Demon Knight

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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1 DDEEMMOONN KKNNIIGGHHTT T Th he e S Sa ac cr ri if fi ic ce e BBByyy JJJ ...AAA... SSStttuuuaaarrrttt CCCooonnnvvveeerrrttteeeddd aaannnddd eeedddiiittteeeddd tttooo ttthhheee DDD222000 SSSyyysssttteeemmm bbbyyyKKKeeevvviiinnn " "I Ih ha av ve e e ea ar r n ne ed d t th he e r r i ig gh ht t, ," " " "I I ' 'm m t th he e D D e em mo on n K K n ni ig gh ht t. ." " - - - -M M a ac ch hi in ne e H H e ea ad d, , D D e em mo on n K K n ni i g gh ht t

2L LL Le ee eg gg ga aa al ll lS SS St tt tu uu uf ff ff ff fThe film Tales from the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight is copyright Universal Pictures. This supplement is an entirely unofficial use of the material contained within the film and is not intended as an official or profit making venture in any way, shape or form. Likewise, these rules use the D20 System. This supplement is not affiliated to either Universal in anyway and should not be viewed as such. This supplement may be freely distributed on the Net but is, under no circumstances whatsoever, to be sold for profit. THIS LICENSE IS APPROVED FOR GENERAL USE. PERMISSION TO DISTRIBUTE THIS LICENSE IS MADE BY WIZARDS OF THE COAST! OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0 The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/ or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. 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Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. 13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. 14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. 3LEGAL STUFF....................................................................................................................................................................................2 HISTORY..............................................................................................................................................................................................4 MYSTIC KNOWLEDGE........................................................................................................................................................................5 THE CALLING...................................................................................................................................................................................6 THE SACRIFICE...................................................................................................................................................................................6 THE LEGEND OF THE SEVEN KEYS.................................................................................................................................................6 THE KEY ..............................................................................................................................................................................................7 THE TATTOO.......................................................................................................................................................................................7 DETECT EVIL......................................................................................................................................................................................7 BLOOD SEALS.....................................................................................................................................................................................7 AGING FREEZE...................................................................................................................................................................................7 MAGIC RESISTANCE..........................................................................................................................................................................8 THE PAST ............................................................................................................................................................................................8 ENDURANCE........................................................................................................................................................................................8 REGENERATION..................................................................................................................................................................................8 MULTIPLE KEY ABILITIES................................................................................................................................................................8 Influence Duration of Multiple Keys.........................................................................................................................................9 THE CALL...........................................................................................................................................................................................9 THE RULES..........................................................................................................................................................................................9 BAD IMPRESSIONS............................................................................................................................................................................10 THE OPPOSITION......................................................................................................................................................................... 11 The Number Seven..................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Dragon's Teeth........................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Call of the Beast......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 BEL ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 MEDIUM SIZE OUTSIDER (CHAOTIC EVIL) ...............................................................................................................................13

4H HH Hi ii is ss st tt to oo or rr ry yy y " "T T h he e k ke ey y w wa as s s st to ol le en n b by y a a t th hi i e ef fc ca al ll le ed d C Cy yr r a ak k. ." "B B r r a ay yk ke er r "In the beginning, in the darkness before God created the universe, something stirred. Something evil with a million different forms, intent on one thing, power. They controlled the darkness absolutely, focusing their power through seven keys, which when aligned in a specific formation granted them absolute dominion over the void. And then they began to create. Each of the forms began experimenting with its consciousness, transferring it into a myriad of smaller forms and, for the first time, landscapes and worlds. When God saw this happen, he created the universe, shattering the plans of the darkness and scattering their keys across the cosmos. They did not give up. Six of the keys had been found by the birth of Christ. The unfortunates, who protected them, massacred their souls and two of the first fell into hell. All but one of the other keys was well hidden, while the last had found its way to Jerusalem, and a thief called Cyrak. Cyrak carried the key for years, unaware of its power but never selling it. He would joke that it brought him luck and proved God was watching over him, never knowing the truth, and the destiny that lay ahead of him. That would change when Christ was crucified. Cyrak remained at Golgotha long after the crowds had left, long even after the guards had departed for the barracks. As the sun set, he was joined by another figure, a ghastly, bestial creature that held a clawed hand out to him and demanded the key. Terrified, Cyrak reached out to give the creature the key. A bolt of lightning struck it and he screamed with pain as the key burned its imprint into his palm.The creature, enraged, dived at him and Cyrak backed away, towards the three crosses. As the creature reached out, some of Christ's blood fell on its hand, burning it and causing it to back away. Cyrak filled the key with the blood of Christ and ran from Jerusalem and Israel. The Demon Knights had been born. Since then, the final key has passed through many sets of hands. Cyrak, dying of a neck wound, passed the key on to another and eventually ended with a man named Dickerson, an American soldier.In 1917, Dickerson, filling the key with his own blood passed it on to a comrade, Frank Brayker. Brayker carried the key until 1995. Every step of the way he was dogged by The Collector, the demon that had first faced Cyrak on Gologtha, almost two thousand years previously. In 1995, Frank Brayker holed up in Wormwood, New Mexico, in a Motel that had once been a Church. The Collector laid siege to the building, until only Brayker, a young boy called Danny and a thief called Jerralyn were left. Danny, taken over by The Collector, tore Brayker's chest open before Jerralyn could kill him. Dying, Brayker passed the key onto the young girl, who destroyed the Collector and headed out into the world, having refilled the key with Brayker's blood. 5M My ys st ti ic c K Kn no ow wl le ed dg ge eAll seven keys are on Earth, and always have been. Examples of other Keys are: ^ In Japan, a young Samurai caught a holy mans blood.^ In Australia, an aborigine caught the blood of the last holy man of his tribe. Across the world, loners and outcasts were pressed into service to defend the most important prize of all. None lived. Cyrak passed the key onto many others until a man named Dickerson gained it. Dickerson was killed in 1917 fighting in the Great War. Filling the key with his own blood, he gave it to a young American soldier, Frank Brayker. The chase went on. Over the centuries, the garb had changed but the tricks remained the same. Every Demon Knight had a nemesis, an opponent of equal status but far more power and with one purpose. Just as the Demon Knight protects the key, the Collector will do anything to obtain it. They had learned to hide better since Cyrak's first encounter, and use others to aid them, but they had not given up. The smiling American soldier that helped Brayker out of the foxhole, providing covering fire for him to get back to American lines made him an offer. If Brayker gave him the key, he would live, have a long and happy life and return to his family. If he didn't, Brayker would die. To illustrate the point, the soldier tapped an impossibly sharp finger against Brayker's cheek, drawing blood. Brayker smashed him in the face with the key and sprinted away, listed as MIA, presumed KIA in the records. He lived until 1995, when a demon tore his chest open in Wormwood, New Mexico. His key is the last the forces of good have. When he died he was 83. That night, he gave the key to a young girl called Jerralyn, a thief from the slums who found new purpose in defending the key and creation itself for three years. She was instrumental in recovering three of the other keys from the Demons' lairs. They have gotten three of the keys and sent three new Knights on their way, when Jerralyn led a small group into battle in the Orkney Islands. Only one to got out, carrying what was left of Jerralyn with him. She'd been torn apart, and barely lived long enough to fill her key, the key handed down from Cyrak, with her blood and pass it on to him. 6T TT Th hh he ee e C CC Ca aa al ll l l ll l i ii in nn ng gg g " "Y Y o ou u g go ot t s so om me e b ba al l l ls s m ma an n. ." "- - - -R R o oa ac ch h Demon Knights are amongst the unluckiest denizens. They are painfully mortal, have no special abilities and can only rely on the blood given to them, and their own resourcefulness, as protection. They voluntarily shun the others and keep to themselves as much as possible. There is a reason for this, known as the Knights as the Sacrifice. T Th he e S Sa ac cr ri if fi ic ce e " "A A n n A A m me er r i i c ca an n s so ol ld di ie er rc ca al ll le ed d D D i i c ck ke er r s so on n g ga av ve e t th he e k ke ey y t to o m me e, , S S e ep pt te em mb be er r2 23 3r r d d, , 1 19 91 17 7. . F F u un nn ny y h ho ow w y yo ou u r r e em me em mb be er rt th he e b bi ig g d da at te es s. ." "- - - -B B r r a ay yk ke er r Only one race is eligible to be a Demon Knight, humans. Legend has it among the Knights, that the other races are tainted in some way and that only they are pure enough to carry the keys. This is partially true. The reality is that the Knights are usually drawn from the criminal classes, soldiery or outcasts of society. They are the people with the least to lose, and, conversely, the people who will fight the hardest. Each Knight has nothing to live for but the key and becomes obsessive about protecting it, to the point that he will willingly die before passing the Key on if he knows it's safe (Brayker's willingness to leave the motel without the key at the start of the film). In short, the Knights are drawn from the outer reaches of human society because these people make the best soldiers. The few advantages Demon Knights do have all stem from their key, the knowledge of their predecessors and the tattoo they bear.T Th he e L Le eg ge en nd d o of f T Th he e S Se ev ve en n K Ke ey ys s "Picture this as a view of reality. Everything we know everything all of us call home, all of us fight for it, whatever it is.A minuscule layer floating on top of the darkness. The darkness, and what's in it, have been there a lot longer than the Earth. A civilization, culture, and a technology that began to grow over an endless non-time. When the darkness was all that was. A set of seven artifacts, little more than ideas, given form. "With these seven ideas, the creatures in the darkness (We call them Demons because it suits us to do so), began to change their world, to shape it and make it their own. They began to gain power over the very fabric of reality itself. And God saw this, and was displeased. He created the universe and scattered the seven keys across one small, blue world in one small galaxy. Why here? Because he knew that sooner or later, a race of mammals would evolve, and discover the keys and what wanted them. And, of course, what they would do to the Universe once they had them. "That's it you see. I don't do this because I was called, or because it's an honor. I do this, we all do, because this entire conflict is nothing but a Universal streetfight. We've trespassed on the Demons' territory; we're in the wrong. But we fight anyway, because if we don't, the Darkness comes back. Just like that." Patrick Duffy 7T TT Th hh he ee e K KK Ke ee ey yy y " "Y Y o ou u m me ea an n t th ha at t k ke ey y' 's s f f u ul ll l o of ft th he e b bl lo oo od d o of f- - - - " " " "S S o om me e o of fi it t. . I I t t g ge et ts s u us se ed d y yo ou u s se ee e. ." "- - - -J J e er r r r a al l y yn n a an nd d B B r r a ay yk ke er r Singularly, the artifacts, (shaped into keys), wield nothing like the power they hold together. However, there are several effects that are common to all keys and which the Demon Knights draw their power from. T Th he e T Ta at tt to oo o " "W W h he en n y yo ou ur rt ti i m me e' 's s u up p, , y yo ou u' 'l l l l d do o w wh ha at t I I ' 'v ve e j j u us st t d do on ne e. ." "- - - -B B r r a ay yk ke er rThe tattoo was burned onto Cyrak's palm when the bolt of lightning struck the key in his hand. It consists of seven stars which, when the Knight first receives the tattoo is arranged in a circle. These then arrange themselves into a pattern unique to the Knight. As the Knight's time decreases, the stars rearrange themselves into the circle. Once the circle is complete again, the Knight receives the Call. D De et te ec ct t E Ev vi il l Lower Plane creatures and the undead will feel great discomfort around both the key and the Knight.

The key will glow when pressed against the skin of anything evil. It will cause 1d10 per level of the Knight, of damage to any Lower Plane creature or undead, when it is pressed up against them. The blood itself will cause 2d10 per level of the Knight.None of the damage can be resistant in anyway. The same applies to any member of the Black Guard and Evil Priests. Anything of an evil alignment that has been touched by the key will have a permanent mark that will glow whenever it is within 5 feet of the key. B Bl lo oo od d S Se ea al ls s " "O Oh h h he e' 's s p pu ut t s so om me et th hi in ng g a aw wf f u ul l i i n n t th he er r e e. . C Co ou ul ld d y yo ou u j j u us st t e em mp pt ty y t th ha at t o ou ut t, , p pl le ea as se e? ?" "- - - -T T h he e C Co ol ll le ec ct to or rThe Key is filled with the blood of the Holy and from the Knight that protected the key. The Key holds 50 drops of blood and can only be refilled with the knights own blood. This can only be done when the Knights Hit Points fall between 0 and 10. When a drop of the blood is placed in the center of an entrance to a room (or any opening) it will create a shield, known as a "Bloodseal". The Bloodseal will prevent Lower Plane creatures and the undead from passing through. These seals last six hours and must then be renewed.

If any creature tries to break trough the Bloodseal, they will take 10d10 x the Knights level of damage. This damage cannot be resistant in anyway. A Ag gi in ng g F Fr re ee ez ze e From the moment a Demon Knight receive the tattoo; his or her age is frozen. While they continue to learn and grow, theyre physical age freezes. This is best shown in the film by the fact that Brayker was in his mid-30s in World War I and looks exactly the same age in 1995. 8 M Ma ag gi ic c R Re es si is st ta an nc ce e " "Y Y o ou u' 'd d f f i ig gh ht t a an nd d y yo ou u w we er r e e r r i ig gh ht t, , b bu ut t t th he ey y w we er r e e j j u us st t t to oo o s st tr r o on ng g, , T T h ha at t' 's s w wh hy y I Is sa ay y H H e ey y M M a an n N N i ic ce e S S h ho ot t. ." "T Th he e F Fi i l l t te er rs s, , H He ey y M Ma an n N Ni i c ce e S Sh ho ot t Demon Knights cannot be tempted or possessed. Likewise, any magic cast on them may not work. Demon Knights have a spell resistance at a base of 10 and a+1 for every other level. They are also immune to charm and possession type spells. T Th he e P Pa as st t " "I I ' 'm m j j u us st t a an n o ol ld d m ma an n w wh ho o' 's s r r u un nn ni in ng g o ou ut t o of ft ti im me e. ." "- - - -B B r r a ay yk ke er rOn receiving the key, the Demon Knight also receives the sum knowledge of all the Demon Knights who held that key before him. What ability the Knight gains is entirely dependent on whom had the key before him.The Demon Knight gains all the skills, (at first level), from the previous knight. This can be any skill, other than a social skill. Social skills decrease, simply due to the pressures of the lifestyle. An example of this is how Brayker eats and behaves when he first arrives. He's acting more like a feral animal than a human being. E En nd du ur ra an nc ce e " "C Cy yr r a ak k d di ie ed d, , a a t ta al lo on n c ca au ug gh ht t t th he e a ar r t te er r y y j j u us st t h he er r e e. ." "- - - -B B r r a ay yk ke er rAnother aspect of the Knights' luck is their natural resilience. Even physical attacks don't seem to harm them as much as they would others. ^ Major wounds become grazes. ^ Wounds become treatable instead of fatal. ^ The Knight develops a natural sense for "The right moment to leave." ^ Knights, when they do wound, wound spectacularly and will often die from it. This is viewed by many, as their "Karma" catching up with them. The wound often heralds the passing on of their key. Demon Knights are immune to critical hits and receive 1 per level to their total amount of damage taken in a round. The only time the endurance doesn't work and the Demon Knight is when he is in a group of 7 people. R Re eg ge en ne er ra at ti io on n Demon Knights regenerates with the key 1 hit point every 10 rounds per every 100 years of age. The only time the regeneration doesn't work and the Demon Knight is when he is in a group of 7 people. M Mu ul lt ti ip pl le e K Ke ey y A Ab bi il li it ti ie es s On the most basic level, the keys are one vast tool kit. When combined, they form a magical device of such complexity that it can manipulate creation at every level. Not all the keys need to be present to achieve this, but all the keys must be present to make the result permanent.The best example of this is how the keys have been used down 9through the centuries, with the Demons manipulating history to their own ends. The hatred felt towards Vietnam vets was a result of five keys being used together to isolate and alienate a group of society which, it was extremely likely, the nextDemon Knight would be drawn from.The keys being used together is a very difficult process to run in a game, simply because of their incredible power. The outline below should act as a guide for duration, but the change itself should be DM's discretion. Some examples would include: ^ Changing reality so the current Demon Knight has committed a terrible crime, and is hunted across the country. ^ Changing the laws of physics so, if the Demon Knight is using a weapon, which can actually damage his Collector, it malfunctions. ^ Manipulating a Knight's magic resistance, so instead of an attack killing him, it's redirected towards a loved one or his potential successor. I I n nf fl lu ue en nc ce e D Du ur ra at ti io on n o of f M Mu ul lt ti i p pl le e K Ke ey ys s # of Keys Duration 2 1 Day 3 1 Week 4 1 Month 5 1 Year 6 1 Decade 7Permanent T TT Th hh he ee e C CC Ca aa al ll l l ll l" "J J u us st t t th he e p pl la ac ce e I Iw wa as s l lo oo ok ki in ng g f f o or r . ." "- - - -B B r r a ay yk ke er rWhen a Knight's time is finished, he begins to search for a group of seven people. Once he finds them, the Knight knows that one of them has the potential to be his successor and will stay with them until he can assess which one it is. In Brayker's case, he realized Jerralyn was the one simply because she was the last one left alive. T Th he e R Ru ul le es s " "S S e ev ve en n p pe eo op pl le e, , s se ev ve en n k ke ey ys s. . I I t t' 's s l li ik ke e t tu um mb bl le er r s s t tu ur r n ni i n ng g i in n a a l lo oc ck k. .. .. .H H e ey y I Id do on n' 't t m ma ak ke e t th he e r r u ul le es s! !" "- - - -B B r r a ay yk ke er r The Call is the one point in a Demon Knight's life when he is genuinely vulnerable, simply because of how specific he has to be: ^ The area where the group is must be fairly deserted. ^ The group he interacts with must not number seven. ^ Once the tattoo has told him whom he must work with, the Knight must help them and protect them for as long as possible. Even if the group should reach the number seven, the Knight must stay with them until the tattoo lets him know which one will be his successor. 10It's not a question of the tattoo causing the Knight physical pains if he tries to leave; he simply cannot go. He is obligated to protect these people until he can pass the key on, and the Collectors have made merciless use of this obligation in the past. Time and time again, Knights have lived their entire time with the key, only to be killed just as they hand it on. The tattoo's powers are only hinted at in the film (Brayker mentions that the motel was "just the place he was looking for" and that the tattoo will tell Jerralyn "All she needs to know." As a result, it should be treated like a limited form of ESP. It should tell the Demon Knight small pieces of information specific to him, such as how close the Collector is to him, a rough idea of his forces etc. B Ba ad d I Im mp pr re es ss si io on ns s " "D D a ad d! !D D a ad d! ! T T h he er r e e' 's s a a m ma an n t tr r y yi in ng g t to o s st te ea al l y yo ou ur rc ca ar r ! !" "- - - -D D a an nn ny y Demon Knights create the wrong impression. Perhaps it's the fact that they are outcasts to begin with or the desperate measures they take to protect their keys, but they are rarely welcome. In fact, most people will often suspect them of criminal activity and report them to the local police. This is usually due to some attempted crime (Brayker stealing the car) or simply because of the way they look and act. Life is hard on the Knights, and the social niceties most people expect are quickly eroded. In effect, the Knight's natural luck avoiding magical attacks is balanced by their continual, mundane bad luck. No Knight's charisma may rise above 10. If it's above 10 to begin with, it's eroded by one point for every battle with the Collector until it's down to 10. The emphasis should be placed on bad luck. Knights will be mistaken for wanted murderers, or be accosted by an old friend at just the wrong moment, or dragged in to the police station for a line up. In short, the wrong things will always happen to Knights at the wrong time, and they will usually happen in threes.

11T TT Th hh he ee e O OO Op pp pp pp po oo os ss si ii it tt ti ii io oo on nn n " "I Ik kn no ow w, , I Ik kn no ow w. . S S e el l l l y yo ou ur rs so ou ul l, , b be ec co om me e a a d de em mo on n, , l lo oo ok k l li ik ke e s sh hi it t. . W W h ha at t' 's s t th he e p pa ay yo of f f f ? ?" "- - - -T T h he e C Co ol ll le ec ct to or r There is a specific Demon assigned each Knight, known as a Collector. These beings can be of any form of creature from the Lower Planes, any demon or devil will do. The creature will then posses a victim upon the earth. This cause several problems from the demon. It no longer has access to any of his demonic powers. In a sense the creature is just a normal person. The demon will retain its original hit dice, hit points, and any skills it posses, and at the same level. The demon also adds any hit dice and skills of the victim it possessed. In human form the Collector is just as vulnerable as any human. If the Collector is killed in this form, he will reform again in a number of rounds equal to the Demon Knights level. Collectors are created with only one thing in mind. They must gain the key the Knights carry. This is done at any cost and they will do anything at all to achieve this. A Collector is specially assigned to each Knight, and, like the Knight, it is given a set time in which to obtain the key. If it fails, it is demoted or, in extreme cases, simply used as another damned soul. As a result, the Collectors are relentless in their pursuit of the Knights, simply because they know what fate awaits them if they aren't. Collectors are renowned for their genuinely evil sense of humor, and they take great delight in becoming the ultimate stereotype of the Knight they're chasing (Brayker's Collector being a cowboy while Jerralyn's looks like something out of a Blaxploitation movie). Regardless of what they look like, there will always be one thing that marks them as a Collector. Their case. Designed to carry the key, the case will always be impossibly battered and old looking and the interior, when opened, will be red velvet. Collectors are nothing if not, stylish. The Bag will not radiate magic and will shield from any form of detection any items placed in the bag. Collectors can be any form of lower plane creature, but they are in a very awkward position in the power structure. They have to stay on the same plane as their Knight is on. As a result other lower plane creatures look down upon them. But in contrast they have the potential to be impossibly powerful, and as such, have the grudging earned the respect of many of their other kin. 12T Th he e N Nu um mb be er r S Se ev ve en n " "I It th ho ou ug gh ht t y yo ou u' 'd d b be e s sa af f e e! ! T T h he er r e e w w e er r e e o on nl ly y f f i iv ve e o of fy yo ou u, , u un nt ti i l l h he e a ar r r r i iv ve ed d w wi it th h B B o ob b a an nd d T T h he e S S h he er r i if f f f . . T T h he ey y n ne ee ed d s se ev ve en n p pe eo op pl l e e y yo ou u s se ee e. . S S e ev ve en n p pe eo op pl le e, , s se ev ve en n k ke ey ys s, , i it t' 's s l li ik ke e k ke ey ys s, , t tu um mb bl li in ng g i in n a a l lo oc ck k. ." "- - - -B B r r a ay yk ke er r The number seven, Collectors like to say, "Opens doors." On one level, they draw power from it because of the amount of keys originally created. However, they also seem to draw power from it on a more supernatural level. Brayker's Collector once mentioned that odd numbers "Leave holes," implying that an even number of people forms some sort of unconscious psychic shield around each other. A Collector has relatively little power under normal circumstances.However, if the Demon Knight is among a group of seven people, the Collector is allowed to use any of his lower plane powers. This is also the only time a Collector can be permanently killed. This is no easy task though. The Collector has full accesses to all his powers, plus a few new ones. D Dr ra ag go on n' 's s T Te ee et th h" "W W h ha at t a ar r e e t th ho os se e t th hi in ng gs s? ? D D e em mo on ns s? ?" " " "W W o or r s se e. ." "- - - -I I r r e en ne e a an nd d B B r r a ay yk ke er rA very nasty feat created when a Collector scatters his blood upon the ground.A creature is created from negative energy called an " bel". The bel is completely under the control of the Collector. The amount of bels a Collector can create is equal to his Hit Dice. This feat can only be used at night and only when a Demon Knight is among a group of seven people. C Ca al ll l o of f t th he e B Be ea as st t D D o o m me e a a f f a av vo or r ? ?D D o on n' 't t s sc cr r e ea am m. . J J u us st t h he ea ar rw wh ha at t I I ' 'v ve e g go ot tt ta a s sa ay y. .. .. . a an nd d t th he en n s sc cr r e ea am m. . - - - - T T h he e C Co ol l l le ec ct to or r This feat can only be used when a Demon Knight is among a group of seven people. The Collector can try and sway and later possess a victim.The person must make a Will save at a DC 12 +the Collectors Hit Dice and Charisma Score bonus. If the victim fails their save, they fall under the control of the Collector. The Collector is then free to use the victim anyway he wishes. The Collector is also free to infuse the victim with negative energy creating an bel. The Collector can affect anyone with in a 10 radius per its Hit Dice. 13 b bb be ee el ll lM Me ed di iu um m S Si iz ze e O Ou ut ts si id de er r ( (C Ch ha ao ot ti ic c E Ev vi il l) ) Hit Dice: 1d8(6 hp) Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Speed: 35 feet AC: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural) Attacks: 2 claws +6 melee, bite +8 melee Damage: Claw 1d8 +6, bite 1d6 +4 Face/ Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft. Special Attacks: None Special Qualities: Damage Reduction: 15/ +1 (Holy), Fear, Eyes of the Beast, Undead Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 Abilities: Str23, Dex14, Con23, Int6, Wis9, Cha0 Skills: Spot +10 Feats: Cleave, Multiattack, Power Attack Climate/ Terrain: Any Organization: See Collector Challenge Level: 4 Treasure: None Alignment: Chaotic Evil Advancement: 1-20 HD bel are the simplest, and nastiest of the Collector's weapons. He simply gathers all the negative energy from the surrounding area, and turns it into flesh and blood, trapping it within a physical body. This is only temporary, with the body crumbling at dawn, but while it exists, the bel is almost indestructible. bel are incapable of speech, and are utterly hideous. Their flesh is constantly rotting and their pointed, bestial faces are curled back in a perpetual snarl of agony and fury. C Co om mb ba at t: : bels are impossible to kill in anyway other than by shooting or stabbing it in the eyes. Where upon the captured power escapes in an explosive burst of negative energy. D Da am ma ag ge e R Re ed du uc ct ti io on n: : 1 15 5/ / + +1 1( (H Ho ol ly y) ): : A magical holy weapon of +1 or better can only hit bels. If an bel is reduced to 0 hit points, it vaporizes and reforms in 1d4 rounds later next to the Collector. F Fe ea ar r ( (S SU U) ): : Any creature viewing the bel must make a Will save (DC 12) or become paralyzed with fear for 1d4 rounds. T Th he e E Ey ye es s o of f t th he e B Be ea as st t ( (S SU U) ): : The bels only weak spot is their eyes. A hit to the eyes with a piercing weapon at an AC 24 will automatically kill the bel. The bels eyes will then release a lighting bolt of negative energy in a random direction. The damage from the lighting bolt is equal to all the damage the bel had received in combat. U Un nd de ea ad d: : Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.