DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Pjetraj_Tema e...2 Authorship Statement I, the...

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    MENTOR CANDIDATE:Nazli TYFEKCI, Phd.c. Valentina Pjetraj

    Gjakova, 2018

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    Authorship Statement

    I, the undersigned Valentina Pjetraj, a student at the University of Gjakova, Faculty of Philology,

    Department of English Language and Literature, declare that I am the author of the diploma

    thesis entitled:” Motivating students with autism to learn English Language”- written under

    supervision of Phd.c. Nazli Tyfekçi.

    I further declare that I have not copied another student’s work or any other source besides those

    resources that are mentioned such as: cited, and/or quoted works and opinions of professionals in

    the area of autism.

    Date of submission Student’s name:

    Valentina Pjetraj

    ID: 130204004

    Gjakova Signature:

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    First of all, I would like to thank my family for all their support, their love and being with me

    whenever I needed them.

    It is my pleasure to express my sincere and deepest gratitude to my mentor, my consular and

    supervisor Phd.c. Nazli Tyfekciu, thank you for all your suggestions, instructions and your


    My profound gratitude to my professors: Lendita Kryeziu, Aferdita Kasolli, Shqipe Husaj and

    our tutors: Elsa Vula, Elita Xhibo, Adelina Beqiri- Minci and many others, for sharing patiently

    their knowledge with us.

    I would like to express my thanks to teachers of English language. Lumturi Kalbaj and Meduare

    Rogova for the kind help and valuable advices and information’s that they provided during my

    diploma thesis.

    Many thanks to my dear friends and so many others whom I may have left out, sincerely thank

    you for all your help and love.

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    Teachers and other educators in different schools in my country have been experiencing

    challenges to plan and implement the effective way how to motivate students with autism to

    learn English language as foreign language.

    This research paper is a qualitative research, where the main purpose was to identify how are

    students with autism motivated to learn English Language, and which strategies teacher

    considered to be most effective on their English Language acquisition.

    Based from the two interviews that were done with English teachers in two different schools, it

    was mentioned that each teacher who teaches English language to autistic student should first of

    all consider to read and gain some knowledge about autism and the best ways they can teach


    For example:

    Getting to know your student,

    Making a list of the weaknesses and strength that student has.

    Making a note of the activities or tasks that can raise panic or anxiety for students and

    trying to avoid them because each insecurity in their behavior can cause unsuccessful

    lesson in your classroom.

    Sitting the child with autism in the first raw it can be very effective way to keep them

    focused and avoiding distraction since very often autistic students forget that they are in

    the class and many times an activity that was interesting to them in previous week it is

    not interesting this week.

    One of the best strategies to teach English language to students with autism is using visuals since

    the information given to autistic students can be processed faster and easier given visually rather

    than verbally.

    English teacher should minimize the use of Albanian language and try to enforce the English

    language. If using Albanian language to explain content, present activities or giving instruction it

    is obvious that student with autism will try even less to listen or work with target language in this

    case English language. Autistic students are part of our society and they have the same rights like

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    each child to be educated and develop new abilities, skills, and learning English language can be

    a good opportunity for their employment or future careers.

    Keywords: autism, motivation, English language, strategies etc.

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    Table of Contents

    Authorship statement



    I. Literary Analysis .....................................................................................................................7

    1.01. What is Autism? .................................................................................................................7

    1.01. The causes of Autism .........................................................................................................8

    1.02. Signs and Symptoms ..........................................................................................................8

    1.03. Teacher's characteristics ....................................................................................................9

    1.04. Teaching resources ...........................................................................................................11

    1.05. Classroom management ...................................................................................................12

    1.06. Motivating students with autism to learn English Language ...........................................15

    1.07. Strategies how to teach students with autism ............................................................................17

    1.08. How can students with autism learn English Language skills? .......................................19

    II. Methodology ...........................................................................................................................23

    2.1. Aims of the study ..............................................................................................................24

    2.2. Hypothesis .........................................................................................................................24

    III. Discussion and Findings ........................................................................................................25

    IV. Recommendations and Conclusion ........................................................................................27

    V. References ..............................................................................................................................28

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    ‘If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.”

    Ignacio Estrada

    Studying a foreign language has become a part of education all around the world, as it is in our

    country. English language is required to be learned as foreign language in primary and secondary


    It won’t be wrong if it’s said that probably most students in the world study English because it is

    on their school curriculum (Hamer,2001).

    Learning English language had been enrichment and rewarding experience. This paper

    emphasizes the importance of different factors relevant to learning English language as a foreign

    language to students with autism, teacher’s role in educating and motivating autistic students and

    the choice of appropriate teaching methods/ strategies and necessary modifications.In our

    country students with autism became part of regular classes just recently. For English teachers to

    teach students with autism can be very challenging because students with autismdeal with lack of

    effort, lack of motivation, poor language learning habits and low ability in English language

    learning. Autistic students are seen as astonishing, surprising but also intriguing.

    Some of the common characteristics that are related with autism disorder are repetitive patterns

    of behavior, interests and activities. Most of the students have difficulties handling unexpected

    procedures, including here the changes or transition between activities and environments which

    can increase anxiety and unusual/ inappropriate behavior. In some of our schools the transition

    happens in regular bases between activities and settings, but also some other transitions can be

    such as class excursion, changes in schedules from morning to afternoon shifts or going from

    elementary school to secondary ones. However, this research paper will bring some strategies

    and teaching methods that can be very helpful for educators of students with autism.Motivating

    students who have autism to learn English language is crucial, but it can be very often

    challenging because they have limited area of interests and skills to study or succeed in

    classrooms. If autistic students have positive experience with their teacher’s way of teaching then

    each of these students can be successful.

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    I. Literary analysis

    1.01 What is Autism?

    The word “autism” comes from the Greek word “autos” which means “self”. It describes

    conditions in which a person is removed from social interaction, in other words, he becomes an

    “self isolated”. Autism was first identified in 1943 by Leo Kanner, an American psychologist.

    Kanner noticed distinctive, common characteristics within a subgroup of children in whom other

    mental disorder has been diagnosed originally. Kanner recognized the inability of this subgroup

    to relate in the ordinary way to other people and situations and he describes this behavior as

    “extreme autistic alone” (Kanner,1943). As a result, for several decades the disorder was referred

    to as autism.

    Autism is: a developmental disorder that appears by age that is variable in expression but is

    recognized and diagnosed by impairment to formal normal social relationship, difficulties in

    their ability to communicate with others and by stereotyped behavior patterns especially as

    exhibited by a preoccupation with repetitive activities of restricted focus rather than with flexible

    and imaginative ones.Autism spectrum disorders are a heterogeneous group of

    neurodevelopmental conditions, characterized by impairments in social skills, verbal and

    nonverbal communication, and restricted repetitive stereotyped patterns of behavior (American

    Psychiatric Association, 2000). Autism affects the brain’s growth and development. It is lifelong

    condition, with symptoms that appear in early childhood.

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    1.01 The causes of Autism

    There are unknown causes of autism. A lot of researches are being done to try and find out more

    what the causes are. It is believed that it’s caused by changes to the development and growth of

    the brain, which may be caused by combination of factors, including environmental and genetic

    ones. There is an increased chance of having another child with autism if there already is a child

    in the family who was diagnosed with autism, but no specific genes have been proven to cause


    Statistics show that autism affects more boys than girls. Parents of autistic children usually say

    that in the first year of their children lives their development was normal, after that period the

    children become more sensitive to some sounds and touches, they don’t understand the simplest

    words or signs and they become more and more isolated (Greenspan; 1992)). The child makes

    meaningless or even unintentional actions.

    Autism is not caused by parenting or social circumstances. It is not caused by vaccination or

    other medical treatment.

    1.02 Signsandsymptoms

    This is how autism can look like for some one:

    Challenges with communications and interacting with other people

    Repetitive and different behavior, moving their bodies in different ways

    Strong interest in one topic or subject\Unusual reactions to what they see, hear, smell,

    touch or taste.

    Preference for routine and dislike change

    Autism can affect the way that individuals interact with others and how they

    experiencethe world around them.

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    All people with autism are different and will experience autism in different ways. Some people

    with autism may have other conditions such as:

    Speech and language difficulties

    Intellectual disability\Sleep problem\Attention problems\Epilepsy

    Anxiety and depression

    Difficulties with their motor skills.

    1.03 Teacher’s characteristics

    Students with autism lack of the key factor which is the motivation, therefore the most important

    person who can motivate a student is the teacher who spends most of the day with her students.

    Teachers and students are co-workers that have a tight bond with each- other during the years of

    student’s education, where the teacher is a leader and student is a follower, who tries to gain as

    much of the knowledge and skills from his/her teacher.

    “Children with autism often show a surprising sensitivity to the personality of the teacher. They

    can be taught but only by those who give them true understanding and affection, people who

    show kindness toward them and yes, humor. The teacher’s underlying attitude influences

    involuntary and unconsciously the mood and behavior of the child” (Hans Asperger, 1944)

    Adeyemo (2005) notes that teacher characteristics influences teaching and learning in classroom.

    Olaleye (2011) establishes that there was relationship between teacher’s characteristics and her

    student’s performance.

    Teacher should have these qualities or the characteristics like:

    Caring - Teachers demonstrate through their actions, affect and manners that they really care

    about student's personality and their ability to learn. A caring teacher built a strong foundation

    for a positive classroom experience for all their students including students with autism. The

    teacher should be flexible to teach materials in an inspiring way.

    Organized - teacher should teach by portions and regularly check out if their students

    understand the lesson. Many times, it can happen for a class to subside into chaos, in this kind of

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    situations it easily can make teachers angry, irritated and be upset with their students but teacher

    who can control their classroom have different attitude.

    Supportive- Teachers always make sure to listen to their student's needs, they never correct

    them harshly, students can go to them and share any problems and worries or even share funny


    Respectful- teachers show respect towards their students but also, they require respectful attitude

    toward themselves and the classroom environment.

    Self- Efficacy- Teachers should possess the skills and ability to help students learn the English

    language by being competent in building effective programs for students and can effect changes

    in student learning as teachers

    Good Communicator- Teacher should be a good speaker who conveys his lectures clearly as

    well as instructions for his entire student. Teachers during class should understand how their

    students learn the best way.

    Teachers with positive attitude possess high expectations for success and this depends also how

    the teacher teaches and interacts with her students.

    Each teacher can face different daily challenges therefore Ministry of Education or teachers on

    their own seek different opportunities to increase their skills and development by participating in

    following activities such as:

    Courses/ workshops

    Education conferences

    Qualification program (e.g. degree program)

    Observation visits to other schools

    Participation in a network of teachers

    Individual or collaborative research etc.

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    Teachers that have never taught a child with autism may feel lack of confidence in their ability to

    support their autistics students. As mentioned above each student with autism often presents

    unique challenges to schools and their teachers. Therefore, the best way to work with these

    students is to:

    Know the student

    Research to know more about autism.

    Make a list with the student’s strengths, weaknesses and interests that fascinates the

    student that to us it may seem strange.

    Make a note of tasks or activities which can bring panic or anxiety for the students. Try to

    pay a closer attention to these factors so you can avoid episodes which can bring

    insecurity in their success and behaviors.

    Let the students take their time to answer because many students with autism have

    cognitive and/or motor skills difficulties

    Some teachers think that autistic students should be encouraged and give support, so they can do

    an independent work whenever it is possible because their willingness to preform independently

    will make them free from being dependent on others all their lives.

    Your students can be helped if you will give them some “jobs/ chores” like: door holder, line

    leader, test collector or hand out papers to everyone in classroom by reading the name on the

    paper, identifying the student, stating their names etc. Therefor they will start recognizing some

    responsibilities. This method will give them some self-esteem and can be teacher’s helper.

    When an autistic student is involved in different activities or chores will give them a chance to

    interact with their peers and inclusive class will function better and easily.

    During teaching time plan of neither too stimulating nor too no stimulating task and activity.

    1.04 Teaching resources

    Having an inclusive classroom, it has acknowledging differences among learners. So being an

    adaptive teacher that seeks to reach all her students regardless of their level of learning or of their

    backgrounds it’s the teachers goal.

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    Teacher should try to have a combination of adjusting evidences- based methods of instructions,

    modifying curriculum content, adapting resource materials and activities, varying the amount of

    support provided to students, and rethink ways how the teaching and learning can be more

    successful. Inside the classroom provide a quiet corner for the autistic student where you can put

    photos or personal drawings where the autistic student will feel comfortable and in a familiar


    When you have a student with autism in your class, it should be helpful to have some necessary

    supplies such as a wide variety of curriculum, flashcards, books and educational toys that will

    support your goals as a teacher.

    With the latest improved technology, it has been seen that any item, piece of equipment such as

    iPad, iTouch, iPhone, computers, projectors etc. can be used for different purposes, including

    communication, development and motivation.

    Most of these devices have different application that will help with reading, teaching social

    skills, applications for teaching vocabulary and communication.

    1.05 Classroom management

    According to the English teachers that were interviewed Lumturie Kalbaj in “100 Vjetori”

    school and Meduare Rugova “Zekeria Rexha ” school, they explained that many times they have

    lost their autistic student’s focus, concentration and motivation. Sometimes the class seems to be

    less successful than other ones. One of the most dimensions in managing an autistic student in

    the regular classroom is the attidute of the teacher, although they said teachers try to be

    supportative still the greatest concern for us is the lack of time to give the autistic student the

    attention that they need. During the class teachers explained it’s good to avoid long sentences

    since students with autism will remember only 2-3 words said in the beginning of a sentence.

    Many students with autism are good at drawing, art, music and computers therefore you should

    encourage your students to develop these talents that can be used for their future employment

    carrier. Very important to keep in our minds it’s the fact that loud soundscan be disturbing for

    them like school bells, sounds of chairs scraping on the floor etc.

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    A significant component of classroom management is helping students to recognize that some of

    the choices they make regarding their behavior are better than others. When they make a good

    choice, these need to be reinforced and celebrated. In some schools’ teachers rely on the use of

    punishment, but this is never a good approach the English teachers said.

    Below is a chart of things recommended to do and not to do.

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    DON’T DO

    DON’T talk without using visual supports DO use gestures, pointing, touching and printed

    visual supports when talking.

    DON’T use complex language and long sentences DO use key words

    DON” T express more than one idea at the time DO express one idea at a time

    DON” T expect the person to respond


    DO give time to respond! Expect a delay

    DON’T repeat yourself to soon DO wait for 20 seconds if you need to repeat your


    DON’T use questions to give instructions:

    “John, are you ready to go now?”

    DO use simple, specific language” John, go to


    DON’T provide instructions out of order:” We are

    going to the library but first we are going to

    brainstorm the areas of research we need to

    consider for this topic.”

    DO say things in order in which they will occur:”

    First we will brainstorm ideas for research, then

    we will go to the library.”

    DON’T assume that common sayings are


    DO explain common sayings that have double

    meanings:” He is over the hill.”

    Source: Originally compiled by Louise Ulliana, Speech Pathologist, July 2001 (Asp. Educational

    Outreach, 2010)

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    1.06 Motivating students with autism to learn English Language

    “Motivation has been widely accepted by both teachers and researchers as one of the key factors

    that influences the rate and success of second/ foreign language” (Döryci 1998:117)

    According to what Döryci is saying it is a reminder that teaching English Language to different

    student in this case to autistic students it’s not only an academic subject, but it is a tool of

    communication, a tool of social interaction, self-expression and development of student’s


    All children in school require a varying level of motivation during their school days to

    accomplish the task presented to them. Part of motivation is the way how teacher grades them,

    by grades, by drawing happy faces or applying stickers, writing comment or praising them.

    Teacher of a child with autism must look beyond the norm and gather objects and activities that

    will encourage their participation in various tasks and assignments.

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    We are all motivated by different things. Motivation is a powerful tool in teaching. When an

    autistic student is interested in something it will be easier for you to teach him/her while you

    have their interest.

    Something to keep in mind is that students with autism may be very interested and motivated in

    something one week but next week they lose the interest and motivation to do the same thing

    they did in the previous week. As process of teaching students with autism it’s also important to

    involve their parents. Parents are partners in the process and they can give many perspectives and

    information that will be helpful for the educators’ understanding their students.

    For all English teachers and educators in general it is very beneficial if you involve parents in the

    process of teaching by sharing information, collaboration and making partners with them.Parents

    can help you identify changes to routines or settings that may be difficult for the student, they

    can help to support successful transitions by assisting an effective transition process for the

    student or building skills. They can be useful in explaining routines to familiarize the students

    with different expectations in new setting. But there are some parents that they don’t approve for

    their children to learn another language thinking that it is unnecessary burden for their kids. It is

    proved that autistic children struggle socially so it is more likely for them to pick English

    language from their parents if they are bilingual rather than from their peers.

    Combining the strengths and knowledge of parents, who know their children best and have a

    history of supporting and advocating for their children, with the expertise of teachers creates a

    powerful partnership that directly benefits students. Some parents have time, temperament,

    educational background, or knowledge how to work closely with their children’s teachers and

    school staff. Other parents, although motivated and concerned about their children’s

    development, may not be actively involved in their children’s school program. Collaborating

    with parents often involves scheduling meetings for a variety of purposes. These meetings help

    teachers gain understanding of the child and family and the supports the family has in place.

    These meetings provide opportunities to clarify roles, set goals and objectives, and develop

    strategies and communication plans to plan and implement education program effectively.

    Asking parents about what they think, their ideas and imputes about teaching strategies that work

    for their children. Teachers can even invite or encourage parents to observe the classroom.

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    1.07 Strategies how to teach students with autism

    Teacher should consider having adjustment in their curriculum instructions and expectations that

    may be required according to student’s readiness, interests and learning profile.

    Educators have effective strategies to help their students with autism engage in tasks and

    learning critical new skills. Sometime strategies that are found to be effective for a student

    during one activity may be less effective over time or during another activity. Activities must be

    differentiated based on the student’s response and their progress having in mind also the rest of

    the class.

    One of the best ways to teach English to autistic students is the use of visuals.

    - Autistic students process visual information more efficiently and effectively than the

    information given verbally. Some students may require extra time to process verbal

    language and understand the message.

    What can we use as visual support?

    Real objects Black & white photographs

    Miniature objects Black & white line drawings

    Printed words Color pictures with English words in it

    Puzzles Song lyrics

    When planning an activity consider how the information can be presented in a simple way with

    visuals that can be effective for autistic student to comprehand, learn or memorise words writen

    in English language. The goal of visuals is to help a student understand and convey information.

    Visual supports are helpful to many students with autism, including those who are able to read


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    Visual supports can include visual schedules, checklists, task exemplar choice boards, illustrated

    task sequences, printed instructions, rules, safety signs, videos in English language, story

    illustration etc.

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    Using images allows students to expand their language skills by attaching the word (both spoken

    and written) to a more concrete representation.

    -Provide clear information about task expectations

    -Introducing new or unfamiliar tasks in familiar enviroment

    - Establishing routines and regularly scheduled activities.

    -Having specific places where you restore your teahing material

    - Developing a visual schedule of activities

    The student’s seating arragments needs to be in a way that affords as few distractions or

    exposures to irritants factors as possible Also, something to have in mind it that for other

    students it is required 9-15 seconds to give an answer in your question while for the student with

    sutism it is required double time especially when they are responding in a foreign

    language.When thinking about written text students will again take at least twice as long to read

    in the English language than in the Albanian language, of not even longer.


    1.08 How can students with autism learn English Language skills?


    Many students with autism have strong visual skills and are often more successful in learning to

    read the whole word sight recognition approach than through a traditional phonetics. The whole

    words that are meaningful are usually easier for students to learn to read that words for which

    students don’t have basics or previous knowledge. In the beginning it is very important to make

    the autistic student develop the sense of confidence. Some autistic students are able to recite

    alphabet letters and letter sounds but may be unable to decode words in a fluent manner. The

    reading fluency will affect autistic student’s ability to comprehend the message of the words. If

    student gives attention to decoding process then it is likely that students understanding will

    increase. Some autistic students are “not brave” enough to read with a loud voice, they may be

    able to read and comprehend complex words passages, therefor it is necessary to provide the

    student with a variety of opportunities to demonstrate reading ability.

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    For example:

    The autistic student who doesn’t respond when asked on reading the passage aloud may

    be able to select and match pictures related to the words or sentences. Many times, it is

    helpful if the vocabulary words are paired with pictures so that the visual concept is

    associated with the printed word. Pictures can be of people, objects and places that are

    related with the curriculum and the classroom environment.

    Use activities, games and software to develop letter knowledge, phonetic awareness etc.

    Provide content and stories of interest that will further develop sight vocabulary.

    Allow for repeated reading and familiar text as this can help the fluency and


    Include activities to highlight connections between words such as: rhyming games, word

    families, word sorting etc.

    Provide regular opportunities for practice.

    Dialogic reading is one for of shared reading. It uses a specific set of prompts to target children’s

    oral language and listening comprehension (Justice & Pullen, 2003). Children together with

    their teacher can engage in different storybooks reading where teacher focuses on building

    vocabulary and expanding the foreign language by encouraging students to talk more and

    supporting the comprehension of the story (Zevenbergen & Whitehurst, 2003).


    While some students with autism disorder are proficient in printing and handwriting many other

    have difficulties with written tasks because of their motor skills. Difficulties with handwriting

    have been identified as one of the most significant barriers to academic participation for students

    with autism in schools today (Simpson, 2007).

    When our students with autism deal with the barrier of motor skills and handwriting, it should be

    mentioned that in other countries teachers have the handwriting assistant who helps autistic

    student by holding their hands to write but since our teachers here have a limited help, then it

    would be very helpful to have an opportunity to use the technology. For many students with

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    autism using a computer is highly preferred activity. Teach and encourage the student to learn to

    use keyboard as a writing instrument. Many times, student can be frustrated when they attempt to

    complete the tasks meanwhile it would be helpful to break down the writing assignment into

    mini -sessions. This can serve as a form of motivation for the student to not give up easily from

    the writing task.

    Some other strategies to help support the writing activity for students with autism include:

    Fill-in-the-blanks and cloze exercises

    Multiple- choice answers to questions


    Exemplars (samples of work that demonstrates the expectations of the task)

    Reduction in the length or number of written responses

    Division of written tasks into manageable components that focus on one section at a time.

    Visual or graphic organizers to support the written task (ex. Pictures of the sequences of a


    Word bank of key vocabulary or frequently used words.


    It seems that this task is one of the most challenging task for students with autism since the

    communication disturbance is one of the most characteristics of their disability. They have

    delays in speech no matter in what language they are speaking, they face difficulties with

    expressive and receptive language. They have hard time keeping a conversation either formal or

    unformal language, they use the same phrases repetitively, many time the intonation can be

    inappropriate- they might shout or whisper. While students with autism learn English language,

    it helps also with their social skills starting from the very first lesson when they are learning

    meetings and greetings and practicing them in pairs although teacher in this case should be

    careful in choosing the autistic students partner who will have to be patient and help their autistic

    partner to communicate. Another strategy that teacher could use is to encourage the student to

    practice English language by sharing their interest and their hobbies with the class, making them

    self-confident and comfortable to speak in front of other students.

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    As speaking task also listening it can be very challenging for autistic students because they

    become distracted and they don’t pay attention when teacher is talking to them. It should be

    mentioned that they are very sensitive from the high pitch so they may plug their ears, as loud

    voice may hurt their ears (Turkington 2007). Teacher can help her student by putting him/her in

    the first row this way student won’t get distracted by another student’s behavior or anything that

    will make him/her uncomfortable. The routine is very important for autistic student therefore

    starting the lesson similar every time by asking question and letting them answer will help with

    listening task. As mentioned earlier the most effective way to teach autistic students is using

    visuals, this will attract their attention, focus and concentration. Teacher should use visuals as

    much as possible while giving clear and short instructions.


    Teachers can be considered co-workers with the student’s parents when it comes to finish their

    homework, many times teacher sends a note to parents telling them what is required from the

    students to accomplish Homework should be separated into sections because autistic student will

    get distracted and many times unwilling to do them. Many autistic students cannot generalize

    between environments. What students are able to do in class environment they are unable to do

    at home environment. Parents’ language may be different from that of teacher. This can cause

    extreme difficulty both for parents and the student. It may take a student much longer to

    complete tasks at home because of the distractions at home like: watching tv, playing games etc.

    By the end of the day the student may be exhausted from the activities that were done at school

    and here it is important that parents do something fun and entertaining with them like watch a

    story video, listen to a story, play card games etc.

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    II. Methodology

    This research paper is a qualitative research, where the main purpose is to identify how are

    students with autism motivated to learn English Language, and which strategies teacher

    considers to be most effective on their English Languageacquisition. For this research I started

    gathering data, information about autism disorder from different sources so we can understand

    human’s behavior and difficulties that autistic student face during their studies.

    Research paper is based on the observation done in the classroom and interviews with English

    teacher, Meduare Rogova in “Zekeria Rexha” school, and online interview with English teacher

    Lumturi Kalbaj who works in “100 Vjetori” school in Tirana. The interview questions will be

    conducted on this research paper.

    Following I gathered some information from Handikos organization about statistics of children

    with autism in Gjakova, there are 14 children with autism registered from which 12 are male and

    2 females and they are all enrolled in school. The director of Handikos claimed that number of

    children with autism is higher but most of the parents don’t want to accept the fact that their

    children have a disorder,

    One of the difficulties that I encountered during the research was the lack of numbers of autistic

    children in public schools, apparently the family of these children hesitate to make it public that

    their children are diagnosed with autism because of mentality in our community.

    While a considerable number of families whose children were diagnosed with autism have

    immigrated to other countries because the better education possibilities for their children.

    Another challenge was that some of the teachers were unwilling to answer my question with the

    excuse that they don’t have time.

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    1.1 Aims of the study

    The aim of this research paper is to identify the most effective methods and strategies that

    educators and teachers use to motivate their students with autism to learn English language.

    Autistic students are part of our society and they have the same rights like each child to be

    educated and develop new abilities, skills, and learning English language can be a good

    opportunity for their employment or future careers.

    2.2 Hypothesis

    Motivating enhances acquisition of students with autism of learning English as foreign


    2.03 Hypothesis and research questions

    - Are Autistic student able to learn English Language?

    - How to motivate students to learn English Language?

    - What characteristics are expected from a teacher who works with autistic students to


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    III. Discussion and Findings

    Current research paper done with English teachers has shown that motivation is very important

    part of teaching. Motivation means you have to challenge, encourage and bring interest to your

    autistic students to learn English language which is one of the most spoken languages in the


    “Motivation has been widely accepted by both teachers and researchers as one of the key factors

    that influences the rate and success of second/ foreign language” (Döryci 1998:117)

    It won’t be wrong if it’s said that probably most students in the world study English because it is

    in their curriculum (Hamer, 2001)

    Based from the two interviews that were done with English teachers in two different schools, it

    was mentioned that each teacher who will teach English language to autistic student should first

    of all consider to read and gain some knowledge about autism and the best ways they can teach

    them. Many teachers feel under stress or may feel lack of confidence in their ability to teach an

    autistic student in inclusive classroom but lately teachers on their own were seeking for different

    trainings such as: workshops, conferences, educational qualifications in different institutes in and

    out of country. The bests way to teach students with autism is to:

    know the student,

    to make a list of the weaknesses and strength that student has,

    to make a note of the activities or tasks that can raise panic or anxiety for students and

    trying to avoid them.

    Autistic student should be sited in the first raw to keep him/her concentrated

    According to teachers’ responses in the interview it was concluded that sitting the child with

    autism in the first raw it can be very effective way to keep them focused since very often

    autistic students forget that they are in the class and something that was interesting to them

    in previous week it is not interesting this week. While in other countries usage of technology

    like computers, iPhone, iPad is very common way of teaching but unfortunately in Kosovo

    we have a low number of computers available for usage of all students, there are few CD-

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    players with some CD with English songs that teachers use to teach English words to their

    autistic students.

    Research paper shows some effective strategies that can be used to teach English language

    such as:

    Puzzles Colored pictures with English words in it

    Role playing Printed words

    Song Lyrics Posters

    Using images/ visuals allows students to expand their English language skills by attaching

    word (both spoken and written) to more concrete representation.

    English teacher should minimize the use of Albanian language and try to enforce the English

    language. If using Albanian language to explain content, present activities or giving

    instruction it is obvious that student with autism will try even less to listen or work with

    targetlanguage in this case English language.

    Another important factor on teaching English language to autistic students is the involvement of

    their parents in the teaching process. Interviewers explained that their students with autism

    started loving English language because theirs parents or family members speak English

    language therefore they can help and practice with autistic students. Also, from the interview

    with English teachers they mentioned that kids with autism have a hard time focusing and being

    motivated when there is a bad weather or if they didn’t sleep well. Praising and complementing

    your autistic students anytime that he/she acts appropriately or learns a new skill is very

    beneficial in your teaching process.

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    IV. Recommendations and Conclusion

    After spending a period of time in the classroom and observing the students with autism,

    researching, analyzing different literature and from interviews with teachers who teach autistic

    students, we see the role of teacher is very important in learning English language. Autistic

    students should be motivated by their teachers to face the challenges of learning English, as a

    language that opens the doors of success.

    Close collaboration between parents and teachers is recommended during class and during

    homework. (Hans Asperger, 1944) The teacher should use methods, strategies and techniques

    that stimulates the autistic student. Teachers and parents are recommended to show enthusiasm

    and praise children with autism anytime they reach the goals that are expected from them.

    Each child has the right to continue and pursue the proper education although it appears that

    autistic students do face challenges day to day basis, like: communicating with other people,

    focusing or getting motivated therefore this research brings different useful strategies how to

    motivate and teach them English language as a second language. The research includes teacher’s

    characteristics, teaching resources, classroom managements and how autistic student can learn

    English language skills such as: reading, writing, speaking and listening.

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    V. References

    Darlene E. Perner & Monica E. Delano. A Guide to teaching students with autism spectrum.


    Costley, D.& Keane E, & Clark, T. &Lane, K. A practical guide for teachers with an Autism

    Spectrum Disorder in secondary education. (2012)

    Dr. Hafiz Mudasir, Dr. Mohammad Yousuf Ganai. Personality Characteristics, Attitude and

    Emotional Intelligence among secondary level teachers. (2017)

    Koegel, R. L., & Koegel, L. K. - Teaching children with autism: Strategies for initiating

    interactions and improving learning opportunities (1995)


    Arnett, K. Supporting World Language Learning for Students with Disabilities. Retrieved from

    (acc. 30.01.2018).

    Autism Speaks. Retrieved From

    kit/diagnosis-causes-symptoms (acc. 04.02.2018).

    Brown, D. & Ford, K. Communication Strategies for All Classrooms: Focusing on English

    Language Learners and Students with Learning Disabilities. Retrieved

    from (acc. 15.01.2018).

    Bhargava, H. What Does the Word ‘Autism’ Mean?

    Retrieved from (acc.


    History of autism. Retrieved from (acc. 01.02.2018).

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    VI. Appendix



    1. Please circle your educational qualification:

    a) English Teacher Bachelor’s Degree

    b) English Teacher Master’s Degree

    c) English Teacher PHD Degree

    2. Which trainings have you attended?

    a) Educational

    b) Strategy

    c) Lesson Plan

    d) Methodology

    If others, please write the name of the training:

    3.Do you have students with autism that you teach?

    4.Which are some of the challenges that you face during inclusive teaching?

    5.How do you motivate your students with autism to learn English as foreign language?

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    6.What strategies do you use while teaching students with autism?

    7. Are students with autism able to finish all the tasks that are required during the class?

    8.Is your classroom equipped with teaching resources such as: media, texts, projectors etc.?

    9. What are your communication methods with parents of autistic students?

    10.How is your classroom arranged?

    11.How do you assess student’s academic, behavioral and emotional progress?

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