December 2018 Newsletter FAMILY SOCIAL TENNIS EVENING · We will break over the summer holidays,...

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Alstonville Tennis Club

P.O. Box 493

Alstonville NSW 2477

December 2018 Newsletter


This highly successful social tennis evening was held on Thursday, November 8th at the

Wollongbar courts starting around 5:00 pm. The weather was pleasant and more than 30

adults and juniors turned up for an evening of tennis, food and music. All six courts were

fully occupied as people enjoyed social doubles tennis before the food and drinks.

BBQ snags and some soft drinks were provided by the club and delicious savoury and sweet

dishes, brought along by those participating, provided a great meal. After the meal, there

was more tennis until about 8:00 pm.

Live music was another feature of the evening’s entertainment. There were two groups of

musicians, some of whom are tennis club members. The music was appreciated by an

audience who sat inside and outside the clubhouse before, during and after the evening


We are keen to have more of these social tennis evenings during the summer and autumn in




The Junior Xmas Party, Annual Prizegiving and Parent/Child Tournament were held at Wollongbar

Courts on Sunday 9th December.

There was a fantastic turnout with over 70 participants made up of our juniors and their mums

and dads along with family supporters.

A good contingent attended from the management committee, as well as long standing dignitary

Neil Bartlett. Neil assisted in presenting the three new perpetual trophies, created by the club.

The Voysey-Bartlett Trophy was presented for our Girl and Boy Singles Champions. Neil Bartlett is

a life member of our club and served for many years on the executive committee. Ken Voysey was

a very active member of our club committee and was one of the driving forces in establishing the

clubhouse and courts on the Russellton site.

The Rigby Family Trophy was presented for The Most Valuable Junior Player. Steve Rigby, who is a

life member and long standing Club President, continues to work tirelessly for our club.

The Leslie Family Trophy was presented for the Best Junior Club Person. The Leslie family have a

long association with our club both as excellent tennis players and as committee members. Ken

Leslie is our club Vice President and Andrew Leslie is our club Treasurer.

The parent/child tournament and prize giving festivities concluded at about 6:30 pm and were

followed with shared party food.

Thanks to all involved. The family spirit is alive and well at Alstonville Tennis Club!

Brandon Rowe presenting annual junior tennis awards.


Voysey-Bartlett Trophy – Girl and Boy Singles Champions: Lauren Singh and James Leslie

Girls singles Runner up: Emma Leslie. Boys singles Runner up: Andrew Payne

The Rigby Family Trophy – The Most Valuable Junior Player: Andrew Payne.

The Leslie Family Trophy – The Best Junior Club Person: Adrian Singh.

Division 2 Boys Singles Winner: Lewis Fairfull.

Runner up: Charlie Newman.

Green Ball Singles Winner: Jayden Heyhoe

Runner up: Bailey Titcume

Orange Ball Boys Champion: Emmet Murphy

Orange Ball Girls Champion: Amelia Hensley

Red Ball Champion: Sahn Van Tongeren

Most Improved Boy: Max Wiggins

Most Improved Girl: Georgia Turner.

Wollongbar Tennis Facility – some updates

The Ballina Council have engaged a contractor to make repairs to the courts fences that were damaged by severe winds. Some remedial work has been completed to make the courts presentable for the Ballina Open to be staged in January. More permanent repair work will be conducted in the new year.


Coach, Brandon Rowe reports

As 2018 draws to a close, I take the opportunity to thank all the parents and kids who have

attended lessons regularly this year.

Saturday morning fixtures have been a real hit with Alstonville Club fielding 7 teams in the

Northern Rivers Tennis League. It’s highest number of teams ever!

Well done to all competitors, and a special congrats to our Division 1 team, Alstonville Aces.

They managed to break the domination Ballina has had on this premier grade for some time. The

team of Andrew Payne, Adrian Singh, Miles Spencer and Ewan Chate were victorious in a hard

fought Grand Final.

We will break over the summer holidays, and resume when school goes back in January 2019.

Happy holidays


Brandon and his team of coaches are available for group and private lessons, for both juniors and

adults. Contact him on 0400403323 or to book a lesson.

Ballina Open Tennis Competition

For those wanting to get some competitive tennis in over the New Year, don't forget the Ballina

New Year Open. The Ballina Open Competition is scheduled for Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th

January, 2019.

This is an Australian Ranking event for Juniors and Adults. attracting local, State and National

players. There are different grades for different ability levels. From professional to social.

If you would like to sign up you have to do so online using the following link


Or for more information contact Brandon on 0400403323

The Ballina Open will require use of our Wollongbar and Town courts on the 3rd to 5th January,



Helpers needed at Wollongbar during the Ballina Open

Our club is running a BBQ stall at the Wollongbar courts on the Friday 4th and Saturday 5th Jan. We

have committee members available to work some time slots but we need more helpers to staff

the stall between 7:45 am and 2:15 pm each day.

We have a roster which rotates stall workers every TWO hours – see below. We need at least

four people working each time slot. The first and last time slots are a little longer than 2

hours to allow for set up and close down.

Can you help run the stall for two hours on either Friday 4th or Saturday 5th January

at our Wollongbar courts? Please contact Jim on 0406 681 118.

This BBQ stall will be a fund raiser for our club as well as providing a needed service to

competitors and visitors at the Open.

Friday 4th January Saturday 5th January

7:45 am to 10:00 am Steve and Margaret Rigby

Ken Leslie

Jim Crowley, John Boulton

10:00 am to 12:00 John Boulton,

Christine Stephens

12:00 to 2:15 pm

News about our former club coach

Paul Denning was the tennis club coach for many years.

He left Alstonville to move to Queensland.

Paul and Linda celebrated their marriage in Fiji last


We wish them lots of luck and happiness in their future.



As at 27 November, the Club had 247 members. There were 103 adult members, 44 juniors, 5

associate members, and 3 life members. An additional 39 adults and 47 juniors were members

within 20 family memberships. Associate membership is available to folk who are primarily

members of another club that is affiliated with Tennis NSW.

New members are welcome anytime. A pro-rata membership fee operates from November

through to April 30th.

John Boulton

Membership Officer.

Redevelopment of the Town courts and clubhouse

In our October Newsletter, you would have read some background to this issue. Some of the

concerns about the Town Courts clubhouse are that it is too small and enclosed for convivial use

by members and their guests. Access is difficult or impossible for those with impaired mobility.

Rainwater leaks into the building. Its structural integrity is of concern (the eastern wall is cracked).

There is no covered outdoor area. The toilets are crude, and, being out of sight from the courts is

a cause of concern for the safety of children that use them.

Apart from the needed repairs or redevelopment of the clubhouse, there is a not too distant

future need to resurface two courts at an approximate cost of $70,000 and a pressing need to

upgrade the court lighting.

The committee’s preferred option would be to have the town club house demolished and a new

club house built. The committee wants members' opinions on the redevelopment of the town

courts. If you have opinions / suggestions about redevelopment of the Town courts clubhouse

contact one of the executive committee members (see next page for contact numbers) or email

the club secretary

The committee members will be meeting with Ballina Council representatives in early January,

2019. The purpose of this meeting is -

• To get an understanding of Council’s planning and approval process for this particular


• To chart the development of a concept that would be put to this process, and,

• To estimate the cost of this initial process, and tentatively agree to sharing that cost.

If we can get some clear direction from this meeting that leads to a viable plan and then allows a

Development Application to be lodged with council, we will have the basis for applications for

any government grants relevant to our building proposal.



OFFICE BEARERS: 2018-2019 President: Steve Rigby 6683 4043 / 0423 946 431

Secretary: Jim Crowley 6624 3626 / 0406 681 118

Treasurer: Andrew Leslie 6628 8773

Vice President: Ken Leslie 6628 0416

Membership Officer: John Boulton 6628 0732

Committee Members: Swee Cham 0406 684 184

Boris Buchert 0434 594 997

Christine Stephens 0407 064 100

Rob Davies 6628 0313


Neil Bartlett (66280230) if unavailable Steve Rigby (66834043)

MEMBERS CASUAL HIRE [Occasional/non-regular social games only]

DAY: Club Members & Guests accompanying members – No Fee

NIGHT: $15 per hour per court [Minimum 1 hour hire. Make arrangement in advance

with Neil Bartlett or committee member for access to Town Courts lights]


$30 per hour per court, day or night [Minimum 1 hour hire. Make arrangement

in advance with Neil Bartlett or committee member for access to Town Courts lights]

$40 per half day per court (morning or afternoon) [Negotiable fees for Special Groups, regular and multiple hires]

COMPETITION FEES: [New balls supplied / winning Team prizes]

Club Members: DAY: $7.00 / NIGHT: $8.00

Non-members: $5.00 surcharge on above fees.


[Used balls supplied; plus $1 for new balls supplied]

Club Members: DAY: $6.00 / NIGHT: $7.00

Non-members: DAY: $11.00 / NIGHT: $12.00


Keys to access courts may be obtained from the News Agency in

Main Street, Alstonville. Hire and casual use fees MUST be paid on

picking up the keys.

ANNUAL SUBS: Adult: $50.00/ Under 18: $25.00/ Family $120.00

TENNIS COACHING: Brandon Rowe 0400 403 323


Application for Membership Alstonville Tennis Club is affiliated with Tennis NSW. A condition of that affiliation is that all players using our

facilities on a regular basis become members of the Club and are thereby registered with Tennis NSW. Benefits of

membership include participation in competitions and socials, and free casual use of the courts during daylight

whenever they are not booked.

Applicant’s Full Name………………………………………………………………………….. DoB …………………………….

(Parent or Guardian’s name when completed on behalf of juniors) (Not Required for Guardian)

Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………..Post Code ……………

Phone Number …………………………… Mobile Number ……………………………

Email (Please print) ………………………………………………............................@……………………………………………………..

Signed …………………………………………… Date …………………………

Details of other family members covered by this application (where applicable)

Name Date of Birth Fee Due

Total fee paid

Fees : Adult (per person) $50

Junior (per person under 18 at 1st May of current year) $25

Family (per couple and their junior children $120

Payment : Payment should be made by EFT to the Club’s NAB account. Your name and initial as Reference please!

Account Name: Alstonville Tennis Club

BSB: 082 522

Account Number: 89 303 8195

Please scan and email this completed form to

On receipt of your payment, the Membership Officer will email you acknowledgement including an access code

to the Club facilities at Alstonville and Wollongbar. The information you provide in this form is protected in

accordance with Tennis Australia’s privacy policy By submitting this form you

consent to the information being entered into Tennis Australia’s information system in accordance with that



Our Financial year is 1st May – 30th April Annual subscriptions are due. The subscriptions are - Adults - $50; Under 18 - $25; Family of 2 adults & dependents U18 - $120.

New members are welcome anytime. A pro-rata membership fee operates from November

through to April 30th.

How to pay Annual Subscriptions The preferred method is by EFT. The electronic transfer of funds from your financial institution is made to our NAB account -

Account name: Alstonville Tennis Club

NAB BSB: 082-522

Account number: 893038195

Please use the ‘Reference’ field to attach your family name and initial, e.g. Brown.A so that the Treasurer can identify the source of funds.

In addition, please email our Treasurer, Andrew Leslie and cc to John Boulton, our Membership Officer, to notify them of your payment. For family memberships include the full names of members paid for. If you have changed your address and/or contact phone number please include that new information.

Post cheques to- Alstonville Tennis Club,

PO Box 493 Alstonville 2477, along with the names of persons covered.

Andrew Leslie: John Boulton:

The current codes for the padlocks on the courts’ gates and for access to the toilets at the Wollongbar

courts have been emailed to all 2018-19 financial members. Memebers who have misplaced or

forgotten the codes can email for a reminder.


The Alstonville Tennis Club Executive

would like to extend to all club members

and their families, our best wishes for

the coming festive season.

Happy Christmas 2018 and

Good Luck in 2019


Alstonville Tennis Club – TOWN Courts - Usage at March 2018

Day Morning Afternoon Evening Notes


Juniors Coaching

3:30-5:30 Courts 7 & 8

4:30 – 5:30 Courts 9 & 10


5:30-7:30 (2 courts)

Ladies Social Group

Christine 02 6628 3858

7:00 pm Court 10

A ladies social group meets each Monday evening

weather permitting at 7:00 pm. New players are

welcome to join the group. See the contact number for

Christine Rijks if you would like to inquire.


Ladies Social Group

9:00 – 11:00 am

Glenda Drooger 6628 1782

Social Tennis – 3 separate groups

Group 1: Damian Price 0414507359

Group 2: Stephanie Hunt 0427286722

6:30 – 8:00 pm

Group 3: Col Rixon

$7 per member; $12 per non-


Stephanie’s group are ladies who are developing their

tennis playing non-competitive doubles. New players

would be most welcome.

Glenda’s morning group are senior ladies who enjoy a

morning of social doubles. They would welcome new

members to the group.


Social Mixed Doubles

Anne Smith 6628 3782

8:00 – approx. 10:00 am

Cost (members) $6

Juniors Coaching

3:30-4:00 Court 7

4:00-5:00 Courts 7, 8, 9, 10

5:00-6:00 Courts 7, 8, 9



Court 7

The Mixed Doubles social tennis group meets on

Wednesday mornings from 8:00 am. At present they

have enough players for 2 courts, courts 7 and 8.


Junior Coaching

3:30 – 4:00pm Courts 7 & 8

4:00 – 5:00 Courts 7, 8, 9, 10

5:00 – 6:00 Courts 7 & 8



Courts 7 & 8


Men’s social Group – 3:00 – 6:00pm

Courts 9 and 10

A small group of club veterans and not so old members

get together regularly on a Friday afternoon to play a

little social tennis and have a yarn and an ale or two.

Saturday Junior Competition

8:00 – 10:00

Two to four courts used

During school terms only



Alstonville Tennis Club - Wollongbar Courts - Usage at March 2018

Day Morning Afternoon Evening Notes


Men’s social

7:00 – 11:00 am

Courts 1 2 3 4

Athol Lane 0400 902 851

Ray Darnell 6628 7946

Cost $7 per morning

The retired men’s group meets regularly on a Monday

morning for some relaxed doubles. Most players are

quite competent though not as fast a foot as they might

have been. Numbers vary and players arrive at various

times between 7.00 and 9.00 am. A pleasant morning’s

tennis – new players welcome.


Ladies’ Doubles Competition

Jane Tsicalas - 6628 0492

Helen Niven - 6628 6143

8:00 am – approx. 1:00 pm

Cost $6

New players welcome

Social Tennis Group

5:00 – 7:00 pm

2 courts Cost is $7 (members).

Graeme Fraser - 0427 287 749

New players welcome.

This Tuesday men’s social group originally formed in

1973 as from the Regional Vet Lab and Dept of

Agriculture. Some original members are still playing in

the group. There is a good standard of doubles tennis

being played and while the current members are males,

female players are welcome to join.


Men’s Competition

Steve Rigby - 6683 4043

5:30 – 8:30 pm Courts 1 – 6

[operates in school terms 1&2, 3&4]


Social Tennis 5:00 – 8:30 pm

2 or 3 Courts

Boris Buchert 0434594997

Cost $7 per night – members

$12 per night – non-members

Boris’ group includes ladies and gents of a range of

player standards. There are some very lively doubles

games played. New players are welcome. Numbers vary

but around 10 to 12 players on a night is a common turn




Junior comp

8:00 – 10:00am Courts 1-6

Swee Cham 0406 684 184

During school terms only
