December 2016

Post on 13-Feb-2017

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December 2016 Volume 163



Allotment Winter tidy up for Christmas by Jim le Couteur

Children, can you spot the hedgehog ? Though it’s a bit late for him to be out.


The Community centre has needed quite a bit of work lately. In

August the external lights were replaced with low energy LED's and

the sensor switches and timers were overhauled. This has provided a

reliable bright light which is of benefit to all users of the car park and side walk. We are

grateful to Councillor Rob Humby and Hampshire County Council for a £600 grant towards

the cost.

Also during August the Gloucester Hall floor was

stripped, sanded and resealed. This is a job that

should be done every 5 to 10 years. This is only

the 2nd time in the centre’s 24 year history that it

has been done and will preserve the floor for some

years to come. Who would have thought that

under all the build up of stains and varnishes

there was a beautiful maple floor?

During half term week the CCTV system has

been overhauled, cameras have been cleaned and

repositioned, the skateboard camera has been

replaced and a new computer installed which

gives excellent pictures and recording. The cost of

this work has been shared with the parish

council. This should assist the police in

identifying persons who damage and vandalise

the centre of the village.

Whilst the Electricians were working here, our

decorator, Graham King, was busy filling up

holes, touching up and making good the damage

that had been done to paintwork in recent

months. Fortunately the centre was in a

reasonably good state of repair this year. He was

able to fit this in with the replacement of the

internal lighting so that the same mechanical

platform could be used for both purposes. Many

thanks to our lighting suppliers LVD

Installations for saving us the additional expense.

The pictures on the right show the Gloucester

Hall in all it’s glory with the new lights at

different settings.

The newly sanded and sealed floor reflects the

light settings.

It looks as though our heating system in the

Gloucester Hall might have reached the end of

its life. The stage end heater has failed and we

cannot access it to replace any components. A decision is being made as to the way forward;

heating companies are being invited to provide alternative solutions.

Office - 01962715789

Bookings - 01962 711453

Out of hours Information - 023 80692409


Volume 163 Page 3

Ivor Bundell

Maureen Rees

Matt Parr

Simon Dakeyne

John Strougler


Treasurer & Centre Manager trustee

Chair—Social Committee



All trustees can be contacted

through the Community centre

office email

Maureen can also be contacted on


The Colden Common Community Centre will be 25 years old next Spring, 2017. We want to

celebrate this special event and would love you to help us make this a fantastic occasion for the

whole village. Do please come to the planning meetings that are being arranged – bring your

energy and your ideas!

Community Centre:

The Colden Common Community Association (CCCA) leases the Community Centre building

from the Parish Council at a peppercorn rent. The CCCA has a full repairing lease on the

Community Centre, which means the CCCA Trustees are responsible for all capital and revenue

expenditure required for the upkeep of the building. This includes: regular bills for heating,

lighting, gas etc.; maintenance of the internal and external fabric of the building; and full

insurance coverage for property, staff and visitors. To meet these obligations we use income from

hiring out rooms, raise funds from events, and seek grants from public bodies. We employ part-

time staff to manage bookings and keep the centre clean and safe; volunteers operate a rota for

unlocking and locking the centre for evening and weekend functions; we have an unpaid full-time

volunteer Centre Manager.

The Future:

The Community Centre will be 25 years old next Spring, 2017, and many features and facilities

are now reaching end of life. In the last few years we have added some facilities and renewed

others. In the future we will be looking to modernise wherever necessary whilst maintaining

responsible management of limited funds. The CCCA will continue to provide the Community

Centre as a key resource to the village and to maintain the fabric and services supplied to the

best of our abilities.

We would love to have more Trustees to help ensure we maintain best practice as a Community

Association, and more volunteers to help with events throughout the year. If you are interested in

becoming a Trustee or working as a Volunteer, please contact us at: or give us a call on 01962-715789

Look forward to seeing you soon,

Ivor M Bundell

Chair CCCA Trustees


Volume 163 Page 4


The Planning Inspector has concluded during his inspection of the Winchester City Council Local

Plan (Part 2, site allocations) that no modifications are required to the policies relating to Colden

Common. It is hoped that the Local Plan for Winchester will be adopted in early 2017.

Colden Common has two sites which have been submitted for appeal against Winchester City

Council’s refusal to grant planning permission. They are Lower Moors Road and Main Road

(opposite King Charles Cottage). The Autumn appeal was postponed and is now planned for



Just before Christmas 2015, Eastleigh Borough Council announced that an Issues and Options

document would be going out for public consultation. This document identifies potential sites

within the borough of Eastleigh which are being considered for development to meet the

government’s housing target. One of the eight options (option b) is in Bishopstoke between

Stoke Park Wood and the village boundary south of Church Lane. It has been identified as

potentially accommodating up to 3,700 dwellings and 29,000m2 of employment floor space. In

seeking to address transport congestion in the wider area, this option also proposes a new road

link running from either Crowd Hill or Fishers Pond, across land South of Church Lane, and

exiting onto either Highbridge Road, North of Wardle Road or by the Allbrook Hill bridge. It is

proposed that the other side of the Bridge could accommodate a direct link on the M3 junction,

avoiding Pitmore Road.

The first stage of the public consultation closed in February, and despite options b & c having

more objections than any other possible sites, Eastleigh Borough Council decided to continue

with further feasibility studies.


been formed by a coalition of residents’ associations, Parish councils and individuals

across Bishopstoke, Fair Oak, Upham, Owslebury, Allbrook, Colden Common, Brambridge,

Highbridge, Twyford and Otterbourne. ADD are local people concerned about the impact this ill-

considered development will have on our lives. ADD recognises we must build new houses, but

options B&C are too destructive and the new development will be unsustainable. ADD are

fighting to get the message across before it is too late. The campaign is not linked to, or against,

any political party.

To learn more about ADD, and in particular options B and C, please go to:

Debbie Harding, Parish Clerk 01962 713700 or 07775 627131

Chairman Richard Izard 01962 712167,

Page 5 Volume 163

Sports / Meeting room hire

The Neil Smith Suite at Colden Common Park, Boyes Lane is now available for day time, cor-

porate hire, for meetings and conferences. The room can hold 40 people theatre style

and has ample free parking and kitchen facilities.

For any enquiries regarding the availability / bookings of our facilities at either Colden

Common Park or the Recreation Ground on Main Road contact Debbie Harding on

07775 627131 or .

Do you want to be kept up to date with Village events and information?

If you have access to the internet and have not already done so, please sign up to the Parish

Council Information Service.

Colden Common Information service is operated on behalf of the Community by Colden Common Parish Council. This service aims to alert those subscribed about local authority and community services, meetings and not for profit events in Colden Common and our surrounding parishes. You will not receive any commercial advertisements

You can see an archive of previous communications and sign up on the latest news section of

the Parish Council website.


Holy Trinity Church

I was very sad to see my Methodist colleague, John Archer’s piece in the last edition of Colden

Common Newsletter, bidding farewell, (for the second time!), to us all, as he retires and makes

way for the Rev’d Bob Kitching at the Methodist Church. It is very good to welcome Bob and my

hope is that the ties between the two churches continue to strengthen and the activities we

undertake together, also continue and grow. Indeed we have already started working together.

One feature of the past year has been the success of Open the Book which is a joint effort by the

different Christian groups in the village, coming together to perform different Bible stories to the

children at Colden Common Primary School. The organisers are to be complimented for their

originality when interpreting the stories for the children and the performers congratulated for

their invention and creativity in getting the message over. Many compliments have been paid to

the group about what they are doing.

Of course the children and everyone else will be turning their thoughts to Christmas and as you

receive this Newsletter the season of Advent, that time of preparation for Christmas, will have

just begun. In some ways it is a time of contradiction for Christians. The period leading up to the

celebration of the birth of Jesus, becomes increasingly busier for everyone, trying to have

everything ready before Christmas Day. Yet the intention of Advent in the church, is to pause and

reflect on the nature and importance of the approaching birth of the Son of God. Holding these

two opposing positions is not easy - if not impossible.

However you cope with Advent season and the run up to Christmas, all at Holy Trinity wish you a

very joyful Christmas and a Peaceful 2017, and we look forward to seeing you at any of our

Christmas Services.

December Services and Events

Sunday 4th 11am Patronal Benefice Communion at St Andrew’s, Owslebury

(no service at Holy Trinity)

Sunday 11th 9.45am Family Service

Monday 12th 6pm Cubs’, Beavers’ and Scouts’ Carol Service

Tuesday 13th 5pm Brownies’ Carol Service

Thursday 15th and Friday 16th 7.30pm Village Carol Concert

Sunday 18th 4pm the Village Carol Service at the Methodist Church where Holy

Trinity join the Methodists and other Christian groups to celebrate Christmas.

24th Christmas Eve, Sunday 24th 3.30pm Christingle - dressing the Crib, sing-

ing carols and lighting a candle in an orange!

11.30pm Midnight Eucharist

25th Christmas Day 9.30am Christmas Eucharist with Carols

Volume 163 Page 7

January Services and Events

1st, New Year’s Day, 11am Benefice Eucharist at St Mary’s, Twyford (no ser-

vice at Holy Trinity)

Sunday 8th, 9.45am Family Service celebrating the arrival of the Wise Men

and renewing our baptismal vows.


Sunday 12th, 9.45am Family Service

Early warning ! - 1st March is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent and

preparation for Easter and we mark this with a service at St Andrew’s


Regular Services

Sunday Eucharist is held at 9.30 on the first, third and fourth Sundays of the


Family Service is usually the second Sunday,

Evensong is held at 6pm on the second and fourth Sunday.

Would you like some COMPANY FOR LUNCH?

If so, please join us for a

two course, freshly cooked meal, with friendly diners, for £7.50.

Bring your own liquid

refreshment. ‘Take-aways’ on


Held on third Wednesday of

the month in the Church


Main Road, Colden Common.

All welcome. Ample parking.

For further information or to

book phone Chris 01962 713097.

All profits to Holy Trinity Church.

Page 8

Colden Common Methodist Church

Established 1866

Volume 163

Drop in for Coffee - Every Tuesday

at the Community Centre

Hosted by the Methodist Church

Pot of Tea or Cafetiere of Coffee and homemade cakes

Minister : Rev Bob Kitching 02380 253441

Senior Steward : Jenny Barker 01962 712559

David Blunkett the former Home secretary is reported as saying that shops

should be discouraged from showing Christmas displays until the beginning of

December. He suggested that the Christian message has been forgotten amidst

the commercial promotion of the festival.

So what is the Christian message? It is the celebration of God's son Jesus

coming to our world as the baby at Bethlehem. That is mind-blowing, almost

impossible to take in. One hymn writer put it like this ' Our God contracted to

a span, incomprehensibly made man.'

Jesus born at Bethlehem is the Saviour of the world. Christians celebrate

because we believe in a God who cares, who knows and who loves. He is no

absentee God out there, but one with us. That is marvellous news for every one.

We wish you all a very Happy Christmas in Colden Common from the

Methodist Church.

Everyone is welcome to join us at any services and a special invitation to

'Christmas Messy Church' and puppet show at the Community Centre.

Rev Bob Kitching

Dec 4th 10.30 Morning Service

Dec 11th 10.30 Morning Service

no cafe or bring & share

Dec 11th 3.00 Messy Christmas &

Puppet Show’

Community Centre

Dec 18th 10.30 Holy Communion


Dec 18th 4.00 Village Carol Service

Dec 25th 10.30 Christmas Day


Jan 1st 10.30 Morning service

Jan 8th 10.30 Covenant service

& Holy Communion

Volume 163 Page 9

" Our herd of reindeer"

is a way of being church for families involving fun

is a church, not a craft club, that helps us encounter Jesus as Lord and Saviour

is found across the world

values are about being Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity,

hospitality and celebration

Our Messy Church meets on the second Thursday of every month at 3.30pm-5.30pm in the

Methodist Church on Spring Lane Colden Common. We enjoy:-

stories from the Bible, singing, playing games,

painting using all sorts of stuff - oil, wax, vegetables, fruit, parts of our bodies,

making things with wood, cardboard, material.

praying in all sorts of ways with actions, pictures, stuff we have made.

a meal for the children at the end, and cake for the adults.

Children must bring an adult and an adult must bring a child. We are not meeting on the

second Thursday in December, instead there will be a Messy Christmas event including a

fantastic puppet show and exciting craft activities on Sunday 11th December from 3.00pm in

the Community Centre. We will be meeting together again in the Methodist Church on the

second Thursday in January (the 12th). Take a look at some of things we have made recently

A group for young people in school years 5 upwards where we explore the

Christian faith through discussion, films, art, woodwork, cooking,

electronics, interesting experiments and outings.

Our activities have ranged from a FEST Bake off where everyone made and

decorated wonderful cake creations to electronic egg timers, thrown pots on the

potter’s wheel, a Bowling evening a "Scrapheap Challenge" and a Rocket extravaganza. On 25th

November we plan designing our own Board games including constructing an electronic dice.

We normally meet on the 4th Friday of every month at 6.30pm at the Methodist Church in

Digital Egg Timer Scrapheap Challenge

Page 10

4Cs Café Situated within the Community Centre

Offering a range of Warm Dinners,

Full Breakfasts,

Lunches, Brunches,

Nibbles and


Open Monday

to Friday

10am - 4pm

Take Away Service

Please be aware that all alcoholic drinks bought in our café

Or shop must be consumed on the premises

Saturday 3rd December at 7.30pm

A CHRISTMAS FANTASIA with The Waynflete Singers and English Chamber Orchestra in Winchester

Cathedral directed by Andrew Lumsden.

Vaughan Williams: FANTASIA ON CHRISTMAS CAROLS; Poulenc: GLORIA; Finzi: IN TERRA PAX; Carols

for choir and audience. Soloists: Nadine Benjamin – soprano, Marcus Farnsworth – Baritone.

Tickets £9 - £39 (2 FOR 1 OFFER AVAILABLE on some seats) from The

Cathedral Box Office 01962 857275

(registered charity No. 285107)


Ladies Group

Twyford Morestead Compton Colden Common

Owslebury Otterbourne Shawford



The Charity is for individuals with needs who reside in this area, by paying for

services or facilities to help them in the short term. We can also work in

collaboration with other charities.

We are here to help you through difficult times, when help is not readily

available from other sources (the trustees do not apply any sort of means test)

The trustees need to be sure that other sources of help have been explored and

cannot provide retrospective funding.

There is no complicated form to complete; often a simple telephone call is

sufficient. We also respond to emergencies. The Twyford Surgery and Social

Services know of us and can apply, or call the Secretary direct to find out more

about us and find out if we are able to help you.

Giselle Letchworth 01962 712158

All information received is treated with total confidentiality.


We started our new programme in September with an amusing and interesting

talk entitled' Best Face Forward' ,giving us an insight into how people coped

with shortages during the war, for instance, a cake filling using mashed potato!

In October we had a beautiful slideshow from Wessex audio/visual on New

Zealand, they never disappoint. November brought us a talk by 'The


The Christmas party is on 3rd December which is always a fun and

gastronomic evening.

Dates for the diary:

Sat 3rd Dec. Xmas party 7.30 Patrick Moore hall

January 20th 7.45 Bert Stratton lounge 'A life on the Ocean Wave'

February 17th 7.45 Bert Stratton Lounge, Mary Rose Trust

Volume 163 Page 12

A Letter from Westminster

Last time I

m e n t i o n e d

E a s t l e i g h

B o r o u g h

Council’s still

absent Local


Plan. In

contrast to

W i n c h e s t e r ,

which has its

20-year plan agreed, Eastleigh has already

had one plan thrown out and is years behind

in this crucial local process.

This matters a great deal to Colden Common

because one proposed major development area

is north of Bishopstoke (known as Options

B&C) where thousands of new houses could be

built with the self-evident impact that will

have on us. I am working with Eastleigh MP,

Mims Davies, and Meon Valley MP, George

Hollingbery, and we have now written to the

leader of Eastleigh asking him to halt “the

unstoppable march” towards 7200 new homes

i n B i s h o p s t o k e .

We want the council to look seriously towards

solving traffic and infrastructure issues before

committing to any option and remain

concerned they are formulating plans in

isolation and not working with or taking into

consideration the impact of development in the

borough will have on the parts of Winchester

bordering Eastleigh. We all remain engaged

with the extremely effective campaign group,

Action Against Destructive Development

(ADD) as well as County Councillor, Rob

Humby and your city councillors. I will keep updated of


Life in Westminster continues to be really

busy and recent work for me has included

taking part in a very special debate on baby

loss, various events as part of breast cancer

awareness month, supporting the new

Homeless Reduction Bill and overseeing some

real progress in our long-running campaign to

fight nuisance calls. Furthermore, my new

Ministerial role at the DWP is keeping me on

my toes and I am extremely proud of the new

Health & Work Green Paper we launched last

month. All of this via

For almost a decade now I have been

publishing regularly my constituency

newspaper, The Winchester Post, and the

Winter 2016 edition should be with you during

November. You can get it online however and

share it via

Finally, my ongoing PMQ ballot is proving

more popular than ever. In addition to

Wednesday 7th December 2016, I have now

added Wednesday 22nd March 2017 so do

add your name to the draw via or 01962 791110.

Much more on my work, in Westminster and

the constituency, via the website.

Steve Brine MP

Winchester & Colden Common

Steve with the Chief Executive of Breast

Cancer Now (far left) and colleagues at

the recent Breast Cancer Annual

Reception in Parliament;


Over 100 children came along to embrace autumn at our

Scarecrow Festival. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we

did! Thank you for all your support! We are extremely

pleased to report that this was our biggest fundraiser to date! The money

raised will go towards new and exciting resources for the children. We

will be back with another community event – our Easter Egg hunt in


Our celebrations continue as we say huge congratulations to our deputy su-

pervisor Ms Bebe who graduated her Foundation Degree in Early Years

(Level 5). But she’s not stopping there – she’s now working hard to get her

Honours Degree (Level 6). Pre-School is already benefiting from her studies

with a new take on Show & Tell, amongst other things. Well done! We are

the only Pre-School in Colden Common to have a management team educated

to degree level.

We also welcomed two new members of staff, Ms Paton and Ms Burman, in September. The

children have taken to them like a dream and we are enjoying their professional expertise.

The children enjoyed a visit from the Tutu Club – everyone joined in with their

good toes and naughty toes! And we’ve been getting our chefs’ hats on, decorat-

ing biscuits and making fruit kebabs. We also had lots of fun on our theatre

trip. The children found the whole experience very exciting!

It’s that time of year again when we get all festive! Christmas is just around the corner and

we are busy preparing for our Nativity Play. The children have been having lots of fun making

personalised Christmas gifts too.

We offer caring, stimulating, quality childcare, in a bright, mod-

ern, purpose built environment, for little ones aged 2 years 6

months up to Reception age. We also have a large, secure, ‘all-

weather’ garden attached to the setting with wooden climbing frame,

nature kitchen and sand pit.

Working closely with the Early Year’s Foundation Stage we provide activities

based around the children’s interests and encourage the children to learn

through play. We visit Colden Common Primary School for our weekly music and

movement session and have been venturing outside pre-school, including trips to

the shops and post office. We continue to invite local

children’s groups every month and look forward to our

next exciting visitor.

We are open Monday to Friday, with extended hours (8.30am – 3pm)

and flexible drop off and collection times, and conveniently based in

the Community Centre. If you are interested in placing your child

with us, please do drop in for a visit or call Amanda Pinney our ad-

missions secretary (01962 712477). We look forward to meeting you soon!

Finally, at the end of October we said good bye to Alison

Smith. She will be greatly missed and we wish her luck

in her new adventures.

Volume 163 Page 14

LUNCH CLUB for elderly people is held every Wednesday at the Community Centre.

We currently have space for more people to join us. Would you enjoy a home-made lunch, and

the chance to meet others, why not come and join us?

Is transport a problem? The mini bus can pick you up from your home.

Cost for lunch is £4, for two courses and tea/coffee.

For more information phone Pat 01962 808909


Our drivers have been very busy helping people in Colden Common who have transport

difficulties, mostly for health related journeys, doctor, hospitals, dentist, etc

We need more drivers – can you help???

Just a few hours could make such a difference to someone in need. If you are aged under 75


and would like to help, please phone Jenny 713784. No set time needs to be given - it is done

on an as and when needed basis.

If you find it difficult to get to an appointment, we will do our best to help you.

Phone Mo on 02380 692611 – leave a message if no reply.


We offer regular shopping trips to

Winchester on Wednesdays – leave Spring House at 9.15am return from Winchester

at 11 am

Eastleigh or Chandlers Ford on Thursdays – leave Spring House at 1.15pm

return leaving at 3.15pm

Both trips are open to all, wheelchair friendly, £2 per trip.

MUST be booked in advance with Carole on 713488


Can you offer a few hours on our monthly rota? More information from Dave 713986.

Anyone aged between 25 and 69 years are eligible to drive, D1 licence not essential.

Relevant training given.

Special General meeting of the


It was agreed that the best location for the Parish Office is within the Community Centre.

It was agreed to hold further talks on the location of the Parish Office within the Community Centre.

These talks will be presided over by two independent Volunteers.

Meetings will be attended by two representatives from the Trustee Committee of the Community Association

and two Parish Council representatives who have not been involved in any earlier discussions on the Parish


Volume 163 Page 15 Gardening Club

Don’t forget folks, the AGM took place in

September. It was your chance to have a

moan, groan or cheer the club on. If you

missed it --- there will be another one next


The AGM went smoothly and we moved

quickly to Paul who outlined the planned

visits for next summer plus the winter

months evening talks/discussions and

social events.

Starting in the New Year (Mmmm, we talk

about 2017 already), on the 25th January

we will have an American Supper

evening. In February a visit from Ray

Broughton talking about common pests

and diseases, (not the cat or dog from next


Unfortunately there will not be a flower

show in March. However to make up for

the loss of the flower show, Paul has

organised a day visit on the 25th June to

the gardens at the Bishops Palace, Wells

Cathedral. 14-acres of Grade II listed

gardens contained within the ramparts

and moat of the old Bishops Palace.

Wander through and around: herbaceous

borders, a parterre with scented roses,

the Arboretum designed and planted in

1977 by Hilliers, explore the Community

Garden and, finally, relax in the

contemporary Garden of Reflection. Come

to think of it, I might just reflect on a

cream scone and a glass or two of

Somerset cider at the Palace local


So, a lot to look forward to next year, but

we still have to get through the remains of

this year yet.

At the moment I am now putting a thick

mulch of manure on the flowerbeds to

reduce the weeds and feed the soil. Also

cutting back the roses and generally

cleaning up the garden ready for the


However the weather is still warm enough

to reposition, divide an overgrown plant

or just plant new plants ready for that big

burst of colour next spring or summer.

As usual there are many things to do but

there are still flowers “flowering” their

socks off and fruit to pick before the first

frosts arrive. Yes it’s the annual race

between me and the squirrel to see who

will get to the cobnuts first.

Now comes the advert, which some of you

may know it off by heart: come to one of

our meetings at the Community Centre

held on the last Wednesday evening of

every month. During the winter months

September to April, they are held in the

Centre’s Sir Patrick Moore room. During

the summer months we meet outside the

Centre before visiting local gardens;meet

gardeners and hear their tales from the

potting shed; enjoy the “refreshments”;

find out more information about our days

out and the events that we have planned

for the coming year.

2017 Diary

25th January American Supper

22nd February Ray Broughton - Common Pests & Diseases

29th March Photos from 2016 garden visits

26th April Ruth ‘The Lady Gardener’ - Creating a Cottage Garden

25th June Day visit - Wells Somerset, the Bishops Palace gardens

27th September Jim McDonald - Growing Sweet Peas

25th October AGM + pumpkin soup + Helen - Flower arrangements for Winchester Cathedral

29th November Chapter & Verse + mince pies - Gardens and Gardeners

The Garden Blogger – November 2016


Volume 163 Page 16

Sunday Dec 11th 3 - 6pm

Colden Common Community Centre

The Chandlers Ford Puppet team are returning to

Colden Common again this Christmas. They are join-

ing Messy Church Colden Common to bring you Messy

Crafts followed by the puppet show, "Seeking His

Love". Suitable for all ages - toddlers to grandpar-


3.00 pm

Messy Christmas Crafts

followed by sandwich tea

Seeking His Love (45 min puppet show)

Everyone welcome but children please bring an adult

and it's free!

Page 17 Volume 163

The Colden Common Shed was created in

early June 2015, and has Charitable

Incorporated Organisation (C.I.O.) status.

It’s aims and objectives are to provide a

forum and meeting venue for those (men and

women) approaching retirement age, who

are at a bit of a “loose end”, and want to

regenerate their social life somewhat,

although young people are very welcome.

The Shed is located at present in the Colden

Common Sports Pavilion on the Recreation

Ground. It is still developing and consists of

a DIY workshop (with woodworking

machinery etc.) and also provides tea, coffee

and facilities for just social chat and

socialising, for those who want that.

Short craft courses are run from time to time

(eg Glass Making) and visits to places of

interest eg. Bletchley Park, BMW factory


Some members manufacture items for sale

to the general public, which gives the Shed a

little income – Garden Trugs, Hedgehog

Boxes, Owl Boxes etc. Being a Charity the

Shed is obviously a non-profit making


At present the Shed is open from 2.00 pm to

6.00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Plans are afoot to expand into a new purpose

build Shed at the southern end of the village

in the mid-term future.

The Shed runs on a self-help basis, everyone

is a volunteer and there are no paid staff.

Legal and other policy matters are overseen

by a committee of Trustees, annually elected

or re-elected by the members.

A new website is under construction

( ) and will be up

and running in the near future.

Everyone is welcome - membership costs

approximately £1.15 per week, payable


Interested persons should contact either :

Adrian Kelly - 01962 712589 Steve Badham - 01962 714117

Or - thecoldencommonshed@gmailcom


Fine weather and a good turnout saw the opening of the new Colden Common Tennis Club

at the Recreation Ground on Saturday 29 October. A young, budding tennis player Nathan

Matthews opened the courts with the traditional ribbon cutting. A summer fete atmosphere

accompanied the free tennis mix-in which meant that the three brand new courts were

packed with adults and juniors alike. Waughman Tennis supported the launch as the

official coaching team and this encouraged a real feeling of participation and


The night before the club opening, the Tennis club hosted a fundraising Barn Dance at the

community centre. This was great fun and managed to raise funds for future club

improvements such as better lighting. Please watch out for, and support, future events.

Family memberships are available ranging from £35 to £75 for the year depending on your

needs; this represents tremendous value for money to play tennis locally on the fantastic

new courts. For more information and to join please go to


Mark Ashthorpe


We have had a super exciting and busy Autumn Term here at Rainbows; the children have settled extremely well into the New Year and we have enjoyed a huge range of activities including painting, cooking, reading and gardening. We have been lucky with some lovely autumnal weather, which has meant that we have enjoyed regular visits to the allotment as well as our daily visits to the park. This has resulted in lots of conker and leaf collecting! The children have enjoyed lots of craft linked to Halloween, Bonfire Night and of course Christmas.

The children enjoyed learning a variety of Harvest songs earlier in the term and performed a lovely service for their parents where we also collected donations for Winchester Basics Bank. We had a huge turnout for the Rainbows Family Photo session back in October where lots of families took the opportunity to have some fab photos taken ready to purchase at a bargain price – perfect Christmas presents.

We had a very successful fundraiser with our Jumble Sale this term, people came from far and wide, and we sold a huge amount, which resulted in our

highest total raised to date! We also ran our regular tombola stall at the village winter fayre, a great opportunity to win some Christmassy treats.

We would like to congratulate Charlotte who has completed her Foundation Degree in Childhood studies. We are all very proud of your hard work and commitment.

We are getting into the festive spirit now preparing for our Christmas Story service as well as preparing for the children’s end of term party. We are looking forward to a lovely break and then a busy term next year when we have lots more fundraising events planned. Events we are looking forward to include a Valentines disco and a sponsored wheels activity. Some of our fabulous parents are also undertaking a skydive (yes you read correctly!!) to raise money for Rainbows - look out for more details nearer the time.

We made a big decision this term and decided to change our name. We have always been known as Rainbow Playgroup but we felt the time was right to update this to reflect the fact that we are a Preschool. This has meant a new name – Rainbow Preschool, as well as new contact details and email addresses. They are as follows: -

Public Page:

Website (still being developed)


Rainbows is an Ofsted Outstanding friendly, committed Colden Common Community Preschool. We truly care about what we do and giving our children the best possible start to their educational journeys. We take children from age two years, six months up to school age. We meet daily at the Colden Common Methodist Church on Spring Lane. We offer our children a stimulating, secure and very happy environment in three different rooms plus an outdoor area as well as daily visits to the park and regular visits to our allotment and the local Primary School. We ensure all of our children’s individual needs are catered for. Please feel free to come and see us in action and have a look around our fabulous Preschool.

Chairs: Jo Harvey & Carli Merritt

Booking Secretary: Tracy Gilmour- 715140

Rainbow Playgroup - 713368

Page 19

Colden Common WI

COLDEN COMMON PARISH HALL TRUST - The next deadline for receipt of applications

from village charities for grants from the Trust is 31st December 2016. For an application

form please apply to Bob Kitchen, email:, or if you would like

to discuss - phone 01962 714825.

Monthly meetings are held at the Church Rooms, Main Road, usually on the second

Thursday of each month, although in January we will be enjoying a Festive Dinner at the

Rising Sun. We normally have a speaker and time for socialising. Any ladies are welcome to

come along and join us. In August members and friends enjoyed a coach outing to Eltham

Palace, Greenwich, London, thanks to Margaret who organised this for us.

We have attended other Institutes’ birthdays and we will be celebrating our 40th

anniversary in April, how times have changed in that time. Members have enjoyed taking

part in Quizzes, Skittles and Darts competitions and Carole was placed first in the craft

competition at the Romsey Show. We also have walks, visits, Knit and Natter, craft events.


December – Christmas Social evening, with a quiz, nibbles, drinks and lots of socialising.


February – Fundraising and Events Manager of local Joe Glover Trust


March – Chairman of Hampshire Federation WI

Recently we have been very busy. In September we organised a meeting with speakers on Food Allergies

and Coeliac Disease, which was very interesting, but unfortunately not well attended

In October we invited a host of organisations to display their information, from local Men in Sheds, Diabe-

tes UK, Blue Light Trust, WinACC, Solicitors, plus many more. An interesting event.

The Best Foot Forward scheme now runs successfully from Colden Common Community Centre, meeting

every Wednesday at 10.30am walking for about an hour. All welcome, no charge or booking needed – just

turn up.

Our AGM follows in November when Committee will be elected.

Any patient of the Twyford Practice, or their carer, are welcome to attend the meetings we hold during the

year. We have a committee of members from all areas covered by the Practice who meet every other

month. Representative from the Practice attends and gives an update on matters both local and national.

Chairman Helen 0783 1480n453


Volume 163 Page 20

What busy few months Guiding in Colden Common has had. The Rainbows

have celebrated the 150 years of Beatrix Potter by visiting the Mottisfont

Beatrix Potter trail (with 2nd Colden Common Brownies) and completing

various challenges both in and out of doors. Thank you to Jenny and Chris

who helped us to pond dip.

t Colden Common Brownies have been out and

about visiting Hare Farm and have completed

many crafting activities. 2nd Colden Common

Brownies have also celebrated 150 years of

Beatrix Potter by making many a picture using

food from Mr McGregor’s gardens, made our

own gardens and decorated cakes as Beatrix

Potter characters. We would like to say a huge

thank you to Sue for all her hard work and support over the last 17 years, we hope that she will

join us again soon! We have places for girls to join Brownies in both Colden Common (on

Mondays ) and Twyford (on Mondays)

A highlight for us all this term has been the reopening of 1st Colden

Common Guides thanks to Chelsea and Marija. The Guides have already

completed the peppermint cream challenge, did alphabet spaghetti

promises, made marshmallow and spaghetti showstoppers and made their

promises at Flipout. We have places available in both Guide units (Colden

Common on Wednesdays and Twyford on Thursdays).

For details of joining please register on

get-involved/become-a-volunteer/register-your-interest/ or Google joining Guiding.

Guiding in Colden Common is a charity run by volunteers. We need your help to ensure that all

the girls who wish to join can attend meetings. There is currently a waiting list running for some

units. Do you have an hour or two to spare a week, or even once a month to help us support the

girls in the village? Please contact us on

volunteer/register-your-interest/ .

We look forward to hearing from you and would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and

New Year.

Dear Colden Common,

During the summer, I went to Finland on a trip with a group of Senior Section girls. It

was incredible! The weather was stunning the whole time, the lakes were amazing, the food

was interesting and the people I met were all lovely! I met many people from many

different countries all of whom welcomed the whole group to spend evenings with them

singing songs and playing games. None of this would have been possible without your help!

I wanted to take the time to thank you all for helping me have the best time ever! A

special thank you to Becky and the other leaders for taking us on a magical trip!

Love from Mia xx

Volume 163 Page 21


Holy Trinity Church

Colden Common

Thursday 15th


Friday 16th December

at 7.30pm

Tickets: £7.00

(includes mulled wine and mine pie)

To book call: 02380 651188

or email:

Mia in Finland

Do you want your say - become a member of

Colden Common

Community Association

Would you like to be even more involved

Please ask about becoming a trustee

Volume 163 Page 22

Chimney Fire Safety.

Most chimney fires are preventable. Regular inspection and cleaning of chimney flues will help prevent fires within your chimney.

Here are some simple tips to reduce the chances of a fire in your chimney: Sweep the chimney before use if you haven't used it for some time.

Ensure a fireguard is in front of the fire at all times.

Sparkguards can prevent a serious property fire.

Extinguish the fire before going to bed or leaving the house.

Never use petrol or paraffin to light your fire.

Recommended maintenance routine: Solid fuel appliances - should be swept once a year for smokeless fuel and twice a year if you're using coal.

Wood burning appliances - should be swept every three months when in use.

Gas appliances - once a year if designed for sweeping.

Oil fired appliances - once a year.

If you have a chimney fire: Dial 999 and ask for the Fire Service. It will help if someone can wait outside to meet us.

If you have a conventional open fire, extinguish the fire in the grate by gently splashing water onto the open fire a little at a time allowing the steam to vent up the chimney.

If you have a solid fuel appliance, close down the ventilation as much as possible.

Move furniture and rugs away from the fireplace and remove any nearby ornaments.

Place a sparkguard in front of the fire.

Feel the chimney breast in other rooms for signs of heat.

If a wall is becoming hot, move furniture away.

Ensure that access to your attic or roof space is available for us as we will want to thoroughly check this area for signs of possible fire spread.

If smoke starts to enter your property, move outside as soon as possible.

Useful contact points and further information:

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service homepage:

Community Fire Safety Department: 02380 626809


Page 23

Featuring Popular Latin and Ballroom Dances.

Combined with proven fitness techniques to give you fast

results and a heap of fun, it’s a good start to the week.

Classes £5 Pay as you come—Mondays 9.30am to 10.30am

Colden Common

Village Diary can be

accessed through

the CCCC Website

Please check

Colden Common Village

Diary for dates when

arranging an event

Colden Common Newsletter

More information from Jenny Gray 713784 or Paul Nicholson 713102

THE WOODPECKERSEnvironmental Group

The local Brownie pack enjoyed a Pond Dipping visit to Church Pond

in September and were able to identify the various creatures they

managed to get out of the water.

Unfortunately the balance of life in Church Pond is being affected by too

many fish. They have been dumped there for years and bred too

successfully! We will endeavour to find a way to get rid of some of them

to allow nature to thrive again.

In October we spent the morning clearing rubbish from the Fishers Pond

area of the village.


December (Saturday) we will be helping with clearing the Churchyard


Have you thought of volunteering? Do you enjoy the outside life?

Do you like a bit of physical activity? Do you like working as a team?

Could you spare just one morning a month?

Why not come and join us?

SELF DEFENCE CLASSES - Every Wednesday Evening

8 pm till 9 pm – £5 per session in the bert Stratton Lounge

Colden Common Community Centre

Simple Effective Self Defence Build Self Confidence

Based on Japanese Ju-Jitsu - Martial Art and suitable for ALL

If you are interested please call: John Hunter 07800836941


The charity has been looking at the possibility of building a Youth Centre for all the youth of

the village on land at the village primary school. A review of the progress made and the

challenges ahead has been carried out. At a meeting of the trustees the following resolution

was passed:

It was unanimously agreed, we reluctantly and sadly do not intend to pursue further

building of a Youth Centre on the Colden Common Primary School grounds

The Trustees had to decide on the way forward. There are no sites on offer at the moment but

the need for the Youth Centre is still there, and will only grow with the increase in housing.

They decided that the charity should not be closed down but sustained for a while as a new

project may present itself and the charity may be needed. The terms of the charity are to build

a youth centre in the village, not on a specific site. If there is a new project needing a charity,

may be this charity will fulfil the need?

The charity has a few pounds in the bank and has incurred no costs this year. The Trustees

are all willing to assist any new project with knowledge they have accumulated so far.

Springbridge Farm

Highbridge Road, Highbridge

Free Range Turkeys

Orders now being taken for your

Christmas turkey. (Deposit required)

Also, opening soon Springbridge

butchers shop – selling our own,

and locally sourced meat.

Call Trudie for more information: 07734855569

Volume 163 Page 25

Many thanks for your

support at the Bonfire

and Firework display on

Saturday, it was a great

event and very well

attended. Thanks to

Charters Estate Agents,

Taylor Wimpey, Panda

Fencing, Humphrey

Farms, George Beckett

Nurseries, Jewsons and

to all the many people

from the local

community who made

the event a success.’

The Community Shop Situated within the Community Centre

Providing the community with local fresh produce

Bread from The Oven Door

Free Range Eggs from Lycroft

Selection of Jams and Pickles

From The Hampshire Jam

& Chutney Company

And Much Much More!

Page 26 Volume 163

Our Scout Group is thriving! We have had a busy start to the school year with

new beginnings all round. Our Scout troop has become so popular that they

have split into two troops now known as “Vulcan” and “Valiant”. Our Tuesday

Beavers (Spitfire) have a great new team of leaders too.

We are hoping for MORE new beginnings in the shape of a new Group Scout

Leader. If you are interested in learning more about this role please do contact

Derek Conway (details below). The Group Scout Leader is a central

coordinator for the entire Scout Group who ensures good communication

between the leaders of the different age groups and the Executive Committee.

This is an interesting voluntary position, with full training given, no scouting

experience necessary – we just need an approachable, flexible team player who

is willing to support our busy leaders behind the scenes.

Our two Beaver colonies (aged 6-8) are booming – over the last few months they

have been rafting, had a go at archery, and visited Eastleigh Fire Station

where they got to ride on an engine and use some hoses! This summer they also

went on camp together near Wickham where they had a lot of fun.

Our two Cub packs (aged 8-10) continue to be very busy with exciting activities

such as night hikes and trips out as well as important badge work. They

celebrated 100 years of Cub Scouts at District Camp in Winchester this June.

Also, 30 intrepid Cubs braved 3 nights under canvas in Brockenhurst -

highlights were canoeing on the Beaulieu River and a great day out on

Brownsea Island. Our older Cubs have also enjoyed 2 “sixer and seconder”

camps where their scouting skills have been put to the test.

28 of our Scouts enjoyed a great 7 nights on Summer Camp in East Grinstead

with plenty of adventurous activities and general camp fun. We have recently

entered 3 teams into the Antler over-night navigation competition at Farley

Mount and one of our teams came third out of 16 teams.

Our Christmas Carol Service this year will be a great opportunity to celebrate

the achievements of all the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts who have achieved their

Chief Scout Award and a chance to say “au revoir” as they transfer up to their

next stage of the Scouting adventure.

If you are interested in finding out more about helping us in any capacity as an

adult (many of our roles are very flexible and not too time consuming), please

contact Derek Conway, Group Chairman on 02380 601013

Volume 163 Page 27


9 Jan Friendship Club restarts 2.00pm. Church Rooms

23 Jan Jim Le Couteur, Talk on Illustrating 10.00am Church Rooms

6 Feb Harry Haigh and his Accordian 2.00pm Church Rooms

20 Feb Paul Nicholson, Talk on Village History 2.00pm Church Rooms

6 Mar AGM and short stories/poems 2.00pm Church Rooms

20 Mar Arranging Spring Flowers 2.00pm Church Rooms

Happy Scouts at Summer Camp

Help! The Friendship Club needs new members.

We meet alternate Mondays (except Bank Holidays) 2.00pm to 4.00pm.

Our programme includes talks, demonstrations, music, followed by tea & biscuits.

day-trips during the summer. Why not come and join us.

The minibus picks up at various points around the village for a small charge.

For further information, please contact

The secretary, Paul Nicholson – 713102 or

Treasurer, Hazel Boler – 711056


In the last decade we are now realising that positive training and quality

socialisation is important in the development of a puppy more than ever before.

The choice of trainer and their methods are vital for your puppy to grow into the

family member you wish them to be. When looking for a trainer ideally they

should be registered with a governing body. Unfortunately behaviour and training

are not officially regulated. It’s easy for someone to call themselves a

professional in these fields. However you have the power to choose who you

wish to learn from. Before booking in with them ask to visit their classes or find

out when they are held and turn up. A real professional will not decline your visit

unless there is a very good reason. Look at the other pups and people in the

room, do they look happy or stressed? How does the professional present the

class? Do they engage with the people and the dogs? What methods do they

use? Yanking and shouting or asking and patiently waiting for a response? Just

because a trainer uses food does not mean they are a positive trainer. If they are

yanking or shouting at the dog because he did something ‘wrong’ then backed

with food isn’t positive training. Only train with the person you feel most

comfortable. Ask questions.

Training classes have now become very popular which is great for all involved.

However there has become a waiting list for many places. If you are looking at

buying a puppy, the moment you put a deposit down for the pup that is the time

to phone the trainers. We can work out from the age of the pup and when

vaccinations are due to when you can attend class. By doing this you will avoid a

lot of disappointment.

I am currently a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers

(MAPDT UK 1067) Animal Behaviour and Training Council (UK) and

also the Pet Professional Guild (World Wide Association).

Happy Dog Training


Positive Training For Canines

Every Term Time Friday from 10am to 11.30

For Toddlers, Babies and their parents or carers

Volume 163 Page 29





Integrity of rural Hampshire at risk in rush to reorganise, says CPRE

Reorganisation of local government in Hampshire could have a devastating effect on the county, and put at risk the vital role of protecting the countryside. This is the view of the major countryside conservation organisation in the county, CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural England) in its response to Hampshire County Council’s

public consultation on options for future local government.

In its response to the ‘Serving Hampshire’ consultation on behalf of 2,000 members (who represent individuals and town and parish councils from six area-based district groups), CPRE does not believe that local government reorganisation is itself necessary and considers that there should be fewer tiers of local government at the higher level. It also observes that

important aspects of rural Hampshire life receive little mention in the consultation document.

Edward Dawson, spokesperson for CPRE Hampshire said:

“We discussed the options in detail, and accept the idea of a southern Hampshire urban combined authority. To the north and including the New Forest, a ‘Heart of Hampshire’

authority could cover the rural area and the many towns and villages that flourish there.

These southern urban and northern rural authorities could take the place of existing district and

borough councils in those areas, reducing the level of administration and workload.

The historic and ceremonial county of Hampshire should also remain in place. The Lord-

Lieutenant of Hampshire is Her Majesty The Queen’s representative in the county.”

CPRE is aware of the need to save money in local government, and the possibility of additional powers being devolved to the Hampshire area would be of value. Further funds could also be sought to provide much-needed infrastructure, and develop a more coherent system of planning

for the county. A county-based approach to providing many services could work well.

Mr Dawson, a Trustee of the branch, added that:

“CPRE is also conscious of the need for better planning than has been possible with so many small and under-resourced districts. We would call for a return to county-wide planning, much as occurred before the abolition of county structure plans in 2004. We are working on a proposal for more coherent planning strategies throughout Hampshire that recognise the true

value of its countryside, and the need to control growth in a more acceptable manner.”

CPRE Hampshire’s full response is available from

This newsletter is Published by Colden Common Community Association

charity registration number 292438, and supported by Colden Common Parish Council

3rd Dec Ladies Group Christmas Party 7:30pm Community Centre

4th Dec Patronal Benefice Communion 11:00am St Andrew’s

4th Dec Morning Service 10:30am Methodist Church

8th Dec W.I. Christmas Social Evening 7.30 Church Rooms

11th Dec Family Service 9:45am Holy Trinity

11th Dec Morning Service (No Café) 10:30am Methodist Church

11th Dec Messy Church & Puppet Show 3:00pm Community Centre

12th Dec Cubs, Beavers and Scouts Carol Service 6:00pm Holy Trinity

13th Dec Brownies Carol Service 5:00pm Holy Trinity

15th Dec Carols at Christmas 7:30pm Holy Trinity

16th Dec Carols at Christmas 7:30pm Holy Trinity

18th Dec Village Carol Service 4:00pm Methodist Church

18th Dec Holy Communion 10:30am Methodist Church

24th Dec Christingle 3:30pm Holy Trinity

24th Dec Midnight Eucharist 11:30pm Holy Trinity

25th Dec Christmas Eucharist with Carols 9:30am Holy Trinity

25th Dec Christmas Day Service 10:30pm Methodist Church

1st Jan Morning Service 10.30am Methodist Church

8th Jan Senior Citizens Party 3pm Community Centre

8th Jan Covenant Service and Holy Communion 10:30am Methodist Church

9th Jan Friendship Club Restarts 2:00pm Church Rooms


All Colden Common

Senior Citizens

Are warmly welcome

at the Community Centre

for Entertainment and

Afternoon Tea

on Sunday January 7th

At 3pm




The Community Association maintains a list of Senior

Citizens so that invitations can be issued. However if

you know of anyone who should be on the list and

isn't, someone who has moved in since last year or if

you have a friend who has not previously attended,

please do let us know so that they can be added.

Volume 163


Angie 01962 712777

Richard 01962 714178

If you need help or advice give them a ring

20th Jan A life on the Ocean Waves—Ladies Group 7:45pm Community Centre

23rd Jan Talk on Illustrating - Friendship Club 10:00am Church Rooms

25th Jan Gardening Club American Supper Community Centre

27th Jan Newsletter Deadline

6th Feb Friendship Club - Harry Haigh & his accordion 2pm Church Rooms

9th Feb W.I. Events Manager - The Joe Glover Trust 7.30 Church Rooms

17th Feb Ladies group - The Mary Rose Trust 7.45 Community Centre

20th Feb Friendship Club - Village history 2pm Church Rooms22nd

22nd Feb Gardening Club - Ray Broughton Common Pests Community Centre

6th March Friendship Club - short stories & poems 2pm Church Rooms

9th March W.I. Chairman of the Hampshire Federa- 7.30 Church Rooms

TBA March Dining at the Eastleigh College Restaurant TBA Eastleigh College

20th March Friendship Club - arranging spring flowers 2pm Church Rooms

29th March Gardening Club - photos from 2016 visits Community Centre

Colden Common Community Centre, St Vigor Way, Colden Common, SO21 1UU

tel. 01962 715789 e-mail:
