Department Specific Hospital Assessment Tool (Version 1.0) Dinesh Somuri Akhil Kadiyala Dr. Ashok...

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Department Specific Department Specific Hospital Assessment Tool Hospital Assessment Tool

(Version(Version 1.0) 1.0)

Dinesh SomuriAkhil Kadiyala

Dr. Ashok KumarDepartment of Civil Engineering

University of Toledo


Create a pollution prevention tool for assessment of Create a pollution prevention tool for assessment of hospital waste generated in various departments in a hospital waste generated in various departments in a

Tool must award an index/score to each department of Tool must award an index/score to each department of the hospital that helps in better understanding of the the hospital that helps in better understanding of the improvements that can be made in different avenues.improvements that can be made in different avenues.

Tool needs to provide cleaner alternatives and easily Tool needs to provide cleaner alternatives and easily compare the sustainability of one hospital with the sustainability of one hospital with other.


A comprehensive literature review on the types of pollutants produced A comprehensive literature review on the types of pollutants produced in each department of hospital, types of treatment methods adopted, in each department of hospital, types of treatment methods adopted, types of recycling techniques used and various facilities in the types of recycling techniques used and various facilities in the hospitals is done.hospitals is done.

The tool is developed based on the knowledge obtained from the The tool is developed based on the knowledge obtained from the literature.literature.

The tool is developed based on simple YES/NO questions.The tool is developed based on simple YES/NO questions.

Points are allotted to each question that relates to standard practices Points are allotted to each question that relates to standard practices and regulations.and regulations.

Recommendations are provided to become compliant in the end along Recommendations are provided to become compliant in the end along with scores.with scores.

Sections in D-HAT 1.0Sections in D-HAT 1.0

Title SheetTitle Sheet


Surgery DepartmentSurgery Department

Emergency DepartmentEmergency Department

Psychiatric DepartmentPsychiatric Department

Dialysis DepartmentDialysis Department


Nursing Home CareNursing Home Care

Radiology DepartmentRadiology Department

Scores SheetScores Sheet

Home Page of D-HAT 1.0Home Page of D-HAT 1.0

Questions on Surgery DepartmentQuestions on Surgery Department

Types of wastes produced in the department.Types of wastes produced in the department.

Separate waste storage areas.Separate waste storage areas.

Labeling of wastes.Labeling of wastes.

Treatment procedures followed.Treatment procedures followed.

Recycling of the surgical tools.Recycling of the surgical tools.

Screenshot of Questions under Surgery Screenshot of Questions under Surgery DepartmentDepartment

Questions on Emergency DepartmentQuestions on Emergency Department

Segregation of wastes.Segregation of wastes.

Waste carrying containers.Waste carrying containers.

Sanitizing and reuse of graduated measuring Sanitizing and reuse of graduated measuring containers.containers.

Employee Training.Employee Training.

Screenshot of Questions under Screenshot of Questions under Emergency DepartmentEmergency Department

Questions on Psychiatric DepartmentQuestions on Psychiatric Department

Weekly area inspection for signs of spills or container Weekly area inspection for signs of spills or container deterioration?deterioration?

Provision of a source reduction plan.Provision of a source reduction plan.

Treatment of wastes produced in the department.Treatment of wastes produced in the department.

Do you recycle batteries, fluorescent lamps, paints Do you recycle batteries, fluorescent lamps, paints and mercury.and mercury.

Screenshot of Questions under Screenshot of Questions under Psychiatric departmentPsychiatric department

Questions on Dialysis Questions on Dialysis DepartmentDepartment

Inspection of waste.Inspection of waste.

Handling universal waste separately from other Handling universal waste separately from other hazardous wastes?hazardous wastes?

Heating/Ventilating upgrades.Heating/Ventilating upgrades.

Replacing of lab chemicals that uses mercury.Replacing of lab chemicals that uses mercury.

Screenshot of Questions under Screenshot of Questions under Dialysis DepartmentDialysis Department

Questions on LaboratoriesQuestions on Laboratories

Alternatives to PVC and DEHP containing products.Alternatives to PVC and DEHP containing products.

Segregation of chemotherapy wastes.Segregation of chemotherapy wastes.

Solid waste reduction strategy.Solid waste reduction strategy.

Disposal of lead containing items in aprons and lead Disposal of lead containing items in aprons and lead packaging.packaging.

Screenshot of Questions under Screenshot of Questions under LaboratoriesLaboratories

Questions on Nursing Home CareQuestions on Nursing Home Care

Usage of reusable medical instruments instead of Usage of reusable medical instruments instead of disposable instruments.disposable instruments.

MSDS sheets maintenance and availability to all MSDS sheets maintenance and availability to all employees.employees.

Recycling of universal wastes like batteries, paints Recycling of universal wastes like batteries, paints and paint thinner, fluorescent lamps etc.and paint thinner, fluorescent lamps etc.

Screenshot of Questions under Nursing Screenshot of Questions under Nursing Home CareHome Care

Questions on Radiology DepartmentQuestions on Radiology Department

Treatment of radioactive isotopes.Treatment of radioactive isotopes.

Use of non-toxic or less toxic alternatives for Use of non-toxic or less toxic alternatives for janitorial chemicals.janitorial chemicals.

Reduction/Elimination of chlorine-containing Reduction/Elimination of chlorine-containing supplies, and reduction in the amount discarded that supplies, and reduction in the amount discarded that goes to the medical waste incinerators.goes to the medical waste incinerators.

Screenshot of Questions under Screenshot of Questions under Radiology DepartmentRadiology Department

DHAT SpecificationsDHAT Specifications

To run D-HAT 1.0 Microsoft Excel is needed.To run D-HAT 1.0 Microsoft Excel is needed.

DHAT 1.0 can be downloaded from DHAT 1.0 can be downloaded from

NOTE: “Development of a Tool for the Assessment NOTE: “Development of a Tool for the Assessment of Department Specific Hospital Waste” to be of Department Specific Hospital Waste” to be published in Environmental Progress.published in Environmental Progress.

Evaluation MethodEvaluation Method

The overall DHAT The overall DHAT evaluation score is evaluation score is obtained by adding obtained by adding sectional scores.sectional scores.

The sectional scores The sectional scores and overall scores can and overall scores can be seen below in the be seen below in the Scores screenshot.Scores screenshot.

Screenshot of Suggestions in Surgery Screenshot of Suggestions in Surgery DepartmentDepartment

Screenshot of Suggestions in Screenshot of Suggestions in Emergency DepartmentEmergency Department

Screenshot of Suggestions in Screenshot of Suggestions in Psychiatric DepartmentPsychiatric Department

Screenshot of Suggestions in Dialysis Screenshot of Suggestions in Dialysis DepartmentDepartment

Screenshot of Suggestions in Screenshot of Suggestions in LaboratoriesLaboratories

Screenshot of Suggestions in Nursing Screenshot of Suggestions in Nursing Home CareHome Care

Screenshot of Suggestions in Screenshot of Suggestions in Radiology departmentRadiology department


A user friendly tool that consists of YES/NO type A user friendly tool that consists of YES/NO type questions has been developed.questions has been developed.

The tool provides a summary of all the applicable The tool provides a summary of all the applicable regulations and practices that the various departments regulations and practices that the various departments of a hospital are in compliance with and not in of a hospital are in compliance with and not in compliance with.compliance with.

The sectional score helps in the detailed evaluation of The sectional score helps in the detailed evaluation of compliance related issues and take corrective compliance related issues and take corrective measures to become compliance.measures to become compliance.