Dentsu Corp. Culture

Post on 28-May-2017

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Group 1



Johnson and Scholes’ model



Dentsu Inc. is a Japanese advertising and public relations company.

Dentsu's sales are more than double its nearest competitor, Hakuhodo or ADK, in the Japanese market.










“For almost 100 years we have pursued a single mission: to offer our clients the most innovative, distinctive, and diversified communications solutions.”

Yoshida was known as 'the big demon,' and Dentsu's ad men were 'little demons' for their frantic hard work.

Dentsu also made it a practice to recruit sons of officials and prominent businessmen, so that the company soon had a wealth of personal contacts with its corporate and government clients.

Dentsu also has a reputation for being a “sweatshop” for its employees, working them until all hours.


DENTSU’S 10 PRINCIPLES (by Hideo Yoshida)

1. Initiate projects on your own instead of waiting for work to be assigned.

2. Take an active role in all your endeavors, not a passive one.3. Search for large and complex challenges.4. Welcome difficult assignments. Progress lies in accomplishing

difficult work.5. Once you begin a task, complete it. Never give up.6. Lead and set an example for your fellow workers.7. Set goals for yourself to ensure a constant sense of purpose.8. Move with confidence. It gives your work force and substance.9. At all times, challenge yourself to think creatively and find new

solutions.10.When confrontation is necessary, don't shy away from

it. Confrontation is often necessary to achieve progress.

RITUALSThe Dentsu Group’s corporate

philosophy is “Good Innovation”

Customer: Providing solutions that meet the challenges presented by changes in society, the environment and consumer lifestyle.

The core competence: teamwork.

The capability to achieve successful teamwork can be attained through designing a good communication.


As a Japanese firm, Dentsu has the tradition of discipline, the level of management is clear and rigid.

Considered Dentsu culture in Vietnam, it has been added the dynamism of Vietnamese people, in other words, Vietnam added a new deep to communication at Dentsu.

Vietnamese promote the employees consider their colleagues as family members in the aspect of sharing and understanding.Difference in Vietnam

SYMBOLS (Symbols - logos, offices, cars, common languages and other terminologies)

Dentsu’s Statement

“Ideas that reach beyond the imaginable.

Technology that crosses the bounds of possibilities.

Entrepreneurship that surpasses the expected.

Three sources of strength, driving our innovation,

bringing positive changeto people and society.”

SYMBOLS (Symbols - logos, offices, cars, common languages and other terminologies)

Japanese personalities of harmony, conformity, integrity, persistence, modesty and industriousness

(Eastern values)

SYMBOLS (Symbols - logos, offices, cars, common languages and other terminologies)

The Consistence via its main website with simple texts and pictures in black and white.

SYMBOLS (Symbols - logos, offices, cars, common languages and other terminologies)

Dentsu’s website in Vietnam is eye-catching, dynamic with 3D graphic, beautiful and colourful texts together with new part of Six Senses in how Dentsu can bring values to Vietnamese people

through its innovative services.

SYMBOLS (Symbols - logos, offices, cars, common languages and other terminologies)

“Good innovation” here is not wholly creating innovative services, but also more about creating “new, socially significant value, and drawing on new ideas that give form to our vision of being a business group that can help create a brighter, happier future for society.”

SYMBOLS (Symbols - logos, offices, cars, common languages and other terminologies)

Throughout its “Good innovation”, Dentsu focuses on “ideas” and how the company can help to create a

brighter, happier future for society.

SYMBOLS (Symbols - logos, offices, cars, common languages and other terminologies)

Dentsu Global Student Poster Competition, “Sustainable Development” support the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development June 2012.

Thus, all of these mentioned above are what the company is doing to maintain and develop its “symbol” toward its clients and its society all over the world.

STRUCTURESHierarchy model.

Starting from: Board of Management with highest

authority, called strategic level to

the Executive officers and the employees, called execution level, related to the daily and lower level operational activities.

STRUCTURESIn June 1999, Dentsu introduced an Executive Officer System to

strengthen its business execution function. In April 2009, the Company introduced a Director and Executive

Officer System.In April 2012 Dentsu divided its operations into two segments,

one for domestic business and one for overseas business.The Company established the Business Supervision Committee

and the Dentsu Network Executive Management Board Committee in April 2012 to complement the Board of Executive Officers.

The Company previously established three principal committees as substructures of the Board of Executive Officers - the Investment Committee, the Corporate Organization & Personnel Committee and the CSR Committee.


Overview of corporate control systems

The Control Systems: designed to encourage compliance among Directors, Executive Officers and employees while it supports continuous corporate development as the Company strives to meet its social responsibilities.

The Company has chosen the Dentsu Group Code of Conduct to define the parameters of acceptable behavior.

Checklists are developed to ensure that appropriate rules are in place.

Any problems are quickly reported and thoroughly analyzed.These control systems are being set up in all Group

companies, to maintain and increase the Group's corporate value.


Status of corporate control systems

Compliance System for Directors, Executive Officers and Employees must perform their duties appropriately.

Systems to Ensure Efficient Execution of Duties by Directors and Executive Officers: maintains a meeting schedule for Directors and Executive Officers that supports the efficient execution of duties.

Risk Management System: conducts internal risk surveys on an annual basis to determine the most significant risks to operations.

The Dentsu Group Code of Conduct functions as the standard for acceptable corporate behavior and embraces the entire Group, including subsidiaries.

System to Ensure Appropriateness of Financial Reporting: Through the CSR Committee, Dentsu continually supports a system that ensures appropriateness in financial reporting by the Group.


DENTSU at large

“Good Innovation”: embodies a strong Group-wide determination to create new value and to guide the process of reform both within the Group and within society.

not only find out the new solutions but also the ways to conduct and control its business effectively.

The Japanese headquarters play the top-notch role in setting corporate strategy and organizing the business tasks.

The highest voice is always from “Mr. President” shows the seniority of Japanese.

Power was being pushed down the management lines to catch up with all business stages on global scale.

More local figures are involved; the Japanese top management is more open.


DENTSU Vietnam

Company philosophy is said to be well maintained from the establishment till now.

The Japanese ,of course take the key positions in the company like general director.

They use the word “family” to illustrate the way of working together, aiming at best business results.


Basically similar to other Japanese firm in seniority appreciation, concentration of power, the detailed control system to guarantee compliance to the firm’s strategy and the famous Japanese way of hard-working.

Added aspects such as promoting creativity, communication, flexibility in order to create an innovative and dynamic working environment.

Dentsu: Should attempt to reduce the concentration of

power and allocate power to lower-level management.

Should maintain the core value of its culture and adapting its culture to the changing, dynamic and innovation required advertising market is essential.

Dentsu’s Organizational culture