Del Dr. Michel Stéphan® Nº R.S.: S/ N. R.S.The interstitial fluid is in direct contact with the...

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(Copyright -M. STÉPHAN Reservados todos los derechos de reproducción -1990 -2006)

Del Dr. Michel Stéphan® Nº R.S.: S/ N. R.S.

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SILICONEssential element of life

In the past, silicon has been known in human medicine for the role it played in pathology (miner's silicosis). Forthe past fifteen years it has been demonstrated that silicon plays a fundamental physiological role and that it is asmall essential element.

Silicon has shown to be necessary for bone, cartilage and connective tissue formation. Note that siliconis the second most important element on earth, although it is rarely found in sea water.We can also find it as silicate.

Lets not forget that silicon has an important role in industry (from the microchip used inelectronics down to ceramics and glass).

Carliste had already demonstrated in 1972, that a silicon deficiency in rats and chickens would producegrowth and bone development disorders, whilst this element was still considered in 1977 as acontaminant in reputable scientific research studies.

Silicon is necessary for the growth of certain micro organism (bacteria) as well as unicellular plants,vegetables, animals and man.

Animals fed with a feed poor in silicon, show bone and cartilage deformities with biochemicalalterations of their components.

Hence Silicon has a role in:

-Growth: Comparing chickens fed normally to others fed with a diet poor in silicon, it was established therewas atrophy in all the organs examined, the come was smaller, there were important alterations of the long bonesand the skull was smaller.

-In calcification: Silicon plays an important role not totally understood yet at the bone matrix level as wellas at calcification level, specially at the beginning of its formation and independently from the action of vitamin D.

-In the production of the cartilage and connective tissue: Specially in the production of collagen andproteoglycans of the matrix.

It is interesting to note that the concentration of silicon decreases in different tissues with ageing,specially in skin and arteries.At one point text books in the USA contained material, which was not known or accepted at the time, from researchwork performed by French scientists (specially Lo eperen 1966 y 1978), showing the drop in siliconconcentration in the arterial wall and indicating that this concentration would decrease every time atheroscleroticsigns appeared on the wall; this suggested that the lack of silicon could be part of atherosclerosis aetiology.

In addition, an abnormal silicon metabolism could be the cause for hypertension. In old rats with chronichypertension there was an associated drop of silicon on the arterial walls, a decrease in the collagen fibres whichneed a hyaluronic acid rich in silicon to be able to expand.(Becke r , 1979) .

For Charnot and Pérès: As atherosclerosis and hypertension frequently are related to age, and theabsorption of silicon depends on a number of endocrine hormones, the drop in hormonal activity could be the triggerto these problems and indirectly responsible for disorders in the silicon metabolism.

Dic. Larousse

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When it comes to describing the aetiology of an illness, its aetiopathology, the hereditary base seems more andmore plausible in most of the conditions affecting our industrialised society: Hypercholesterolemia, hypertension,cardiovascular, nervous, digestive and joint disorders , cancer...

In spite of the increasing importance given to gene therapy for treating disease in a not too distant future, it isoften forgotten that genetic predisposition to suffer an illness does nor necessarily imply that the condition will bedeveloped.

At the root of the majority of illnesses the same factors are consistently found. Giving up the diet described earlierin favour of refined food, therefore unsuitable nutrition, certain incorrect habits such as lack of sleep, stress...,which produce an increment of oxidants in our body and a stockpile of waste metabolites, which will interfere withcell communication and this in turn in many cases, triggers the expression of defective genes.

The Dietary mistake is no doubt one of the fundamental causes in the aetiopathology of disease. The macroelements and trace elements play a structural and physiological role in the body because of their job as organiserswithin the cell and intercellular media. Amongst them Organic Silicon has an important role as rectifier.

After more than 30 years of research in the field of organic silicon the result has been the Dietary OrganicSilicon.. “S.O.A”®© by Dr. Michel STÉPHAN, which has been assessed for its relationship with theconnective system and its effectiveness in the treatment of physiological disorders.The information presented in the following pages tries to enlighten about the role of silicon and the real therapeuticvalue of S.O.A®©.

Juan MARTÍNEZ GUIJARRO PhD in Biological Sciences.


The analogy and interdependence of silicon and connective tissue are quite obvious. They act in closecollaboration as agents for biological binding contributing to build, keep, give consistency and firmness to thephysical body structure.But in humans, the organic architecture is not separate from its operation nor from the psychological structuraland functional aspects. Everything is linked and is mutually influenced.Therefore the pair: connective tissue – silicon or silicon – connective tissue, contribute to keep and giveconsistency and firmness to humans as a whole, complete, self assured and brave beings.Without connective tissue the physical body, that is characterised fundamentally by integration, would notbe a body. Without silicon the physical body would be like a building constructed without cement.

On the surface of grains of amorphous detritica sand, certain bacteria secrete an organic acid which acts upon thesurface film of silicon. Thanks to these bacteria we can collect an high percentage of Organic Silicon and mainlynatural silanoles.

It is this Organic Silicon which according to the analogical method could be classed as the unifying element,the “magnetic one ”.

Alfredo Iglesias RuizGraduate in Medicine and Surgery

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The connective tissue is one of the four basic tissues of the body together with the epithelial, nervous andmuscular tissues.

The term defines the action of uniting or connecting, which is carried out by the molecules and structuresforming this tissue, with the rest of the tissues and the skeleton. In fact, the bone tissue is a specialization ofthe connective tissue.

Its function is determined by a series of differential characteristics with regards to the rest of the body tissues. Theepithelial, nervous and muscular tissues are essentially cell-based. Their cells can be distorted and torn whensubmitted to strain and pressure. However connective tissue gives support to the rest of the cells and an importantpart of it is the intracellular matrix. This substance fills the spaces between cells, amongst the connective tissueand other tissues as well. This substance acts as a cementing agent, joining the whole body together.


During the embryonic stage, the 3 germ layers of the embryo (ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm), give origin totheir own tissues and organs.The following originate from the mesoderm germ layer:connective tissue,muscular tissue,vascular tissue,kidneys,sexual glands and their ducts,adrenal cortex and abdominal membranes (peritoneum, pleura and pericardium).

The connective tissue is developed from the middle embryonic layer, and keeps a close link with the rest of theorgans originated in this germ layer.Types of Connective Tissues

The connective tissue is divided into different types: reticular, lax (areolar and adipose), fibrous (tendons,ligaments, cartilage and bone), hemopoietic and blood.

The hemopoietic tissue is strictly composed by cells in charge of producing blood and it is formed by the bonemarrow, lymphatic glands and the spleen.

Reticular Connective Tissue

The reticular tissue consists of idividual cells inserted in a matrix with fibrous protein as its main component.

The cells in our body must be fed constantly by oxygen and the assimilated substances, so as to keep anoptimum physiological balance. The cells are bathed by the interstitial fluid, with which they exchange nutrients aswell as dispose of the waste material from the cells.

The interstitial fluid is in direct contact with the connective tissue. The system formed by interstitial fluid plusconnective tissue is referred to as intracellular matrix.

The intracellular matrix connects all the cells in the body and represents the basic regulating system of the body.

The intracellular matrix constitutes a real net of global interconnection. Its distribution is such that enables thecells to establish contact amongst themselves, providing support and protection. It penetrates everywhere andfills up all the spaces, clefts, synapses, lens capsule, under the epithelium…

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So, for the body functions to develop correctly it is absolutely necessary that homeostasis of the intracellularmatrix is maintained, because osmotic, pH or temperature variations, immediately affect the cell function.

Lax Connective Tissue

Within the Lax Connective Tissue two types can be distinguished: the areolar , Which is the tissue mostwidely distributed in the body, and the adipose one it is tear-resistant and its job is to join thetissues and provide support when necessary; It is a specialised areolar tissue with many cellscontaining fat and acts by cushioning between the organs.Amongst the cells that form part of this type of tissue, there are fibrocytes and fibroblasts which synthesisecollagen, the mast cells which produce heparin and histamine and the macrophages, defence cells withendocitosis capacity.

fibrocitos fibroblastos,

Fibrous Connective Tissue

The fibrous connective tissue is distributed all over the body, joining the skin to the muscles, keep the glands inplace and reinforce structures. The tendons and ligaments are specialised varieties of this tissue just like cartilageand bone.

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COMPONENTS OF THE CONNECTIVE TISSUE(Approximate percen tage va lues over dry we igh t ).

B o n e h a s a w a t e r c o n t e n t o f 10-15%, compared to 70-80% in other tissues

Type of tissue Calcium Phosphate Collagen Elastin Proteoglycans

Bone 80 18 - 2

Cartilage - 50 - 50 (Condroitín sulphate)

Tendons - 90 9

Skin 45 5 1

The main proteic component of the connective fibrous tissue is collagen , one third of the body'sproteins are under the form of collagen.

Collagen is synthesised by the controblasts (Cartilage) or by the fibroblasts (skin). After being segregated, itbecomes a triple helix which when it links with itself forms collagen a fibrous insoluble structure.Collagen provides the matrix over which the calcium phosphate will deposit during bone formation.

In addition to collagen, elastine and glucosaminoglycans can also be found in connective tissue.

Elastine this protein is very similar to collagen, and it is normally found associated to it. It is synthesised by thesame cells that produce collagen.Glucosaminoglycanes are polysaccharides of the connective tissue which are attached to proteins formingproteoglycanes.The predominant type of glucosaminoglycans in the connective tissue are hyaluronic acid, chondroitinsulphate and dermatan sulphate.

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Hyaluronic acid is the main component of the synovial fluid, which has a nurturing and lubricating function in thejoint cartilages.


SILICON silicon as a chemical element

The word silicon is derived from the Latin word sílex (FIG1), which means pedernal, a mineral with whichhumans made manual utensils and that our evolution has lead us to device integrated electronic circuits madewith silicon.

In 1823 the Swedish chemist Berzelius isolates silicon (Si) and enounces its properties as a non-metallicelement analogous to carbon.It belongs to the same group as carbon and it is also tetravalent, in other words it is able to establish four bondswhich are positioned towards the vertices in a regular tetrahedron, remaining equidistant in space.Silicon just like carbon can combine with hydrogen(FIG2) forming silicon hydrides (SH), less stable thanhydrocarbons(CH). We could say that silicon is to inorganic matter what carbon represents to organicmatter.

Fig 1



In 1861, the German chemist Augüst F. Kekulé defined organic chemistry as the chemistry of the carboncompounds and the inorganic chemistry that of compounds without carbon.

Carbon atoms join each other very readily to form long chains. Silicon also has as a priority to join silicon atoms,forming chains, however, these chains can only join up to 8 atoms of silicon because longer chains becomeweaker and break.

Silicon compounds and their distribution

Silicon represents the second most abundant element of the earth crust (28%), after oxygen (45%), andahead of many other better known elements such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, calcium… etc.

Compared to other elements silicon is not found free in nature but rather as inorganic natural compounds, inminerals as well as in plants where it is found as silice, silicon dioxide (Si O ²), silicic acid y silicates (s i l i c i c ac idsa l t s ) .

It is also found in soluble form in water. In certain areas concentrations of 20 to 50 ml/ l of soluble silicon can befound. There are areas in Europe, where the water is rich in silicon ( “Volv ic ” in F rance, “Caldes de Boí ” i n Spa in . . )



Dandelioand wateAmongst8% of thsolublecompoun

As oppothe femawhich reIn plantsHoweverhumansconcentr

(Copyright -M. STÉPHAN Reservados todos los derechos de reproducción -1990 -2006)


plants can transform silicon derivates which are found in soluble or colloidal form. Hence, pulses can10 kg silicon/ year. Wheat will process 150kg/ year. This demonstrates the importance of the silicons in the vegetable world.

n shoots (Ta raxác um of f i c ina le ) , whole cereals, brewer's yeast, lucerne, green leaf vegetables, pumpkinr melon contain important amounts of silicon.the plants that have a high content of silicon is the horse tail (Equ isetum arvense), Which has between 5 –

e silicic acid and silicates, (equ iva lent to 2- 3 % of e lementa l s i l i con ) , of which 10 to 80% can become ain water depending on the way of extraction. However there have not been detected organic siliconds in this plant.

sed to what happens with the Tagshir bamboo (Bambusa arund inácea) . The bleeding from the stem ofle plant represents the highest vegetable content of silicon, nearly 75% combined in a proteic matrix

nders it almost in the category of organic silicon., silicon provides firmness, consistency and rigidity and even some sharp edges., silicon originated in the plant kingdom is in an inorganic form and it has been observed that wheneat these plants the increase of silicon concentration in plasma, produces an increase of its

ation in urine which indicates a weak assimilation

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Studies performed in people using an aluminium silicate compound showed a poor absorption of only 1%of silicon. By contrast 70% of the organic silicon is absorbed.

Silicon in animals and humans.

Thanks to the experiments by Gabriel Bertrand, French chemist and, biologist, it has been known since 1910that silicon is found in all living creatures, working as a general stabilizer.

However until 1972 silicon was considered as a ”non-essential element” except for some types of organismswhere it pays a fundamental structural role, such as the skeletons of some sponges and the thecae on thediatoms. On this same year the first evidence that considered silicon as a fundamental element in chickensand rats.

The 8 most important elements of the earth crust and the human body expressed in percentage oftotal number of atoms.

Percentages of the total number of atoms

Earth Crust Human Body

Element % Element %

O 47 H 63

Si 28 O 25,5

Al 7 , 9 C 9,5

Fe 4,5 N 1,4

Ca 3,5 Ca 0,31

Na 2,5 P 0,22

K 2,5 Cl 0,08

Mg 2,2 K 0,06

In the human body the amount of silicon is so small, around 600 to 700 mg, that it is considered as a trace elementand just like the others the role it plays is as a catalyst, in other words it accelerates the biological processes in thebody.Our daily necessary intake of silicon is above 20-30 mg.

The highest concentration of silicon in our body is in the connective tissue, where it is found in organic form andthis explains the way it can carry out its very important functions because the connective tissue is found allthroughout the body.

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Functions of silicon

Most of the studies about the biochemical and physiological function of silicon started to develop in 1974.

The experiments carried out by Professor Schulz, described the use of water rich in silicon for the treatment ofchronic illnesses of the urinary tract, such as the Vichy water 80 mg de silica per litre.

The experiments carried out in animals to which silicon was eliminated restrictively from the diet, hadsurprising results:

Silicon is very important for the formation and development of the connective and joint tissue. A lackof silicon will have as a consequence an atrophy of the connective tissue.

It has an important role in the formation of bone in young animals , and contributes to its conservationthroughout the animal's life.

It has been proven that the levels of silicon vary inversely to age, specially on the arterial walls and the skin.Young arteries have much more silicon than old ones.

Silicon is one of the elements involved in the replacement of the old tissue for new, showing therefore,structuring functions.

It helps to keep skin, nails and hair in good condition, so it is indicated for the treatment of sores, ulcers, eczema,boils, bone and teeth decay.

Its role in relation to the connective tissue is fundamental due to its involvement in the process of reticulation of thecollagen ( i t i s a n e n z y m a t i c c o f a c t o r o f proli lhydroxi lase), elastine and mucopolysacarides, which iswhere the polysaccharide component and the proteic component join.

It contributes to the architecture and elasticity of the connective tissue, in addition to be involved in theprocess where calcium is fixed to the bone.

It is also an important factor in glandular reconstruction.

Silicon was first experimented with by Samuel Hahneman (1755-1843).the first information about these experimentsin healthy individuals is from 1828.

Under the homeopathic point of view, the signs and symptoms for which it would be indicated would be thefollowing (in summary):

Rejuvenator.Special remedy for chronic illnesses.Weak people, with lax muscles, fine skin and pale complexionLack of moral and physical resolve; emotional and physical tiredness, weak and irritable at the same time.People who avoid effort and taking responsibilities.Difficulties concentrating.Tendency to have secretions with pus.Chronic rheumatic conditions, joint pains.Chronic suppurative skin diseases: acne, old furunculosis, scars, keloids.Excessive sweating, specially head hands and feet.Chilblain.Cataract, styPalliative of cancerCelluliteObesity

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Rejuvenator Special remedy for chronic illnesses.

Weak people, with lax muscles, fine skin and pale complexion

Lack of moral and physical resolve; emotional and physical tiredness, weak and irritable at the same time

People who avoid effort and taking responsibilities.

Difficulties concentrating. Tendency to have purulent secretions

Chronic rheumatic conditions, joint pains.

Chronic suppurative skin diseases: acne, old furunculosis, scars, keloids.

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MICHEL STÉPHAN® RECOMMENDS:Good feeding habits + Dietary Organic Silicon + Bio catalytic Oxygenation


Excessive sweating, specially head, hands and feet.


Cataracts styes

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The Silanoles

The chemical similarity between silicon and carbon and its capacity for combining with other elements, has alreadybeen looked at earlier on.

If we define organic chemistry as the chemistry of carbon, it is obvious that when talking about organic silicon weare referring to some chemical compound where both elements are present.

In 1863 the French scientist Charles Friedel managed to produce a compound where silicon and carbon were present,which does not exist in nature, hence creating the first organic silicon.During the early XX century there started to appear a huge area in the border between organic and inorganicchemistry. The British chemist Frederick S. Kipping, discoverer of silicone, started his research on silicon in 1899.

Over a period of forty years he managed to synthesize a good number of organic compounds which had one orseveral silicon atoms.

In this way, the hydrogenated silicon compounds were originated, which have the generic name of silanos (SiH4).

From them and by substituting one or several hydrogen atoms by hydroxyl groups (OH), the molecules oftherapeutic interest are generated. (Fig.1)

Organic chemistry, the chemistry of live creatures, is based on the chemistry of carbon. Therefore, for a substanceto become organic, it is necessary to incorporate it to a living creature or bind it to carbon.

Nature chose the carbon path, but under special conditions it is quite likely that silicon behaved in an identical wayto carbon, although not in the climate conditions that dominated the Earth when organised life appeared.

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Fig. 1 Molecular structure of the organic compounds derived from silanos.Monomethyl silanetriol and dimethyl silanetriol are the result of substituting silanol's R groups by methylgroups (CH3).

Dietary Organic Silicon by Dr. Michel STÉPHAN® Nº RS S/N R.S.

P r o c u r e m e n t a n d c o m p o s i t i o n

SOA®© (Dietary Organic Silicon) is the result of a long research process started in 1957 by the organic chemistNorbert Duffaut, and finished in 1991 with its launch on to the market, thanks to the work of Dr. Loïc Le Ribault, whowas able to obtain a highly active organic silicon, which can be taken orally and has no trace of toxicity.

The term SOA®©, which is prepared following a patented method, defines an organic silicon whichbelongs to the silanetriol family.IT IS NOT a “silanol”, a compound with less activity.During the production process of SOA®© there are four pharmaceutical laboratories involved, which participateindependently at different stages of the transformation from the raw material into the finished product. The rawmaterial, source of silicon, are plants that have a high content of silicon and mineral silicates, from which theOrganic Silicon is obtained using a transformation process carried out in a reactor.

In this reactor, the pre-treated raw material is submitted to high atmospheric pressure and hightemperatures which transform the silicon (Si O²), the salicic acid and the silicates into organic silicon inthe form of monomethyl silanetriol.

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Once the organic silicon is obtained and the pertinent quality control checks are cleared, it is packed in plasticbottles or in unidoses, in a continuous sterile environment (Double retention membrane of 0,45 y 0,22 µm,


This process is carried out by the last laboratory: CytoBioLife, which is equipped with installations and technologythat ensure quality control 0 UFC~/100 ml, when the accepted limit is <10 UFC/100 ml, hence, the final product istotally sterile of any bacterial contamination.~ UFC:Colony Forming Uni ts

Each batch is followed by quarantine of the products, evaluating the bacteriological results all through this period,according to the norm from Ph. Eur III (European Pharmacopoeia).

The result is a clear colourless liquid with an average pH 6.73 (between 4-7) and totally ascetic, which ensuresstability.

Mechanism of Action

The action of SOA®© over our body is not only explained by the provision of highly assimilable organic silicon,but also by its highly reactive power.

Scientific studies show that any disarray in the body comes, in part from a loss of the cell's electrochemicalbalance. Monomethyl silanetriol SOA®© is a molecule that presents a record amount of unstable positive andnegative ions, which could intervene at cell level, re-establishing the polarity of the deficient cells, freeing,according to the circumstances, positive or negative ions.

SOA®© could be considered as a ionic re-balancing element of the body, which would contribute bygiving the cells the necessary energy to fight against the aggression which modifies its electrochemicalstate.

Indications and dose


The possible indications for SOA®© are countless because as it has been pointed out before, the action field forsilicon is the connective tissue, therefore it is possible to use it for treatment of disorders or illnesses affectingdifferent systems:

S. Osteo-articular: consolidation of fractures, arthralgias, myalgias, tendonitis, arthrosis, arthritis, osteoporosisand



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S. Dermatological: healing of wounds, acne, eczemas, psoriasis, mycosis, chilblains,keratodermia,burns...

June 18 2005 Sun burn with corrosive product.

Immune System: lupus erythematosus, sclerodermia, rheumatoid polyarthritis,


Lupus erythematosus

Metabolism: hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, type II diabetes, stunt growth

Cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, polyarteritis nodosa, arteritis obliterans, arteriopathies.


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Atherosclerosis Arteriopathies

Nervous System: stress, intellectual fatigue.

Tiredness Stress


For external use

Gel:2 to 6 daily applications. Spread a fair amount of gel over the area being treated and leave to penetrate (Accord ingto the amount o f ge l and the type of sk in , i t i s necessary to leave between 0,1 t o 2 minut es to ach ieve a per fec tpenet ra t i on ) . Do not rub in.

Liquid:Swabs or drops applied directly on the area to be treated. Apply from 15 to 30 min in the evening. Except in burns,vaporise every 30 min. during the first 3 days thereafter, depending on the type of burn, alternate with gel 4 timesa day until totally healed.

By mouth (liquid) c omes in a l i t re .a) As preventative treatment, one litre once a year, 10ml daily before breakfast.b) Classic treatment: 10 ml, 2 to 3 times a day one hour away from meal times.c) Elderly and deep crisis 10 ml every 2 hours for the first 3 days, then continue with 10ml 4 times a day until youfinish the one litre bottle. Rest for a fortnight and start again until there is a good recovery. Rest again for afortnight and start again, this time take twice a day.

To avoid loss of activity of SOA®©, it is very important to avoid the product having contact with any crystal or metal surface,so they recommend not to use a crystal bowl or, metal spoons.

Side effects

SOA®© is tolerated very well, lets not forget it is a food supplement that provides organic silicon to the body. Infew instances there could be slight insomnia as a side effect, when the dose of 380 mg/ kg of body weight isexceeded.


The Clinical toxicology studies reveal absence of toxicity in SOA®© in its liquid form as well as the gel.

In both cases the assessment has been done checking for primary skin irritation (eritema and oedema) and eye(cornea, i r i s , and con junc t i va ), classing SOA®© as non-irritant

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In the acute toxicity assays where the administration was by mouth, with doses of 20ml/ kg, it was established thatthe total lack of toxicity provides the product with an absolute coefficient of assurance when used by humanbeings.


As it was pointed out before, SOA®© provides silicon as a trace element in organic form, and no enhancing orinhibiting effects of the pharmacological activity of the medication taken for different pathologies has been found.for SOA®©.

The only advice when taking medications is that they are taken separately from SOA®©. (one hour before or aftereating).


There have been no contra-indications described for SOA®©.so it can be administered to groups that have specialphysiological conditions: pregnant women, infants, elderly people, patients with chronic renal or liver insufficiency.

Cardiovascular System

The careful tests carried out by Professor Schulz revealed the presence of silicon in all connective tissues andshowed that silicon content is inversely proportional to age.

In the cardiovascular system, the components of connective tissue of the artery wall are: 25 - 30% collagenfibres, 30 - 40% elastine fibres and 30 - 40% muscular components and essential substances, speciallymucopolysacarides.

These mucopolysacarides form the intermediate matrix between elastine and collagen and in humans they arerich in silicon, thanks to which the elasticity of the vascular wall is maintained.

Globally, important concentrations of silicon have been found in young arteries in comparison to old sclerifiedones. The level of silicon in arteries and their condition is reduced with ageing as well.

Si Concentration for every 100 g Nitrogen at arterial level

Healthy Mild lesion Serious lesionmg Si 180 105 63

The physiological decay of the amount of silicon with age, is linked to a loss of vascular elasticity.

It has been established that in sclerified arteries there is an important reduction of silicon content in the walls.

The relationship between the silicon index found in aortic tissue and atherosclerosis has been studied and usinglipid infiltration and it has been established that there is progressive loss of this element in the arterial walls.

On the other hand, studies done on 1072 patients, all observed the arteries suffering from atherosclerosis, had alevel of Si, fourteen times lower than veins.

Regarding the prevention of atheromatosis, silicon acts by reducing the permeability of the arterial walls,increasing the intercellular mass and the thickness of the elastic fibres, keeping a high level of hydrolases, anenzyme able to transform esterified cholesterol in free cholesterol.

Osteoarticular system

During the ossification process, silicon and calcium are bound so that it becomes indispensable for theadsorption and fixation of calcium to the bone.

The areas of calcification have a high silicon content, where a catalytic function of fixing calcium, sulphurand phosphorous would take place.

The influence of silicon over bone and cartilage is due as well to its role during the synthesis ofCollagen and mucopolysacarides. It has been demonstrated that in animals with a silicon deficiency theysuffered at the same time with a deficiency of the organic, bone and cartilage matrix.

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High concentrations of silicon have been found in tendons fascia and eye tissue.Recently, Hott y and his assistants performed an experiment using the animal model of histerectomía de ovarioduring a 1 month treatment. The rats were divided in four groups: control, treated with estradiol, treated with siliconand with organic silicon.

Rats treated with organic silicon showed an improvement over the re-absorption of the metaphysis andan increment in bone production, which resulted in an improvement of 14% of the trabecular bonevolume and the number of osteoclasts compared to the control rats.As significant was considered the 30% increment in osteoblastic surface.

Administered for diseases where there is a bone pain, the derivates of organosilíceos enable to obtain a netimprovement with movement recovery and no more pain.

The control x-rays from patients that have been treated show a re-mineralization of the decalcified areas anddisappearance of sclerosis.

These results strengthen the relationship between calcium and silicon. On another note, the administration of Ca/SIat bones, tendons and muscles levels, improves rheumatism a great deal.

With regards to fractures and re-calcification, research one in the 60' shows a speeding up of this process throughthe action of the organic silicon. More recent studies, show that concentrated silicon systematically is presentnear the areas of intense calcification.( e p i p h y s i s a n d f r a c t u r e d a r e a ) .

Results obtained with SOA®©.

The massage with SOA®© Gel on lumbago cases has given encouraging results and enable to expect this simpletherapy to be applied in many other instances.

The massage with this gel should be performed 3 to 6 times a day over 2 days, this will bring relief to the pain in 2 to3 days and its total eradication in 8 to 10 days.


SOA®© can be applied using ionization or ultrasound.

The results observed are the disappearance of pain in 5 to 6 sessions when there is chronic tendonitis continuingwith the gel massages once in a while. Once the pain has subsided completely and the use is totally recovered,the treatment ceases completely.

Oedemas and trauma to the joints

Whether a knock (trauma), or an inflammation (Arthrosis) there are different results according to 2 ways ofapplying the products.

1. Massage with gel and then apply the lotion on the skin. The results are pain relief after 4 to 5 sessions and nopain after 5 to 7 sessions. This method is perfect for non-acute pain, as well as shock treatment for arthrosis-likepain.2. Application of gel plus lotion on the skin.

Soak some cotton wool with equal parts of gel and lotion, apply over affected area and leave for at least an hour,overnight if possible.After 2 sessions there will be decrease in pain which will completely disappear after 3 to 4 sessions.

Muscle pain and Contractures

There are different options:

1 –In Physiotherapy:

Ultrasound, 2 daily 15 min sessions with gel. The results are decrease or disappearance of pain after 3 to 5sessions.

2 –On the skin:

20 (Copyright -M. STÉPHAN Reservados todos los derechos de reproducción -1990 -2006)

2 times a day, morning and evening for ½ an hour using gel and lotion. This is a perfect complement forphysiotherapy.


Massage with gel SOA®© 3 times a day for 10 days and application of the lotion on the skin (soak some cot ton woolw i th lo t ion and apply to af fec ted area, leave for 40 to 50 min ), for 2 days. There is a decrease in pain from 2 to 3days and the disappear completely after 8 to 10 days.

ArthrosisOn major joints, (knee, hip, shoulder and spine),perform a massage with gel SOA®© plus appl icat ionof lo t ion SOA®© by Dr. Michel STÉPHAN on the skin.

For minor joints (hands, feet ank les and elbows ), massage only with the gel.In both cases paindecreasesin 5 to 6 days. The length of treatment and te relief from pain will vary according to the area affectedand the intensity of the pain.


Collagen is abundant in the dermis and where dermis and epidermis meet, the collagen changes with age.

Collagen in the dermis represents between 70 to 80% of the dry weight of the dermis. Experiments performedwith organic silicon have shown there is an activation of the synthesis of collagen by the fibroblasts and adecrease in skin rigidity.

This skin rejuvenating action enables to counteract the loss of flexibility and firmness linked to ageing.

La pérdida de silicon es imprescindible para la síntesis de las fibras de colágenoand of elastine from theconnective tissue. Any shortage or loss of silicon from this tissue will lead to the loss of elasticity of the skin. Itshigh moisturising and healing properties have been noted.


Apply SOA®© Gel 2 times per day (when getting up, when going to bed) and dr1nk 10 ml. of drinking SOA®© per day.



(Copyright -M. STÉPHAN Reservados todos los derechos de reproducción -1990 -2006)


Silicon is an essential element for the body. In many processes it leads a featuring role:

It is directly involved in the way the elements relate within the immune system.At skin level, it participates to a great extent in its structure and ensures the elasticity of other tissues.At muscle, tendon, bone tissue and cartilage levels it ensures the integrity of these tissues and takes part in thereinforcement of their main function: mobility y flexibility of the first ones, and firmness and moreregeneration of the latter.At vascular level, contributes to a good functionality and to keep the tone.

The organic form is easier to assimilate, the one that offers more security and effectiveness is SOA®©, which hasproven through its use by Dr. Michel STÉPHAN to have wide therapeutic applications with a good safety recordin contrast to other organic silicon preparations.

It would be a mistake to consider SOA®© as a panacea or a unique treatment because we would be delving inthe realms of fanaticism which doesn't reflect the therapeutic achievements.the Dietary Organic Silicon (Silicio Orgánico Alimenticio) by Dr. Miche l STÉPHAN fits the patient into a globaltreatment, applying the theory described in the book The Bible of Health which when necessary includes classicalallopathic therapies. For more information:

It must be remembered that SOA's®© action works through its functional role in the connective tissue as well as itscell electrochemical rectifier. This explains the improvements produced in other systems whilst the patient isreceiving the correct treatment.

For more information about SOA®©, training, courses, conferences...Write to:

Michel STÉPHAN Michel STÉPHANC/ San Antón, nº2-4ºC Apartado nº22

26002 Logroño (La Rioja) 34800 Aguilar de Campóo (Palencia)Tel: 941 235 962 -Fax: 941 246 023

Mobile: 655 406 614


“ T H E B I L E O F H E AL T H ”

V O L U M E 1

b y D r . M i c h e l S T É P H A N ®

Email.: Web:

Copyright -M. STÉPHAN (Reservados todos los derechos de reproducción -1990 -2006)

Presentaciones Disponibles S O A ®

(Copyright -M. STÉPHAN Reservados todos los derechos de reproducción -1990 -2006)


Iso 9002 & G. M. P.They are two “labels ”(Quality assurance) issued to industries who accept to comply wit a very precise and demanding book of

standards for manufacturing on 1 or several products.

Iso 9002It a “European Label” issued to the industry once a year after an audit of the premises so that the certificate can be renewed.

Iso 9002 is: “A Quality Assurance Certificate" for the Chemical, Biological, Industrial…

G. M. P.(Good Manufacturing Practice)

It is a Certificate given to the Pharmaceutical Industry. It is a standard recognised throughout the world and in the USA by the FoodDrug and Administration. Once again it is about a “Label of quality” issued to comply with a very severe commitment to Draconianbook of standards about Quality, Bacteriology, the materials used and Toxicity.

Registro Sanitario nº: S/N. R.S.Michel Stéphan®

<<Science should be ethical>>©

And our profession should flow down the scientific and humanities ways.

<<Science should advance to benefit humanity, not other interests>>

About the limit to this advancement and ethics, <<this is found in the use of thescientific knowledge and the clinical results.

Science should be ethical, this means that it should be“at the service of mankind”.

Its development must not be stopped, providing it follows the ethical path. >>

Today, from my point of view, science is in a difficult position betweenthe interests of governments and the economic powers.

The attention to these interests and not to Humanity's is the great danger run by science.

Education, the instilment of ethical criteria in the general public is one of the solutions to the problem

It is something that should be promoted by the media and originatefrom the scientists themselves

<<who treat science mainly from the sensationalist point of view>>.

<<Scientists should, on top of contribute with new knowledge, inform and educate thegeneral public about science >>.




The list of problems related to oxygen is worrying…

However, we must not forget that oxygen is vital

The body produces free radicals naturally and permanently in order to survive, it has optimised some defence techniques: The antioxidants. Theyare agents that can oxidise or they are antioxenzymes antioxidants. They are agents able to oxidise or enzymes, which act like scavengersand they are grouped in three categories according to the way they act:

antioxidant enzymes specific in most cells; enzymes scavenge transition free metals;

antioxidants in the food that are able to catch free radicals under a weak reacting form.

Without Free Radicals LIFE IS NOT P0SSIBLE.Free radicals are useful in the body for:

- kill cancer cells or pathogenic bacteria/virus.- Produce molecules essential for life

- They have a vasomotor and anti-aggressive activity

- some can workas neurotransmitters




CIO® (Con tan solo 10ml diarios)



However: In excess they will produce:HYPOXIA = chronic illnesses, muscular pains, joint pain…

The only way to control or prevent illness or pain is: