DECEMBER 2014 THE LAK SWAN - Maroochy Surf Club · Athletes Profile .....8 Athletes Profile .....9...

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President ........................ ..1

General Meeting ............ ..2

Mal Pratt Foundation .. 2

Xmas Day Patrol ........... 2

Mal Pratt Foundation ..2

Help Needed Carnival .. 3

Boaties .............................. 3

SC Sports Hall of Fame3

Shimoda News................ 4

Director of Lifesaving .. 5

Centenary Whispers ..... 6

IRB News .......................... 7

Athletes Profile .............. 8

Athletes Profile .............. 9

Coaches Corner ............. 10

Nippers Calendar 11-13


Maroochy Monthly

Murphy Builders Carnival is approaching fast on the 13 & 14 December. We need

Helpers for this great Surf Carnival. The weekend will have a great atmosphere plus

Fox Sport are televising the event.

‘Murphy Builders Bar’ will once again be operating in the car park. Hopefully this year

without the hail stones. Beach Events are at night so stay late to watch and have a

cold drink and a burger.

Sunday (14th) after the carnival has finished ALL COMPETITORS are to help pull

down the Arenas and other equipment. When this work is finished the Workforce will

be provided with food and drinks as a Thank You for their contribution.

21 December is the $10,000 Draw. Tickets are ON SALE NOW. At only $100.00

per ticket you get a great afternoon of food and drink catching up with fellow club

members, PLUS a good chance to win $10,000 or five chances to win $200 cash

LAST CHANCE Proficiency is on 7th December.

The General meeting in December will be held on the Sunday 28th

starting at

9.00am upstairs in the Black Swan Room. It is important that all members come

along and hear how the Club is progressing, and to have their say.

At the General Meeting, the Building Committee representative will present the re-

development plans for the downstairs area. Also the Constitution Committee Chair

will give a briefing on progress to date.

Best wishes to Maroochydore athletes competing in the Inter Branch Championships

on 29th & 30

th November at the Gold Coast. Maroochydore is proud that 18 of our

members are selected to compete in the Sunshine Coast Team. Our representatives

are aged between U13 to U17 and the club has the largest representation of any

Sunshine Coast club. Well done to our coaches and athletes.

With the festive season coming fast, it is important that we ask our member’s if they

have any spare time on Christmas day to help patrol. Maroochydore are proud of

our record that no life has been lost between the flags. With many more people visit-

ing our beach during Christmas Day, we need more help to keep this record.

Shimoda Lifesaving club will be here in December. Please catch up with and make

the 11 visiting life savers welcome. Ako and Sandy are again here. Shimoda Ex-

change is a great culture experience for our members, and I encourage all members

to get involved and be part of this enjoyable experience.

Finally, I wish all our members and their family a safe and joyful festive season.

See you on the beach Steve Wieland

Mobile 04 0949 7912

PO Box 390,

Maroochydore Q 4558 Phone: 07 5443 1323 Email:


Your are hereby advised that a General Meeting of the Maroochydore Surf Lifesaving Club is being called for SUNDAY 28th December 2014 commencing at 09.00 am in the Black Swan Room.



Confirmation of Previous General Meeting Minutes 28th December 2013

Business arising from General Meeting Minutes

Reports from

President Board of Administration and Membership Board of Finance and Resources Board of Surf Life Saving Board of Surf Sports Board of Marketing and Promotion Board of Junior Activities Other Committee Reports Delegate Reports

Notices of Motion

Do you have a few hours to spare on

Christmas Day?

As has been the case in the past Christmas Day patrols are a

Voluntary Day and not rostered.

We will be operating 3 Patrol Time Slots as follows:

Patrol 1 6.45am to 11.30

Patrol 2 11.15am to 2.30pm

Patrol 3 2.15pm to 6.00pm

Even if you can help for an hour or so that would be

terrific – just let us know your availability.

We are also looking for key people to take on the role

of Patrol Captains and IRB Personnel for each shift.

Please email back if

you can help us at all.



“ A big thank you to Jenni Belcher, Narelle Souter, Brad Kildey Natalie Jarrott, and Sophie Croucher, for

your assistance, support and mentor-ing over recent weeks, of a number

of new Foundation beneficiaries/members to the club “.


Carnival Workforce Needed!

Carnival Set Up Friday 12th November meet in the Gear Shed

Carnival Officials Food Prep from 6.00am Saturday 13th December meet in the Common Room Kitch-

en—Bring a knife.

Crash patrol—Needed all day Saturday and Sunday ring Michelle with times you are available

Early Carnival Set up from 6am on Saturday and Sunday

BBQ Helpers needed all day on Saturday through to 6pm for the sprints under lights and Sunday

Do you have a RSA? We need you to man the Murphy Builder Bar on Saturday and Sunday

If you can spare anytime for the above please contact

Michelle in the Lifesaving Administration Officer

5443 1323 or

Under 23 Girls Crew Swept by Pat McGuire in Action


At the Sunshine Coast Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony last

night former CEO/General Manager Kerry Taylor received a Certificate of

Merit for his services as a Sports Administrator. Kerry has been a

volunteer since 1962 for Maroochydore SLSC and was the CEO/General

Manager for 26 years. A big congratulation to KT

WELCOME SHIMODA Alan Vidler—Shimoda Committee


On December the 12th until December 23rd this year the Shimoda squad will be here again to enjoy our

hospitality and training sessions. There are 9 members this year, 4 males and 5 females. Please make them feel welcome, if you see them and if you want to drop in to meet them I am sure that they would be very pleased to meet you. We know that communicating has always been challenging but give it a go.

Every year there are more English speaking members but hold back on the jokes, this seems to catch them out on our warped senses of humour.

This year the squad will be concentrating on Board training with Terry O’Çonnor, Ski training with Alan Vidler, Beach Training with Glen Wilson and fitness training with Brad Kildey. There will be a body surfing session ar-ranged by Maggie Donnelly and will include Alisha Ellwood, Bec Pegg and possibly Pamela Hendry, if you would like to join in on any of these sessions please contact me and I will slot you in.

Thankyou for your welcoming the squad.

Alan Vidler

Shimoda Committee



As the year draws to close there are a few things that we need to do to make sure everything is in place for the coming year.

First and foremost I want to thank everyone who has done a patrol since the season began in September. We certain-ly have not been blessed with great conditions on the beach so far with more very windy days or overcast days than good fine days with little or no wind. Mind you the recent nipper carnival in early November was an exception with good conditions all day long.

A couple of reminders are the order of the day.

The last proficiency for the year will be conducted on Sunday 7th December. If you haven’t already managed to do

your proficiency you need to make sure you are there for that session as it is scheduled as the last one. If you miss it and need to gain your proficiency you will need to liaise with Nick Dash the club Supervisor/Secretary to organise to do it at another club.

If you are a competitor and wish to compete in club events or Aussies next year you must have a minimum of 25 hours on patrol before 31st December. That does not mean that you can simply not do your rostered patrols after the end of this year either. If any questions speak to either me or Club Team Manager, Justin Fay.

Christmas Day patrols as always are purely volunteer so we really do need your sup-port and time to man the patrols this year by volunteering your time for a very worthy cause. Last Christmas Day we had a major rescue on Christmas Day afternoon with the volunteers all pulling together to carry out a major rescue that saw the patient pulled from the water, north of the flagged area unconscious and not breathing. As a result of the actions of the team on the beach that fellow is still alive and although spending days in intensive care and hospital, he lives to tell his tale. Needless to say he is very grate-ful to Maroochy Surf Club for saving his life. I am hoping that we may be able to man 3

patrols on the day to allow everyone to spend limited time away from family and friends but that will of course be deter-mined by numbers of volunteers on the day. We particularly need Patrol captains, IRB drivers and crewies, as well as members with ART and first aid qualifications. So if you can spare any time please register your names etc with Michelle for this day. If you can spare an hour or two we really need your help once again to cover our beach. Please let Michelle know as soon as you can so I can work out logistics etc and organise food for all concerned.

Lastly, I want to bring to the attention of all members an issue concerning the damage we regularly seem to have to our rescue boards. When the boards are placed in the brackets in the small beach towers, whenever the wind is really strong we have often had the small towers blow over. On almost every such occasion the rescue board ends up with a hole being punched in by the board bracket on the towers. Can I therefore ask you all to remove the boards from the towers when it is windy and place them on the windward side of the towers just in case the towers do blow over. I would also ask that the flags be part furled to reduce the wind resistance to prevent them from blowing over in the first instance. It would be a very difficult issue to cover off if we had an instance where a tower blows over and hits a visitor to the beach causing an injury of some sort.

It is really a matter of we must take every precaution and make sure the public are never placed at risk of injury.

Once again thank you all for your support so far this season and I look forward to seeing you all on the beach on a very regular basis as I spend time with each patrol.

We will aim to organise a clubbies Christmas barbie before years end but that will be advertised widely once we set a date etc . So watch that space !!!

Have a great Christmas one and all



that' Maroochydore Life Saving Club' was a 'Royal' Life Saving Club from January 1916 until the State Centre of Surf Life-

saving was formed in Brisbane in January 1931.

that Maroochydore first competed in a Royal Lifesaving competition, at a pool in Brisbane, on 3 April 1916, a mere 3 months

after it's Foundation. The Bli Bli Squad (the second Squad was Maroochy River) was invited/encouraged to participate in the

Barry Cup (Royal) competition in Brisbane on 31 March 1916, a mere 3 months after Formation.

that after the formation of Queensland Surf Lifesaving in 1931, the first State Champion Club was Maroochydore. The State

Championships were held at Coolangatta in January 1932. Maroochydore were the inaugural winners of the R&R, Belt Race,

Surf Race, Junior Surf Race and Surf Relay. Mooloolaba won the Boat Race that day.

that in 1933 Maroochydore hosted the State Titles for the first time. 2015 will be the 11th time we have hosted them, with

the venue moved 3 times because of inclement sea conditions.


The first official Centenary function will be a lunch to celebrate the roles played by the Foundation and Pioneer Families who

formed the backbone of the Club from the time its formation was first mooted in the Nambour Progress Association meeting of

July 1915.

The impetus for formation of a Lifesaving Club at Maroochy Heads was news of the unsuccessful attempt to form a Reel Squad

at Noosa Heads/ Laguna Bay, as well as an unacceptably high level of drowning fatalities, since the 1890's, at the popular camp-

ing spot known as 'The Heads'.

Many Foundation and Pioneer Family Descendants have helped our Principal Researcher, Peter Rigby, with stories and incredi-

ble photos of the early years.

Any current member with information about someone with an early 1915-1940 connection to the Club should contact Michelle at

the Office with their contact details.


Our Graphic Artist, Pam Smiles, has done a great job so far on our Centenary History, which looks like it will run to 3 volumes:

Vol One - Formation to 1960

Vol Two - 1960 to 2015

Vol Three - Black Swan Record 1916 to 2015 (competition record) Volumes One & Two will be launched on 1 January 2016.

Volume Three, the Black Swan Record, will be launched at a special Gold Medallists event in October 2015.

More news on that event in the next Centenary Whispers....

photos courtesy of the Andersons and Suosaari Collections

As the season is now well underway focus has turned to patrolling the beach with the odd Carnival thrown in from time to

time. One item that seems to keep popping up

is the choke cut-off valve seizing up. What I

have noticed on a couple of times is the top

cowling was not fitted correctly while on the

beach and I think there is enough of a gap to

allow salt water in. This would also be support-

ed by reports of the motor not running well. So

before you use the IRB, test the cowling is fitted

even if it looks OK, just take a moment to be


Our supply of the yellow long sleeve patrol rashi-

e’s has run out, however by late December they

should be available again through The Surf

Shop (so I have been told), I will do my best to supply current patrol members come early January, you will be required to


You require a Boat Licence to attain your


0427 110025

Boat Licence

Mention your are a member of Maroochydore SLSC and you will be given a

reduced fee

At what Age did you join Maroochydore SLSC and why?

Age 9, I joined Maroochydore as we moved to the Sunshine

Coast for the lifestyle and my parents were involved in life-

saving throughout their youth. Maroochydore had a vibe of

positive and supportive energy and an aspect of a family

oriented focus which my parents thought would be a good

environment for me to grow up in.

What has inspired you to compete and train at an Inter-

national Level in both Surf Lifesaving and Pool Swim-


I’ve always enjoyed competing and as I’ve developed and

progressed, my success has encouraged me to continue

to strive to do the best that I can in my sporting career which

has eventuated to an international level.

What is your favourite Surf/Pool Rescue event to com-

pete in?

My favourite surf event is the Surf Race and my favourite Pool Rescue event is the 200m obstacles

In the Pool what is your favourite stroke and distance?

My favourite pool event is the 100m Freestyle

What has been your biggest accomplishment in Surf Lifesaving and Pool Swimming?

Surf lifesaving – Selection and competing for Australia at the Youth National Championships and then at the

Interclub championships for Maroochydore at the Rescue 2014 World Lifesaving Championships (France), where I

gained a total of 14 medals and also placing 1st and breaking every Youth World Record in all my pool rescue

events at the Youth National Championships.

Pool Swimming – 1st in the Women’s 4x100m freestyle relay (54:33 – my split) in a Junior Pan Pacific record and

an unofficial Youth World Record, and 2nd

in the 100m Freestyle (54:93 – my time) at the Junior Pan Pacific

Championships 2014 (Hawaii). As well as selection, competing and medalling at the Oceania Swimming Champi-

onships (New Zealand), FINA World Cup (Singapore and Tokyo), FINA Junior World Swimming Championships

(Dubai) and the Youth Olympic Festival (Sydney).

What is your current training regime?

I currently do 14 sessions a week comprising of 9 swim sessions, 3 gym session

and 2 Pilates sessions.

What is your favourite thing about Surf Lifesaving?

My favourite thing about Surf Lifesaving is competing and achieving the goals I

set for myself as well as having the comradery of my Surf Club and teammates. I

also love that though you may progress through to a world level your Surf Club

will remain an integral part of you and your sporting achievements.

Another favourite thing about Surf Lifesaving is the message we promote to the

public and raising awareness about water safety.

Where do you see yourself in 2016 in both sport and life?

In 2016 I see myself studying Medical Laboratory Science at QUT University and

hopefully training in preparation for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio and the Res-

cue 2016 in the Netherlands.

Athlete Profile—Chelsea Gillett

Athlete Profile—Tom Marr

At what Age did you join Maroochydore SLSC and why?

I joined the surf club when I was 5 years old and moved straight into the green cap age group. My parents played a massive role in me joining the lifesaving movement as my Dad has been involved with surf lifesaving for the past 38 years and specifically involved with Maroochydore for the past 25 or

so years.

What has inspired you to compete and train for Surf Lifesaving?

I love the sport of surf lifesaving. The unkown element of the ocean is what keeps me coming back time and time again. No two races are ever the same and this is because of the ever changing conditions which we must combat every time we enter the water. I train because I love to race and I like to race

well, so I try to be as fit as possible prior to major events.

What is your favourite Surf/Pool Rescue event to compete in?

Belt Race and Open Taplin.

What has been your biggest accomplishment in Surf Lifesaving?

Throughout my time at Maroochydore, I've won several state championships, placed in national finals and also have come second in the Coolangatta Gold Teams Race. However, I consider my greatest accomplishment in surf life-saving to be making life long friends who I will stay in touch with long after

my competitive days are over.

What is your current training regime?

Currently, I'm about to graduate high school so pies and chocolate milk have taken priority over training. However, when

I'm in peak fitness I usually swim 7-9 times a week as well as 2-3 session in the gym.

What is your favourite thing about Surf Lifesaving?

Over the past three years I've stopped racing in anything but swim events. So currently, my favourite part about lifesaving is walking down the beach with my goggles in hand while watching everyone else struggle with skis, boards,

boats and paddles.

How do you juggle Surf Lifesaving/School/Part-Time work?

This year has been pretty hectic to juggle all of my different commitments, especially because of year 12 study and also the fact that nationals were held in Western Australia. However, it's important to not lose sight of the bigger picture, lifesaving is just a sport that we all do for fun and I've found this way thinking really important when prioritising my study over my sport. Normally my week consists of training in the morning, school during the day, training in the arvo, study at night and then repeat for five days. On the weekends I nor-mally work a fair bit as I currently have two part time jobs and also try to maintain some sort of a social life. I believe that it is essential to maintain a strong balance between all aspects of your life if you want to succeed in sport.

Where do you see yourself in 2016 in both sport and life?

In 2016 I see myself in the second year of my marine biology degree at the University of Queensland and also still competing for the surf club quite seri-ously. I'd love to be able to compete in the Open Surf Race Final, Open Belt Race Final and also the Open Taplin Relay Final at the 2016 Maroochydore National Titles.

See Page 10 for Coaches Comments on

Tom Marr and Chelsea Gillett


The end of school is in sight and holidays are nearly here. This time of year can prove to be quite stressful with exam pressure

and training commitments becoming overbearing at times. Try to take time out throughout the day for yourself, spend 10-20

minutes relaxing, recharging and keeping your emotions in check. Break down your commitments into segments and work

though them patiently; if you’re having trouble with anything communicate with parents and coaches for assistance.

Changes to schedule

Monday Nipper Board at club as of 15th Dec.

Tuesday Senior Board at club as of 16th Dec.

Swim in’s and out’s at Club Mon, Wed, Fri 8am as of the 15th


There will be a combined session of Nippers and Seniors on Saturday 20th of December at 7.30am, the session length will be

2hrs. This will be followed by a club breakfast.

We will be taking a break starting Christmas day and returning on Saturday 3rd

of December. Over this period you are

encouraged to remain active without over doing it. The break is designed to recharge your body and mind, spend time with

loved ones and enjoy the festive season. The break last season had a positive effect on the back half of the season with im-

proved training and performance form the previous year. Enjoy!


Nathan Greig

Coaching Coordinator

Coach Athlete Profile Updates

Thomas Marr

Tom is a second generation Maroochydore member; following in the footsteps of his father Jae who raced for the

Club in the late 80’s –early 90’s. Tom is a specialist swimmer who has come through the nipper system learning his

craft from a young age. He has continued to develop and mature as an athlete and in 2013 finished 10th in the U17

Surf Race at Aussies. Tom will be a strong contender for the swim leg in this year’s U19 Taplin Team that will be one

of the gun teams at the Aussies.

Chelsea Gillett

Chelsea has come through the Nipper ranks in a dominant age group that won every title put in front of them. She

has developed into one of the best junior swimmers in the country for both pool and surf competition (representing

Australia for both sports). At the recent World Titles Chelsea was too sick to contest her Individual Surf Swim howev-

er dragged herself out of bed to contest the U19 Taplin with her Maroochydore mates and blew the competition

away. A highlight for me was watching Chelsea win the Open Swim at the Maroochy Classic in 2012 as a 15 year


Don’t forget there will be no nippers Sunday 14th Decem-

ber due to the Murphy Builders Classic Carnival, Make sure

you come down and support our seniors and watch some

great to come down to the beach and have a burger and

watch some fast and furios sprint and flags on the beach un-

der lights.

Our last day of nippers for 2014 will be Sunday 21st which

will be our Christmas breakup and hopefully a visit from

someone special!! Bring lots of water and wear lots of sunscreen.!

You can all sleep in on Sunday 28th December as there wont be any nippers that weekend.

We will be back on deck for those of you who are here over the holidays with all age groups Sun-

day January 4th & 11th

Don’t forget to keep selling those raffle tickets and hand them in and include the front sheet with

your name for your chance to win.

Nipper News

Junior Lifesavers

Nipper News Cont.

Nipper News Cont.