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Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 1

Definitive Guide to Healing

Crystals by AtPerry’s

Quickest Guide to 15+ HEALING CRYSTALS for your

Spiritual, Physical and Emotional Wealth

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 2

Introduction to the Healing Powers of Crystals From wearing crystals on your body to keeping them around your place of

habitation, there are many ways you can help crystal healing powers to change

your life as well as your personality. As a reward for taking the time to know

your crystals, we have enclosed a secret coupon code at the end of the book for

an exclusive discount on Crystals AtPerry’s.

Read the complete book to find your 15% DISCOUNT COUPON!

Crystals have been part of the human history since its very start. It is not just

the look of these dazzling stones that enthralled civilizations, but its

overpowering energy. From supernatural to extra terrestrial attributes,

crystals boast many astonishing powers like healing anxiety to heart diseases.

Combine it with incense and you will have the perfect therapy at your home!

Scientifically, the unique arrangement of atoms in a crystal and its

crystallization process determines the power enclosed within it. With the change

in color, origin and type, every crystal displays varying and unique powers.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 3

Our free gift of this mini crystal bible highlights 15 crystals ideal for helping

you activate the Chakra powers, Physical Healing and Love in detail. We

have chosen crystals based on their authenticity of origin, color energies,

spiritual power, physical healing, emotional wellbeing and chakra activation to

rate the best crystals for 2016.

Moreover, we have also included exclusive discount offers to grab the complete

set of crystals for physical to spiritual healing within every chapter!

Stay Powerful!

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 4

Table of Contents

Sl No


1. Crystals for Chakra Power

2. Crystals for Physical Health and Healing

3. Crystals for Attractive Love and Compassion

4. Conclusion

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 5

Chapter 1

Crystals for Chakra Power Known as the seven powers or energy points of the body, Chakra activation

is one of the best magical attributes of Crystals. Translated as the wheel of light

from Sanskrit, imbalanced Chakras lead to physical to metaphysical and

emotional disabilities. Aura or the electromagnetic field radiated by your body

when resonates with bright colors, creates positive vibrations and consequences.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 6

5 Healing Crystals to Activate Chakra Power

1. Tiger’s Eye

- Origin

Tiger’s Eye Crystal is a far seeing crystal that comes from India, Burma, Brazil,

South Africa, Western Australia and the USA.

- Color Energy

Representing the bright rays of gold, Tiger’s Eye brings success and happiness.

- Types of Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye Crystal, Bluish Grey, Red Tiger Eye and Tiger’s Eye matrix;

- Chakra Power

Wearing Tiger’s Eye on you boosts Kundalini energy as well as the chakras such

as root, sacral and solar plexus.

- Spiritual Benefits

The crystal of psychic gifts, tiger’s eye crystal resonates with the frequency of

the earth. A spiritually nourishing stone, tiger’s eye crystal promotes exaltation

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 7

too. Wearing tiger’s eye crystal motivates and balances the yin and yang. It also

grows the intuitive powers as well as vivid imaginations.

- Physical Uses

Targeting the endocrine system, Tiger’s Eye crystals help to balance both the

hemispheres our brain. Tiger’s eye crystal also cures asthma, bone disorders,

high blood pressure, bladder and digestive issues too.

- Emotional Effects

Promoting emotional wellbeing, Tiger’s eye crystal helps to alleviate depression

and put a permanent stop to nightmares. Tiger’s eye does so by releasing the

hidden fears and stabilizing emotional turmoil. Wearing it for long also

increases the patience, passion, honesty and optimism in the user.

- Your Affordable Solution

Grab this macho looking bezel settled bracelet with tiger’s eye crystals with

flexible elastic band is an amazing jewelry to balance your goals!

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 8

2. Peridot

- Origin

Peridot is obtained from countries such as Pakistan, Australia, Ireland, Russia,

Sri Lanka, U.S.A, Egypt and Brazil.

- Color Energy

The crystal for realizing one’s life purpose, Peridot represents the color energies

Green (growth) and Yellow (sunshine).

- Types of Peridot

Peridot Olivine

- Chakra Power

The destiny stone is ideal to activate the Heart and Solar Plexus Chakra.

- Spiritual Benefits

In addition to positive power, Peridot helps to reveal the destiny, silence your

spiritual fears and relax your karmic debt. Known as the Elven Stone, Peridot

was also St. Bartholomew’s divination stone, considered ideal for animal and

earth healers too.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 9

- Physical Uses

Crystal healers advocated shining the golden star through Peridot on a sunny

afternoon to cure asthma and other respiratory disorders. Wearing Peridot

balances the endocrine system, focusing on the adrenaline glands, digestive

tracts, gall bladder, liver, spleen and pancreas. Peridot also cures astigmatism,

short-sight and tired eyes, in addition to guaranteeing a healthy pregnancy.

- Emotional Effects

Recommended ideal for releasing nervous tension known as butterflies, Peridot

heals many psychological disorders such as bipolar disorder, depression and

melancholy. You can also use it emotional aches like bruised egos, anger,

jealousy, spite and resentment or just for contentment.

- Your Affordable Solution

Try this captivating 18 K Gold Plated Peridot Studs in a gorgeous setting for

recollecting your past life and peace, right away!

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 10

3. Moonstone

- Origin

The celebrated traveler’s stone originates from India, China, Brazil, Madagascar,

North America, Tanzania, Europe and Sri Lanka.

- Color Energy

The stone of Goddess Diana, Moonstone represent the color white and purity,

innocence and unity as its values.

- Types of Moonstone

Cat’s Eye Moonstone (or Blue), Gray, White, peach or Yellow and Rainbow


- Chakra Power

Known to boost the kundalini energy in men and women, placing Moonstone on

Crown or Solar Plexus Chakra helps to active your Chakra Power;

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 11

- Spiritual Benefits

Moonstones are known as Psychic Stones or crystal of Gods and Goddesses.

Spiritually, it eliminates denial of the ego and materialistic interests. Considered

ideal for hermits and monks, moonstones help to open your mind and enhance

synchronicity as well serendipity and perceptive powers.

- Physical Uses

Ideal for resetting your biological clock, wearing moonstone on you boosts

fertility, relieves menstrual ailments, insomnia, sleepwalking, lack of deep sleep

and degenerative hair, skin, eyes as well as organs. Moonstone helps in boosting

detoxification in addition to healing digestive and excretory system disorders.

- Emotional Effects

An ideal crystal that helps to master emotions, Moonstone helps to stabilize

emotional health and stimulate confidence as well as thinking power. A calming

crystal known to put a stop to nightmares, Moonstone helps to heal emotional

trauma, stress and anxiety attacks too.

- Your Affordable Solution

A jewelry that radiates sweet energy, this pretty Cat’s Eye Moonstone Apple

Pendent is a perfect reason to buy it and wear it for realizing your hidden


Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 12

4. Labradorite

- Origin

People of Inuit say that labradorite is born out of Aurora Boreolis, but it

originates from Madagascar, Mexico, Russia, Italy, Norway, Finland, India, US,

Newfoundland and Australia.

- Color Energy

Representing the ice element, Labradorite stands for the color blue, advocating

trust and responsibility.

- Chakra Power

The magical crystal unites most chakras but works the best when kept over the

chakra points such as throat, solar plexus and crown.

- Spiritual Benefits

Renowned for boosting synchronicity and serendipity, Labradorite also

enhances one’s aura, positivity, communication powers, psychic gifts and hand

energy via clairaudience. Labradorite also prevents energy leakage and works

best for artists.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 13

- Physical Uses

Labradorite users have increased metabolism and subsequent weight-loss

benefits too. It helps to heal diseases of the lung, respiratory system, digestive

tract, blood pressure, cold sensitivity, rheumatism, menstrual cramp, gout and


- Emotional Effects

Labradorite is perfect for restless people as it helps to calm uncertainties,

brighten the mood and boost creativity in users. Labradorite also fuels passion,

rejuvenation, introspection, determination, illusion, peace and relief from

insecurities in order to increase the trust within nature.

- Your Affordable Solution

Open your crown chakra by using this pack of Four 100% powerful Labradorite

Wands to recover and discover your potentials!

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 14

5. Lapis Lazuli

- Origin

The celestial blue crystal originates from countries such as Egypt, Chile, Italy,

Russia and U.S.A.

- Color Energy

Lapis Lazuli radiates a dark blue color representing the strong energy of


- Chakra Power

A commanding crystal, Lapis Lazuli activates Crown and Throat chakras.

- Spiritual Benefits

In addition to opening the third eye, Lapis Lazuli is excellent to guarantee a

vibrant inner peace. Lapis Lazuli promises peace via the natural release of

moving your energy from the lower chakras to the upper chakras. Signifying

progress, lapis lazuli also brings clarity, higher awareness and psychic gifts such

as connecting with your guardian angel.

- Physical Uses

By wearing lapis lazuli on your throat, larynx, vocal chords, thyroid glands, ears

and nose, you can alleviate many diseases. Some notable physical sicknesses

cured by the crystal are sleep deprivation, vertigo, high blood pressure, skin

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 15

disorders, allergies, inflammations, autism, Asperger’s syndrome, brain disorders

and migraine.

- Emotional Effects

Lapis Lazuli invigorates feelings of empathy, honor and grace in addition to

surfacing suppressed emotions. You can also boost your self-awareness and

dispel self-pity, depression and inferiority complex by wearing the crystal

on you at all times.

- Your Affordable Solution

Our bestseller pack of natural lapis lazuli crystal stones at 3.5 oz is available in

its natural form. Installing it around your office or house gives you maximum

emotional freedom!

In a Nutshell

Wearing or placing the crystals over their respective chakras will help you yield

the respective positive vibrations that bring health, wealth and spiritual

commonwealth. To activate your chakra power and recognize your hidden

potentials, grab our complete set of POWERFUL 7 Chakra Generator the 7


The best way to remove your chakra problems is by wearing a pendent of a

complete set of Chakra Crystals, such as the mixed stone chakra pendent

shaped like an eagle or Yogi!

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 16

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 17

Chapter 2

Crystals for Physical Health and Healing

The working logic behind curing physical ailments with the use of crystals is

energy. You can de-tox your body and even alleviate unbearable pains with

the help of crystal energy. It is true that if you need emergency medical

consultation, you must displace crystals with medicine ASAP! Nevertheless, if

you use crystals adjacent to medicines, the results will be doubly effective too.

Wearing crystals on your body helps to relieve disorders of the digestive,

reproductive, excretory, circulatory and respiratory systems.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 18

Five Crystals that cures Physical Illnesses

1. Amethyst

- Origin

Renowned as the crystal or royalty, Amethyst is found only in Namibia and

South Africa.

- Color Energy

A valuable gem, amethyst associates to colors Red and Purple signifying power

and strength.

- Types of Amethyst

Brandberg Amethyst, Chevron Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Ametrine and Rutilated


- Chakra Power

Amethyst represents the sweet energy of the Chakras- Third Eye and Crown.

- Spiritual Benefits

Wearing amethyst on your key chakras also opens up psychic and spiritual

channels through your body. Astral projection to shamanic motivations and

spirit contact via intellectual reasoning, Amethyst has many spiritual uses.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 19

- Physical Uses

The spiritually protective crystal is also best for immunity, enhancing the

sympathetic nervous system and endocrine glands. Regularly wearing amethyst

reduces bruising, disorders of the digestive tract as well as stomach, skin and

heart too.

- Emotional Effects

Amethyst is a strong advocate of cognitive perception. Users are empowered

by creativity, passion and mind-blowing stress management. De-addiction

to being a comfort during times of despair, Amethyst is ideal for facing any

challenge as well.

- Your Affordable Solution Buy this gorgeous purple with white streaks 100g Amethyst Crystal Wand to

remove your worst fears and influenza forever!

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 20

2. Topaz

- Origin

Stone of Light or Topaz originates from countries such as Brazil, Nigeria, Burma,

Australia, Mexico and Germany.

- Color Energy

The colorless crystal is yet another unique stone that is unaffected by light.

- Types of Topaz

Blue Topaz, White or Silver Topaz, Pink Topaz, Purple Topaz, Imperial Topaz,

Brown Topaz, Mystic Topaz and Rutilated Topaz;

- Chakra Power

One of the most diverse crystals available, Topaz activates the Throat, Solar

Plexus and Sacral chakra;

- Spiritual Benefits

A meditative crystal known for lightening the weight of spirit, wearing topaz

creates peacefulness and reintegration with universal forces, in addition to

Christ consciousness. Topaz helps to recognize higher realms of awareness,

divinity, wisdom, calmth and connection with angels.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 21

- Physical Uses

Topaz creates 100% health by stabilizing high blood pressure, relieving

headaches, migraines, jaw tightening, occipital pains, sore throat, speech

problems, colds, flu, pneumonia, allergies, asthma, and autism.

- Emotional Effects

An ideal crystal to sharpen your intelligence and dissolve fear, uncertainty or

suspicions, topaz helps to boost your trust too. Wearing topaz dispels

psychological issues such as stress, schizophrenia, spine and identity


- Your Affordable Solution

A meditative crystal with a powerhouse of divination energy, use this stunning

12-in-1 Rainbow Mystic Topaz Pendent to connect to your past life karma.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 22

3. Garnet

- Origin

Garnet is renowned as the stone of health and is hails from countries such as

Mozambique, Africa, Brazil, Sri Lanka, USA, India, Madagascar and Canada.

- Color Energy

A protective crystal, Garnet responds to most colors but is most grounding in

scarlet or red.

- Types of Garnet

Pyrope Garnet, Andradite Garnet, Uvarovite Garnet and Grossular Garnet;

- Chakra Power

Powering the kundalini energy, Garnet is ideal to wear over the Solar Plexus,

Heart or Crown chakra.

- Spiritual Benefits

Known to boost productivity, garnet helps to transmute negative energies into

positive and sharpen your perceptions. A mystic crystal that helps to widen

knowledge and ward off evil vibes, Garnet is also the stone of wisdom.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 23

- Physical Uses

A traveler’s talisman in the ancient times, garnet is known to boost sexual

drive, relieve disorders of the spleen, arthritis, rheumatism, fatigue and blood

clotting too. Wearing garnet also helps to lose weight and purifies DNA in

addition to stabilizing deficiencies of iodine, magnesium, vitamin a and d.

- Emotional Effects

Garnet is known to enhance the self confidence and cure psychological

disorders like clinical depression. Keeping garnet under the pillow alleviates bad

dreams, fears and hopelessness too. Wear garnet to cultivate survival instincts,

uplifting attitude or self-esteem.

- Your Affordable Solution

Check this gold plated authentic Garnet Ring in 925 Sterling Silver Ring

mesmerizingly set with citrine inside to boost your pink of health or that of your

loved one!

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 24

4. Onyx

- Origin

Onyx is a sobriety stone that cradles from Brazil, Afghanistan, India, Uruguay,

Madagascar, Mexico, Peru and the U.S.

- Color Energy

Typifying protection, onyx is a black power crystal that also resonates purity

and innocence.

- Types of Onyx

Black Onyx, White Onyx and Onyx Pebble;

- Chakra Power

Crystal healers advocated that onyx works on all chakras, but most importantly

on Heart, Root, Solar Plexus chakras.

- Spiritual Benefits

Known to be the stone of reason and persistence, wearing onyx helps to focus

and activate the energy field. For people who are prone to quick anger, onyx

helps to calm and radiate positive thoughts too. It is a crystal that cultivates

intuitive powers in addition to shielding from negativity.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 25

- Physical Uses

A powerful de-addiction crystal, onyx helps to relieve the disorders of the blood,

teeth, bones, eyes, bone marrow, feet, kidney and heart. Wearing onyx is

considered ideal for treating epilepsy and glaucoma too.

- Emotional Effects

Onyx reflects a guardian stone that secures the user in addition to boosting his

or her self-confidence and power. It helps to alleviate stress, anxiety and

depression by teaching self-control, reasoning and self-mastery too.

- Your Affordable Solution

A pitch black pendent in 925 Sterling Silver, this amazing Onyx Black Pendent is

ideal for protection from any disease or curse!

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 26

5. Sapphire

- Origin

One of the four most precious stones in the world, Sapphire originates from Sri

Lanka, Australia, Madagascar, India, Thailand, Brazil and Burma.

- Color Energy

Color energy of the sky such as blue and indigo indicates Sapphire's

highlighting elements of trust and honor.

- Types of Sapphire

Black Sapphire, Orange Sapphire, Violet Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire, Green

Sapphire, White Sapphire, Star Sapphire and Pink Sapphire;

- Chakra Power

Strong blue wisdom stone of Sapphire crystals helps activate the Throat and

Third Eye Chakra.

- Spiritual Benefits

Instilling prophetic enlightenment, sapphires are the epitome of prosperity.

Sapphires work on the user even within a day and cultivate intuitive powers to

increased learning ability, extrasensory perception and past life recollections.

- Physical Uses

Renowned to alleviate fever, throat problems, digestion, tuberculosis, fatigue,

heart diseases, eye infections and insomnia, wearing Sapphire on you eases

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 27

burns and relives endocrine glands too. A purifying stone, Sapphire also

helps to cure vertigo, dementia and blood disorders too.

- Emotional Effects

The wind stone is an ideal crystal for practicing self discipline, truthfulness, focus,

mental clarity and calmth. In addition to fulfilling dreams, Sapphire also helps

to soothe depression, inferiority complex as well as lighten mood swings.

- Your Affordable Solution

This stunning blue sapphire stone ring at 55% OFF is an excellent accessory

that gels with most personalities and cures diseases of the heart too!

In a Nutshell

The effect of using crystals for physical healing depends on where and how you

use it. Rub the crystal on your areas of pain or discomfort. Yet another way is to

meditate with them. You can also place the crystals in definite areas of the

bedroom, as a bracelet or necklace.

You can use get this Amethyst-Garnet-Topaz 925 Silver Ring with exclusive

Physical Energy Healing Crystals to cure many diseases of the body!

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 28

Chapter 3

Crystals for Attracting Love and Compassion Did you know that crystals were a vital part of effective love spells just a few

centuries ago?

From self love to regaining your urge to love once again, crystals like rose quartz

can help you find the true love too. Love crystals are combined with vibrations

that activate and radiate love vibrations. These stones resonate with the

Anahata or the Heart Chakra.

Ideal for enhancing love too, these crystals amalgamate the right frequencies

based on color energies to attract your true love NOW!

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 29

5 Crystals that Attract Love and Compassion

1. Rose Quartz

- Origin

Representing the Great Mother, Rose Quartz originates from Japan, India, South

Africa, South Dakota, Brazil and Madagascar.

- Color Energy

Radiating gentle vibrations, rose quartz depicts the soothing color energies such

as light red or pink.

- Types

Crystalline Rose Quartz and Pink Quartz;

- Chakra Power

Balancing the energies of yin and yang in addition to opening the heart through

activation of the Heart Chakra are the key powers of Rose Quartz.

- Spiritual Benefits

A feminine toned crystal, Rose Quartz heals from inside and helps to connect

with the vibrations of the universe. Emanating love vibrations, wearing rose

quartz helps to heal old wounds and love once more.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 30

- Physical Uses

Wearing Rose Quartz on your breastbone helps to soothe burns, blisters and

develop a clear skin sans free radicals or wrinkles too. Rose Quartz heals

disorders of the circulatory system, heart and the respiratory system in

addition to vertigo, low libido and infertility.

- Emotional Effects

Considered perfect to let go of your old love and grow sensuality, rose quartz

eliminates woes, fears, anticipation and depression. It promotes fulfillment,

inner peace, joy, positive self image, compassion and self-esteem too.

- Your Affordable Solution

A classy rose quartz pendent on a gold chain, Artilady Rose Quartz is an ideal

necklace to boost your love vibrations!

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 31

2. Opal

- Origin

The popular eye stone originates from U.S.A, Brazil, Peru, Mexico and Australia.

- Color Energy

One of the unique crystals with the complete colors of the rainbow, opals

powers every color.

- Types of Opal

Fire Opal, Rainbow Opal, Potch Opal, Andean Opal, Black Opal, Boulder Opal,

Crystal Opal Prase Opal, Matrix Opal, Milk Opal, Moss Opal, Water Opal and

Wood Opal;

- Chakra Power

Wearing opal activates most chakras such as the Heart, Crown, Throat, Sacral

and Root.

- Spiritual Benefits

A crystal in human use since ages, Opal is famed for high imagination and

creativity. Composed mostly of water, Opal is a water stone that is ideal for

bearing and handling changes. It helps you transform and even make yourself

invisible whenever you want in addition to astral projection and psychic


Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 32

- Physical Uses

A protective stone known to relieve headaches, insulin regulation, sexual

disorders, menstrual cramps, bone disorders, vertigo, neural issues, appetite

problems and fatigue, Opal is ideal for Parkinson’s disease too.

- Emotional Effects

A crystal that roots fidelity in relationships, opal brings emotional freedom,

happiness, confidence and resurfacing buried emotions such as passion and

love. Wearing Opal on you also promotes personal power as well as peace and


- Your Affordable Solution

This stellar White Fire Australian Opal Ring is not just pretty to look at, but also

has jaw-breaking crystal powers such as purity, innocence and attraction too.

Use your discount voucher at the end of the book to avail the offer NOW!

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 33

3. Agate

- Origin

The good luck crystal of Agate originates from Middle East, South Africa, Egypt

and Russia.

- Color Energy

Representing earthy tones, agate is the crystal of courage too.

- Types of Agate

Blue Lace Agate, Turritella Agate, Crazy Lace Agate, Dendritic Agate, Moss Agate,

Laguna Agate and Fire Agate;

- Chakra Power

Known to balance the yin and yang, Agate is effective when placed on the Solar


- Spiritual Benefits

Resonating to slow frequency unlike most healing crystals, Agate boosts

collective consciousness, reintegration with the cosmos and inner stability.

Agate also radiates negative energy, boosts the relaxation and meditation focus.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 34

- Physical Uses

When agate is worn during labor, it reduces the occurrence of baby blues and

even promotes lactation when worn on the breastbone by the mother. The best

physical healing properties of agate are on stomach, uterus, intestine, eyes, skin,

immunity, cardiac muscles, gums, tooth and circadian rhythm.

- Emotional Effects

Agate crystals are ideal for boosting composure, self confidence and practical

thinking. It widens perception and teaches to accept love. Agate provides

relief from stress, nightmares and uncertainty too.

- Your Affordable Solution

Stellar to look at, these Irregularly shaped Natural Agate Stone Pendent are

spiritually and physically exalting too. Wear one or keep it around your house to

develop a new sense of love with life.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 35

4. Bloodstone

- Origin

Celebrated as the stone of courage, bloodstone originates from India, China,

USA, Australia, Brazil and Kathiawar Peninsula.

- Color Energy

Bloodstone represents the color green or energy of growth.

- Chakra Power

Resonating the life force, bloodstone activates the chakra powers of Sacral, Root

and Heart.

- Spiritual Benefits

Ideal for boosting mental tolerance, the solution to confusions and positivity,

wearing bloodstone promotes peace and sense of one’s own power. Known as

the martyr’s stone, bloodstone helps to realign the spirit power too.

- Physical Uses

Bloodstone users are immune to disorders of the stomach, bowels, bladder and

blood. Wearing bloodstone during pregnancy ensures painless labor too. It is

powerful against hemorrhoids, insect bites, menopausal pains and hormonal

imbalances too.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 36

- Emotional Effects

Bloodstone boosts courage, determination, transformation and emotional

stability. Martyr’s stone helps to recognize life’s goals, dispel fears of death and

boosts truthfulness as well as love or self-sufficiency.

- Your Affordable Solution

Place the bloodstone under your pillow when you sleep.

5. Jade

- Origin

Referred to as the Stone of Life, Jade originates from Burma, U.S.A, Russia,

Zimbabwe, Cuba, Turkey, Poland, Australia, Japan, Canada, Taiwan and China.

- Color Energy

Jade represents the life force of creation or the color green.

- Types of Jade

White Jade, Indian Jade, Lavender Jade, Black Jade, Blue Jade, Orange Jade,

Yellow and Brown Jade;

- Chakra Power

Symbolizing the transcendent energy of the user, Jade works best when worn on

the Heart chakra.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 37

- Spiritual Benefits

A guardian crystal that helps to accept changes in life, Jade also helps to

concrete your ideologies. Wearing jade promotes dutifulness and productivity, in

addition to the concentration at work. Jade also helps to harmonize and

cultivate inner strength.

- Physical Uses

Known to be a powerful crystal that teaches life lessons, jade also activates the

super adrenal glands, kidneys, bones, joints, skeletal system and reproductive

system of our body. It balances the fluids, relieves cramps and treats anorexia


- Emotional Effects

Wearing jade helps to shake off irritability and self loathing. By boosting your

emotional intelligence, jade instills self-confidence and surfaces suppressed

emotions. An ambition building crystal, jade also helps to be brave while on

the ebbs of life.

- Your Affordable Solution

One of our bestsellers, 100% Natural Jade Yoni Eggs (3 pieces) is PERFECT for

Kegel Exercise and Love Vibrations!

In a Nutshell

Famed to be ideal to ignite passion, love crystals also fuel liveliness. If you don’t

want too much or pink, red or scarlet, use a subtle love stone, like the bestseller

Reiki Rose Power Healing Rose Quartz Egg.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 38

Love stones help to cultivate feelings of compassion, empathy and care in

addition to the passion of true love.

Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 39

Before You Go … Thank You for reading our mini-crystal bible. Hope the positivity of crystals has

opened your eyes!

Here’s Your GIFT!

As a token of our love, please accept this One-Time-Coupon Code of 25% off on

all Bestsellers AtPerry’s.

We would love to talk with you about your crystal healing doubts. Knock on our

contacts page and we might just have the best solution to end all your physical

and metaphysical troubles too!

Crystals are as fascinating more than they seem at first sight. If you want to

unlock the powers or ease the blocks you’ve been feeling lately, get the right

crystal and keep it in your vicinity, provided wearing is not your thing. When

picking your favorite crystal jewelry, choose jewelry that has a direct contact

to the skin from the crystal using a culet.

Read more on our blog here.


Definitive Guide to Healing Crystals Page 40

If you’re sure of the crystals you need for the ULTIMATE change, just let us

know and we will send you the best offer directly from our exclusive healing

crystals showroom.

Good Luck and With Love,