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(Code: 11439)4-year curriculum intake cohort 2012/13



1. General Information 1

2. Study Route Options 1

3. Objectives and Programme Outcomes 2

4. Entrance Requirements 3

5. The Credit-based Programme 3

6. Curriculum of Full-time BSc(Hons) in Engineering Physics 6

7. Curriculum Map 8

8. Admission and Registration 10

9. Assessment and Progression 13

10. Final Award 18

11. Student Appeals 21

12. Leave of Absence, Deferment and Withdrawal 21

13. University Regulations 21

14. Amendments 21

15. Major/Minor Option 21

16. Academic Advising System 22

Appendix I Subject Description Forms

Appendix II Grades and Codes for Subject Assessment

Appendix III Codes for Final Assessment

Appendix IV Language and Communication Requirements

Appendix V Cluster Areas Requirement



Programme Title : Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Engineering Physics[BSc(Hons) in EP]

Programme Code : 11439

Host Department : Department of Applied Physics

Medium of Instruction : English

Mode of Study : Full-time

Duration : 4 years normal, 8 years maximum

Entry Qualification : HKDSE (Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education) or equivalent

Requirements for : At least 125 creditsGraduation (Depending on the student’s attainment of HKDSE)

University Graduation Requirements

Final Award : BSc(Hons) in Engineering Physics

( )

Annual Intake Number : 22


“Single Degree” Route

Students in this route will normally pursue four years of full-time study and graduate with an award of BSc(Hons) in EP after having satisfied all Programme requirements and University graduation requirements. Details about the single degree programme of BSc(Hons) in EP are given in later sections.

“Major/Minor” Route

For the graduation requirements of specific programmes of study (majors and minors), candidates should refer to the relevant section of AS website or consult the programme-offering departments concerned.

“Specialism in Optoelectronics” Route

Students opt for this route should select all the Optoelectronics stream elective subjects. For details, please refer to p. 6.

Upon graduation, students will be awarded BSc(Hons) in EP [Optoelectronics] (please refer to the definitive document of EP [Optoelectronics]).



3.1 Objectives

The principal aim of the Programme is to provide a programme of study at Honours Degree level, which will produce graduate physicists with a knowledge of applied physics and of one or more areas of engineering appropriate to the needs of the employment sector requiring graduates who combine a balance of generic skills, a broad scientific base and a technical bias.

3.2 Programme outcomes

The Programme should lead to the following two categories of learning outcomes, referring to the intellectual abilities, knowledge, skills and attributes that an all-round preferred graduate should possess.

3.2.1 Category A Professional/academic knowledge and skills

The graduates should be able to:

3.2.2 Category B Attributes for all-roundedness

PolyU aspires to develop all its students as all-round graduates with professional competence, and has identified a set of highly valued graduates attributes as the learning goals for students.

The graduates should (or are expected to) possess the following attributes:

A1 apply principles and laws in physics and in the selected area(s) of engineering to analyze scientific and technical/technological problems, particularly those at the interface between physics and engineering;

A2 apply the principles, methodologies and skills for experimental observation and interpretation for scientific and engineering purposes, especially in modern instrumentation, and materials science and technology;

A3 formulate scientific and engineering problems in suitable mathematical or computable forms, and be able to make good judgement on the appropriateness of approximations and the derived results/answers;

A4 assimilate and implement new ideas resourcefully so as to become more flexible and adaptable to function in different employment environments and to cope with advance and change; and

A5 develop a career in various professions by making use of the broad-based foundation built in the study.


B1 be able to analyze, evaluate, synthesize and propose solutions to problems of a general nature, with innovative/creative ideas where appropriate;



be able to communicate clearly and effectively in English;

be able to communicate clearly and effectively in Chinese, including Cantonese and Putonghua;

B3 be able to collaborate smoothly with others in team work, to demonstrate a sense of responsibility, accountability, leadership and team spirit;

B4 possess a desire for life-long learning and self-learning; and

B5 possess a global outlook and an understanding of China Mainland in comparison with Hong Kong.

While many of these graduate attributes can be developed through the curricular activities of this Programme, some (including communication skills, leadership and global outlook) are primarily addressed through co-curricular activities offered by faculties, departments, and various teaching and learning support units of the University. Students are encouraged to make full use of such opportunities to develop these attributes.

These outcomes will be achieved by using different teaching/learning methods and various assessment tools as well as a set of criterion-referenced assessment grades in each subject. Detailed subject syllabuses and assessment schemes are given in Appendix I.


For those applying on the basis of HKDSE:

Four core subjects and one elective subject with:

Level 3: English Language and Chinese Language

Level 2: Mathematics, Liberal Studies and one elective subject

Preference will be given to: a single physics subject/combined science with physics component.


5.1 The Programme is operated under the credit-based system of the University and subject to the regulations of the system. This system provides flexibility in the curriculum as well as in the pace with which students can progress through the Programme.

5.2 Under the credit-based system, the University academic year consists of two teaching semesters, each of fourteen weeks, plus a Summer Term of seven weeks’ duration. There are two weeks at the end of each semester and one week at the end of the Summer Term for examination purposes.

5.3 Each subject of the Programme has a value expressed in terms of credits. A grade point system is used for subject assessment. The Grade Point Average (GPA) is a measure of the overall performance of the subjects accumulated (see “Grading” sections).



SemesterSubject Code Subject Credit Compulsory/


requisite1/1 AP10008 University Physics I # 3 C1/11/1


Introductory Life Science #Introduction to Chemistry #



1/1 AMA1007 Calculus and Linear Algebra # 3 C1/1 FAST1000 Freshmen Seminar (GUR) 3 C1/1 English I (GUR) 3 C1/1 Leadership and Intra-Personal

Development (GUR)3 C

Credits for Year 1, Semester 1 15-211/2 AP10009 University Physics II 3 C1/2 AP20004 Physics Laboratory 3 C1/21/2


General Chemistry I #General Biology #



1/2 AMA1006 Basic Statistics # 2 C1/2 English II (GUR) 3 C1/2 Chinese (GUR) 3 C1/2 Healthy Lifestyle 0 C

Credits for Year 1, Semester 2 14-202/1 AP20003 Mechanics 3 C AP100082/1 AP20007 Fundamentals of Scientific

Instrumentation3 C

2/1 AP20008 Waves 3 C AP100092/1 AMA2882 Mathematics for Scientists and

Engineers4 C

2/1 CAR I (GUR) 3 CCredits for Year 2, Semester 1 16

2/2 AP20001 Electromagnetism 3 C AP100092/2 AP20002 Materials Science 3 C2/2 AP20005 Programming in Physics 3 C2/2 AP20006 Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and

Engineers3 C AP10009

2/2 CAR II (GUR) 3 C2/2 CBS2212P Chinese Communication for

Professionals of Applied Sciences 2 C

Credits for Year 2, Semester 2 173/1 AP30012 Thermal and Statistical Physics 3 C AP200063/1 CAR III (GUR) 3 C3/1 ELC3121 English for Scientific Communication

(DSR Language)2 C LCR

English 3/1 3 Electives + 9 E

Credits for Year 3, Semester 1 173/2 AP30011 Solid State Physics 3 C AP200063/2 Service-Learning (GUR) 3 C3/2 3 Electives + 9 E

Credits for Year 3, Semester 2 154/1 AP40004 Project (yearly subject) 2 C4/1 CAR IV (GUR) 3 C4/1 3 Electives + 9 E

Credits for Year 4, Semester 1 144/2 AP40004 Project (yearly subject) 2 C4/2 3 Electives + 9 E

Credits for Year 4, Semester 2 11Total: 125


Remarks: GUR - General University Requirements (please refer to p. 18) CAR - Cluster Areas Requirement (please refer to p. 18 and Appendix V) LCR - Language and Communication Requirements (please refer to p.18 and Appendix IV) DSR - Discipline Specific Requirements Notes: # Common subjects for Applied Sciences programmes

Broad Discipline common subjects Credit Offered in Semester

Category A B 1 2 Introduction to Physics [AP10001] or University Physics I

[AP10008] 3 A & B

Introduction to Chemistry [ABCT1700] or General Chemistry I [ABCT1741] 3 A B

Introductory Life Science [ABCT1101] or General Biology [ABCT1102] 3 A B Calculus & Linear Algebra [AMA1007]* 3 A & B

Basic Statistics [AMA1006]* 2 A & B

Underpinning subject Credit Offered in Semester

Foundation Mathematics [AMA1100]

* Students without HKDSE Mathematics Extended Module M1 or M2 will be

required to take AMA1100 before taking AMA1006 and AMA1007.


1 & 2

1. All applied science & mathematics students are required to complete one broad discipline

common subject each in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Calculus & Linear Algebra and Basic Statistics.

2. The science subjects under Category A are designed for students who have not attained Level 3 or above in Physics, Chemistry and/or Biology as a single Science subject or a component of the Combined Science (sub-score) in HKDSE.

3. Students who have attained Level 3 or above in Physics, Chemistry and/or Biology, as a single Science subject or a component of the Combined Science (sub-score) are required to take the relevant subjects under Category B.

4. Students must retake a compulsory subject which they have failed. Those who fail Category B subjects and pursue for programmes which accept Category A subjects could take the relevant Category A subject as replacement. Academic Advisors will provide academic counseling to students on the appropriate subject to take/retake.

5. Students who have not achieved Level 2 or above in Extended Modules of Mathematics (M1 or M2) in HKDSE are required to complete AMA1100 before progressing to take AMA1006 and AMA1007. AMA1100 is an underpinning subject. The 2 credits earned by students will not be counted towards the number of credits required for graduation.

6. The Department will provide academic counseling to students upon their admission and before subject registration.

7. Broad Discipline students who take subject(s) under Category A may need to take relevant subject(s) under Category B according to the requirements of individual degrees in applied science and in mathematics.


+ Students may take no more than 4 free elective subjects from other departments and the suggested subjects are: Analogue Circuit Fundamentals (EIE3100) and Communication Fundamentals (EIE3331).

Elective subjects offered by AP:

Under the normal programme pattern, students are recommended taking level 3 subjects in year 3 and level 4 subjects in year 4.

Elective subjects in Semester 1

AP30001 Applied Acoustics <Pre-requisite: AP20003>AP30005 Advanced Scientific Instrumentation *AP30006 Metallurgy and Ceramics Science <Pre-requisite: AP20002>AP30009 Laser Principles and Applications *AP30013 Photonics Laboratory *

AP40001 Advanced Physics Laboratory <Pre-requisite: AP20004>AP40002 Display Technology *AP40003 Solid State Lighting *AP40008 Simulation Methods in Nonlinear Science <Pre-requisite: AP20005>

Elective subjects in Semester 2

AP30002 Computational Physics <Pre-requisite: AP20005>AP30003 Detectors and Imaging Devices *AP30004 Electromagnetic Fields <Pre-requisite: AP20001 and AP20008>AP30007 Optical Design *AP30008 Polymers and CompositesAP30010 Radiation Physics

AP40005 Optoelectronic Packaging and Reliability *AP40006 Semiconductor Materials and Devices * <Pre-requisite: AP20002>AP40007 Simulation and Analysis of Optoelectronic Devices * <Pre-requisite: AP20001>AP40009 Advanced Photonics Laboratory* <Pre-requisite: AP30013>

* Elective subjects for Optoelectronics stream


Summary of the suggested credit distribution in each semester and each year

Stage/Semester CreditsYear 1, Semester 1 15-21Year 1, Semester 2 14-20Year 2, Semester 1 16Year 2, Semester 2 17Year 3, Semester 1 17Year 3, Semester 2 15Year 4, Semester 1 14Year 4, Semester 2 11

Total 125

Summary of the credit requirements for different subject areas

(a) Language and Communication Requirements 9 credits(b) Freshman Seminar 3 credits(c) Leadership and Intra-Personal Development 3 credits(d) Service-Learning 3 credits(e) Cluster Areas Requirement (CAR) 12 credits(f) China Studies Requirement (3 of the 12 CAR credits)(g) Healthy Lifestyle Non-credit bearing(h) Discipline-Specific Requirement (DSR) 95 credits

Total 125 credits



This curriculum map gives a holistic view of the programme to which each intended learning outcome will be taught and assessed in the programme (see “Objectives” and “Programme outcomes” sections.)

The following indicators (I, R, A) in the relevant boxes show the treatment of the programme outcome in a subject:

I (Introduced) That the learning leading to the particular intended outcome is introduced in that subject.

R (Reinforced) That the learning leading to the particular intended outcome is reinforced in that subject.

A (Assessed) That the performance which demonstrates the particular intended outcome is assessed in that subject

Programme outcomesSubjects

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2a B2b B3 B4 B5

AP10001 Introduction to Physics A I I IAP10008 University Physics I A I I IAP10009 University Physics II A I I IAP20001 Electromagnetism A I IAP20002 Materials Science A I I IAP20003 Mechanics A I IAP20004 Physics Laboratory A I I I IAP20005 Programming in Physics A I I IAP20006 Quantum Mechanics for Scientists

and EngineersA A I

AP20007 Fundamentals of Scientific Instrumentation


AP20008 Waves A R IAP30001 Applied Acoustics A R R I RAP30002 Computational Physics A R A R RAP30003 Detectors and Imaging Devices A A RAP30004 Electromagnetic Fields R R RAP30005 Advanced Scientific

InstrumentationA R R R R

AP30006 Metallurgy and Ceramics Science A R I RAP30007 Optical Design A A R R RAP30008 Polymers and Composites A R R RAP30009 Laser Principles and Applications A R R RAP30010 Radiation Physics A R R R RAP30011 Solid State Physics A R RAP30012 Thermal and Statistical Physics A R RAP30013 Photonics Laboratory A R R R RAP40001 Advanced Physics Laboratory A R/A R R R


Programme outcomesSubjects

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2a B2b B3 B4 B5

AP40002 Display Technology A A R RAP40003 Solid State Lighting A A R RAP40004 Project (yearly subject) A A A A A R/A A R A RAP40005 Optoelectronic Packaging and

ReliabilityA A R R

AP40006 Semiconductor Materials and Devices


AP40007 Simulation and Analysis of Optoelectronic Devices


AP40008 Simulation Methods in Nonlinear Science


AP40009 Advanced Photonics Laboratory A R/A R R RFAST1000 Freshmen Seminar (GUR) I IEnglish I (GUR) A IAMA1006 Basic Statistics I IAMA1007 Calculus and Linear Algebra I IAMA1100 Foundation Mathematics I IABCT1101 Introductory Life Science I IABCT1102 General Biology I IEnglish II (GUR) A RCAR I (GUR) RABCT1700 Introduction to Chemistry I IABCT1741 General Chemistry I I IChinese (GUR) R RAMA2882 Mathematics for Scientists and

EngineersR R

CAR II (GUR) RCBS2212P Chinese Communication for

Professionals of Applied Sciences (DSR Chinese)


CAR III (GUR) RELC3121 English for Scientific

Communication (DSR Language)R R

Service-Learning (GUR) A R RLeadership and Intra-Personal Development (GUR)




GUR - General University Requirements (please refer to p. 18)CAR - Cluster Areas Requirement (please refer to p. 18 and Appendix V)DSR - Discipline Specific Requirements



8.1 Students accepted for admission to the Programme will be informed by the Academic Secretariat of the procedure that they must follow in order to be registered.

8.2 Student status

8.2.1 Students who enroll on the Programme with a study load of 9 credits or more in a semester are classified as full time students. They are expected to devote the whole of their time to study and to activities related to their studies. Classes are also predominantly scheduled in the daytime.

8.2.2 Full-time students are normally expected to follow the specified progression pattern shown in the curriculum table.

8.2.3 Students who do not follow the specified progression pattern strictly, but who will pay the full-time flat fee, will still be recognized as full-time students.

8.2.4 Full-time local students are eligible to apply for financial assistance from the Government in the form of grant and loan.

8.2.5 Full-time students may not be granted the Government grant and loan beyond the normal period of study for the Programme.

8.2.6 Students who wish to study at their own pace instead of following the specified progression pattern will have to seek prior approval from the Department. These students are referred to as self-paced students.

8.2.7 Students who wish to change their study load to less than 9 credits in a semester will have to seek prior approval from the Department.

8.2.8 Students who have been given permission to take less than 9 credits in a semester will be given the option to pay credit fees instead of the full-time flat fee. If students wish to exercise such option, they have to inform the Department before the end of the add/drop period of that semester. These credit fee paying students are classified as part-time students for that semester.

8.3 Subject registration

8.3.1 In addition to programme registration, students need to register for the subjects at specified periods for each semester. The schedule for subject registration includes a two-week add-drop period for both Semesters One and Two and a one-week add/drop period for the Summer Term.

8.3.2 Students will be allowed to take additional subjects for broadening purpose, after they fulfil the graduation requirements and for the following semester. However, they will still be subject to the maximum study load of 21


credits per semester and the availability of places in the subjects concerned, and their enrolment will be as subject-based students only.

8.3.3 Students are advised to register on General University Requirement (GUR) subjects according to the schedule of the curriculum table with flexibility.

8.4 Credit requirement by semester

8.4.1 For students following the specified progression pattern, the number of credits which they have to take in each semester is defined in the curriculum table.

8.4.2 The maximum number of credits to be taken by a student in a semester is21 credits.

8.4.3 Students will not be allowed to take zero subject in any semester unless they have obtained prior approval from the Department; otherwise they will be classified as having unofficially withdrawn from their study. Any semester in which the students are allowed to take zero subject will nevertheless be counted towards the maximum period of registration.

8.5 Exemption and credit transfer

8.5.1 Students may be exempted from taking any specified subjects, including mandatory GUR subjects, if they have successfully completed similar subjects previously in another programme or have demonstrated the level of proficiency/ability to the satisfaction of the subject offering department.Subject exemption is normally decided by the subject offering department. However, for applications that are submitted by students who have completed an approved student exchange programme, the subject exemption is to be decided by the Department in consultation with the subject offering departments. In case of disagreement between departments, the faculty deans concerned will make a final decision jointly on the application. If students are exempted from taking a specified subject, the credits associated with the exempted subject will not becounted towards the award requirements (except for exemption granted at the admission stage). It will therefore be necessary for the students to take another subject in order to satisfy the credit requirement for the award.


8.5.2 In the case of credit transfer, students will be given credits for recognised previous study [including mandatory GUR subjects (except for full-time articulation Bachelor’s degree programmes, where only exemptions are to be given)]; and the credits will be counted towards meeting the requirements of the award. Transferred credits may be counted towards more than one award. Credit transfer may be done with the grade carried or without the grade carried; the former should normally be used when the credits were gained from PolyU. Subject credit transfer is normally decided by the subject offering department. However, for applications that are submitted by students who have completed an approved student exchange programme, the decision will be made by the Department in consultation with the subject offering departments. In case of disagreement between departments, the faculty deans concerned will make a final decision jointly on the application. The validity period of credits previously earned is 8 years after the year of attainment.

8.5.3 Normally, not more than 50% of the credit requirement for award may be transferable from approved institutions outside the University. For transfer of credits from programmes offered by PolyU, normally not more than 67% of the credit requirement for award can be transferred.

8.5.4 In the cases where both types of credits are transferred (i.e. from programmes offered by PolyU and from approved institutions outside the University), not more than 50% of the normal credit requirement for the academic award may be transferred.

8.5.5 Credit transfer can be applicable to credits earned by students through study at an overseas institution and under an approved exchange programme. Students should, before they go abroad for the exchange programme, seek prior approval from the Department.

8.6 Deferment of study

8.6.1 Deferment of study is applicable to those students who have a genuine need to do so such as illness or posting to work outside Hong Kong. Approval from the Department is required. The deferment period will not be counted towards the maximum period of registration.

8.6.2 No deferment of study will be permitted unless it remains possible for the student to obtain the relevant award within the maximum period of registration.

8.6.3 Application for deferment of study will be entertained only in exceptional circumstances from students who have not yet completed the first year of the Programme.

8.6.4 Where the period of deferment of study begins during a stage for which fees have been paid, no refund of such fees will be made.



9.1 Assessment methods

9.1.1 Students’ performance in a subject shall be assessed by continuous assessment, practical test and/or examinations. The weighting of each in the overall subject grade is stated in the respective subject description form.

9.1.2 Continuous assessment may include tests, assignments, projects, laboratory work, field exercises, presentations and other forms of classroom participation. Continuous Assessment assignments which involve group work should nevertheless include some individual components therein. The contribution made by each student in continuous assessment involving a group effort shall be determined and assessed separately, and this can result in different grades being awarded to students in the same group.

9.1.3 For any subject offered by a servicing department (with subject code notbeginning with ‘AP’), a student must satisfy requirements that may be stipulated by the servicing department concerned in order to achieve an overall passing grade.

9.1.4 At the beginning of each semester, each subject teacher should inform students of the details of the assessment methods to be used.

9.1.5 The Board of Examiners is appointed to deal with special cases arising from assessment and classification of awards.

9.1.6 Assessment of Work-Integrated Education (WIE)

The objective of the assessment is to determine to what extent the student has achieved the intended learning outcomes of the WIE component. The WIE learning outcomes are as follow:

- achieve goals or tasks as specified by the employer in a working environment;

- be able to analyze, evaluate, synthesize and propose solutions to problems of a general nature;

- be able to communicate and collaborate effectively with others;

- possess a global outlook (for an overseas placement) or deepen the understanding of Mainland (for placement in Mainland); and become experienced in adapting to real working environment.

The WIE component carries 1 training credit which is roughly equivalent to 30 working hours. A student is required to accrue at least one WIE training credit before graduation. Students are strongly encouraged to finish their WIE requirement by the end of the summer of year 3. The component is not counted towards GPA calculation nor award classification. Some staff in the department may provide WIE placements from projects and work placements in collaboration with external organizations. The students themselves are also allowed to seek for WIE


placements themselves or via job postings advertised by the Student Affairs Office as long as the students obtain approval from the department.

The following is the WIE assessment method.

(i) ReportUpon completion of the placement, the student is required to submit a report summarizing his/her work experience and the learning outcomes that have been achieved.

(ii) Performance EvaluationAt the end of the WIE placement, the workplace supervisor will provide a performance evaluation by answering a set of questions related to the achievement of intended WIE learning outcomes. The student's supervisor from AP will also give assessment at the end of the placement.

(iii) Overall AssessmentBased on the report submitted by the student and the performance evaluation, a Pass grade will be given upon satisfactory completion of the intended WIE learning outcomes; otherwise a failure grade will be given.

9.2 Progression

9.2.1 The Board of Examiners shall, at the end of each semester, determine whether each student is

(i) eligible for progression towards an award; or

(ii) eligible for an award; or

(iii) required to be deregistered from the programme.

9.2.2 A student will have ‘progressing’ status unless he/she falls within the following categories, either of which may be regarded as grounds for deregistration from the programme:

(i) the student has exceeded the maximum period of registration for that programme, as specified in the Definitive Programme Document; or

(ii) the student’s GPA (see Section 9.5.2 below) is lower than 2.0 for two consecutive semesters and his/her Semester GPA in the second semester is also lower than 2.0; or

(iii) the student’s GPA is lower than 2.0 for three consecutive semesters; or

(iv) the student’s academic performance is poor to the extent that the Board of Examiners deems that his/her chance of attaining a GPA of 2.0 at the end of the programme is slim or impossible.


9.2.3 When a student has a GPA lower than 2.0, he/she will be put on academic probation in the following semester. If a student is able to pull his/herGPA up to 2.0 or above at the end of the semester, the status of “academic probation” will be lifted. The status of “academic probation” will be reflected in the examination result notification but not in the transcript of studies.

9.3 Retaking of subjects

9.3.1 Students may retake any subject for the purpose of improving their grade without having to seek approval, but they must retake a compulsory subject which they have failed, i.e. obtained an F grade.

9.3.2 Retaking of subjects is with the condition that the maximum study load of 21 credits per semester is not exceeded.

9.3.3 Students wishing to retake passed subjects will be accorded a lower priority than those who are required to retake (due to failure in a compulsory subject) and can only do so if places are available.

9.3.4 The number of retakes of a subject is not restricted. Only the grade obtained in the final attempt of retaking (even if the retake grade is lower than the original grade for originally passed subject) will be included in the calculation of the Grade Point Average (GPA). If students have passed a subject but failed after retake, credits accumulated for passing the subject in a previous attempt will remain valid for satisfying the credit requirement for award. (The grades obtained in previous attempts will only be reflected in transcript of studies.)

9.3.5 In cases where a student takes another subject to replace a failed elective subject, the fail grade will be taken into account in the calculation of the GPA, despite the passing of the replacement subject.

9.4 Exceptional circumstances

9.4.1 Absence from an assessment component: If a student is unable to complete all the assessment components of a subject due to illness or other circumstances which are beyond his/her control, and considered by the subject offering department as legitimate, the Department will determine whether the student will have to complete a late assessment and, if so, by what means. This late assessment shall take place at the earliest opportunity, and before the commencement of the following academic year (except that for Summer Term, which may take place within 3 weeks after the finalisation of Summer Term results). The student will not receive a grade for the subject prior to his/her completion of the assessment component(s). The student concerned is required to submit his/her application for late assessment in writing to the Head of Department offering the subject, within five working days from the date of the examination, together with any supporting documents. Approval of applications for late assessment and the means for such late assessments shall be given by the Head of Department offering the subject or the Subject Lecturer concerned, in consultation with the Programme Leader.


9.4.2 Other particular circumstances: A student’s particular circumstances may influence the procedures for assessment but not the standard of performance expected in assessment.

9.5 Grading

9.5.1 Assessment grades shall be awarded on a criterion-referenced basis. Astudent’s overall performance in a subject (including GUR subjects) is graded as follows:


Grade Point

Short Description

Elaboration on Subject Grading Description

A+ 4.5 Exceptionally Outstanding

The student's work is exceptionally outstanding. It exceeds the intended subject learning outcomes in all regards.

A 4 Outstanding The student's work is outstanding. It exceeds the intended subject learning outcomes in nearly all regards.

B+ 3.5 Very Good The student's work is very good. It exceeds the intended subject learning outcomes in most regards.

B 3 Good The student's work is good. It exceeds the intended subject learning outcomes in some regards.

C+ 2.5 Wholly Satisfactory

The student's work is wholly satisfactory. It fully meets the intended subject learning outcomes.

C 2 Satisfactory The student's work is satisfactory. It largely meets the intended subject learning outcomes.

D+ 1.5 Barely Satisfactory

The student's work is barely satisfactory. It marginally meets the intended subject learning outcomes.

D 1 Barely Adequate

The student's work is barely adequate. It meets the intended subject learning outcomes only in some regards.

F 0 Inadequate The student's work is inadequate. It fails to meet many of the intended subject learning outcomes.

‘F’ is a subject failure grade, whilst all other (‘D’ to ‘A+’) are subject passing grades. No credit will be earned if a subject is failed. The learning outcomes of the subjects can be found in Appendix I.


9.5.2 At the end of each semester, a Grade Point Average (GPA) will be computed as follows, and based on the grade point of all the subjects:



ValueCredit Subject

ValueCredit Subject PointGradeSubject GPA

where n = number of all subjects (inclusive of failed subjects) taken by the student up to and including the latest semester/term, but for subjects which have been retaken, only the grade obtained in the final attempt will be included in the GPA calculation.

In addition, the following subjects will be excluded from the GPAcalculation:

(i) Exempted subjects

(ii) Ungraded subjects

(iii) Incomplete subjects

(iv) Subjects for which credit transfer has been approved without any grade assigned

(v) Subjects from which a student has been allowed to withdraw (i.e. those with the code ‘W’)

Subject which has been given an “S” subject code, i.e. absent from examination, will be included in the GPA calculation and will be counted as “zero” grade point. GPA is thus the unweighted cumulative average calculated for a student, for all relevant subjects taken from the start of the programme to a particular point of time. GPA is an indicator of overall performance and is capped at 4.0.

9.5.3 The grades and codes for the subject and final assessments are included in Appendices II and III.



10.1 Graduation requirements

10.1.1 A student would be eligible for award of a BSc(Hons) in EP if he/she satisfies all the conditions listed below.

(i) Programme Requirement: at least 125 credits(Depending on the students attainment of HKDSE)

(ii) University Graduation Requirements:

1. Have a GPA of 2.0 or above at the end of the programme.

2. Complete successfully the mandatory Work-Integrated Education (WIE) component as specified by the programme/major.

3. Satisfy the residential requirement for at least 1/3 of the credits to be completed for the award of BSc(Hons) in EP.

4. Satisfy the following General University Requirements (GUR):

(a) Language and Communication Requirements 9 credits

(b) Freshman Seminar 3 credits

(c) Leadership and Intra-Personal Development 3 credits

(d) Service-Learning 3 credits

(e) Cluster Areas Requirement (CAR) 12 credits

(f) China Studies Requirement (3 of the 12 CAR credits)

(g) Healthy Lifestyle Non-credit bearing

Total = 30 credits

6. Language and Communication Requirements (Refer to Appendix IV).

7. Cluster Areas Requirement (Refer to Appendix V).

10.1.2 A student is required to graduate as soon as he/she satisfies the graduation requirements as stipulated above. The student concerned is required to apply for graduation, in the semester in which he is able to fulfil all his graduation requirements, and after the add/drop period for that semester has ended.


10.2 Guidelines for award classification

10.2.1 Classification of awards is based on the final Weighted GPA (see the following paragraph). There is no automatic conversion between the Weighted GPA and the award classification. The Board of Examiners shall exercise its judgement in coming to its conclusions as to the award for each student, and where appropriate, may use other relevant information.

10.2.2 The Weighted Grade Point Average is defined as follows:



WValueCredit Subject

WValueCredit Subject PointGradeSubject GPA Weighted

where Wi is the subject level weighting with



The Weighted GPA will also be capped at 4.0.

n = number of all subjects counted in GPA calculation as set out in Section 9.5.2, except those exclusion specified in Sections 10.2.2 to 10.2.3.

10.2.3 Any subjects passed after the graduation requirement has been met or subjects taken on top of the prescribed credit requirements for award shall not be taken into account in the GPA or Weighted GPA calculations for award classification. However, if a student attempts more elective subjects than those required for graduation in or before the semester in which he/she becomes eligible for award, the elective subjects with a highergrade/contribution shall be included in the GPA/Weighted GPAcalculations for award classification (i.e. the excessive subjects attempted with a lower grade/contribution, including failed subjects, will be excluded).


10.2.4 The following are guidelines for Boards of Examiners’ reference in determining award classifications:

Honoursdegrees Guidelines

1st The student's performance/attainment is outstanding, and identifies him as exceptionally able in the field covered by the programme in question.

2:i The student has reached a standard of performance/attainment which is more than satisfactory but less than outstanding.

2:ii The student has reached a standard of performance/attainment judgedto be satisfactory, and clearly higher than the 'essential minimum' required for graduation.

3rd The student has attained the 'essential minimum' required for graduation at a standard ranging from just adequate to just satisfactory.

10.2.5 A Pass-without-Honours degree award will be recommended only under exceptional circumstances, when the student has demonstrated a level of final attainment which is below the ‘essential minimum’ required for graduation with Honours from the Programme, but when he/she has nonetheless covered the prescribed work of the Programme in an adequate fashion, while failing to show sufficient evidence of the intellectual calibre expected of Honours degree graduates. For example, if a student in an Honours degree programme has a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 or more, but his Weighted GPA is less than 2.0, he/she may be considered for a Pass-without-Honours classification.

10.3 Aegrotat award

10.3.1 If a student is unable to complete the requirements of the Programme for the award due to very serious illness or other very special circumstances which are beyond his control, and considered by the Board of Examiners as legitimate, the Faculty Board will determine whether the student will be granted an aegrotat award. Aegrotat award will be granted under very exceptional circumstances.

10.3.2 A student who has been offered an aegrotat award shall have the right to opt either to accept such an award, or request to be assessed on another occasion to be stipulated by the Board of Examiners; the student’s exercise of this option shall be irrevocable.

10.3.3 The acceptance of an aegrotat award by a student shall disqualify him/herfrom any subsequent assessment for the same award.

10.3.4 An aegrotat award shall normally not be classified, and the award parchment shall not state that it is an aegrotat award. However, the Board of Examiners may determine whether the award should be classified provided that they have adequate information on the students’ academic performance.



It is the students’ responsibility to make known to the Board of Examiners (with any supporting documents such as a medical certificate), through the Department, the factors they believe have detrimentally and materially affected their examination results immediately after the assessment and prior to the meeting of the relevant Panel/Board. Appeals shall be made in accordance with the procedures set out in the “Student Handbook”.


A student may apply for leave of absence, deferment and withdrawal through the Academic Secretariat in accordance with University regulations.


The regulations in this document are only for those which apply specifically to the BSc(Hons) in EP. Students should consult the current issue of the “Student Handbook, Full-time and Part-time Studies” for the General Regulations of the University.

(Should discrepancy between the contents of this document and University regulations arise, University regulations will always prevail.)


This Definitive Programme Document is subject to review and changes which the programme offering Department can decide to make from time to time. Students will be informed of the changes as and when appropriate.


For the graduation requirements of specific programmes of study (majors and minors), candidates should refer to the relevant section of AS website or consult the programme-offering departments concerned.

15.1 Graduation requirements

Students taking the Major/Minor route would be eligible for applying for graduation based on the following conditions.

(i) Satisfy the requirements of the Major studies which are the same as the graduation requirements of the “Single Degree”.

(ii) Satisfy the requirements of the Minor studies.


15.2 Award for Major/Minor studies

15.2.1 For students who have completed a Major and a Minor programme, their award classification will be based on both their “Major GPA” and “Minor GPA”.

15.2.2 “Major GPA” is derived in the same way as that for the “Single Degree”.

15.2.3 “Minor GPA” is derived based on the 18 credits of Minor study.

15.2.4 The “Major GPA” and the “Minor GPA” will be presented separately to the Board of Examiners for consideration.

15.2.5 In order to be eligible for a particular award classification, a student should have comparable standard of performance in both his/her Majorand Minor studies.

15.2.6 In cases where the attainment of students in the Minor study warrants the granting of one classification lower than that the students deserve for his/her Major study, the Board of Examiners has the discretion to recommend the upper classification which reflects the performance on the Major study better.


To help students understand the nature of academic advising at PolyU, a guide to academic advising is available. The guide includes the following topics:

The meaning and nature of academic advising Making the most of university learning experience Policies on academic advising at PolyU Infrastructure and procedures for academic advising at PolyU Roles and responsibilities of academic advisors and students in academic advising Strategies leading to academic success Student preparation for academic advising Evaluation of academic advising

The website of the university “Student Guide to Academic Advising” is, and the website of Departmental Academic Advising system is

Appendix I: Subject Description Forms


Summary of the Subject Information

Subject Code

Subject Name Credit Pre-requisite

Teaching Methods Assessment Methods

AP10001 Introduction to Physics 3 Nil Lecture, student-centered tutorial and e-learning

Continuous assessment and examination

AP10008 University Physics I 3 Nil Lecture, student-centered tutorial and e-learning

Continuous assessment and examination

AP10009 University Physics II 3 Nil Lecture, student-centered tutorial and e-learning

Continuous assessment and examination

AP20001 Electromagnetism 3 AP10009 Lecture and student-centered tutorial

Continuous assessment and examination

AP20002 Materials Science 3 Nil Lecture, tutorial and laboratory

Continuous assessment and examination

AP20003 Mechanics 3 AP10008 Lecture, tutorial and e-learning

Continuous assessment and examination

AP20004 Physics Laboratory 3 Nil Laboratory Continuous assessment, practical examination and written test

AP20005 Programming in Physics 3 Nil Lecture and computer laboratory

Continuous assessment and examination

AP20006 Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers

3 AP10009 Lecture, student-centered tutorial and e-learning

Continuous assessment and examination

AP20007 Fundamentals of Scientific Instrumentation

3 Nil Lecture and lab session

Continuous assessment, practical test and examination

AP20008 Waves 3 AP10009 Lecture and tutorial Continuous assessment and examination

AP30001 Applied Acoustics 3 AP20003 Lecture, tutorial and laboratory

Continuous assessment and examination

AP30002 Computational Physics 3 AP20005 Lecture and computer laboratory

Continuous assessment and examination

AP30003 Detectors and Imaging Devices

3 Nil Lecture, laboratory and presentation

Continuous assessment and examination

AP30004 Electromagnetic Fields 3 AP20001AP20008

Lecture and laboratory

Continuous assessment and examination

AP30005 Advanced Scientific Instrumentation

3 Nil Lecture and laboratory

Continuous assessment, practical examination and written test

AP30006 Electromagnetic Fields 3 AP20002 Lecture, tutorial and laboratory

Continuous assessment and examination

AP30007 Optical Design 3 Nil Lecture and practical assignment

Continuous assessment and examination


Subject Code

Subject Name Credit Pre-requisite

Teaching Methods Assessment Methods

AP30008 Polymers and Composites 3 Nil Lecture, tutorial and laboratory

Continuous assessment and examination

AP30009 Laser Principles and Applications

3 Nil Lecture and student-centered tutorial

Continuous assessment and examination

AP30010 Radiation Physics 3 Nil Lecture and tutorial Continuous assessment and examination

AP30011 Solid State Physics 3 AP20006 Lecture, tutorial and e-learning

Continuous assessment and examination

AP30012 Thermal and Statistical Physics

3 AP20006 Lecture and tutorial Continuous assessment and examination

AP30013 Photonics Laboratory 3 Nil Laboratory Continuous assessment, practical examination and written test

AP40001 Advanced Physics Laboratory

3 AP20004 Laboratory Continuous assessment, practical examination and written test

AP40002 Display Technology 3 Nil Lecture, tutorial and laboratory

Continuous assessment and examination

AP40003 Solid State Lighting 3 Nil Lecture and tutorial Continuous assessment and examination

AP40004 Project 4 Nil Presentation Continuous assessment, project report and oral

AP40005 Optoelectronic Packaging and Reliability

3 Nil Lecture, tutorial and laboratory

Continuous assessment and examination

AP40006 Semiconductor Materialsand Devices

3 AP20002 Lecture, tutorial and laboratory

Continuous assessment and examination

AP40007 Simulation and Analysis of Optoelectronic Devices

3 AP20001 Lecture and laboratory

Continuous assessment and examination

AP40008 Simulation Methods in Nonlinear Science

3 AP20005 Lecture and computer laboratory

Continuous assessment and examination

AP40009 Advanced Photonics Laboratory

3 AP30013 Laboratory Continuous assessment, practical examination and written test

ABCT1101 Introductory Life Science 3 Nil Lecture, tutorial and self-study

Written assessment and examination

ABCT1102 General Biology 3 ABCT1101 Lecture, tutorial, field trip and self study

Written assessment, written assignment and examination

ABCT1700 Introduction to Chemistry 3 Nil Lecture and tutorial Continuous assessment and examination

ABCT1741 General Chemistry I 3 Nil Lecture and tutorial Continuous assessment and examination

AMA1006 Basic Statistics 2 AMA1100 Lecture and tutorial Assignments/test and examination


Subject Code

Subject Name Credit Pre-requisite

Teaching Methods Assessment Methods

AMA1007 Calculus and Linear Algebra

3 AMA1100 Lecture, tutorial and exercise

Test/assignments and examination

AMA1100 Foundation Mathematics -an introduction to Algebra and Differential Calculus

2 Nil Lecture and tutorial Homework, quizzes, mid term test and examination

AMA2882 Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers

4 Nil Lecture and tutorial Continuous assessment and examination

CBS2212P Chinese Communication for Professionals of Applied Sciences

2 Nil Seminars and self study

Assessment, class participation and examination

ELC3121 English for Scientific Communication

2 LCR English subjects

Seminar Tests

FAST1000 Freshman Seminar for Applied Sciences

3 Nil Lecture, tutorial, group discussion and tour

Project, presentation, tour/seminar


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP10001

Subject Title Introduction to Physics

Credit Value 3

Level 1

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives This is a subject designed for students with no background in physics studies. Fundamental concepts in major topics of physics (mechanics, heat, wave and electromagnetism) will be discussed. The aim of this subject is to equip students with some basic physics knowledge, and to appreciate its applications in various branches of science and technology.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) solve simple problems in kinematics and Newton’s law; (b) solve problems in heat capacity and latent heat; (c) explain phenomena related to the wave character of light;(d) apply the superposition of waves; (e) define electrostatic field and potential;(f) solve problems on interaction between current and magnetic field; and(g) apply Faraday’s law to various phenomena.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Mechanics: scalars and vectors; kinematics and dynamics; Newton’s laws; momentum, impulse, work and energy; conservation of momentum and conservation of energy.

Thermal physics: heat and internal energy; heat capacity; conduction, convection and radiation; latent heat.

Waves: nature of waves; wave motion; reflection and refraction; image formation by mirrors and lenses; superposition of waves; standing waves; diffraction and interference; electromagnetic spectrum; sound waves.

Electromagnetism: charges; Coulomb’s law; electric field and potential; current and resistance; Ohm’s law; magnetic field; magnetic force on moving charges and current-carrying conductors; Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: Fundamentals in mechanics, waves and electromagnetism will be explained. Examples will be used to illustrate the concepts and ideas in the lecture. Students are free to request help. Homework problem sets will be given.

Student-centered Tutorial: Students will work on a set of problems in tutorials. Students are encouraged to solve problems and to use their own knowledge to verify their solutions before seeking assistance. These problem sets provide them opportunities to apply their knowledge gained from the lecture. They also help the students to consolidate what they have learned. Furthermore, students can develop a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to daily life phenomena or experience.


e-learning: In order to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning processes, electronic means and multimedia technologies would be adopted for presentations of lectures; communication between students and lecturer; delivery of handouts, homework and notices etc.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e f g(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment:The continuous assessment includes assignments, quizzes and test(s) which aim at checking the progress of students study throughout the course, assisting them in fulfilling the learning outcomes.Assignments in general include end-of-chapter problems, which are used to reinforce and assess the concepts and skills acquired by the students; and to let them know the level of understanding that they are expected to reach. At least one test would be administered during the course of the subject as a means of timely checking of learning progress by referring to the intended outcomes, and as means of checking how effective the students digest and consolidate the materials taught in the class.

Examination: This is a major assessment component of the subject. It would be a closed-book examination. Complicated formulas would be given to avoid rote memory, such that the emphasis of assessment would be put on testing the understanding, analysis and problem solving ability of the students.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 36 h

Tutorial 6 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 78 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

John D. Cutnell & Kenneth W. Johnson, Introduction to Physics, 9th edition, 2013,John Wiley & Sons.

Hewitt, Conceptual Physics, 11th edition, 2010, Benjamin Cummings.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP10008

Subject Title University Physics I

Credit Value 3

Level 1



Objectives This course provides a broad foundation in mechanics and thermal physics to those students who are going to study science, engineering, or related programmes.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) solve simple problems in single-particle mechanics using calculus and vectors; (b) solve problems in mechanics of many-particle systems using calculus and vectors; (c) define simple harmonic motion and solve simple problems; (d) explain the formation of acoustical standing waves and beats; (e) use Doppler’s effect to explain changes in frequency received.(f) explain ideal gas laws in terms of kinetic theory; (g) apply the first law of thermodynamics to simple processes; and(h) solve simple problems related to the Carnot cycle.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Mechanics: calculus-based kinematics, dynamics and Newton’s laws; calculus-based Newtonian mechanics, involving the application of impulse, momentum, work and energy, etc.; conservation law; gravitation field; systems of particles; collisions; rigid body rotation; angular momentum; oscillations and simple harmonic motion; pendulum; statics; longitudinal and transverse waves; travelling wave; Doppler effect; acoustics.

Thermal physics: conduction, convection and radiation; black body radiation and energy quantization; ideal gas and kinetic theory; work, heat and internal energy; first law of thermodynamics; entropy and the second law of thermodynamics; Carnot cycle; heat engine and refrigerators.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: Fundamentals in mechanics, waves and electromagnetism will be explained. Examples will be used to illustrate the concepts and ideas in the lecture. Students are free to request help. Homework problem sets will be given.

Student-centered Tutorial: Students will work on a set of problems in tutorials. Students are encouraged to solve problems and to use their own knowledge to verify their solutions before seeking assistance. These problem sets provide them opportunities to apply their knowledge gained from the lecture. They also help the students to consolidate what they have learned. Furthermore, students can develop a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to daily life phenomena or experience.

e-learning: In order to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning processes, electronic means and multimedia technologies would be adopted for presentations of lectures; communication between students and lecturer; delivery of handouts, homework and notices etc.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed(Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e f g h(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment:The continuous assessment includes assignments, quizzes and test(s) which aim at checking the progress of students study throughout the course, assisting them in fulfilling the learning outcomes.Assignments in general include end-of-chapter problems, which are used to reinforce and assess the concepts and skills acquired by the students; and to let them know the level of understanding that they are expected to reach. At least one test would be administered during the course of the subject as a means of timely checking of learning progress by referring to the intended outcomes, and as means of checking how effective the students digest and consolidate the materials taught in the class.

Examination: This is a major assessment component of the subject. It would be a closed-book examination. Complicated formulas would be given to avoid rote memory, such that the emphasis of assessment would be put on testing the understanding, analysis and problem solving ability of the students.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 36 h

Tutorial 6 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 78 h

Total student study effort: 120 h

Reading List and References

John W. Jewett and Raymond A. Serway, “Physics for Scientists and Engineers”, 2010, 8th edition, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.

W. Bauer and G.D. Westfall, “University Physics with Modern Physics”, 2011, McGraw-Hill.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP10009

Subject Title University Physics II

Credit Value 3

Level 1



Objectives To provide students with fundamental knowledge in physics focusing on the topics of waves and electromagnetism. This course prepares students to study science, engineering or related programmes.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) apply simple laws in optics to explain image formation;(b) explain phenomena related to the wave character of light;(c) define electrostatic field and potential;(d) use Gauss’ law in solving problems in electrostatics;(e) solve problems on interaction between current and magnetic field;(f) apply electromagnetic induction to various phenomena; and(g) solve simple problems in AC circuits.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Waves and optics: nature of light, reflection and refraction; image formation by mirrors and lenses; compound lens; microscope and telescope; superposition of waves; Huygen’s principle; interference and diffraction; interferometers and diffraction grating; polarization.

Electromagnetism: charge and Field; Coulomb’s law and Gauss’ law; electrostatic field and potential difference; capacitors and dielectric; current and resistance; Ohm’s law; electromotive force, potential difference and RC circuits; magnetic force on moving charges and current; Hall effect; Biot-Savart law and Ampere’s law; Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law; self-inductance and mutual inductance; transformers; AC circuits and applications.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: The fundamentals in optics and electromagnetism will be explained. Examples will be used to illustrate the concepts and ideas in the lecture. Students are free to request help. Homework problem sets will be given.

Student-centered Tutorial: Students will work on a set of problems in tutorials. Students are encouraged to solve problems and to use their own knowledge to verify their solutions before seeking assistance. These problem sets provide them opportunities to apply their knowledge gained from the lecture. They also help the students to consolidate what they have learned. Furthermore, students can develop a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to daily life phenomena or experience.

e-learning: In order to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning processes, electronic means and multimedia technologies would be adopted for presentations of lectures; communication between students and lecturer; delivery of handouts, homework and notices etc.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e f g(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment:The continuous assessment includes assignments, quizzes and test(s) which aim at checking the progress of students study throughout the course, assisting them in fulfilling the learning outcomes.Assignments in general include end-of-chapter problems, which are used to reinforce and assess the concepts and skills acquired by the students; and to let them know the level of understanding that they are expected to reach. At least one test would be administered during the course of the subject as a means of timely checking of learning progress by referring to the intended outcomes, and as means of checking how effective the students digest and consolidate the materials taught in the class.

Examination: This is a major assessment component of the subject. It would be a closed-book examination. Complicated formulas would be given to avoid rote memory, such that the emphasis of assessment would be put on testing the understanding, analysis and problem solving ability of the students.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 36 h

Tutorial 6 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 78 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

John W. Jewett and Raymond A. Serway, “Physics for Scientists and Engineers”, 2010, 8th edition, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.

W. Bauer and G.D. Westfall, “University Physics with Modern Physics”, 2011, McGraw-Hill.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP20001

Subject Title Electromagnetism

Credit Value 3

Level 2



Objectives To introduce the basic concepts and laws in electromagnetism, and to formulate the laws in vector format.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) understand the basic vectorial operations and their application in the formulation of electromagnetism;

(b) learn the basic laws of electromagnetism in vector notation including Coulomb’s law, Gauss’ law, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s circuital law, and Maxwell’s equations; and

(c) solve problems related to electromagnetism using different analytical techniques such as image method, boundary value approaches, the symmetric conditions and energy method.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Vectors and vector fields: vector algebra; vector calculus & integrals, gradient, divergence, Stokes operation, the Laplacian, Curl, coordinate systems.

Time-independent Maxwell equations: reviews the force laws of electrostatics and magnetostatics as vector field equations.

Time-dependent Maxwell equations: the derivation of the full set of time dependent Maxwell equations.

Electrostatic calculations: investigation of vector electric fields generated by stationary charge distributions using Maxwell’s equations. Using boundary conditions, image methods, complex analysis, solution of Poisson’s equations etc for the investigations.

Dielectric and magnetic media: uses Maxwell’s equations to investigate the interaction of dielectric and magnetic media with quasi-static electric and magnetic vector fields. Applications of boundary conditions for E & B.

Magnetic induction: uses Maxwell’s equations to investigate magnetic induction and related phenomena. Includes self- and mutual inductance.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: The fundamentals in electromagnetism will be explained. Examples will be used to illustrate the concepts and ideas in the lecture. Homework problem sets will be given.

Student-centered Tutorial: Students will work on a set of problems in tutorials. Students are encouraged to solve problems and to use their own knowledge to verify


their solutions before seeking assistance. These problem sets provide them opportunities to apply their knowledge gained from the lecture. They also help students to consolidate what they have learned. Furthermore, students can develop a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to daily life phenomena or experience.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed(Please tick as appropriate)

a b c(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

The continuous assessment includes assignments, quizzes and tests which aim at checking the progress of students study throughout the course, assisting them in fulfilling the learning outcomes.Assignments will strengthen the students’ basic knowledge and the analytical skill to solve the problems related to electromagnetism. Tests will review their understanding of the course and examination will improve their manipulation on problem solving.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 36 h

Tutorial 6 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 78 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

R. Fitzpatrick, “Maxwell’s equations and the principles of Electromagnetism”, Infinity Science Press LLC, 2008.

W.H. Hayt, and J.A. Buck, “Engineering Electromagnetics”, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2006.

D.K. Cheng, “Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics”, Addison-Wesley, 1993.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP20002

Subject Title Materials Science

Credit Value 3

Level 2

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives To introduce the basic concepts of materials science, and to illustrate processing-structure-property relationships in typical materials.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) categorize materials and describe the differences between materials of different categories;

(b) describe the structure of atoms and nature of atomic bondings; make simple calculations related to interactions of atoms in solids;

(c) describe crystal structures and different types of imperfections in solids; make calculations related to theoretical density of crystals;

(d) describe the phenomena and explain the mechanisms of atomic diffusion; make calculations based on Fick’s laws of diffusions;

(e) describe typical phenomena related to phase change in materials; pursue compositional and structural information of different phases in materials by using equilibrium phase diagrams;

(f) describe typical mechanical behaviors in metals and explain the relationships among structure and properties in these materials; and

(g) describe typical structures of materials at atomic and microscopic levels and describe the general principles and/or techniques for acquiring such structural information.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Materials: classifications of materials.

Materials structures: atoms, atomic bonding; crystal structures; unit cells; defects; microstructure; amorphous; diffusion; phase and phase diagram; x-ray diffraction.

Materials properties: mechanical properties; thermal behaviors.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: The concepts related to materials science will be explained. Examples will be used to illustrate the concepts and ideas in the lecture. Students are free to request help. Assignment sets will be given to assess the learning progress of students.

Tutorial: Various teaching and learning activities will be conducted in tutorial sessions to consolidate the teaching in lectures. Students will work on problem sets in the tutorials, which provide them opportunities to apply the knowledge gained in lectures.

Laboratory: Three experiments will be conducted, covering selected topics highlighted in intended learning outcomes. Students will work in groups and conduct the experiments under the guidance of the teaching staff. They are required to analyze their experimental results and complete lab reports during the laboratory sessions.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e f g(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment consists of assignments, laboratory reports and mid-term test. The continuous assessment will assess the students’ understanding of basic concepts and principles in materials science. Examination will be conducted to make a comprehensive assessment of students’ intended learning outcomes as stated above.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 36 h

Tutorial 6 h

Laboratory 9 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 69 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

Materials Science and Engineering: an Introduction (W.D. Callister, John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd), 8th Edition, 2009.

Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering (W.F. Smith and J. Hashemi, McGraw.Hill), 5th Edition, 2009.

The Science and Engineering of Materials (D.R. Askeland and P.P. Phule, Thomson, Brooks/Cole), 6th Edition, 2010.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP20003

Subject Title Mechanics

Credit Value 3

Level 2

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives The objectives of this subject are to (i) further develop the fundamental theories of mechanics taught in AP10008 University Physics I; (ii) introduce topics at intermediate level of mechanics which are considered to be the foundation for pursuing higher degree studies or performing related engineering analyses; and (iii) introduce elemental concepts of special relativity based on a non-electromagnetic approach.

Intended Learning Outcomes

On completing the subject, students will be able to:

(a) select an appropriate coordinate system and apply Newton’s laws of motion (with the concepts of linear/angular momentum and energy) to solve problems of motion of a particle;

(b) solve problems of damped and forced oscillation of a particle by solving equation of motions;

(c) solving the problem of the motion of a many-particle system, with emphasis put on a system of variable mass and rotation of a rigid body about an axis;

(d) perform transformation of kinematic/kinetic parameters of a particle observed from two relatively moving coordinate systems, and describe the motion of a particle under the influence of Coriolis effect; and

(e) perform Lorentz transformation to correlate the kinematic/kinetic parameters observed from two relatively moving inertial frames; and explain the phenomena, e.g. dilation of time and contraction of length, based on the theory of special relativity.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Kinematics of particles: Cartesian; polar; cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems.

Kinetics of a particle: Newton’s laws of motion; linear and angular momentum; potential energy; kinetic energy; central force motion; damped and forced harmonic oscillation.

Many-particle system: Center of gravity; linear and angular momentum; potential and kinetic energy; variable mass systems; coupled harmonic oscillators; motion of rigid body.

Moving coordinate systems: Transformation of kinematic/kinetic parameters of a particle observed from two relatively moving coordinate systems; motion of a particle observed from a reference frame on the earth’s surface; Coriolis effect.

Special relativity: Fundamental postulations; the Lorentz transformation; time dilation; length contraction; linear momentum, energy and force in relativity.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: Delivery of lectures interactively to enable students to participate actively in acquiring knowledge, and to raise questions and discuss for clarifying their doubts generated in their learning process. Examples in relation to real life and engineering practices are given to enable the student to alert applications of the subject contents to real life problems.

Tutorial: To be run in small groups for the students to consolidate the contents of lectures. Students are properly guided to participate actively in solving problems, raising questions and discussion.

e-learning: Electronic means and multimedia technologies would be adopted for presentations of lectures; communication between students and lecturer; delivery of handouts, homework and notices etc. in order to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning processes.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed(Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment:The continuous assessment includes assignments, quizzes and test(s) which aim at checking the progress of students study throughout the course, assisting them in fulfilling the learning outcomes.Assignments in general include end-of-chapter problems, which are used to reinforce and assess the concepts and skills acquired by the students; and to let them know the level of understanding that they are expected to reach.At least one test would be administered during the course of the subject as a means of timely checking of learning progress by referring to the intended outcomes, and as means of checking how effective the students digest and consolidate the materials taught in the class.

Examination: This is a major assessment component of the subject. It would be a closed-book examination. Complicated formulas would be given to avoid rote memory, such that the emphasis of assessment would be put on testing the understanding, analysis andproblem solving ability of the students.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 36 h

Tutorial 6 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 78 h

Total student study effort 120 h


Reading List and References

John R. Taylor. Sausalito, “Classical Mechanics”, CA: University Science Books, 2005.

R.C. Hibbeler, “Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics”, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2010.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP20004

Subject Title Physics Laboratory

Credit Value 3

Level 2

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives Through lectures and experiments, this subject will provide the fundamental concepts of measurement of both engineering and physical parameters. Data treatment and analyzing skills and basic electronic practice such as circuit assembly are also included.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) analyze experimental data by least-squares fit method with first and higher order polynomials, and perform error analysis;

(b) describe results by a written report containing tabulation of data and graphical illustrations;

(c) use a CRO to measure electrical signals, and an AC bridge to determine capacitance and inductance;

(d) apply thermocouples, thermistors and IR thermometers to measure temperature;(e) use simple lab equipment to measure basic physical constants such as the speed of

light, the Planck’s constant and the Stefan-Boltzmann constant; and(f) get familiar with LabVIEW based software interfaces for equipment control and

data acquisition.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Measurement techniques: standards of fundamental units and derived units; Length: micrometer; caliper.

Temperature: thermocouple; resistance temperature detector (RTD); thermistor; IR radiometer.

Time and frequency: counter and timer; determination of polarization orientation.

Basic instrumentation: electronic circuit assembly; use of CRO; function generator; pulse generator; digital multimeter and AC bridge for LCR measurement.

Data treatments: precision; accuracy and resolution. Gaussian distributions; systematic and random errors; error estimations; propagation of errors; significant figures; least-squares fit to a straight line and second order polynomial.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

The data processing methods and the principles of the laboratory experiments are introduced in lectures in parallel with the laboratory sessions. This would help students to develop better understandings of the physical principles and to build up their capability to write high-quality experimental reports. The working principles of the equipment are presented in the laboratory manuals and the key points and precautions are highlighted at the beginning of the laboratory class. During the laboratory session, technician and teaching assistant will assist students to solve unexpected problems and


lead them through the difficult parts. In addition, a presentation session will be arranged for students to form groups to present on any topics related to the experiments. This encourages students to go for in-depth self study, broadens their knowledge and improves their communication skills in technical discussions.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e f(1) Continuous assessment 40(2) Practical examination 20(3) Written test 40Total 100

Students are expected to excel in physical understanding and practical operation. The continuous assessment includes the laboratory reports and log books. Written test and practical examination can evaluate the capabilities of the students in problem solving and practical operation.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 14 h

Laboratory 42 h

Other student study effort:

Laboratory report preparation 36 h

Laboratory manual reading, assignment preparation and lecture notes review 28 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

Bevington, P. R., et al., Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences, 3rd Ed, McGraw-Hill, 2003.

Dunn P. F., Measurement and Data Analysis for Engineering and Science, High Education, 2005.

Kraftmakher Y., Experiments and Demonstrations in Physics, World Scientific, 2007.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP20005

Subject Title Programming in Physics

Credit Value 3

Level 2

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives To introduce basic computer programming techniques for the computational solution of problems in physics.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) possess basic knowledge in information technology;(b) understand the fundamentals of computer architecture and operations;(c) write computer programs in a general-purpose programming language; and(d) develop and operate computer programs to solve simple problems in physics.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Basic information technology: general organization of computer systems; representation of data; programming languages; software development environment.

Programming techniques: fundamental data types; variables; operators; conditional statements; loops; functions; arrays; strings; input/output.

Applications in Physics: the motion of a falling object; density and mass; electrical circuits; solution of algebraic equations; graphical data representation.


Lecture: The fundamentals in programming and the applications in physics will be explained. Demonstrations on problem solving including programming will be conducted. Students are encouraged to raise questions when meeting difficulties.

Computer laboratory: Students work on given problem sets either individually or through interaction among each other. They are encouraged to raise questions and discuss any issues with the instructor. These problem sets provide the opportunities to apply the knowledge gained from the lectures and to consolidate what have been learned.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

The continuous assessment is based on computer laboratories, assignments and a mid-term test. The examination is a three-hour written final examination. Various kinds of questions will be set in both components to assess the intended learning outcomes.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 26 h

Laboratory 24 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 70 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References


P. Deitel and H.M. Deitel, “C++ How to Program”, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall (2009).


S. Prata, “C++ Primer Plus”, 5th Edition, Sams (2004).

P.L. DeVries and J.E. Hasbun, “A First Course in Computational Physics, 2nd Edition,Jones & Bartlett Publishers (2010).


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP20006

Subject Title Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers

Credit Value 3

Level 2

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives The aims of this subject are to introduce some of the main concepts of quantum theory and its applications to some important physical systems including solids and semiconductors.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) articulate the experimental basis for attributing particle properties to waves and wave properties to particles; elaborate on the de Broglie theory of matter waves; apply Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle to simple systems;

(b) elaborate on the various forms of Schrödinger’s equation and identify the meaning of each term in the equation(s); solve Schrödinger’s equation for the problem of particle in a box;

(c) formulate time-independent Schrödinger’s equations for the hydrogen molecular ion, the hydrogen molecule and other complex molecules; and

(d) describe the scientific ideas behind the historical atomic models and recognize and justify the various modifications of classical ideas as new experimental evidences emerged; use Bohr’s semiclassical model to interpret energy levels and spectra and recognize the limitations of the model.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Particle properties of waves: photoelectric effect, wave-particle duality, Compton effect, photons.

Wave properties of particles: de Broglie hypothesis, uncertainty principle.

: time-independent and time-equations, rigid box, non-rigid box, three-momentum, harmonic oscillator.

Atomic physics: atomic spectra of gases, Bohr’s model, quantum model, wave functions, quantum numbers, exclusion principle, periodic table, spontaneous and stimulated lasers.

Electron spin: spin angular momentum, magnetic moments, the Zeeman effect and spin magnetic moments.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: the fundamentals in quantum mechanics will be explained. Examples will be used to illustrate the concepts and ideas in the lecture. The students are free to request help. Homework problem sets will be given. The students are encouraged to solve problems and to use their own knowledge to verify their solutions before seeking assistance.


Student-centered Tutorial: students work on sets of problems in the tutorials. Students are encouraged to solve problems before seeking assistance. These problem sets provide them opportunities to apply the knowledge gained from the lectures. They also help the students to consolidate what they have learned. Furthermore, students can develop a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to daily life phenomena or experience.

e-learning: in order to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning processes, electronic means and multimedia technologies would be adopted for presentations of lectures; communication between students and lecturer; delivery of handouts, homework and notices etc.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment:The continuous assessment includes assignments, quizzes and test(s) which aim at checking the progress of students study throughout the course, assisting them in fulfilling the learning outcomes.Assignments in general include end-of-chapter problems, which are used to reinforce and assess the concepts and skills acquired by the students; and to let them know the level of understanding that they are expected to reach.At least one test would be administered during the course of the subject as a means of timely checking of learning progress by referring to the intended outcomes, and as means of checking how effective the students assimilate and consolidate the materials taught in the classes.

Examination: This is a major assessment component of the subject. It would be a closed-book examination. Complicated formulas would be given to avoid rote memory, such that the emphasis of assessment would be put on testing the understanding, analysis and problem solving ability of the students.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 36 h

Tutorial 6 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 78 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

David A.B. Miller, “Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers”, 2008, Cambridge University Press.

J.W. Jewett and R.A. Serway, “Physics for Scientists and Engineers”, Volume 2, 8th Edition, 2010, Cengage Learning.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP20007

Subject Title Fundamentals of Scientific Instrumentation

Credit Value 3

Level 2

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives (1) Provide students with an understanding of the theory, the characteristics, the operation and the application of scientific instruments in measurement.

(2) Introduce the techniques in digital and analogue signal processing.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) describe and explain the theory, characteristics, operation and applications of the basic instruments in electrical measurements;

(b) solve problems in analogue instrumentation using Golden rules, Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s rules for circuits involving operational amplifiers, capacitors and resistors;

(c) interpret experimental data and specify sources of errors; and(d) apply knowledge in instrumentation to the development and servicing of instruments,

appliances and devices.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Analog circuit: I-V characteristics of general nonlinear components (diode and transistor); rectifier circuits; clipping and clamping circuits; operational amplifiers –frequency response characteristics, linear and nonlinear circuits, active filters and oscillators, signal generators.

Digital circuit: Boolean algebra; basic logic gates; flip-flops; Karnaugh maps; combinational and sequential logic circuits; concepts of A/D and D/A conversions.

Measurement techniques and electronic instruments: measurement and error; displacement and thermal transducers and their applications.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: Background knowledge behind all experiments will be systematically introduced in lectures. Class work and assignments related to the content of lectures will be used to enhance students learning.

Lab session: Experiments are essential for students to relate the concepts to practical applications and they are exposed to hands-on experience and proper use of equipment and also analytical skills on interpreting experimental results.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d(1) Continuous assessment 35

(2) Practical test 15

(3) Examination 50

Total 100

Assignments will strengthen the students’ basic knowledge and the analytical skills to solve the problems related to this subject. Practical Tests is useful to assess students’ experimental skills and knowledge learned from the lectures and lab works. Examination will review their understanding of the course and assess their ability to solve problems.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 28 h

Tutorial 6 h

Laboratory 12h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 74 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

A.H. Robbins and W.C. Miller, “Circuit Analysis: Theory and Practice”, 2nd Edition,Thomson Learning, 2000.

R.F. Coughlin and F.F. Driscoll, “Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits”,6th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP20008

Subject Title Waves

Credit Value 3

Level 2

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives To provide a fundamental understanding of the principles of waves in general and light waves in particular.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) possess a rigorous understanding of basic wave phenomena;(b) solve practical problems on waves; and(c) recognize the importance of waves in other branches of physics.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Partial differential equations (PDE): first order PDE, Laplace equation, wave equation, initial and boundary value problems, method of characteristics, separation of variables.

Wave theory: harmonic waves, plane and spherical waves, principle of superposition, d’Alembert’s solution, standing waves, beats, dispersion and group velocity.

Mechanical waves: transverse waves on a string, longitudinal waves in a thin bar and in a fluid, sound waves, energy propagation, derivations of the wave equations, boundary conditions.

Light waves: electromagnetic waves, polarization, Poynting vector, intensity, light propagation in a medium, Fresnel equations for reflection and refraction, reflectance, transmittance and absorbance.

Interference: temporal and spatial coherence, amplitude-splitting interferometers and applications, Fabry-Perot interferometer.

Diffraction: Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of single, double and many slits, diffraction grating and grating spectrometer, resolution, circular aperture.

Polarization: polarization by reflection and scattering; dichroism and birefringence, retarders, photoelasticity; optical activity; electro-optic and magneto-optic effects, optical modulators.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: The fundamentals in the computational study of nonlinear systems will be explained. Examples will be used to illustrate the main concepts and ideas. Students are encouraged to raise questions when meeting difficulties.

Tutorial: Students work on given problem sets either individually or through interaction among each other. They are encouraged to raise questions and discuss any issues with the instructor. These problem sets provide the opportunities to apply the knowledge gained from the lectures and to consolidate what have been learned.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed(Please tick as appropriate)

a b c(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

The continuous assessment is based on assignments and a mid-term test. The examination is a three-hour written final examination. Various kinds of questions will be set in both components to assess the intended learning outcomes.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 36 h

Tutorial 6 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 78 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References


G. King, “Vibrations and Waves”, Manchester Physics Series, Wiley, 2009.


D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, “Fundamentals of Physics”, 9th Edition, Wiley, 2010.

E. Hecht, “Optics”, 4th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2001.

A.P. French, “Vibrations and Waves”, The M.I.T. Introductory Physics Series, W.W. Norton & Co., 1971.

M.L. Boas, “Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP30001

Subject Title Applied Acoustics

Credit Value 3

Level 3

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives To provide students with an introductory overview to a wide range of acoustics terminology and phenomena, including: the theory and principles of acoustics; environmental noise and vibration measurements; principles of ultrasound; transducers and applications in medicine and industry.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) apply the basic theory and principles of audible sound and ultrasound in calculations and measurements;

(b) measure sound pressure level and equivalent continuous noise level using a sound level meter;

(c) describe different causes of noise problems and find remedies to control the noise;(d) calculate the reverberation time of a room and suggest how to design a room with

optimal reverberation time;(e) describe the piezoelectric effect and know how to construct an ultrasonic

transducer;(f) measure thickness and defects of an opaque object using ultrasonic non-destructive

testing; and(g) assess vibration dose value using an accelerometer.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Principles of acoustics: behaviour of sound waves in air; radiation of sound from a point source in the free field; inverse square law decay; relationship between sound pressure; sound power; and sound intensity levels; acoustic impedance; room acoustics.

Environmental noise measurements and control: the nature of noise; noise criteria and rating curves; other standards of noise control (Leq etc.); the measurement of noise levels and isolation; studies on the reduction of industrial noise and noise from construction work; vibration.

Ultrasound transduction and applications: piezoelectric materials; transducer construction; field patterns at near field and far field; applications: solid state physics; medicine; non-destructive testing and underwater acoustics.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: The concepts related to selected topics in acoustics will be explained. Examples will be used to illustrate the concepts and ideas in the lectures. The students are free to request help. Assignment sets will be given to assess the learning progress of students.

Tutorial: Various teaching and learning activities will be conducted in tutorial sessions to consolidate the teaching in lectures. Students will work on problem sets in the


tutorials, which provide them opportunities to apply the knowledge gained in lectures. Multimedia acoustics teaching software will be used to let the student explore various acoustical topics in an interactive way. Finally, presentation on specific acoustic applications allows students to develop a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to engineering science and industrial practices.

Laboratory: Three experiments will be conducted, covering selected topics highlighted in intended learning outcomes. Students will work in groups and conduct the experiments under the guidance of the teaching staff. They are required to analyze their experimental results and complete laboratory reports during the laboratory sessions.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed(Please tick as appropriate)a b c d e f g

(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment includes assignments, laboratory report and tests which aim at checking the progress of students throughout the course, assisting them in self-monitoring their performances. Laboratory sessions are designed to provide hands-onexperiences to the students on specialized acoustical instruments. The final examination will be used to assess the knowledge acquired by the students, as well as to determine the extent in which they have achieved the intended learning outcomes.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 30 h

Tutorial 6 h

Laboratory 9 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 75 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

Kinsler, Frey, Coppens and Sanders, “Fundamentals of Acoustics”, 4th Edition, 2000, Wiley.

Berg and Stork, “The Physics of Sound”, 3rd Edition, 2005, Pearson.

Smith, Peters and Owen, “Acoustics and Noise Control”, 2nd Edition, 1996, Longman.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP30002

Subject Title Computational Physics

Credit Value 3

Level 3

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives To introduce basic numerical techniques and show their practical applications in some illustrative deterministic problems in physics.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) learn numerical techniques to deduce the most appropriate approximation solutions for some mathematical problems;

(b) make use of the knowledge of numerical techniques and adapt known boundary conditions and solutions to various situations;

(c) apply numerical methods to solve problem computationally in the fields of applied sciences;

(d) know how to implement all the above numerical algorithms into Visual C++ program codes; and

(e) undertake continuous learning.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Solution of nonlinear equations: bisector method, Newton-Raphson method, comparison between convergent rates, maxima of a single slit diffraction, eigen-values of a wavefucntion confined with a finite square well potential.

Approximation of functions: linear interpolation, Lagrange interpolation polynomial, curve fitting using linear square fit, approximation of derivatives using different finite difference schemes.

Numerical integration: rectangular, trapezoidal and Simpson methods, comparison of accuracy among these method, normalization and expectation value from a wave function, potential barrier across a PN junction.

Ordinary differential equations: initial value problem, harmonic oscillator, forced and damped oscillation, Van der Pol oscillator, Euler’s method, 2nd and 4th orders Runge Kutta methods (RK2 and RK4), boundary value problem using shooting method.

Heat diffusion problems: heat diffusion under a constant and variable diffusion coefficients.

Two-dimension distribution of electrical potential: Gauss Seidel method, Successive Over Relaxation method, Laplace and Poisson equations, Dirichlet, Cauchy and Neumann boundary conditions, distribution of electrical potential by Laplace equation, Poisson equation.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: To understand the basic techniques in numerical calculations and to learn the applications of the numerical techniques to solve some general physical problems in heat and electric potential problems.

Computer laboratory: To strengthen the students’ understanding of numerical technique by solving some physical problems via computer programming. Students have opportunities to apply their knowledge gained from the lectures and to consolidate what have been learned via practical exercises.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed(Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

The continuous assessment is based on computer laboratories, assignments and a mid-term test. The examination is a three-hour written final examination. Various kinds of questions will be set in both components to assess the intended learning outcomes.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 26 h

Laboratory 24 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 70 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

Paul L. DeVries and Javier E. Hasbun, “A First Course in Computational Physics”,Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011.

Philipp O.J. Scherer, “Computational Physics - Simulation of Classical and Quantum Systems”, Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2010.

Andi Klein and Alexander Godunov, “Introductory Computational Physics [Electronic Resource]”, Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP30003

Subject Title Detectors and Imaging Devices

Credit Value 3

Level 3

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives This course covers optical detectors and imaging systems from an engineer’s point of view. It develops a comprehensive understanding of the engineering application of light, and its uses within detector and imaging systems. It also leads to a review of the instrumentation and techniques involved in imaging and their role in optoelectronics.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) outline and explain the basic principles of classical radiometry;(b) apply blackbody radiation theory to solve problems in radiometry of incoherent

sources; (c) describe and explain the physical characteristics of commonly used detector and

imaging systems; (d) evaluate detector systems on the basis of their published characteristics e.g. signal to

noise ratio, sensitivity; (e) develop figures of merit for optical detectors to compare the performance of different

detectors; and(f) describe and discuss design issues in the development of an imaging system; solve

problems on the design of detectors and imaging devices.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Introduction: radiometry, blackbody radiation laws, point sources and extended sources, thermal radiation, radiative energy transfer, radiation noise.

Optical detectors: detection mechanisms (principles of photo detection, intrinsic photovoltaic effect, photoconductive detection, operation and characteristics of photo diodes); introduction to noise; photo detector requirements, responsivity and quantum efficiency, frequency response, figures of merit, detector performance measurement; photomultiplier tubes, multichannels and plates, concepts of charge storage and charge transfer, output readout techniques, charge-coupled device array tests, time delay integration.

Imaging systems: materials for optical imaging, films and digital photography, time and frequency analysis using Fourier transformation, sampling, filter and digitizing in imaging systems.

Thermal imaging: nature of infrared radiation, IR detectors, thermal detectors.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

The methodology includes classroom teaching, laboratory experiments and presentation. The teaching session will focus on basic concepts and principles of detector and imaging devices, which are related to most of the learning outcomes (a–e). The laboratory session will enhance the ability of the students in using various devices for light detection and imaging systems (outcome f). Students will give presentations on the applications and designs of detector and imaging devices (outcome f).

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed(Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e f(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment is based on assignments, laboratory reports, presentations, quizzes and test. The test is a one-hour written middle-term test. The examination is a 3-hour written final examination, which covers all of the key issues related to the learningoutcomes.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 30 h

Tutorial 6 h

Laboratory 9 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 75 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

B E A Saleh and M C Teich, “Fundamentals of Photonics”, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2007.

R W Boyd, “Radiometry and the Detection of Optical Radiation”, Wiley, 1983.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP30004

Subject Title Electromagnetic Fields

Credit Value 3

Level 3

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion

AP20001 AP20008

Objectives The aim of this subject is to provide a basic understanding of the electromagnetic fields and a sound foundation for students who want to pursue their study in Telecommunications and Fibre Optics. Practical applications based on electromagnetic technology, such as waveguide, satellite communication and radar, will be highlighted.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) describe and apply Maxwell’s equations for time-varying fields; derive boundary conditions and use them to solve problems;

(b) apply Maxwell’s equations to derive the wave equations/solutions for the propagation of uniform plane waves;

(c) describe how the fields behave in different types of media and solve practical problems; distinguish between phase and group velocities and to understand their physical meaning;

(d) develop equations to describe wave behaviours along uniform guiding structures and to solve different waveguide problems;

(e) specify and interpret the basic antenna parameters; and(f) describe different types of antennas and identify their uses in different applications.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Time-varying field: Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction; Maxwell’s equations; boundary conditions; electromagnetic spectrum.

Plane electromagnetic waves: solution of wave equations; plane waves in lossless and lossy media, group velocity; flow of electromagnetic power and the Poynting vector; plane waves at plane boundaries.

Waveguides: wave behaviours along uniform guiding structures; guided modes.

Antenna: physical aspects of radiation; basic antenna parameters; antenna patterns and directivity; Friis transmission formula and radar equation.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

The methodology includes classroom teaching and laboratory experiments. The teaching session will focus on basic principles of electromagnetic fields related to all of the learning outcomes (a–f). The laboratory session contains some experiments on Maxwell equations (outcome a), wave propagation (outcome c) and antenna (outcome e and f), which will help the student to better understand the fundamental issues.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e f(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment is based on assignments, laboratory report and a mid-term test. The assessment of the laboratory session is based on the laboratory reports. The examination is a 3-hour written final examination, which may cover all of the key issues related to the learning outcomes.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 30 h

Tutorial 6 h

Laboratory 9 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 75 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

Kraus, J D, “Electromagnetics”, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill,1999.

Paul, C R and Nasar, S A, “Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields”, 3rd Edition,McGraw-Hill, 1997.

Inan, U S and Inan A S, “Electromagnetic Waves”, Prentice Hall, 2000.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP30005

Subject Title Advanced Scientific Instrumentation

Credit Value 3

Level 3

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives To introduce background knowledge and provide practical training in computer controlled measurement techniques, application of sensors and transducers (including optoelectronic devices and optical fibers), noise reduction methods in electrical measurement, and process control in engineering and physics applications.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) apply various sensors and transducers in combined with electrical measurement instruments to solve scientific and engineering problem;

(b) specify and analyze the source of noise in electrical measurements, and use techniques such as lock-in amplifier to enhance the ratio of signal to noise;

(c) explain the characteristics of computer I/O devices and interfacing, serial and parallel communications, and data acquisition systems;

(d) explain and apply the feed-back loop (proportional, integral and derivative) concept in automatic control systems; and

(e) specify and analyze optical optoelectronic devices in optical fiber communication.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Computer interfacing: computer controlled electrical measurement with interfacing techniques such as RS-232, USB and IEEE488 interface.

Process control techniques: proportional, integral and derivative (PID) process control concept in automatic control systems such as PID temperature controller.

Signal analysis: Fourier transformation signal analysis using digital oscilloscope.

Signal noise reduction: signal and noise characteristics and signal enhancement/noise reduction methods such as Lock-in Amplifier technique.

Optoelectronics and optical fiber communication: optical fiber characteristics and analog/digital communications through optical fibers.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: Background knowledge behind all experiments will be systematically introduced in lectures. Class work and assignments related to the content of lectures will be used to enhance students learning. Students are requested to give brief presentations on the topics related to the contents of experiments.

Laboratory session: Students will use computer controlled instruments to conduct electrical and optical measurements as well as practice using of various sensors and transducers.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Practical examination 20

(3) Written test 40

Total 100

Assignments will strengthen the students’ basic knowledge and the analytical skills to solve the problems related to this subject. Practical examination is useful to assess students’ experimental skills and knowledge learned from the lectures and lab works. Written test will review their understanding of the course and assess their ability to solve problems.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 14 h

Laboratory 42 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 64 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

M. Tooley, “PC Based Instrumentation and Control”, 3rd Edition, Oxford, Elsevier 2005.

G.P. Agrawal, “Fiber-optic Communication Systems”, New York; John Wiley, 2002.

Terry Bartelt, “Instrumentation and Process Control”, Clifton Park, NY: Thomson/Delmar Learning, c2007.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP30006

Subject Title Metallurgy and Ceramics Science

Credit Value 3

Level 3

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives To provide a basic understanding of metallic and ceramic materials on the basis of fundamental concepts of materials science, to explain the principles and methods for property improvement of these materials, and to briefly describe their processing and applications.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) apply the knowledge in bonding and crystal structure to the interpretation of properties of metals and ceramics;

(b) use the phase diagram to obtain information such as solubility, presence of different phases, solidification, etc.;

(c) describe and explain different strengthening mechanisms for metals and tougheningmechanisms for ceramics;

(d) outline the important properties of common engineering alloys, including the ferrous and the non-ferrous alloys;

(e) explain the effect of heat treatment of alloys based on the temperature-time-transformation curves;

(f) describe the mechanical and electrical properties of common ceramic materials;(g) describe the typical processing and applications of ceramic materials; and(h) select appropriate metals and/or ceramics to meet specific requirements in practice.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Metals: iron and steel; structures of plain carbon steels; nonferrous metals and alloys; corrosion; metal processing; strengthening mechanisms.

Ceramics: ceramic structures; oxides, carbides and nitrides; glass; processing of ceramics; strengthening and toughening mechanisms; electrical properties of ceramics.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: The concepts related to metallurgy and ceramics science will be explained. Examples will be used to illustrate the concepts and ideas in the lecture. Students are free to request help. Assignment sets will be given to assess the learning progress of students.

Tutorial: Various teaching and learning activities will be conducted in tutorial sessions to consolidate the teaching in lectures. Students will work on problem sets in the tutorials, which provide them opportunities to apply the knowledge gained in lectures.

Laboratory: Three experiments will be conducted, covering selected topics highlighted in intended learning outcomes. Students will work in groups and conduct the experiments under the guidance of the teaching staff. They are required to analyze their experimental results and complete lab reports during the laboratory sessions.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)a b c d e f g h

(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Written examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment consists of assignments, laboratory reports and mid-term test. The continuous assessment will assess the students’ understanding of basic concepts and principles in materials science. Examination will be conducted to make a comprehensive assessment of students’ intended learning outcomes as stated above.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 30 h

Tutorial 6 h

Laboratory 9 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 75 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

Materials Science and Engineering: an Introduction (W.D. Callister, John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd.), 8th Edition, 2009.

Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering (W.F. Smith and J. Hashemi, McGraw Hill), 5th Edition, 2009.

The Science and Engineering of Materials (D.R. Askeland and P.P. Phule, Thomson, Brooks/Cole), 6th Edition, 2010.

Introduction to Ceramics (W.D. Kingery, H.K. Bowen and D.R. Uhlmann, Wiley Blackwell), 2nd Edition, 1976.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP30007

Subject Title Optical Design

Credit Value 3

Level 3

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives The objectives of this subject are to provide an up-to-date treatment of the optical design at an introductory level to students in the fields of applied optics, optical instrumentation and optoelectronics.

Intended Learning Outcomes

On completing the subject, students will be able to

(a) use the ray tracing method to solve the image formation problems; locate stops and pupils of an optical system consisting of lenses, mirrors, and prisms;

(b) explain the formation of the first-order aberration and the third-order aberration; identify and calculate various types of monochromatic aberrations and chromatic aberrations;

(c) calculate the optical transfer function (OTF) and use the OTF to evaluate the quality of an optical system; select proper sets of aberrations and variables to construct the merit function;

(d) explain the laws of illumination; calculate luminancy and optimize illumination design;

(e) develop merit functions to set the tolerances; use computer program to mechanize the approach to tolerancing;

(f) use the computer software, Zemax, to design an optical system (singlet/doublet, spectrometer, beam expander, double Gauss camera lenses, Newtonian telescope, Maksutov telescope, zoom lens, and chromatic prism); to correct aberration and to analyze image quality; and

(g) be able to analyze, evaluate, and propose solutions to practical problems related to optics and light illumination.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

paraxial optics; ray tracing; lens system, physical optics, optical materials.

first-order aberrations, third-order aberrations, chromatic aberrations, image quality measures, optical transfer function (OTF), OTF computation.

merit function, optical design procedures, lens design optimization, tolerance analysis.

radiation, color and color rendering, practical light sources and laws of illumination, interior and exterior illumination designs, methods for calculating illumination.

mini-projects on the design and optimization of singlet/doublet, spectrometer, beam expander, double Gauss camera lenses, Newtonian telescope, Maksutov telescope, zoom lens, and chromatic prism.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: The course contents will be delivered through lecture in class. Active participation in discussion by students will be encouraged. Tests and quizzes will be given to class at appropriate intervals to consolidate students’ understanding of the acquired knowledge as well as to enhance their problem-solving skills.

Practical assignment: Students will be given opportunities for hands-on operations on advanced optical design software. They are expected to gain direct experience in making independent optical design. Through the process students can enhance their analytical power, problem solving skills, conceptual understanding, critical thinking and desire for life-long learning.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Continuous assessment including assignments, laboratory exercises, quizzes and test. The continuous assessment is designed to monitor the study progress of the student. They also serve to provide student with a mechanism of self-evaluation of learning achievement. The final written examination will be used to assess the knowledge acquired by the students; as well as to determine the level of attainment of the prescribed learning outcomes.

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e f g(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 26 h

Laboratory 24 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 70 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

Eugene Hecht, “Optics”, 4th Edition, Pearson Addison Wesley.

Robert E. Fischer, “Optical System Design”, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2008.

D. Malacara and Z. Malacara, “Handbook of Optical Design”, Marcel Dekker, Inc, 2004.

M.J. Kidger, “Fundamental Optical Design”, SPIE Press, 2002.

Optical Design Software used: Zemax SE


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP30008

Subject Title Polymers and Composites

Credit Value 3

Level 3

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives This subject aims to provide a basic understanding of the structure, properties, behaviour and applications of polymers and composites.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) explain the fundamental concepts and terminologies in polymers and polymer-based composites;

(b) classify polymers in terms of their molecular structures, repeat units and skeletal structures;

(c) explain the physical properties of polymers based on their molecular and skeletal structures;

(d) describe the mechanical behaviors of polymers under different conditions and the typical techniques used for their measurement;

(e) use mechanical models to describe the viscoelastic behavior of polymers;(f) apply the time-temperature superposition principle to predict the viscoelastic

behavior of polymers;(g) describe the principles and methods of toughening and reinforcing polymers;(h) use the rule of mixtures to predict the elastic properties of long-fiber and short-fiber

reinforced unidirectional composites; and(i) perform standard tests to characterize polymers and composites.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Structure: crystalline, glassy and partially crystalline; LRO, SRO, crystallites, liquid crystals, linear and 3D network; Tg and Tm, structure and bonding.

Polymers: thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers, linear, branched, cross-linked and network; polymerization; average molecular weights; commercial polymers; nylon and hydrogen bond, engineering plastics; environmental effects, flammibility; copolymers, blends and alloys.

Properties: viscosity, newtonian fluid, hookean solid, maxwell, voigt and general purpose viscoelastic models; elastic, anelastic and viscous behaviour, brittle fracture, fracture toughness, time-temperature equivalence; creep and stress relaxation, fatigue, tensile and compressive strengths, hardness, impact and abrasion; viscoelastic modulus.

Composites: rule of mixture, fillers and reinforcements; aspect ratio; reinforcement types; matrix materials, fabrication techniques, costs, properties, applications and service behaviour; catergories, GRP and other reinforced composites; metal matrix, polymer matrix and ceramic matrix composites.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lectures are the basic medium to deliver the fundamental knowledge of the physical properties of radiation, its production and interactions with matter. The lecture materials are reinforced with figures and animations to facilitate students to learn and understand the concepts easily and intuitively.

Tutorials are scheduled for students to work on in-class exercises so as to help them understand the teaching materials and apply the knowledge in solving problems. The students are encouraged to discuss and share their idea with their classmates in doing the exercises (promoting cooperative learning).

Experiments are also scheduled for students to help them understand the properties and behaviour of polymers and composites and the corresponding standard tests.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed(Please tick as appropriate)a b c d e f g h i

(1) Continuous assessment 40(3) Examination 60Total 100

Continuous assessment consists of assignments, laboratory reports and mid-term test.Assignments are used to strengthen the basic knowledge of students and their analytical skill to solve the problems related to polymers and composites. Laboratory reports are used to measure the student capability in understanding, describing and analyzing the physical properties and behaviour of polymers and composites.Problem questions, including short and long questions, are used in tests and final examination to measure the student knowledge of polymers and composites. The questions are designed to cover all the intended learning outcomes. The students are required, through answering all the questions, to demonstrate their capability in comprehending, explaining and analyzing the physical properties and behaviour of polymers and composites.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 30 h

Tutorial 6 h

Laboratory 9 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 75 h

Total student study effort 120 h


Reading List and References

Fried Joel R., “Polymer Science and Technology”, 2nd Edition, 2003, Prentice Hall.

McCrum N.G., Buckley C.P. and Bucknall C.B., “Principles of Polymer Engineering”, 2nd Edition, 1997, Oxford Science.Young R.J. and Lovell P.A., “Introduction to Polymers”, 3rd Edition, 2011, Chapman & Hall.

Michael M. Coleman and Paul C. Painter, “Fundamentals of Polymer Science: An Introductory Text”, 2nd Edition, 1998, CRC Press.

Robert O. Ebewele, “Polymer Science and Technology”, 2000, CRC Press.

Billmeyer Fred W., Jr, “Textbook of Polymer Science”, 3rd Edition, 1984, John Wiley & Son.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP30009

Subject Title Laser Principles and Applications

Credit Value 3

Level 3

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives The course introduces various lasers, CW, Q-switched, tunable and mode locked lasers with emphasis on working principles, laser design and also laser applications. The course features a natural and logical blend of theory and engineering.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) describe the operation principles of CW, Q-switched, mode locked, tunable lasers, lineshape broadening, laser rate equations for three level and four level laser systems, the difference between spontaneous and stimulated emission, coherent and incoherent radiation, longitudinal mode and transverse mode;

(b) relate the population inversion and optical feedback to laser technology/ implementation;

(c) apply the optical ray transfer matrix to determine the stability of a laser resonator;(d) describe the coherent properties and high brightness of laser, and how these laser

properties related to their applications, and apply laser selection criteria for selecting suitable laser specific applications; and

(e) apply the knowledge of lasers to solve some real life problems.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Laser principles of CW laser: three level and four level lasers system, wavelength line-shape broadening, coherence of radiation, stimulated emission, laser gain media, laser rate equations, techniques of pumping, laser resonator, longitudinal mode and transverse mode.

Laser principles of pulsed laser: Q-switched and mode locked lasers.

Study design of various types of laser systems: ultra-fast lasers, gas discharge lasers, diode pumped solid state lasers, semiconductor lasers, tunable dye lasers.

Laser characterization: beam quality, divergence, pulse width, repetition rates, intensity, wavelengths FWHM, Gaussian optics and mode matching, laser safety, laser light coupling.

Laser safety and hazards: interaction of light with matter, molecular energy levels, absorption, stimulated and spontaneous emission, scattering, laser selection criteria for specific applications.

Examples of laser applications: laser for material processing, laser based sensing or imaging. Laser for medical applications: laser surgery, laser for scientific applications, e.g. absorption spectroscopy; laser tweezers, etc. Military: laser guided missile, eye-targeted lasers, target designator.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: The course contents will be introduced and discussed in lectures. An active participation in these learning activities can significantly enhance students’ conceptual understanding, knowledge acquisition and problem-solving skills.

Student-centered Tutorial: Tutorial classes allow students to ask questions related to abstract and difficult learning content, followed by in-depth explanation and discussion, resulting in fostering their skills in analytical power, concept acquisition, critical thinking, problem-solving and life-long learning.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment:The continuous assessment includes assignments, quizzes and test(s) which aim at checking the progress of students study throughout the course, assisting them in fulfilling the learning outcomes.Assignments in general include end-of-chapter problems, which are used to reinforce and assess the concepts and skills acquired by the students; and to let them know the level of understanding that they are expected to reach.At least one test would be administered during the course of the subject as a means of timely checking of learning progress by referring to the intended outcomes, and as means of checking how effective the students digest and consolidate the materials taught in the class.

Examination: This is a major assessment component of the subject. It would be a closed-book examination.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 36 h

Tutorial 6 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 78 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

Walter Koechner, “Solid-State Laser Engineering”, 6th Edition, Springer Berlin/ Heidelberg, 2010.

Gennady G. Gladush, “Physics of Laser Materials Processing: Theory and Experiment”,1st Edition, Springer, 2011.

R. Henderson and K. Schulmeister, “Laser Safety: For Users and Manufacturers of Laser Equipment”, 2nd Edition, Taylor & Francis, 2011.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP30010

Subject Title Radiation Physics

Credit Value 3

Level 3

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives This subject aims to provide a fundamental knowledge of the physical properties of radiation, its production and interactions with matter.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) explain the origin, nature and production of radiation;(b) describe the structure of the atom and explain the fundamental intra-atomic

phenomena;(c) describe the nuclear structure using various models;(d) explain the basic radioactive decay processes and perform fundamental radioactivity

decay calculations;(e) demonstrate understanding of the physical properties of nuclear radiation and its

applications in nuclear medicine;(f) describe and analyse the interaction processes of different types of ionising

radiations with matter and explain their roles in medical imaging and radiation therapy; and

(g) describe the units for radiation quantities, the principle of radiation dosimetry and the common radiation detection methods.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Atomic structure and intra-atomic phenomena: atomic structure; the electromagnetic radiation and spectrum; quantum theory and duality principle; inverse square law; Einstein’s mass-energy relationship; electron energy levels; electron energy bands; ionisation and excitation; continuous and characteristic X-rays production; factors affecting quality and quantity; fluorescence, phosphorescence and thermoluminescence.

Radioactivity: nuclear structure; radionuclide notation; nuclear binding energies; nuclear instability and line of stability; use of radionuclide chart; radioactive decay processes; alpha, beta, electron capture and positron decay; annihilation radiation; radioactivity units; decay schemes; decay constant and decay factor; physical, biological and effective half life; fundamental radioactivity decay calculations; radionuclide production and radiopharmaceuticals used in nuclear medicine.

Interactions of X-ray and gamma photons with matter: interaction processes of X-ray and gamma photons with matter applicable to medical imaging and radiation therapy; photoelectric effect, Compton effect and pair production; linear attenuation coefficient; energy-absorption coefficient; half value layer; lead equivalent.

Interactions of particulate radiation with matter: alpha, beta, proton, positron and neutron interactions; energy-loss mechanisms; collisional stopping power and range.


Radiation quantities and units: units for radiation quantities: exposure, air dose, equivalent dose and effective dose; f-factor; LET and KERMA; introduction to radiation dose concept.

Radiation detection methods: principles of common radiation detection and measurement methods: air ionisation chamber, film, scintillation detector, semiconductor detector and thermoluminescent detector (TLD).

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lectures are the basic medium to deliver the fundamental knowledge of the physical properties of radiation, its production and interactions with matter. The lecture materials are reinforced with figures and animations to facilitate the students to learn and understand the concepts easily and intuitively. Tutorials are scheduled for students to work on in-class exercises so as to help them understand the teaching materials and apply the knowledge in solving problems. Students are encouraged to discuss and share their idea with their classmates in doing the exercises (promoting cooperative learning).

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed(Please tick as appropriate)a b c d e f g

(1) Continuous assessment 40(2) Examination 60Total 100

Continuous assessment consists of assignments and mid-term test. Assignments are used to strengthen the basic knowledge of students and their analytical skill to solve the problems related to radiation physics. Problem questions, including short and long questions, are used in tests and final examination to measure the student knowledge of fundamental radiation physics. The questions are designed to cover all the intended learning outcomes. The students arerequired, through answering all the questions, to demonstrate their capability in comprehending, explaining and analyzing the physical properties of radiation, its production and interactions with matter.

Student Study Effort Required

Class contact:

Lecture 36 h

Tutorial 6 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 78 h

Total student study effort 120 h


Reading List and References

Graham, Donald T., “Principles of Radiological Physics”, 5th Edition, 2007, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.

Bushberg, J.T., Seibert, J.A., Leidholdt, Jr. E.M., and Boone, J.M., “The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging”, 2nd Edition, 2002, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Bushong, Stewart C., “Radiologic Science for Technologists: Physics, Biology, and Protection”. 9th Edition, 2008, St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby/Elsevier.

Dendy, P.P., “Physics for Diagnostic Radiology”, 2nd Edition, 1999, Bristol: Institute of Physics Pub.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP30011

Subject Title Solid State Physics

Credit Value 3

Level 3

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives The objectives of this subject are to provide the fundamental knowledge of crystal structures; and an introduction of the theories for describing the physical phenomena associated with bonding; X-ray diffraction, lattice vibration and related thermal properties; electronic transport properties and magnetic properties of solids.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) describe crystal structure based on the concepts of lattice, basis, unit cell and reciprocal space;

(b) describe covalent bond, ionic bond, metallic bonding and van der Waals bonding in solids;

(c) interpret x-ray diffraction data for identifying a crystal structure; (d) describe crystal vibration, sound speed and density of vibrational modes, acoustic

and optical branches, Brillouin zone, temperature dependence of specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity of crystals;

(e) apply Bloch’s theory to describe the wave functions of electrons in a crystal, tight-binding approximation to explain the formation of electron bands, and derive the effective mass of a charge carrier in a crystal;

(f) describe density of electron states, and specific heat capacity due to conduction electrons in a metal; and

(g) identify various magnetisms of a crystal, including paramagnetism and ferromagnetism.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Crystal structure: lattice and basis; lattice vectors; unit cell; crystal symmetry; Bravais lattice systems; lattice plane and Miller indices; reciprocal lattice space; lattice spacing. Bonding in solids: covalent bond; ionic bond; metallic bonding and van der Waals bonding.

X-ray diffraction: formulation of the intensity of diffracted x-ray beam from a crystal; atomic form factor and structure factor; determination of crystal structure.

Lattice vibration and phonon: vibration of monatomic and diatomic linear chains; Brillouin zone; density of vibrational modes; phonon; Einstein and Debye models; heat capacity and thermal conductivity of crystals.

Electron states: Bloch Theorem; reduced zone scheme; nearly free electron model; tight-binding model; formation of electron bands; Fermi surface, specific heat capacity due to conduction electrons.

Magnetism: g-factor; paramagnetism; ferromagnetism, Curie temperature, ferromagnetic domains; magnetic resonance.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: Delivery of lectures interactively to enable students to participate actively in acquiring knowledge, and to raise questions and discuss for clarifying their doubts generated in their learning process. Examples in relation to real life and engineering practices are given to enable the student to alert applications of the subject contents to real life problems.

Tutorial: To be run in small groups for the students to consolidate the contents of lectures. Students are properly guided to participate actively in solving problems, raising questions and discussion.

e-learning: Electronic means and multimedia technologies would be adopted for presentations of lectures; communication between students and lecturer; delivery of handouts, homework and notices etc. in order to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning processes.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)a b c d e f g

(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment: Assignments in general include end-of-chapter problems, which are used to reinforce and assess the concepts and skills acquired by the students; and to let them know the level of understanding that they are expected to reach.At least one test would be administered during the course of the subject as a means of timely checking of learning progress by referring to the intended outcomes, and as means of checking how effective the students digest and consolidate the materials taught in the class.

Examination: This is a major assessment component of the subject. It would be a closed-book examination. Complicated formulas would be given to avoid rote memory, such that the emphasis of assessment would be put on testing the understanding, analysis and problem solving ability of the students.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 36 h

Tutorial 6 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 78 h

Total student effort: 120 h

Reading List and References

R. Asokamani. Tunbridge Wells: Anshan, “Solid State Physics: Principles and Applications”, New Delhi: Anamaya Pub., 2007.

Charles Kittel, “Introduction to Solid State Physics”, New York: J. Wiley, 2005.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP30012

Subject Title Thermal and Statistical Physics

Credit Value 3

Level 3

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives The objectives of this subject are to provide a basic understanding of the thermodynamic laws and their statistical nature. The application of the thermal and statistical physics to some physical systems will also be addressed. Key issues such as entropy, enthalpy, the second law of thermodynamics, heat engines and related items to entropy will be provided to the first part of "Thermodynamics"; whereas Boltzmann distribution, partition function, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distribution, free electron model of metals, Fermi energy; Bose-Einstein condensation will be emphasized on the second part of the lecture: "Statistical Physics".

The first part and second part will be bridged via Boltzmann equation so as to let students understand on the macroscopic and microscopic scale the meaning of entropy.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) understand the meaning of entropy, enthalpy and related concepts, and understand the definition of various systems such as open system, closed system and isolated system;

(b) clearly grasp the meaning of the "zero, first, second and third law of thermodynamics;(c) know how to deduct the expression of entropy using Carnot heat engine efficiency

and Carnot theorem;(d) describe the Boltzmann relationship of entropy and microstate of a system;(e) figure out the fundamentals of statistical mechanics, statistical weight, equilibrium of

an isolated system and a system in a heat bath;(f) grasp the definition of Boltzmann distribution, partition function.;(g) describe the meaning of classical gas, Maxwell velocity distribution, and

equipartition of energy; (h) know systems with variable particle numbers including Fermi-Dirac and Bose-

Einstein distributions; and(i) understand free electron model of metals, Fermi energy; Bose gas, and Bose-Einstein


Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

The first law of thermodynamics: fundamental thermal concepts; enthalpy; flow processes.

The second law of thermodynamics: statements of the second law; heat engines and refrigerators; Clausius theorem; entropy of a system.

Thermodynamic potentials and applications to simple thermodynamic systems:thermodynamic potentials; thermodynamic equations; perfect gases; real gases; elastic rods; magnetic systems.

Phase equilibrium and phase transition: equilibrium conditions; Clausius-Clapeyron equation; critical point; first and second-order phase transitions.


Fundamentals of statistical mechanics: statistical weight; equilibrium of an isolated system and a system in a heat bath; Boltzmann distribution; partition function.

The perfect classical and quantal gas: partition function of a perfect classical gas; Maxwell velocity distribution, equipartition of energy; quantum statistics.

Systems with variable particle numbers: Gibbs distribution; Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distribution; free electron model of metals; Fermi energy; Bose gas, Bose-Einstein condensation.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: To instruct students with related mathematical background for calculation and deduction of related equation and theorems involved in thermodynamics and statistical physics.

Tutorial: To deliver intensified practical questions and quizzes so as to enable students to grasp and apply the basic concepts, definitions, theorems, equations and formulas in both thermodynamics and statistical physics.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)a b c d e f g h i

(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment: Assignments in general include end-of-chapter problems, which are used to reinforce and assess the concepts and skills acquired by the students; and to let them know the level of understanding that they are expected to reach.At least one test would be administered during the course of the subject as a means of timely checking of learning progress by referring to the intended outcomes, and as means of checking how effective the students digest and consolidate the materials taught in the class.

Examination: This is a major assessment component of the subject. It would be a closed-book examination. Complicated formulas would be given to avoid rote memory, such that the emphasis of assessment would be put on testing the understanding, analysis and problem solving ability of the students.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 36 h

Tutorial 6 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 78 h

Total student study effort 120 h


Reading List and References

R. Asokamani. Tunbridge Wells: Anshan, “Solid State Physics: Principles and Applications”, New Delhi: Anamaya Pub., 2007.

Charles Kittel, “Introduction to Solid State Physics”, New York: J. Wiley, 2005.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP30013

Subject Title Photonics Laboratory

Credit Value 3

Level 3

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives This subject will provide the fundamental concepts of optics and photonics and experimental optical alignments and measurements. Data treatment and analyzing skills are also included.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) analyze experimental data by least-squares fit method by using computer software.(b) describe results by a written report containing tabulation of data and graphical

illustrations;(c) understand the working principle of some optics and photonics components;(d) use equipment to measure optical properties, refractive index, Brewster’s angle etc.

of some optical materials;(e) apply knowledge and experimental skills to solve some practical problem in the

field of photonics; and(f) use equipment to characterize LED power, emission spectrum, colors.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Reflection; refraction and total internal reflection of light; Snell’s law.

Lens equations; the basic principle of projector and magnifier; skills of handling optics and optical alignments.

Understanding the perception of human eyes to size and color.

Color and polarization of light; polarization of light; Brewster’s angle; polarizer; color filters.

Telescope and microscope; double-slit interference and single-slit diffraction; cleaning of the optics; skills of handling optics and optical alignments.

Understanding and using the optoelectronic experimental setups to characterize blackbody radiation; incandescent light sources; LED; and white light sources.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

The data process methods and the principles of the lab experiments are introduced in lecture courses in parallel with the lab classes. This would help the students to develop better understandings of the physical principles and to build up their capability to write high-quality experimental reports. The working principles of the lab equipment are presented in the lab manuals and the key points and precautions are highlighted at the beginning of the lab classes. During the laboratory classes, the technician and the tutors assist the students to solve unexpected problems and lead them through the difficult parts. In addition, a presentation session is arranged for students to form groups to present on any topics related to the labs. This encourages the students to go for in-depth self study, broadens their knowledge and improves their communication skills in technical discussions.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks %weighting

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed(Please tick as appropriate)a b c d e f

(1) Continuous assessment 40(2) Practical examination 20(3) Written test 40Total 100

Students are expected to excel in physical understanding and practical operation. The continuous assessment includes the lab reports and log books. Written test and practical examination can evaluate the capabilities of the students in problem solving and practical operation.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 14 h

Laboratory 42 h

Other student study effort:

Laboratory report preparation 36 h

Laboratory manual reading, assignment preparation and lecture notes review 28 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

Eugene Hecht, “Optics”, 4th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2002.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP40001

Subject Title Advanced Physics Laboratory

Credit Value 3

Level 4

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives Students will learn some advanced solid-state physics experimental techniques to reveal the physics of materials. Principles of optical spectroscopy will be conveyed for further characterization of materials. Optical experiments will be provided to illustrate thefundamentals of modern optics, optoelectronics and their applications.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) manipulate some advanced instruments commonly used in the area of modern optics and solid-state physics;

(b) utilize the characteristics of a gas laser for practical applications;(c) use laser to make holograms and to measure the velocity of an object;(d) process the captured images by optical as well as digital methods;(e) measure the transition temperature of a high Tc ceramic superconductor and the

temperature dependence of resistance of metal and semiconductor;(f) measure the energy band gap of a semiconductor; and(g) investigate the nuclear magnetic resonance signals of some materials containing

hydrogen or fluorine nuclei.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Solid-state physics experiments and techniques: high Tc ceramic superconductor; direct and indirect band gap of semiconductor; X-ray diffraction of crystalline materials;NMR of hydrogen and fluorine nuclei.

Optical spectroscopy and image processing: emission and absorption spectra; optical multichannel analyzer; Fourier optics and imaging processing.

Laser characteristics: linear photodiode array; scanning Fabry-Pérot interferometer; frequency analyzer.

Laser applications: laser Doppler velocimetry; holography.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

The data process methods and the principles of the laboratory experiments are introduced in lectures in parallel with the laboratory sessions. This would help students to develop better understandings of the physical principles and to build up their capability to write high-quality experimental reports. The working principles of the equipment are presented in the laboratory manuals and the key points and precautions are highlighted at the beginning of the laboratory class. During the laboratory session, technician and teaching assistant will assist students to solve unexpected problems and lead them through the difficult parts. In addition, a presentation session will be arranged for students to form groups to present on any topics related to the experiments. This encourages students to go for in-depth self-study, broadens their knowledge and improves their communication skills in technical discussions.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)a b c d e f g

(1) Continuous assessment 40(2) Practical examination 20(3) Written test 40Total 100

Students are expected to excel in physical understanding and practical operation. The continuous assessment includes the lab reports and log books. Written test and practical examination can evaluate the capabilities of the students in problem solving and practical operation.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 14 h

Laboratory 42 h

Other student study effort:

Laboratory report preparation 36 h

Laboratory manual reading, assignment preparation and lecture notes review 28 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

Yariv, A, “Optical Electronics”, 4th Edition, Saunders College, 1991.

Kittel, C, “Introduction to Solid State Physics”, 7th Edition, Wiley, 1996.

Hennel, J W, “Fundamentals of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance”, Wiley, 1993.

Heinz-Eberhard, A, “Laser Doppler and Phase Doppler Measurement Techniques”,Springer, 2003.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP40002

Subject Title Display Technology

Credit Value 3

Level 4

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives The aim of this subject is to provide a fundamental understanding of the physics and operation principles of both inorganic and organic display materials and devices, and to illustrate the application and fabrication of various types of display technology.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) describe the human visual system and apply display specification to understand the characteristics of display systems;

(b) apply the theory of energy transfer to elucidate the optical emission and describe different types of luminescence in display phosphors;

(c) explain the operation principles and fabrications of various inorganic display devices; analyze advantages and disadvantages of various display panel;

(d) describe the different phases and optical properties of liquid crystal materials; explain the working principles of twisted nematic cell used in displays;

(e) describe the structure of thin film transistors (TFT) and formulate the TFT characteristics;

(f) explain the operating principles of active matrix liquid crystal displays (AMLCD) and the addressing methods of pixels; describe the fabrication process of AMLCD;

(g) describe the structure and the working principles of organic light emission diodes (OLED) and display; and

(h) differentiate various modern display technologies and elaborate on their advantages and disadvantages.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Fundamentals of display technology: human vision and perception for display; Red-Blue-Green (RGB) color gamut; chromaticity; energy transfer; energy absorption;optical emission; photoluminescence (PL); cathodoluminescence (CL) and electroluminescence (EL); phosphors.

Inorganic display technology: cathode-ray tube (CRT) display; flat-panel display; field emission display (FED); plasma display panel (PDP); semiconductor light-emitting diode (LED) display; microdisplay and others.

Display measurements: photometric and colorimetric measurements; display measurement system.

Liquid crystal: isotropic; nematic and smectic phases; twisted nematic cell.

Thin film transistors (TFT): device structure and performance; amorphous silicon TFT; polycrystalline silicon TFT; organic TFT.

Active matrix liquid crystal display (AMLCD): structure of AMLCD; drive circuit; addressing method; fabrication of AMLCD.

Organic light emission diode (OLED): organic semiconductor; device structure and performance; OLED display.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: the fundamentals of display physics and various display technologies will be described. The students are free to request help. The students are encouraged to solve problems and to use their own knowledge to verify their solutions before seeking assistance.

Tutorial: a set of problems and group discussion topics will be arranged in the tutorial classes. Students are encouraged to solve problems before having solutions.

Laboratory: a set of laboratories/demonstrations will provide students opportunities to apply the fundamental knowledge gained from the lecture into display technologies and hence develop a deeper understanding of the subject.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)a b c d e f g h

(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment consists of assignments, laboratory reports and mid-term test. The continuous assessment will assess the students’ understanding of basic concepts and principles in materials science. Examination will be conducted to make a comprehensive assessment of students’ intended learning outcomes as stated above.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 30 h

Tutorial 6 h

Laboratory 9 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 75 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

Jiun-Haw Lee, David N. Liu and Shin-Tson Wu, “Introduction to Flat Panel Displays”,John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2008.

Ernst Lueder, “Liquid Crystal Displays: Addressing Schemes and Electro-Optical Effects”, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2010.

Robert L. Myers, “Display Interfaces: Fundamentals and Standards”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2002.

Hari Singh Nalwa and Lauren Shea Rohwer Edition, Handbook of Luminescence, Display Materials, and Devices; American Scientific Publishers, 2003.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP40003

Subject Title Solid State Lighting

Credit Value 3

Level 4

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives Solid-state lighting (SSL) has revolutionized the lighting industry. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)—traditionally used in signs, signals and displays—are rapidly evolving to provide light sources for general illumination. The objective of this course is studied all aspects of the technology and physics of light-emitting diodes for the applications in solid-state lighting.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) acknowledge the historical developments and milestones of SSL research and development;

(b) understand all aspects of the technology and physics of white- LEDs made from III-V semiconductors;

(c) identify elementary properties of LEDs such as the electrical and optical characteristics;

(d) understand the advanced LEDs physics including high-efficiency device designs, light extraction, radiative and non-radiative recombination dynamics, spontaneous recombination in resonant-cavity structures; and

(e) understand the industry and users' perspectives for LEDs and SSL.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

(1) Principles of operation of LEDs. (2) Heterostructure materials systems, chip design and characteristics of LEDs. (3) Light extraction, solid-state sources of white light. (4) Nonvisual and visual applications of SSL.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: Delivery of lectures interactively to enable students to participate actively in acquiring knowledge, and to raise questions and discuss for clarifying their doubts generated in their learning process.

Tutorial: For the students to consolidate the contents of lectures. Students are properly guided to participate actively in solving problems, raising questions and discussion.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment: Assignments in general include end-of-chapter problems, which are used to reinforce and assess the concepts and skills acquired by the students; and to let them know the level of understanding that they are expected to reach.At least one test would be administered during the course of the subject as a means of timely checking of learning progress by referring to the intended outcomes, and as means of checking how effective the students digest and consolidate the materials taught in the class.

Examination: This is a major assessment component of the subject. It would be a closed-book examination. Complicated formulas would be given to avoid rote memory, such that the emphasis of assessment would be put on testing the understanding, analysis and problem solving ability of the students.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 36 h

Tutorial 6 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 78 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

E.F. Schubert, “Light-Emitting Diodes”, Cambridge, 2006.

A. Žukauskas, M.S. Shur, and R. Gaska, “Introduction to Solid-State Lighting”, Wiley, New York, 2002.

S. Winder, “Power Supplies for LED Driving”, Newnes, Amsterdam, 2008.

G. Held, “Introduction to Light-Emitting Diode Technology and Applications”, Taylor &Francis, Boca Raton, 2009.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP40004

Subject Title Project

Credit Value 4

Level 4

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives Projects are designed to reveal two main aspects of a student's ability: initiative in organizing and following through an investigation, and ability for critical assessment of information. In the course of doing his/her project, the student also acquires an in-depth knowledge of a certain topic in applied physics, materials science/technology, electrical or electronic engineering.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) plan and successfully complete a project; (b) integrate and apply the theoretical knowledge and experimental techniques learned

from different subject areas to carry out the project; (c) compile, organize, and present results in an appropriate format;(d) assess and interpret the results obtained, and draw conclusions thereupon;(e) recognize the limitations of the project and make suggestions for further work; (f) work independently in making plans and judgments; (g) be able to analyze, evaluate, synthesize and propose solutions to problems of a

general nature, with innovative/creative ideas where appropriate; (h) be able to communicate clearly and effectively in English; (i) be able to demonstrate a sense of responsibility and accountability; and(j) be able to search relevant information from different sources, especially from the

web, and to make correct judgment in using such information;

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Depend on the design and requirements of individual project.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

This is a 4-credit student project which spans over the final year of the programme. Students need to give mid-term presentations, and end-of-year presentations, and to submit reports. Students are encouraged to explore any new ideas with greatest degree of freedom, and to implement the ideas creatively under the guidance of their supervisors.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)a b c d e f g h i j

(1) Continuous assessment 30

(2) Project report 40

(3) Oral (Mid-term) 15

(4) Oral (Final) 15

Total 100

Project learning provides an opportunity for students to actively participate in solving problems in a self-managed and self-directed manner whereby they have to apply their knowledge to a specific problem, to analyze and integrate, to interpret and judge, to communicate and to report, thus covering the intended outcomes listed above.

Student Study Effort Expected

Project work 84 h

Self-study 76 h

Total student study effort 160 h

Reading List and References

According to the guidance from the supervisors.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP40005

Subject Title Optoelectronic Packaging and Reliability

Credit Value 3

Level 4

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives The aim of this subject is to provide students with an understanding of reliability requirements, testing techniques, packaging and assembly processes of optoelectronic materials, devices and systems.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) explain basic reliability physics and engineering of basic devices; (b) apply the fundamentals of optics to describe the laser diode-to-fiber coupling and

fiber-to-fiber coupling in optoelectronic packaging;(c) explain the origins and remedial actions of various packaging-related reliability

mechanisms;(d) describe the structure, principles of operation, fabrication, possible defects and

contaminations related to the reliability and packaging issues of basic optoelectronic devices;

(e) explain the principles and limitations of different microscopic/analytical techniques for the device diagnosis before and after the package is opened;

(f) perform optical, electrical, thermal, mechanical and environmental analysis on the reliability and packaging of lasers, optical fibers and optical components;

(g) analyze high-power light-emitting diodes (LEDs) packaging as well as the requirements and approaches to determine LEDs performance and reliability; and

(h) describe design type, package requirements, process and assembly conditions of various optoelectronic devices and arrays.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Overview of optoelectronic packaging: development flow of devices fabrication; packaging functions of light sources; optical waveguides and detectors; optoelectronic vs. electronic packaging.

Fundamentals of reliability: mathematical models of the characteristic curve; accelerated testing; time-to-failure modeling; failure analysis.

Package-related reliability mechanisms: corrosion, electromigration; solder fatigue; spiking effect; die attachment failure; stress-voiding; defects and contaminations; electrically-induced damage.

Techniques for materials characterization: materials for optoelectronic packaging; techniques prior to the package opening; package opening techniques; microscopic techniques; analytical techniques.

Reliability of optoelectronic devices: reliability testing of lasers and LEDs; microscopic mechanisms of laser damage; contacts and bonding reliability; optical fiber strength; static fatigue of fiber; environmental degradation of optical fiber.


Methods for optoelectronic packaging: thermal; mechanical and electrical design considerations; optical alignment; technologies for optoelectronic packaging.

Packaging of light sources: light extraction; encapsulation and protection; laser die bonding; high-power LEDs packaging.

Packaging of optical waveguide and detectors: couple laser to fiber; pigtail fiber to detector; transceiver packages; optical interconnects.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: The fundamentals of reliability and packaging of various optoelectronic devices will be described. Students are free to request help. Students are encouraged to solve problems and to use their own knowledge to verify their solutions before seeking assistance.

Tutorial: A set of problems and group discussion topics will be arranged in the tutorial classes. Students are encouraged to solve problems before having solutions.

Laboratory: A set of laboratories /demonstrations will be provided. Students will have the opportunity to apply the fundamental knowledge gained from the lecture into practical materials test and device applications and hence develop a deeper understanding of the subject.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)a b c d e f g h

(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment consists of assignments, laboratory reports and mid-term test. The continuous assessment will assess the students’ understanding of basic concepts and principles in materials science. Examination will be conducted to make a comprehensive assessment of students’ intended learning outcomes as stated above.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 30 h

Tutorial 6 h

Laboratory 9 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 75 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

Robert W. Herrick, “Failure Analysis and Reliability of Optoelectronic Devices”, 2004.

Richard K. Ulrich and William D. Brown, “Advanced Electronic Packaging”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006.

D. Lu, C.P. Wong (eds.), “Materials for Advanced Packaging”, Springer, 2009.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP40006

Subject Title Semiconductor Materials and Devices

Credit Value 3

Level 4

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives The aim of the subject is to provide the students with an understanding of semiconductor physics, semiconductor materials properties and operation of various types of semiconductor junction diodes and transistors.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) apply band theory to explain the behaviors of intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors at different temperatures;

(b) explain nonequibrium with excess carriers, and solve problems of the quasi-Fermi level splitting;

(c) solve problems in one-dimensional transport of carriers in drift (including Hall effect) and in diffusion;

(d) explain the behaviors of pn junctions under bias, and solve problems on the design of pn junctions;

(e) apply the theory of semiconductors to explain the functions of various semiconductor devices, such as switching diodes, breakdown diodes, solar cells, photodiodes and photodetectors, light-emitting diodes, etc.; and

(f) explain charge transport in semiconductor transistors and I-V characteristics.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Semiconductor materials and growth: structure and physical properties of semiconductor materials; crystal and epitaxial growth, energy bands

Charge carriers in semiconductors: electrons and holes; intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors; Fermi level; carrier concentrations; drift; mobility and conductivity; Hall effect.

Excess carriers: optical absorption; luminescence; recombination and carrier lifetime; quasi-Fermi levels; photoconductivity; diffusion; steady-state carrier injection; diffusion length.

p-n junctions and diodes: fabrication; contact potential; space charge and depletion layer; biased junction and diode equation; reverse-bias breakdown; capacitance of p-njunctions; metal-semiconductor junctions; switching diodes; varactor diodes; tunnel diodes; solar cells; photodetectors; light-emitting diodes.

Transistors: charge transport in a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) and field-effect transistor (FET); I-V characteristics; amplification; switching using transitors; integrated circuit (IC) technology.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: The fundamentals of semiconductor physics, materials and various devices will be described. Students are free to request help. Students are encouraged to solve problems and to use their own knowledge to verify their solutions before seeking assistance.

Tutorial: A set of problems and group discussion topics will be arranged in the tutorial classes. Students are encouraged to solve problems before having solutions.

Laboratory: A set of laboratories/demonstrations will be provided. Students will have the opportunity to apply the fundamental knowledge gained from the lecture into practical materials test and device applications and hence develop a deeper understanding of the subject.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e f(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous assessment consists of assignments, laboratory reports and mid-term test. The continuous assessment will assess the students’ understanding of basic concepts and principles in materials science. Examination will be conducted to make a comprehensive assessment of students’ intended learning outcomes as stated above.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 30 h

Tutorial 6 h

Laboratory 9 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 75 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

B. G. Streetman, “ Solid State Electronic Devices”, Prentice-Hall, 2006.

S.M. Sze and Kwok K. Ng, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007.

D.A. Neaman, “Semiconductor Physics and Devices: Basic Principles”, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2003.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP40007

Subject Title Simulation and Analysis of Optoelectronic Devices

Credit Value 3

Level 4

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives To teach students to (1) formulate and (2) develop advanced computer simulations for the design and analysis optoelectronic devices, and to learn and to excel a software program – MATLAB.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) learn the fundamental theories for the propagation, generation, modulation and detection of light and understand the physics behind the operation of optoelectronic devices;

(b) understand the most common numerical techniques for the development of computer simulation for the optoelectronic devices; and

(c) and program their own codes using MATLAB.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Optical waveguide theory: Review of EM theory, effective index method, optical fiber waveguide, metallic optical waveguide.

Computer simulation of optical waveguides using MATLAB: Finite-difference time-domain method, Finite element technique.

Analysis and simulation of semiconductor lasers: Optical processes in semiconductors, Fabry Perot, distributed feedback, and vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers.

Analysis and simulation of light modulation and detection: Direct modulation of semiconductor lasers, electrooptic effects and amplitude modulators, p-i-n photodiodes.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

A self-consistent and independent learning and studying approach – lectures provides an overview of the subject and stimulating students’ interest in it, – laboratory session provides an environment for the taught knowledge (i.e., lectures) to be implemented for practical applications. Furthermore, laboratory exercises will be designed in a way that students can gain knowledge to enhance their understanding of the lectures contents. Hence, this course’s teaching/learning methodology can encourage self-learning independent study throughout the course.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

For prolong training and monitoring of student’s progress in programming skill; continuous assignments (included computer laboratories, assignments and a mid-term test) are required for the students. Examination will be conducted to make a comprehensive assessment of students’ intended learning outcomes as stated above.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 26 h

Laboratory 24 h

Other student study effort:

self-study 70 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

S.L. Chuang, “Physics of Photonic Devices”, 2nd Edition, John Wily & Sons, 2009.

K. Kawano and T. Kitoh, “Introduction to Optical Waveguide Analysis”, John Wily & Sons, 2001.

J.E. Carroll, J. Whiteaway and D. Plumb, “Distributed Feedback Semiconductor Lasers”, SPIE Press, 1998.

S.F. Yu, “Analysis and Design of Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers”, John Wily & Sons, 2003.

J. Kiusalaas, “Numerical Methods in Engineering with Matlab”, Cambridge University Press, 2005.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP40008

Subject Title Simulation Methods in Nonlinear Science

Credit Value 3

Level 4

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives To provide a broad knowledge of computer simulation techniques for nonlinear systems in science and engineering.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) understand the fundamentals of random processes;(b) apply simple mathematical models to study nonlinear systems; and(c) design, implement, and operate practical algorithms to simulate and study nonlinear


Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Random processes: probability; pseudo-random variables; random number generators.

Random walk: diffusion; random walk; self avoiding walk; polymers in solvents.

Chaos: population dynamics; logistic map; stability of periodic orbits; period doubling to chaos; chaotic circuits; Lorenz equation.

Fractals: fractal dimension; Sierpinsky gasket; cantor set; Koch curve; coastlines; percolation.

Neural networks: perceptrons; multilayer feedforward networks; training algorithms; time series prediction; stock prices.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: the fundamentals in the computational study of nonlinear systems will be explained. Examples will be used to illustrate the main concepts and ideas. Students are encouraged to raise questions when meeting difficulties.

Computer laboratory: students work on given problem sets either individually or through interaction among each other. They are encouraged to raise questions and discuss any issues with the instructor. These problem sets provide the opportunities to apply the knowledge gained from the lectures and to consolidate what have beenlearned.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

The continuous assessment is based on computer laboratories, assignments and a mid-term test. The examination is a three-hour written final examination. Various kinds of questions will be set in both components to assess the intended learning outcomes.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 26 h

Laboratory 24 h

Other student study effort:

Self-study 70 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References


H. Gould, J. Tobochnik, and W. Christian, “An Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods, Applications to Physical Systems”, 3rd Edition, Addision Wesley, 2006.


P. Deitel and H.M. Deitel, “C++ How to Program”, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2009.

D. Kaplan and L. Glass, “Understanding Nonlinear Dynamics”, Springer, 1995.

S. Strogatz, “Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering”, Westview Press, 2001.

S. Marsland, “Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective”, Chapman & Hall, 2009.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AP40009

Subject Title Advanced Photonics Laboratory

Credit Value 3

Level 4

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives Students will learn some advanced experimental techniques related to laser and photonics. Principles of optical spectroscopy will be conveyed for further characterization of materials. Optics and photonics experiments will be provided to illustrate the fundamentals of modern optics, optoelectronics and their applications.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) manipulate some advanced instruments commonly used in the area of modern optics and photonics;

(b) utilize the characteristics of a gas laser for practical applications;(c) use laser to make holograms and to measure the velocity of an object;(d) understand the working mechanism of the fibre optics based sensor; (e) measure the emission and absorption spectrum of various materials; (f) measure the energy band gap of a semiconductor; and(g) investigate the frequency doubled diode pumped solid state laser and laser cavity


Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Fiber optics based sensor: fibre interferometry; fiber Bragg grating, optical isolator; attenuator; structure and fabrication of fiber Bragg grating.

Linear photodiode array; scanning Fabry-Pérot interferometer; frequency analyzer.

Diode laser pumped solid state laser and frequency doubling; cavity optimizations; and laser characterization.

Laser applications: Laser Doppler velocimetry; holography.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

The principles of the laboratory experiments are introduced in lectures in parallel with the laboratory sessions. This would help students to develop better understandings of the physical principles and to build up their capability to write high-quality experimental reports. The working principles of the equipment are presented in the laboratory manuals and the key points and precautions are highlighted at the beginning of the laboratory class. During the laboratory session, technician and teaching assistant will assist students to solve unexpected problems and lead them through the difficult parts. In addition, a presentation session will be arranged for students to form groups to present on any topics related to the experiments. This encourages students to go for in-depth self-study, broadens their knowledge and improves their communication skills in technical discussions


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)a b c d e f g

(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Practical examination 20

(3) Written test 40

Total 100

Students are expected to excel in physical understanding and practical operation. The continuous assessment includes the lab reports and log books. Written test and practical examination can evaluate the capabilities of the students in problem solving and practical operation.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 14 h

Laboratory 42 h

Other student study effort:

Laboratory report preparation 36 h

Laboratory manual reading, assignment preparation and lecture notes review 28 h

Total student study effort 120 h

Reading List and References

Walter Koechner, “Solid-State Laser Engineering”, 6th Edition, Springer Berlin/ Heidelberg, 2010.

Yariv, A, “Optical Electronics”, 4th Edition, Saunders College, 1991.

Heinz-Eberhard, A, “Laser Doppler and Phase Doppler Measurement Techniques”,Springer, 2003.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code ABCT1101

Subject Title Introductory Life Science

Credit Value 3

Level 1

Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/Exclusion

No pre-requisite

Objectives In this subject, students will be introduced to the very basic background knowledge and concepts in biology, together with some recent advances in biotechnology. The main aim of this subject is to arouse students’ interest in biological developments so that they can appreciate the impact of biotechnology.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) have a basic understanding of the biological world(b) appreciate the importance of the biological world to human(c) appreciate the recent biotechnological advancement and their impacts

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Contact HoursThe different forms of biological organisms:(1) Viruses, Bacteria, Protozoa, Algae, Fungi, Plants, Animals 1 Hr(2) The involvement of these different organisms in our daily life 1 Hr(3) The importance of ecology and biodiversity to human 1 Hr

The cell:(1) The building blocks of biological organisms 1 Hr(2) Structure and functions 2 Hrs(3) Different types of cells 1 Hr(4) Cell division and proliferation 2 Hrs

The heredity:(1) The genetic material 1 Hr(2) The genetic information in the form of genes 2 Hrs(3) The expression of the genetic information 2 Hrs(4) The passing of genetic information to offspring 2 Hrs

The organization and functions of complex biological organisms:(1) The structure and functions of plants 1 Hr(2) The importance of plants 1 Hr(3) The structure and functions of animals – human as an example 1 Hr(4) Organization of tissues, organs and functional systems in human 5 Hrs

Modern biotechnology:(1) Major developments:(a) In vitro fertilization 1 Hr(b) Gene cloning 2 Hrs(c) GM foods 2 Hrs


(d) GM organisms 2 Hrs(e) Gene therapy 1 Hr(f) Stem cell therapy 1 Hr(g) Human genome project 2 Hrs(h) Human cloning 1 Hr(2) Their impacts on our life, present and future, and the environment 2 Hrs(3) Ethical, social and legal issues 4 Hrs

Teaching/Learning Methodology

LecturesTutorials with exercises, discussions and debatesSelf-study with written assignments

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed(Please tick as appropriate)

a b c(1) Written assessment I 15(2) Written assessment II 20(3) Written assignment 15(4) End of subject exam 50Total 100

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lectures 28 h

Tutorials 14 h

Other student study effort:

Self Study 66 h

Total student study effort 108 h

Reading List and References


Subject Description Form

Subject Code ABCT1102

Subject Title General Biology

Credit Value 3

Level 1

Pre-requisite / Co-requisite/Exclusion

Pre-requisite: ABCT 1101, level 3 or above of HKSD Biology full subject or as a component in a Combined Science subject.

Objectives In this subject, students will learn the basic knowledge and concepts in various areas of biology at the university entry level. It underpins all the other subjects in biological or health fields.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) have a basic understanding of the structure and functions of the cell;(b) have a basic understanding of genetics and inheritance;(c) have a basic understanding of the structure and function of animals;(d) have a basic understanding of the structure and function of plants; and(e) appreciate the importance of evolution and biological diversity.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Contact HoursTHE CELL:Molecules and structure of the cell 1 HrActivities inside the cell 1 HrHarvesting chemical energy in the cell 2 HrsPhotosynthesis: Harvesting light energy and producing food 2 Hrs

CELLULAR REPRODUCTION AND GENETICSReproduction and inheritance at the cellular level 2 HrsPatterns of inheritance 2 HrsMolecular biology of the gene 2 HrsGene control 2 HrsDNA technology and genomics 2 Hrs

EVOLUTION AND BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITYThe origin and evolution of microbial life: Prokaryotes and protests 1 HrPlants, fungi, and the colonization of Land 1 HrInvertebrate diversity 1 HrVertebrate diversity 1 Hr

ANIMALS: FORM AND FUNCTIONUnifying concepts of animal structure and function 1 HrNutrition and digestion 1 HrGas exchange and circulation 1 HrThe immune system 2 HrsControl of body temperature and water balance 2 HrsHormones and the endocrine system 1 HrReproduction and embryonic development 1 Hr


Nervous systems and the Senses 2 HrsHow animals move 1 Hr

PLANTS: FORM AND FUNCTION Plant structure, reproduction, and development 2 HrsPlant nutrition and transport 2 HrsControl systems in plants 1 Hr

ECOLOGYThe biosphere 1 HrBehavioral adaptations to the environment 1 HrPopulation ecology 1 HrCommunities and ecosystems 1 HrConservation biology 1 Hr

Teaching/Learning Methodology

LecturesTutorials with exercises and discussionsField trip Self Study

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed(Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e(1) Written assessment I 15(2) Written assessment II 20(3) Written assignment 15(4) End of subject exam 50Total 100

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lectures 28 h

Tutorials 14 h

Other student study effort:

Self Study 66 h

Total student study effort 108 h

Reading List and References

Biology: Concepts and Connections, 6/ENeil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece, Martha R. Taylor, Eric J. Simon, Jean L. Dickey,Benjamin Cummings 2008


Subject Description Form

Subject Code ABCT1700

Subject Title Introduction to Chemistry

Credit Value 3

Level 1

Pre-requisite / Co-requisite/Exclusion

No pre-requisite. This subject is intended for students who has NO NSS Chemistry

Objectives This is a one-semester introductory course of Chemistry for non-majors. This course surveys the fundamental concepts in chemistry for understanding structure and properties of the material universe. Principles will be illustrated with application to daily life.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) understand the core concepts of chemistry;(b) describe chemical structures and events using standard representations;(c) apply and incorporate the chemical principles and knowledge learned to solve

chemical problems and to appreciate modern applications in real life.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Foundation: atoms, molecules and ionic compounds, masses of atoms, stoichiometry, naming of chemical compounds, physical properties of compounds, Periodic table

Chemical Reactions: Chemical equations, major reaction types, enthalpy of chemical processes

Atoms: Light, electrons, quantum numbers and atomic orbitals, electronic configurations; general periodic trends in properties among elements.

Chemical Bonding: Nature of chemical bonding, ionic bond, covalent bond, valence bond theory and hybridization; resonance; molecular shape by VSEPR method, bond polarity, intermolecular forces.

Chemical Equilibrium: reversible reactions, equilibrium constant, acid-base equilibria, pH scale, buffer solutions

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: the fundamental principles of chemistry will be explained. Examples will be used to illustrate the concepts and ideas in the lecture. Take-home problem sets will be given, and the students are encouraged to solve the problems before seeking assistance.

Tutorials: students present their solutions on a set of problems in the tutorials. Students should try the problems before seeking assistance. These problem sets provide them opportunities to apply the knowledge gained from the lecture. They also help the students consolidate and familiarize with what they have learned. Furthermore, students can develop a deeper understanding of the subject through group discussion and self-study.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c(1) Written examination 50(2) Continuous assessment 50Total 100

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 36 h

Tutorial 6 h

Other student study effort:

Self study 50 h

Problem assignments / homework 16 h

Total student study effort 108 h

Reading List and References

Essential (tentative)

Laird, B.B. University Chemistry McGraw Hill 2009

Chang, R. Chemistry (9th ed.) McGraw Hill 2007


Subject Description Form

Subject Code ABCT1741

Subject Title General Chemistry I

Credit Value 3

Level 1

Pre-requisite HKDSE Chemistry or Combined Science with Chemistry component Level 3 or Introduction to Chemistry or Chemistry and Modern Living

Objectives (1) To introduce a molecular perspective for understanding the natural world

(2) To identify the fundamental principles underlying any physical and chemical changes of matters

(3) To visualize the physical and chemical changes through the understanding of molecular behavior

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) understand the macroscopic properties of the states of matters;(b) understand the basic principles of chemical energetics and equilibria;(c) apply and incorporate the chemical principles and knowledge learned

to solve chemical problems and to appreciate modern applications in real life;

(d) demonstrate the abilities in communication as well as skills in problem-solving and analytical thinking.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Measurement in Chemistry: Significant figures; SI units; substances and mixtures; solution and concentration; mole and Avogadro’s number; chemical reactions and balanced equations; temperature scales

Thermochemistry: Heat and Work, The First Law of Thermodynamics, Heat of Reactions ( U and H), Hess’s law

Chemical Kinetics: Reaction rates and measurements; the rate law and rate constant; molecularity and mechanism of a reaction; collision theory; activated complexes; transition state theory and; chain reaction; catalysis; enzymatic reactions

Physical Properties of Solutions: Solution concentration, intermolecular forces and the solution process, solubilities of gases, vapor pressues of solutions, osmotic pressure, freezing point depression and boiling point elevation, solutions of electrolytes, colloidal properties

Principle of Chemical Equilibria: law of chemical equilibrium and equilibrium constant; Le Chatelier principle

Acid-Base Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions: Ionization of water; pH,


pOH and pKw; acids and bases; polyprotic acids; buffers; solubility equilibria

Solubility and Complex-Ion Equilibria: Solubility constants and solubility, common ion effects, precipitation, equilibria involving complex ions

Structures and Reactions of Organic Compounds: Isomerisms, functional groups of organic compounds, nucleophilic substation reactions, elimination reactions, addition reactions of alkenes, electrophilic aromatic substitution, reactions of alkanes, polymers and polymerization reactions

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lectures supplemented with guided reading will be used to introduce the key concepts of the topics. Home works or assignments would be given for students to enhance their learning. Tutorials will be arranged and students would be assigned in small groups for discussion.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d

1.written examination 50

2. continuous assessment


Total 100 %

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes:

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lectures 28 Hrs.

Tutorials 14 Hrs.

Other student study effort:

Self-study 56 Hrs.

Home work and assignments 20 Hrs.

Total student study effort 118 Hrs.

Reading List andReferences

Essential reading

Petrucci, Herring, Madura and Biossonnette, General Chemistry: Principle and Modern Applications, 10th edition, 2011, Pearson


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AMA1006

Subject Title Basic Statistics

Credit Value 2

Level 1

Pre-requisite and/or Exclusion(s)

Pre-requisite: HKDSE extended module in Calculus and Statistics (M1) or HKDSE extended module in Calculus and Algebra (M2) or Foundation Mathematics (AMA1100).

Objectives This subject is to introduce to students the fundamental concepts of probability distributions, sampling, and estimation of parameters in statistics.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:(a) apply statistical reasoning to describe and analyze essential features of data sets and

different problems(b) extend their knowledge of statistical techniques and adapt inferential procedures to

different situations(c) develop and extrapolate statistical concepts in synthesizing and solving problems(d) search for useful information and use statistical tables in solving statistical

problems(e) undertake the formulation of statistical problems through continuous self-learning(f) demonstrate the abilities of logical and analytical thinking

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Introduction to ProbabilityExperiment, events and probability. Probability rules. Bayes’ Theorem.

Discrete Random VariablesIntroduction to discrete random variables such as uniform, binomial, Poisson, etc. and their probability distributions. Mathematical expectation.

Continuous random variablesConcept of continuous random variables such as uniform, exponential, normal, etc. and their probability density functions. Mathematical expectation. Normal approximation to the binomial distribution.

Sampling DistributionsPopulation and random samples. Sampling distributions related to sample mean, sample proportions, and sample variances.

Estimation of ParametersConcepts of a point estimator and a confidence interval. Point and interval estimates of a mean and the difference between two means.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

The subject will be delivered mainly through lectures and tutorials. The lectures will be conducted to introduce the basic statistics concepts of the topics in the syllabus which are then reinforced by learning activities involving demonstration and tutorial exercise.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

(1) Assignments/Test 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100%

To pass this subject, students are required to obtain Grade D or above in both the Continuous Assessment and Examination components.

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes:

The subject focuses on knowledge, skill and understanding of Basic Statistics II, thus, Exam-based assessment is the most appropriate assessment method, including a test (no more than 40%) and an examination (60%). Moreover, assignments are included as a component of the continuous assessment so as to keep the students’ learning in progress.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

lecture 14 Hrs.

tutorial 14 Hrs.

Other student study effort:

self-study 44 Hrs.


Total student study effort 72 Hrs.

Reading List and Reference

Walpole, R.E., Myers, R.H., Myers, S.L. and Ye, K.Y., “Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists”, 7th edition, Prentice Hall (2002).

Mendenhall, W., Beaver, R.J. and Beaver, B.M., “Introduction to Probability and Statistics”, 12th edition, Thomson (2006).


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AMA1007

Subject Title Calculus and Linear Algebra

Credit Value 3

Level 1

Pre-requisite / Co-requisite/Exclusion

Pre-requisite: HKDSE extended module in Calculus and Statistics (M1) or HKDSE extended module in Calculus and Algebra (M2) or Foundation Mathematics (AMA1100)

Objectives This subject is to provide students with the basic skills of Calculus, and to introduce the ideas and techniques of basic linear algebra and its applications.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) apply mathematical reasoning to solve problems in their discipline(b) make use of the knowledge of mathematical techniques and adapt known

solutions to various situations(c) apply mathematical modeling in problem solving in applied sciences(d) develop and extrapolate mathematical concepts in solving new problems(e) undertake continuous learning

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Review of basic algebra and trigonometry; Limit and continuity; Derivatives; Mean Value Theorem; Logarithmic and exponential functions; Maxima and Minima; Curve sketching; Definite and indefinite integrals; Methods of integration; Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; Taylor’s Theorem with remainder; Improper Integrals; Applications.

Matrices, Determinant and systems of linear equations.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

By lectures, tutorials and exercises

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e

1. Tests/assignments 40

2. Examination 60

Total 100 %

To pass this subject, students are required to obtain Grade D or above in both


the Continuous Assessment and Examination components.

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes:

By learning how to solve a collection of theoretical and practical mathematical problems designed and distributed in assignments, tests and examination, the students will master the basic techniques in calculus and linear algebra, and will be able to apply the techniques to model and solve simple practical problems in their discipline.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

lecture 28 Hrs.

tutorial 14 Hrs.

Other student study effort:

self-study 66 Hrs.


Total student study effort 108 Hrs.

Reading List and References

K.F. Hung, Wilson C.K. Kwan and Glory T.Y. Pong, “Foundation Mathematics &Statistics”, McGraw Hill, (2011).

Chan, C.K., Chan, C.W. and Hung, K.F., “Basic Engineering Mathematics”, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill (2011).

Thomas, G.B., Finney, R.L., Weir, M.D. and Giordano, F.R., “Thomas’ Calculus”, 11th edition, Addison Wesley, (2005)


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AMA1100

Subject Title Foundation Mathematics - an introduction to Algebra and Differential Calculus

Credit Value 2

Level 1

Pre-requisite / Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives This subject aims to introduce students to the basic concepts and principles of algebra, limit and differentiation. It is designed for those students with only the compulsory mathematics component in the NSS curriculum. Emphasis will be on the understanding of fundamental concepts as well as applications of mathematical techniques in solving practical problems in science and engineering.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) apply mathematical reasoning to solve problems in science and engineering;(b) make use of the knowledge of mathematical techniques and adapt known

solutions to various situations;(c) apply mathematical modeling in problem solving;(d) demonstrate abilities of logical and analytical thinking.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Mathematical Induction; Binomial Theorem; Functions and inverse functions; Trigonometric functions. Limit concepts, derivatives and their physical & geometric meanings, rules of differentiation.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Basic concepts and techniques of topics in algebra and in elementary differential calculus will be discussed in lectures. These will be further enhanced in tutorials through practical problem solving.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e

(1) Homework, quizzes and mid-term test


(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Continuous Assessment comprises of assignments, in-class quizzes, online quizzes and a mid-term test. An examination is held at the end of the semester.

Questions used in assignments, quizzes, tests and examinations are used to assess students’ level of understanding of the basic concepts and their ability to use


mathematical techniques in solving problems in science and engineering.

To pass this subject, students are required to obtain grade D or above in both the continuous assessment and the examination components.

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes:

The subject focuses on understanding of basic concepts and application of techniques in algebra, limit and differentiation. As such, an assessment method based mainly on examinations/tests/quizzes is considered appropriate. Furthermore, students are required to submit homework assignments regularly in order to allow subject lecturers to keep track of students’ progress in the course.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture 21 Hours

Tutorial 7 Hours

Other student study effort:

Self study 42 Hours

Total student study effort 70 Hours

Reading List and References

Hung, K.F., Pong, G.T.Y., “Foundation Mathematics”, McGraw Hill, 2008.

Chung, K.C. , “A short course in calculus and matrices”, McGraw Hill, 2008.

Lang, S., “Short Calculus”, Springer 2002.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code AMA2882

Subject Title Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers

Credit Value 4

Level 2

Pre-requisite /Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives The subject aims to provide students with some necessary and essential mathematical techniques in science. The emphasis will be on application of mathematical methods to solving problems in physical phenomenon.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) apply mathematical reasoning to analyze essential features of different problems;(b) extend their knowledge of mathematical techniques and adapt known solutions to

different situations in physical science;(c) apply appropriate mathematical techniques to model and solve problems;(d) search for useful information in solving problems.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Linear Algebra: matrices and determinants; system of linear equations; vector spaces and linear dependence; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; diagonalization and orthogonality.

Partial Differentiation: introduction to partial differentiation; total differentials; chain rule with two independent variables and implicit partial differentiation; maxima and minima.

Calculus and Vector: complex numbers; De Moivre’s formula; convergence of infinite series; power series; Taylor series; vectors, scalar and vector products; multiple integrals.

Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE): first order ODE; second order linear ODE with constant coefficients.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

The subject aims to provide students with an integrated knowledge required for understanding the mathematical concepts, reasoning and techniques, and their applications. Tutorials will further enhance students’ understanding and develop their problem-solving abilities. In addition, online interactive materials are available in the Blackboard platform so that blended learning is achieved. Problems randomly selected from a database by the computer in the form of quiz will be given to reinforce their learning. Hands-on trial and testing on selected topics using the computer are available.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d(1) Continuous assessment 40

(2) Examination 60

Total 100

Tutorial exercises, assignments and relevant problems will be given to students. These will be assessed and returned to the students. Solutions or suggested answers will be posted afterwards.

To pass this subject, students are required to obtain Grade D or above in both the Continuous assessment and the Examination components.

Student Study Effort Required

Class contact:

Lecture 42 h

Tutorial and Student Presentation 14 h

Other student study effort:

Assignment 28 h

Self-study 56 h

Total student study effort 140 h

Reading List and References


Chan, C.K., Chan, C.W. & Hung, K.F.

Basic Engineering Mathematics3rd edition



Anton, H. Elementary Linear Algebra 10th edition


Thomas, G.B., Weir, M.D. & Hass, J.R.

Thomas’ Calculus: early transcendentals

Addison Wesley2010

Kreyszig, E. Advanced Engineering Mathematics9th edition



Subject Description Form

Please read the notes at the end of the table carefully before completing the form.

Subject Code CBS2212P

Subject Title Chinese Communication for Professionals of Applied Sciences

Credit Value 2

Level 2

Pre-requisite Nil

Co-requisite Nil

Exclusion Nil

Objectives This subject aims at fostering students’ communication skills and logical thinking abilities through trainings in reading, writing and speaking for the professional contact of Applied Science.

Intended Learning Outcomes

(Note 1)

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:(a) develop analytical thinking skills for better organization and presentation of

ideas;(b) consolidate the essential skills for writing fluent and organized articles in

Chinese for daily communication and vocational purposes;(c) acquire the oral presentation skills for effective communication;(d) acquire the necessary methods for effective reading comprehension and

critical thinking that would facilitate self-learning and life-long learning.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

(Note 2)

Indicative Content:reading strategy and comprehension of texts general and professional for communication.structure of language and structure of ideaslogical thinking and logical writings include expository writing and argumentative writing.organization of ideas and paragraphing letter, report, press release.accuracy and effectiveness in oral communications, presentation of power point proposal or working plan.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

(Note 3)

Interactive seminars with reading and writing exercises, teaching studentsvarious instructive Chinese communication skills, group discussion, presentation drills;Pro-class self study is required with related reading and writing exercises;Teacher’s consultation will be offered to the students depending on their individual need.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

(Note 4)

Specific assessment methods/tasks


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e

1). Assessment 1(Chinese composition)


2). Assessment 2(Chinese proposal-Writing)

15 %

3). Assessment 3(Chinese proposal-Oral presentation & discussion)

10 %

4). Class participation 10 %

5). Examination (Writing & reading comprehension test)

50 %

Total 100 %

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes:

The assessment includes criterion-referenced based quizzes, oral presentation & discussion, writing & reading comprehension test. It will evaluate students’writing communication skill oral communication skills, pronunciation, vocabulary, colloquial expression vs. formal expression, writing and speaking achievement. The major assessment items include:

Oral presentation & discussion (assessing accuracy, fluency and speaking in a rational & convincing way);Writing (assessing ability to express personal view accurately and clearly);Reading (assessing ability to understand the theme and gist of an article quickly).


Student Study Effort Required

Class contact:

Lectures & Seminars 28 Hrs.

Other student study effort:

outside class practice 2 x 15 = 30 Hrs.

self-study 2 x 15 = 30 Hrs.

Total student study effort 88 Hrs.

Reading List and References 2002




( ) 1996










Note 1: Intended Learning OutcomesIntended learning outcomes should state what students should be able to do or attain upon completion of the subject. Subject outcomes are expected to contribute to the attainment of the overall programme outcomes.

Note 2: Subject Synopsis/ Indicative SyllabusThe syllabus should adequately address the intended learning outcomes. At the same time over-crowding of the syllabus should be avoided.

Note 3: Teaching/Learning MethodologyThis section should include a brief description of the teaching and learning methods to be employed to facilitate learning, and a justification of how the methods are aligned with the intended learning outcomes of the subject.

Note 4: Assessment MethodThis section should include the assessment method(s) to be used and its relative weighting, and indicate which of the subject intended learning outcomes that each method purports to assess. It should also provide a brief explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code ELC3121

Subject Title English for Scientific Communication

Credit Value 2

Level 3

Pre-requisite LCR English subjects

Objectives This subject aims to develop the English language and communication skills required by students to report and discuss scientific and technical studies in a range of written texts. The subject also aims to improve and develop their English language proficiency within a framework of scientific contexts.

In striving to achieve the two interrelated objectives, attention will be given to developing the core competencies identified by the University as vital to the development of effective life-long learning strategies and skills.

Intended Learning Outcomes

(Note 1)

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:critique and synthesise sources in scientific and technical articles and reports,andreport scientific information in writing to different audiences.

To achieve the above outcomes, students are expected to use language and text structure appropriate to the context, select information critically, and present and support stance and opinion.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

(Note 2)

This syllabus is indicative. The balance of the components, and the corresponding weighting, will be based on the specific needs of the students.

Written reports of scientific informationCritiquing and synthesising sources; employing appropriate language, structure and style in a range of scientific writing for a variety of audiences; maintaining cohesion and coherence in scientific texts.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

(Note 3)

The study method is primarily seminar-based. Activities include teacher input as well as individual and group work involving drafting and evaluating texts, mini-presentations, discussions and simulations. Students will be referred to information on the Internet and the ELC’s Centre for Independent Language Learning.

Learning materials developed by the English Language Centre are used throughout this course. Additional reference materials will be recommended as required.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

(Note 4)

Specific assessment methods/tasks


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b

First version of two technical texts for two different audiences


2. Final version of two technical texts for two different audiences


Total 100 %

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes:

This subject adopts the method of 100% continuous assessment. Students’ writing skills are evaluated through assessment tasks related to the learning outcome areas. Students are assessed on the accuracy and the appropriacy of the language used in fulfilling the assessment tasks, as well as the selection and organisation of ideas.

Students will be assessed on technical texts targeted at different intended readers, including experts and non-experts in science and technology. This facilitates assessment of students’ ability to select content and use language and style appropriate to the purposes and intended readers.

A process writing approach will be used to raise students’ awareness of the importance of drafting and editing in the writing process, and to assess their ability to edit texts based on feedback on the first version.

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Seminars 28 Hrs.

Other student study effort:

Classwork-related, assessment-related, and self-accesswork 56 Hrs.

Total student study effort 84 Hrs.

Reading List and References

Required reading

Course materials prepared by the English Language Centre

Recommended readings

Behrens, L. & Rosen, L. J. (2010). A sequence for academic writing (4th ed.). New York: Longman.

Graff, G., Birkenstein, C and Durst, R. (2008). They say/I say: The moves that


matter in academic writing. New York: W. W. Norton.

Ingre, D. (2003). Technical writing: Essentials for the successful professional.Mason, OH: Thomson.

Johnson, S. & Scott, J. (2009). Study and communication skills for the biosciences. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mulvaney, M. K. & Jolliffe, D. A. (2005). Academic writing: Genres, samples, and resources. New York: Pearson Longman.

Pickett, N.A., Laster, A.A. & Staples, K.E. (2001). Technical English: Writing, reading, and speaking (8th ed.). New York, NY: Longman.

VanAlstyne, J.S. & Tritt, M.D. (2002). Professional and technical writing strategies: Communicating in technology and science. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Reading List and References

Required reading

Course materials prepared by the English Language Centre

Recommended readings

Behrens, L. & Rosen, L. J. (2010). A sequence for academic writing (4th ed.). New York: Longman.

Graff, G., Birkenstein, C and Durst, R. (2008). They say/I say: The moves that matter in academic writing. New York: W. W. Norton.

Ingre, D. (2003). Technical writing: Essentials for the successful professional. Mason, OH: Thomson. Johnson, S. & Scott, J. (2009). Study and communication skills for the biosciences.Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mulvaney, M. K. & Jolliffe, D. A. (2005). Academic writing: Genres, samples, and resources. New York: Pearson Longman.

Pickett, N.A., Laster, A.A. & Staples, K.E. (2001). Technical English: Writing, reading, and speaking (8th ed.). New York, NY: Longman.

VanAlstyne, J.S. & Tritt, M.D. (2002). Professional and technical writing strategies: Communicating in technology and science. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


Subject Description Form Please read the notes at the end of the table carefully before completing the form.

Subject Code FAST1000

Subject Title Freshman Seminar – Science to Improve Quality of Life

Credit Value 3

Level 1

Pre-requisite / Co-requisite/Exclusion


Objectives (a) To introduce students to applied science disciplines, and enthuse them about their science major study

(b) To expose students to the basic skills of teamwork, leadership and entrepreneurship

(c) To cultivate students’ creativity and problem-solving ability, and global outlook

(d) To engage students, in their first year of study, in desirable forms of learning at university that emphasizes self-regulation, autonomous learning, deep understanding and lifelong learning

Intended Learning Outcomes

(Note 1)

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) have a general understanding of history of science and topics of modern science and technologies such as nanotechnology, sustainable energy, gene technology, food safety and investment science

(b) generate innovative ideas and use different perspectives and creative solutions to tackle scientific problems

(c) command the basic communication and interpersonal skills in teamwork

(d) appreciate the basic concepts of entrepreneurship

(e) develop a global outlook and passion for lifelong learning


Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

(Note 2)

History of science: from Newton to Einstein, establishment of quantum physics, big bang theory, etc.

Great scientific breakthroughs which shape our modern world: for examples, algebra and calculus, classical mechanics, probability and statistics, natural selection and evolution, germ theory of disease, electromagnetism, atomic theory and the periodic table, double-helical structure of DNA

From basic science to applications and technologies. For examples:

applications of mathematics in finance;nanotechnologies;clean energy and sustainability;quantum computing;drug and medicine;food safety;stem cells;cloning.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

(Note 3)

Inspirational lectures and seminars by chair professors and renowned experts from various areas to excite students about their major study and to motivate students’ career inspirations

Renowned experts from various areas are invited to deliver Expert Seminars to students. Some of them are scholars as well as entrepreneurs. Some have been working in the industrial/commercial sector for years. They share with the students their success stories in which students could know more about the basic concept of entrepreneurship.

Professors from different departments are invited as interviewees to participate in “Interview a Professor” activity. They respond to the questions of interest from students and share the history and story of their respective department. This builds students’ recognition to the department and establishes a close relationship among professors and the students.

Popular science programmes will be shown to the students in order to introduce them to the interesting areas of applied science and the access and awareness of the current/ important issues. The source of these programmes includes the TED talks, Nobel lectures, Discovery channel, BBC and National Geographic. Students will be required to choose two of the watched programmes to submit two term papers in the


relevant topics.

Small multidisciplinary group Projects to develop students’ problem solving ability and their understanding/application of theories in different disciplines

Students will be informed to form groups in the first class.They have to come up with a grouping and a project title in the 4th week. They will need to search for materials and information and report to the supervisor progress of the project regularly. Supervisors will continuously monitor students’ work. In week 12 to 14, each group will present their project and come up with a written report to demonstrate their team work and individual performance.

The Online Tutorial on Academic Integrity is provided to help students understand the importance of academic honesty and learn ways to ensure that their work and behaviour at PolyU are acceptable in this regard. Students are required to complete the Tutorial not later than the end of Week 5.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

(Note 4)

Students’ performance will be assessed by a letter-grading system.

The following assessment methods will be adopted:

Specific assessment methods


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate)

a b c d e

1. Project write-up


2. Project presentation


3. Seminar attendance


4. Summary essay on expert seminar


5. Term paper 20%

Total 100 %

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes:


1. Project write-up – A project write-up forms the most important part of the assessment for this subject. Students are required to design a science-based multidisciplinary project to critically examine and to suggest possible solutions to a daily life problem. The project will be assessed based on its creativity, demonstration of critical thinking and the viability of the proposed solutions. The required number of words for the project is ranged from 4,000 –7,000 per group.

2. Project presentation – Students are required to present their project. Assessment will be based on similar criteria as above.

3. Seminar attendance – Students are required to attend various seminars.

4. (a) Summary essay on expert seminar – Students will be asked to write 1 Page summary essay(s) based on the seminar(s) given by the invited speaker(s). Students will be assessed on their understanding of the content of the seminar(s). Students are also required to add their own opinions in the essay(s) in order to show their problem-solving skills and critical thinking ability.

(b) Interview Report on “Interview a Professor” – Each student will be asked to write a summary essay based on the group interview with the professor. Students will be assessed on their preparation of questions listed and report of the interview. Students are welcome to demonstrate their creativity in the design of the interview report. The required number of words for the paper is ranged from 400 – 600.

5. Term Papers – Students are required to choose two topics in the watched science programmes and write term papers in focusing deeply on the science issues / problems related to the programmes. First topic can be related to the student’s own discipline while the second should be from other disciplines. Students are also required to add their own ideas to show their innovation and problem solving skills. The required number of words for the paper is ranged from 800 – 1,000.

6. The Online Tutorial on Academic Integrity can be accessed on LEARN@PolyU ( ). It takes approximately two hours to complete. To successfully complete the Tutorial, students will attemptthe Pre-test, read the four modules, pass the Post-test (score of at least 75%, i.e. 15 out of 20; multiple attempts allowed), and to sign the Honour Declaration.

The Online Tutorial is part of the subject completion requirement. Students who fail to complete the Online Tutorial will fail this subject.


Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

Lecture/Seminar 26 Hrs.

Tutorial/Discussion 14 Hrs.

Presentation 10 Hrs.

Other student study effort:

Self-learning Package 12 Hrs.

Reading/writing/preparation of presentation

48 Hrs.

Online Tutorial on Academic Integrity

2 Hrs.

Total student study effort 112 Hrs.

Reading List and References


1. The history of science and religion in the western tradition : an encyclopedia / Gary B. Ferngren, Edward J. Larson, Darrel W. Amundsen and Anne-Marie E. Nakhla. New York : Garland Pub., 2000.

2. Science and its History [electronic resource]: a Reassessment of the Historiography of Science by Joseph Agassi, Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2008.

3. The Discoveries: Great Breakthroughs in 20th - Century Science by Alan Lightman, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2010.

4. Investment Science by D G Luenberger, Oxford University Press, International edition, 2009.

5. Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets by John C. Hull, 7th edition, Pearson International Edition, 2011.

Note 1: Intended Learning Outcomes

Intended learning outcomes should state what students should be able to do or attain upon completion of the subject. Subject outcomes are expected to contribute to the attainment of the overall programme outcomes. Note 2: Subject Synopsis/ Indicative SyllabusThe syllabus should adequately address the intended learning outcomes. At the same time over-crowding of the syllabus should be avoided. Note 3: Teaching/Learning MethodologyThis section should include a brief description of the teaching and learning methods to be employed to facilitate learning, and a justification of how the methods are aligned with the intended learning outcomes of the subject. Note 4: Assessment MethodThis section should include the assessment method(s) to be used and its relative weighting, and indicate which of the subject intended learning outcomes that each method purports to assess. It should also provide a brief explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes.

Appendix II: Grades and Codes for Subject Assessment


(a) Grades/codes to denote overall subject assessments (and subject components*, if deemed appropriate)

Subject grades Interpretation


Exceptionally OutstandingOutstandingVery GoodGoodWholly SatisfactorySatisfactoryBarely SatisfactoryBarely AdequateInadequate

Other codes Interpretation Remarks

I# Assessment to be completed An incomplete grade must be converted to a regular gradenormally in the following academic year at the latest.

N Assessment is not requiredP Pass on an ungraded subject This code applies to an ungraded subject, such as industrial

training.U Fail on an ungraded subject This code applies to an ungraded subject, such as industrial

training.M Pass with Merit This code applies to all General Education subjects. The

adoption or otherwise of this code to other subjects adopting a “Pass/Fail” grading system would be subject to the decision of individual Departments.

The grade “Pass with Merit” can be awarded when the student’s work exceeds the subject learning outcomes in the majority of regards.

L Subject to be continued in the following semester

This code applies to subjects like “Project” which may consist of more than 1 part (denoted by the same subject code) and for which continuous assessment is deemed appropriate.

S Absent from assessment -W Withdrawn from subject Dropping of subjects after the add/drop period is normally not

allowed. Requests for withdrawal from subjects after the add/drop period and prior to examination will only be considered under exceptional circumstances. This code is given when a student has obtained exceptional approval from department to withdraw from a subject after the “add/drop” period and prior to examination; otherwise, a failure grade (grade F) should be awarded.

Z Exempted -T Transfer of Credit -

* Entry of grades/codes for subject components is optional. # For cases where students fail marginally in one of the components within a subject, the Board of Examiners can defer making a final decision until the students concerned have completed the necessary remedial work to the satisfaction of the subject examiner(s). The students can be assigned an “I” code in this circumstance.

Note : Subjects with the assigned codes I, N, P, U, M, L, W, Z and T (if the subject is without gradetransferred) will be omitted in the calculation of the GPA. A subject assigned code S will betaken as zero in the calculation.

Appendix III: Codes for Final Assessment


Final assessment code


Honours Degree programmes All other programmes

A 1st Class Hons Pass with distinction

B 2nd Class (Division 1) Hons Pass with credit

C 2nd Class (Division 2) Hons ----

D 3rd Class Hons ----

K Pass without Hons Pass

E Required to be de-registered because of failure to meet requirements.

J University award not applicable, e.g. exchange-in students.

N Suspension of study due to disciplinary action.

T Eligible to progress.

U Expulsion due to disciplinary action.

W Required to be de-registered because of withdrawal/absence.

X Pending fulfilment of requirements for award.

Appendix IV: Language and Communication Requirements (LCR)



All undergraduate students must successfully complete two 3-credit English language subjects as stipulated by the University (Table 1). These subjects are designed to suit students' different levels of English language proficiency at entry, as determined by their HKDSE score or the English Language Centre (ELC) entry assessment (when no HKDSE score is available). Students who are weaker in English at entry (with a HKDSE score of Level 3 with one or two sub-scores below Level 3) are required to take one or two extra credit-bearing English Language Enhancement subject(s) offered by ELC in their area(s) of weakness, as a pre-requisite for taking English LCR subjects.

Students who can demonstrate that they have achieved a level beyond that of the LCR proficient level subjects as listed in Table 2 (based on an assessment by ELC) may apply for subject exemption or credit transfer of the LCR subject or subjects concerned.

Table 1: Framework of English LCR subjects

HKDSE Subject 1 Subject 2 Extra Subject(s) Required

Level 5 or equivalent Advanced English for University Studies (AEUS) 3 credits

Any LCR proficient level subject in English (see Table 2)3 credits


Level 4 or equivalent English for University Studies (EUS)3 credits

Advanced English for University Studies (AEUS)3 credits


Level 3 or equivalent Practical English for University Studies (PEUS) 3 credits

English for University Studies (EUS)3 credits NIL

Level 3 with one or two sub-scores below Level 3 or equivalent

Practical English for University Studies(PEUS) 3 credits

English for University Studies (EUS)3 credits

1 or 2subjects from the ELC English Language Enhancement subjects (see Table 3)2 credits each


Table 2: LCR Proficient level electives in English

For students entering with HKDSE Level 5, or at an equivalent level or above

Advanced English Reading and Writing Skills

3 credits eachPersuasive Communication

English in Literature and Film

Table 3: ELC English Language Enhancement subjects

For students entering with HKDSE Level 3 with one or two sub-scores below Level 3

English Language Enhancement -Speaking Skills

2 credits each

English Language Enhancement -Listening Skills

English Language Enhancement -Reading Skills

English Language Enhancement -Writing Skills


All undergraduate students are required to successfully complete one 3-credit Chinese language subject as stipulated by the University (Table 4). These Chinese subjects are designed to suit students' different levels of Chinese language proficiency at entry, as determined by their HKDSE score or the Chinese Language Centre (CLC) entry assessment (when no HKDSE score is available). Students who are weaker in Chinese at entry (with HKDSE sub-scores of Level 2) will be required to take one or two extra credit-bearing Chinese Enhancement subject(s) offered by CLC, in their area(s) of weakness, as a pre-requisite for taking the Chinese LCR subject. Students can also opt to take additional Chinese LCR subjects (Table 7) in their free electives.

Students who are non-Chinese speakers (NCS), or whose Chinese standards are at junior secondary level or below, will also be required to take one LCR subject specially designed to suit their language background and entry standard as shown in Table 6.

Students who can demonstrate that they have achieved a level beyond that of the course "Advanced Communication Skill in Chinese" as listed in Table 4 (based on an assessment by CLC) may apply for subject exemption or credit transfer of the LCR subject concerned.


Table 4: Framework of Chinese LCR subjects

HKDSE Required subject Extra subjects(s) Required

HKDSE Level 4 and 5 or equivalent

Advanced Communication Skills in Chinese (ACSC) 3 credits


HKDSE Level 3 or equivalent

Fundamentals of Chinese Communication (FCC)3 credits


Level 3 with one or two sub-scores below Level 3

Fundamentals of Chinese Communication (FCC)3 credits

1 or 2 subjects from the CLC Chinese Language Enhancement subjects (see Table 5)2 credits each

For non-Chinese speakers or students whose Chinese standards are at junior secondary level or below

One subject from Table 6 below Nil

Table 5: CLC Chinese Language Enhancement subjects

HKDSE Subject 1 Subject 2For students entering with HKDSE result at Level 3 with one sub-score below Level 3

Basic Writing Skills 2 credits


For students entering with HKDSE result at Level 3 with two sub-scores below Level 3

Basic Writing Skills 2 credits

Speech Genres and Verbal Communication 2 credits

Table 6: Chinese LCR Subjects for non-Chinese speakers or students whose Chinese standards are at junior secondary level or below

Subject Pre-requisite/exclusionChinese I (for non-Chinese speaking students)

For non-Chinese speaking students at beginners’ level

3 credits each

Chinese II (for non-Chinese speaking students)

For non-Chinese speaking students; and Students who have completed Chinese I or equivalent

Chinese III (for non-Chinese speaking students)

For non-Chinese speaking students at higher competence levels; andStudents who have completed Chinese II or equivalent

Chinese Literature –Linguistics and Cultural Perspectives (for non-Chinese speaking students)

For non-Chinese speaking students at higher competence levels


Table 7: Other LCR Electives in Chinese

Subject Pre-requisite/exclusionChinese and the Multimedia For students entering with HKDSE level 4

or above; orstudents with advanced competence level as determined by the entry assessment; orStudents who have completed “Fundamentals of Chinese Communication”

3 credits each

Creative writing in Chinese For students entering with HKDSE level 4 or above; orstudents with advanced competence level as determined by the entry assessment; orStudents who have completed “Fundamentals of Chinese Communication”

Elementary Cantonese For students whose native language is not Cantonese

Putonghua in the Workplace Students have completed “Fundamentals of Chinese Communication” or could demonstrate the proof with basic Putonghua proficiencyFor students whose native language is not Putonghua

Reading and Writing Requirements

See relevant information under the Cluster-Area Requirement in Appendix V. Students who are non-Chinese speakers or those whose Chinese standards are at junior secondary level or below will be, by default, exempted from the Reading and Writing Requirements in Chinese.

Appendix V: Cluster Areas Requirement


Cluster-Area Requirements (CAR) for students

Students have to choose and successfully complete a total of 12 credits from CAR subjects according to their own interests, with 3 credits to be selected from each of the following 4 cluster areas:

Human Nature, Relations and Development

Community, Organisation and Globalisation

History, Culture and World Views

Science, Technology and Environment

Reading and Writing Requirements

To enhance students’ literacy skills in reading and writing, the Senate-approved framework also stipulates that students must, among the CAR subjects they take, pass one subject that includes the requirement for a substantive piece of writing in English (EW Requirement) and one subject with the requirement of a substantive piece of writing in Chinese (CW Requirement). Subjects approved for meeting the Writing Requirement will be given a “W’ designation.

They must also, among the CAR subjects they take, pass one subject that includes the requirement for the reading of an extensive text in English (ER Requirement) and one subject with the requirement for the reading of an extensive text in Chinese (CR Requirement). Subjects approved for meeting the Reading Requirement will be given an “R” designation.

Students who are non-Chinese speakers or those whose Chinese standards are at junior secondary level or below will be, by default, exempted from the Reading and Writing Requirements in Chinese.

China-Study Requirement

To enable students to develop a deeper understanding of China (i.e., its history, culture and society, as well as emerging issues or challenges), students are further required to complete at least 3 credits of CAR subjects which are designated as “China-related” from any of the four Cluster Areas.