Deductive and inductive approaches have the common goal of ... · PROS & CONS OF INDUCTIVE TEACHING...

Post on 14-Mar-2020

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How to teach Grammar?   

• In the case of grammar teaching there are 

two main approachestwo main approaches. 

• These  are  deductive approach and deductive approach and

inductive approach. inductive approach.

• Deductive and inductive approaches have 

the common goal of teaching grammar

they separate from each other in terms

of way of teachingway of teaching. 

1. A Deductive ApproachA Deductive Approach

Deductive  teaching  is  a  traditional approachtraditional approach  in  which  information  about  target language and rules target language and rules are driven at the beginning of the class and continued with examples.The principles of this approach are generally used in the classes where the main target  is  to  teach grammar structuresteach grammar structures.  For  instance,  these  principles  are convenient  for  the  classes  that  grammar translation method  is applied(Nunan,1991).According  to  Thornbury’s  three bacic principles three bacic principles  a deductive lesson starts with :

1.1. presentationpresentation  of the rules by the teacher. 

2. Secondly  teacher  gives examples gives examples by  highlighting the grammar highlighting the grammar

structures. structures.

3. Then  students  make  practisepractise   with  the  rulesrules   and  produceproduce   their  ownown  

examplesexamples  at the end of the lesson (Thornbury, 1999).  

2. An Inductive Approach  Nunan (1999) identifies inductive approach as a processprocess  where learners  discoverdiscover  the grammar rules themselvesthemselves  by examining the examples.

In a inductive approach it is also possible to use a context for use a context for grammar rules. grammar rules. That is to say, learners explore the grammar learners explore the grammar rules in a text or an audio rather than isolated sentencesrules in a text or an audio rather than isolated sentences.

Thornbury (1999) notes that in an inductive approach learners are provided with samplessamples  which include the target grammar target grammar that they will learn. Then learners work on the examples and try to discover the rules themselves. When students obtain the grammar rules and they practice the language by creating their own examples.



• A deductive and an inductive approach basically differentiate in:

• 1- lesson procedures

2- learner roles

3- teacher roles

4- usage of meta language in the teaching process.

A deductive approach is based on

1.The top-down theory top-down theory which the presentation and explanation of

grammar rules take the presence over teaching.

2. The language is taught from the whole to parts whole to parts so learners

understand the grammar rules and structures firstly.

3. Next, they see the examples see the examples provided by teacher and finally they

begin to produce their own examplesproduce their own examples.

In contrastIn contrast

An inductive teaching is based onAn inductive teaching is based on::

1- The bottom-up theory The bottom-up theory which accepts the view that language learners tend to focus on parts rather than the wholefocus on parts rather than the whole. For this reason teaching process begins with a text, audio or visual in a context ( PPU or PDP begins with a text, audio or visual in a context ( PPU or PDP frame works)frame works)

2- Secondly learners work on the material to find the rules themselves to find the rules themselves ,

3- In the finalfinal stage, they give their own examplesgive their own examples. (Block, 2003)

ProsPros and Cons of Inductive grammar


• Rules are more memorablememorable, meaningfulmeaningful and serviceableserviceable.

• The mental effort involved ensures a greater degree of cognitive depth cognitive depth which, again ensures greater memorability.

• Students are more actively involved more actively involved in the learning process.


• It is an approach which favors pattern-recognition and pattern-recognition and problem-solving abilitiesproblem-solving abilities which suggests that it is particularly Suitable for learners who like this kind of challenge.

• If the problem-solving is done collaborativelycollaboratively, and in the target language, learners get the opportunity for extra language practice.

• Working things out for themselves Working things out for themselves prepares students for greater self-reliance and is therefore conducive to learner autonomy.


• The timetime and energyenergy spent in working out rules may mislead students into believe that rules are the rules are the objectiye of language learning, rather objectiye of language learning, rather than a means.than a means.

• The time taken to work out a rule may be at the expenscexpensc of time spent in putting the rule to some sort of productive practice..

• Students may hypothesise the wrong rule, in its hypothesise the wrong rule, in its application.application.


• It can place heavy demands on teachers in planning a lesson.

• An inductive approach frustrates frustrates students who, by dint of their personal learning style or their past learning experience (or both), would prefer simply to be told the would prefer simply to be told the rule.rule.

What is the role of the teacher and the one learner in both methods?

The role of the learnerThe role of the learnerIn a deductive approach learners are passive recipients when teacher elicits the rule on the board. HoweverHowever, In an inductive approach they are active as they are responsible for exploring the rules themselves.

That is to say, That is to say,

While the process of learning is experimentalexperimental in inductive

approach it is more traditionaltraditional and descriptivedescriptive ; in deductive


More profound knowledge of language as learners study cognitively

in order to discover the rules.

It has been pointed out that when learners take place in the learning

process actively so as to discover the rules they developdevelop their

autonomyautonomy which makes them good language learner (Hinkel and

Fatos, 2002).

In an inductive teaching teacherteacher behaves as:

a guideguide and helperhelper while students study the

grammar rules themselves.

It appears that while deductive approach is

teacher-centered and traditional, inductive

approach is student-centered.

The role of the teacherThe role of the teacher

One another significant difference is the role of the teacher.

In a deductive teaching In a deductive teaching teacher is :

the authority in the classroomthe authority in the classroom.

The mainmain rolerole of teacher is to present the new grammar item to

the learners.

Second role is to prepare exercises for the students.

Teacher is the organizer and controller of the classroom.

Applying deductive or inductive approach while teaching grammar depends on student variety in the depends on student variety in the


All learners are different and they learn in different ways.

For instance their :

•needs, ages, backgrounds and levels are the factors that are taken into

consideration by the teacher for choosing suitable teaching strategy.

•To illustrate this, Brown (1994) remarks that adult learners are tend to deal with

the rules when they use target language since their mentalitymentality is able to think

abstract items.

• He has pointed out that deductive teaching is more appropriate for adult

learners and meet their expectations as they give more importance to rules when they

use the language so presentation of grammar rules firstly is more useful for them.

•On the other hand young learners On the other hand young learners are successful in exploring grammar structures

from the examples rather than learning them deductively since they are more likely to

learn by doing because grammar rules are complex and abstract for them .



Today one another issue discussed by teachers is the applicabilityapplicability of combinationcombination of deductive and inductive approaches in one grammar session

According to Brown (1994:351) “ There may be some occasional momentsoccasional moments, of course, when a deductive approach -or a blend between the two- is indeed more appropriate”.

For example, to teach the simple past tensethe simple past tense, the teacher begins:

Step 1Step 1: A conversation with a student. The teacher asks a student to tell his last summer holiday.

Step 2Step 2: Student answers by using simple present tense as he has nono information about past tense.

Step3: Step3: Later, teacher corrects him by using past tense. Step 4Step 4 :Then, student repeats the correct sentence. Step 5:Step 5: After that teacher writes the past forms of some verbs on the board to

make learners practice.

In this process grammar is taught by using a deductive and an inductive a deductive and an inductive approaches approaches at the same time:

•It is deductivedeductive by the aspect of writing the past forms of the verbs on the board,•It is also inductiveinductive since students practice the past tense by giving their own practice the past tense by giving their own

examples (Brown,1994)examples (Brown,1994)


• It has been stated that it is highly probable to teach highly probable to teach

grammar by combination of deductive and inductive grammar by combination of deductive and inductive


• It is more intensifier for as pupils’ attention is both

directed to grammar rules and meaning at the same time grammar rules and meaning at the same time (Mac Whinney, 1997 cited in Larsen-Freeman, 2003).

• Each method is based on different teaching approaches ,• For example, while grammar translation method is based upon while grammar translation method is based upon

deductive teachingdeductive teaching• Direct method relies on inductive teachingDirect method relies on inductive teaching. • According to Andrews (2007), the audio- lingual method ), the audio- lingual method could

be condisered as a method where the grammar is taught both both deductively and inductivelydeductively and inductively.

• To illustrate this, in the audio- lingual method drills are used the basis of learning process. Pupils are engaged with drills until they learn by heart them. During this process they are not are not provided provided any information about grammar structures.

• However, the main objective main objective of this method is to be able to to be able to speak accurately speak accurately in target language. Thus, in spite of the fact that drills are taught inductively, learners need to memorize grammar need to memorize grammar items in order to speak accuratelyitems in order to speak accurately