December 2013 OSLC Newsletter

Post on 15-May-2015

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Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 120 S. Henry Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 54302 (920) 468-4065

December 2013


Some folks go around as if they were a walking human question mark, all bent over with a burden on their back, wondering, “Where did I come from? Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going?” Ebenezer Scrooge was like that…. bent over and burdened. The Ghost of Marley, his former business partner, described that burden as a chain, holding him down, never answering his question. Let’s listen in: “Again the spectre raised a cry, and shook its chain and wrung its shadowy hands. "You are fettered," said Scrooge, trembling. "Tell me why?” “I wear the chain I forged in life," replied the Ghost. "I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it. Is its pattern strange to you?" Scrooge trembled more and more. "Or would you know," pursued the Ghost, "the weight and length of the strong coil you bear yourself? It was full and heavy and as long as this, seven Christmas Eves ago. You have laboured on it since. It is a ponderous chain!" Scrooge glanced about him on the floor, in the expectation of finding himself surrounded by some fifty or sixty fathoms of iron cable: but he could see nothing. - Dickens, Charles (2004-08-11). A Christmas Carol (p. 13). Public Domain Books. Kindle Edition. A lot of folks today walk around like human question marks. They wander and wonder, trying to find all the

answers in the wrong places. They wonder, “Maybe I will find inner peace in more money; more success; more possessions; a finer reputation; a more prestigious job, car or house?” All they find are dead end roads, bigger questions and larger burdens. Sure, those things are nice, but we are back to the basic truth - We will leave here with empty pockets, we will leave here with no pockets at all. Nothing in this world will bring the deep inner harmony our soul longs for, the contentment and peace of God that passes all understanding. Nothing, that is, except an inner relationship with the living God through our Lord, Christ. Nothing but Christ’s grace can unshackle us, can remove that burden from our back. Another view of a person walking around like a human

question mark was in the story, “Pilgrim’s Progress” by John Bunyan. We have mentioned this time and again, but never often enough. Here is an image of

“Christian”, walking like a question mark with a burden on his back. Now I saw in my dream, that they went on, and Great-Heart before them. So they went, and came to the place

where Christian’s burden fell off his back and tumbled

into a sepulcher. - Bunyan, John (2010-12-13). The Pilgrim's Progress - Unabridged With Original Illustrations (Kindle Locations 2895-2896). Kindle Edition.

Our Saviour’s Voice


Let’s get to Christmas. God became one of us for many reasons, not the least of these is that after our salvation had been won for us, the inner Christ would begin to “change our character”. That is, He changes us from being walking question marks, to walking exclamation marks. With all that He has done for us, including releasing our burden of sin, unshackling us from an entrapment of chains to the things of this world, He begins to change our character. That is, we take on the mind of Christ. We are back to the original and authentic meaning of

“Repentance” - “A metamorphosis of the mind”. Yuppers, that’s it… change in character.

Scrooge had one!

Christian in Pilgrim’s Progress had one!

Once loose, we stand tall and straight like walking exclamation marks,

shouting, “Free, free, new, whole, righteous, saved” and all kinds of other cool new words! How about, “He is risen! Alleluia! Amen! Praise the

Lord!” - Now, truer than true, we won’t find many Lutherans going around shouting those words out loud, but we can shout them from the inside.

How about, “The Saviour is born!”

Stand tall, Pilgrim. You are no longer walking and wallowing like a human question mark, no more walking in

circles in search of answers.

Christ in you sets you tall and new like a human exclamation mark!

Merry Christmas, everyone! Pastor Dave


Do you want to serve our Lord in a creative way? Do you have experience in layout and design and editing? OSLC is seeking someone special to serve as the Editor of this

newsletter, The Voice Online. Content provided! Interested? See Pastor Dave or email him at


Baptisms Ila Mae Tompkins Born: April 6, 2013 Baptized: October 27, 2013 Daughter of Matthew and Rachel Tompkins

Membership Changes IN: Tara DeGrave, Profession of Faith Marilyn Reinke, transfer form Christ the King Ev. Lutheran Church, Green Bay, WI (ELCA)

Funerals Mavis M. Desotelle October 1, 1924 ~ October 18, 2013 Funeral service held on October 22, 2013

Weddings Angela Lee Haase and Seth Bradley Lemke United at Our Saviour on October 25, 2013 Tiffany Treml and Andrew Rozek United at Our Saviour on October 26, 2013


January 2014 OSLC Usher Schedule

Day: Date Service: Lead Usher Team:

Thu. 2-Jan 7:00 PM Paul Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN

Sun. 5-Jan 7:45 AM Allen Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg Sun. 5-Jan 9:15 AM Wendy Chamberlain Randy & Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz

Sun. 5-Jan 10:45 AM Royal Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson

Thu. 9-Jan 7:00 PM Norm Krueger †UN; †UN; †UN

Sun. 12-Jan 7:45 AM John Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN

Sun. 12-Jan 9:15 AM Dave Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer

Sun. 12-Jan 10:45 AM Jerry Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; Rich Spangenberg

Thu. 16-Jan 7:00 PM Chuck Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick

Sun. 19-Jan 7:45 AM Matt Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux

Sun. 19-Jan 9:15 AM Randy Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany & Brian Duff; Chelsea & Rachel Vande Hei

Sun. 19-Jan 10:45 AM Mike Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft

Thu. 23-Jan 7:00 PM Paul Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN

Sun. 26-Jan 7:45 AM Mike Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler

Sun. 26-Jan 9:15 AM Dave Bitters Robin & Shelley Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Trey B.

Sun. 26-Jan 10:45 AM Royal Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson

Thu. 30-Jan 7:00 PM Norm Krueger †UN; †UN; †UN

†UN -Usher Needed If you'd like to volunteer as an usher:

Please contact the Lead Usher of the group you'd like to join; Or, contact Rich Spangenberg (920) 857-3014 or email ""


EASY GIFT GIVING 101  Shopping for Christmas gifts can be a fun experience! Okay, that depends on your definition of fun, right? Well, you can make shopping easier with SCRIP. Buy SCRIP based on your budget for giving…you won’t overspend, your budget will be unscathed AND you just made an additional gift to Our Saviour. Or, buy SCRIP and give those gift cards as the gift…let the receiver of your generosity buy what they want from the store you select. SCRIP can be purchased on Sunday mornings at the Welcome Center or in the church office (Monday thru Friday from 8-12pm and 1-4:30pm). Many popular cards are ‘on-hand’ and can be purchased on the spot; some cards need to be ordered and will be available on the Thursday following the Sunday they are ordered. Order early (December 1st or 8th would be ideal!) to avoid being disappointed with a popular card that is ‘back-ordered’. Get a gas card for your paper carrier, a Starbucks card for your hairdresser or a restaurant card to give your child’s teacher a night out….the possibilities are almost endless.

“WORKING TO BUILD GOD’S KINGDOM” Our Saviour Lutheran Church - 2014

Two good things happen as a result of your gifts…those you help will be glad…(and)…they will praise God for this proof that your deeds are as good as your belief… They will pray for You…because of the wonderful grace of God shown through You. Thank God for His Son—His gift too wonderful for words.” 2 Corinthians 9: 13-16 (TLV)

In His Word, our Lord teaches us to return to Him first out of His blessings, but these blessings are not limited just to money. Each of us is blessed in many ways, with time, talent, and treasures, and it behooves each and every one of us to return a portion of all of these to The Lord. From a financial perspective, the Bible teaches about tithing, returning to The Lord a percentage of His gifts to us. You may wish to use this worksheet to help you as you prayerfully consider your commitment. Please note that you keep this portion for your records. $ X = $ Annual Household Income Percent to Return to the Total for the Lord’s work Lord for His work (15% = 0.15, 10% = 0.10, 5% = 0.05)

From a time and talents perspective, we urge you to consider where God fits into your life. Is He more important than a favorite TV show, or soccer practice, or band rehearsal, or whatever it is that pulls at your life throughout the week? If so, then please consider how you can devote a percentage of your week to the work of The Lord, whether that is by attending Bible classes or volunteering on boards, committees, or special events at church. A week has 168 hours in it; ten percent (a standard tithe) would be almost 17 hours. Including worship, reading the Bible, and daily prayer, how many hours do you devote to the Lord? Before you return this card, please pray: “Lord, we thank You for Your many great gifts. May we generously and trustingly fulfill our intention to support your ministries through our offerings to Your cause. In the power of Your Name. Amen.” Please cut along this dotted line and return the bottom portion to the church. We ask that all members who are able to attend bring their commitment card to Loyalty Sunday on December 15, 2013 and place it in the offering plate. Until that date, there will be a box set up in the Narthex for the commitment cards. If you cannot attend on that date, please mail the completed bottom portion of this page to Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 120 S. Henry Street, Green Bay, WI 54302. Please do not put your name or your envelope number on your pledge.

Out of thanks and trust to our Lord, I/we commit:

Talents I will offer in service of the Lord

Hours of service each - week / month / year (circle one)

Financial gifts - weekly / monthly / annually (circle one)

For the OSLC Family Ministries during 2014



  As we have said before, suffering is often referred to as a “crucible experience” – we come out different than we went in. Frequently traumatic events are crucible events.

A crucible is a device that chemists use to purify and alter the elements that are exposed to its heat. The elements are changed during the heating. They are never the same again. People’s minds and souls are transformed through crucible experiences.

Recently at OSLC, one of our members passed away. Her body was taken by cancer, her soul taken home by the Savior. She will get a new body at the resurrection. The family is left behind. The family will continue to be transformed by her life in Christ.

During the Coronation Service (funeral), the adult son of the deceased stood at the microphone and gave a eulogy about his mom. In the crucible experience, we can see that the eulogy was actually about what God was doing inside he and his family as a result of their experience. It is very likely that the young man never could have conceived two years before, or even two weeks before, that these would be his words. His thoughts, expressed in the eulogy, were the result of a crucible experience.

We have included the essence of his words below, with permission. As you read them, consider what experience he had endured that

brought him to this line of thinking. A short list: Cancer, chemo, waiting, praying, good news, bad news, anger, grief, death and acceptance. Roll these things through the mind and heart over and over, and something is going to happen. A crucible experience transforms. For the seeming eternity of months, years and the last days and minutes, life as he knew it with his mom, was changing, and he was changing.

Following the theme, “Suffering teaches”, what might this young man’s words teach us today, at this moment in our story?

That Eulogy follows here:

“As we sat in the garden at the hospital last week, my dad asked us kids to write something about Mom. I was reluctant. Not for any personal reasons, but what words could accurately portray the incredible woman she was. There is not an adjective in the dictionary that can describe the way she lived her life.

Last week my son asked me why Nana is going to Heaven. I had to stop and think before answering. I have spent 2 1⁄2 years angry with

God for this very same question. Of all the people in the world, why her? She never once put herself above anyone else. She lived her life helping others. She wasn’t a teacher or a doctor or a counselor, she was all of them and more. Whatever she needed to be to solve that day’s problem, she was. There wasn’t a problem she couldn’t solve or an item she couldn’t fix. This past week someone said, “If each of us were given just one of her skills, the world would be a much better place. We often struggle with tasks she used to do and none of us can figure them out. She had a way of “Momguyvering” things. And with everything she did, never once did she complain or expect reimbursement. How many times do we help someone, and in the back of our minds we expect some form of payment, be it material or a future favor. Not once did she expect anything in return. Just knowing that she was able to help someone and make

(continued on page 6)


Eulogy (continued from page 5)

their life better or easier was all the payment she wanted. Her struggle with cancer was no exception. She never once complained or felt like giving up. She endured numerous hospital visits, chemo treatments and surgeries. Her only concern was not for herself, but to make sure her grandbabies were taken care of if she were to leave this earth.

Then I realized I just answered my own question. If God needed a special angel to join him in Heaven, wouldn’t He want the best? Instead of questioning why her, I should have been thinking, why not her. There is no one better on this earth. He couldn’t have chosen a better person to oversee the world’s troubles. She was already an angel on this earth. I can only imagine what she will be in Heaven. I couldn’t have been blessed with a better mother. And she is the only one on this earth (besides the Lord Himself) I would want with the responsibility of guarding over our family and friends from Heaven. She was an amazing mother and now joins a group of other amazing mothers. With all of these women’s accomplishments, and lives they touched on earth, I can only imagine what they can accomplish together in Heaven.

Just as I thought I had understood everything going on, I found myself once again questioning God’s Plan this week. As our mother lie peacefully in her hospital bed, we were presented with the news that any moment she may receive her well-deserved crown. We knew God

had larger plans for her and would soon take her hand. As we held her hand and said our good-byes, we made peace with the fact that she was going to a much better place with no sorrow or pain. As the hours turned to days and the days started adding up, I began questioning if we were being punished. It was hard enough to say our good-byes once, but felt like it had turned into a daily event. Then we received a visit from a special person. This person asked us if we had to choose between her receiving her crown at that moment or possibly being blessed with a couple more days with her here on earth, which would we choose. She looked peaceful and at ease, so it was obvious we had thought of our own pain and anxiety and not the miracle that lay before us.

I believe being the person she was, she used her courage and strength to hold on as long as she could to allow her family and friends the blessing of being able to say their good-byes and hold her hand for the last time. Even in her last days she put everyone else’s needs above her own. She allowed us time to experience some special moments with family and friends. As a result of her courage, we experienced many memorable stories, mended broken relationships and developed new ones.

I now find myself feeling selfish for questioning God’s plan. The only one I am angry with now is myself. How could I have spent all of these years with this wonderful person in my life and taken it for granted? I was so used to her catering to our every need, I never stopped to think of what

life would have been like without her. I am angry with myself for not hugging her more. For not telling her I love her more. For not thanking her more. For not spending more time with her in the last year.

I ask everyone here to go home and thank their mother, father, husband, wife, brother or sister for all they have done. The kindness shown by our family should not be expected, it should be appreciated. I also ask everyone here to think of a broken relationship they have that may be weighing heavy on their hearts. Many special relationships were mended in this last week and I am grateful for this. No one knows when they will get the call to graduate to Heaven, and every day on earth should be used to appreciate having the people we do in our lives.

There is nothing I can do about the past, but I can try to make today and tomorrow better. This is what Mom would have wanted. The best way to honor her incredible life is to live as she would have. To take every opportunity to spend with family and friends, and to give a helping hand whenever one is needed. If we all act as she would have when faced with decisions in life, the world will be a much better place and her memory will live on in all of us.”

There is one more trait of Mom I would like to mention. My Mom wasn’t just the most amazing woman in the world, she was also half of the most amazing team in the world. On one of the last

(continued on page 7)


Eulogy (continued from page 6)

nights with her, I witnessed my dad lean over, kiss her head, and apologize to her for not being able to save her. This absolutely broke my heart.

Like my Mom, my Dad has also always put others above himself. He will always drop what he is doing to help someone out. His only flaw is his inherited heavy heart. His constant concern for those around him cause much stress that is difficult to overcome. What he has endured in the last 2 1⁄2 years in more stress than most people see in a lifetime. From doctor appointments, to emergency room visits to chemo treatments to medications, he has had much to be concerned about. What he has gone through in recent years and the way in which he has handled it has been amazing. And also like my Mom, has done this with no concern for himself and no complaints. He has definitely had some incredible help from Heidi, Sheri and Nicole. And also from Matt and Brett who often had to act as single parents to give the girls time to help. But other than the girls help, he has single handedly taken care of every

aspect of my mom’s life, and every step, milestone, or disappointment in her treatment. On any typical day he would wake at 3 am to get my mom showered and dressed. He would then make her breakfast, do some dishes, and have about 10 minutes to get himself ready for work. He would then go off to his 12 hour shift at the paper mill. After work, he would make dinner, help mom eat, then get her comfortable in her recliner with her favorite TV show. After cleaning up dinner, he would do some laundry, cut the grass and/or pay some bills and then get my mom ready for bed.

Dad, I don’t want you to ever think for one second you failed. When cancer came knocking at the door, you said (strong words) to that disease. Because of your love for mom and her amazing strength, we were blessed with almost two years of time we weren’t supposed to have. I recently heard a quote that God gives his toughest tasks to his strongest soldiers, and I think this perfectly fits you and mom.

I looked up the definition of a hero this week. It said “a person, typically a man who is admired or

idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. This couldn’t be more fitting. You are our hero for the compassionate and unselfish way you took care of mom. There wasn’t a single thing more that could have been done. It was her time and God’s plan, no chemo or miracle drug would have changed the outcome. As was in her nature, I believe she would have wanted to go first in order to have the cabin in Heaven ready before we get there.

– By permission from Jason Hoffmann, from a eulogy spoken at his mother’s funeral. His mom was Diane Hoffmann. The funeral was on September 14, 2013 at OSLC. Diane (Clark) Hoffmann, 55, Green Bay, went home to the Lord on Tuesday, September 10, 2013, after a courageous two and a half year fight against cancer with her loving and devoted family by her side. She was born June 15, 1958. Diane was the perfect wife, amazing mother and a world class Nana. God gave her endless talents and she used them to touch the lives of many people.

Pastor Dave


On December 2 from 4-8pm, Pizza Ranch will be holding a fundraising night for Trinity. The school receives a portion of the sales and any tips that are left in a special container at the restaurant. The 7th and 8th grade students and their teacher will be serving and bussing tables. Come out and enjoy a

break from your 10th turkey sandwich!

On December 16, the students of Green Bay Trinity will celebrate Christmas in story and song. Come to the Sanctuary at Our Saviour at 7pm and watch these children show their love for their Saviour as he comes to us in human form to save us from our sins.



The Board of Evangelism has arranged for Our Saviour members to participate in these community giving opportunities this Christmas season. All donations and gifts are due back

to church by December 8, 2013. (The church will be open on December 7 from 9-11am for the Christmas Program practice if you are unable to come on Sunday due to the change in Packer game time.) Our Saviour is a collection spot for the Salvation Army’s ‘Toys for Teens’ program; this is a spin-off of the ‘Toys for Tots’ program. A list of teen gift ideas can be found in the Narthex. These and other gifts for children (tots OR teens) can be brought to Our Saviour; the collection box is near the2nd floor elevator). Many children in our area will receive no Christmas gifts outside of the Salvation Army’s programs. Toys for Tots/Toys for Teens gifts should be unwrapped and unlabeled. Another opportunity comes to us through Bornemann Nursing Home. A list of eight residents and suggested gifts for each can be found at the Welcome Center. (We have had a tremendous response and all residents were adopted as of the writing of this article.) All gifts should be returned wrapped (or placed in gift bags) and labeled. We also have member families who are struggling to make ends meet. If you would be interested in adopting a family, or individual members of a family, please contact Michelle in the office at (920) 468-4065 or by email at Food, Christmas gifts, gift cards and/or monetary donations are requested. Let’s not forget that our CHICKS WITH STIX are working year-round to help those locally with winter hats, scarves and mittens as well as making wheelchair bags for local nursing home residents and dolls and pillowcase dresses for needy around the world. If you have winter knit items, please also bring those to Our Saviour by December 8 so they can be distributed this year.


A Pair and a Spare - This collection of new socks and underwear will run from January 13th to February 11th. New socks and underwear for all ages, male and female, will be collected during this annual campaign. Make an effort to buy a ‘pair or a spare’ for someone in need this winter.

Help for the Homeless is an annual collection of personal hygiene and household cleaning products. This year’s campaign will run from March 1 to March 30. Items focused on for this collection are personal hygiene items (deodorant, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes and more) as well as cleaning supplies like Mr. Clean, dishwashing detergent, and laundry soap.

All items collected during these two campaigns will be distributed to local homeless shelters and to needy individuals through local non-profit venues that focus on helping those in need in our area.



Our Saviour LWML recently hosted the fall rally for zone 19. Zone 19 includes several churches in our area. While the OSLC ladies were busy making paw‐shaped cookies and providing food for about 60 people, our special guests came from out‐of‐town. Tiffany Manor (from Connecticut) and Olympia (from Chicago) visited the rally and ministered to many people in the area, including visiting a nursing home, school, and our Sunday services. Olympia is a Comfort Dog who has been comforting people for at least five years. Tiffany is a deaconess who has been serving people for years, recently with Lutheran 

Church Charities, the organization that trains and provides the Comfort Dogs. At the rally, hundreds of dollars were donated to Lutheran Church Charities, for the Comfort Dog ministry, and over 30 hand‐tied blankets were distributed to people at Moraine Ridge. 


Stephenie Hovland recently attended the national Lutherans For Life conference. This year's conference was very well received with record attendance. Some of the highlights included a visit from Iowa's governor, Terry Branstad, and an inspiring talk by LCMS President Matthew Harrison. Lutherans For Life president, Diane Schroeder, stepped down after many years of service. Lynnette Auch will take over the presidency in February. Executive Director, Dr. James Lamb, is beginning a new initiative, called Owen's Mission, to get more positive life resources into every LCMS elementary and high school in America. Stephenie is on the National Board of Directors and has seen a lot of great progress over the past few years. She says that Lutherans For Life is unique in that it is a gospel‐focused life ministry that seeks to equip churches to also embrace life as God intends. Next year's national conference will be in Grand Rapids, Michigan near the end of October.  


OSLC THANKS OUR SPONSORS! Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of ‘The Voice” each month. If you would like to advertise, please contact Michelle in the Church office at (920) 468-4065 or Please support the sponsors who help support us.

“Our Saviour’s Voice” is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Green Bay, Wisconsin. Vacancy Editor, DH Hatch. Please feel free to contact the church office with constructive suggestions and/or comments at Thanks to those who have already commented! We are always seeking more congregational input and submissions. 


Senior Pastor – David H. Hatch (920) 609-0248

Associate Pastor – Greg Hovland (920) 544-3614

Church Office – Michelle Burhite (920) 468-4065

Preschool Director – Christina Scholz (920) 468-3596


We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more! FPU classes meet for around an hour and a half each week for nine weeks. It will meet on Tuesday nights at 6:30pm starting January 7, 2014 (ends March 4). It is hosted by Our Saviour Lutheran Church. You do not need to be a member to participate. For more information or to register, go to or call (920) 468-4065. Each family of participants will need a FPU membership kit. You may purchase the kit directly from or from Our Saviour Lutheran (for $100). 



HOW SHOULD WE THEN LIVE? Classes begin January 8, 2014 (Wednesdays at 6pm and Sundays at 10:30am)

The idea of the project, How Should We Then Live?, both as a film documentary and as a book, was conceived in 1974 and completed in 1976. In the Acknowledgements, Francis Schaeffer writes about the idea behind the project: “Using my study, over the past forty years, of Western thought and culture as a base, we could attempt to present the flow and development which have led to twentieth-century thinking and, by so doing, hope to show the essential answers.” The subtitle

is “The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture.” Starting from ancient Roman times, tracing man’s development throughout the Middle Ages, going to the Renaissance, Reformation, and Enlightenment, he shows the steps which led to the modern era. (Review by Jacob Schriftman, Author of The C.S. Lewis Book on the Bible: What the Greatest Christian Writer Thought About the Greatest Book)

Those that participated in The Truth Project will find this series to be similarly thought-provoking as you develop a world-view. This series will expand our understanding of how we got where we are politically, socially and culturally. No sign up necessary. Wednesdays begin the class with the same topic on the following Sunday.



KEEP IN TOUCH WITH OSLC There are many ways to keep in touch and know what is happening at Our Saviour.

1. Check your mail…you never know when you might be the recipient of mail from OSLC! 2. Pick up a copy of The Voice, which includes a monthly calendar, or view it on our website.3. Read the Church Council minutes. These are available at the Welcome Center or on our

website after they have been approved. 4. Read the weekly announcement sheet when you attend service; you are welcome to take a

copy home as a reminder of future events! 5. Visit the website ( to see calendar events, The Voice, the weekly

announcements and more…Sign up to receive notices by email including Fish Fry reminders and volunteer opportunity information.

6. Social Media - follow us on Twitter and Facebook and check in at Four Square when visiting church.

7. Notify the office by email ( or phone (468-4065) of changes to your mailing address, phone number and/or email address. Let us know when your kids move out (or back in)!

8. Have a friend or relative call us if you are hospitalized. Or ask the admitting nurse to notify us (this takes longer but we’ll get the message).

UPCOMING events Don’t’ be left behind! We have many events planned, so

add these events to your calendar and plan to attend. December 1 9:00am Christmas Cookie, Candy and More Bake Sale December 8 All Day Last Day: Toys for Teens/Nursing Home Gifts December 13 5:00pm Monthly Fish Fry December 15 10:00am Voters’ Meeting December 15 All Services Loyalty Sunday December 15 10:45am S.S. Christmas Pageant December 16 7:00pm GB Trinity Christmas Program December 18 5:30, 6 and 6:30pm Live Nativity – 3 presentations December 18 5:00pm-7pm Soup Supper December 24 1:30pm, 3:30pm Praise Worship Service December 24 5:30pm, 7:30pm Traditional Worship Service December 25 10:00am Traditional Worship Service December 31 6:00pm New Years’ Eve Worship January 7 6:00pm Financial Peace – First Class (runs 9 weeks) Weds., January 8 6:00pm Francis Schaeffer’s ‘How Should We Then Live’ Sun., January 12 Weds/Sun Series runs thru February 26


It’s not about the money…it’s about serving the Lord. On Loyalty Sunday, every confirmed member of Our Saviour is asked to bring forward their ‘Loyalty Card’. This card, which you should pray over before completing, shows the personal time, talent and treasures that will be used for their Lord in 2014. Please consider what you can offer in

thanks to all that you receive.


“Christmas at the barn” At the rock-k ranch (2374 Day St, Hwy 96, Greenleaf)

Thursday, December 19 5:30-8:30pm

Live Nativity in the Barn (every 30 minutes beginning at 5:30pm)

Special music and caroling in the barn

Free Hayrides – Wagons leave every 20 minutes beginning at 5:30pm. Dress warmly for the 40-minute round trip through woods to the bonfire and back.

Bonfire in the Woods – Warm up and sing by the fire.

Warming Shed Events 5:30-6:30pm: The Juggler with the Yellow Shoes 6:30pm-8:30pm: “The Magic of Christmas” (ventriloquist, puppets, clowns & more)




This event is sponsored by Alleluia Lutheran Church. Please call 532-3892 if you have any questions. All events are provided free of charge; donations are welcome.


Offering envelopes for 2014 are now available for pick up in the office hallway. Envelope numbers are offered for the purpose of having your offerings to Our Saviour recorded. If offering envelopes were not assigned to you but you desire to use them for 2014, please contact the office. Your offerings can also be recorded without envelopes by utilizing SimplyGiving, with automatic withdrawals from your checking or savings account. Under SimplyGiving, you are assigned a special number under which donations that are not automatic would also be recorded. Draws can be

weekly, monthly or two times per month for the amount you select. You can designate the unified budget and/or the building/mortgage budget. With SimplyGiving, you don’t need to remember to write a check; your offering is received by the church, whether you are able to attend or not! Annual statements showing your offerings for 2013, which can be used for tax purposes, will be available at church in early to mid-January 2014. Statements not picked up by January 26 will be mailed to the address on record at Our Saviour.


LET’S EAT! As Lutherans, we don’t hold the corner on good eats but we do pretty well

with sharing what we have and including food in many fellowship events.

In December, we have the opportunity to reach out to the community with not just the monthly Fish Fry on Friday, December 13, but also the Soup Supper on December 18.

The monthly Fish Fry utilizes a fish and chicken dinner menu with waitresses and carryout available. Make sure to pick up a schedule of

dates thru May 2014. The Soup Supper brings warmth to the night of the Live Nativity, December 18. Come to relive the journey of Mary and Joseph, the miracle of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ in a manger in Bethlehem and the visit from Three Wise Men bearing gifts.



The Sunday School children will share their love of God our Father and Jesus Christ, his son and our brother, in “The First Christmas” on Sunday December 15 at 10:45am. Please join us for this very special hour.

Parents, rehearsal for the pageant will be during the Sunday school hour for the next three weeks as well as on two Saturdays (December 7 and 14 from 9-11am). Please make sure that your child’s Sunday school teacher knows if your child will participate

in the December 15 pageant. If you have an email address in the church database, copies of the songs to practice were sent to you

last month.

December 2013 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 7:45am Trad Worship 9:15am Praise Worship w/Holy Baptism 9:30am Sun School 10:45am Trad Worship

2 4pm-8pm Pizza Ranch Fundraiser for Trinity 7pm Board of Elders

3 7am Bible Study* 9am Bible Study* 7pm Choir Practice

4 12pm Staff Meeting 3pm Youth Night 5pm Meal 6pm Praise Band 6pm The Truth Project 6pm Confirmation and Ken Ham Series 6:30 pm HS Bible Study*

5 12:15pm Worship 5:30pm Schleh/Miller Wedding Rehearsal 6:30pm Cub Scouts 7pm Trad Worship

6 3pm Schleh/Miller Wedding

7 9am Christmas Pageant Rehearsal

8 MITE BOX SUNDAY 7:45am Trad Worship 7:45am Bible Study* 9:15am Praise Worship 9:15am Bible Study* 9:30am Sun School 10:30am Ken Ham

9 9am Circuit 19 at OSLC 1pm Chicks with Stix 6pm Personnel & Finance 6:45pm Church Council

10 7am Bible Study* 9am Bible Study* 7pm Choir Practice

11 12pm Staff Meeting 3pm Youth Night 5pm Meal 6pm Praise Band 6pm The Truth Project 6pm Confirmation, Live Nativity Practice and Ken Ham Series 6:30 pm HS Bible Study* 7:30pm Youth Board

12 12:15pm Worship 4pm Fish Fry Prep 7pm Trad Worship 7:45pm Evangelism

13 5pm Monthly Fish Fry

14 9am Christmas Pageant Rehearsal

15 LOYALTY SUNDAY 7:45am Trad Worship 7:45am Bible Study* 9:15am Abbreviated Praise Worship 9:15am Bible Study* 9:30am Sun School 10am Voters Meeting 10:30am Bible Study 10:45am SS Children’s Christmas Pageant

16 7pm Board of Education 7pm Trinity Christmas Program

17 7am Bible Study* 8am OLM Meeting 9am Bible Study* 6:30pm Preschool Family Christmas Night 7:15pm Choir Practice

18 12pm Staff Meeting 3pm Youth Night 5pm Soup Supper 5:30pm Live Nativity (and 6 and 6:30pm) 6pm Praise Band 6pm The Truth Project 6:30 pm HS Bible Study*

19 12:15pm Worship 6:30pm Cub Scouts 7pm Trad Worship

20 21

22 7:45am Trad Worship 7:45am Bible Study* 9:15am Praise Worship 9:15am Bible Study* 10:30am Bible Study 10:45am Trad Worship

23 24 CHRISTMAS EVE 7am Bible Study* 1:30pm Praise Worship 3:30pm Praise Worship 5:30pm Trad Worship 7:30pm Trad Worship

25 CHRISTMAS 10am Worship

26 12pm Gym Rental

27 28

29 7:45am Trad Worship 9:15am Praise Worship 10:45am Trad Worship

30 31 NEW YEAR’S EVE 7am Bible Study* 6pm Worship

Packers games in December are on the 8th (at noon-changed from 7:30pm) and the 22nd (currently scheduled for 3:25pm). Workers are still needed for both games; contact Neil Burmeister at 866-9088 to get the details or to volunteer. Please note the change in the date of the Voters’ Meeting (due to the Packer’s change) from the 8th to the 15th.