DEKRA Rail Company brochure · a solid basis for rail certification DEKRA Rail is ISO 17020...

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DEKRA Rail Company brochure

Committed to Safety & improving Performance

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Questions we like to answerDEKRA Rail in brief

Safe assets with the required performance Do you want to use and maintain your rail assets safely and efficiently? Is your aim to get the best possible performance and opti-mal useful life? Do your assets need to be tested and certified? Or do you want to know why an asset doesn’t meet the standards? You can call on DEKRA Rail to provide you with specialist know-how and an independent assessment. With more than 90 years’ experience in rail, tram and metro, DEKRA Rail has a solution to every problem in the fields of Asset Admittance and Asset Insights. At DEKRA Rail we employ specialists in the field of mechanical engineering, material sciences, electrical engineering and signa-ling, tribology, certification, construction management and calibration.

• Is my system SAFE?

• Does this component meet the SPECIFICATIONS?

• How does this component WEAR and DEGRADE?

• Why did this system FAIL?

• How should I MONITOR or INSPECT this system?

• How can I improve my MAINTENANCE?

• How can I increase the PERFORMANCE of my assets and how can I reduce COSTS?

Why DEKRA Rail?

>> More than 90 years’ experience in rail>> A comprehensive knowledge of rail

systems>> Active in light and heavy rail, tram

and metro>> All expertise in-house>> Own fully equipped labs and testing

facilities>> In possession of all necessary


DEKRA worldwide

DEKRA is one of the world’s leading expert organizations and is currently active in 50 countries. Every day, its workforce of more than thirty-seven thousand is committed to helping deliver long-term safety, quality and sustainability.

The DEKRA Business Units, ‘Automotive’, ‘Industrial’ and ‘Personnel’, provide profes-sional and innovative services in the fields of vehicle inspection, expert assessment, claims management, consulting, product testing, certification, environment and qualification. DEKRA Rail is part of the ‘Industrial’ Business Unit. In 2015, DEKRA’s overall turnover amounted to almost 2.7 billion euros.

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Insight in asset behavior

Asset AdmittanceWhen new assets are taken into use, DEKRA Rail helps you acqui-re the necessary ‘license to operate’.

If you are investing in new rolling stock or infrastructure, DEKRA Rail provides input on the right tender and product specifications. We carry out design assessments and design evaluations and through modeling we identify the issues you should take into ac-count in your decision-making process. In short, we make sure you get what you need.

As a supplier it’s your job to ensure that rail and train-related com-ponents, systems and subsystems meet the national and internatio-nal requirements in respect of safety and interoperability. We make an independent assessment and investigate whether assets comply with the regulations. If this is the case, a certificate and/or declaration is issued.

Testing and Monitoring

Condition managementCondition management is the term used to describe the way in which the condition of your fleet or infrastructure is managed in order to achieve the desired performance. An essential aspect of condition management is to determine the condition of an asset in an as clear and practicable way as possible. Whether it relates to the material properties of a component or the integrity of an entire system, DEKRA Rail can conduct the measurements that will esta-blish the relevant condition.

Destructive or non-destructive, inside or outside, once only or repeatedWe have a wide range of testing methods available for testing materials and systems. Testing can be done in one of our labora-tories or out in the field. This can be material science, mechanical, electrical or tribological testing.

Analyzing and Predicting

Predicting wear and failure as a basis for maintenance optimizationA thorough knowledge of how technical systems behave in the rail environment is a precondition for being able to predict such beha-vior. For example, using data collected over time and with an understanding of the systems’ use, we are able to predict how long it can last or whether a change in maintenance is required and how often this maintenance needs to take place.

Complete understanding of a system’s behaviorIn order to determine exactly how a system behaves, we often use a mix of measuring and monitoring, data analytics and model calculations. These measurements enable us to establish the actual condition of a system. Data analytics allow us to identify the statistical relationships and, using models, the system can be described in such a way that future predictions or a slightly modi-fied situation can also be made.

New, in use or badly degradedCondition testing is relevant at various stages in the life cycle of an asset. For a new asset, it’s useful to establish its condition for future reference, or to inspect what has been delivered. After some time, signs of wear will begin to show and it will be possible to gauge the rate at which its condition will deteriorate based on current use. At the end of an asset’s useful life, condition testing can be relevant to determine the best time for a recondition or replacement.

MonitoringSometimes a single condition test is sufficient, at other times the condition must be tracked over time or be permanently monitored as part of a maintenance program. In that case, we will develop a customized monitoring system or help to select a system that is already on the market.

Wheel-rail interactionThe contact between wheel and rail is a critical factor for a success-ful rail operation. Forces and tensions between the rail vehicle and the track are necessary for guidance, steering, acceleration and deceleration. But they also cause wear and fatigue, noise and vibra-tions, and vehicle movements. This small contact patch therefore determines how environmentally friendly the combination of vehicle and track is, how comfortable it is, how much maintenance is required and what the risks are of derailment or component fai-lure. Measurements and models can help us ascertain the optimal combination of wheel and rail.

Damage and accident investigation Despite all the precautions an organization may take, every so often things can go wrong. For example, a broken or cracked component, a system that refuses to work or a vehicle that derails. DEKRA Rail can help you identify quickly and pragmatically exactly what has happened, conduct an analysis of the incident and determine its most probable cause. In this way a repetition of the incident can be avoided.

Asset InsightsRail, tram and metro operators are faced with major challenges. The demand is for higher performance at a lower cost. The pressure on infrastructure and rolling stock is increasing. Professional asset management is crucial for your position on the market. It’s there-fore essential to have good insight into how your assets behave.

DEKRA Rail understands the circumstances in which rail assets are used. We use our experience and expertise to guarantee the safe functioning of each asset, while at the same time realizing optimal performance. DEKRA Rail adopts a number of approaches and methods to gain insight into the behavior of your asset. We use ‘Testing and Moni-toring’ to collect the correct data on the condition of rolling stock and infrastructure and, using smart ’Analysis and Prediction’, we help improve your processes and the performance of your assets.

Services during the entire asset life cycle

DEKRA Rail: a solid basis for rail certification

DEKRA Rail is ISO 17020 accredited for:

TSIs for all subsystems: CCS, INF, SRT, ENE, PRM, RSTNEN-EN 50126, 50128, 50129CSM REA 352/2009, 402/2013

DEKRA Rail has been designated by the Dutch National Safety Authority ILT as:

Notified Body - NoBo (EU ID no. 2191)Designated Body - DeBoAssessment Body - (R)AsBo

Plan & design

Predictsystem behavior

Prediction of degradation and failureModeling

Data analysis


Laboratoryor field measurement

Data analyticsRelations & correlationsDatabases and combinations

On-board and wayside with remote accessRepeated, automated inspection

Chemical labMaterials labGeometric and electric lab„Field labs“–mobile equipment



DEKRA Rail checkssafety,>compliance,>sustainability

DEKRA Rail providesevaluation,>investigation,>optimisation

Manufacture,construct & deliver


Maintain Renew Dispose

Asset life cycle

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Overview of our servicesLabs, the field and modelling

The right environment for testing and analysis DEKRA Rail is an experienced testing organization. DEKRA Rail has its own laboratories for carrying out product tests. Operating worldwide, DEKRA has access to every imaginable facility for measuring, testing and monitoring your assets. What’s more, we also see the world outside as our lab. Our experts feel equally at home on the rails, inside trains and in workshops, as they do in their own labs. This means that DEKRA Rail is also your trusted partner for measuring, testing and monitoring all your assets.

DEKRA laboratories

DEKRA Rail has recourse to the following laboratories: >> Chemical/tribology laboratory >> Electrical and geometric calibration

laboratory >> Material sciences laboratory >> EMC laboratory >> Radio frequency laboratory

(GSM-R, LTE) >> Laboratory for explosion protection >> Light laboratory >> Dust and water laboratory >> Laboratory for electrical safety >> Photovoltaic laboratory

The outside world is also our laboratory

In addition, DEKRA Rail sees rails and workshops as ‘field laboratories’ for conducting research, organizing test runs and for measuring, testing and monitoring detection, interference and ground currents and EMC, forces, accelerations, vibrations and noise.

Analysis and modeling in the numerical laboratory

In order to handle large sets of test and log data effectively, we have our own advanced data management and analytics environment.

We use numerous modeling tools to model, analyze and predict the (dynamic) behavior of assets.

• Railway Certification and Assessment Services

• ERTMS Services

• Construction supervision in infrastructure projects

• Product testing

• Damage and incident investigation

• Remaining useful life assessment

• NDT services

• Condition monitoring of rotating equipment

• Wheel-rail optimization

• Traction system & EMC monitoring

The services provided by DEKRA Rail in brief

Contact>DEKRA>RailOur experts can be contacted via:

Telephone +31 30 3005 100

Postal address PO Box 8125 3503 RC Utrecht The Netherlands

Business address Concordiastraat 67 Utrecht The Netherlands

Web www.dekra-rail.comE-mail