Deep Tendon Brain Reflexes and Other New Techniques Make ... · Deep Tendon Brain Reflexes and...

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Deep Tendon Brain Reflexes and Other New Techniques Make Decades Old Pain

GONE in Minutes, on

One Doctor After Another! Pain Relief Reinvented!

“I had right lower second molar tooth pain for 40 years. I had a history of chronic TMJ for 2 years. In about 3 minutes using the

Bone Brain Technique the palpatory tooth pain was gone, and the jaw felt much more balanced (my bite was changed).” “Since a car accident in 1989 I have had chronic dull ache,

numbness from the left mid trap, left scapula, left forearm and numbness in the left 3rd-5th fingers. Range of motion of the left arm abduction was restricted depending upon how much use it was put through. "Dr. Kaufman was able to increase my left shoulder abduction range to about 95%, in 2-3 minutes. More of his techniques further reduced the chronic ache and pain in the left scapula and left mid trap to about 90% improvement.” Claire Li,

D.C. Glen Cove, New York

“After a motor vehicle accident in 1996 I began suffering left shoulder pain caused by the seat belt. After 19 years, and many chiropractic and massage treatments, Dr. Kaufman used Deep

Tendon and Bone/Brain Technique Reflexes to eliminate the shoulder pain in a few minutes. I now have full range of motion with my shoulder without pain.” Ranvir Sandhu, Surey, British

Columbia. Canada

“40 years ago, ski injury caused right jaw clicking and discomfort in the right masseter. Dr. Kaufman reduced the intensity of the clicking, and then eliminated palpatory pain in the masseters that has been persistent all of the past 40 years.” Sam Simpson, D.C.

Gibsons, B.C. Canada “I have a spondylolisthesis at L5-S1. I fractured the pars articularis at football age 16 . I'm now 76. I've dealt with this pain for decades. I've had exacerbations through adulthood, and a L5-S1 fusion 7 years ago. I had no pain after treatment at seminar.


“I also had abdominal tenderness, generalized, for 15-20 years. It was 7-9 out of 10 level of pain. It also completely resolved when treated. What? I can’t wait to use these techniques on patients.” Allen Harfert, L.M.T. Colorado Springs, CO.

“I have recurrent lumbar pain ever since a childhood fall. Dr. Kaufman treated the muscular dysfunction in both my low back and psoas area. His treatment was very gentle, and my back pain is almost completely gone. It is amazing how fast this treatment works. My practice is so much more fun with this kind of tool kit." Dylan Turner, D.C. Happy Valley,


“I had a wrist injury 30 years ago – since then I've had very painful and limited R.O.M. 2 years ago at a PNT seminar Dr. Gay treated it – I regained full R.O.M, and a 50% reduction in pain. It has held at that level until yesterday. Dr. Gay treated again and pain free today!

"I have purchased almost all of the DVDs and studied them, incorporated into my practice & subsequently changed the lives of 100s of people because of it. Initially I was skeptical & felt the cost of a series was too much because there were so many series to purchase. Now I believe they are priceless, is there really a price that can be put on permanently changing my life, my practice, and the lives of so many clients? Thank you Dr. Kaufman & staff for your commitment to your passion to heal people and change lives.”- Brad Lindsey Midland, Texas

"I've been doing the Deep Tendon Brain Reflexes on myself. The burning pain in my back which I've had for 30 years is GONE! I've had jaw misalignment for 35 years. My jaw feels amazing, like the lights came on!" Linda Fickes, D.C.

Honolulu, HI

“I've had agonizing pain from Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome for 4 years, after a prolozone shot damaged the nerves at my medial ankle. I've used many therapeutics to regain ability to walk. I have reduced range of motion and burning pain, and extreme skin sensitivity and pain to touch (hyperalgesia and allodynia). " "After PNT treatment to the lateral ankle today, the range of

motion is 70% better, increasing as time passes. After parasympathetic and psoas


techniques, the injured area is tingling pleasantly and there is a deep relaxation and a feeling of profound emotional trauma release. I now have a sense of well-being and balance." Linda Fickes, D.C. Honolulu, Hawaii

“Dr. Kaufman treated me for my menstruation problems. The pain on my left side went away 100%. The pain in my right side went away 95%. When I get my next period, I will send you an update. Many thanks.” Marisol Jasperse, Vlissingen,


“I have been having plantar fasciitis for over a year! Gua Sha helped it go away about 6 months ago, but I reinjured it a couple of months ago. After Dr. Kaufman’s did the grid technique and agonist techniques and muscle lock and key, the pain has gone away. Thank you so much!” Kim Perrone, D.C. Ft. Worth, TX.

“I've had neck pain, headaches and upper back pain following three auto accidents within the last 8 months. It's been difficult to turn my head either way without pain. My ROM has decreased and my lower neck has begun to burn, with my work as a massage therapist.

"I was concerned I would have to change careers and give up something I love to do. Dr. Kaufman used the P.N.T. Master Reflexes: my neck pain was gone in 45 seconds. My ROM increased and I've been comfortable since. Thank you so much for these amazing techniques. They are life changing.” Susan Thomas, L.M.T.

San Antonio, Texas "I had a male patient, age 56, with abdominal pain for two months. He went to all the usual doctors. I used a brain reflex and grid and pain is gone on follow-up. Female 68 with Sciatic Pain for 3 months used sclerotome technique and pain again was gone after follow-up. “

"Before treatment at the June 2015 class, I had pain on ROM of cervical spine turning left and right. After treatment there was a marked increase in my cervical ROM but more importantly was the 80% reduction of pain. Truly one has to experience this technique to believe it. Dr. Kaufman’s techniques are not only east to learn but repeatable. After all, consistent and painless treatment results are the foundation of a great referral practice.” Dean Odmark San Antonio, TX. San

Antonio, Texas


“I have stomach pain off and on for more than 40 years. Had every test done under the sun. All tests were negative. Today Dr. Kaufman treated my bilateral psoas muscles which were very tender. Tenderness was gone after treatment. As of now all abdominal pain is min to none.” Ronald Holthaus, P.T. Fairfax

Station, Virginia “I had deep, aching left hip pain for 30 years. I’ve tried all different chiropractic techniques, diversified, Gonstead, activator, and everything in between. Plus massage and Bowen technique. Nothing worked. I often wake up at night from pain, just from trying to sleep on my left side. “Dr. Kaufman applied the psoas technique and the

Parasympathetic Brain Reflexes; within a few minutes, my pain is 80% decreased! Now, that’s Amazing! After 30 years of pain, unbelievable.” Paula

Gessner, D.C. Apex, N.C. “About 4 months ago, I fell through a roof clearing heavy snow and dislocated my left shoulder. Two months later it developed into adhesive capsulitis. Since then, I’ve had my shoulder manipulated, myofascial work and progressive exercise. My ROM has not been improving, although pain has become more manageable.

"Dr. Kaufman treated me in class with Deep Tendon Brain Reflexes. In less than 5 minutes, my abduction ROM improved by 25 degrees and my 3/10 shoulder pain was eliminated and remained so far the rest of the day!” Matthew Fisher, P.T.

Helena, Montana

“About 4 months ago I began experiencing left knee pain after jogging. The pain got more severe and I was diagnosed with pes anserine bursitis. I am not able to run very far without knee pain giving me agony and I have to take a break from running for several days. Dr. Kaufman did the P.N.T. Grid Technique on my knee and in less than 10 seconds the pain is completely

gone! I can’t wait to go jogging again!” Scobie Branson, D.C. Knoxville, Tenn.

“I've had severe lower back pain for 20 years, I.E. sciatica, L4/L5 area. I have also been treated with many different protocols, chiropractic, acupuncture, MDs, IMS, and back specialists. Although some of the treatments have helped me, this one seminar with Dr. Kaufman truly eliminated the pain fully.


I'm actually shocked at the results considering my prolonged condition, and how fast the treatment took!” Barry Hong Vancouver, B.C. Canada “Dr. Kaufman worked on tender parts on spine, upper trap, and psoas, and they were gone immediately. Cervical ROM increased greatly with cervical procedures. Thank you!” Kerry Randa, D.C. Loveland, CO.

“I had a L4-5 lumbar fusion in 2006. Sx did help my pain, but I consistently get right SI, VB, QL pain. I get increased pain and prolonged by standing on any repetitive bend/lifting. I shoveled 2 yards of dirt about 6 weeks ago, been getting treated- manual therapy, stretching, would get lower sacral pain.

"After a few techniques, my sacral, right paraspinal pain, right quadratus tenderness and tightness were resolved and I don’t feel any pain. I am faithfully believing it is gone forever. The techniques are so simple and quick.”

Chris Davis, P.T. Youngsville, LA. “Today I presented Dr. Kaufman with a case of chronic neck pain and a considerable amount of decreased ROM (the initial injured occurred a 2-3 years ago). From martial arts, exercise, and trainings it went away and has returned approximately 6 months ago. I have progressively gotten worse. I have received various manual therapy and some chiropractic. It helps, but the

s/s returns in a day or few days after! “Dr. K, after applying his PNT for only 45-60 seconds, there was a noticeable amount of tight muscle bands softening, increase ROM with 30-40%, less pain. After another 30 secs or so the pain had further decreased. 60% ROM also increased after another 60-90 secs, the ROM continued to improve and the pain levels decreased considerably (75-80%). During this time I also experienced a rush of warmth, a deeper sense of relaxation. Further decrease in pain and an increase in ROM. In essence, all manual therapist should have these PNT techniques in their clinical tool-box!” Reginald Cann, D.C. Bermuda

“I've been having gall bladder symptoms over the past 5 months including right sided upper quadrant pain, deep right scapular pain, nausea, and back pain/tightness around the thoraco-lumbar junction. "After watching several people experience “miracles” during the course, I was quite honestly fairly skeptical as to whether I could

get any relief in such a short time. Dr. Kaufman performed a quick abdominal


screen by palpation and found an area of marked tenderness. He treated me with the meridian bend and Brain Technique Reflex and to my amazement the abdominal tenderness was completely abolished. "Over the past 5 months, I have had $10,000 of procedures with inconclusive results: GB and abdominal ultrasound, Abdominal /GB CAT scan, Nuclear imaging of the gall bladder, EGB procedure, etc. "I was also quite surprised when I sat up and had an immediate endorphin

release that lasted over the next hour." Mike Collins, P.T. , DPT, CKTP,

CIDN. Hammond, LA.

“We just got home from the seminar, and I wanted to share that not once did I even think about the thing that has been on my mind for the past four years every 5-20 minutes. (Sometimes I would even dream about it. It has affected my family life.) Actually, twice I brought it up to say "I haven't even thought about that thing. It is truly amazing!!!”

“I used the Trigeminal Nerve Brain Technique Reflex on two people today both of whom said " I forgot what I was even supposed to be thinking about" I'm totally confident it won't be back either! “Also, one of them had a sciatic problem and she had complete relief with the Deep Tendon Brain Reflexes, manual spinal nerve block and the Joint Neural Decompressions. We were amazed. “My daughter (professional ballerina) has zero pain. (In a world of people who LOVE their pain and the honor it gives them.) I teach her lots of things I know and she has no pain. Ever. Because it’s her choice. She can decide if she wants to “fit in” with pain or be free from all pain. (It’s totally unrelated to her activity – same for all of us). My choice. Our choice.” Connie Danner, N.D. Amarillo, Texas. “I had my knee hurt while walking on the treadmill very badly and so far the past month, had swelling around the knee area, lots of pain in the right leg and knee, could not bend my leg, could not walk without limping I also had pain come up in my right waist somehow. Dr Kaufman treated me and within minutes the pain was largely gone! This morning surprisingly I was able to walk straighter, am able to bend my knee almost (not fully though), swelling is not visible and the wrist is far better!! Simmi Grover Sinclair Auckland, New Zealand


“I treated a woman who had vaginal cancer and had her female organs removed. Following that surgery she had a recurrence of cancer and had her bladder and large intestine removed 9 months ago. She has a urostomy stoma near her ileocecal valve and a colostomy stoma near her internal rectal sphincter. She’s had chronic pain since the surgery which a combustion of oxycodone and morphine did not relieve.

"After one treatment with a Manual Spinal Nerve Block her pain was relieved. Thank you Dr. Steve – the miracles from doing your work are frequent but never become routine!!” Valentina Lert, D.C. Montrose, CO.

“A little over 1 year ago I purchased the initial set of DVD’s and watched them prior to the 6/14 seminar. We stopped 90% of my chronic 60 year cough. At the 6/15 seminar Dr. Kaufman worked on my right hip – he achieved 45 degrees of abduction which I had been unable to do for over 15 years.”

Jewell Ricks, L.M.T. Houston, TX. “I am 79 years old – I had a problem turning head – I had 10% rotation. After treatment I got back to 50%. I also got great pain relief. Many thanks.”

Joe Revels, Houston, TX.

“I have had several months of difficult knee pain diagnosed as pes anserine bursitis aggravated by jogging. I’ve spent several thousand dollars over the last few months getting treatment and it hasn’t helped. I was told I should probably not continue my goal of running a sprint triathalon.

“Dr. Kaufman did the P.N.T. Grid technique on my knee, and in seconds the pain was completely gone. I expected that the pain would return as soon as I started jogging past 1.5 miles, but last night after my treatment I ran 3.1 miles with zero knee pain – it is still pain-free today. “I also ran one of my best mile/time averages too! Amazing! I can’t wait to help my patients with Dr. Kaufman’s phenomenal technique!” Scobie Branson, D.C.

Knoxville, Tenn. “Having been in the medical field 15 years as a PA in Kansas I always wondered if there were alternative methods to treat neuromuscular pain, and therefore entered the body therapy field and have been working as a neuromuscular therapist for 25 years and have continued to take CEU advanced classes. Haven’t seen techniques as effective – released my chronic sacral SI pain I


have been fighting for decades." Allen Harfert, LMT Colorado Springs, CO.

“I had a female patient, diabetes and on O2 referred to me because of frequent falls, poor posture, pain and limited cervical ROM. "Her cervical area was treated with PNT and after first session, cervical rotation and extension improved 50% without pain. The patient reported she “had not looked to the left or up in 10 years.”

"A bonus of the treatment was an improvement in 02 saturation. 02 sat usually measured around 88% causing her frequent use of oxygen and SOB. Since the increase in cervical ROM 6 weeks ago, her 02 sat has remained 92-94% and she no longer feels the need for her oxygen.” - Carol Hawkins, LMT. Benton, Tenn.

“At age 13, I was diagnosed with scoliosis. I have a 13 degree curvature in my lumbar spine. Since that time I have suffered with chronic LBP. It can be fairly debilitating at times, there is constant stiffness bilaterally in my lumbar paraspinal musculature. This is present 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year and has been like this for over 30 years.

"I've “learned” to live with this condition. I have literally had over 1000 chiropractic adjustments of varying techniques over the years. They've have helped to keep the debilitating pain at bay, but have never really resolved the constant stiffness. "After 1 treatment (with Deep Tendon Brain Technique Reflexes and PNT Master Reflexes) with Dr. Kaufman, I got off the table and immediately felt relief in my low back. "More importantly when I woke up the next morning there was no stiffness in my low back. This is even more impressive considering I had a 3 ½ hour flight to get here, not to mention 2 nights in a hotel bed. These are usually ‘killers’ for me. "My first day back in the office and what a buzz incorporating PNT has created. My patients have literally been ‘blown away’ with the changes that are happening." Robert Rudy, D.C. Peterborough, Ontario Canada

“I came to seminar with chronic shoulder pain for over 1 year. After treatment with the technique shown in training, I got 90+% improvement of my shoulder pain. Feels great.”

Clifford Lafreniere, P.T. Park Rapids, Minn.


Seminar Follow Up:

"After being treated with the Hypertension Protocol at the class, on Monday my blood pressure was 30 points lower systolic, than my recent average. On Tuesday it was still 15 points lower than average, thank you! "Yesterday a patient came in who had fractured her third metacarpal in a fall off a skateboard. She had just had the cast removed. The fracture was very painful. She couldn't make a

fist; she had limited motion and it was painful to try. I did the Bone Brain Reflex

for about 20-30 seconds. "After that there was no pain on palpation of the fracture site, and trying to make fist was significantly less painful. I think she said that's amazing at least 5-6 x. I told her I was amazed too cause I just learned that 2 days ago!" "I saw a patient Monday with low back pain. She had a weak straight leg raise bilaterally and femur misalignment bilaterally. She had a tender point in the psoas so I did the brain Deep Tendon Psoas Reflex and eliminated the psoas tender point, weak slr was gone and the tenderness at the right psis was gone! "Another new patient had low back and sciatic pain. She had psoas tenderness, right PSIS tenderness, weak right hip flexor and straight leg raising weakness. I did the Deep Tendon Psoas Reflex: the hip flexor and SLR weakness was gone, the psoas tenderness was gone, and the PSIS tenderness was gone. "I said what do you think? She started laughing, almost uncontrollably. It was great. It was not a chronic issue, but a week or so of pain, had been to another D.C. with no results." Kerry Randa, D.C. Loveland, CO.

“I wanted to tell you two amazing stories about the Emotional/Trigeminal Brain Reflex you taught us. “One woman who had a car accident two years ago. Ever since then she cannot drive because of severe anxiety. She came for other complaints but I decided to try out the Trigeminal/

Emotional Brain Technique at the end of one of the treatments.

“She called me two days later with excitement saying that she had no problem getting into a car, and didn't mind it. A week later I performed the treatment again. After treatment she was able to drive by herself through her neighborhood. Now a


month later she is driving with no problem, even on highways. This is truly amazing!! “I saw another woman who is absolutely terrified of nature and the outdoors. When going on family trips she stays in the car; she is frightened of terrorists, snakes, scorpions, and what not. “After just one Emotional Brain Technique treatment , she called me very excited, stating that she was not afraid, and for the first time went camping with her family, swimming in a lake. These are things she never dreamed of doing before. Again, truly amazing :)” Boaz Colodner, L.Ac. Jerusalem, Israel

"This isn’t going to be your conventional testimony; it’s a story. I’m not what you would call conventional either. Little did I know what awaited me at my first PNT Symposium. To say it was transformational would be the most underrated statement imaginable.

"If you didn’t hear the gears making a 180 degree shift in my cranium, you weren’t listening. For me, it was life-changing. This may appear slightly overstated and embellished, but it’s not….My perception of life, purpose and healing were permanently affected.

“To get a perspective on what I’m going to say, it would help to understand my checkered past. I am 76 y.o. and have been involved in patient care 40 years - 15 years in the medical field during which I worked as a P.A. in KS. In the past 25 years I have dedicated my life to neuromuscular therapy to treat pain (pushing parts instead of pills). Also interspersed in that time-frame, I also worked in advertising 11 years and worked as V.P. Advertising for a chain of retail stores.

“Back to PNT. The day after I got back from the symposium, I marched into my therapy room which seemed like a forest filled with landmines of uncertainly and my 40 years of patient-care experience wasn’t giving me much confidence.

“Patient #3 that day was an 84 y.o. tennis aficionado, who I have seen ea. 3 wks for 25 years for sports maintenance and for treatment of occasional pain secondary to physical activity. Three years ago, he had a malignant melanoma on his neck removed and had subsequent chemo and radiation. After his post operative tissues healed, the radiation left the thoracic outlet area of the neck with constant burning, 4/5 sensitivity to touch and extreme pain on palpation. After 5 minutes PNT on the several areas of the neck, the symptoms were essentially gone. (I think that’s pretty dramatic). I’m not so naïve to think he will not have some exacerbation of symptoms but I will be following him weekly for several weeks.


“The remainder of my patients that week had your garden-variety types of chronic aches and pains and responded equally well. (All in the hands of a PNT novice). Their eyes popped, literally, and I heard such exclamations as “Amazing” and “Wow.” All of their primary complaints were being addressed in minutes. That was humbling. Very Humbling.

“For those not having had training in PNT, you’re missing out. Plain and Simple. I’ll repeat…you’re missing out. It’s kinda’ like driving a Ferrari expertly with no experience other than having driven a lawn mower.

“You haven’t heard the last of me. I’m an advertising-marketing-organizational savant. I will work avidly to help promote PNT and Dr. Kaufman…. And, yes, I have plans. That’s part 2." Al Harfert, Neuromuscular Pain Therapist,

Colorado Springs, CO.

"My granddaughter is a runner at a small college, NCAA division 3. Lat year she qualified for the national finals in the 800 meter run. She developed abdominal cramps part way through the race and did not place in the top 8, which is required for All-American status. "This year she was more conscious of mineral replacement.

She chose to focus in the 1500 meter race. In the prelims she developed cramps again, but she did quality for the finals 2 days later. "She let me treat her with PNT, a manual spinal nerve block and sclerotomes. In the finals, she finished in 3rd place, setting a school and conference record by three full seconds. The cramps did not bother her at all." L. Terry Chappell, M.D.

Blufton, Ohio

"I had a patient with a history of substance abuse go into a spin after a friend's husband died at 39 in his sleep. She is a young mother of 3, and you could identify with the widow, and was just edging toward drink. "I did the Deep Tendon Brain Reflexes™ from Dr. Kaufman's DVDs, as well as what he went over in the seminar, and she

"sobered up" and got out of her funk literally before she left the office. There is no drug that could have broken that compulsion so quickly, and I feel privileged that I have this tool in my armamentarium.


"Let's face it, pain is both a sensation and an emotion. I already can neutralize most physical trigger points, and now I have a tool to reduce the emotional charges that people pick up in life. “At the class, Stuart relieved both my left shoulder and right elbow that were painful for over 3 months.” Steven Lavitan, D.C., L.Ac. Paramus, N.J.

One month after the seminar : "I started to treat patients on Monday after the seminar. I have a busy private practice in internal and integrative medicine. So I don't have too much time for extra treatments. I did the PNT on about 2-3 patient every day, mostly when they had some spinal or shoulder pain or abdominal pain like IBS.

"I am a bloody beginner of the technique but it really works, even with the “basic techniques”. I just want to mention 3 examples: "A middle age man come for an ultasound of the heart. I saw he could not move his shoulder higher than 60° from the ground. Within 5min of PNT he was able to move the shoulder up to 180°- it was a miracle for him. When I called him a few days later, it lasted. "My hairdresser had acute lumbar pain. He came in bent over with severe pain. He left smiling after 10min without pain. I will get a free haircut next time. "A women had pain in her left lower belly after an attack of diverticulitis 2 months ago. I treated her with Brain Technique Reflex and Manual Spinal Nerve Block- the pain was gone in 3 minutes.." Roland Fuschelberger, M.D. Absan, Austria.

"I had a patient with tennis elbow pain. I did the Deep Tendon

Brain Technique Reflex, with 80% improvement. I then used another technique and all elbow pain gone, and no pain on testing wrist extensor! She had the pain for several months. "I had a patient with chronic thumb pain bilaterally. She was going to see a hand surgeon. Both thumbs were extremely painful

to light touch, weak, and painful to test oppones digiti minimi. "I used the Deep Tendon Brain Technique Reflexes near the thumb joint, repalpated and no pain! Her words were, Holy *** what did you do, the pain is gone!. She tested 5/5 and no pain also." Kerry Randa, D.C. Loveland, CO.


"I attended the June 2015 PNT course looking for a new dimension to treat pain via the nervous system.

"During the class, Dr. Kaufman asked if anyone had unexplained tooth pain. I had been chewing food primarily on my left side for the past 4 months, after insidious onset of extreme pressure and cold sensitivity. My dentist could find no problem after x-rays

and multiple tests. Since it wasn't getting worse I saw no reason to make any big decisions. "I wasn't on the table for much more than 5 minutes at the class. Dr. Kaufman performed Bone -Brain Techniques on my R maxillary bone and Deep Tendon

Brain Techniques near my right TMJ. Since that one treatment, my ability to tolerate pressure from food has improved by at least 80%! The cold sensitivity has improved approximately 60 - 70%. This has led to a much improved quality of life...the things we take for granted! "Using PNT in my PT practice has simply led to faster and more dramatic results. The treatments typically hold well. Both my patients and myself continue to be impressed! Dr. Kaufman is truly a leader in the world of applied neurophysiology. The access we have with PNT to tap into the nervous system and re-boot the source of pain is something I feel grateful to have as I serve my patients better." Matthew Fischer, P.T. Helena, Montana

“My mother who accompanied me to the seminar was impressed after I was able to get rid of her knee pain after 40 seconds of treatment. She is now looking forward to me getting rid of her back pain! Looking forward to applying everything I’ve learned on my patients!” Minsu Blanca Miami, FL. 303-756-9567 800-774-5078

*Disclaimer: Calculating generally expected performance results is difficult or impossible, because there is no “typical” user of our products. We’ve made a good faith effort to share the actual experiences of our doctors and their patients. Every practitioner (D.C., L.Ac, M.D., P.T.,N.D. and L.M.T.) is unique in terms of their background, training, and understanding. Each will apply the procedures in their own unique way. Every patient is also individual in how they will respond to treatment. Our general impression is that most doctors find the techniques easy to learn and apply from watching the DVDs, and easy on the doctor. Many of their patients with chronic and acute pain will show improvement from these techniques. Some patients do not respond at all. We’re always eager to for our students to give us feedback on the results they’re getting.


P.N.T., the Brain Technique Reflexes™, and the other techniques are not effective for every patient. Several treatments are usually needed for lasting results. These reports were all written by the doctors themselves; they have not been verified by us, and may not reflect Dr. Kaufman's opinion. These are our best testimonials and may not be typical. Your results will vary. These doctors were treated with P.N.T. or other Kaufman Techniques™. We can not guarantee any particular result or outcome from this seminar, health wise, financial, or otherwise; however, we do guarantee your complete and total satisfaction with the material or your money back. Stephen Kaufman D.C. and Kaufman Technique LLC are not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the use of these procedures or any information on DVD, in class, or in written form. Stephen Kaufman is not responsible for loss or damage in the event the seminar needs to be cancelled. We reserve the right to refuse admission or sales to anyone. All patients with hypertension need to be monitored by a doctor. Note: a few of the later reports and photos are from doctors at earlier seminars, and doctors who have watched the Home Study DVDs.* all material herein c.2015 Stephen Kaufman