Delicious presentation

Post on 12-May-2015

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This is a presentation I gave at the fall 2009 APC Conference at Elgin Community College and at the spring 2009 ITBE Conference.




Presented by Marcia Luptak and Holly Lawyer

APC Fall Conference 2009


1. Give an overview of one bookmarking site, Delicious, and its features.

2. Give an example of how and why Delicious is useful in the classroom.

3. Participants will be shown how to set up their own Delicious bookmarking website.


AN OVERVIEW OF DELICIOUSIt allows me access to my favorite websites from any computer. I don’t have to remember 100’s of addresses, just one that gives me access to all of my favorites.

It allows me to include the name of the websitealong with a description of the website, just in case I don’t remember what the website included.

It allows me to “tag” my websites, so I can find websites dealing with specific topics more quickly. I don’t have to deal with folders and having to remember where I left something.

It allows me to change any information about a website - such as the name, description, tag – easily with the “edit “ button. Or I can delete it with the “delete” button.

It allows me to easily share my websites with my colleagues. Anyone can access the website unless I specifically mark it “private”.

It allows me to “network” with other delicious users. I can see what they have bookmarked and easily add it to my own list if I want by clicking the “save” button.

It allows me to “subscribe” to a certain tag or user, so I can get easy updates on things that interest me.

It allows me to change my “settings”, depending on how I am using the account. I do not have to open a new account if things change.

It has a “What’s new?” button to keep me up-to-date with any changes in the website and what’s new on the web.

It allows me to see what other people are saving by accessing “popular” or “recent” buttons. I no longer have to do a “blind search” on Google.


IN THE CLASSROOMThe teacher doesn’t have to give students lists of websites, which may become outdated or lost.




• page.htm




Students don’t have to type in dozens of website addresses, just one. This saves time as there is always someone who doesn’t type the address correctly.

It is easy for students to return to the Delicious site once it has been typed in. They just have to type “d” and the address pops up on the toolbar.

The teachers doesn’t have to make up a separate list of websites for each class. He simply “tags” the website with the class name or topic and has students go to that specific list of tags.

Students don’t have to log in to the website, so they do not have editing power.

It makes it quicker for the teacher to expose the students to multiple websites and easy for them to return to the websites to practice their specific needs.

Students can practice a specific skill they want to practice – not everyone has to be on the same website. Tags and descriptions help the students to determine which skills the site offers. This encourages independent learning.


• The teacher is free to be able to help students who are having difficulty.

•Students can access the website from anywhere, so they can access the websites from home for extra practice.

•Students can access the website anytime, so they do not have to be enrolled in the course to use the sites. This encourages lifelong learning.

•The teacher can update the website at any time and all students who access the website can benefit from the updates.

•Even if the student leave s the country or the program, he will still have online resources available to them.


First, go to (note there is no www). Click on Join Now.

Fill out the registration form: (click “I agree” to the Terms of Service). And click “register”.

You will be given a page with button options. Choose to “skip this step”.

Also skip the “Import” step.

You now have a Delicious bookmarking site. Click on “Save a new bookmark”.

Let’s add your first bookmark. Type in the name, then click “next”.

Now you can type in a title, notes, tags, etc… Hit “save” and you have your first bookmark!

Now let’s network. Click on the “network” button.

Click on “Add a user to Network”

Add ecc.esl.student to your network

Now you can save any websites from this site to your own simply by clicking “save”.

Insert your own notes and tags, save, and you have your second bookmark!

Remember that you can still edit or delete these at any time.


Marcia’s Delicious Sites

Holly and Marcia’s Emails