Definitions for Review Table. plot exposition rising action climax falling action denouement simile...

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Definitions for Review Table



rising action


falling action







dead metaphor

implied metaphor

mixed metaphor

extended metaphor

PLOT - Series of events that make up a story.

PLOT - Series of events that make up a story.

EXPOSITION - Background information to a story; introduces characters and setting

PLOT - Series of events that make up a story.

EXPOSITION - Background information to a story; introduces characters and setting

RISING ACTION - The events of a plot that lead up to the climax; builds suspense

PLOT - Series of events that make up a story.

EXPOSITION - Background information to a story; introduces characters and setting

RISING ACTION - The events of a plot that lead up to the climax; builds suspense

CLIMAX - The highest, most intense point of conflict in a story

PLOT - Series of events that make up a story. EXPOSITION - Background information to a

story; introduces characters and setting RISING ACTION - The events of a plot that

lead up to the climax; builds suspense CLIMAX - The highest, most intense point of

conflict in a story FALLING ACTION - The events of a dramatic

or narrative plot following the conflict

PLOT - Series of events that make up a story.

EXPOSITION - Background information to a story; introduces characters and setting

RISING ACTION - The events of a plot that lead up to the climax; builds suspense

CLIMAX - The highest, most intense point of conflict in a story

FALLING ACTION - The events of a dramatic or narrative plot following the conflict

DENOUEMENT - Resolution of the plot

SIMILE - Comparing two unlike things using “like” or “as”

SIMILE - Comparing two unlike things using “like” or “as”

METAPHOR - Comparing two unlike things

SIMILE - Comparing two unlike things using “like” or “as”

METAPHOR - Comparing two unlike things

ANALOGY - Resembling relations; comparing groups to show relationships

SIMILE - Comparing two unlike things using “like” or “as”

METAPHOR - Comparing two unlike things

ANALOGY - Resembling relations; comparing groups to show relationships

PERSONIFICATION - Giving human qualities or characteristics to nonliving things

SIMILE - Comparing two unlike things using “like” or “as”

METAPHOR - Comparing two unlike things

ANALOGY - Resembling relations; comparing groups to show relationships

PERSONIFICATION - Giving human qualities or characteristics to nonliving things

ONOMOTOPOEIA - Use of a word whose sound often imitates its meaning

DEAD METAPHOR - An overused metaphor that has gained a new meaning

DEAD METAPHOR - An overused metaphor that has gained a new meaning

IMPLIED METAPHOR - A more subtle use of a metaphor

DEAD METAPHOR - An overused metaphor that has gained a new meaning

IMPLIED METAPHOR - A more subtle use of a metaphor

MIXED METAPHOR - Two or more metaphors used together that appear illogical

DEAD METAPHOR - An overused metaphor that has gained a new meaning

IMPLIED METAPHOR - A more subtle use of a metaphor

MIXED METAPHOR - Two or more metaphors used together that appear illogical

EXTENDED METAPHOR - Metaphor that continues throughout the entire text






flat character

round character

static character

dynamic character








ANACHRONISM - Something that is not in its correct historical time period

ANACHRONISM - Something that is not in its correct historical time period

ALLUSION - An implied or direct reference to another text, person, thing, or event

ANACHRONISM - Something that is not in its correct historical time period

ALLUSION - An implied or direct reference to another text, person, thing, or event

PROTAGONIST - Main character of a story

ANACHRONISM - Something that is not in its correct historical time period

ALLUSION - An implied or direct reference to another text, person, thing, or event

PROTAGONIST - Main character of a story

ANTAGONIST - The character who opposes the main character

ANACHRONISM - Something that is not in its correct historical time period

ALLUSION - An implied or direct reference to another text, person, thing, or event

PROTAGONIST - Main character of a story

ANTAGONIST - The character who opposes the main character

FOIL - Character who contrasts protagonist to enhance qualities

FLAT CHARACTER - A one-dimensional character

FLAT CHARACTER - A one-dimensional character

ROUND CHARACTER - A fully developed character

FLAT CHARACTER - A one-dimensional character

ROUND CHARACTER - A fully developed character

STATIC CHARACTER - A character that stays the same throughout the story

FLAT CHARACTER - A one-dimensional character

ROUND CHARACTER - A fully developed character

STATIC CHARACTER - A character who stays the same throughout the story

DYNAMIC CHARACTER – Character who changes permanently throughout the story

SYMBOLISM - Representations of things to others by means of symbols

SYMBOLISM - Representations of things to others by means of symbols

IMAGERY - Descriptive text; creating mental images for the reader

SYMBOLISM - Representations of things to others by means of symbols

IMAGERY - Descriptive text; creating mental images for the reader

FLASHBACK - When the text refers back to previous events

SYMBOLISM - Representations of things to others by means of symbols

IMAGERY - Descriptive text; creating mental images for the reader

FLASHBACK - When the text refers back to previous events

FORESHADOW - To give a hint to what will happen later in the text

THEME - Author’s message to the reader; underlying meaning of a story

THEME - Author’s message to the reader; underlying meaning of a story

TONE - Attitude of the writer toward a subject

THEME - Author’s message to the reader; underlying meaning of a story

TONE - Attitude of the writer toward a subject

MOOD - Feeling the reader gets from a story


internal conflict

external conflict








situational irony

dramatic irony

verbal irony



ALLEGORY - Symbolic representations of abstract or spiritual ideas

ALLEGORY - Symbolic representations of abstract or spiritual ideas

INTERNAL CONFLICT - Conflict within a character; man vs. self

ALLEGORY - Symbolic representations of abstract or spiritual ideas

INTERNAL CONFLICT - Conflict within a character; man vs. self

EXTERNAL CONFLICT - Conflict outside of a character; man vs. man, man vs. society, man vs. nature, etc.

ALLEGORY - Symbolic representations of abstract or spiritual ideas

INTERNAL CONFLICT - Conflict within a character; man vs. self

EXTERNAL CONFLICT - Conflict outside of a character; man vs. man, man vs. society, man vs. nature, etc.

DENOTATION - Basic dictionary definition of a word

ALLEGORY - Symbolic representations of abstract or spiritual ideas

INTERNAL CONFLICT - Conflict within a character; man vs. self

EXTERNAL CONFLICT - Conflict outside of a character; man vs. man, man vs. society, man vs. nature, etc.

DENOTATION - Basic dictionary definition of a word

CONNOTATION - The implied meaning or attributes given to a word

PARALLELISM - The use of identical phrases, clauses, and structures within a sentence

PARALLELISM - The use of identical phrases, clauses, and structures within a sentence

ALLITERATION - Repetition of same sounds at the beginning of words

PARALLELISM - The use of identical phrases, clauses, and structures within a sentence

ALLITERATION - Repetition of same sounds at the beginning of words

PARODY - Humorous imitations of a piece of text

PARALLELISM - The use of identical phrases, clauses, and structures within a sentence

ALLITERATION - Repetition of same sounds at the beginning of words

PARODY - Humorous imitations of a piece of text

SATIRE - A text that mocks social conventions; ridicules serious situations

IRONY - Contrast between expectations and reality

IRONY - Contrast between expectations and reality

SITUATIONAL IRONY - Expecting one thing to happen but something entirely different taking place

IRONY - Contrast between expectations and reality

SITUATIONAL IRONY - Expecting one thing to happen but something entirely different taking place

DRAMATIC IRONY - Contrast between what the character knows and what the reader knows

IRONY - Contrast between expectations and reality

SITUATIONAL IRONY - Expecting one thing to happen but something entirely different taking place

DRAMATIC IRONY - Contrast between what the character knows and what the reader knows

VERBAL IRONY - When someone says something but means another (often called “sarcasm”)

HYPERBOLE - Extreme exaggeration

HYPERBOLE - Extreme exaggeration

UNDERSTATEMENT - Statement less strong or striking than facts would show










iambic pentameter 





PARADOX - A seemingly contradictory or absurd statement that may suggest truth

PARADOX - A seemingly contradictory or absurd statement that may suggest truth

OXYMORON - Two seemingly contradictory words used together for effect

PARADOX - A seemingly contradictory or absurd statement that may suggest truth

OXYMORON - Two seemingly contradictory words used together for effect

PUN - Humorous use of words; a play on words

PARADOX - A seemingly contradictory or absurd statement that may suggest truth

OXYMORON - Two seemingly contradictory words used together for effect

PUN - Humorous use of words; a play on words

IDIOM - Expressions; meaning of expression is not true to words

ASSONANCE - Resemblance of sounds; vowel rhyme

ASSONANCE - Resemblance of sounds; vowel rhyme

DISSONANCE - Harsh, disagreeable sounds; discord

ASSONANCE - Resemblance of sounds; vowel rhyme

DISSONANCE - Harsh, disagreeable sounds; discord

DIALECT - A provincial, rural, or socially distinct variety of language

ASSONANCE - Resemblance of sounds; vowel rhyme

DISSONANCE - Harsh, disagreeable sounds; discord

DIALECT - A provincial, rural, or socially distinct variety of language

JARGON - “jibberish”; words associated with a specific subject or profession

ASSONANCE - Resemblance of sounds; vowel rhyme

DISSONANCE - Harsh, disagreeable sounds; discord

DIALECT - A provincial, rural, or socially distinct variety of language

JARGON - “jibberish”; words associated with a specific subject or profession

SLANG - Informal language

IAMBIC PENTAMETER - Verse consisting of 5 meters alternating stressed and unstressed syllables

IAMBIC PENTAMETER - Verse consisting of 5 meters alternating stressed and unstressed syllables

SOLILOQUY - Speaking to oneself oblivious to people hearing; reveals inner thoughts

IAMBIC PENTAMETER - Verse consisting of 5 meters alternating stressed and unstressed syllables

SOLILOQUY - Speaking to oneself oblivious to people hearing; reveals inner thoughts

MONOLOGUE - An extended period of time in which one character speaks

PROPAGANDA - The persuasion of others to buy a product, believe something, etc.

PROPAGANDA - The persuasion of others to buy a product, believe something, etc.

STEREOTYPE - Simple and often inaccurate categorizing of a group of people

PROPAGANDA - The persuasion of others to buy a product, believe something, etc.

STEREOTYPE - Simple and often inaccurate categorizing of a group of people

BIAS – having a pre-existing preference for something (one-sided)



PLOT - Series of events that make up a story.

EXPOSITION - Background information to a story; introduces characters and setting

RISING ACTION - The events of a plot that lead up to the climax; builds suspense

CLIMAX - The highest, most intense point of conflict in a story

FALLING ACTION - The events of a dramatic or narrative plot following the conflict

DENOUEMENT - Resolution of the plot

SIMILE - Comparing two unlike things using “like” or “as”

METAPHOR - Comparing two unlike things

ANALOGY - Resembling relations; comparing groups to show relationships

PERSONIFICATION - Giving human qualities or characteristics to nonliving things

ONOMOTOPOEIA - Use of a word whose sound often imitates its meaning

DEAD METAPHOR - An overused metaphor that has gained a new meaning

IMPLIED METAPHOR - A more subtle use of a metaphor

MIXED METAPHOR - Two or more metaphors used together that appear illogical

EXTENDED METAPHOR - Metaphor that continues throughout the entire text

ANACHRONISM - Something that is not in its correct historical time period

ALLUSION - An implied or direct reference to another text, person, thing, or event

PROTAGONIST - Main character of a story

ANTAGONIST - The character who opposes the main character

FOIL - Character who contrasts protagonist to enhance qualities

FLAT CHARACTER - A one-dimensional character

ROUND CHARACTER - A fully developed character

STATIC CHARACTER - A character who stays the same throughout the story

DYNAMIC CHARACTER – Character who changes permanently throughout the story

SYMBOLISM - Representations of things to others by means of symbols

IMAGERY - Descriptive text; creating mental images for the reader

FLASHBACK - When the text refers back to previous events

FORESHADOW - To give a hint to what will happen later in the text

THEME - Author’s message to the reader; underlying meaning of a story

TONE - Attitude of the writer toward a subject

MOOD - Feeling the reader gets from a story

ALLEGORY - Symbolic representations of abstract or spiritual ideas

INTERNAL CONFLICT - Conflict within a character; man vs. self

EXTERNAL CONFLICT - Conflict outside of a character; man vs. man, man vs. society, man vs. nature, etc.

DENOTATION - Basic dictionary definition of a word

CONNOTATION - The implied meaning or attributes given to a word

PARALLELISM - The use of identical phrases, clauses, and structures within a sentence

ALLITERATION - Repetition of same sounds at the beginning of words

PARODY - Humorous imitations of a piece of text

SATIRE - A text that mocks social conventions; ridicules serious situations

IRONY - Contrast between expectations and reality

SITUATIONAL IRONY - Expecting one thing to happen but something entirely different taking place

DRAMATIC IRONY - Contrast between what the character knows and what the reader knows

VERBAL IRONY - When someone says something but means another (often called “sarcasm”)

HYPERBOLE - Extreme exaggeration

UNDERSTATEMENT - Statement less strong or striking than facts would show

PARADOX - A seemingly contradictory or absurd statement that may suggest truth

OXYMORON - Two seemingly contradictory words used together for effect

PUN - Humorous use of words; a play on words

IDIOM - Expressions; meaning of expression is not true to words

ASSONANCE - Resemblance of sounds; vowel rhyme

DISSONANCE - Harsh, disagreeable sounds; discord

DIALECT - A provincial, rural, or socially distinct variety of language

JARGON - “jibberish”; words associated with a specific subject or profession

SLANG - Informal language

IAMBIC PENTAMETER - Verse consisting of 5 meters alternating stressed and unstressed syllables

SOLILOQUY - Speaking to oneself oblivious to people hearing; reveals inner thoughts

MONOLOGUE - An extended period of time in which one character speaks

PROPAGANDA - The persuasion of others to buy a product, believe something, etc.

STEREOTYPE - Simple and often inaccurate categorizing of a group of people

BIAS – having a pre-existing preference for something (one-sided)