Defending Childhood Initiative

Post on 06-Feb-2015

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What Do We Mean by “Exposure to Violence”?

Presenter:Peggie Russell, JD

Project Coordinator, Defending Childhood Initiative

Shelby County Office of Early Childhood and Youth

600 Jefferson Avenue, 4th Floor

Memphis, TN 38105

(901) 385-4223

Fax:  (901) 576-8851

Types of Violence

What is Defending Childhood Initiative?

Defending Childhood is an initiative of AttorneyGeneral Eric Holder that strives to harnessresources from across the Department of Justice


Prevent children’s exposure to violence; Mitigate the negative impact of children’s exposure to

violence when it does occur, and; Develop knowledge and spread awareness about

children’s exposure to violence.


Research has identified three forms of children’s exposure to violence:

Primary: direct victim of a violent act

Secondary witnessing an attack, shooting, or murder or hearing gun shots

in the neighborhood Tertiary:

although seemingly more passive, involves hearing about violence suffered by others, for example friends of family members.


An evolving body of research is revealing the negative outcomes suffered by children.

These include: difficulties with attachment, regressive behavior, anxiety, and depression


These children will exhibit higher rates of: delinquency, increased aggression and violent behavior, re-victimization, and higher rates of contact with both

child welfare systems juvenile justice systems.

U.S. Department of Justice Survey

More than 60% reported being exposed to violence, either directly or indirectly, during the past year.

Direct victimization: almost 50% had at least once been the victim of an assault,

with 10% being injured from the assault. nearly 25% were victims of robbery, vandalism, or theft; slightly over 10% were victims of child maltreatment such

as physical and emotional abuse or neglect.

U.S. Department of Justice Survey

Secondary exposure to violence: over 25% of the children reported witnessing a violent act, almost 10% saw a family member attack another family

member. Multiple victimizations were also common

• nearly 40% of the children experienced two or more episodes during the year.

Reported life time exposure to violence was one-third to one-half higher than the reported exposure in the past year.

What is your vision of your neighborhood when children and youth are not exposed to

violence in their homes, schools, or communities? What would life be like for

children, youth, families and others in your community?

What kinds of resources do we have in our community now to keep children and youth

from being exposed to violence?

What are the most important resources we need to have more of -- and the changes we need to make -- to keep children and youth from being exposed to violence?