December 21, 2015Prof. Vivek Kumar1 Six Sigma Tools for Measure.

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April 21, 2023 Prof. Vivek Kumar 1

Six Sigma Tools for Measure

April 21, 2023 Prof. Vivek Kumar 2

Measuring Process Performance

April 21, 2023 Prof. Vivek Kumar 3

Basic Measurement Concepts

1. Observe first, then measure.

2. Continuous vs. Discrete Measures.

3. Measure for a Reason.

4. A process for Measurement.

April 21, 2023 Prof. Vivek Kumar 4

Plan/ Measure Performance

1. Select what to measure.

2. Develop operational definitions.

3. Identify data sources.

4. Prepare a data collection and sampling plan.

5. Implement and refine the measurement process.

April 21, 2023 Prof. Vivek Kumar 5

Develop Baseline Measures

1. Calculate baseline sigma levels for

the process as a whole.

2. Calculate final and first-pass yield.

3. Determine “Cost of Poor Quality”

April 21, 2023 Prof. Vivek Kumar 6

Collecting Data

1. Measurement Planning Worksheet

2. CTQ Tree

3. Stratification Factors

4. Measurement Assessment Tree

5. Operational Definition Worksheet

6. Process and Population Sampling

Measure Power Tools

April 21, 2023 Prof. Vivek Kumar 7

Counting Defects & Calculating Sigma

1. Sigma Calculation Worksheet

2. Proportion Defective & Yield Calculation Instructions

3. Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) Calculations

Measure Power Tools

April 21, 2023 Prof. Vivek Kumar 8

Measure Completion Checklists

1. Measure Checklist

2. Tollgate Preparation Worksheet

Measure Power Tools

April 21, 2023 Prof. Vivek Kumar 9

Advanced Sigma Tools

1. Tracking Long-Term Variation

2. Process Shifts

3. Sigma Capability

Measure Power Tools

April 21, 2023 Prof. Vivek Kumar 10

Failure #1: The team measures the Wrong Things.

Failure #2: Measurement Systems “Drift”.

Measure Problem Prevention

April 21, 2023 Prof. Vivek Kumar 11


1. Balance output with process/ input measures.

2. Stop taking measures that are not needed or useful.

Measure Do’s and Don’ts

April 21, 2023 Prof. Vivek Kumar 12


1. Try to do too much.

2. Expect the data you collect to confirm

your assumptions.

Measure Do’s and Don’ts