Demonstrating Value Back at Work (OEB11)

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Used for the learning cafe 'Demonstrating Value Back At Work' at Online Educa Berlin 2011.


Demonstrating Value Back at Work

BUS25 – Online Educa Berlin 2011

Learning doesn’t HAVE value. Learning GETS value.

Welcome. I’m Bert De Coutere.Nice to meet you.

“How can we better demonstrate the value of learning initiatives?”

1 state of the art

2 divergence

3 convergence




Short term

Long term

This session is also in itself an experiment to drive the impact of a learning activity.

Short term

Long term

Individual Exercise• What’s your learning mojo?• Write down a few learning initiatives

you want to demonstrate value for.

In my experience way more energy goes into discussing evaluation than doing it. (Tom Gram)

1 state of the art

But surely people are our greatest asset...

Kirkpatrick and friends and


Kirkpatrick critiques

“... then why don’t we just do it?”

• Ownership• Cost• Complexity

“... it dates from another age.”

What if it is not a formal classroom event?

The Valhalla of ROI

ROI critiques

“... how valid is that number really for learning?”

• Intangible• Indirect• Time span• Multiple goals

“... who will pay for the calculation?”

Are our CEOs only looking for ROI numbers anyway?

The dominant model in corporate learning measurement is the 4 level Kirkpatrick evaluation model, or a variation on it. Half of the model usually gets done because we can, the upper two levels mostly remain on the to do list. That is actually the half model that really counts. Besides the pragmatic issues of time, money and ownership to apply the whole model, the model itself is a child of a time when we thought training was learning and learning was a formal event. Since then learning professionals have recognized the other 80% or learning (informal, social). What if learning is also in the flow and process and connections rather than in a piece of content or event? What with learning by reflecting on experience and by doing? What if our aim is to build and model the learning ecosystem (high impact culture, workscape, ...) rather than training programs?

Table talks

• Hello, my name is...• Hello, my learning initiative is...• Hello, this is how we demonstrate its

value at present (and the good and bad of that)

Why do we measure impact?

For whom?

Who are our stakeholders?What do they


How do you know the most

and least impactful training?

What are the consequences of not proving


“Learning doesn't HAVE value. Learning GETS value. It gets value through performance and behavior, and always within context.” (Source: You should say this.)

2 divergence

So much to potentially measure

Table talks

• What does this bring to my learning initiatives?

• Any lightbulbs?

1. Learning Landscape (W.Thalheimer)

2. Learning Effectiveness Method (IBM)

3. Statistics – control groups

4. High Impact Learning (Bersin)

5. Surveys, Dashboards (Metrics That Matter)

6. From cause and effect to complex adaptive systems (Brandon Hall)

7. The six disciplines of breakthrough learning (Fort Hill)

8. Talent Management Systems (Cognos)

9. Success Case Method (Brinkerhoff)

10. The Big Question

How do you assess whether your informal learning, social learning, continuous learning, performance support initiatives have the desired impact or achieve the desired results?

11. Keep, Tweak or Kill (Clark Quinn)

12. Value Networks

13. Balanced Scorecard

14. Learning Portfolio

15. Net Promoter Score

16. Self Efficacy

17. EPSS and 5 moments of need

18. SkillRank (Mixtent)

19. The breadcrumbs we leave behind

20. The creative class / entrepreneurs

What is the end game?

What measurements exist that you can leverage?

Can we better steer the

‘inflow’ of our trainings?

How do other business services

demonstrate value?

In all their complexitiy, corporations are easy organisations...

There seem to be really only 2 kinds of metrics...

Value is...

Table talks

• A brave new world...• Take 1 example per table to work

around• Report out to the group• That will be our ‘cook book’

What is your ‘world view’ on


How would you visualise the evidence?

Is the new model


Working backwards, holistic and adaptive.


You haven’t learned anything from this session yet

Bad news !