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Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Internationalization Activities in Latin America

2012 GEDC Conference

Latin American Chapter

August 20-21, 2012

ITESM – Monterrey, Mexico

Dr. Ramiro Jordán



Act locally think globally

Outreach and Recruitment; student success

Industry Advisory Board

Innovation-Plaza: from High School to Industry

Senior Design - Entrepreneurship - Global Student Design Challenges

Partners: IFEES, SPEED, ISTEC, Quanser, National Instruments, Xilinx, Silterra, Huawei, nanoPROFESSOR, Hispano Chamber of Commerce, Individuals. Local Industry, …



International Activities

Double Degree Graduate Programs

Students Exchanges: undergraduate and graduate

4+1 and 2+2 Programs

Courses in Spanish, Portuguese

Instituto Cervantes

On-line courses: Coursera, edX, Opencast-Matterhorn

Looking for Partners


Outreach and Recruitment

Reduce the stay of students by one semester

Savings per student per semester is $8k

Backing of State Legislature, Governor, Regents, UNM administration, community in general

UNM and APS agreement

Beginning in the Fall semester, high school students can now enroll and take first year ECE courses

several students have been identified at APS-CEC

numbers pending from charter schools


Outreach and Recruitment

Example: Nickolas J. Sewell

Has already Calculus I and II; Physicist I and II; ECE 131

Currently planning on taking ECE 231 and ECE 238L, ECON and English


Industry Advisory Board

New Members

Deborah Stokes – HUAWEI

Igor Alvarado – National Instruments

Tom Lee – Quanser

Dean Hart – nanoPROFESSOR

Pankaj Gadani – Silterra

Kamil Agi – K&A Wireless



Improve recruitment and retention

Provide experiential learning to students

Enhance interdisciplinary collaboration among engineering departments and others

Outreach into the high schools

Improve retention at UNM

From high schools to R&D and Industry - Entrepreneurship

On-line capability; Coursera, edX, OPENCAST-Matterhorn, Moodle, others



International component; student exchanges, R&D, projects

Innovative content development – undergraduate and graduate students

Key partners

Quanser, National Instruments, Mathworks, Xilinx,

Silterra, Huawei, NanoProfessor, K&A Wireless, others

Hispano Chamber of Commerce, ISTEC, IFEES, GSDC



REQUEST: We need your students to help by developing demos/experiments, content! Eliminate the mystery of Math, Physics and Chemistry.


Senior Design – Entrepreneurship - GSDC

Attract more local industry

Research teams sponsored by industry; total industry financing

IP belongs to sponsor Students cannot sign NDAs or IP agreements

Academic advisors

Team leaders

Work products, fresh ideas, long-term recruitment

Sponsor Handbook, Rev. C



Senior Design + GSDC Apps development for people with learning

disabilities; ex. Autism

Second Place in High-Tech Business Plan Contest

Sponsored by Sandia National Laboratories

Second stage incubation in Bay Area through ISTEC-STEED Program

Global Innovation-Plaza + GSDC

To be discussed at ISTEC GA and WEEF under the ISTEC-STEED Program


International Activities

The goals are to establish and further collaborations in: 1) Undergraduate and graduate student exchanges

2) Create Graduate Double Degree Programs (MS and PhD)

3) Create Undergraduate Double Degree Programs (BS)

4) Joint R&D basic and applied

5) Entrepreneurship/leadership building and economic development

Create/enhance technology parks

Incubation and acceleration of spinoffs

Access to capital

Protection, licensing of Intellectual Property


International Activities

The goals are to establish and further collaborations in: 6) Joint fund raising

7) Joint curricula development and certificate programs

8) Develop presence in international forums and influence in policy making

9) Create/enhance university-government-industry-society partnerships


International Activities

The collaborations model builds on the experience of the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department and the School of Engineering (SOE) in projects with Ibero-American counterparts. The collaborations take advantage of the successful non-for-profit, U.S. 501 (c) (3), spinoff of UNM, the Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortium (ISTEC, Inc. ISTEC has been working in STEM Education, R&D, Entrepreneurial (social and business) activities, and the Culture of Quality in the Ibero-American region for the past 21 years.


Obstacles in 1990 ...

Lack of current information for planning and developing technology

Lack of expertise in the use of information

Lack of international cooperation in developing the critical mass needed for projects and joint efforts

Lack of interaction and confidence among universities, industries, governments and multilateral organizations

Lack of availability of technology for social, cultural , and economic development

Lack of entrepreneurship to bring technology and intellectual property to the market place


International Activities

Agreements with HEC – Pakistan

100 Graduate Scholarships

Agreements with CAPES – Brazil

Science Without Borders – 101k students in STEM

Agreements with CONACYT – MEXICO

10/20/30 Scholarships

Students Exchanges: undergraduate and graduate

Double Graduate Degree Graduate Programs


Entrepreneurship: network of Tech-Parks


International Activities

4+1 Program: 5 years BS in other countries. 4 years of BS at home institution + 1 year at UNM.

Get BS from home institution and a MS from UNM.

UNM 2 + 2 Program: 2 years in Spanish while learning English, last 2 years in English and get a BS from UNM

Courses in Spanish, Portuguese – Instituto Cervantes

On-line courses: Coursera, edX, Opencast-Matterhorn – Virtual Campi – ISTEC-Media

Accreditation/certification: ISTEC-GRANA


Go Green Looking for Partners