Defining the Internet of Things - SYSWIN Solutions€¦ · Defining the Internet of Things IoT...

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Defining the Internet of Things

IoT connects objects such as cars, buildings and machines to the internet, turning them into ‘intelligent’ assets that can communicate with people, applications and each other.

IoT is a broad concept, capable of making all kinds of assets smart and connected, from the smallest wearables and consumer devices to the largest vehicles and industrial installations.

Vodafone IoT Barometer 2016, the annual study of how the Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming business offers benchmarks and best practices to help achieve the greatest return from Internet of Things projects.

Why is it important to monitor air quality?

The monitoring of food and water quality is already a widespread concern worldwide


The increasing deterioration in global air quality is one of the most pressing environmental problems nowadays. Because the eff ects of air pollution are particularly diffi cult to reverse, it is important to determine whether the air in a certain region or building is fi t for breathing and to consequently act against the causes of air pollution.

Although air pollution is generally associated with outdoor issues such as smoke emission from vehicles and industrial zones, the air inside buildings is of signifi cantly lower quality, for the simple reason that poor ventilation prevents contaminants from dispersing properly.

The monitoring of food and water quality is already a widespread concern worldwide, receiving an important amount of attention. It is only natural that the next priority is air quality monitoring, especially considering the impact it has on human health.

Side e� ects of clean air deprivation:

Hypoxia – a pathological state caused by inadequate oxygen supply at tissue level;

Chronic fatigue; Concentration diffi culties; Weak immune system.

The bene� ts of clean air on the human body:

Strengthens the immune system; Improves the overall mental state; Stimulates breathing; Intensifi es the metabolism; Increases concentration and productivity; Mood elevation; Prevents cancer through improved cellular oxygenation; Contributes to the mitigation of stress-related eff ects.

Carbon dioxide (CO2);

Nitrogen oxides NOx (NO/NO2);

Ozone (O3);

Carbon monoxide (CO);

Benzene (C6H6);

PM 10 and PM 2,5 particles;

Lead and other toxic metals Pb, As, Cd and Ni;

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (H.A.P.).

Carbon dioxide (CO2)Although carbon dioxide (CO2) is an important carbon compound considering the signifi cant role it plays in photosynthesis, it is also one the gases most responsible for the greenhouse eff ect.

This eff ect consists in trapping excessive warmth from the sun in the planet’s lower atmosphere, due to the greater transparency of the atmosphere to visible radiation from the sun than to infrared radiation emitted from the planet’s surface.

Causes Usually, if the proportion does not exceed 0.03%, the CO2 found in the atmosphere does not cause negative eff ects to human health.

However, when the partial pressure of CO2 in the air increases to the point where the organism is unable to release this catabolite during the breathing process, it can greatly impact human health. As the concentration increases, it dissolves in blood and causes serious conditions, such as hypercapnia.

E� ects

The fi rst troublesome symptoms occur at a concentration of around 3%, and include the following:

respiratory disturbances (accelerated breathing, shortness of breath); increased heart rate and blood pressure, palpitations; changes in neural activity (confusion, drowsiness, lethargy);

Air quality parameters According to the Romanian National Monitoring Network, air quality consists in analyzing the following parameters:


Benzene (C6H6) A light, volatile and water-soluble aromatic compound.

SourcesMost exposure to benzene results from human activity. It is used as a starting material in making plastics, lubricants, rubbers, dyes, detergents, drugs, pesticides, and as a gasoline additive;

Only a small amount of benzene is formed from natural processes.

E� ects

Classifi ed in the A1 toxicity class, benzene is a known carcinogenic substance.

It causes damaging eff ects to the central nervous system, as well as severe irritation to any tissue it comes in contact with.

Nitrogen oxides NOx (NO/ NO2) A group of gases composed of nitrogen and oxygen in variable amounts. Most nitrogen oxides are colorless and odorless gases.

The nitrogen oxides are responsible for acid rain, which is known to bring signifi cant negative changes to both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Although released in small amounts, these oxides also contribute to the greenhouse eff ect.

SourcesThe nitrogen oxides mainly are the result of road traffi c, industrial activities and electricity generation.

E� ects Very toxic for both humans and animals. Exposure to high concentrations can be fatal and a low concentrations of nitrogen oxides in

air can aff ect lung tissue. People who are exposed to this type of pollutant may have respiratory diffi culties, respiratory

irritation or lung dysfunctions. Long-term exposure at a low concentration may destroy lung tissue, resulting in pulmonary emphysema.

The most aff ected by this pollutant are children.

A group of gases composed of nitrogen and oxygen in variable amounts. Most nitrogen

The nitrogen oxides are responsible for acid

small amounts, these oxides also contribute

rubbers, dyes, detergents, drugs, pesticides,

Only a small amount of benzene is formed


Mechanical impurities (dust, smoke, ash)Sources The artifi cial sources that generate dust, ash and smoke generally consist in the all human activities that involve fuel combustion.

An important industrial source is represented by the construction materials industry, due to the processing of natural rocks (silicates, clays, limestone, magnesite, gypsum etc.).

Example: The dust resulted from the cement industry is scattered over a 3 km radius from the source, its concentration near the source ranging between 500 and 2,000 tones/km/year.

E� ects When the amount of mechanical impurities exceeds the acceptable levels, humans may

experience unpleasant symptoms, such as: sneezing, coughing, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, eye sensitivity (itching, irritation).

In the case of asthma suff erers, these impurities serve as highly aggravating factors to their condition.

SAQI (Smart Air Quality Index)

The index is based on the concentrations of 5 pollutant parameters. It is calculated based on the concentrations of the following pollutants: Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide, Sulphur Dioxide, PM2.5 (particles with a less than 2.5 μm aerodynamic diameter) and PM10.

The breakpoints between index values are separately defined for each pollutant and the overall index is defined as the maximum value of each.1

IndexOzone, Running 8 hourly mean


Nitrogen Dioxide, Hourly mean (μg/m3)

Sulphur Dioxide, 15 minute mean


PM2.5 Particles, 24 hour mean


PM10 Particles, 24 hour mean


1 0-33 0-67 0-88 0-11 0-16

2 34-66 68-134 89-177 12-23 17-33

3 67-100 135-200 178-266 24-35 34-50

4 101-120 201-267 267-354 36-41 51-58

5 121-140 268-334 355-443 42-47 59-66

6 141-160 335-400 444-532 48-53 67-75

7 161-187 401-467 533-710 54-58 76-83

8 188-213 468-534 711-887 59-64 84-91

9 214-240 535-600 888-1064 65-70 92-100

10 ≥ 241 ≥ 601 ≥ 1065 ≥ 71 ≥ 101

1.Air Quality Index. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved 5 May, 2017, from


Determining the AQIThe air quality index is a piecewise linear function of the pollutant concentration. At the boundary between AQI categories, there is a discontinuous jump of one AQI unit. For the conversion between concentration and AQI, the following equation is used:2


I – the (Air Quality) index;

C – the pollutant concentration;

Clow – the concentration breakpoint that is ≤ C;

Chigh – the concentration breakpoint that is ≥ C;

Ilow – the index breakpoint corresponding to Clow;

Ihigh – the index breakpoint corresponding to Chigh.

Common air quality index legend:3

Pollution Index ValueVery low 0/25

Low 25/50Medium 50/75

High 75/100

Very high >100

Smart Air target Construction and development companies (hotels, offi ces,

commercial and industrial spaces, apartments, houses, etc.);

The users and residents of the above destinations.

Smart Air in a nutshell Smart Air is an innovative product that monitors the air quality both indoors and outdoors. It keeps record of key parameters in real-time (temperature, humidity, brightness and AQI – air quality index), and displays them on a dashboard. Furthermore, it off ers the evolution of the optimal and current parameters on timetables.Smart Air can generate warnings and alerts according to the optimal pre-established parameters.

AQIIlow  -  Ihigh Category

0-50 Good51-100 Moderate

101-150Unhealthy for Sensitive

Groups151-200 Unhealthy

201-300 Very Unhealthy

301-400 Hazardous

2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2014). AQI - Air Quality Index. A Guide to Air Quality and Your Health. Retrieved from

3.Cheremisinoff, N. P. (2017). Pollution Control Handbook for Oil and Gas Engineering. Retrieved from PA128&dq=Pollution+Index+ Value+Very+low+0/25 +Low+25/50+ Medium+50/75+High+75/100+Very+high+%3E100&source=bl&ots=7Icah4gaME&sig=e9IwDWlE 3KHqs2s3OmCX5MVMWSU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi99KfO0 ZnUAhVOkRQKHc KQBZ8Q6AEIMjAC#v=onepage&q&f=false


Adapted to the diff erent clients’ needs, Smart Air has four available versions:

1. Smart Air O� ce

Smart Air Offi ce is specially designated for non-residential buildings: offi ces, common spaces, industrial buildings. The device monitors and analyzes both the inside and outside air quality parameters. The results are available for visualization in a graphical report.


3. Smart Air City

Smart Air City is a multifunctional monitoring device for outdoor use that measures and gives feedback on the following:

Temperature; Humidity; Air Pressure; Particulate Matter (PM2,5, PM10); AQI; Sound.

Smart Air City monitors, analyzes, and communicates the changes in exterior air quality.

It features open sensor networks that can benefi t the local government through the transparency and accountability of the shared data, as well as raising the awareness and involvement of local communities.

2. Smart Air Basic

Smart Air Basic is equipped with temperature, humidity and VOC sensors and represents the minimum base for air quality analysis for indoor (Smart Air Basic edge - 7cm).

Timeline reports

Raw data is collected in a server and displayed on a dashboard.

Smart Air - Highlights

Monitors and automatically corrects the pollution degree; Monitors temperature, humidity and the following gases: CO, CO2, alcohol, ammonia, sulfuric

acid, propane, methane, styrene, propylene glycol, phenol, acetone, thinner, insecticides, benzene.


LIGHTING the lamp is provided with three special

illuminating surfaces: one that ensures direct, all-purpose lighting, one for indirect, ambient light, and a smaller ring-shaped light that indicates the air quality status;

it monitors and automatically compensates the lighting level of an enclosure;

it provides various ambient light scenarios depending on the current time, season, or user-defi ned themes;

it prevents the eff ects caused by jet lag, sleep disorders, and depression caused the by lack of sunlight during winter.

AIR QUALITY the lamp monitors and automatically

corrects the pollution degree, by using mechanical suspension with sizes of less than 0.1μm;

it eliminates smell, smoke from cigarettes, pollen, viruses, bacteria, formaldehydes;

it features visual and audible alarms when the following gases are detected: CO, CO2, alcohol, ammonia, sulfuric acid, propane, methane, styrene, propylene glycol, phenol, acetone, thinner, insecticides, benzene.

MONITORING & WARNING the lamp monitors and displays the values

of air humidity and temperature, calculates the comfort degree, and notifi es the user about air conditioning equipment malfunctions;

it provides instant feedback directly to your smartphone in the case of fi re emergencies (both smoldering and fl aming);

it remotely notifi es the user about the lack of electrical power for the supply network;

all the alarms notify the user visually and audibly, both on site and through its dedicated smartphone application.


4. Smart Air LIGA (Light Ionizer Guard Alarm)

Smart Air LIGA – The lamp that takes care of you and your family. This IoT device monitors and combines 4 important functions which ensure the user’s comfort and security at home.

Technological features

The electronic module was created through SMT technology by respecting EU RoHS references, and contains a RISC processor and digital sensors.

Smart Air uses industrial components with the capacity to function at temperatures ranging from -20 ˚C to +100 ˚C. The components are created by well-known, reliable electronic companies such as Philips, Samsung, Panasonic, Sharp, etc.

The product provides wireless transmission by using two di� erent technologies:

LoRa – ideal in urban environments, it enables the signal to pass through the walls of heavily metallic structures – the transmission frequency is under 1 GHz;

Wi-Fi – suitable for locations with standard Wi-Fi coverage – the transmission frequency is 2,4 GHz and/or 5 GHz.

Smart Air is a highly versatile product that can be integrated in:

Building management systems;

Fire detection and warning systems;

Smart home systems.

Smart Air LIGA advantages

Smart Air is a highly customizable product in regard to each client’s needs, through confi gurable hardware and software (the dashboard);

The solution is defi ned by high scalability and reliability;

Cloud connectivity for independent devices;

It implements and adapts solutions that had already been implemented;

Remote software upgrade capability;

On site and remote technical support;

Fast availability of the “plug & play” solution;


Smart Air base kit contains:

2 modules that monitor the temperature, humidity, lighting and harmful gas levels;

1 gateway that acquires data and transmits it to the server.

Smart Air features:

Smart Air can be easily installed without the need for any invasive actions, in any type of building, including the ones that are still under construction.

Each sensor is equipped with a battery that can provide energy for a minimum of two years.

Each sensor has a fi ve-year guarantee.

Offi ce buildings/ Residential buildings/ Factories/ Commercial stores





Gold Medal and Excellence Diploma for IQ LAMP (LIGA) from Romanian Inventors Society 2016

Excellence Diploma for LIGA (Light Ionizer Guard Alarm) – INVENT – INVEST 2016


“With the right blend of business ambition, technology vision and expert support, M2M can deliver truly transformational results. And the possibilities are changing all the time, as new and creative M2M solutions emerge. It will be fascinating to see how different the state of adoption, and hopes for the future, will be next year.”

Erik Brenneis, director of M2M at Vodafone