Deliverable D.T1.2.1 Identification and analysis of local ... · The Vorarlberg Energy Autonomy has...

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GREENCYCLE Introducing circular economy system to Alpine Space

to achieve low-carbon targets

ASP 452 - Priority 2 Low Carbon Alpine Space

Deliverable D.T1.2.1

Identification and analysis of local CE policies

Feb 2018 by project partner E-zavod, final version

Program priority: SO2.1 - Establish transnational integrated low carbon policy instruments

Work package: T1 – Building the Circular Economy knowledge platform

Activity: A.T1.3 – Building the Circular Economy knowledge base

Deliverable: D.T1.2.1 – Identification and analysis of local CE policies

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Table of contents ..................................................................................................................................... 2

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3

Policy overview Austria: Vorarlberg region ............................................................................................. 4

Policy overview France: Rhone-Alpes ..................................................................................................... 8

Policy overview Germany: Freiburg ...................................................................................................... 12

Policy overview Italy: Trento ................................................................................................................. 17

Policy overview Slovenia: Maribor ........................................................................................................ 21

Policy analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 27

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 33

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Circular economy is a new economic model adopted and promoted by European Union to

achieve sustainable and inclusive growth. As this is still quite a new concept further work on

the reinforcement of the circular economy among Member States is still needed. One of the

first steps in building up the circular economy implementation framework is policy revision

and upgrade. After the adaptation of Circular economy package by the European

Commission an initial policy revision was already done. The results of these efforts are seen

in the legislative proposal on online sales, on fertilizers, adaptation of the eco-design work

plan and further. In order to achieve all the goals of circular economy (environment

protection, new job opportunities and social integration) further policy reviews are

necessary, especially on the micro level.

This document is prepared to provide a general overview on the existing policy documents in

respect to circular economy on the regional level of five Alpine space countries. With the

specific goal to identify regional policy documents that one way or another address circular

economy and to design concrete proposals for future policy upgrades 23 policy documents

have been revised.

The document is structured in a way to first give a general presentation of the policy

documents identified, followed by a short analysis of the presented policy and final the

conclusion presents the results and concrete measures to be taken into consideration before

applying circular economy into practice.

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1. Spatial Planning Law Vorarlberg

Responsible authority Government of Vorarlberg

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Römerstraße 15, A-6900 Bregenz P: +43-5574-511-0 E: WP:

Overall objectives of the policy document

To regulate the spatial usage and development of the existing landscape in Vorarlberg.


The law exists since1973, last fundamental reissue in 1996, and roughly annual changes.

Specific objectives / priority areas

general framework of land use;

placing of garbage storage;

building stock development.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

Spatial Planning Law Vorarlberg defines the general framework of land use, placing of garbage storage and building stock development. In future it may affect the urban mining potential. Spatial planning is especially important for fitting renewable sources into the area and with managing the urban areas and population density greatly influences the effectiveness of city services such as district heating or waste management.

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2. Building Codes Vorarlberg

Responsible authority Government of Vorarlberg

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Römerstraße 15, A-6900 Bregenz P: +43-5574-511-0 E: WP:

Overall objectives of the policy document

The building Codes Vorarlberg regulate the planning and creation of buildings in Vorarlberg.

Timeframe Last fundamental reissue 2001, roughly annual changes.

Specific objectives / priority areas

general framework of building codes;

legal procedures;

usage of buildings.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

Building Codes Vorarlberg defines the general framework of buildings, their use, and renovation. In future it may affect the urban mining potential. Buildings are especially important for fitting renewable sources into buildings, the use of materials in buildings and the demolition of buildings. Further aspects of the usage of buildings and the waste facilities on the site greatly influence the circular economy.

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3. Waste Management Law Vorarlberg

Responsible authority Government of Vorarlberg

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Römerstraße 15, A-6900 Bregenz P: +43-5574-511-0 E: WP:

Overall objectives of the policy document

To regulate the legal handling of waste.

Timeframe Last fundamental reissue 2006, changes in 2012 and 2013.

Specific objectives / priority areas

general framework of waste management;

collection and disposal of waste;

institutions and fees.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

Building Codes Vorarlberg defines the general framework and plays an important role for the project Greencycle. In line with the precautionary principle and sustainability, waste management must be geared towards:

harmful and detrimental effects on man, animal and plant, their livelihoods and their natural environment are avoided, or otherwise influences affecting the general well-being of the human being are kept as low as possible;

the emissions of air pollutants and climatically relevant gases are kept as low as possible;

resources (raw materials, water, energy, landscape, land, landfill volume);

in the case of material recovery, the waste or the substances derived from them do not present a higher potential hazard than comparable primary raw materials or products made from primary raw materials;

only those wastes remain, the deposit of which does not endanger subsequent generations.

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4. Energy autonomy Vorarlberg

Responsible authority Government of Vorarlberg

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Römerstraße 15, A-6900 Bregenz P: +43-5574-511-0 E: WP: http://

Overall objectives of the policy document

The country of Vorarlberg has set itself the goal of completely covering the regional energy supply by 2050 with renewable energy.


In 2009 the energy autonomy was unanimously set by all parties represented in the parliament as a strategic goal. 2050 the goal is to be achieved. 101 grandson fit measures with time horizon 2020.

Specific objectives / priority areas

The Vorarlberg Energy Autonomy has a goal-oriented energy supply without dependencies. The balance of energy consumption and production from renewable energy sources is to be balanced by 2050. On the one hand, a long-term sustainable energy supply is to be ensured. On the other hand, we make a major contribution to climate and environmental protection.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

The main focus of energy autonomy Vorarlberg is on energy, buildings, industry and commerce as well as mobility and spatial planning. In order to achieve the goal in 2050, the first intervening stage was to draw up 101 grandson fit measures for the promotion of the environment. The target was to achieve 2020, the energy consumption compared to 2005 by 15 per cent as well as CO2 emissions by 18 percent. In return, the share of renewable energies is to be expanded by 19 percent. The reduction of CO2 emissions is also the main target of the Greencycle project.

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1. TEPOS: Positive energy territory for green growth

Responsible authority ViennAgglo

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Mustapha L’HAOUA P: 00 33 4 82 06 33 17 / 00 33 6 25 78 79 93 E: WP:

Overall objectives of the policy document

Tree overall objectives were identified:

reduce by 50% of the energy consumption of the territory by the end of 2050;

upgrade renewable energy production;

reach energy autonomy by 2050.

Timeframe 2013 - 2050

Specific objectives / priority areas

Three major technical stakes for TEPOS were taken into consideration:

Eradication of the most energy-consuming housing;

Valorization of the most expensive heating systems;

Fight against the energy precariousness.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

Three actions can be linked with to the project GreenCycle:

an action committed by the Chamber of commerce and of industry and by the ADEIR of networking and initiation of industrial ecology but which would deserve to be strongly supported locally to concretize projects;

recovery of waste heat;

mechanization projects with farmers.

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2. Local waste prevention program

Responsible authority ViennAgglo

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Laurence JURKIEWIEZ P: 00 33 474 787 874 E: WP:

Overall objectives of the policy document

Reduce of waste by the improvement of waste sorting and by the prevention of production of waste.

Timeframe 2010-2014

Specific objectives / priority areas

This program contains an action plan action by main theme that are:

Raising awareness of the public to the prevention of waste;

The eco-exemplary actions of the local government;

The national symbolic actions (domestic composting, stop ad, …);

The actions to avoid the production of waste (eco-responsible purchases, repair, re-use);

Initiatives of quantitative prevention of the waste of companies.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

This document concerns several domains of the Greencycle project. Actions dealing with eco-responsible purchases, repair, re-use, waste sorting are clearly relevant to Greencycle.

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3. SEAP: Sustainable Energy Action Plan

Responsible authority ViennAgglo

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Mustapha L’HAOUA P: 00 33 4 82 06 33 17 / 00 33 6 25 78 79 93 E: WP:

Overall objectives of the policy document

To engage the adaptation of the territory of ViennAgglo to the climate change by following the 2020 and 2050 goals:

reduce of at least 20 % of greenhouse gas emissions,

improve of 20 % of the energy efficiency,

reach 20 % of renewable energies in the energy consumption;

factor 4 which leads to reduce of 75 % greenhouse gas emissions.

Timeframe 2012 - 2020

Specific objectives / priority areas

Four priority areas were identified: (1) transport and travel, (2) housing and construction, (3) economy, (4)agriculture.

To these four areas two other themes were added:

one called "transverse" corresponding in structuring actions concerning all the themes was added;

and another called "internal" theme for the actions concerning specifically the building stock and the services of ViennAgglo.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

It concerns the project GreenCycle at several aspects:

engage a reflection on the mechanization with its partners in the agriculture business;

promote the use of eco-materials by local craftsmen;

increase their knowledge concerning eco-materials (availability, implementation,…).

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4. Recovery of waste picked up at waste collection centers aiming at

their reuse or re-employment

Responsible authority Emmaus-Vienne association

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Laurence JURKIEWIEZ P: 00 33 474 787 874 E: WP:

Overall objectives of the policy document

Incite users to donate their recoverable articles to Emmaus in order to sell them in rummage sale.

Timeframe 2017 - 2019

Specific objectives / priority areas

This partnership between Emmaus and ViennAgglo, manager of the waste collection centers concerns reuse and re-employment of recoverable articles allowing reducing a big quantity of waste.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

Recovery, reuse and re-employment are clearly the typical themes of circular economy and Greencycle project.

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1. Circular Economy Law (KrWG)

Responsible authority

Federal legislation Federal Environmental Agency

Contact details from responsible authority:

A: Stresemannstraße 128 – 130, 10117 Berlin P: 030 18 305-0 E: WP:

Overall objectives of the policy document

The KrWG is the central waste law of Germany. The purpose of the law is to manage the production of waste to protect natural resources, environment and the people.

Timeframe Since 24.02.2012.

Specific objectives/priority areas

It promotes recycling by following this target hierarchies:


preparation for reuse;

recycling (material recycling);

other utilization, in particular energy recovery and filling;


Relevance to the project GreenCycle High relevance.

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2. Regional Waste Law (LABFG)

Responsible authority

Regional legislation State ministry

Contact details from responsible authority:

A: Richard-Wagner-Straße 15, 70184 Stuttgart P: 0711 21530 E: WP:

Overall objectives of the policy document

Regulates the organization of waste disposal, responsibility and sets up the framework for municipal waste constitution.

Timeframe Since 14.10.2008.

Specific objectives / priority areas

obligations of the public authorities;

recycling of construction and demolition waste;

unlawfully disposed of waste;

waste associations

content of Constitution

special Waste Agency;

delivery and assignment;

collection of statistics;

monitoring, data processing;

disposal facilities.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle High relevance.

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3. Waste management concept of Freiburg

Responsible authority Municipal City of Freiburg

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Talstraße 4, 79102 Freiburg P: 0761/ 201-61 51 E: WP:,Lde/233055.html

Overall objectives of the policy document

Description of the waste-management concept of the City of Freiburg

Timeframe Since 1991

Specific objectives / priority areas


Connection and usage right

Waste charge system

Disposal system

Separation system

Logistic system

Waste management objectives

Air pollution specifications

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

High relevance.

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4. Further Laws and Regulations

Responsible authority

Federal law and regulation Federal Environmental Agency

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Wörlitzer Platz 1; 06844 Dessau-Roßlau P: +49-340-2103-0 E: WP:

Overall objectives of the policy document

electronical waste law;

proof of waste path;

landfill regulation;

biological waste regulation;

regulation for packaging waste (light packaging, glass, paper and cardboard waste).

industrial waste regulation;

wood waste regulation.

Timeframe Not known.

Specific objectives / priority areas

This Regulation defines the rules and responsibilities of the manufacturers for their packaging waste of their products.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

High relevance.

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5. Environmental Policy

Responsible authority

Municipal City of Freiburg, Environment Agency

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Talstraße 4, 79102 Freiburg P: (07 61) 2 01-61 01 E: WP:,Lde/232753.html

Overall objectives of the policy document

The City of Freiburg has several environmental goals

Timeframe Not known.

Specific objectives / priority areas

Environmental policy are divided into 9 categories:

(1) transport policy, (2) energy policy and climate protection, (3) solar region of Freiburg, (4) waste management, (5) water management and water supply, (6) nature conservation, (7) forestry, (8) city planning and urban development. 12 sustainability goals are derived from the 9 categories of the Environmental policy. Sustainability goals are divided into 12 categories:

(1) governance, (2) local management for future stability (3) natural common goods, (4) global and local conscientious consumption and lifestyle, (5) city planning and urban development, (6) Traffic and mobility, (7) Communal health promotion, (8) local economy, (9) social justice, (10) education, (11) climate and energy, (12) Culture.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

Some goals are relevant for the project.

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1. Regulation for sustainable construction

Responsible authority Municipality of Trento

Contact details from responsible authority

A: via del Brennero, 312 - 38121 Trento P: +39 0461 884602 E: WP: /

Overall objectives of the policy document

This regulation addresses the new constructions toward a sustainable building concept, aims to improve quality standards and comfort of both apartments and commercial buildings and promotes the introduction of sustainable building techniques. It anticipated some aspects that have been later disciplined by a Provincial law which aims at promoting sustainable construction techniques.

Timeframe Since 2007.

Specific objectives / priority areas

This Regulation defines a score to be used for new constructions based on sustainable measures, score that will also provide a parameter for financial incentives. It also supports the information and promotion of new constructions that are built following the best practices and parameters pointed out in this Regulation.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

The circular economy concept is not directly addressed. Nevertheless, this Regulation promotes energy efficiency, the use of natural and long-lasting materials and the optimisation of spaces in a green and low-carbon strategy. To introduce circular economy in this document, it could be for example better regulated the use of recycled materials in new constructions.

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2. Regulation for integrated municipal waste management

Responsible authority Municipality of Trento

Contact details from responsible authority

A: via Belenzani, 18 - 38122 Trento P: +39 0461 884935 E: WP: /

Overall objectives of the policy document

The Regulation for urban waste integrated management defines the principles of urban waste management in the Municipality of Trento. It defines targets and actions with the purpose of reducing waste production, control waste flows and sensitize citizens.

Timeframe Since 2012.

Specific objectives / priority areas

Urban waste management is assigned to the operator Dolomiti Ambiente srl. The first and main target is reduction of waste production, while the second aim is the improvement of separate waste collection. The document states a specific and separate treatment facility for each different waste fraction. It also provides, together with the Regulation which disciplines the 'unique municipal tax', financial incentives and information campaigns aimed at the citizens to involve them in the pursue of the fixed objectives.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

Circular economy is not directly addressed in this Regulation. Nevertheless, this document aims to reduce waste production and to manage waste flow and materials flows. The concept of circular economy could be included in this Regulation; it could also be fundamental in order to develop specific actions for critical material flows.

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3. City mobility plan

Responsible authority Municipality of Trento

Contact details from responsible authority

A: via del Brennero, 321 - 38121 Trento P: +39 0461 884773 E: WP: /

Overall objectives of the policy document

The Urban Mobility Plan analyses mobility and transports in the Municipality of Trento. It also includes a wider analysis for the whole Trentino Province, in order to also cover movements from and to Trento City. All means of transportation are considered: private cars, trains, buses, bicycles, pedestrian. Overall objectives are the reduction of urban and suburban car traffic, the development of public services and improvement of bicycle and pedestrian path connections to ensure 'interexchange' between different means of transportation and people awareness.

Timeframe Since 2010.

Specific objectives / priority areas

The Mobility Plan focuses on the importance of some specific actions, such as: extension of traffic restricted areas, development of connections to overcome barriers, realization of suburban parking lots to reduce cars in the city centre and improvement of connections between them and city centre (public buses, pedestrian bridges, etc.), communication and raising awareness of citizens about 'green' means of transportation.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

Circular economy concept is here addressed in terms of sustainability and reducing GHG production. There is already a specific reference to bike-sharing and car-sharing, concepts that could be improved and included in a circular economy system.

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4. Sustainable energy action plan

Responsible authority Municipality of Trento

Contact details from responsible authority

A: via Belenzani, 18 - 38122 Trento (TN) P: +39 0461 884935 E: WP: /

Overall objectives of the policy document

The Action Plan for Sustainable Energy defines an action plan to join the Covenant of Mayors. The overall objectives are: reduce CO2 emissions by 20%, increase energy efficiency by 20%, and increase by 20% the share of sustainable energy sources, all by the year 2020.

Timeframe Since 2015.

Specific objectives / priority areas

The action plan indicates relevant sectors where could be improved energy efficiency: public buildings, vehicles at disposal for Municipality of Trento employees, public lightings. It is also addressed the development of urban waste management, mobility plan and sustainable construction.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

The circular economy concept is not directly addressed, but could be included in this document as it refers to lowering energy consumption, improve energy efficiency and reduce waste generation.

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1. Waste management strategy in Municipality of Maribor

Responsible authority Municipality of Maribor

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Ulica heroja Staneta 1,Maribor P: 00386 51 658 337 E: WP: all

Overall objectives of the policy document

Strategy puts in place new approach for waste management in Municipality of Maribor; it is for first time the idea of circular economy is presented.

Timeframe Since 2015.

Specific objectives / priority areas

Waste management

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

Strategic approach, material flows

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2. Integrated Sustainable Urban Strategy of the Municipality of


Responsible authority Municipality of Maribor

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Ulica heroja Staneta 1,Maribor P: 00386 51 658 337 E: WP: all

Overall objectives of the policy document

To transform City into Circular, to make change in resource use, space use, better governance

Timeframe 2016 - 2023

Specific objectives / priority areas

Mobility, urban renovation, waste management in circular6 principles.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

It sets the WCYCLE project as a priority strategic project of Maribor.

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3. Amendment of Local energy concept of Municipality of Maribor

Responsible authority Maribor City council and Energap

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Smetanova ulica 31, 2000 Maribor P: 00386 2 234 23 60 E: WP: /

Overall objectives of the policy document

Local energy concept (LEC) is based on energy laws. This is an important tool in planning strategy of municipal energy policy and is also aimed at increasing awareness and informing energy consumers. Included is an analysis of existing situation of energy use and energy supply. Based on the analysis, possible future energy supply concepts with regard to maximizing energy efficiency in all units (housing, industry, trade, public buildings, etc.) are proposed. Overall objective is to make towns more energy-efficient. LEC is the basis for the preparation of Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP).

Timeframe Until 2030.

Specific objectives / priority areas

Main objectives: - reduce CO2 emissions by at least 25% compared to 2010, - reduce energy use by at least 25% compared to 2010, - to achieve at least 20% the total share of renewable energy in end-use energy for heating. Long-term goal until 2030: - by 2030 we want to reduce the CO2 emissions and energy consumption by 40% compared to 2010 in the municipality, - by 2030 we want to achieve 40% of the total share of renewable energy in the final energy consumption in the municipality.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

LEC of Municipality Maribor is addressing through the action plan the following priorities related to Greencycle:

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- Green economy in Maribor - Eco-conscious and active citizens - Planning of the city energy infrastructure.

4. Maribor development strategy 2030

Responsible authority Maribor regional development agency

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Pobreška cesta 20, 2000 Maribor P: 00386 2 333 13 00 / 00386 2 333 13 10 E: WP: /

Overall objectives of the policy document

"Maribor as a modern European city creates new opportunities for sustainable development and the wellbeing of inhabitants. It builds on the knowledge and creative power of individuals who can realize their ideas. «

Timeframe Until 2030.

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Specific objectives / priority areas

Quantified objectives are: 1. Increase in the employment rate and self-employment of the population age between 18 and 60 from the current 70% to at least 75%. 2. Achieving the goal of investing 5% of MOM expenditures in innovative development programs and projects, (measured by the number of new Ideas / suggestions / inventions / innovations) for each action. 3. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 30% compared to the level of the year 2009. 4. Increasing the share of renewable energy in final energy consumption by 20% compared to 2009. 5. Increase energy efficiency by 20% (such as public infrastructure as well as households and enterprises) compared to 2009. 6. Reducing school dropout in the field of education below 10%. 7. Increase in the number of urban residents aged 25 to 30 who have finished tertiary education to at least 40%. Reducing the number of urban residents, depending on social assistance to 3% of all inhabitants.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

Measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Sustainable growth: - Energy Saving City - Sustainable city. Smart growth: - Innovating as the basis for development.

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5. Integrated transport strategy of the city of Maribor

Responsible authority Municipality of Maribor

Contact details from responsible authority

A: Ulica heroja Staneta 1, 2000 Maribor P: 00386 2 2201413 E: WP: /

Overall objectives of the policy document

The goals of sustainable mobility are ensuring accessibility - and not only mobility - to basic functions needed for living in a city.

Timeframe Since 2015.

Specific objectives / priority areas

Ensuring sustainable mobility through the pursuit of measures that: - reduce the need for household costs associated with individual motorized mobility; - reduce the safety and environmental risks of individual motorized mobility; - raise ambient attractiveness by returning the city (public areas) to pedestrians and cyclists; - reduce the need for large investment budget funds to significantly expand the capacity of the road network in the city itself. 2. Ensuring the city's economic activity by means of: - ensuring good regional and global accessibility; - ensuring accessibility to vital locations in the city also to (friendly) passenger car; - providing the highest (but still sensible) economic activity for the segment of construction, transport engineering and logistics.

Relevance to the project GreenCycle

Optimization of road traffic.

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Analysis framework

The methodology approach used for circular economy policy identification and analysis on

the level of municipalities consists of:

guidelines for individual policy identification and analysis as a common ground in the

policy revision process;

conduction of local policy overview;

determination of common criteria for joint policy revision;

presentation of policy revision results with proposals for policy upgrades in respect to

circular economy.

Policy area overview

Arising from the focus of circular economy general policy areas for the policy identification

were set as follows:

waste generation and management;

management of secondary materials;

low carbon strategies and practices (sustainable energy management, environmental

policy, etc.);

cross-sectoral cooperation;

transport and building sector.

Within the policy identification process the following types of policy documents were taken into account:

operational programs;


action plans;


Policy analysis was focused on the level of municipalities and does not include existing regional or national policies. Given this only local policies that more in depth determine specific area of work were taken into consideration.

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Together 23 local policy documents in 5 Alpine Space Countries were identified. The policy area overview (table 1, graph 1) shows that on regional level three most regulated sectors are waste management, sustainable energy and transport/building sector. In total 20 documents from the mentioned fields were identified with Germany being the lead country in the number of existing local waste policy documents. Table 1: Policy area overview Policy area AT DE FR IT SI Sum

waste generation and management L L, L, S, L


management of secondary materials AP 1

low carbon strategies and practices (sustainable energy management, environmental policy, etc.)



cross-sectoral cooperation 0

transport and building sector L, L,


S 6

Circular economy L S 2

Sum 4 6 4 4 5 23

Legend: operational programs = OP; strategies = S; action plans = AP; legislation = L

Graph 1: Policy area overview

Nevertheless it is important to have in mind that different countries use different regulative models and that there are some countries (and/or regions) that design their policy







Policy area overviewwaste generation and management

management of secondarymaterials

low carbon strategies and practices(sustainable energy management,environmental policy, etc.)

cross-sectoral cooperation

transport and building sector

Circular economy

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documents in a more coherent (inter-sectoral) way. The Austrian Environmental policy is one of the examples of this kind of approach where nine different areas are regulated with one policy document. When comparing the types of identified policy documents, legislative provisions and strategies are prevailing. Again, it is important to have in mind different country approaches in managing social, economic and environmental challenges. Graph 2: Type of policy documents

The most diverse policy areas with a reference to circular economy concept were identified in Italy (three sectors). Alongside, Germany is the only country that has already (in 2012) adopted the Circular economy law to manage generation of wastes in respect to natural resource and people preservation, while Slovenia adopted in 2016 a local strategy with the aim of introducing circular principles in mobility, urban renovation and waste management. From the policy revision strong efforts to introduce circular economy into regional policies are also recognized in France. Policy documents timeframe overview

As policy documents are a subject of constant change and adaptation the year of adoption of specific document is an important revision criteria. The oldest policy document related to spatial planning and still in force was identified in Austria. It was adopted in the year 1973 and in the year 1996 reissued with slight yearly changes. In contrary to Austria, France has the youngest policy document - operational plan for waste management was adopted in the year 2017. In general, most of the identified documents (ca 40%) were designed and adopted between the years 2010 and 2015. Policy objectives overview
















strategies action plans legislation

Nr of documents

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In the policy objectives overview just the common policy area were taken into revision to give a common overview on the topic. A1: Waste generation and management When comparing the overall objectives and priority areas of the identified regional documents in the field of waste generation and management there is a clear synchronization approach detected. All involved regions focus on decreasing waste generation and regulation of waste management in order to boost reuse and re-employment of products and waste. To achieve these goals countries use different approaches where promotion and information of sustainable waste management is common to all. Waste generation and management is the most highly regulated in Germany. A2: Sustainable energy management The objectives of identified policy documents in the field of sustainable energy management show a clear link to the EU energy goals. Countries are focusing on reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions, increasing the total share of renewable energy and improving energy efficiency in different priorities. The most ambitious in setting the energy efficient goals is Austria with developing self-sufficient energy model based on renewable resources. A3: Sustainable mobility and building sector Sustainable mobility was considered in two policy documents and is focusing on ensuring accessibility in spite reducing individual mobility. Sustainable building / construction was identified in four policy documents with the common goal to regulate the sustainable building concept used for new buildings and for buildings renovation, introduce sustainable land usage with high respect to fitting renewable sources and effectively manage the urban areas. Policy target group overview

To create a comparison of target groups by identified policies the policy area mentioned in the previous section as well as common policy measures were taken into consideration. However, it is important to understand that the target group overview does not reflect a very holistic policy overview as just measures relevant to the core of circular economy were taken into revision. Besides, different policy measures are designed for different groups of actors with high respect to country specific challenges to be addressed. Arising from the common identified policy areas and specific policy actions within the following target groups and common measures were identified:

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Table 2: Target group overview

A1: Waste generation and management

Measure: Target group:

Advice services

public schools;

utility companies;

administration offices;

general public;

agricultural sector,

craft sector.

Promotion and awareness rising

public schools;

individual companies;

administration offices;

industrial sector;

agricultural sector;

craft sector;

general public;

industrial sector;

public sector.

Financial and tax incentives

general public;


industrial sector;

public buildings;

public sector.


general public;


administration offices;

craft sector.

Legislative/planning measures

general public;

industrial sector;

local authorities.

A2: Sustainable energy management Measure: Target group:

Promotion and awareness rising

residential sector;

industrial sector;

individual companies;

craft sector;

local authorities.

Advice services

residential sector;

service sector;

individual companies;

agricultural sector.

Financial and tax invectives industrial sector;

agricultural sector.

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Training craft sector;

local authorities.

A3: Sustainable mobility and building sector

Measure: Target group:

Financial and tax incentives private households;

public buildings

car drivers & owners.

Promotion and awareness rising

general public;

private households;

public buildings;

local authorities.

Legislative measures

general public,

industrial sector;


public sector;

local authorities;

administration offices;

spatial planners

public transport companies;

logistic and delivery companies.

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Review of the local policy documents show some similarities and but also differences among

municipality governance approaches in Alpine Space countries. As the review was made on

the local (regional) level this analysis does not reflect the national situations and for more

comprehensive policy overview further analytic work is required. Nevertheless, this analysis

gives a very good insight into more operational field of policy as municipalities are

transferring national policies and legislation into practice on local level.

In the comparison of the policy area identified among countries it can be detected that

municipalities and regions are facing the same challenges as waste management, sustainable

energy and sustainable mobility and construction are the most common areas identified.

This also reflects the goals of European Union towards sustainable Europe and main current

and future municipal challenges caused by urban population growth. Within the circular

economy concept this three areas are also the core of sustainable economic growth. Most

participating municipalities tackle these problem areas with additional legislation provision

and with strategic approach. The operational programs and action plans, which would

enable the implementation of concrete measures at the local level, are missing. The time of

adoption of the identified documents reflects the need for upgrade of the existing policies

especially to include newer concepts such as a circular economy. Only Germany and Slovenia

among participating Alpine Space regions have a specific policy on this field. Arising from the

type of measures and target groups identified the main focus of policy documents reviewed

is on promotion and awareness rising activities and legislative provisions on all three

identified policy areas. For better implementation of circular economy the industrial sector

should be more supported through policy and not just in the field of promotion. Financial

invectives and other methods of support should be an important part of policy documents.

To be more concrete and with the aim to support introduction of circular economy into

policy documents and further into practice the following proposals should be taken into

consideration when designing new local policy measures:

Waste generation and management:

(a) Creating possibilities for using fractions from waste for the secondary use in


(b) Measures to avoid the production of waste (eco-responsible purchases, repair, re-


(c) Measures that support the introduction of newly identified materials flows without

the need for previous adaptation of the policy.

(d) Measures that support the development of a long-term strategic approach.

ASP 452 GREENCYCLE A.T1.1 – Building the Circular Economy knowledge base PP 02


(e) Measures for reduction of administrative burdens for all involved parties.

(f) Measures that enable simplification of legislation provision.

(g) Measures that support inter-sectoral cooperation and respond to common


Sustainable energy management:

(a) Measures that support more targeted communication with target groups.

(b) Measures that support inter-sectoral cooperation and respond to common


(c) Measures that support targeted training of all energy stakeholders.

(d) Measures to encourage local industrial sector towards sustainable energy production

and consumption – e.g. use of waste heat.

(e) Measures to increase the share of local renewable energy.

Sustainable mobility and construction:

(a) Measures to foster the re-usage of empty buildings - enduring existence of buildings.

(b) Measures that support usage of secondary materials or materials with low

environmental impact in the construction and develop local circuits.

(c) Include bike-sharing and car-sharing concepts.

To encourage further Circular economy development policy solutions are one of the most

important steps. As circular economy is a very large system and still, in a way, in the

rethinking phase, the need for adapting existing laws, regulations and policy support that

help to guide the implementation of circular economy are inevitable. To achieve a

comprehensive policy approach on the level of Europe further policy revisions and

adaptation in strong collaboration with all interested parties is still needed. This local policy

analysis is a small but important step in achieving this goal.