Deepal How to make Paper Flowers.docx

Post on 13-Apr-2015

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How to make paper flowers


How to make the blossoms:

Begin with a 3" circle of paper. You'll need one disk of paper for each blossom. Given the relatively small size of each of these flowers, I recommend making at least two dozen blossoms in order to have a spray of flowers substantial enough to fill a vase. Luckily, the vellum paper is quite thin, so it's possible to cut three or four disks at once.

Begin by folding the circle of paper in half, then again, into quarters, and one final time, into eighths. Firmly press all creases to ensure they are sharp and straight.

With your disk folded into a tight wedge, trim as indicated by the dotted line in the illustration to the left. Unfold the disk and lay it flat.

Using a craft knife, trim as indicated, being careful to leave a small flap (A). Glue A to B using a paper glue that will dry clear. Hold until dry.

Once the glue has dried, re-bend all of the creases and pinch the tips of the petals as indicated by the dotted lines, to add shape and texture to the blossoms.

How to make and attach the flower stems:

(Note to readers: The next four images began life as a single, large image. In order to adapt this picture to fit the structure of the webpage, it was necessary for me to divide it into four distinct images. It is for this reason that the illustration of the flower stems that runs along the left-hand edge of these pictures appears to be cut into four segments. Please don't let this confuse you. The flower stems should be a single length of wire with a loop at one end. Thank you.)

Begin with a piece of floral wire 10–16" long. Use the needle-nose pliers to form a small loop (approx. 1/4") in one end.

Wrap the loop with a small length of green floral tape to form the pistil of the flower.

Gently thread the wire through the center of a completed paper blossom.

Hold the blossom between the thumb and forefinger of one hand. Beginning at the base of the blossom, wrap the remainder of the wire with floral tape. This is best done by rotating the wire stem with one hand while holding the floral tape snugly in the other hand.

Attach two or more stems together by wrapping floral tape around multiple wires at once. To finish, bend the stems into graceful shapes before arranging them in a vase for display

Paper Flower Tutorial

I have been asked many times to show how to make this very simple flower tutorial, I actually saw a similar-ish one being made a few years ago, when I attended a small local crafts event and when I came home, got straight to making my own version (so that I wouldn't forget) I adjusted it here and there adding my own tweaks to it. I've been making them ever since for projects (for example recently here) and workshops and now finally, Ive put it in writing (and pictures) and alas my paper flower tutorial is born!!

I have witten step by step notes and taken lots of pictures to match, in the hope that it fully explains and covers it, but email me if you have any probs. or need me to explain further. You can also click on the picture to enlarge it. So here goes.....

1. Here are the main materials you will need; paper – I have used just plain red construction paper (of course you can use any colour!), dries clear glue, large 6 petal flower punch (or any six petal shape, sizzix, craft robo etc etc), glitter or stickles glitter, Fired brick distress ink pad, small piece of cut ’n dry foam and a cocktail stick (image 1)

2. Punch out 3 of the flower punch, make folds in them as in the picture to obtain the center (image 2)

3. In the first flower, just snip down the side of one of the petals to the middle, in the second flower punch cut away one petal and in the third flower cut away 2 of the petals (image 3)

4. At this stage using your cut ‘n dry foam with the fired brick ink pad, distress all the flower petals around the edges (image 4, 5)

5. Then using your dries clear glue, place some glue onto one of the petals of each of the three flowers and glue one petal over the other as in the picture - make sure you do this on the wrong side of the petals so that when they are glued down you do not cover the sides you have just distressed - (image 6,7,8)

6. Using your cocktail stick, curl all of the petals of each flower, of which there should be 3 (image 9,10,11)

7. You will now need to snip pointy ends off the two smaller flowers – do not snip the biggest flower as this is your base flower (image 12,13,14)

8. Then take the largest flower and add some dries clear glue to the middle, place the next size down flower and place on top, again, place some dries clear glue to the middle of that and place the smaller flower on top and just hold them in place a few second for the glue to adhere. (image 15,16,17,18)

9. With the two petal (i.e the heart shaped piece) again with the cocktail stick curl the petal edges and then keep one curled but, straighten out the other (image 19,20)

Now bring the shape together to make a funnel shape, but not too tight (image 21)and place some clear dries glue to adhere the edge in place (image 22,23) (if at this stage the straight side of the petal is too straight, using your cocktail stick just gently curl that petal)and as before snip the pointy end off (image 24)

10. Finally for the single petal, using the cocktail stick, curl the petal at the sides this time (image 25,26)and also snip the pointy end off (image 27) and place it in the middle of your flower, securing it in place with some dries clear glue as before (image 28) The rose is almost complete, now for the final touches.

11. Cut out two leaves either with a die cut, or a punch or even draw it by hand and cut it out, I have used my wizard flower set die in this instance, but any similar leaf shape will do (image 29)with a bone folder give the leaf some shape (image 30) decide where you want to place them add some dries clear glue and adhere them in place (image 31,32,33)

12. And finally take your stickles glitter and randomly place some around the petals or even add some dots of glossy accents to resemble raindrops (image 34,35)

YOUR FLOWER IS COMPLETE - now you have the basis of constructing you can adapt it to suit your projects, I have made smaller ones, different colour, different papers i.e patterened & tissue papers, distress some of the petal edges with a distress tool for a worn look it goes on and on......

I do hope you enjoy this tutorial, I would love to hear your comments and what you think about it, and I'd absolutely love to see any of your projects created with this tutorial.


To begin all you really need is some paper, glue, and scissors. The floral tape and stem wire are optional. You can make your own stems out of things around the house or by rolling paper. The floral tape will help in adding completed flowers together to make bunches.

Cut out a petal and crumple. Simple eh? The crumpling makes the paper more pliable. Then just shape the petal into the form of the center bloom.

Just add a small dab of glue to the bottom of the petal to hold the shape you want.

New Paper Carnitations

Paper Carnations

Paper carnations are a perfect introduction to paper flower crafts. Follow these simple instructions to bring tissue paper to life.

What You'll Need:

•Brightly colored tissue paper


•Dull pencil


•Green chenille stems

•Clear tape

•Green florist tape

Step 1: Using 3 layers of 1 color of tissue paper, cut out a section about 12 inches long and 3 inches wide.

Step 2: In the lower left-hand and right-hand corners, make a pencil mark 1/2 inch above the bottom edge.

Step 3: Now carefully draw a straight line across the tissue from pencil mark to pencil mark. Also in the lower left-hand corner, make a second mark 1/2 inch above the line.

Step 4: From the second mark, draw a diagonal line to the top right corner. Cut off the excess tissue paper above the diagonal line.

Step 5: All the way across the tissue paper, make narrow cuts from the top diagonal edge down to the straight line across the bottom.

Step 6: Place the top part of the chenille stem in the corner of the short end, and tape it down.

Step 7: Roll the pipe cleaner toward the long end. Make sure the bottom edges of the tissue paper always line up.

Step 8: When done, tape the bottom edge of the tissue paper down. Wrap green florist tape around the top of the chenille stem and 1 inch up the flower.

Step 9: Now slowly pull down and fluff out the flower "petals," working from the outside in toward the center.

Behold the finished carnation! Experiment with other color combinations and shapes of petals to make other kinds of flowers.

Next, learn to craft a feast for the eyes from a product intended for the nose. Keep reading to find out more.

Tissue Roses

This paper craft will bloom before your eyes! People love getting flowers, but they hate seeing the delicate petals fade and fall. These lovely tissue paper flowers never wilt, and they're easy to make.

What You'll Need:


•Floral wire


•Floral tape (optional)

•Floral perfume (optional)

Step 1: Take a single tissue (the kind you wipe your nose with), and spread it out flat in front of you. The long sides of the tissue should be on the top and bottom, the short sides on the right and left.

Step 2: Fold about 1/2 inch of the bottom of the tissue up. Then fan-fold the next 1/2 inch to the back. Keep fan-folding the tissue until it is completely folded.

Step 3: Once you have the tissue folded into what looks like a long strip, fold it again, this time matching the short ends to each other -- it will have a single bend in the center.

Bind the tissue with wire in the center.

Step 4: Take a 12-inch piece of wire and tightly bind the center of the strip.

Step 5: Cut the folded end. Begin to peel the layers of tissue, opening the flower to form a fluffy, round blossom.

Cut at the fold of the tissue.

Step 6: Wrap the very bottom of the flower (where the wire holds the tissue) and the wire with floral tape. Very lightly mist the flower with perfume.

Freshen your flower with your favorite scent.

Enjoy this flower -- with proper care it will last a long, long time.

After a couple of large flowers, learn how to make several more tiny flowers. Find out how on the next page

Tiny Paper Flowers

This paper craft takes tissue paper and toothpicks and makes them into some very small bouquets. Use these tiny paper flowers to decorate birthday presents, create floral jewelry, or trim craft projects.

What You'll Need:

•Blunt scissors

•Colored tissue paper


•Craft glue

Step 1: To make a tiny primrose, cut eight 1/4×1-1/2-inch strips of tissue paper.

Step 2: Wrap one end of 4 strips around the toothpick about 1/4 inch from the end. Wrap one end of the remaining 4 strips around the toothpick about 1/2 inch from the end.

Step 3: Fold the "petals" back. To make a tiny daisy, cut several 3/4×3-inch strips of tissue paper.

Step 4: Use scissors to round off one end of each strip. Wrap and glue the uncut ends of the strips around a toothpick.

Step 5: To make a lily, cut a half circle from the tissue paper. Wrap the circle around the toothpick like a cone. Glue in place.

The grand finale of paper flower crafts transforms crepe paper into a large, colorful flower bouquet. Learn more on the next page.

Paper Flower Bouquet

This fun paper craft turns colorful crepe paper into a beautiful, long-lasting paper flower bouquet -- a delightful surprise for mom or a favorite friend!

Make a lavish bouquet following the instructions below, or use variations to invent new flowers.

What You'll Need:

•Crepe paper in assorted colors

•Green chenille stems



•White paper

•Round pencil or pen or dowel

Use these instructions to make cosmos, daisies, and dogwoods. For other flowers, follow the general instructions, plus the variations that follow.

Step 1: Download the Paper flower bouquet patterns as a PDF. Print it out, then cut out the flower petal pattern of your choice. Cut a strip of crepe paper and fold it into 6, 8, or 12 sections (depending on the flower you want to make). Place the pattern for that flower petal on top and cut around the edges.

Step 2: Make a flower center by cutting two 1-3/4-inch squares of yellow tissue. Wad a square into a ball, and wrap the other around it, gathering the edges at the bottom and creating a rounded top.

The tissue flower begins to take shape.

Step 3: Roll a petal around a pencil. Push each side of the roll with your fingers to crumple the paper in the center. Unroll the petal and flatten it gently. Repeat with other petals.

Step 4: Hold the flower center in one hand and place petals all around it, pinching the paper ends together. Twist one end of a green chenille stem tightly around the petals. Gently pull the petals until your flower is arranged.