December 2012 Community Bible Church - Clover...

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December 2012  Community Bible Church 


ASK GOD: 1. For guidance in simplifying your schedule. Don’t busy yourself so much you miss out on Christmas blessings!

2. To aid you in discovering more about your kids—what they care about and why.

3. For rest. Refuel for 2013!

A Gift in the Wish Lists

‘Twas days before Christmas, and in a frantic shopping rush, All I could see were dollar signs; my bank account getting a flush. Lists filled with meaningless toys, movies, and a Nintendo Wii. And, someone, please tell me—what in the world is a Furby?! As I stood in the department store, frazzled by requests, God showed me in my frustration, my kids weren’t getting my best. With a smile I remembered: Christmas is about Jesus and God’s love, I looked at the lists with fresh eyes—and gave my stress a shove. My girl wants Littlest Pet Shop pets; she has tender love for pups. My preteen son wants a tablet computer—when did he grow up? Then, I saw God’s gift for me in the wish lists. In the details and parts,


Only 37% of the more than 2,000 adults surveyed claimed Jesus and God to be the reason they celebrate Christmas, according to a report from USA Today. Yet, further reports show that 80% to 90% of Americans observe Christmas. Other reasons people say they celebrate:

Being with family and friends Celebration and joy Giving, sharing, and helping Being thankful (Source:

Children’s Ministry Edition


Jesus, First

This is a unique tradition you can begin to turn Christmas tree decorating into a time to honor and worship Jesus with your family.

Prepare your Christmas tree for decoration (keep the lights off for now). Then, venture out on a special family shopping trip together.

Let all family members purchase an orna-ment that represents something they love about Jesus.

When you return home, have people share why the ornament they chose is a reflection of Jesus. Write on the back or bottom of the ornament one or two words about why the ornament reflects Jesus and the year.

Then, take turns placing the special ornaments on your tree as the first decorations.

Pray together and praise Jesus for being the reason we celebrate Christmas. Give thanks using all of the words and descriptions for Jesus your family placed on the ornaments. For example: “Jesus, we’re so thankful you were born! We place these ornaments on our Christmas tree before any others to honor you and say thank you for your ______. Thank you for being ________. You are our family’s greatest Christmas gift!”

As you wrap up your prayer time, turn on the lights and sing your favorite Christmas song or read aloud Luke 2:1-20. (Budget Tip: to spare Christmas funds, you can create the same activity and memories in having your family select from ornaments you already have and placing them first on the tree.)


1. New Faces, New Friends—You’re likely to see an influx of new people and families for the Christmas services at your church. Rather than focusing on people you know, reach out to guests with a warm welcome. Make their experience at your church a reason to keep coming back. Pray with your kids for the Christmas services—for church staff, the message, and for the new faces you’ll see even before they arrive.

2. Away in a Manger—Take your little ones to a local farm, barn, or petting zoo. Surrounded by the sights, smells, and sounds of a livestock yard, you can intro-duce your kids to an environment much like where Jesus was born. As you make your way around the barn, talk with your kids about the miracle of Jesus’ birth. Ask, “What do you think it would have been like to be born in a place like this?” and “Why do you think God allowed his son to be born in such a humble place?”

“But the angel reassured them. ‘Don’t be afraid!’ he said. ‘I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—

has been born today in Bethlehem.’ ” —Luke 2:10-11


Title Content Rating & Platform

LEGO Creationary

A creative, fun game for all ages! Each player is challenged to build an object out of LEGOs that other players can identify.

For players ages 4+. Contains small pieces. Average price $30 at most retailers. This website has a large variety of games rooted in Biblical truth. As with any online content, parents should preview first.

Games for kids from preschool to preteen, and all free!

Parenting’s Birthday Party Playtime

Use this app to design a virtual birthday party for Jesus with your kids. Enjoy some app cake and sing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus!

Ages 3+. Available at iTunes; $0.99. For iPh-one and iPad.

This page is designed to help educate parents and isn’t meant to endorse any movie, music, or product. Our prayer is that you’ll make informed decisions about what your children watch, listen to, and wear. 



Title: Monsters, Inc 3D Genre: Family/Animated/Comedy

Rating: G Cast: John Goodman, Billy Crystal Synopsis: A hilarious, endearing look into the world of monsters— and they’re not as monstrous as we imagined. Our Take: Originally released in 2001, the 3D format of this family-friendly movie is sure to draw crowds again. This film offers laughs for eve-ryone without crossing inappropriate, adult-humor lines.


Artist: Various, today’s top Christian artists Album: A Very Special Christmas: Bringing Peace to Earth

Artist Info: Album includes needtobreathe, BarlowGirl, Big Daddy Weave, and many others.

Summary: A mix of original songs and traditional Christmas tunes sung by today’s popular, contemporary Christian artists. Proceeds from sales benefit the Special Olympics.

Our Take: This is an excellent soundtrack for Christmas. Well-performed songs from beloved artists celebrate the birth of Jesus.

CULTURE & TRENDS • Customize and create personal, unique Christmas cards at The website is also loaded with themed décor ideas!

• Not sure what to get your kids? is a go-to authority on best-selling toys!

QUICK STATS In 2011, 63% of Protestant church-es held services on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Many church boards and staff say they find ir-replacable value in the extra work as Christmas is one of the peak times for church attendance— and the best opportunity to introduce others to life with Jesus. (

• The largest, non-artificial Christmas tree in America was delivered recent-ly to the Outlets at Anthem in Phoe-nix, Arizona. It’s a gigantic white fir from Northern California and stands at a whopping 110 feet! When fully decorated, it will have over three miles of lights strung on its branches. Now that’s a Christmas tree! (

Looking for an activity to help your family get ready for Christmas? Check out for great

Do you love kids? Teachers and assistants are needed for all services and Awana.

Contact to volunteer.

We’re making room for YOU! Beginning December 9th – new service times!

8:30am—Children’s programs Nursery—pre-K

9:45am and 11:15am—Children’s programs Nursery-6th grade

Christmas eve services - Monday, December 24, 3:30, 5:00, and 6:30 PM Bring the whole family to our family friendly service.

No children’s programs available.

Jodi Quinn Children’s Ministry Director

Upcoming Awana event Saturday January 12th—Grand Prix (cars may be

purchased at Awana)

Wednesday January 9th—Cornerstone Puppet Night Show starts at 7pm—Open to everyone

6:30-7pm—Awana Handbook time