program Development

-Event Planning

September 9, 2015

-Awards Program

-CAC Recruitment

October 14, 2015

Special and Partner Grant Committees - Awards Program

November 10 or 12,


RSVP Program Update

December 9, 2015

2016 Reappointment
