Deliver winning responses

Post on 28-Jan-2018

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Customers have become more demanding, insisting on both off-the-shelf products and

more complex, customized solutions. Companies accustomed to selling products and walking away are being forced to prove

how they add real value. "

“Three trends in business-to-business sales,” McKinsey Quarterly

Winning sales reps adapt to the customer’s context. Multiple contexts influence customer beliefs, buying criteria, and behavior, so consider each dimension in building your sales approach and value proposition.  

Adapt to your customer’s context © 2011

Contextualize your messaging in the form of convincing sales arguments that align your strongest proof points with the care-abouts that matter most to your buyers. Win over detractors and de-position competitors with powerful evidence of market leadership, solution differentiators, and ROI results. Create a sense of urgency by crafting compelling reasons to buy now.

Crystallize winning arguments

Solution differentiators More mature and proven than… Better integration with… Easier to operate because… Safer foundation for the future by… Etc.

ROI results Up to 95% reduction in… Pays for itself in 2 months by… Save millions of $ by reclaiming… Spend 30% less for…"Etc.

Reasons to buy today Save cash by reducing costs on… Sharpen your competitive edge with new capabilities to… Expand capacity to handle… Etc.

Evidence of leadership Biggest market share in… Most years of experience at… More successful deployments with… Recognized by leading experts in… Etc.



Deals that look like a sure thing can be derailed by resistance from new decision-makers or doubts the buyer was unwilling to reveal. Educate your sales team to proactively uncover and answer objections early. Analyze win/loss reports to understand the most common points of opposition from prospects. Then equip your reps with talking points to overcome them with pointed answers and credible evidence.

Overcome objections © 2011

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We develop contextual selling tools and content marketing programs that are considered best in class, with messaging that sharpens differentiation, playbooks that improve sales performance, and content marketing programs that deliver results. We help companies harness sales leader knowledge and apply rich insight about customer drivers and market realities in tools and programs that drive measurable change, often in less than 90 days. Share