Department of Tarbiyat · Prophet (sa). Allah Taa [la accepted his prayer. The Holy Prophet (sa)...

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Department of Tarbiyat

Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

and promote “Love for all, Hatred for none” C a n a d a

10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 |

Friday Sermon – October 18, 2019 [Germany]

اشھد ان ال اله اال ہللا وحدہ ال شریک له و اشھد ان محمدا عبدہ و رسوله

اما بعد فاعوذ باہلل من الشیطان الرجیم ۔ بسم ہللا الرحمن الرحیم

ين عال

ـه رب ال

حمد لل

حيم ۔ ال ن الر

حمـ ين ۔ الر ستعين ۔ مالك يوم الد

اك ن عبد وإي

اك ن ۔ إي

راط ا الص


ستقيم ۔ ال

يهم وال

ضوب عل

غ ير ال

يهم غ

عمت عل

نذين أ


ين صراط

ال الض

In today’s Friday Sermon, Hazoor Anwar (aa) continued to narrate about the blessed

companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa). Hazoor said that the companions were of a

high spiritual status, attained nearness of Allah and Allah also blessed them greatly in return.

One companion of the Holy Prophet (sa) was Hazrat Khubaib bin Adi (ra). His spiritual status

was so high that before being martyred, he prayed to Allah to convey his Salaam to the Holy

Prophet (sa). Allah Taa’la accepted his prayer. The Holy Prophet (sa) was informed through

revelation while he was sitting among his companions. He replied by saying Salaam and

informed the other companions about the martyrdom of Hazrat Khubaib (ra).

History has recorded the testimony of a lady in whose house Hazrat Khubaib was kept as

prisoner before being executed. She narrates that we used to watch him and marvel over how

he recited Quran and offered prayers with extreme pain and passion. Once I asked him if he

needed anything. He replied no; however, he asked for three things. He asked for cold water,

asked her not to give him meat sacrificed at the altar of idols and asked her to inform him when

the day of his execution is decided. She says that when the day came and I informed him, by

God, Hazrat Khubaib did not show any apprehension over his death.

She says that he asked me for a razor to clean himself up. Without thinking much about it, I

sent my son to give him a razor. When my son handed him the razor, he said you are very brave

and remarked that did your mother not fear that I may betray you? When the mother showed

some fear that Hazrat Khubaib might kill my son to avenge himself, Hazrat Khubaib said that I

am not such that I will kill him. Our religion does not teach us betrayal.

He was taken to be executed on the following day. The whole of Mecca gathered to watch as he

was crucified. Before being put on the cross, he sought permission to offer 2 Raka’at of prayers

Department of Tarbiyat

Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

and promote “Love for all, Hatred for none” C a n a d a

10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 |

which was granted. Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) writes that at this time, Abu Sufian asked him that

do you not wish that Muhamad (sa) was here in place of you? Hazrat Khubaib instantly replied

no. How could you say this? By God, I prefer being killed than a thorn hurting the foot of the

Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa).

Hazoor (aa) commented that such was the love of the Holy Prophet (sa) among the companions

and their zeal and passion for serving Islam. His only wish was to offer prayers before being

executed and to send Salaam upon the Holy Prophet (sa). Allah fulfilled these desires.

Hazoor Anwar (aa) also announced the funeral of Khawaja Rashid-ud-Din sahib. He was born in

Qadian in 1933. His father was appointed as the first Sadr of Khuddan-ul-Ahmadiyya. He came

to UK in 1958 and worked with British Airways for 33 years. He also served Jama’at immensely

including serving as Head of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya and National General Secretary. He was a

pious person constantly immersed in prayers. May Allah grant him His forgiveness!

Ashra Salaat

As previously announced, Jama’at Ahmadiyya Canada is celebrating Ashra Salaat from Oct 15 –

Oct 24, 2019. Allah says in the Holy Quran:

وتاوق منين کتبا م

ؤ ی ال

ت عل




ل ان الص

Verily Prayer is enjoined on the believers to be performed at fixed hours. (4:104)

ہ یک اپدنبی ےک اسھت رفض ےہ۔

(104)ااسنلء، اتی انیقی امنز ومونمں رپ اکی وتق رقمر

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (ra) relates that the Holy Prophet (sa) said: Shall I tell you something whereby Allah would wipe out your sins and raise your status? Those present said: Certainly, Messenger of Allah. The Prophet (sa) said: When it is cold and you heart is not inclined, still performing the ablution carefully, walking to the mosque from far, and waiting eagerly for the next Salat after one is finished. This is your striving in the cause of Allah. The Holy Prophet (sa) repeated this twice. (Muslim)

Department of Tarbiyat

Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

and promote “Love for all, Hatred for none” C a n a d a

10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 |

The Promised Messiah (as) states: Hence, take refuge with God Almighty and observe your Prayers with strict regularity. Sometimes people will only offer one Prayer, but remember that there is no concession in the matter of Prayer. Even the Prophets were not excused. It is recorded in a Hadith that a newly converted party of Muslims came to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and they asked to be granted relief from offering the daily Prayers. However, the Holy Prophet (sa) said: ‘A religion bereft of action is no religion at all.’ Never forget this point.

وتق یک امنز ڑپھ ےتیل ںیہ۔ ’’رضحت ادقس حیسم وموعد رفامےت ںیہ: م ےس ڑپوھ۔ یھبک ولگ اکی یہ زتلا ور امنزوں وک اباقدعہ ا دخا اعتیل یک رطف انپہ ول ا

یلص اہلل ہیلع وملس ےک اپس اکی یئن امجتع یھب اعمف ںیہن وہںیئ۔ اکی دحثی ںیم اای ےہ ہک روسل اہلل امنزںی اعمف ںیہن وہںیت۔ ربمغیپوں وک

ہ ذمبہ ھچک ںیہن۔اس ابت وک وخب اید روھک۔ ےن رفایام ہک سج ذمبہ ںیم لمع ںیہن و

‘‘ ایئ۔ اوہنں ےن امنز یک اعمیف اچیہ۔ اپ

Third condition of Bai’at: “That he/she shall regularly offer the five daily Prayers in accordance with the commandments of God and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa)…” Regarding this condition of Bai’at, Huzoor-e-Anwar (may Allah be his Helper) states: “The first point mentioned in this condition is that the initiate will observe five daily Prayers in accordance with the commandment of Allah and His Messenger (sa). The commandment of Allah is that men and women as well as children who have reached the age of ten should offer Prayers at their appointed times. Men have been commanded to establish five daily Prayers in congregation, to visit the mosques and inhabit them, and to search for the Grace of Allah. There is no concession in the matter of five daily Prayers.”

Department of Tarbiyat

Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

and promote “Love for all, Hatred for none” C a n a d a

10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 |

ور روسل ےک ادا رکات رےہ اگ۔ ۔۔’’رسیتی رشط تعیب: ‘‘ہی ہک الب انہغ چنپ وہتق امنز وماقف مکح دخا ا

: ور ’’ اس رشط ےک ابرہ ںیم وضحر اونر ادیہ اہلل اعتیل رصنبہ ازعلزی رفامےت ںیہ ن ںیم ربمن اکی وت یہی ےہ ہک اہلل ا ا اس رشط ںیم وج ابںیت ایبن یک یئگ ںیہ

ن وچب ور ا ےئلیک۔ ا ور وعروتں دوونں ور روسل اک مکح ےہ رمدوں ا دا رکے اگ۔ اہلل ا وتق امنزںی الب انہغ ا وسل ےک مکح ےک اطمقب اپچن ں ےئلیک یھب وج دس ر

ن وک اابد رکو، اسل یک رمع وک چنہپ ےکچ ںیہ ہک و۔ دجسموں ںیم اجو، ا دایگیئ اک اامتہم رک دا رکو۔ رمدوں ےئلیک ہی مکح ےہ ہک امنز اب امجتع یک ا امنز وتق رپ ا

رایں ، ہحفص ‘‘اس ےک لضف وک التش رکو۔ چنپ وتق امنز ںیم وکیئ وھچٹ ںیہن ےہ۔ ور ادمحی یک ذہم دا [48]رشاطئ تعیب ا

During this Ashra, all Jama’at members are urged to pay special attention towards daily prayers

and make extra efforts in this regard. May Allah enable us to improve ourselves in this regard

and make these improvements a permanent aspect of our lives! Ameen


م اک ذرک ریخ اجری رفامای۔ ہی وہ ولگ ےھت وج ڑبے اقمم ےک اج ےک ہبطخ ہعمج ںیم وضحر اونر ادیہ اہلل اعتیل ےن روسل اہلل معلص ےک گنج دبر ےک احصہب رکا

ور اہلل اعتیل اک رقب زا۔ ےھت ا ور رھپ اہلل اعتیل ےن یھب اںیھن تہب ونا احلص رکےن واےل ےھت ا

پ ابج اپ وک دیہش ایک اجےن اگل وت ااکپ رواحین اقمم اس دقر دنلب اھت ہک ۔ریض اہلل ہنع اھت بیبخ نب دعیروسل اہلل معلص ےک اکی احصیب اک انم رضحت

ے۔ روسل اہلل معلصےن ے اہلل ریما السم روسل اہلل معلص وک اچنہپ د اس وتق ا ےن اسںویھں ےک اسھت ےھٹی وہ ے ےھت۔ اہلل اعتیل ےن داع رفامیئ ہک ا

ور ابیق اسںویھں وک ذبرہعی ویح اوکپ رضحت بیبخ یک اہشدت یک ربخ دی۔ ربخ دی وت روسل اہلل معلص ےن السم اہک ا

ور ڑبے دیق ںیم مہ ولگ اپ وک سج رھگ ںیم رضحت بیبخ وک دیقی راھک ایگ اھت واہں یک اکی اخوتن ایبن رکیت ںیہ ہک درد ےس رقان رکمی یک التوت ا

ن ےس وپاھچ ہک ےھت وہ ے داھکی رکےت امنز ڑپےتھ ہ یتہک ںیہ ہک اکی رمہبت ںیم ےن ا ںیہن۔ اہں اکی ابت اپ ےن اہک ایک اہمتری وکیئ رضورت ےہ۔ ۔ و

ے دو۔ دورسا ہی ور رسیتا ہی ہک بج ریمے لتق اک ہک ےھجم وہ وگتش ہن دانی ےہ ہک ےھجم ڈنھٹا اپین د دن ا ے وت ےسج مت ولوگں ےن وتبں ےئلیک رقابن ایک وہ۔ ا

ور ںیم ےن اپ وک ربخ دی وت اہلل یک مسق ہک رضحت بیبخ ےن اینپ ومت یک ھچک ہ یتہک ںیہ ہک بج اپ ےک لتق اک دن اای ا رک ہن یک۔ےھجم اتب دانی۔و

ےک اہھت ارتسا اںیھن اوجھا دای۔ بج اوھنں ےن ھجم ےس اکی ارتسا اماگن ات وہ اینپ احتل درتس رک ںیل۔ وہ یتہک ںیہ ہک ںیم ےن ریغب وسےچ ےھجمس ا ےن ےٹیب

ن وک ارتسا دای ری اک وخف ںیہن اای۔ اہبدر ےہ۔ ایک ےھجت ریمی امں وک ریمی وت ڑباوت رضحت بیبخ ےن اس ےس اہک ہک ریمے ےٹیب ےن ا بج امں ےن ھچک دغا

ںیم ااسی ںیہن وہں ہک اےس لتق رک دںی وت رضحت بیبخ ےن رفامای ہک وخف اک ااہظر ایک ہک ںیہک رضحت بیبخ اانپ دبہل ےنیل ےئلیک ریمے ےٹیب وک لتق ہن

ری ںیہن رکےت۔ رکوں۔ مہ ا ےن دنی ںیم دغا

Department of Tarbiyat

Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

and promote “Love for all, Hatred for none” C a n a d a

10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 |

ور امتم ہکم واےل اپ وک د اےلگ دن اوکپ لتق ےن دو ےئک اجےن ےس لبق رضحت بیبخ ں پ بی رپ لتق ےنھکی ےئلیک عمج وہ ےئگ۔ اہیرکےن ےئلیک ےل ےئگ ا

ے دی یئگ۔ دا یک۔ رتعک امنز ڑپےنھ یک ااجزت اچیہ سج یک اپ وک ااجزت د رضحت حلصم وموعد رفامےت ںیہ ہک اس اپ ےن رصتخما دو راعکت امنز ا

ہی مت ایک دنسپ ںیہن رکےت ہک اہمتری ہگج اج اہیں دمحم )معلص( وہ؟ رضحت بیبخ ےن رفامای ہک وپاھچ ہک ہک ایک مت رضحت بیبخ ےس اوب ایفسن ےن ومعق رپ

ے۔ ںیم دنسپ رکات وہں ےتہک وہ۔ ریمے ےئل رمان رتہب ےہ اجب ے اس ےک ہک روسل اہلل معلص ےک اپوں ںیم اکی اکاٹن یھب اپ وک فیلکت د

ن اہلل وضحر اونر ےن رفامای ہک م روضا ہک دو رتعک یک تبحم ر ہی اھت احصہب رکا ور االسم یک اخرط دفاتیئ اک ذجہب۔ اپ یک ارگ وکیئ وخاشہ یھت وت ہی وسل ا

دا رک ولں ای روسل اہلل معلص کت ریما السم چنہپ اج ے۔ ہی دوونں وخااشہ ت اہلل اعتیل ےن وپری رفامںیئ۔امنز ا

ںیم اقداین ںیم دیپا وہ ے۔ اپ ےک وادل وک رضحت حلصم وموعد ۱۹۳۳۔ اپ یک امنز انجزہ اک االعن رفامای اصبح رکمم وخاہج ردیش ادلنیوضحر اونر ےن

ر بختنم ایک اھت۔ اپ م االدمحہی اک الہپ دص ور ۱۹۵۸ےن دخا ے ںیم ونرکی ےک اسھت اسھت امجتع یک تہب ۳۳ںیم وی ےک ا ے ا اسل ربشٹ اریئو

ور لنشین رنجل م االدمحہی ا رکیسرٹی دختم یک۔ اپ تہب داع وگ زبرگ ےھت۔ اہلل اعتیل اپ ےس رفغمت اک ولسک دختم یک سج ںیم وطبر دصر دخا

رفام ے۔