Deposed answering affidavit - DStv

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ttv (PTY) LTD Applicant


















Case number:26166/2015

In the matter between:

1st Respondent


3rd Respondent

4th Respondent

5th Respondent

6th Respondent

7th Respondent

8th Respondent

9th Respondent







14111 Respondent

15th Respondent



I, the undersigned,


do hereby make oath and say that:

1. I am the Director of Regulatory and Legal Affairs of Electronic Media

Network (Pty) Limited (M-Net) at 137 Bram Fischer Drive, Randburg.

2. I am duly authorised to oppose this application and depose to this

answering affidavit on behalf of M-Net.

3. The contents of this affidavit are true and correct and, unless otherwise

stated, fall within my personal knowledge and experience.

4. I have followed and been involved in key aspects of the broadcasting

digital migration planning process since 2005. In the course of my

regulatory work at M-Net I have monitored and made submissions on

the development and implementation of television broadcasting policy

and regulations. Digital migration has been a key area of focus for

M-Net which, as a terrestrial television broadcaster, is directly affected

by the digital migration process. I have also played a broader advisory

role as a co-chairperson of the Content Committee of the ministerial

Digital Migration Working Group and as a member of the Digital


Dzonga Advisory Councils established by Ministers of Communications

Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri and Siphiwe Nyanda to oversee the

implementation of digital migration in South Africa.

5. Where I make factual allegations which are within the knowledge of

other persons, I refer the Court to their confirmatory affidavits filed with

this affidavit.

6. Where I deal with technological aspects of 'digital migration', 'STBs',

'conditional access' and 'encryption', I refer the Court to the

confirmatory affidavit of Gerhardus Jacobus van Eeden.

7. Where I make submissions of a legal nature, I do so on the advice of

M-Net's legal representatives, which I believe to be correct.


8. The issues canvassed in the affidavits and documents in this

application involve a number of technological concepts and terms

which are specific to the television broadcasting industry. The key

terms which are used, and the meanings which I ascribe to them, are

set out hereunder:

8.1. Analogue terrestrial television broadcasting: terrestrial

television where the broadcast signal is in analogue format;


8.2. Conditional access (CA): a broad term referring to a range of

security technologies which enable a television broadcaster to

restrict access to its broadcast content based on payment or the

use of an authorised device. Conditional access generally

includes the encryption of television broadcast signals (known as

full conditional access, as used by subscription television

broadcasters), but the term is also used to refer to

software-based security technologies which do not include the

encryption of television broadcast signals;

8.3. Control systema'STB control: uniquely South African terms,

initially proposed by the SABC in May 2008 to refer to software-

based security technologies which do not include the encryption

of television broadcast signals;

8.4. Digital migration: the transition from analogue broadcasting to

digital broadcasting;

8.5. Digital terrestrial television broadcasting (DTT): terrestrial

television where the broadcast signal is in digital format;

8.6. Encryption: the use of cryptography to scramble television

broadcast signals so that they can only be unscrambled and

viewed by those who have the software necessary to decrypt

those signals;


8.7. Free-to-air broadcasting services: broadcasting services

which viewers can access without having to pay a subscription


8.8. Integrated digital television set (1DTV): a television set with a

built in digital tuner for receiving DVB-T2 transmissions, which

dispenses with the need for a set top box for converting digital

signals for reception on a television set;

8.9. Satellite television broadcasting: transmission of television

broadcast signals via geostationary communication satellites;

8.10. Set top box (SIB): a device capable of receiving DTT

broadcast signals and converting those back into analogue

format so that viewers with analogue television sets are able to

continue to watch television broadcasting services. In this

affidavit this term is used to refer only to the STB required to

view free-to-air terrestrial television broadcasting services;

8.11. Subscription broadcasting services: broadcasting services

which viewers can access only by paying a subscription fee;

8.12. Terrestrial television broadcasting: transmission of television

broadcast signals via terrestrial transmitters.


9. In what follows, unless I indicate otherwise —

9.1. my reference to 'free-to-air broadcasters' and to 'free-to-air

broadcast signals' should be taken to refer to free-to-air

terrestrial broadcasters and broadcast signals;

9.2. my reference to 'STBs' should be taken to refer to free-to-air

DII STBs; and

93. my reference to a 'control system with encryption' should be

taken to refer to a control system in an STB which includes the

capability to 'encrypt' and 'decrypt' broadcast signals (encryption



10. This application concerns the Broadcasting Digital Migration Policy for

South Africa which was published by the Minister of Communications

(the Minister) on 8 September 2008 and amended on 7 February 2012,

17 February 2012, and 18 March 2015 (the Policy) in terms of

section 3(1) of the Electronic Communications Act, 36 of 2005 (the


11. In what follows I refer to the relevant iterations of the Policy as 'the

2008 Policy',1 'the 2012 Policy'2 and 'the 2015 Policy'.3

The Policy published on 8 September 2008I \J2 The Policy foliowing its amendment on 7 February 2012 and 17 February 2012

The Policy following its amendment on 18 March 2015


12. The main relief sought by relates to two clauses inserted in the

Policy by amendment on 18 March 2015 (the impugned amendments):

12.1. Clause 5.1.2(A), also referred to as 'the non-mandatory STB

control amendment', which provides as follows:

"In keeping with the objectives of ensuring universal access tobroadcasting seivices in South Africa and protecting governmentinvestment in subsidised 5Th market, STB control system in thefree-to-air DTT will be non-mandatoty."

12.2. Clause 5.1.2(B)(a), also referred to as 'the encryption

amendment', which provides as follows:

"The STB control system for the free-to-air DTT STBs shall.. .nothave capabilities to encrypt broadcasting signals for thesubsidised STBs."

13. seeks an order -

13.1. reviewing and setting aside the Minister's decision to enact the

impugned amendments;

13.2. declaring the impugned amendments unlawful and invalid; and

13.3. 'remedying' an alleged defect in the non-mandatory STB control


14. I have read founding affidavit deposed to by Lara Jane Kantor.

Insofar as Ms Kantor deals with technological aspects of digital

migration, STBs, and encryption, I point out that she does not refer to

any qualifications which permit her to give evidence on these issues.


15. As will appear from what follows, M-Net contends that has failed to

make out a case for the relief which it seeks.

16. In this affidavit,

16.1. I set out M-Net's general response to the application,

canvassing —

16.1.1. M-Net's case in overview;

16.1.2.'s claim to standing in the public interest;

16.1.3. the background to the application;

16.1.4. the implications of an SIB control system with


16.1.5. the reviewability of the impugned amendments;

16.1.6. the lawfulness of the encryption amendment;

16.1.7. the rationality of the encryption amendment;

16.1.8. the rationality of the non-mandatory STB control


16.1.9. the procedural fairness of the impugned amendments;


16.1.10. the relief sought by; and


16.2. I deal with the individual allegations in the founding affidavit.


M-Net's case in overview

17. wishes to encrypt its free-to-air television broadcast signals in the

DTT environment. It is the only free-to-air television broadcaster in

South Africa which wishes to do so, and its intention is at odds with the

global trend. The overwhelming majority of free-to-air terrestrial

television broadcasters worldwide do not encrypt their broadcast


18. The reasons which puts forward for wishing to encrypt its free-to-

air broadcast signals are based on flawed and incorrect assumptions

which are contradicted by's own previous statements.

19. Contrary to the misconceptions promulgated by in its founding

affidavit, and by recent commentators in the media, encryption of free-

to-air broadcasting signals —

19.1. is not required to prevent piracy of television broadcasting

content. As I explain below, this objective is met by the

incorporation in the STB of High-bandwidth Digital Content

Protection (HDCP), a form of digital copy protection which

prevents unauthorised copying of content. The standard

developed by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) for


STBs, SANS 862:2013 Edition 2.1 (the National Standard),

explicitly requires the inclusion of HDCP in STBs;

19.2. is required to enable free-to-air broadcasters to obtain high

definition content. As I explain below, the majority of free-to-air

terrestrial broadcasters worldwide broadcast their signals

unencrypted and obtain and broadcast high definition content.

These broadcasters include, in the United Kingdom, the public

broadcaster, the BBC, and public commercial broadcasters llV

and Channel 5; in the United States, the public broadcaster

PBS, and commercial broadcasters ABC, NBC and CBS; and in

Australia, the public broadcaster ABC and commercial

broadcasters Seven Network, Nine Network, Network Ten and

SBS. Leading international programme suppliers do not require

encryption of their programmes on free-to-air terrestrial

networks; and

19.3. is not required to prevent the importation and sale of cheap, poor

quality STBs to the public. As I explain below, this objective will

be addressed by a range of conformance measures to protect

consumers against poor quality products, including the adoption

of the National Standard, the certification of compliant products,

and consumer education on the risks of purchasing STBs which

are not certified.


20. At the heart of's challenge is the claim that the encryption

amendment will directly preclude free-to-air terrestrial broadcasters

from encrypting their broadcast signals in respect of the five million

households which will have government-subsidised STBs, and

indirectly preclude them from deciding to encrypt their signals at all.

Both parts of this claim are unfounded and untrue.

21. What does not acknowledge or even disclose is that it can itself

fund the manufacture and provision of its own customised SIBs with

encryption capability for the households which it wishes to reach. As a

commercial broadcaster which, we are told, has identified the

encryption of its signals as 'critical to its business', does not explain

why it expects the cost of this decision to be borne by government.

22. Also absent from's account is a recognition of the transitory role

which the STB is expected to play in the terrestrial television

broadcasting landscape. It has always been accepted that the STB will

be a temporary feature of television broadcasting. It is attractive in the

early stages of digital migration as a low cost means of enabling an

existing analogue television set to receive digital transmissions.

Viewers already using iDTVs when digital migration is concluded will

not need to use STBs at all. When, as has happened globally, iDTV5

become more widely available and affordable, the STB will become



23. If the government-subsidised SIBs were to incorporate encryption

capability to meet's needs, viewers would be reliant in perpetuity

on STBs and STBs would have to be manufactured, purchased and

maintained indefinitely for's commercial benefit. Since digital tuners

can and will be built into a wide range of consumer products, including

portable TVs, viewers using all of these products would require STBs

as well.

24. also does not deal with the other significant implications of

including encryption capability in STBs, which include not only the cost

but also the technical complexity which it will add to each STB, thus

increasing the risk of SIB malfunction and giving rise to higher

maintenance and repair costs for the consumer, and a higher risk of

replacement. As explained below, the inclusion of encryption capability

also has important implications for emerging manufacturers of STBs in

South Africa.

25. Evidently does not wish to make the investment necessitated by its

decision to encrypt its free-to-air broadcast signals. Instead, it wants

encryption capability to be incorporated in the control system in all the

government-subsidised STBs. Having failed to persuade government of

the merits of its views for purposes of the formulation of government

policy, it now seeks to achieve this objective by way of judicial review. It

seeks, in essence, to usurp government policy for its own commercial



26. acknowledges that its views on the merits of encrypting free-to-air

broadcast signals are 'strenuously contested' by 'certain interested

parties', but asserts that its case does not depend on the Court

determining whether encryption of free-to-air broadcast signals is good

or bad for broadcasters or the country as a whole.

27. In fact,'s views on encryption are unsupported by the facts, have

no support among South African free-to-air television broadcasters,

and are aberrant globally. In these circumstances,'s contention that

it brings this application in the public interest is unsustainable. The

application has self-evidently been brought only in's commercial

interest. Since the reasons afforded by for wishing to encrypt its

free-to-air broadcast signals are groundless, it can only be assumed

that has a different, undisclosed objective.

28. For reasons which will be canvassed in legal argument, the impugned

amendments do not constitute administrative action and are

accordingly not reviewable under the Promotion of Administrative

Justice Act, 3 of 2000 (PAJA). Even if they were, has not

established that the impugned amendments fall to be reviewed and set

aside on any of the PAJA grounds on which it relies.

29. If the making of policy is reviewable as an exercise of public power in

terms of the constitutional principle of legality (a matter for legal

argument at the hearing of the application), the impugned amendments

in any event do not fall foul of legality standards.

14's claim to standing in the public interest

30. claims to bring the application both in its own interest and in the

public interest. For reasons which will be canvassed in legal argument, has failed to make the allegations necessary to establish that it is

has standing to act in the public interest and its claim to such standing

is disputed.

Background to the application

31. The process of developing national policy on broadcasting digital

migration commenced in 2005 with the Minister's establishment of the

Digital Migration Working Group.

32. Among the issues addressed in policy planning were SIBs, which have

a key role to play in digital migration. After digital migration has been

completed, viewers who do not have iDTV5 will require STBs in order

to continue viewing terrestrial television on 'old' television sets with

analogue tuners.

33. As is the case internationally, free-to-air STBs have always been

understood to have a transitory role. As itself explained in

submissions to the Minister in March 2008,


"The box is merely a bridging mechanism to a/low analogue televisionsets to receive a digita/ signal — when digital television sets areavailable on a large scale, the box will no longer be required. Thenotion of such a basic box is in line with international experienceincluding the United Kingdom.'4

34. Since 2005 two key questions related to STBs have been debated:

first, whether STBs should include a 'control system', and second,

whether such a control system should include encryption capability.

35. Government policy and individual television broadcasters' positions on

these issues have fluctuated over the last decade. The debates on

these issues have also been bedevilled by different parties' different

understanding (and interchangeable use) of the key terms 'control

system', 'conditional access' and 'encryption'.

Prior to September 2008

36. In the period leading up to the publication of the 2008 Policy, the main

terrestrial broadcasters (, the SABC and M-Net) were opposed to

the encryption of the broadcasting signals of free-to-air television

broadcasting services and the inclusion of encryption capability in


Paragraph 5.1.4 of the submissions, which will be dealt with in more detail below


37. In submissions to the Department of Communications dated 17 March

2008 (the 2008 submissions, annexed as 'KWI) furnished the

following reasons for its opposition to a control system with encryption

(which it called a 'CA system'):

37.1. CA is a subscription television concept and is 'wholly unsuited to

free-to-air television

37.2. The inclusion of CA in the basic free-to-air SIB 'raises critical

constitutional, economic, financial and competition issues'6 and

'infringes on the right of viewers to freedom of expression'.7

37.3. The inclusion of CA in the basic SIB would add 'complexity and

expense' to the entire digital migration process.8

37.4. 'The use of CA in a free-to-air environment is highly unusual and

untested in comparable jurisdictions'.9

37.5. 'It would ... cause unnecessaty complications down the line,

especially when integrated digital TV sets are introduced into the


(As is evident from its founding affidavit, now holds a position

which directly contradicts the views it expressed in 2008. It does not

offer any meaningful explanation as to why its position has changed.)

Paragraph 2.3 of the 2008 submissions6 Paragraph 2.5 of the 2008 ely submissions

Paragraph of the 2008 submissionsParagraph 3.1.1 of the 2008 submissions

° Paragraph 3.1.2 of the 2008 submissions10 Paragraph of the 2008 ely submissions


38. The SABC articulated its opposition to a control system with encryption

in submissions to the Department of Communications in May 2008

(annexed as 'KW2').

39. In a request for proposals issued by the SABC on 24 June 2008 in

respect of control system software for STBs (annexed as 'KW3') the

specifications required a low-cost, low-maintenance solution

appropriate to a free-to-air market, capable of preventing subsidised

STBs from leaving South Africa, and capable of turning off stolen

STBs, with no encryption of broadcast signals.

The 2008 Policy, the 2012 Policy, and the National Standard

40. The 2008 Policy, published in September 2008, provided that STBs

would have 'a control system to prevent STBs from being used outside

the borders of South Africa and to disable the usage of stolen STBs',11

and 'capabilities to unscramble the encrypted broadcast signals so that

only fully compliant STBs made or authorised for use in South Africa

[could] work on the network'.12

41. In the period which followed, during which various amendments were

made to the Policy, the positions of some individual broadcasters have


Para 5.1.22 of the 2008 Policy12 Para of the 2008 Policy


42., which in 2008 was strongly opposed to a control system with

encryption for STBs, has completely reversed its position. The public

position of the SABC, on the other hand, has varied over time.

43. The 2012 Policy provided that STBs would have 'a robust STB control

system', but deleted the reference in the 2008 Policy to 'capabilities to

unscramble ... encrypted signals'.

44. The Department of Communications, in a presentation on 18 February

2014,13 described this amendment as follows:

"In 2012, an amendment to the BDM Policy was gazetted to soften theuse of the STB Control System. For example, Encryption was droppedbut STB Control maintained to ensure that STBs conform to SABC(South African Bureau of Standards) standards")'4

45. On 1 June 2012 the SABS approved the National Standard (an

updated and full copy of which is attached as 'KW4'), which noted the

need for 'control means ... to prevent subsidised STB decoders from

being used outside South Africa', and provided that the STB decoder

control specification could be obtained by manufacturers from the

incumbent terrestrial free-to-air broadcasting service licensees. No

reference was made to a control system with encryption.

13 Annexure LK3O to the founding affidavit14 Slide 8. Emphasis added


The iudgment

46. On 12 September 2012 instituted an application in the South

Gauteng High Court seeking declaratory relief on the question whether

the Minister had the power to determine who had responsibility for the

set-top box control system' for free-to-air DTT.

47. This relief was sought in circumstances in which Minister Pule had, in

May 2012, appointed the signal distributor Sentech Limited to 'assume

responsibility for the STB control system, despite the Department of

Communications having requested the SABC, in March 2011, to work

in co-operation with other free-to-air broadcasters 'to commence a

process to select a suitable STB Control vendor'.

48. The narrow issue which the Court was called upon to determine was

whether the Minister was entitled to determine who should 'manage'

the control system in SIBs. (On the facts before the Court, STB control

'management' involved the selection and appointment of a suitable

STB control vendor.) On the basis that the ECA draws a clear

distinction between ICASA's power to regulate and the Minister's power

to develop policy, the Court found that ICASA, and not the Minister,

had the power to decide this issue, and that in the absence of any

determination of this issue by ICASA, the responsibility lay with the

free-to-air broadcasters.


49. The judgment is not, as contends, authority for the proposition

that the Minister cannot make policy on the question whether

government-subsidised STBs should have a control system with


Proposed amendments to the 2012 Policy

50. On 21 May 2013 Minister Pule announced in Parliament that she had

taken a decision to review the policy on the 'SIB control system' 'to

make this system non-mandatory. Before any such steps were taken,

Minister Pule was succeeded by Mr Yunus Carrim.

51. On 23 August 2013 Minister Carrim invited interested parties to a

round-table discussion to try to reach consensus on (among other

things) the question whether STBs should have a 'control capability. In

the terms of reference for this process (annexed as 'KW5') the issues

identified to guide the discussion were (a) whether the SIB should

have a 'CA-based control system', and (b) if so, the forms and

modalities of the 'CA-based control system'.

52. On 6 December 2013 Minister Carrim published for comment proposed

amendments to the 2012 Policy (the 2013 proposed amendments)15

which envisaged that a 'control system' for STBs would be mandatory,

but that its 'use' by broadcasters would not be mandatory.

15 Annexure LK3 to the founding affidavit


53. The written comments made in response to the 2013 proposed

amendments reflect a common understanding that Minister Carrim's

reference to a 'control system' meant a control system with encryption.

54. With the exception of, all the terrestrial television broadcasters

opposed the mandatory inclusion of a control system with encryption in


55. The SABC recommended that the 'control system' in STB's should be

non-mandatory and that 'the Department should subsidise the standard

box, which has no conditional access, which box the SABC supports

and will be using'. The SABC also made the point that '[t]here is no

basis for the Department to pay for conditional access because by so

doing it will be paying for commercial broadcasters, which would be in

contravention of the [Public Finance Management Act]'.16

56. Act-SA, on behalf of all seven community television broadcasters in

South Africa, expressed its disappointment at the proposed

amendments requiring all free-to-air STBs to have 'STB control',

describing it as 'a system which benefits only the chosen few who have

vested interests in a short-term technology which has no added value

to the poor'.17

16 Annexure LK12 to the founding affidavitI? Annexure LK14 to the founding affidavit


57. M-Net canvassed comprehensively the flaws in the various arguments

in support of a control system with encryption in STBs,18 and the costs

that would be added to every part of the broadcasting value chain if this

was required.

58. The National Association of Manufacturers of Electronic Components

(NAMEC), representing black-owned small, medium and micro

enterprises in the electronics industry, articulated its continuing

opposition to any form of conditional access and encryption capability

in the STBs on the grounds, among others, that:

58.1. it is an undesirable system that has never been implemented as

a government policy anywhere in the world;

58.2. the costs that the system introduced would be borne by the

South African taxpayer forever; and

58.3. the requirements for manufacturers to produce STBs with

encryption technology would prejudice emerging black

manufacturers entering the market.19

18 Annexure LK13 to the founding affidavit19 Annexure LK1 5 to the founding affidavit


The 2015 Policy

59. The current Minister (Ms Faith Muthambi) published the 2015 Policy on

18 March 2015. In respect of STB control, the 2015 Policy provides


59.1. government-subsidised free-to-air OTT STBs must have a

control system to prevent those STBs from functioning in non-

South African OTT networks;2°

59.2. the STB control system for free-to-air OTT STBs will not have

capabilities to encrypt broadcast signals for the subsidised

STBs;21 and

59.3. depending on the kind of broadcasting services that

broadcasters may want to provide to their customers, individual

broadcasters may at their own cost make decisions regarding

encryption of content.22

60. The current position is accordingly that free-to-air broadcasters who

wish to encrypt their signals may do so, but will have to bear the costs

associated with this decision.

61. At the same time that the 2015 Policy was published, the Department

of Communications announced that Government has decided to fund

the five million government-subsidised STBs fully.

20 Paragraph 5.12.2 of the 2015 Policy21 Paragraph 5.1.2(B)(a) of the 2015 Policy22 Paragraph 5.1.2(c) of the 2015 Policy


The implications of a control system with encryption

Negative impact and effects

62. The far-reaching adverse implications of including a control system with

encryption in STBs have been canvassed fully in the 2008

submissions (annexed as 'KWI), and M-Net's submissions of 3

January 2014 (annexure LK13 to the founding affidavit).

63. Most compelling are the cost implications. The inclusion of a control

system with encryption in the government-subsidised STBs wilt

significantly increase the costs for government and consumers.

64. The encryption system must be procured from an international

encryption vendor. I am not aware of any South African encryption


65. Encryption vendors require approved manufacturers to go through a

security clearance process of certification and licensing. The cost of

this process will be incurred by the manufacturers of the

government-subsidised STBs and simply passed on to government.

66. The STB hardware will be more costly because it will need to be

adapted to accommodate encryption.

67. Encryption vendors will require the payment of annual license fees and

royalties for the use of their proprietary encryption systems.


68. In addition, there are costs associated with the daily maintenance and

management of the encryption system which include the

implementation of business systems to manage the user data base and

a call centre to address activations, de-activations, technical support

and queries.23

69. Many of these cost considerations were highlighted by in its 2008


"4.1.1 The cost of including CA in the basic free-to-air STB Both the CA itself, as well as the various securityelements (necessary only to support CA) which areproposed to be inserted into the STB from the outset,add costs to the basic free-to-air STB. This isunjustifiable in a situation where most South Africansrely on free-to-air television for their information needsand where most cannot afford the STB. Each additionalcost to the basic free-to-air STB makes the STB moreunaffordable for low-income viewers and thereforeinhibits their access to free-to-air television. In addition, the inclusion of CA in the basic STB meansthat, in addition to the royalties payable to the CAvendor for every box, there will be significant ongoingcosts in managing the STB both from a security and asubscriber/viewer management perspective. The costof turning the free-to-air television environment into onewhich is controlled through CA is not a once-off costThese are ongoing costs which are ordinarily carried bypay-TV operators who cover such costs from theirsubscribers. In the free-to-air environment, free-to-airbroadcasters will need to carry these ongoingoperational costs without any additional incomestream. ,,24

23 encryption capability was to be included in the government-subsidised STBs, and nofree-to-air broadcaster decided to use it, these costs would fall to be carried by

government24 Para 4.1.1 of the 2008 submissions


70. At the time that these submissions were made, anticipated that

these costs would impact adversely on the future of its business:

" is deeply concerned that the addition of extensiveoperating costs by the unnecessary inclusion of CA in thebasic free-to-air STB will be passed to broadcasters, As afree-to-air broadcaster which is entirely dependent onadvertising revenue and which has no access to public orstate funding is concerned at the implications on the

future of its business of the unnecessary inclusion of CA inthe basic free-to-air S TB."25

71. Another risk specified by in its 2008 submissions is that the

inclusion of 'cardless' encryption capabilities in STBs increases the risk

of the system being hacked, with the accompanying economic risk. As put it, 'if the system is hacked after the STBs have been rolled out

to the existing eight million TV households, each of these STBs will

have to be replaced'. 26

72. Ultimately the inclusion of a control system with encryption would make

consumers dependent on STBs. Viewers who had iDTVs when the

migration is effected, and viewers who acquired iDTV5 at a later stage,

would nevertheless require STBs27 in order to receive the services of

free-to-air broadcasters who had opted to use encryption, and would

have to continue to use (and maintain and replace) those STBs in


(fr\25 Para of the 2008 submissions26 Para of the 2008 submissions27 Or another device known as a conditional access module


73. The free-to-air STBs, which were conceived of as a temporary solution

(and have been employed as such in other jurisdictions) would thus

become a permanent feature of broadcasting in South Africa.

74. The inclusion of a control system with encryption would also have a

significant adverse impact on emerging electronic manufacturers who

tendered to supply government-subsidised STBs.

75. As NAMEC explained in its submissions on the 2013 proposed

amendments, the inclusion of a control system with encryption will have

numerous adverse consequences for its members.2°

76. The encryption of the signals of free-to-air broadcasters is both unusual

and undesirable. Encryption is usually used by subscription

broadcasters which wish to prevent non-subscribers from accessing

their services. The technology is costly to operate, but is considered

essential by subscription broadcasters to protect their subscription


77. As is confirmed in the affidavit of Andrew John Snoad, filed with this

affidavit, Futuresource Consulting Limited (Futuresource), a specialist

research and consulting firm which provides services to a range of

industry sectors, including the broadcasting sector, has found that —

28 Annexure LK15 to the founding affidavit


77.1. more than 150 countries worldwide have commenced or

completed digital migration and, with the exception of Ukraine,

Futuresource was unable to identify any country which has

required the encryption of terrestrial free-to-air broadcast


77.2. the possibility of requiring encryption was debated, but rejected,

in countries such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and

Singapore, for reasons which included the cost implications and

the inappropriateness of encrypting public broadcasting


77.3. certain countries, such as Tanzania, Malaysia, Uganda and

Kenya, have provided for the optional inclusion in STBs of a

'smart card reader' or 'DVB-Cl (Common Interface) slot', which

allows for the optional introduction of encryption, but does not

require the encryption of free-to-air services, and free-to-air

services have continued to be broadcast unencrypted; and

77.4. in most jurisdictions the free-to-air OTT STBs which have been

introduced to the market have not contained encryption



The alleged necessity of a control system with encryption

78. contends that the encryption of free-to-air broadcasting signals is

required for three main purposes: to enable free-to-air broadcasters to

protect their content from piracy; to enable free-to-air broadcasters to

obtain high definition content; and to prevent the importation and sale

of cheap, poor quality STBs.

79. As I have indicated above, encryption is not required for any of these


80. The incorporation of HDCP in STBs (in accordance with the National

Standard)29 will prevent unauthorised copying of content.

81. As is confirmed by Mr Snoad, most free-to-air broadcasters worldwide

do not encrypt their signals, and are nevertheless able to, and do,

obtain high definition television content from international studios and

other sources. As is evident from the letters annexed as 'KW6' and

'KW7' respectively:

81.1. CBS Studios International (CBS), a leading supplier of

programming to the international television market, does not

require encryption of its programming (in respect of standard

definition or high definition content) for free-to-air linear

broadcast over analogue or digital terrestrial networks; and

29 Table 1 of the National Standard


81.2. The Walt Disney Company Limited (Walt Disney), another

leading supplier of programming to the international television

market, when licensing programming content (including high

definition content) in the sub-Saharan region, does not typically

require encryption of that content on free-to-air linear channels

distributed over an analogue or digital terrestrial television


82. Encryption is also not required to prevent the importation and sale of

cheap, poor quality STBs to the public. Internationally, consumers are

protected against poor quality products by less costly and less complex

measures. In South Africa the measures to be used will include the

adoption of the National Standard, the incorporation of the National

Standard into type approval regulations by ICASA in terms of section

35 of the ECA, funding by government of a conformance testing

process to be administered by the SABS, the certification of conformant

STBs, and a comprehensive consumer education campaign on the

risks of purchasing STBs which are not certified.

83. It is remarkable that contends that encryption is required for this

purpose. In its 2008 submissions it specifically highlighted the

alternatives to encryption which would meet this objective:

" If the concern is that the imported goods would not meet theSABS specifications (Le. inferior products), then thiscan be addressed through means other than creating aclosed system with a CA-controlled box. The following lawfulmeasures could be considered:

31 Make the standard mandatory and provide forconformance testing. Both SABS and ICASA canprovide this facility; There are secure technical solutions that canensure that non-compliant imports are unable toprovide the full functionality of a locallydeveloped and certified STB (e.g. restrictingaccess to the EPO application, the extendedprogramme information, and 7 day programmeschedules). This will not add cost to the STB billof materials (BoM) and would require a minimaldevelopment overhead. Consumer education and awareness campaign(which broadcasters could support with airtime): To promote South African STBs;and,

In addition, broadcastersto advertise STBs withICASA approved logo —employed by FreeviewUnited Kingdom.

would be required onlya Digital Dzonga or.

in the same manner asand Digital UK in the Consumer incentives at retail level (Le. discountvouchers, etc.)."3°

Review of the impugned amendments

84. For reasons which will be canvassed in legal argument at the hearing

of the application, I am advised and submit that —

Para of the 2008 submissions To warn consumers of the dangers ofbuying grey products.


84.1. the Minister's decision to make the impugned amendments did

not constitute administrative action as defined in PAJA and the

impugned amendments are accordingly not reviewable under

PAJA. Even if they were, has not established that the

impugned amendments fall to be reviewed and set aside on any

of the PAJA grounds on which they rely; and

84.2. insofar as the impugned amendments may be reviewable in

terms of the constitutional principle of legality, the grounds on

which they may be so reviewed are limited to the standards

encompassed in lawfulness.

85. In what follows I deal in any event with's challenges to the

lawfulness, rationality, reasonableness and procedural fairness of the

impugned amendments.

The lawfulness of the encryption amendment

86. The Minister has the power, under section 3(1 )(d) of the ECA, to make

policies on matters of national policy applicable to the ICT sector,

consistent with the objects of [the ECA] and of the related legislation in

relation to ... the application of new technologies pertaining to

broadcasting services'.

87. The Minister has decided that, as a matter of policy, the

government-subsidised STBs will have a control system which does

not include encryption capability.


88. This decision falls within the Minister's powers under section 3(1) of the


89. It also accords with the distinction made in the ECA (and recognised in

the judgment) between the Minister's power to make policy and

ICASA's power to regulate.

90. contends that it is by virtue of its effect that the encryption

amendment is ultra vires the Minister's powers. It does so on the

grounds that:

90.1. the practical effect of the encryption amendment is (a)to prevent

free-to-air broadcasters who choose to encrypt from accessing

the five million households with government-subsidised STBs;

and (b) to prevent any free-to-air broadcaster from choosing to

encrypt at all; and

90.2. this is an unlawful effect.

91. It will be argued at the hearing of the application that the effects of a

decision are not a cognisable basis for legality review. In any event, as

indicated elsewhere in this affidavit, the effects which alleges are

not supported by the facts. Nor can the encryption amendment have

any effect on the rights of free-to-air broadcasters. The effects relied

upon by could flow only from a decision based on the Policy. No

such decision is raised or impugned by in this application.


The rationality of the encryption amendment

92. contends that there is an internal contradiction in the amendments

introduced by the Minister in that the encryption amendment renders

'nugatory and meaningless' broadcasters' 'right' under clause 5.1.2(C)

to make their own decisions on the question of encryption, and that this

contradiction renders the Minister's decision to enact the encryption

amendment irrational and unreasonable.31

93. For reasons which will be canvassed in legal argument at the hearing

of the application, I am advised and submit that in legality review the

'rationality' standard requires only that the exercise of executive power

is rationally related to its purpose, and not arbitrary, and that objective

'reasonableness' is not a ground of review.

94. The encryption amendment is rationally related to the purpose for

which the Minister's power under section 3(1) of the ECA was granted,

namely to make national policy on 'the application of new technologies

pertaining to ... broadcasting services'.

95. The contradiction which alleges is based on the proposition that

clause 5.1.2(C) purports 'to allow broadcasters the rjgkt to make their

own decisions on the question of encryption' while clause 5.1.2(B)(a)

'render[sJ this entirely nugatory and meaningless'.

31 Paragraph 124 of the founding affidavit


96. This proposition is incorrect. To the extent that broadcasters have the

right to decide to encrypt their signals, it is not the Policy which confers

such a right on them.

97. There is accordingly no contradiction which gives rise to arbitrariness

or irrationality. The contradiction which alleges is entirely self-

constructed and illusory.

The rationality of the non-mandatory STB control amendment

98. contends that the non-mandatory STB control amendment has

been afflicted by a drafting error, and that it was intended to provide

that 'the use of' the STB control system would be non-mandatory.

99. However, has not made out a case for the meaning or the

correction for which it contends.

100. Properly interpreted, in the context of all the control system provisions

in the 2015 Policy and as confirmed in the statement issued by the

Department of Communications on 13 March 2015 (annexure LK39 to

the founding affidavit), clause 5.2.1(A) means that the Minister does not

seek to make policy on the question whether STBs other than the

government-subsidised STBs should have a control system, or whether

such a control system should contain encryption.


101. I am advised and submit that, in any event, has laid no basis for

the exceptional corrective remedy which it seeks, and that this is not

competent relief. This will be a matter for legal argument at the hearing

of the application.

The procedural fairness of the impugned amendments

102. contends that the impugned amendments should have been

published for comment before they were enacted, and that the failure to

publish them renders them reviewable for procedural unfairness.

103. The ECA does not require the Minister, prior to making amendments to

a policy issued in terms of section 3(1), to publish the proposed

amendments for comment.

104. In any event, the impugned amendments were made after all interested

parties had had an opportunity to comment fully on the issue whether

STBs should include a control system with encryption in response to

the 2013 proposed amendments.

105. As is evident from the submissions made by the fifth to thirteenth

respondents in respect of the 2013 proposed amendments, this issue

was fully canvassed in the process.

106. Minister Muthambi, in her introduction to the 2015 Policy, states directly

that her amendments were made taking into consideration

submissions made by stakeholders on the amendments proposed by

the Department of Communications on 06 December 2013'.


107. Contrary to's contention that the encryption amendment 'was not a

result of the representations made to the Minister' and 'no party

proposed that only government-subsidised STBs should be precluded

from decrypting encrypted signals, the SABC in terms recommended

that the amendments should be confined to making the control system

in the free-to-air STB 'non-mandatory' and that the Department should

subsidise the 'standard box' without conditional access.32

The relief sought by

108. For all the reasons set out in this affidavit, is not entitled to the

relief which it seeks.


Ad paragraphs Ito II

109. For the reasons set out in this affidavit, M-Net denies that all the

allegations in the founding affidavit are true.

32 Paragraph 3 of the SABC submissions, annexure LK12 to the founding affidavit


110. While it is correct to say that the 2013 proposed amendments were

different to the amendments now enacted by the Minister, both sets of

amendments canvassed the common issue whether, and to what

extent, the government-subsidised STBs should contain a control

system, and if so, whether that control system should include

encryption capability. Whereas Minister Carrim proposed that a control

system with encryption should be required for all STBs, Minister

Muthambi has made policy in respect of the narrower category of

government-subsidised STBs.

Ad paragraphs 12 to 16

111. Minister Carrim, in seeking public comment on the 2013 proposed

amendments, did not act in accordance with section 3(5)(b) and 3(8) of

the ECA. These provisions did not at that time, nor do they now,

require amendments to a policy made under section 3(1) of the ECA to

be published for comment.

Ad paragraphs 17 to 20

112. For the reasons set out in this affidavit, M-Net denies that the

impugned amendments fall to be reviewed and set aside on any

grounds, and denies the effects contended for by

113. presumably means to put forward its contentions on the proper

interpretation of the impugned amendments, rather than 'explain' their


Ad paragraph 21


114. For reasons which will be canvassed in legal argument at the hearing

of the application, M-Net denies that the Minister's decision to make the

impugned amendments amounts to administrative action in terms of


115. To the extent that the impugned amendments may be reviewable in

terms of the principle of legality, such review is limited to the standards

encompassed by lawfulness.

Ad paragraph 22

116. As set out in paragraph 30 above, M-Net disputes's claim to have

standing to bring the application in the public interest.

Ad paragraph 23 (including sub-paragraphs)

117. For reasons which will be canvassed in legal argument, M-Net denies

that the encryption amendment is ultra vires or breaches any relevant

principles emerging from the judgment.

118. The only



proposition relevant to this application for which the

is authority is that the ECA distinguishes between the

power to make policy and ICASA's power to regulate.


119. There is nothing in the judgment which can be construed as

precluding the Minister from deciding, as a matter of policy, that the

government-subsidised STBs should contain a control system which

does not include encryption capability.

120. For the reasons set out elsewhere, the encryption amendment does

preclude free-to-air broadcasters from encrypting their broadcast

signals. It simply precludes them from doing so at the government's


Ad paragraph 24 (including sub-paragraphs)

121. For the reasons set out in this affidavit, the encryption amendment

does not preclude free-to-air broadcasters from encrypting their

broadcast signals.

122. There is no internal contradiction in the amendments introduced by the

Minister. In the encryption amendment, the Minister states that the

control system in the government-subsidised STBs will not include

encryption capability. In clause 5.1.2(C), she states that free-to-air

broadcasters may encrypt their signals at their own cost.

123. fails to distinguish between its freedom to encrypt its signals and its

freedom to do so at the government's expense. As I have indicated

above, clause 5.1.2(c) does not confer a on free-to-air

broadcasters to encrypt their signals.


124. The 'very significant deleterious effects' alleged by are, for all the

reasons set out in this affidavit, baseless.

Ad paragraph 25 (including sub-paragraphs)

125. For the reasons set out above, this clause, properly interpreted, means

nothing more than that the Minister does not purport to make policy

regarding the inclusion of a control system in the STBs which are not

subsidised by government. This is precisely the meaning ascribed to

the clause by itself in paragraph 25.2 of the founding affidavit.

126. The correction which seeks is incompetent relief, and in any event has laid no basis for it.

Ad paragraph 26 (including sub-paragraphs)

127. M-Net denies, for all the reasons set out in paragraphs 102 to 107

above, that the process followed by the Minister in enacting the

impugned amendments was unfair, irrational or unlawful.

Ad paragraph 27 (including sub-paragraphs)

128. M-Netagreesthatthis application should be determined urgently.

129. This is not because there has been 'negative reaction from a wide

range of players', but because the ongoing delay in digital migration is

preventing the release of valuable radio frequency spectrum which is

crucial to the economy.


130. As for the negative commentary highlighted by, which includes

sensationalist predictions of 'television apartheid' and an 'apartheid

style content divide', the articles concerned all disclose the same

fundamental misconception that encryption is necessary for free-to-air

broadcasters to prevent piracy of content, obtain quality content, and to

protect consumers from poor quality STBs.

131. It is in fact astounding that none of the commentators concerned has

taken the trouble to ascertain that most free-to-air broadcasters

worldwide do not encrypt their signals, and yet do not suffer any of the

disadvantages which it is suggested will befall South African free-to-air

broadcasters (and their viewers) if free-to-air signals are not encrypted.

On the contrary, requiring encryption capability in

government-subsidised STBs would increase the price tag to the

government, reduce the number of government-subsidised STBs

available for distribution, and thereby result itself in 'television


Ad paragraphs 29 to 33

132. I point out that in addition to SABC1, SABC2, SABC3, and, there

are seven community television terrestrial channels, namely Soweto

TV, Cape Town TV, Bay TV, One KZN, Tshwane TV, North West TV

and Sara TV, broadcast by entities bearing the same names.


Ad paragraphs 34 to 35

133. As pointed out by in a footnote, STBs will not be required by

viewers who have an 1DTV.

134. While it may be correct that 1DTVs currently 'are not a practical option

for the vast majority of ordinary South Africans', this position will

change in the not too distant future. As analogue television sets age,

break down, and become obsolete, consumers may elect to buy an

iDTV when they purchase a new television set, rather than an analogue

television set with an STB. For example, in the United Kingdom, sales

of iDTVs surpassed sales of STBs in This is also likely to occur

in South Africa, as the price of iDTVs comes down.

135. It is not correct that the minimum cost of an iDTV is currently R5000.

An iDTV can currently be purchased for approximately R3000. Whilst

this may not be affordable for the poorest television households, it is a

viable option for many South Africans when they purchase a new

television set.

Otcom charts QI 2011pdf)


Ad paragraphs 36 to 39 (including sub-paragraphs)

136. I point out that while no viewers will be deprived of access to television

services as a result of this delay, South Africa's failure to meet the ITU

deadline will have far-reaching effects since there is serious ongoing

prejudice to the economy arising from the delay in freeing up valuable


137. The key economic benefit of the process of digital migration is the

release of valuable radio frequency spectrum known as the 'digital

dividend'. This radio frequency spectrum will be used to provide new

and improved broadcasting services and electronic communications

services such as wireless broadband. It will also be significantly

cheaper to provide wireless broadband using the specific spectrum that

will be released. Since the digital dividend can only be realised after

migration is complete, any delay in the process of migration means a

delay in the release of the digital dividend.

Ad paragraphs 40 to 45

138. I point out, with regard to the allegations in paragraphs 42 and 43, that

viewers will require either an STB pj an iDTV to watch television after

digital migration.'s account implies inaccurately that viewers will

require STBs in perpetuity. This would only be the case if free-to-air

broadcast signals were to be encrypted.


Ad paragraph 46

139. It is correct that the inclusion of a control system will protect the

government's investment in the government-subsidised STBs. Clause

5.1.2(B)(b) states as much, while the encryption amendment provides

that the control system will not include encryption capability.

Ad paragraph 47 to 53 (including sub-paragraphs)

140. It is correct that reference has been made to 'STB control' in the

various iterations of the Policy and in the National Standard. What it

means, and the purposes for which it has been required, has not been

made clear.

141. The term 'STB control' has been loosely used. However, the meaning

which Ms Kantor ascribes to the term 'control system', namely, 'the

extent to which STBs can be managed from and interact with a central

point from which broadcasts originate', is flawed and overbroad. It

describes a system involving two-way interactivity which can only be

achieved with encryption.

142. The basic security objectives outlined in the National Standard (and set

out in sub-paragraphs 53.2.1 to 53.2.3) are achievable through

inexpensive software security systems that do not require the

complexity or the expense of encryption.


Ad paragraph 54 (including sub-paragraphs)

143. It is correct that the question whether STBs should have a control

system must be distinguished from the question whether such a control

system should have encryption capability. As I have pointed out above,

the Minister has made this distinction in clause 5.1.2(B) of the 2015


144. It is also correct that encryption technology is used by all subscription

television operators. It is highly unusual for encryption technology to be

used in the free-to-air terrestrial television environment.

145. Whatever role the encryption of free-to-air signals would play a role in

preventing the importation of cheap, poor quality STBs, this objective

can be pursued by other, less costly means, which I address in detail in

my response to paragraph 56.1 below.

Ad paragraph 55

146. As I have indicated above, was in 2008 strenuously opposed to the

encryption of free-to-air television broadcasting signals and to the

inclusion of encryption capability in STBs. I note that Ms Kantor does

not either attach's 2008 submissions (annexed as 'KWI'), or

explain on what grounds came to reverse its strongly held positions

'after discussions with various players'. For all the reasons set out in

this affidavit, STB control incorporating encryption capability is

critical to protect the interests of free-to-air broadcasters or viewers.


Ad paragraph 56

147. For reasons set out above, there is no foundation for's contention

that encryption of free-to-air broadcast signals serves any public


Ad paragraph 56.1 (including sub-paragraphs)

148. Encryption is not required to ensure compliance with a minimum set of

specifications. The National Standard sets out the minimum technical

requirements for STBs in South Africa which, it states:

"wi/I result in a low cost, low maintenance unit that provides basicfunctionality, i.e. decoding the DTT broadcasts to provide basebandand UHF modulated outputs, and an Electronic Programme Guide(EPG) that provides details of the available setvices."34

149. The National Standard, together with the other conformance measures

which will be implemented, will 'allow for FTA broadcasts to be received

in the correct format and with the correct features, ensuring a uniform

and reliable viewer experience'.

Section 11 note 1 of the National Standard


150. In South Africa, as in other countries, the problem of ensuring

compliance with the National Standard will be addressed by the

implementation of a certification scheme together with a

comprehensive consumer campaign to ensure that consumers are

educated about the advantages of purchasing STBs which bear the

approved 'digital tick' logo, a certification mark that identifies

conformant STBs. To this end, the Department of Trade and Industry

has already funded a conformance testing facility to be administered by

the SABS which will be responsible for the testing of STBs and the

award of the 'digital tick'. The Department of Communications is also in

the process of developing a comprehensive consumer awareness


151. Even if this was not the case, and no certification scheme or consumer

awareness campaign was implemented, encryption would still not be

required. The goal of ensuring compliance could be achieved by ICASA

incorporating the National Standard into Type Approval Regulations in

terms of section 35 of the ECA which would render the possession,

use, supply, sale and offer of non-conformant STBs unlawful.

152. Itake issue with Ms Kantor's assumption that viewers with non-

compliant STBs will (ignorantly) ascribe their viewing problems to the

broadcasters or to the OTT platform.


153. Consumers who purchase grey' products are likely to be aware of the

risk which they take in doing so. The free-to-air broadcasters will of

course be able to explain to viewers using non-compliant products that

they are unable to improve the viewer experience.

154. The incorporation of encryption capability in basic STBs would be a

disproportionately complex and expensive means of preventing the

sale of non-compliant STBs.

Ad paragraph 56.2 (including sub-paragraphs)

155. I note that does not aver in direct terms that encryption of signals is

necessary for free-to-air broadcasters to obtain high definition content.

Instead it is alleged that ' would in the future likely be unable to

provide broadcasts in high definition' because content providers and

studios 'are increasingly tending to require strict levels of security for

the broadcast of HD versions of programmes' and 'this is likely to be

exacerbated as new forms of technology.., are introduced'.35

156. No factual foundation is furnished for these vague and speculative

averments. No indication is given of particular content providers or

studios which require encryption, nor of particular forms of technology

which might necessitate encryption.

Emphasis added


157. As I have set out in detail earlier in this affidavit, the non-encryption of

free-to-air broadcasting signals is not an obstacle to the acquisition of

HD content by free-to-air broadcasters. To the contrary, major

providers like CBS and Walt Disney do not require encryption for this

purpose, and leading free-to-air broadcasters globally acquire HO

content without encrypting their signals. I am not aware of any

anticipated technological advances which would change this position.

Ad paragraphs 57

158. M-Net does not so much strenuously contest these views, as point out

that they have no basis in fact whatsoever. So much so, that's

perpetuation of these fundamental errors raises serious concerns about's true motives in its efforts to obtain encryption capability in the

government-subsidised STBs.

Ad paragraph 58

159. It is unsurprising that does not wish this Court to determine

whether its position on encryption has any factual foundation. It does

not. However, relies on the reasons which it has put forward, not

only to establish urgency, but also to establish its standing to act in the

public interest.


Ad paragraph 59

160. It is correct that the Minister has left the way open for free-to-air

broadcasters to encrypt their signals, if they wish to do so, albeit at

their own cost.

Ad paragraph 60

161. For all the reasons set out in this affidavit, the impugned amendments

do not prevent from making the decision to encrypt its own

free-to-air broadcast signals.

162. I note that identifies as the focal objective of the review application

'to ensure that the BDM Policy does not prevent it making its own

decision regarding encryption of its own broadcast signal'. This makes

it clear that the application serves a purely commercial purpose, and

not any public interest. As I have explained,'s encryption of its

broadcast signals would serve no public interest.

Ad paragraphs 61 to 69

163. For the reasons set out in paragraphs 46 to 49 above, the

judgement is not authority for any proposition other than that the ECA

distinguishes between the Minister's power to make policy and ICASA's

power to regulate.


164. In 2008 Minister Pule requested the SABC, along with other free-to-air

broadcasters to take responsibility for selecting the SIB control vendor.

It was in this context that the SABC and began preparing for the

selection and appointment of an STB control vendor.

Ad paragraphs 70 and 71

165. The Minister has respected the ratio for the judgment, which is that

the Minister makes policy and ICASA regulates. She has made policy

in respect of the government-subsidised STBs and left it to the free-to-

air broadcasters, should they wish to encrypt their signals, to do so at

their own expense.

Ad paragraphs 72 to 74

166. While opinion among all the stakeholders who commented on the 2013

proposed amendments might have been divided, there was a degree of

consensus among the terrestrial broadcasters.

167. Of the ten terrestrial television broadcasters, and the nine free-to-air

terrestrial television broadcasters, alone supported the proposed


Ad paragraphs 75 to 77

168. Whatever the aim of the 2013 proposed amendments was, they

purported to prescribe the incorporation of a control system with

encryption capability in all STBs.


Ad paragraphs 78 and 79

169. The facilitation process conducted by Minister Carrim did foster 'a

measure of consensus' among the broadcasters. The consensus

among the SABC, M-Net and the community television broadcasters

was that STBs should not contain encryption capability.

170. ACT-SA, in its submissions on the 2013 proposed amendments,

reflected the outcome of the discussions, and its surprise that Minister

Carrim had paid no attention to it:

"4.1 ACT-SA participated in the Roundtable Discussion convened bythe Minister in September 2013 on the issue of STB controL

4.2 During this process ACT-SA joined the SABC, the emergingmanufacturers and MultiChoice in opposing the inclusion of STBcontrol in the free-to-air set-top-boxes. The only party whichsupported the inclusion of STB control was

5. When we consider that every party to the RoundtableDiscussion (other than was opposed [to] the inclusion ofSTB control, we are surprised at the language which theMinister presented to Cabinet and the language which nowappears in the proposed amendments".

Ad paragraphs 80 to 92

171. Insofar as impugns Mr Solly Mokoetle's assessment of the

anticipated 2015 Policy, it once again confuses the issue of whether

free-to-air broadcasters would be free to encrypt their signals (which

they are) and whether they would be able to do so at the expense of

government (which they are not).


Ad paragraph 93 (including sub-paragraphs)

172. For reasons already canvassed in this affidavit, the impugned

amendments are entirely consistent with the judgment, insofar as it

is of application to the issues in this application.

Ad paragraph 94 (including

173. Public debate between the Department of Communications and

USAASA in respect of the tender for government-subsidised STBs is

not relevant to any issue to be determined in this application.

Ad paragraphs 95 to 101

174. For reasons which will be canvassed in legal argument at the hearing

of this application, M-Net disputes that the Minister was obliged to give

reasons for the impugned amendments.

175. Nor was the Minister required to give reasons for excluding certain

provisions of the Policy, or for any perceived discrepancy between

cabinet and department statements, on the one hand, and the 2015

Policy, on the other. In any event, in respect of the impugned

amendments, the Minister's responses clearly elucidate what is evident

from the words used in the amendments: encryption is possible, but not

at the expense of government.


Ad paragraphs 102 to 107 (including sub-paragraphs)

176. Clause 5.1.2(C) of the 2015 Policy states, as a matter of policy, that

individual broadcasters are free to decide whether they wish to encrypt

their content. This clause does not, as is suggested in paragraph 106

of the founding affidavit, confer (or purport to confer) a rIgPt on

broadcasters to encrypt their signals.

177. For all the reasons set out in this affidavit, the impugned amendments

do not — in their terms or in their effect - preclude free-to-air

broadcasters from encrypting their signals.

178. The Minister has decided, as a matter of policy, that the government-

subsidised STBs will have a control system which does not include

encryption capability.

179. This will not preclude free-to-air broadcasters from encrypting their

broadcast signals in respect of the five million television households

which receive government-subsidised STBs.

180. The fallacious assumption underlying's contentions is that can

only encrypt its signals if the government funds the inclusion of

encryption capability in the government-subsidised STBs.

181. The government has decided, as it is entitled to decide, that the STBs

which it is subsidising should not contain encryption capability.


182., as a commercial broadcaster, must accordingly decide whether it

is prepared to make the required investment in encryption. has no

entitlement to be assisted by government to follow this route.

Ad paragraph 108 (including sub-paragraphs)

183. The encryption amendment clearly states that, as a matter of policy,

the SIBs which government will subsidise will not include encryption


184. This policy decision will inform the technical requirements for the five

million STBs for the manufacture of which a government tender has

been issued.

185. As indicated above, it is not correct that the encryption amendment will

preclude free-to-air broadcasters from encrypting their signals. They

are free to do so, at their own expense. If they choose to incur this

expense, they will be able to encrypt their signals and reach the five

million television-owning households to which they refer. If they choose

not to incur this expense, they must continue to broadcast their signals


186. For reasons which will be canvassed in legal argument, the

consequences outlined in paragraph 108.9 are disputed.


Paragraphs 109 and 110 (including sub-paragraphs)

187. For the reasons set out in this affidavit, there is no contradiction

between clause 5.1.2(B)(a) and clause 5.1.2(C) of the 2015 Policy, nor

does the encryption amendment fall to be reviewed and set aside on

this basis or any other.

188. The 'catastrophic' consequences outlined in these paragraphs would

follow, not from the encryption amendment, but from's decision to

encrypt its broadcasting signals without investing in its own customised

STBs with encryption capability.

189.'s comments on the issue of 'coverage' are confused.

190. In the broadcasting environment, 'coverage' refers to the footprint of the

broadcast signal which is determined by network parameters for the

distribution of the broadcast signal. The concept of 'coverage' relates to

the size and scope of the broadcast network and the geographical area

covered by that network. An obligation to reach a particular coverage

area does not mean that everyone in the coverage area must have the

equipment (either an STB or a television set) to receive the

broadcasting signal. For example, viewers within the coverage area

may not even own a television set, yet this would not impact on a

broadcaster's coverage obligations. Provided the broadcast network

distributes the signal across the coverage area, free-to-air broadcasters

will have met their coverage obligations.'s suggestion of a breach


by either it or the SABC of the Digital Migration Regulations and/or their

licence conditions is thus without any foundation.

191. Likewise, if's advertising revenue depends on its reaching a

minimum percentage of households, it cannot encrypt its signals if by

doing so it will lose critical advertising revenue.

192. In each case, must make a commercial decision and weigh up the

benefits and disadvantages of encryption of its signals.

193. It does not follow that, because wishes to encrypt its signals,

government must assist it to meet its advertising revenue targets.

194. Once again, I point out that the Minister has not conferred or purported

to confer a 'right' on free-to-air broadcasters with regard to encryption

of their signals.

Ad paragraphs 111 to 112

195. For reasons which will be canvassed in legal argument, the impugned

amendments do not constitute administrative action under PAJA. Nor

do they, in any event, adversely affect the rights or legitimate

expectations of free-to-air broadcasters or the public.

196. Insofar as has a right to encrypt its broadcast signal (as opposed to

a right to encrypt its broadcast signal at the expense of government),

the impugned amendments have no adverse effect on this right.


197. For reasons which will be dealt with in legal argument, I am advised

and submit that no statements of Minister Carrim did or could have

given rise to any legitimate expectation cognisable under the law.

198. The impugned amendments also have no adverse effect on the public's

constitutional right to receive free-to-air broadcasting services.

Ad paragraph 114

199. For reasons which will be canvassed in legal argument at the hearing

of the application, if the making of policy is reviewable as an exercise of

public power in terms of the constitutional principle of legality, the

impugned amendments do not fall short of any legality standards.

Ad paragraphs 116 to 122

200. For all the reasons set out in this affidavit, particularly in paragraphs 86

to 91, the encryption amendment was not ultra vires.

201. The Minister has not purported either to prescribe to free-to-air

broadcasters how to manage STBs or to make binding decisions

relating to STB control. Nor does the encryption amendment have any

'un/awful' effects.

202. The Minister has decided that, as a matter of policy, government-

subsidised STBs will not include encryption capability.


203. If is unable to encrypt its signals without courting commercial

catastrophe, that is because encryption of free-to-air signals has

significant consequences and a broadcaster which wishes to follow this

route must be prepared to invest in the necessary infrastructure.

Ad paragraphs 123 to 128

204. For all the reasons set out in this affidavit, particularly paragraphs 92 to

97, the encryption amendment is not irrational or unreasonable.

205. The Minister has not proscribed the encryption of free-to-air broadcast

signals, nor does she have the power, under section 3(1) of the ECA,

to do so. In any event, the encryption amendment does not directly or

indirectly prevent free-to-air broadcasters from encrypting their signals.

206. For reasons which I have set out in this affidavit, the amendments

introduced by the Minister are not self-contradictory.

207. The Minister has stated, in clause 5.1.2(C) of the 2015 Policy, that

broadcasters may encrypt at their own cost if they wish to do so. As I

have indicated, this clause does not confer on free-to-air broadcasters

a 'right' in respect of encryption.

208. It is quite incorrect to say that the serious effects of the encryption

amendment have nothing to do with costs. Added costs for

government and consumers are among the most serious implications

of including encryption capability in the government-subsidised STBs.

Ad paragraphs 129 to 135


209. For all the reasons set out in this affidavit, particularly in paragraphs 98

to 101, the non-mandatory STB amendment is not irrational or

unreasonable, and the corrective remedy which seeks is neither

competent, nor is there any basis for it.

Ad paragraphs 136 to 144

210. For all the reasons set out in this affidavit, particularly in paragraphs

102 to 107, the process pursuant to which the impugned amendments

were made was not procedurally unfair.

211. The ECA does not require the Minister, prior to making amendments to

a policy issued in terms ot section 3(1), to publish the proposed

amendments for comment, or to consult ICASA or USAASA.

212. In any event, the impugned amendments were made after

parties had had an opportunity to comment exhaustively

whether STBs should include a control system with

response to the 2013 proposed amendments.

all interested

on the issue

encryption in



213. On all the grounds and for all the reasons set out in this affidavit, I ask

that the application be dismissed with costs, including the costs of two



The Deponent has acknowledged that she knows and understands thecontents of this affidavit which was signed and sworn to before me aton this the .&1L. day of May 2015, the regulations contained inNotice No. 1258 of 21 July 1972, as amended and Government Notice No.

R 1648 of 17 August 1977, as amended having been complied with.


GISELLE ANDREA CLEMSONLe Var, North Block, South Wing

45 Jan Smuts Avenue(Corner The Valley Road)Westolift, Johannesburg

Practising Aft orney, Commissioner of Oaths




1. Introduction

1.1 thanks the Department of Communications for the opportunity to

make this submission on the draft short-form specifications on the digital

terrestrial television ("DTT") set top box ('SIB").

1.2 Since the formation of the Digital Migration Working Group in 2005, has

played a central role in contributing to policy formulation together with other


1,3As is South Africa's only private commercial free-to-air television

licensee, relying entirely on advertising for its revenue and with no access to

public, state or subscription funding, the process of digital migration of free-to-

air services is critical to the future of e,tv's business. As a free-to-air

broadcaster competes for advertising with the SABC, which dominates

the advertising market in South Africa, as well as with M Net and DSTV. Any

adverse effects of digital migration on's free-to-air business will have a

knock-on effect on its shareholder base. is owned by Sabido (Pty) Limited ("Sabido"), the majority of whose shares

are held by Hosken Consolidated lnvdstments Limited ("hICI"). HCI is a

leading Black Economic Empowerment ("BEE") listed on the JSE and is

South Africa's Number 1 financial services BEE company. The BEE

component of HCI is approximately 54.3% with approximately 40% of its

shares being held by the South African Clothing and Textile Workers Union

("SACTWU'D. HCI is controlled by SACTWU. and its social benefit trusts. The

members of SACTWU comprise approximately 100 000 clothing and textile

workers. The beneficiaries of the trusts are these workers together with their


dependants. A large portion of investment income from I-Id and its

subsidiades (including is allocated to SACTWU welfare programmes to

provide the social benelits to SACIWU members and their dependants. Over

the last six years some R15 million of funding per annum has been provided

to the fund's social responsibility programmes. The range of projects funded

by the welfare programmes primarily covers educational support, employment

creation and protection projects, RIV AIDS, healthcare projects and housing.

HCI is one of the few companies on the JSE where broadly based black

empowerment shareholders with substantial social responsibility initiatives

have a major economic interest.

1 .5At the outset, records its concerns about the process followed in

developing the draft short-form specifications:

1.5.1 attended a workshop on DTT STB specifications in Sandton in

June 2007 ("the Sandton meeting"). At this meeting certain issues,

specifically whether conditional access should be included in the STB,

were the subject of debate and disagreement between the parties.

was one of the parties which opposed the basic entry-level STB

incorporating conditional access ('CA") or being CA-ready, while the

SABC and several key STB manufacturers were in favour of CA in the

basic free-to-air OTT box. raised a range of economic, competition

and legal concerns in this regard both at the meeting and in written

submissions to the DoC. To date, none of these concerns have been

addressed in any manner. Despite the fact that the Sandton meeting

concluded that a further draftof the specifications would be

shortly, no such draft was circulated.

.1.5.2 In February 2008 it came to's attention that there had been secret

meetings between the Dod and South African set-top-box

manufactUrers regarding the STB specifications. South African set-top-


box thanufacturers have a vested financial interest in the design and

specifications of the SIB as they stand to benefit directly and

financially from the production and sale of the STBs. At least one of

these meetings had also been attended by the Chair of the Digital

Dzonga who is also the SABC employee responsible for the SABC's

digital migration. The SABC is's primary competitor in the free-to-

air terrestrial television market. e,tv was excluded from these secret


1.5.3 Following repeated approaches by to the DoC regarding the issue

of the SIB, the DoG sent to, on 29 February 2008, an invitation to

a "final set top box specifications workshop" to be held on 6 March

2008. At a briefing by the Minister of Communications to Parliament's

Portfolio Committee on Communications on 4 March 2008, a

representative of the DoC said that the DoC had already determined

which box it wanted and that this would be presented to broadcasters

for their consideration before being sent, the following week, to the

South African Bureau of Standards (SASS) for He

also admitted that the SABC had had an advantage among

broadcasters as the Chair of the Digital Dzonga, who had attended at

least one meeting, was also an SABC employee. On the same day (4

March 2008)'s CEO wrote to the Director-General of the DoC to

record's concerns at the Also on the same day, two days

prior to the scheduled workthop date, received a draft short-form

STB specification. It had insufficient time to consider the document

prior to the workshop on 6 March 2008. In addition, did not receive

the long-form specification for comment despite the fact that it now

appears that this document existed at the time.

1.5.4 During the workshop on 6 March 2008, raised with the DoC, a

representative of the set top box manufacturers and the Chair of the


Digital Dzonga (all of whom attended the meeting) the concerns set out

above, among others. also noted that it has expected a workshop

between all the interested parties to take place at which would be

able to consider the submissions made by other stakeholders and

those stakeholders would be able to hear's submissions. However,

each stakeholder was met separately (and in private) by the DoC and

the Chair of the Digital Dzonga. While the Chair of the Digital Dzonga

(an SABC employee) has been in a position to hear and consider

submission all stakeholders in the process, etv (the SABC's only

competitor) has not had the same opportunity.

1.5.5 During the meeting requested the DoC, the Chair of the Digital

Dzonga and the representative of the set top box manufacturers to

provide it with an indication of the pricing of the main components

reflected in the set top box specification. It is no secret among other

stakeholders that one of's primary concerns with the inclusion of

CA or CA-ready components in the STB is the cost which this would

add to the STB. Despite the parties agreeing that this information

would be supplied to and despite repeated requests by e,tv during

the past week, this information has not been supplied to Because was unable to fully consider the document in the short time

available to it, requested that the DoC provided it with the

opportunity to seek urgent technical advice on the SIB and revert with

a written submission on 17 March 2008. At the time believed the

process would be put on hold until it had the opportunity to make this

recommendation and have it considered by all relevant parties

including the DoC.

1.5.6 On '10 March 2008, on the advice of's STB consultant,

requested a copy of the full specification for the STE as the consultant

found it difficult to comment properly on the short-form dralt

specifications because they lacked sufficient detail. While had not


at any stage been advised that such a document existed,

requested a copy of this document from the DoC but received no

response to its e-mail.

1.5.7 On 12 March 2008, at a meeting of the South African Bureau of

Standards IC 74 committee to consider this matter, discovered for

the first time that a full SIB specification had in fact been drafted by

the set top box manufacturers and the DoC but that the existence and

contents of this document had been kept secret from

1.5.8 While has used its best endeavours to make comments on the

draft short-form STB specs in this submission, it is limited in its

submission given that it: has still not received a copy of the full specification to

comment on; did not receive the component pricing breakdown as

requested; has not had sight of the submissions of other stakeholders

and has not had the opportunity to hear the arguments of other

stakeholders concerning the STB.

1.5.9 is also concerned that the delays in establishing the Digital

Dzonga have resulted in a situation where there has been no

representation of átakeholders in decisionà which directly at!ect them

and no procedure for making decisions on critical issues affecting

industry stakeholders.

1.5.10 As stated above, on 12 March 2008 attended a meeting of the

TC74 committee ("the committee") of the South African Bureau of


Standards ("SABS"). At this meeting, the committee set out the

procedure required for setting a standard for the SIB, particularly that:

1.5.1 9.1 an STB working group (as a sub-group of TC74) be set up

to discuss and recommend the standard for the STB; this working group be broadly representative of all the

stakeholders in the industry including broadcasters and that it be

chaired by an independent person (Linden Petzer); and,

1.5,10.3 the full draft STB specification be provided to all the

members of this working group for their consideration.

1.5.11 At the TC74 meeting on 12 March 2008 the DoC endorsed the process

outlined by SABS. e,tv would like to place on record that it also

supports the procedure for determining the STB standard as set out in

the SABS committee meeting. In the circumstances, a copy of.this

submission will, as requested by the 1074 committee, also be

submitted to the TC74 SIB working group.



2.1's comments relate to the draft short4orm specifications. The comments

are limited by the fact that has not received a copy of the long-form

spedfications which were drafted' by the set top box manufacturers and the

DoC e,tv therefore reserves its right to submit further comments as and when

the long-form specification is made available to it.'s comments primarily concern the inclusion in the STB of components

which envisage the introduction of conditional access (CA). At the workshop


on 6 March 2008 representatives of the DoC stressed that the draft

specifications did not provide include CA in the STB. However the

documents provided to prior to this workshop clearly envisage the

introduction of CA and the draft specification requires components which are

only necessary to support CA. The relevant statements in the documents are:

2.2.1 "It is specified to be capable of supporting both Interactive Services

using MHEG at launch and Conditional Access at a later stage."

(emphasis added) (second bullet point on page four of the powerpoint

document entitled "DTI SIB specifications 4 March 2008" ('the

powerpoint document")).

2.2.2 "It therefore contains a secure loader, secure bootstrap and

"cardless" CA capabilIty at inception." (third bullet point on page

four of the powerpoint document).

2.2.3 liSmaticard interface optional — main functions will be addressabilitY,

licence •fee collection and geographic control, which can be

implemented through a combination of MHEG/Sl and a cardless CA

solution". (emphasis added) (second bullet point on page 14 of the

powerpoint document).

2.2.4 "The decoder specification allows for the adoption of a software

based conditional access system .. .' (emphasis added). (Page 4 of

document titled "SIB specification explanation").

2.3 In South Africa, digital migration primarily concerns the migration of existing

analogue free-to-air television services — SABC1, 2 and 3 and — to

digital. Conditional access is a pay-TV concept and is wholly unsuited to free-

to-air television. Introducing mandatory CA into a free-to-air terrestrial

environment fundamentally changes the nature of free-to-air television

broadcasting — in essence, it removes the control over access to free-to-air


television from the viewer/citizen to the broadcaster transmission provider or

a third party.

2.4 In the analogue environment, no person other than the viewer has any control

over the viewer's access to free-to-air television services — all the viewer

requires is a television set and, if necessary, an aerial. The acquisition of this

receiving equipment is entirely the viewer's responsibility and s/he exercises

full control over the equipment and consequently over her/his access to free-

to-air television. Inclusion of CA in the STB removes the viewer's control over

her/his access to free-to-air television and places it in the hands of another

party — the party which will the SIB. is not aware of any other free-to-air television environment where CA has

been introduced to manage access to free-to-air television. é.tv further

understands that no other country embarking on digital migration has used or

intends to include CA in the basic free-to-air STB. submits that the

envisaged inclusion of CA in the basic free-to-air STB raises critical

constitutional economic, financial and competition issues, none of which

appear to have been considered in the process of determining the draft

specifications. further submits that the sketchy arguments set out in

favour of CA in the basic free-to-air SIB do not justify the disproportionate

impact which the inclusion of CA in this SIB will have on the free-to-air

television environment. Indeed, as set out below, there are less intrusive and

less expensive means for achieving many of the security measures which

have been raised as apparent industry concerns.

2.6 In addition, in many instances, it is not clear why CA is being proposed as a

solution for a basic free-to-air STB and it appears that certain decisions have

been based on proposals from the SABC which has not had sight of.


3. Arguments relating to the necessity of CA in the basic free-to-air STB

3.1 submits that the documents that have beau provided to it concerning the

draft specifications for the basic SIB do not provide sufficient justification why

it is necessary that the box includes CA or must be CA-ready. Nor does it

appear that there has been any consideration of alternative measures to CA

to achieve the objectives which are alluded to in the documents. submits

that the consideration of alternatives is critical given:

3.1.1 the complexities and expense which the inclusion of CA in the basic

SIB adds to the entire digital migration process;

3.1.2 the constitutional, economic and competition issues which it raises,

which have not been addressed and which are potentially highly

prejudicial to free-to-air broadcasters relying solely on advertising for

income (and with no public or state subsidy), such as; and

3.1.3 the use of CA in a free-to-air environment is highly unusual and

untested in comparable jurisdictions.

3.2 Despite the fact that the necessity for the inclusion of CA in a free-to-air STB

has not been properly motivated, has attempted to address some of the

concerns expressed to it various discussions including comments made at

the SABS 1C74 meeting

3.2.1 The need to prevent "grey imports"

.1 Firstly, it is not clear what is meant by the term "grey

imports"; It is also not clear whether the intention here is to stop

"any imports" or just those which do not meet a basic standard. At

the SABS TC74 meeting on 12 March, the DoC representative


stated that the reason that the long-form specification had been

kept secret was that there was a concern that foreign companies

would begin to manufacture STBs for import into South Africa. e,tv submits that it is contrary to South Africa's trade

obligations to design a specification in such a manner as to block

imported goods from competing with locally manufactured goods.

The SABS committee confirmed that a SABS standard would not

exclude an STB on the basis of where it was manufactured — the

committee stated that provided an SIB met the required SABS

standard it would qualify for SABS approval whether it was

manufactured within or outside the country. If the intention of the set top box manufacturers is to use CA

to create a closed system which effectively shuts out foreign

imports (whether or not they comply with the standard),

submits that this would be unlawful and in breach of South African

trade agreements. It would also cause unnecessary complications

down the line, particularly when integrated digital TV sets are

introduced into the market. submits that this is a matter for

considered policy formulation and that it cannot be addressed by

creating a closed market through introducing mandatory CA in the

basic free-to-air STB. further submits that, from a policy point of

view, a lawful and more constructive approach would be the

Incentivizing of local manufacturers in the production of STBs

rather than the attempted blocking of imports. In addition,

requests the DoC to investigate whether the local set top box

manufacturing industry the capacity to produce 10 million

boxes within the space of three years starting in 2008. If the concern is that the imported goods would not meet the

SABS specifications (i.e. inferior products), then this can be


addressed through means other than creating a closed system with

a CA-controlled box. The following lawful measures could be

considered: Make the standard mandatory and provide for conformance

testing. Both SABS and ICASA can provide this facility; There are secure technical solutions that can ensure that

non-compliant Imports are unable to provide the full

functionality of a locally developed and certified STB (e.g.

restricting access to the EPG application the extended

programme information, and 7 day programme schedules).

This will not add cost to the STB bill of materials (BoM) and

would require a minimal development overhead. consumer education and awareness campaign (which

broadcasters could support with airtime): To promote South African STBs; and, To warn consumers, of the dangers of buying grey


In addition broadcasters would be required only to

advertise STBs with a Digital Dzonga or.ICASA approved

logo — in the same manner as employed by Freeview and

Digital UK in the United Kingdom. consumer incentives at retail level (i.e. discount vouchers,



3.2.2 The need to prevent the export of a state-subsidised STB Firstly, there is no clarity on how the proposed subsidy would

work — whether the subsidy would be granted to the manufacturer

or retailer or whether individual viewers would receive a direOt

subsidy and how they would do so. submits that it is essential

to select the subsidy system prior to implementing measures which

may or may not be necessary to prevent the export of subsidized

STBs. For example, in an environment where no direct STB

subsidy is provided, it is not clear whether blocking this opportunity

is in agreement with the other governmental of increasing

exports to other African countries. In any event, there are secure technical solutions (which do

not require CA) that would ensure any South African free-to-air STB

that had been exported into another broadcast network would not

operate as specified. This could either result in the STB not tuning

to any transmission (i.e. blank screen), or only providing basic

zapper features (e.g. no EPG or schedule information).

3.2.3 Ability to turn off decoders submits that there is no reasonable policy basis for

including CA in the basic free-to-air STB in order to enable the

switching off of an individual's access to free-to-air television. The

reference to the necessity to be able to switch off the STB in case

of theft do not justify the inclusion of CA in the STB — there is

currently no means of switching off television sets in the case of

theft even though the television set is a far more expensive piece of

equipment and without a television set the box is useless. In any

event, this would require a box management system for


approximately 10 million households by 2011 — the costs of such a

management system far outweigh any benefit which may be gained

by inhibiting theft. It is also questionable whether integrated digital

television sets would be subject to the same forms of control. In addition any measure which allows control over the

access by individuals to free-to-air television fundamentally

changes the nature of FTA television. In successful free-to-air DTT

models around the world, the box is the consumers responsibility -

it is not the responsibility of the transmission network, broadcaster

or any third party. A model where the network or other third party is

responsible for the box is a pay TV model and not a free-to-air


3.2.4 Stop the download of unauthorized software It is unclear what advantages this capability provides in a

free-to-air environment. In a subsidised environment securing the STB against

unauthorised code installation is critical. However, the level of

protection should be commensurate with the economic cost of

mass-market piracy. At a subsidy level of <$5 (i.e. a levelling of the

cost differences between local and far eastern manufacturers),

jimple protection methods such as signing and the physical

protection of the code in the hardware of the memory subsystems,

would provide a significant economic barrier to mass market piracy.

These methods provide a level of protection that has been in

operation in the United Kingdom market in both free-to-air and pay-

TV networks for 10 years without significant piracy issues. The

manufacturing cost of this method is minimal.


3,24.3 In the UK Freeview market some manufacturers implement a

simple challenge/response password protection on an external data


3.2.5 Licence fee collection and addressable messaging The SABC has previously stated that it wants CA to be included in

the basic free-to-air STB as a means of controlling access to

television by viewers on the basis of whether they have paid their

licence fees. The documents concerning the STB specification

specifically refer to 'control over access to services which may be

in the form of reminder messages and not simply turning off the

decoder" (page 4 of STB Specification Explanation). This certainly

envisages that including CA in the basic free-to-air STB is a means

of removing control from the viewer (where the viewer alone

determines whether or not s/he has access to a free-to-air service)

and vesting it in the SABC or a third party

3,2,5.2 submits that this raises critical constitutional issues in that it

infringes on the right of viewers to freedom of expression. In the

current environment no person, and certainly no broadcaster, can

controlthe access by an individual viewer to free-to-air television

services. In the DTT environment, with the inclusion of in the

basic free-to-air STB, the viewer's access to the free-to-air services

will be controlled by the broadcaster or a third party. The SABC has also argued the necessity of CA in the basic

free-to-air STB on the basis of "addressable messaging". Again, it

is not clear what is meant by "addressable messaging", what the

SABC seeks tc achieve by it and whether there has beert- any

consideration of less intrusive and less costly measures to achieve

the same objectives. For example, it may be possible to using other


personal messaging products (e.g. mobile SMS) to achieve the

same goals. It may also be the case that in a significant number of cases

a free-to-air SIB may be passed to multiple viewers across its

lifespan. As a result the original link between subscriber

purchaser and CA account holder) and the entitled viewer could be

incorrect. Moreover, the co-operation of pay-TV operators will be

required to providing a consistent experience in pay-TV and free-to-

air environments. For example if the SABC sends screen

messages or switches off a licence defaulter who views his

services on a basic free-to-air STB, how will the SABC address or

switch off a licence defaulter who views his free-to-air services on a

DSTV decoder? Given that the DSTV viewer is more likely to be. in

a position to afford his/her licence fee, this would result in an

inequitable situation. If the SABC's intention is to provide broadcast messages (as

opposed to individual addressable messaging) there are simple

non-CA dependant technical solutions to achieve this goal through

the use of interactive applications. In any event, the necessity of any of these services is

unclear giyen the government's stated intention to do away with the

SABC licence fee.

3.2.6 CA not required for e-governnient

The e-government objectives which the DoC has referred to can be

addressed through applications in the middleware of the basic free-to-


air STB. CA or a CA-re'aady STB is unnecessary to enable e-


4. Arguments against the inclusion of CA in the STB

4,1 has set out above the reason why the apparent arguments in favour of

CA do not justify the inclusion of CA in the basic free-to-air STB.. now sets

out the technical legal, economic and competition factors which militate

against the inclusion of CA in the basic STB:

4.1.1 The cost of including CA in the basic free-to-air STB Both the CA itself, as well as the various security elements

(necessary only to support CA) which are proposed to be inserted

into the STB from the outset, add costs to the basic free-to-air SIB.

This is unjustifiable In a situation where most South Africans rely on

free-to-air television for their information needs and where most

cannot afford the STB. Each additional cost to the basic free-to-air

STB makes the STB more unaffordable for low-income viewers and

therefore inhibits their access to free-to-air television. In addition, the inclusion of CA in the basicSTB means that,

in addition to the royalties payable to the CA vendor for every box,

there will be significant ongoing costs in managing the SIB both

from a security and a subscriber/viewer management perspective.

The cost of turning the free-to-air television environment into one

which is controlled through CA is not a once-off cost. These are

ongoing costs which are ordinarily carried by pay-TV operators who

cover such costs from their subscribers. In the free-to-air

environment, free-to-air broadcasters will need to carry these

ongoing operational costs without any additional income stream.

17 Ihefollowing components necessary for CA add costs to the

basic free-to-air STB in circumstances where CA is unnecessary for

viewers to receive free-to-air television. has requested the

costing on these components from the DoC but they have not been

made available: Costs which CA adds to the box:

Cost of CA and security elements to make SIB CA ready (CA

drivers, secure bootloader, secure download):

o Secure processor core;

o Smart card interface;

o CA driver development and integration per CA vendor

o CA supplier compliancy testing per CA vendor

Cost of above (BoM) amortised over 100k volume; US$4.20

(SAR33) per SiB.

• Additional cost for per box CA royalty costs between <$1 and $5

per SIB, depending on the level of content security required. Costs which CA adds at source

Set up costs:

• Cost of integrating CA at the head end;

• Set up costs for subscriber/viewer

management systems (scalable to 8 to 10

million households);

• Set-up costs for customer call centre (scalable

to 8 to 10 million households);


• Set up costs for trusted3Fd party (secure


Annual costs:

• Annual cost of Trusted Third Party (secure

management and control of software download


Annual cost of code updates (multiplex

bandwidth allocation and scheduling on per

box' basis)

• Annual operating costs for subscriber/viewer

management systems (scalable to 8 to 10

million households);

• Annual operating costs for customer call centre

(scalable to 8 to 10 million households);

• Cost of replacing 8 to 10 million, boxes in the

- event of a security breach on cardless CA. It is evident that in the drafting of the STB the

financial implications of including CA in the STB or making the STB

CA-ready were not considered. At a briefing in Parliament's

Portfolio committee on Communications on 7 March 2008, the

National Treasury stated that broadcasters would be required to

finance the digital migration process through the tariffs payable to

Sentech for signal distribution. is deeply concprned that the

addition of extensiVe operating costs by the unnecessary inclusion

of CA in the basic free-to-air STB will be passed to broadcasters.

As a free-to-air broadcaster which is entirely dependent on

advertising revenue and which has no access to public or state

funding is concerned at the implications on the future of its

business of the unnecessary inclusion of CA in the basic free-to-air




4.1.2 Technical difficulties with cardless CA The draft short-form specifications propose a cardiess GA

solution for the basic free-to-air STB. is unaware of any other encrypted broadcast platform

with no return path, using a cardless CA system (free-to-air or pay-

- TV). is concerned that consideration is being given to an

untested and untried CA system in an environment where: DTT is launching in less than eight months time; south Africa has set the shortest dual illumination timeframe

in the world; and, There is regarding subsidies for dual illumination. With cardless CA, the economic risk of a hack to the CA

system has a higher impact, as recovery involves STB replacement

as opposed to a normal card replacement. This means that if the

system is hacked after the STB5 have been rolled out to the

existing eight million South African TV households, each of these

STBs will have to be replaced. In a card-based system CA

providers usually expect a card replacement aff.Qr —5yrs in

operation. A secure processor is predicted to strengthen the

protection of the CA system; however cardless CA creates the

potential for high commercial impact, irrespective of the probability

of occurrence. submits that the consequences of the decision

to implement cardless CA has not been adequately considered in

the process of drafting the STB specifications. Moreover, it is unlikely that any existing CA vendor would

merely accept the security of the cardless CA system (for future


implementation). As there is presently preferred CA provider

significant costs and time delays will be incurred by the set top box

manufacturers if the SIB has to be qualified against all potential CA

providers. If it is not qualified against all potential CA providers

there is a considerable possibility that no existing CA provider will

be willing to risk its CA in the cardless CA system. This would

render the entire process of producing a CA-ready box

meaningless and wasteful. The responsibility of the Trusted Third Party has not been

clearly defined although it is expected that this body will be

responsible for the security of the download mechanism. As such,

the entity will itself need to be qualified as secure by each of the

potential CA vendors (which may require secure environments,

and well as servers and networks). Again if it is not qualified by all

potential CA providers there is a considerable possibility that no

existing CA provider will be willing to risk its CA in the cardless CA

system with the same consequences as set out In paragraph (above).

4.1.3 Secure software download A mandatory requirement for a secure download mbchanism

creates additional complexity in the STB development cycle (hence

cost), which Is unnecessary for the purpose of delivering free-to-air

content S part of the digital migration process. By its very nature, a free-to-air service has no ongoing

commitment to the viewer other than to continue broadcasting.

Hence the only beneficiary of a download service would be a

manufacturer wanting to increase the reliability of a deployed

product. Over time manufacturers will respond to consumer choice


by implementing and using a download service if it is necessary for

their own products. It is therefore unnecessary to incorporate this in

the basic free-to-air STB. Security within the download is only required if there is a

revenue stream or cost associated with the entity being protected.

In the defined free-to-air platform, the STB as deployed is capable

of supporting the free-to-air business models and as a result there

is no need for a broadcaster to update the deployed STB. In

addition the very low cost of the STB platform provides little

incentive for the professional pirate to entertain the cost of

repurposing the STB through an unauthorised download (assuming

any subsidisation of the cost is less than the cost of repurposing the

STB). There are limited if any additional capabilities that a pirate

could enable through modifying deployed software. In the UK Freeview service, it is not mandated in the

baseline Freeview specification STB. and manufacturers support

various mechanisms with a range of security methods to implement

software download. Ultimately downloading code live is a costly exercise.

Bandwidth needs to be reserved on a multiplexer for extended

periods1. Using a forced download, 80% success can be achieved

in 2 or 3 days, 99% coverage can take >2 weeks. In operiting a consumer Opt-in download, it is unlikely a

manufacturer would ever be able to update all the STBs in the

installed base.

IFor code size4MB, cycle times — 120 mins, +5kb/s on all muxes. Sentech as transmission

operator must also consider scheduling of capacity based on request from every person with SIB

in field.


4.1.4. The secure processor

The strength of the STB security provided by the requirement for a

secure processor (embodied by the secure boot, and download

functionality) could be seen as excessive considering the

commercial value of free-to-air content, and the STB itself. In the

UK, in both Freeview, and pay-N networks (exci. the HD PVR) a

secure processor is not a mandatory STB requirement. In addition it

is unclear whether the core silicon providers will increase the price

to recover the additional costs involved in managing and

configuring the silicon for an individual CA provider.

4.1.5 The SIB as an interim measure

4,1.5.1 The purpose of the basic free-to-air DTT box is to enable

analogue television sets to receive and display the digital signal. It

is intended as an interim or bridging measure to ensure ongoing

reception of free-to-air television signals pending the introduction of

integrated digital television sets (idTVs) and pending the viewer's

ability to afford such a digital TV set. It is not clear how such

television sets would work in the event that CA was mandated in

the basic free-to-air STB as it would require that all such television

sets also be CA-enabled. The cost of producing such television

sets solely for the South African market (as they would have to be

configured specifically for the closed market which results from

free-to-air boxes incorporating mandatory CA), would be

prohibitive. - If CA is mandated, idTV's will require a DVB Common

Interface slot (or equivalent add-on) in order to be made compatible

with the DTT services. These modules are currently retailing in the


UK for (R450). This would constitute a significant and

unnecessary expense for the South African viewer in order merely

to receive free-to-air television services.

4.1.6 CompetItion difficulties with mandatory CA

4.1,6.1 Including mandatory CA In the basic free-to-air STB or

mandating a CA-ready basic free-to-air STB ultimately provides an

automatic market of 8 million + households for pay-TV operators in

circumstances where they would otherwise not have such access.

In effect, if a subsidy is involved, government would be subsidising

one industry player ahead of others. As the CA would be in all STBs, this would effectively result

in South Africa adopting a CA standard using a particular CA and

excluding all others, to the benefit of the company which owns the

CA system. Given the likelihood that the basic free-to-air STB will

be subsidised through public funding, this raises serious

competition issues — in effect the government would be subsidising

the profits of a single CA provider in circumstances where CA is

unnecessary for the purposes of digital migration. further submits that the inclusien of CA-necessary components in the

basic free-to-air STB 'in case of' the introduction of CA at a later stage — and

thus avoid addressing these issues now — would constitute an unnecessary

and wasteful exercise. There is nothing preventing the development and

manufacture of more technologically advanced boxes during the course. of

digital migration and giving interested consumers the opportunity to acquire

such STBs.


5. Conclusion

5.1's position on the basic free-to-air STB for OTT is based on the following


5.1.1 Allowing the consumer the greatest possible choice. This is based on

the principle that the consumer is being compelled to purchase a box

to continue to watch free-to-air television.

5.1.2 Ensuring that the box is as low-cost as possible to ensure that as many

people as possible can afford it. This is based on the fact that most

South Africans simply cannot afford to buy a box and will need to be

subsidised in one way or another.

5.1.3 Limiting government's exposure to high subsidy costs. Once again, the

cheapest possible box will achieve this purpose as in this case more

people will be able to purchase the STB and the cost of the subsidy will

be lower.

5.1.4 Making the STB (including repairs, maintenance and upgrades) the

responsibility of the consumer as would be the case with a normal

television set. The box is merely a bridging mechanism to allow

analogue television sets to receive a digital signal — when digital

television sets are available on a large scale, the box will no longer be

required. The notion of such a basic box is in line with international

experience including the United Kingdom.

5.2 In this context, the inclusion of CA in the basic free-to-air STB runs contrary to

all of the principles. It is unnecessary for digital migration, it

adds costs to the STB, it adds extensive costs to broadcasters and

transmission operators by requiring enormous (for 8 to 10 million households)

subscriber/viewer management systems and call centres (in the absence of


additional revenue streams), it inhibits consumer choice and increases the

subsidy cost to government. submits that, given the tight timeframes for digital migration and the short

period of dual illumination, South Africa should adopt tried and tested

approaches in successful digital migration markets such as the United

Kingdom. This includes making the basic free-to-air STB simple and

affordable so that there is a minimal delay in the production and take-up of

DTT STBs. thanks the DoC for the opportunity to make these submissions and would

like to reiterate its firm commitment to a fast-tracked and successful South

African digital migration process.civ

17 March 2008


SABCVuka Sizwe!

16 May 2008

Themba PhiriDepartment of CommunicationsPrivate Bag X860Pretoria0001

Dear Themba


As you are aware, there has in recent months been intense debate about the possibilityof including conditional access in the minimum specifications for the DII Set-Top Box.The SABC has been one of the proponents of the argument that the basic STB shouldbe capable of having some form of conditional access, It has been our view that thisneed not be a conditional access system along the lines of the traditional, costlysystems used for pay-TV but that some form of hybrid solution using only a software-based solution may suffice.

This continues to be our view.

While we acknowledge the fact that there has been vociferous opposition to conditionalaccess by other broadcasters, we are of the view that stakeholders are speaking atcross-purposes on this issue.

We therefore wish to make a proposal on how this matter might be resolved in theBroadcasting Digital Migration Policy and final SIB specification. In essence, webelieve that there is general agreement on many of the core issues related toconditional access. We believe that reformulating the issue as one of STB control andmaking clear that there is no intention to limit viewers' access to free-to-air television,should help ensure the support of different stakeholders and enable the Department tomove forward on this mailer.

1. Importance of STB control

There are various public-interest reasons why some form of control of the SIB isimportant. It should be noted that this SIB control can be achieved through certainhardware specifications, security requirements and the inclusion of STB control

South African Broadcasting corporation Limited Registration Number: 2003/023915/06Non-Executive Directors Ms Kanyisiwe Mkonza (chairperson), Ms christine Ounta (Deputy chairperson), Prof. Ailson

Oiiiiwaid, Ms Fadiia Lagadien, Ms Gloria Serobe, Ms Nadia Bulbutia, Adv Pansy Tiakula, Mr A Mbeki, Mr Peter vundla,Mr Desmond CoWing, Mr Ashwin Trikamjee, Mr Bheki KhumaioExecutive Directors: Adv. Dali Mpofu (Group Chief Executive Officer), Ms chariotte Manipane (Acting) Chief Operating Officer)Mr Robin Nicholson (chiol Financial officer)company Secretary (Acting) Ntando Simelane

software. The encryption of services is not required. This would therefore not be aconditional access system in the traditional sense of the term.We believe the public-interest reasons for STB control should have the support of allstakeholders. These public-interest reasons are:

To prevent subsidisod STBs leaving SA

• There is a real risk that STBs could be shipped out of South Africa and used inother territories. This has happened in other jurisdictions. If the South AfricanSTBs are subsidized, this would effectively mean that government funds wouldbe wasted. This should obviously be avoided and can be prevented byconfiguring the STB so that it is able to validate authenticated networkmessages and parameters and only operates in their presence.

• For the method to remain secure in the long term the use of asymmetriccryptography is essential. In this way discovery of keys held in the STBs wouldnot allow hackers to generate legitimate messages. It must not be possible tochange these keys within the STB, or at least the cost must be greater thanmanufacturing a new STB, However, it may not be necessary for these keys tobe kept secret for the system to remain secure, as there is no requirement toencrypt broadcast services using secret keys. Ideally the keys and the uniqueaddress would be programmed into the chipset at the time of chipsetmanufacture. Alternative but less secure means might allow for the informationto be programmed during STB manufacture, It is not possible to programme thisunique data at a later stage, since the means to target any message carryingunique data is dependent on the address and means of validation being presentin the STB.

To be able to turn off stolen STBs

• The value of stolen STBs can be minimized by ensuring that particular STBs, ifreported stolen, can be disabled. It is therefore necessary for the STB to be ableto process messages that turn the STB on and off. As above, the STB must beable to validate the authenticity of these messages. In addition, as it can neverbe certain that the STB will receive a switch-off message, the system shouldrequire that the STB receives periodic addressed switch-on messages. Theeffective duration of these messages should be variable and may in typicaloperation be set to be around 1 — 3 months, An efficient means of addressingis also required and the address of the STB must be stored in a secure way(along with the key data mentioned above), otherwise this might be modified andmessages destined for one STB might be processed by another. The STBaddress will best be stored within the STB chipset but it might be possible toachieve sufficient security if the address is stored within the secure boot sectorof the memory referred to below.

To secure software download capability

• The STBs will require software download capability and it is important that this isdone securely, in order to prevent illegal software being loaded into the STBwhich might be used to circumvent the mechanisms described above. A secureloader can be implemented in many ways: the most important features are thevalidation of the software, again requiring the use of asymmetric cryptography,and a requirement that the loader software cannot be modified. Furthermore, theloader must be designed to be efficient and operating in the presence of errors,so for example the design should not require that the whole image is resent inthe case of a few errors. The operation of a secure loader requires a secure bootprocess, which is described below. As the loader is an essential component ofthe STB and required for reliable operation it must not be possible to corrupt theloader software. Accordingly, the loader software should be stored in such a waythat it cannot be modified by the application software.

• All of the above requirements could be circumvented if the STB can be made tostart up using alternative software. Most STB chipsets incorporate hardware thatallows for the boot-up (start-up) software to be validated before any software isrun in the STB. The use of these chipsets requires data to be stored at the timeof STB manufacture. Software based validation methods are not as secure asthe chip set based methods and are not recommended for high volumeproduction.

To target messages to STBs and groups of STBs

• It is one of government's expectations that DTT could be used for the delivery ofe-government messages. It is also the SABC's strong belief that DTT shouldallow for messaging so that TV licence fee reminders can be sent. The SABCexpects that this will result in substantially improved licence fee collections. Thiswould require the inclusion of a unique address in the STB. The applicationsoftware may later be changed or may make use of group addresses that areprogrammed using the unique address. For example, one group might becustomers with subsidized STBs and another might be customers in a givenregion. As the unique address is the same as that required for the functionsdescribed above, this requirement has no impact on the STB manufacturingprocess. However, application software to make use of this address will berequired and ideally the system will make use of the MHEG applicationenvironment to enable a wide range of interesting and useful messages to be


It should be apparent that no encryption of services is required to meet any of thesefour public-service objectives

In the light of these requirements for STB control, the SABC makes the followingspecific recommendations:



1. The policy should specifically state that there will be no encryption of free-to-airservices on the DTT platform. In our view this should go a long way to assuagethe fears of other broadcasters on the matter of conditional access.

2. In light of this, it is the SABC's further recommendation that any references to"Conditional Access" in the STB specification should be changed to "STBcontrol".

3. Finally, the STB specification should include the following requirements

• a secure bootstrap loader,

• unique serial number (SA DTT ID), and keys

• secure download function

• secure hardware layout

It should be noted that if there is no encryption of services, the ability to restrict theentrance of non-conformant STBs into the South African market will be weakened.However, the use of other mechanisms such as strong regulation, a well-organisedconformance regime and import tariffs can act to protect the domestic market, althoughthese are not easily achieved. In our view, the risks associated with the conformanceissues are mitigated by the advantages secured by getting the agreement of allstakeholders on the matter of STB control.

The SABC thanks you for the opportunity to share our views on this important matter.We are available for future discussions on this matter.

Yours sincerely



SABC FVukaSizwe!


















RFP Number: SGE/08/04RFP Title: STB Control Software

A CMandatory Documents

frkL) PVuka Sizwe!




U:.:. .24JUfle2008


The Corporation retains the right to change the timeframe whenever necessary and for

whatever reason it deems fit.


1) Valid Tax Clearance Certificate

2) Valid TV Licence (Cothpany'S and all Directors) (If Applicable)

3) BBBEE Certificate (If Applicable)

4) signed Declaration of Interest Form (Document D)

5) signed Tender Form (Document E)

6) Last Three Years Audited Financial Statements

Confidential and Proprietary Information Page 2 of 49 Tender Document

RFP Number: SGE/08/04RFP Title: STB Control Software

A flDocument A: Conditions To Be Observed When Tendering

MD PVukasizwel




1.1 Tenderers are required to complete and sign the Tender Form and initial all

pages (including brochures).

1.2 Tenders must be submitted in triplicate, one (1) original, one (1) copy of the

original and 1 (one) electronic copy (CD) by hand and be enclosed in a seated

envelope marked distinctly with the tender number. This envelope must not bear

the name of or any reference to the Tenderer. Tenders must be lodged in the

South African BroadcastingTender Box, Main Entrance, Radio

Park Office Block, Henley Road, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, by not later than

12-noon on the closing date as specified. Tenders not received by the specified

time and date as set out on front page of the Tender Enquiry, will be liable to


Please note that electronic submission will also be accepted but the South African

based suppliers are encouraged to submit their tenders to SABC Tender Office.

1.3 No refund will be made for tender documents sold, irrespective of whether a

tender is submitted or awarded or not.


2.1 No alteration, amendment or variation of the General Conditions of Contract shall

be permitted unless otherwise agreed in writing. Should the Tenderer desire in

case of non-compliance to make any amendments to the General Conditions of

Contract, he shall stipulate his tender clearly in which case and where possible

also stating any increase or decrease in cost involved by such tenders. The

Corporation reserves the right to reject such a tender.


3.1 All Tenderers are required to submit tenders in accordance with stipulated

technical specification as indicated on this tender. Failure to comply with the

required technical specification will result in disqualification.

Confidential and Proprietary Information Page 3 of 48 Tender Document \)

RFP Number: SGE/08104RFP Title: STB Control Software


Document A: Conditions To Be Obsewed When TenderingP

Vuka Sizwel


4.1 Tenderers are required to submit a detailed Schedule of Quantities indicating

how the tender amount is composed. This schedule shall contain itemised

descriptions, quantities and unit prices.


5.1 No change in the submitted tender prices shall be amended after receipt and

before award of a contract.

5.2 In the case of equipment manufactured outside the Republic of South Africa,

prices must be quoted "free on board" (f.o.b.) in the currency of the country of

origin, and if possible, in US dollars, or a fixed price in Rand stating exchange

rate used, with clarification of import charges included. Value Added Tax should

be a separate item. Any hedging calculations must be transparent.

5.3 In the case of equipment manufactured in the Republic of South Africa, prices

are to be quoted in Rand with VAT as a separate item.

5.4 In case of equipment partially manufactured in the Republic of South Africa and

partially elsewhere, the total price must be broken up into its relevant proportions

and quoted as above in 5.2.

5.5 Fixed tender prices and delivery periods are preferred. consequently Tenderers

shall clearly state whether prices and delivery periods will remain fixed or flexible

for the duration of the contract.

5,6 Tender prices for supplies in respect of whichis a

requirement, shall include ALL costs on a basis of delivered on site as specified.

5.7 Tender prices shall, where necessary, include packing. If desired, packing

material may be returned to the Tenderer provided the amount of credit that will

be allowed for the returnable packing, forwarded railage to pay, is shown against

each item concerned.


6.1 In the case of equipmentlgoods which are partially or completely designed and/or

manufactured in the Republic of South Africa, Tenderers shall state the local

content percentage.

6.2 Documentation certifying the local content percentage shall be submitted.

Confidential and Proprietary In formation Page 4 of 48 Tender Document

RFP Number: SGE/08/04RFP Title: STB Control Software


Document A: Conditions To Be ObseNed When TenderingP

Vuka SizweI


7.1 The Corporation applies a policy of Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment

(BBBEE) in all its employment, programmes, practices and business


Information submitted will be taken into consideration during the tender

adjudication process The BBBEE certificate from an Association of Black

Verification Agencies (ABVA) affiliated Agency should be submitted.

7.2 The Corporation does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender nor shall

it be responsible for or pay any expenses or tosses which may be incurred by the

Tenderer in the preparation and delivery of his tender, The Corporation reserves

the right to accept a separate tender or separate tenders for any one or more of

the sections of a specification. The corporation also reserves the right to

withdraw the tender at any stage.

7.3 No tender shalt be deemed to have been accepted unless and until a formal

contract / letter of intent is prepared and executed.

7.4 The Corporation reserves the right, should it deem it necessary, to monitor every

stage of the contract to ensure:

— that the directors who were awarded the tender are in control of the

company and/or that changes in directors does not affect delivery of the

contract adversely;

— that, if there are changes in the control of the company these should be

brought to the attention of the Corporation

— that in the event that the tender or any part thereof is to be subcontracted

to another company or organisation after the tender was awarded, the

Tenderer must immediately advise the Corporation and the Corporation

shall approve as it deems fit.

— successful delivery of the contract, or timeous termination of the contract

should such action be in the best interest of the Corporation.

7.5 Tenders shall remain open for acceptance by the Corporation for a period of 120

days from the closing date of the Tender Enquiry.

7.6 Audit the successful Tenderer's contract from time to time


8.1 If Tenderers purport to withdraw their tender(s) within the period for which they

have agreed that their tender shall remain open for acceptance, or fails to enter

into a written contract when called upon to do so, or fails to accept an order in

terms of the tender, the Corporation may, without prejudice to any other legal

Confidential and In formation Page 5 of 48 Tender Document

RFP Number: SGE108104RFP Title: STB Control Software A

Document A: Conditions To Be Obsen.'ed When Tendering#4 P

Vuka Sizwel

remedy which it may have, accept their tender(s) notwithstanding the purported

withdrawal or proceed to accept any other less favourable tender or call for

tenders afresh and may recover from the defaulting Tenderers any additional

expense to which it has been put by reason of the calling for new tenders or the

acceptance of any less favourable tender.


9.1 The Corporation may1 after the opening of tenders; call on the Tenderer to

amplify in writing any matter which is not clear in the Tenderer's tender and such

amplification shall form part of the original tender.

9.2 In the event of the Tenderers failing to supply such information within the

specified timeframe, the tender will be liable to rejection.

9.3 The Corporation reserves the right to:

9.3.1 not evaluate and award tenders that do not comply strictly with this tender

document.9.3.2 make a selection solely on the information received in the tenders and

enter into negotiations with any one or more of preferred Tenderer(s)

based on the criteria specified in the evaluation of this tender.

9.3.3 contact any Tenderer during the evaluation process, in order to clarify any

information, without Informing any other Tenderers. During the evaluation

process no change in the content of the tender shall be sought offered

or permitted.9.3.4 award a contract to one or more Tenderer(s).

93.5 accept any tender in part or full at its own discretion.

9.3.6 cancel this tender or any part thereof at any time.

Should Tenderer(s) be selected for further negotiations, they will be chosen on

the basis of the greatest benefit to the Corporation and not necessarily on the

basis of the lowest costs.


10.1 Tenderers are required to include complete information on equipment and/or

components requiring export/import permits.


11.1 The Tenderer shall bear all costs and expenses associated with preparation and

submission of its tender, and the Corporation shall under no circumstances be

responsible or liable for any such costs, regardless of, without limitation the

conduct or outcome of the bidding1 evaluation, and selection process.

Confidential and In formation Page 6 of 48 Tender Document

RFP Number: 50E108104RIP Title: STB Control Software A PDocument A: Conditions To Be Obse,ved When Tendering



12.1 The SAOG has provided a single point of entry for any questions or queries that

the Tenderer may have. All queries must be submitted in writing and directed to

Mr Mpumelelo Chiliza - Tender Office. Unauthorised communication with any

other personnel or member of staff, of the SABC with regard to this tender is

strongly discouraged and will result in disqualification of the respective

Tenderer's tender submission.

12.2 Should there be a difference of interpretation between the Tenderer and SABO;

SABC reserves the right to make a final ruling on such interpretation.

12.3 The closing time for clarification of queries is 3 (three) days before the deadline

for tender submission. The question and response will be sent to all Tenderers,

please bear this in mind when asking the question. All Tenderers will receive a

copy of all the questions received together with the answers.

Authorised contact's details are as follows:




Confidential and Proprietw Information Page 7 of 48 Tender Document

RFP Number: SGEIO8/04RFP Title: STB Control Software


Document B: General Conditions Of Tenderr

Vuka Sizwel




1.1 The tender forms should not be retyped or redrafted but photocopies may be

prepared and used.

1.2 Tender forms must be signed in the original; that is in ink - forms with

photocopied signatures or other such reproduction of signature will be rejected.

1.3 Should tender forms not be filled in by means of mechanical devices, for example

typewriters, ink, preferably black, must be used to fill in tenders.

1.4 Tenderers shall check the numbers of the pages and satisfy themselves that

none are missing or duplicated. No liability shall be accepted in regard to claims

arising from the fact that pages are missing or duplicated. Incomplete tenders

will result in disqualification.


4.1 Unless a departure is clearly stated by the Tenderer at the time of tendering, the

works shall be taken as complying in detail with the Technical Specifications and

the Tenderer shall be held liable on all the terms and conditions of the contract

as if this tender contained no departures. Technical specifications contained in

any brochures or any other descriptions submitted shall apply for acceptance test


4.2 Where items are specified In detail, the specifications form an integral part of the

tender document and Tenderers shall indicate in the space provided whether the

items are to specification or not.

4.3 In respect of the paragraphs where the items offered are strictly to specification,

Tenderers shall insert the words "as specified".

4.4 In cases where the items are not to specification, the deviations from the

specifications shall be indicated.


5.1 If there are any defects arising from failure of goods to meet the specifications

within the period specified in the contract, the Tenderer shall replace the

defective items at his expense or shall refund the Corporation such costs as the

Corporation may incur in replacing such defective item. The Tenderer shall also

bear the cost of transporting replaced/repaired items to the place of destination.

RFP Number: SGE/08/04RPP Title: STB Control Software


Document B: General Conditions Of TenderP

Vuka Sizwel


6.1 The Teriderer shall permit and assist the Corporation's representatives in

carrying out any inspections that are called for in the contract or specifications.


7.1 Goods purchased on this tender must be adequately protected and securely

packaged during shipment and until delivery at the destination. Goods

purchased on this tender must be adequately protected and securely packaged

during storage at the SABC for a period of six months under anticipated

temperature and humidity conditions.

7.2 Goods must be clearly marked with the Tenderer's name description of contents

and the Corporation's order number and delivery address.

6.0 RISK

8.1 The Tenderer shall bear the risk of damage to or loss of goods bought in

accordance with this contract until the goods are delivered to SABC Stores in

Auckland Park.


9.1 Delivery will be to the Radio Park Stores and TV Stores of SABC Ltd situated in

Auckland Park, Johannesburg Republic of South Africa. The contractual

delivery date must be strictly complied with and each delivery must be preceded

or accompanied by delivery note. If delivery does not take place within the

period stipulated, the Corporation may cancel this contract without further notice

to the Tenderer and with immediate effect without prejudice to any other course

of action available to the Corporation to recover any damages out of such delay.

Receipt of the goods by the Corporation will not be regarded as acceptance

thereof until the goods have been acceptance tested in compliance with the

Technical Specifications.


10.1 Payment, in currency other than South African Rand, will be made by means of a

telegraphic or wired bank transfer.

The Teriderer must provide:

— Name and address of their bank.

— Company account number to be credited.

— Sort/swift code of bank.

10.2 The Corporation's standard payment terms are 30 days from date of statement.


RFP Number: SGE/08/04RH' Title: SIB Control SoftwareDocument B: General Conditions Of Tender

Vuka Sizwel

11.1 The Tenderer shall not have the right to cede any right or delegate any obligation

in terms of this contract to any third party unless with the prior written approval of

the Corporation.


12.1 The Corporation shall not in any way be responsible or liable for payment of the

commission due on this contract in so far as the total contract amount would be

exceeded by any addition of such commission. The payment of commission

shall be the exclusive liability of the Tenderer which indemnifies the Corporation

hereby against agent's claims for commission of any nature.


13.1 The Tenderer shall not permit or allow any information regarding the contract

works to be published in any scientific, engineering or other newspaper,

periodical or publication without first obtaining the consent of the Corporation



14.1 Irrespective of where this contract happens to be finally concluded, it shall be

consistently deemed to have been entered into in the Republic of South Africa

whose law and courts' jurisdiction shall prevail throughout, in this connection.


15.1 Representations made in the tender, including claims made in respect of

commitments to dates of delivery, shall be considered binding on the Tenderer at

the time of contract negotiation, unless specifically noted by the Tenderer in the



16.1 These conditions form part of the tender and failure to comply therewith may

invalidate a tender.


Confidential and Proprietary Information 10 ci 48 tihder Document



RFP Number: SGE/08/04RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDocument C: Questionnaire To Be Completed When Tendering



if the information required in respect of each item cannot be inserted in the space provided

additional information may be provided on a separate sheet of paper with a suitable reference to

the questionnaire number concerned.

1. What is the tender number?

2. What is!are the item tendering for?(Please List]

3, Are you registered in terms of section23(1) or 23(3) of the Value-added TaxAct, 1991 (Act 89 of 1991)?

4. If so, state your VAT registration

number and original current tax

clearance certificate to be submitted

5. Are the prices quoted fixed for the full

period of contract?

6. is the delivery period stated in the

tender firm?

7, What is the address in the Republic ofSouth Africa where an Item of the type

offered by you may be inspected

preferably under working conditions?

(Where Applicable)

in the Republic of South Africa for thisparticular item? (If required).

rea re the stockheld?

items offered?

Where are these facilities available?

the factorleslsupPliers where, the

supplies will be manufactured and may

be inspected, If re9uired?

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RFP Number: SGEIO8/04RFP Title: SIB Control SoftwareDocument C: Questionnaire To Be Completed When Tendering

13, Turnover (R): Kindly indicate yourcompany's annual turnover for the pastthree years? (Rands)Please provide Financial Statements orAudited Letter

14. Has your company been accredited forBBBEE?Please provide a BEE certificate fromABVA affiliated agency



Confidential and Proprietary Information Page 12 of 48

REP Number: SGE/08/04REP Title: 5Th Control SoftwareDocument 0: Declaration Of Interest

PVuka Sizwe!



Any legal or natural person, excluding any permanent employee of SABC, may make an offer or

offers in terms of this tender invitation. In view of possible allegations of favouritisni, should the

resulting tender, or part thereof be awarded to-

(a) any person employed by the SABC in the capacity of Tenderer consultant or service

provider; or(b) any person who acts on behalf of SABC; or

(c) any person having kinship, including a blood relationship, with a person employed by, or

who acts on behalf of SABC; or(d) any legal person which is in any way connected to any person contemplated in paragraph

(a), (b) or (c),

it is required that

The Tenderer or his/her authorised representative shall declare his/her position vis-a-vls SABC

and/or take an oath declaring his/her interest, where it is known that any such relationship exists

between the Tenderer and a person employed by SABC in any capacity.

Does such a relationship exists? [YES/NO]If YES, state particulars of all such relationships (if necessary, please add additional pages

containing the required information):[2]




2. Failure on the part of a Tenderer to fill In and/or sign this certificate may be interpreted to mean

that an association as stipulated in paragraph 1, supra, exists.

3. In the event of a contract being awarded to a Tenderer with an association as stipulated in

paragraph 1, supra, and it subsequently becomes known that false information was provided in

response to the above question, SABC may, in addition to any other remedy it may have:

- recover from the Tenderer all costs, losses or damages incurred or sustained by SABC

as a result of the award of the contract; and/or

- cancel the contract and claim any damages, which SABC may suffer by having to make

less favourable arrangements after such cancellation.



Confidential and Proprietary Information Page 13 of 48 Tender Document

AFP Number: S0E108104RFP Title: S TB Control SoftwareDocument E: General SpecificatiOnS




This specification establishes the documentation and general performance requirements

for equipment and systems to be used by the Corporation. Specific performance

requirements for this tender request are detailed in Document F.

The schedule of compliance at the end of this document must be duly completed and


It is the Intent of the Corporation to utilize standard equipment and software wherever

possible. Further, it is recognized that not all manufacturers' equipment and software

provides identical design features. Therefore, tenders will be considered which are in

minor variance with these specifications, provided that the tender explicitly indicates

these variations.


The analogue Television Standard (PAL-I) which is used in the Republic of South Africa,

is detailed in the publication: "Specification of Television Standards for 625 Line System

I Transmission In the Republic of South Africa". (Revised edition February 1976).

For DTT the solution will conform to the DVB suite of standards and other standards

indicated under 3.0 below. The video standard shall be MPEG4 AVC (H.264) Broadcast

quality Standard Definition © L3 and High Definition @ L4. Audio standard will be AAC

and HE MC for effiticient use of bit rate.


DVB suite of standards.ISO/IEC 1318-1, ISO/IEC 1318-2, ISO/IEC 1318-3

EN 300 468, EN 300 292

TRIOI 211TS 101 154ITU-R BT1119-2, ITU-R.775


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RFP Number: SGE/08/04RIP Title: STD Control SoftwareDocument E: Genera! Specifications

All items of electronic equipment if proposed by tenderers, shall comply with the


4.1 Power Input

The power input shall be 220V 50Hz. The equipment tendered shall meet the

performance specification when the input voltage changes plus minus 10% and

the frequency by plus minus 4%.

4.2 operating Conditions

4.2.1 Unless otherwise specified in this tender document, the reference

ambient temperature will be 23°C and the rated temperature and

humidity ranges of use, within which the equipment specifications are

valid must be:


— HUMIDITY 20% to 60% without condensation.

4.2.2 The Tenderer must also indicate the temperature and humidity limits

within which satisfactory operation of the equipment is possible. A clear

distinction between the two sets of operating conditions must, however,

be made.

4.3 connectors

All connectors shall comply with generally accepted, professional broadcast


Power connectors shall be of the IEC 1OA type fitted with retaining clips.

All mating connectors other than BNC and XLR must be supplied with the


All connectors unless otherwise specified in Document E, shall be mounted at

the rear of the equipment and shall be clearly identified as to their function.

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RFP Number: SGEIO8/04RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDocument E: General Specifications

4.4 Earthing

All metal work shall be connected to mains earth on the mains connector.

Internal audio earth (0 Volts) shall be connected to pin 1 on all XLR connectors

and bridged to mains earth.

4.5 Impedances

Unless otherwise specified in the tender document, all equipment impedances

shall be:AES/EBU infout :

Balanced 110 ohms (nominal)unbalanced 75 ohms

Analogue Audio Input :Balanced, 10K ohms minimum

Analogue Audio Output :Balanced, Less than 150 ohms

Video : 75 ohms (nominal)

Pulse : 75 ohms (nominal)

4,6 Operating Levels

Unless otherwise specified in the tender document the normal operating levels of

equipment shall be:

Audio Input: 0 dBu nominal (0 dRu = 0,775V R.M.S.

= -4W)+ 6 dBu peak

Max. Headroom: + 20 dBu

Audio Output Gain: Adjustable to + 20 dB

Freq. Response: 20 Hz —20 kHz ± 0,5 dB

Dynamic Range: > 80 dB, 20 Hz — 20 kHz

Signal to Noise: > 80dBTotal Harmonic:

Distortion: 0.1% (-4dB at I kHz)

Digital Audio AES/EBU — IEC 958 200 mV to 10 V p-p

Max Headroom: +18 dBFS

Test Level: -18 (IEC 60268-18)

Video I V p-p composite

Pulse 2 V p-p

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RFP Number: SGE/08/04RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDocument E: General Specifications

4.7 TV Production Standards

All standard definition equipment shall comply with MPEG4 1-1.264 and DVB

suite of standards, ITU-R BT6OI-5 which describes studio encoding parameters

of digital television for standard 4:3 and wide-screen 16:9 aspect ratios.

4.8 Current Corporate Software Environment

The SABC strives for open data architecture solutions. Tenderers shall

demonstrate their approach to third party integration and open solutions.

Operating SystemsLinux RedhatMicrosoft Windows

Enterprise SoftwareSAP R3

Database SoftwareOracle 9iOracle 100SQL

4.9 software Maintenance

Tenderers shall indicate whether software is sold outright or licensed.

All licensing costs, inclusive of third party license costs shall be quoted.

All software support and maintenance options shall be fully specified and priced.

4.10 special Equipment Maintenance Facilities

The Tenderer shall provide a list and quote for the cost of any specialized items

required to maintain the equipment.

The Tenderer shall specify whether any assemblies or units which form part of

the equipment or the equipment as a whole1 require special repair and/or

alignment facilities not normally available. Details of service facilities available

for these units and assemblies must be given.

4.11 Extender Boards

Extender Boards required for equipment maintenance or alignment shall be

supplied as part of the equipment. Tenderer to specify the type and quantity


4.12 Rack Mounting Equipment

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RFP Number: SGEIOB/04RFP Title: STB Control SoftwaroDocument E: General Specifications

Unless otherwise specified in Document E, all equipment shall be rackmountable in standard 482,6mm (19 inch) racks and shall be in multiples of

44,5mm (1,75 inches) high.

4.13 Colour and Finish

The colour and finish of all items shall be specified in the tender.


5.1 system Design Information

The Tenderer shall deliver no later than the date specified in Clause 7: submittal

Requirements, all necessary information to allow the Corporation to complete

system designs and wiring diagrams, in order to incorporate the equipment to be

supplied into associated equipment and systems.

The information supplied shall, where applicable include, but not be limited to the


— Weight of each unit and sub-system offered.

External mechanical dimensions of control panels, stand alone or desk top

units, and rack equipment to enable control desk floor and rack space to be


— Accurate mounting details for all panels designed to be mounted into control

desks. These must include cut out hole sizes, recess and fixing information

depth and cable entry clearance requirements, etc.

— Mating connector types, "pin outs' and recommended cables for all

interconnecting and system cables not supplied with the equipment.

— The maximum distance that units of a system may be removed from each

other e.g. maximum distance between remote control panels and central

electronic chassis.

— Air flow and cooling requirements.

5.2 Quality Assurance Provisions

5.2.1 Quality Control

The Contractor shall provide adequate and effective quality standards

while manufacturing the equipment as per this specification. All

equipment shall be verified for correct identification, proper use of

materials, finishes and records, in accordance with the following:-

— Identification

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A positive means for signifying identification of the end item

equipment and each major portion of sub-equipment functioning

as a separate entity shall be established Such identification shall

include the nomenclature description along with Contractor's part,

type or model number permanently and prominently displayed.

Accountability by serial numbers or reference designators shall be


— Records

Complete manufacturing and test documentation essential to

productive effort shall be released and maintained. This data shall

be available for review at any time by representatives of the


5,2.2 Reliability and Maintainability

The equipment supplied shall be of the best professional broadcast

quality. It shall have good reliability and shall be designed and

constructed for ease of maintenance.

These requirements may be subject to demonstration and shall be

considered in the design approach relative to quality of materials and

workmanship required. Discrepant materials and equipment shall be

comprehensively analyzed to determine the need for remedial action. An

effective follow-up shall be administered to ensure that the discrepancies

are corrected at the earliest possible date.

5.3 Test Activity

5.3.1 Test Plan Submittal

The Contractor shall submit, at a date not later than that specified in

paragraph 7: submittal Requirements two (2) copies of a recommended

acceptance test plan for review and approval by the Corporation.

53.2 Test Plan Content

The acceptance test plan shall be comprehensive and include detailed

test procedures and test data recording sheets. A list of all required test

equipment and necessary equipment set-up diagrams shall be included.

The test plan shalt ensure that the testing shall demonstrate satisfactorily

system equipment and software compliance with the functional

mechanical, electrical and electronic requirements of this specification.

5,3,3 Acceptance Testing

Performance specification measurements shalt be conducted using the

procedures as specified in 5.3.1 above as approved by the Corporation.

5.3.4 witnessing of Tests

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RIP Number: SGE/08!04RH' Title: STB Control SoftwareDocument E: Genera! Specifications

The Corporation reserves the right to witness any or all tests conducted in

accordance with the approved acceptance test plan (refer clause 5.3.2) at

the Contractor's facility. Notice of such testing shall be given to the

Corporation at least twenty (20) days prior to actual test performancestating the anticipated time necessary to conduct such acceptance.

5.3.5 Test Data Sheets

All equipment and software purchased to this specification's requirements

shall be completely tested and test data shall be accurately recorded.

Tolerances and limits corresponding to those of the test procedures shall

be designated on the data sheets. One legible copy shall accompany

each equipment shipment. The copy shall be reproducible (photocopy).

Electronic copies of test data shall be provided to the nominated SABC

representative on completion of tests.

5.3.6 Factory Test Equipment

Calibrated standard or special test equipment shall be used at the

Contractor's facility to perform the tests comprised in the acceptance test

plan. Any test cables and adaptors used to configure equipment for

factory acceptance shall be provided by the Contractor.

5.3.7 Certificate of Compliance

A certificate of compliance shall accompany each shipment of equipment,

certifying full conformity to the requirements of this specification.

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RIP Number: 50E108/04RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDocumo iii E: General Specifications

5.4 Spare Parts

5.4.1 The Contractor shall at a date not later than that specified in Clause 7:

Submittal Requirements, submit a list of spare parts recommended to

ensure prompt equipment repair in event of failure.

5.4.2 At the same time, a comprehensive list of spares and expendable

maintenance items necessary to ensure satisfactory equipment operation

for two (2) years shall be submitted. The list shall include the component

manufacturer's name part description and complete type/model number.

Unit prices shall be established to allow purchase of any item or group of


5.4.3 Mechanical and Electrical items shall be listed separately.

5,4.4 The Contractor shall give an indication as to the extent of the spares

holdings in the Republic of South Africa for the equipment offered.

5.4.5 The Contractor shall state estimated delivery times for spare parts both

for the normal spares holding of the Corporation and for emergency items

which may be required in the event of equipment failure.

5.4.6 Any spare parts kits offered by the Contractor shall be readily identifiable

by means of a reference number in order to permit re-ordering, if

required, at some future date.

5.4.7 Spare parts kits must be accompanied by a complete listing of the

contents. All parts contained therein shall be marked so as to allow easy

identification by non- technical personnel.

5.4.8 In the case of more than one kit being ordered, either of the same or

differing types, each shall be separately packed and clearly marked with

the equipment type, kit reference number and the Corporation's order


5.4.9 Any spare parts kits ordered as a result of the Contract shall be delivered

complete according to the contents listing supplied by the Contractor.

Delivery of incomplete kits is not acceptable.

5.4.10 All parts lists for the equipment offered must be available on CD or PC

compatible format.

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RFP Number: SGE/08/04RIP Title: STB Control SoftwareDocument E: General Specifications

5.5 Maintenance Instruction Handbooks

The Contractor shall deliver equipment and system handbooks in the English

language in sufficient depth to allow for proper installation, operation

maintenance and repair of the equipment. Handbooks shall include, but not be

limited to the following:

— General description.— Theory of operation.— Operating procedure.— Maintenance instructions.— Schematic, logic and wiring diagrams.— Parts list and locations (preferably with exploded view breakdown).

— Test equipment.— Pictorial views (locations of all controls, connectors, indicators and

replaceable parts),

The maintenance instruction handbooks shall be prepared to good commercial

standards in the English language.

The Tenderer should indicate whether equipment handbooks for broadcasting

equipment have been designed in conformity with the EBU code of practice

described in document TECH 3239-E 'THE DESIGN OF HANDBOOKS FOR


5.6 System Integration and Turnkey Solutions

5.6,1 Design Review

The contractor/Integrator shall submit to the Corporation a complete

design package at a date no later than that specified in clause 7:

Submittal Requirements. This design package shall consist of, but not be

limited to, equipment list, design concept, signal flows and proposed


The design will be reviewed by the Corporation and after discussion with

the Contractor a final concept will be approved. The Corporation review

will be completed within three (3) weeks after receipt of the design

package. After the design approval it shall be necessary for the

Contractor to obtain approval from the Corporation for any deviations

from the approved design. Please refer to document E for further detail.

5.6.2 Drawings and Documentation

Drawings and documentation shall include:

— Detailed mechanical designs of technical furniture, technical panels

and equipment required for manufacture.

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RPP Number: 5GE108104RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDocument E: General Specifications

— All relevant floor plans, rack and equipment layouts and cable route


— For each facility/area as appropriate:

— Digital and analogue audio flows— Video flows— Talkback System Flows— Control flows— Pulse flows— Power and earthing flows— Computer network drawings

— Patch bay, connector panel and terminal block drawings.

— Cable and connector termination sheets.

— Labelling for all cabling patch bays and terminal blocks.

— Labelling of all equipment, racks and facilities,

— A detailed inventory of each facility, complete with location and serial


— Operational and technical handbooks for each system and item of

equipment being supplied by the Integrator.

— Following final acceptance the Integrator will provide a number of

copies of the documentation, updated to contain final changes and to

reflect accurately the delivered equipment and system installed.

presented in loose leaf binders (exact number to be agreed). In

addition to hard copies of the information drawings shall be supplied

on computer disks in AutoCAD format and complying with SABC

drawing conventions. Wiring schedules will be supplied on a

Microsoft compatible spreadsheet.

5.6.3 Installation

The Systems Integrator shall carry out the installation of all equipment,

technical furniture and systems as detailed in this document, It shall be

required of the Systems Integrator to manufacture any remote panels1

connector panels and mounting equipment.

All types of hardware used for plugs, sockets interface frames etc., and

choice of cabling to be used shall be agreed with the SABC before

installation commences.

The Systems Integrator shall be responsible for the following:

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APP Number: SGE/08/04APP Title: STB Control SoftwareDocument E: General Specifications

— Supply and administration of the installation team to carry out this

work and ensure adherence to any Safety and Health regulations.(SABC reserves the right to request use of its own installation team,

subject to workload).

— Supply of all cabling, connectors and installation materials.

— The supply of all tools and installation equipment.

— The security of all equipment and materials during the installation

period or until such facilities are accepted as complete by the SABC

or its appointee.

5.6.4 Mechanical Installation Layout

Rack layouts will be decided and agreed with the nominated

SABC representative prior to installation with due consideration to

operational aspects, ventilation (allowing 1 RU between equipment

known to generate heat) and air flow (deeper items located

towards the bottom of the rack). Supports

Where practical and appropriate equipment supports will be fitted

to the bays to reduce the risk of accidents during equipment


56.4.3 Equipment Fixings

Equipment will be fixed in bays and desks using chrome finish

Posidrive screws, plain washers and black plastic cup washers. Bay Fixings

Normally a wooden plinth shall be provided for the bays fixed to

the floor. The bays will be fixed directly to this. Desks are normally

left free-standing.

5.6.5 Technical Wiring General Standard

In general the contractor shall follow good engineering practice

and standards for wiring and installations. Looming

All cables will be loomed to cable trays in racks, desks and

monitor stands. High quality plastic tie wraps or lacing twine shall

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APP Number SGE/08104RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDocument E: General Specifications

be used and cut using an appropriate tool to ensure no sharp

edges remain. Cable Separation

Wherever practical video, audio, data, control and power wiring

looms will be kept separate. Maintenance

All cables shall be left long enough such that equipment and

jackfields can be withdrawn forward for maintenance purposes.

5,6.5.5 cable Numbers

All cables will be uniquely identified at each end by a cable

number and/or a letter, which will allow to the

wiring schedules and drawings. Cable numbers used will be the

plastic coloured type or computer generated wrap around labels

e.g. Brady Laser Tab Markers.

Allocation of numbers shall be agreed upon before

commencement of the project.

5.6.5,6 Cable Identification

Where equipment is likely to be regularly removed for

maintenance, etc., cables will be given a label describing where it

is plugged in. These labels will be created using the "Brady

Marker System" and will be in addition to the number described

above. Jackfield Normalling

Generally, unless specifically requested, jackfield normalling is

done on the rear of the jackfield rather than on the interface frame.

Analogue audio jackfields are usually half normalled, i.e. the hot

and cold of the upper row outers are wired to the hot and cold of

the lower row inners. The sleeves of the jacks are bussed and

connected by a single earth wire per row to the rack earthing


Microphone circuits are not usually taken through jackfields,

however, if this is required, they will be normalled, hot and cold of

the upper row inners to hot and cold of the lower row Inners This

prevents the microphone circuits being paralleled. The jack

sleeves are also normalled from the upper row but not connected

to earth.

Balanced digital audio circuits are normalled in the same way as

specified above for microphone circuits, Unbalanced digital audio

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circuits shall be routed through co-axial video patchi9elds and shall

be normalled in the same way as for video circuits.

5,6.6 on-Site Working Safety

The Systems integrator and its sub-contractors shall be expected

to fully comply with the local safety specifications.

All work on site shall be executed within the confines of the




as the SABC Safety and Security Requirements and all statutory

laws and by-laws applicable to the installation. Cleaning and Waste Disposal

The Systems Integrator will ensure that their working area is kept

clean and tidy. The SABC shall advise what facilities are available

for waste disposal. working Hours

On-site working hours shall be agreed however, normal working

hours shall be deemed to be between 7am and 7pm. Weekends

shall be worked if deemed necessary Security Passes

The Systems Integrator shall provide a list of all on-site staff on

request so that any appropriate security passes may be issued.

These passes shall be visibly worn at all times.

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6.1 Training

The Contractor will be required to provide, in Johannesburg, technical instruction

of an agreed standard in the set-up, operation and maintenance of the equipment

covered by this specification.

The Corporation will provide lecture room accommodation and the necessary

access to the equipment and specified facilities, but the Contractor must provide

all travel, transport, accommodation and subsistence for their staff, All lecture

notes, diagrams, manuals, etc., and other instructional material other than the

technical literature normally supplied with the equipment, shall be provided by the


6.2 Installation Support

The Contractor may also be required to provide in Johannesburg, the services of

a skilled field engineer to assist in the installation, set-up and check-out of the

equipment covered by this specification. Prices for such support shall be quoted

as follows:

6.3 Commissioning Support

The Contractor may be required to provide, in Johannesburg, the services of a

field service engineer to assist in the commissioning of the equipment covered by

this contract.

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Refer Clause

5.1 System Design 2 Sets Within 30 days after order.


5.3.1 Test Plan Submittal 2 Copies Within 30 days after order.

5.3.5 Test Data Sheets 2 Copy Within each item of equipment.

5.3.7 Certificate of I Copy With equipment delivery.


5.4.1 Spare Pads Usts 2 Copies Within 30 days after order.

5.4.2 2 Year Maintenance 2 Copies Within 30 days after order.

Items List

5.5 Maintenance 2 Sets On receipt of order.

InstructionHandbooks 2 Sets With each piece of equipment delivered.

5.6.1 Design ReviewWithin 30 days after order

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RFP Number: SGE/O8/04RFP Title: 5Th Control SoftwareDocument E: General Specifications



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RFP Number: SGE/08!04RFP Title: STR Control SoftwareDocument F: Technical Specifications




I Introduction

This document is an official request for proposal whereby the South African Broadcasting

Corporation (SABC) will appoint a Vendor to supply a STE control software system for the

forthcoming DTT launch. It is envisaged that the market launch will happen in the 2nd quarter of

2009 and that this will be preceded by a pilot in November 2008. Vendors should advise their

ability to meet the above deadlines.

In preparation for the launch of Digital Terrestrial Television ('OTT') services SABC is taking a

leading role in assisting the authorities with the preparations for an efficient and effective launch.

The Government's objectives for the DTT platform are that, apart from releasing spectrum for

other services it should bring new services to the whole population. The OTT STB5 will initially

be sold through retail outlets. Later in their deployment they may be subsidised. Major events

such as the FIFA soccer World Cup are part of the Government's focus, thus being able to

present and promote these events in innovative ways is considered important.

Achieving a low-cost design is also considered to be a primary objective may be subsidised,

however the total cost of operation also has to be considered together with the value of services

that can be supported.Vendors are required to respond to this RFP demonstrating that their proposed approach and

methodologies are a probable fit to SABC's requirements.

All information contained in this RFP or given by management or staff of SABC is solely for the

purpose of providing Vendors with relevant information with which to complete and submit their

proposals.Recipients of this document will be expected to respect the confidentiality of the information

contained therein or any other information obtained in the course of business It is expected that

Vendors will take all reasonable steps to ensure that their employees and associates are aware

of the need for confidentiality.


2.1.1 BusinessThe SABC is the public broadcaster in South Africa, with a public service mandate which is

defined In the country's Broadcasting Act. Currently, SABC is licensed to operate three

terrestrial free-to-air television channels and eighteen radio stations.

Unlike some public broadcasters elsewhere, SABC enjoys a mixed funding model 18% of

which emanates from the TV licence fee and close to 80% from commercial revenues. The

balance is made up from government grants.

The SABC mission is summarized as: "Broadcasting for Total Citizen Empowerment." This

mission Is to be:• people-centered• Content-driven• Technologically-enabled•

• A sustainable public service broadcaster

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4 possible Multiplex Allocation DTT

S Technical considerations

The DTT network, the services and the STBs have to be accessible to the whole population1

which Implies support for multiple languages. South Africa has 11 official languages.

Further information about the SABC, its services and branding can be found at

3 Other relevant broadcasters

Other terrestrial television broadcasters involved in the migration from analogue television to

DTT include the free-to-air commercial player 'etv' and pay-terrestrial player M-Net (owned by

MIH, which also controls the dominant satellite pay-TV platform DStv), New pay-Services may

be launched by any of the operators, though primarily this is a free-to-air environment similar to

that of many other IDTT platforms around the world.

Further information on MIH can be found at:

While more information on etv can be located at:

The DTT multiplex allocations are not yet finalised, However, for the purposes of responding to

this brief the following should be assumed:

Two national multiplexes, one of which will be dedicated to public service broadcasting

(PSB), the other to commercial services

• All of the SABC's public services will be on the PSB multiplex

• There are expected to be many time-shared channels on each multiplex.

SABC expects to have additional services on Dli over the next 2 to 3 years. Regional services

are expected to be introduced on the DTT platform within the first three years. It is unclear at

this stage as to whether all of these services will be available on the PBS multiplex or if some

services will be made available on the commercial multiplex.

It is also expected that eTV will launch new services on the commercial multiplex.

In addition there will be one or two regional multiplexes with services to be defined. However, it

is possible that these multiplexes will be allocated to DVB-H,

Radio services will also be supported on non-DVB-H multiplexes.

DTT services will be broadcast using the advanced MPEG-4 suite of standards rather than

MPEG-2, and it is assumed that there will be at least eight full-time equivalent video services

per multiplex. However, time-sharing of channels will result in significantly more services being

presented by the EPG. Meanwhile, there are expected to be many radio services. Radio will be

a key element of the DTT proposition.

The MHEG-5 interactive environment will be used to support a wide range of interactive

services, both service-bound and unbound, some of which may be allocated their own channel

(e.g. games channels).The STB specification has been chosen to allow for the optimum use of the limited bandwidth

available. This has led to support for MPEG 4 with advanced audio compression and the need

to support caching of applications and EPG data.

Tender DocumentConfidential and proprietary Information Page 32 of 48

RFP Number: SGE/08104RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDocument F: Technical Specifications


Envisaged services provided by the selected Vendor may include but are not limited to:

• Management of unique addresses• Management of software signing process• Specification or validation of secure download process

• Specification of secure boot process• Provision of the STB software defined in this RFP


SummarY of Requirements

The high level requirements for the STB control software:

• Be low-cost• Be low-maintenance

Efficient addressing means• Provide for a secure software download means

• Provide for a secure boot• Specify an appropriate level of hardware security

• Approve chip sets against the stated requirements

• Encryption of services is not required

Confidential and Proprietary information Page 33 of 48 Tender Documenta

APP Number: SGE/O8/04APP Title: 5Th Control SoftwareDocument F: Technical Specifications

Statement of Requirements

Top Level Requirement Extended Description and Requirements

The solution must be The solution shall not require the use of a smartcard or any other

provided as embedded external security device


The STB should operate only on the networks carrying the

appropriate and necessary authentication data.

The network authentication should not require secret data to be

held in the STB. The use of Asymetric cryptography is therefore

To prevent subsidised STBs considered as a requirement

leaving SA

Discovery or modification of data in one STB should not

compromise another STB

It should not be possible to modify the data stored in one SIB at

a cost that is lower than building a new STB

Extended and

The STB should be able to process messages that turn the STB


on and off. As above, the SIB must be able to validate the

authenticity of these messages An efficient means of addressing

is also required

In addition, as it can never be certain that the SIB will receive a

switch-off message, the system should require that the STB

I receives periodic addressed switch-on messages. The effective

Tobe able to turn off stolen duration of these messages should be variable and may in typical

operation be set to be around 1 — 3 months.

The STB shall be manufactured with a unique address that cannot

easily be modified

An addressing scheme is required that can be Implemented by all

STB manufacturers

To tar et

Confidential and Proprietary Information page 34 of 48 Tender Document

RFP Number: SGEfO8IO4RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDocument F: Technical S ecificationsSTB5 and groups of STBs It should be possible to target messages at individual STB5 or

groups of STBs and for these messages to trigger the display of

embedded or broadcast MHEG applications

It should be possible to store and modify group addresses or

other means of allowing STBs to be identified according to criteria

to be decided later

Message addressing for each of the above needs to make the

best use of the limited bandwidth available

To secure software To allow the software to be modified in a secure manner so that

download capability only properly approved software signed by the appropriate

authorities will be accepted by the STR

To Secure STB start-up or To ensure that only the authorised software runs in the STB


A low cost solution The solution cannot be funded from Pay TV revenues and has to

appropriate for a free to air be appropriate for the OTT market in South Africa



The requirement is for a lightweight low cost system delivering the specification as set out in

Statement of Requirements above,

Pridng options should be provided, taking into account the following options

• Licence costs• Annual maintenance payments with and without upfront integration charges

* Support for new STB manufacturers (cost to manufacturer)

• Support for new STB models (cost to manufacturer)

• Expected headend hardware costs

Vendors should advise how these cost items may change in time and by volume.

Consideration should be given to offering a single cost per annum to support the OTT network

based on the following total STB volumes

1. 0-100,000 STB52. 100000 —500,000 STBs3. 500,000— 1 million STBs

4. 1 million to 2 million STB5

Con fidential and Proprietary Information Page 35 of 48 Tender Document

RFP Number: SGE/08/04RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDocument F: Technical Specifications

5. Greater than 2 million STBs


9.1 contact Persons for Tenderer Queries

Enquiries in respect of this tender should be addressed to:

Mpumelelo Chiliza — Tender SupervisorProcurement DivisionRadio Park Office BlockHenley RoadAuckland ParkJohannesburgSouth AfricaE-mail:Phone: 011 7144938

9,2 Evaluation criteria

Tenderers will be evaluated on the following criteria:

B-BBEE — 20%Price — 30%Technical Compliance — 35%

Customer support— 15%

The Corporation reserves the right to adjust these weightings as may be


9.3 Project Schedule

The project schedule will be discussed in detail with the successful Tenderer but

should take cognisance of the need to have the appropriate solution available for

the proposed trial/pilot on 1 November 2008.


Confidential and Proprietary Information Page 36 of 46 Tender Document

APP Number: SGE/O8/04APP Title: STB Control Software


Document G: Evaluation and Selection Criteriap

Vuka SlzweI




1.1 RFP is awaited from invited Tenderers to supply the above-mentioned requirement to SABO, on or

before the 9 July 2008, 12h00. The Tender documents may be Inspected at, and are obtainable from

Tender Advise Centre:

Address: South African Broadcasting Corporation Limited

Tender Advice Centre (Floor 20)

Radio ParkCnr Artillery and Henley Road

Auckland Park

Contact Person: Mpumelelo Chiliza

Telephone no: (011) 7144749Email:


2.1 Any additional information or clarifications wilt be faxed or emailed to all potential Tenderers, if


2.2 Enquiries in respect of this RFP should be addressed to:

Mpumelelo Chiliza - —Tender Supervisor

E-mail:Phone: 0117144947


3.1 Final Proposals in triplicate must reach the Secretary SABC Bid Adjudication Committee before the

closing hour on the date shown below, and must be enclosed in a sealed envelope which must have

inscribed on the outside: The Tender number

Please note that electronic submission will also be accepted but the South African based

suppliers are encouraged to submit their tenders to SABC Tender Office.

3.2 The envelope is to be DELIVERED into the Tender Box at Radio Park Building which is located on

Corner Artillery and Henley Road Main Entrance and should be addressed as follows:




Confidential and Proprietary Information Page 37 of 48 Tender Document

RFP Number: SGE/O8/04RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDocument G: Evaluation and Selection Criteria

Vuka Sizwel


3.3. Late submissions will be disqualified


3.4. If responses are not delivered as stipulated herein, such responses will not be considered and will be

considered as "UNRESPONSIVE".


3.6 The responses to this RFP will be opened as soon as practicable after the expiry of the time advertised

for receiving them.

3.7 SABC shall not at the opening of responses, disclose any confidential details pertaining to the tenders I

information received to any other company, i.e. pricing, delivery etc.

3.8 Envelopes must not contain documents relating to any TENDER other than that shown on the


3.9 No slips are to be attached to the response documents. Any additional conditions must be embodied

in an accompanying letter. The Tenderer must not make alterations, additions or deletions to the actual

TENDER documents.


4.1 Tenderers are warned that a response will be liable to disqualification should any attempt be made

by a Tenderer either directly or Indirectly to canvass any officer(s) or employees of SABC in respect

of a tender between the closing date and the date of the award of the business.

4.2 A Tenderer may, however, BEFORE THE CLOSING DATE AND TIME direct any enquiries

relating to the TENDER to the SABC employee as indicated in (2.2).


5.1 Tenderers will be contacted as soon as practicable with a status update. At this time, short-listed

Tenderers may be asked to meet with SABC representatives. Tenderers to provide a list of

persons and their contact details who are mandated to negotiate on behalf of their company.


6.1 Sign one set of documents, sign and date the bottom of each page. ThIs set will serve as the legal

and binding copy. The duplicate can be a Photostat copy of the original document.

- Both sets of documents to be submitted to the address specified above.

- The following returnable documents must accompany all tenders:

- The supplier's latest audited financial statements;

- The supplier's valid Tax Clearance Certificate.

Confidential and Proprietary information Page 38 of 48 Tender

RFP Number SGE/08/04RPP Title: 8Th Con trot Software


Document 6: Evaluation and Selection Criteriap

Vuka Sizwel

- TV Licenses (applicable for South African companies)


The Tenderer shall be in full and complete compliance with any and all applicable State and Local

laws and regulations.


8.1 All returnable documents as indicated in the tender form must be returned with the


8,2 Tenderers are to note that tenders in which firm prices are quoted for the duration of any resulting

contract may receive precedence over prices which are subject to adjustment.

8,3 changes by the Tenderer to his/her submission will not be considered after the closing date.

8.4 The person or persons signing the tenders must be legally authorized by the Tenderer to do so A

list of the person(s) authorized to negotiate on your behalf must be submitted along with the tender,

8.5 All prices must be in Rands and cents. (Price per service item that SABC will be charged (note: this

price should be the lowest possible and preferably be firm for at least a year)).

8.8 sABc reserves the right to undertake post-tender negotiations with the preferred Tenderer or any

number of short-listed Tenderers.




9.1 Tenderers are hereby advised that SABC is not committed to any course of action as a result of its

issuance of this TENDER and/or its receipt of a tender in response to it. In particular, please note

that SABC may:

9.1.2 change all services on tender and to have Supplier re-bid on any changes.

9.1.3 reject any tender which does not conform to instructions and specifications issued herein

9.1.4 disqualify tenders after the stated submission deadline

9.1.5 not necessarily accept the lowest priced tender

9.1.6 reject all tenders, if it so decides9.1.7 award a contract in connection with this tender at any time

9.1.8 award only a portion as a contract

9.1.9 split the award of the contract to more than one Supplier

9.1.10 make no award of a contract.

Kindly note that SABC will not reimburse any Tenderer for any preparation costs or other work

performed in connection with this tender whether or not the Tenderer is awarded a contract.

Confidential and Information Page 39 of 48 Tender Document

RFP Number: SGEIOO/04RFP Title: STB Control Software ADocument 13: Evaluation and Selection Criteria

Vuka Sizwel


All information related to this tender both during and after completion is to be treated with strict

confidence. Should the need however arise to divulge any information gleaned from the service

which is either directly or indirectly related to SABC Ltd, written approval to divulge such

information will have to be obtained from SABC

Any TENDER submitted by a Tenderer Is subject to negotiation and review of the proposed

contract by SABC's Legal Counsel.



Tenderer's contact person: Name:




E-mail address:



Confidential and Proprietary In formation Page 40 of 48 Tender

RFP Number: SGE/O8/04RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDocument H: Supporting Documentation and In formation




The Tenderer must state hereunder the tax registration number which is applicable to value

added tax.


Tenderers are required to forward a valid copy of their Company's Tax Clearance Certificate

with their tender/quotation.

Indicate tax clearance certificate expiry date


Confidential and ProprietarY Information page 41 of 48 Tender Document \

RFP Number: .SGEIO8/04RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDocument H: Supporting Documentation and In formation

TV Licence number


Name & Surname

ID Number

Physical address

Telephone & cellular phone numbers

E-mail address


TV Licence number

Confidential and ProprietarY Information Page 42 of 48


Tenderers are required to submit the following returnable documents with their responses

Audited Financials Statement for Past Three Years (for EME's)

Letter from a reputable audit firm (for EME's)

By signing the TENDER documents, the Tenderer is deemed to acknowledge and accept

that all the conditions governing this TENDER, including those contained in any printed

form stated to form part thereof and SABC Limited. will recognize no claim for relief

based on an allegation that the Tenderer overlooked any such condition or failed

Tender Document 4

RiP Number: SGE/08/04RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDocument H: Supporting Documentation and In formation

properly to take it into account for the purpose of calculating tendered prices or


SIGNED atthis

day of








Con fidential and Proprietary in formation Page 43 of 48 Tender Document

RFP Number: SGE/08/04RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDOCUMENT!: Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Form




1,1 The SABO fully endorses and supports the Government's Broad-based Black Economic

Empowerment Programme and it is strongly of the opinion that all South African Business

Enterprises have an equal obligation to redress the imbalances of the past.

1.2 SABC will therefore prefer to do business with local business enterprises who share these same

values. To this end, SABO will seriously reconsider continued business relationships with such

local business enterprises that do not possess a BBBEE "recognition level" of at least level 5.

SABC consequently urges Tenderers (large enterprises and QSE's- see below) to have

themselves accredited by any one of the various Accreditation Agencies available, who do their

BBBEE ratings in accordance with the latest Codes (I.e. those promulgated on 9 February

2007) and whose names appear on the present ABVA (Association of BEE Verification

Agencies) — "List of Full Members" as displayed on the ABVA website (

1.3 Although no agencies have, as yet, been accredited by SANAS (SA NatIonal Accreditation

System), SABC will, in the interim, accept rating certificates of Tenderers who have been

verified by any of the listed agencies.

1.4 In addition to the above, Tenderers who wish to enter into a Joint Venture or subcontract portions of

the contract to BBBEE companies, must state in their tenders the percentage, of the total contract

value that will be allocated to such BBBEE companies, should they be successful in being awarded

any business. A ratin certificate In res ect of such BBBEE JV- artners and I or sub-Tendererls as

well as a breakdown of the distribptionpf the aforementionedi

1.5 In view of the high emphasis which SABG places on Broad-based Black Economic

Empowerment SABC will allocate more points to BBBEE in awarding this tender. However, Price

and delivery head time will also play a very important factor.

1.6 Each Tenderer is required to furnish proof of the above to SABC. Failure to do so will result

in a score of zero being allocated for BBBEE.

Tenderers are required to respond to all the items of this document. Compliance is

Mandatory. The SABC reserves the right to audit and/or request information to support

or validate of any of the figures provided in response to the BEE questionnaire prior to

the award of the tender.

Confidential and Proprietary Information Page 44 of 48 Tender Document

RFP Number: SGE/08/04RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDOCUMENT!: Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Form


2.1 Name of company or close corporation:

2.2 Company or Close Corporation registration number

2.3 VAT number

2.3 Postal Address

2.4 street address

2.5 Telephone Number_____________________ Fax Number

2,6 Contact Person

2.7 Full Names of Shareholders/Members by race and gender and % shareholding (In case

of a public company, shareholders with more than 10%):


Con fiden tie! and Proprietary Information Page 45 of 48 Tender Document

RFP Number: SGE/08/04RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDOCUMENT I: Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Form

2.8 Name(s) of responsible officers that will be assigned to this contract if it is awarded to

your company.

2.9 Name and address of bankers: —

Branch___________________________ Account No._________________________

2*10 Name and Address of attorneys:

2.11 Name and address of officer


3.1 Name of Group Holding Company:

3.2 Registration Number of Group Holding Company

3.3 Postal Address

3.4 street Address

Confidential and Proprietary Information Page 46 of 48 Tender Document

RPP Number: SGE/08/04RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDOCUMENT!: Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Form

3.5 Names and addresses of all subsidiary companies


4.1 Audited financial statements for the last three financial years, where applicable, of the

tendering company and the holding company must be enclosed with your tender


4.2 State the names of group holding, subsidiary or associated companies that will be

supporting contract undertakings In connection with this tender and state the nature and

extent of this support

4.3 Has the tendering company or any associated company been liquidated or placed under

provisional liquidation or judicial management? If so, give full details and reasons:

4.4 Has any director or former director of the tendering company ever been declared

insolvent and if so has such director rehabilitated?


5.1 Tenderers must supply a brief description of their core business in the field in which they

are tendering together with the major users of their services.

Confidential and Proprietary Information page 47 of 48 Tender Document

RFP Number: SGE/08/04RFP Title: STB Control SoftwareDOCUMENT!: Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Form

5.2 What business activities are being sub-contracted or can be sub-contracted?



Confidential and Proprietary Information Page 48 of 48 Tender Document

Copydght protected. This standard is exclusively for Calvo Mawela of Muitichoice for use on the local drive of your Personal Computer with access only

your personal use. No local area network, wide area network, intranet or internet storage and access is permitted. You can make one paper copy of the

standard. No paper copy may be photocopied or reproduced in any way.

ISBN 978-0-626-28809-9 SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1


Set-top box decoder for free-to-air digitalterrestrial television


This ad$di4feI!$&bttiet

Published by SABS Standards Division

1 DrLatecjan Road Private Bag X191 Pretoria 0001

Tel: +27124287911 Fax: +27123441568

© SABS. Single-user licence only: copying and networking prohibited. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.


Copyright protected. This standardis exclusively [or Calve Mawela ol Multicholce [or use on the local drive of your Personal computer with access only for

your personal use. No local area nelwork, wide area network, intranet or internet storage and access is permlttaø. You can make one paper copy ci the

standard. No paper copy may be photocopied or reproduced in any way

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

Table of changes

Change N2i Date Scope

Amdt I j 2013 Amended to update the normative references (see Clause 2). to


I include the abbreviation CGMS-A (see 3.2), to define single RF


frequency. TFS, NM and HEM input modes (see 4.3.1) to

clarify the situation regarding the levels of RF channels when TFS is


supported (see, to indicate that CGMS-A (copy once set)


should be provided with composite (CVBS) video output and that the

I decoder shall provide a single HDMI output with HDCP enabled

output for HD content (see, to Indicate that receivers shall


include an HIDMI output with HDCP enabled for HD content (see

I, to make all the descriptions in table 10 compulsory (see

14.7.2); to change the way schedule information shall be carried and to


I delete reference to an MHEG application (see 4.7.4), to modify the


requirements for HDMI connectors (type A with HDCP) enable (see


14.12.3), to replace the DVB-SSU simple proffle with the DVB-SSU


I enhanced profile (see 6.3.2,1 and 6.3.3) and to replace the

_jjequlrements for the user interface (see clause 7).



The SABS Standards Division wishes to acknowledge the valuable assistance derived from the

publication NorDig unified requirements for integrated receiver decoders for use In cable, satellite,

terrestrial and (P-based networks (ver 2.2,1).


This South African standard was approved by National Committee SABS/TC 074, communication

technology, in accordance with procedures of the SABS Standards Division, in compliance with

annex 3 of the WTOITBT agreement.

This document was published in January 2014.

A vertical line in the margin shows where the text has been technically modified by amendment

No. 1.

This document supersedes SANS B62:2012 (edition 2).

At various places in this document, reference is made to broadcasting service licensees, In South

Africa, this means the free-to-air individual broadcasting service licensees or their appointed agents

(trusted third parties). Contact details for these broadcasting service licensees are available from

the Independent Communicalion Authority of South Africa (ICASA):

Independent Communication Authority of South Africa

Blocks A, B, C and 0, Pinmill Farm

164 Katherine StreetSandton2146


© SABS. Single-user licence only; copying and networking prohibited. Note that only one printout of the standard maybe made.

Copyright protected. This slandard is exclusively for Calvo Maweta of Muttloholce For use on He local drive of your Personal computer with access only for

your personal use. No local area network, wide area network, intranet or internet storage and access is permitted. You can make one paper copy of the

slandard. No paper copy may be photocopied or reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1


Digital terrestrial television (DTT) broadcasting has been trialled in South Africa since

1 November 2008 using the Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial System (DVB-T). In

January 2011 the Second Generation Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial System (DVB-T2) was

confirmed as the transmission standard to be used in South Therefore this revision of

SANS 862 Incorporates the requirements for DVB-T2.

Initially, the DTT service will be available in parallel with the existing analogue network, but it is

anticipated that the analogue network will be switched off from December 2013.

The objective of this document is to provide requirements for a set-top box decoder (5Th decoder)

which, in conjunction with an analogue television receiver will provide good quality video and sound

for the viewer, and to ensure the lowest possible cost for the free-to-air set-top box decoder.

Where the document is silent on a specific feature that feature is regarded as being optional. The

inclusion of optional features can be seen as part of the marketing strategy of the manufacturer.

For the South African DTT networks, cached MI-lEG applications and data will be used to avoid the

high bandwidth needs of caroilsels,

The MHEG-5 application environment in accordance with ISOI1EC 13522-5, ETSI ES 202 184 and

the MHEG-5 Profile for South Africa, has been seiected for easy integration. The South African

MHEG-5 profile supports a return path, but this is optional in this document.

The DTT Free to Air User Interface Specification will provide a defined framework for conformance

measurement. Information will be available at http://www.sabc.00.Za/Wp5/P0 SABCfdtt or


The 5Th decoder should also be capable of providing interactive services, and control moans are

required to prevent subsidized STB decoders from being used outside South Africa.

The main functional elements specified for security are:

a) a secure over-the-air software and bootstrap loader;

b) a mechanism to prevent STB decoders from functioning in non-RSA DTT networks;

c) STB control system that will enabte mass messaging.

Detailed security requirements are not specified in this document. The STB decoder manufacturer

is responsible for the implementation of the security requirements specified by the free-to-air

individual service licensees in South Africa and for the proper configuration of the


Manufacturers can obtain the security requirements from the free-to-air individual

service licensees in South Africa or from their appointed agents (trusted third parties)

(sea foreword).

© SABS. Single-user licence only; copying and networking prohibited. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.

Copyright protected. This standard is exclusively for calve Mawela of Multichoice for use on the local drive of your Personal Computer with access only for

your personal use. No local area nelwmk, wide area network. intranet or internet storage and access is permitted. You can make one paper copy of the

standard. No paper copy may he photocopied or reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013 $

Edidon 2.1





I ScopeS

2 Normative references5

3 Definitions, abbreviations and symbols7

4 Performance requirements11

4.1 General11

4.2 spectrum and DTT modulation and coding12

4,3 Radio frequency12

4.4 Do-multipleXing and decoding25

4.5 subtitling30

4.6 Teletext31

4,7 service information (SI) and programmesPecific information (PSI) 31

4.8 Menlory4.9 Graphics capabilities


4.10 standby operation4.11 Power supply4.12 Interfaces

5 STB decoder control36

5.1 control requirements36

5.2 Menu operation36

5.3 south African OTT identification number36

e Applications

6.1 MHEG-5 Interactive application environment37

6.2 Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) and cached applications 37

6.3 Secure downloads and updates37

7 User interface39

7.1 to 7.8 deleted by amendment No. I

B Remote control unit (RcU)

a.i Minimum functionality39

8.2 Alternative RCU design40

8.3 RelIability40

$,4 Packaging40


SASS. Single-user licence only; copying and networking prohibited. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.


Copyright protected. This standard is exclusively for Calvo Mawela of Multicholce for use on (he local drive of your Personal Computerwith access only (or

your personal use, No local area network, wide area network, intranet or Internet storage and accoss is permitted. You can make one paper copy of the

standard. No paper copy maybe photocopied or reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

Contents (continued)Page

— Main hardware/firmware functions for the various RD configurations

— Mandatory frequency bands

Modulation and transmission parameters

— A limited set of DVB-T2 modes for performance requirements

— Maximum noise figures for set-top box decoders

Minimum required C/N for GEE reception of DVB-T (with 1/4 guard

interval and FFT size a K) for prof ties I and 2

Table 7 — Maximum required C/N for GEE reception of DVI3-T2 at

TS output (with 1/8 guard interval PP2 and EFT size 32 K) for profiles I and 2....

Table 8 — Minimum input signal levels (Pmin.) for GEE reception of DVB-T

(with 1/4 guard interval and FFT size 8K) for profiles 1 and 2

Table 9 — Minimum input signal levels (Pmin.) for GEE reception of DVB-T2

(with 1/8 guard interval, PP2 and FFT size 32 K extended bandwidth

for profiles 1 and 2)

Table 10— Minimum required for GEE reception with Interfering


Table 11 — C/I for QEF in the presence of a co-channel analogue TV carrier

Table 12— C/I for QEF of DVB-T2 in the presence of a co-channel analogue

TV carrier

Table 13— C/N for GEE reception of DVB-T with dynamically varying echo

power levels

Table 14— C/N for GEE reception of DVB-T2 with dynamically varying echo

power levels

Table 15— GEE reception for echoes outside the guard interval for 8 MHz DVB-T

© SABS. Single-user licence only; copying and networking prohibited. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.


g compliance

9.1 Health and safety9.2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

9.3 Performance

10 Accessories

11 Packaging



Table I

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4

Table 5

Table 6 —























Copyright protected. This standard is exclusively for Ciihro Mawela of Multichoice for uso on the local drive of your Personal computer with access only for

your personal use, No local area network, wide area network, intranet or Internet storago and access is permitted. You can make one paper copy of the

standard. No paper copy nay be photocopied or reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

Contents (concluded) Page

Table 16— QEF reception for echoes outside the guard interval for 8 MHz DVB-T2 24

Table 17— Video decoder— Resolutions and frame rates26

Table IS — Video decoder—Colour frame aspect ratio27

Table 19— 81 table structure32

Table 20 — South African OTT identification number37


Table 21 Parental control ratings for South Africa Deleted by amendment No, I


© SASS. Single-user licence only: copying and networking prohibited. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.

Copyright protected. This standard is exclusively for Calve Mawela of Multicholce for use on the local drive of your Personal Computer with access only for

your personal use. No local area network, wide area network, intranet or Internet storage and access is permitted. You can make one paper copy of the

standard. No peper copy may be photocopied or reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2,1

Set-top box decoder for free-to-air digital terrestrial television

I Scope

1.1 This standard sets out the minimum technical requirements for a standard-definition and high-

definition set-top box decoder for free-to-air digital terrestrial television In South Africa.

NOTE 1 This will result In a low cost, low maintenance unit that provides basic functionality, I.e. decoding the

OTT broadcasts to provide baseband and UHF modulated outputs, and an Electronic Programme Guide (ERG)

that provides details of the available services,

NOTE 2 Although this standard applies only to free-to-air OTT set-top box decoders, any other set-top box

decoder which is capable of receiving the free-to-air OTT services should ensure that the audio and video

services and over-the-air applications are displayed fully, without any alteration or hindrance.

NOTE 3 A breakdown of the changes is given in Annex A.

1 ,2 This standard applies to

a) broadcasters.

b) broadcasting signal distributors,

c) decoder manufacturers and

d) the public.

1.3 This standard does not cover integrated digital television (IDTV).

2 Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For

dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the

referenced document (including any amendments) applies. Information on currently valid national

and international standards can be obtained from the SABS Standards Division,

OTT, Free to Air User Intedace SpecificationAmdt I

ETSI EN 300 743, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Subtitling systems.

ETSI TR 101 211, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Guidelines 00 implementation and usage of

Sen/Ice Information (SI).

ETSI TS 101 154, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Specification for the use of Video and Audio

Coding in Broadcasting Applications based on the MPEG-2 Transport Stream.

ETSI TS 102 006, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Specification for System Software Update in

DVB Systems.

ETSI TS 102 366, Digital Audio Compression (AC-3, EnhancedAC-3) Standard.


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standard No paper copy maybe photocopied or reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

IEC 60728-5, Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive sen/ices — Part 6:

Headend equipment.

IEC 61169-2, Radio-frequencY connectors — Part 2: Sectional specification — Radio frequency

coaxial connectors of type 9,52.

EC 61938, Multimedia systems — Guide to the recommended characteristics of analogue interfaces

to achieve interoperability.

ISO 639-4, Codes for the representation of names of languages — Part 4: General principles of

coding of the representation of names of languages end related entities, and application guidelines.

ISO/lEO 13818-7, Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and associated

audio information — Part 7: Advanced Audio Coding

ISO/IEC 14496-3, Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 3: Audio.

ISOREC 14496-10,Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Pad 10: Advanced

Video Coding.

1TU-R BT.624-4, Characteristics of television systems.

lu-B BT.709-5, Parameter values for the I-IDTV standards for production and international

programme exchange.

ITU-R Bt1700, Characteristics of composite video signals for conventional analogue television


MHEG-5 profile for South Africa.

SANS 164-1, plug and socket-outlet systems for household and similar purposes for use in South

Africa -. Pad 1: Conventional system, 16 A 250 V ac.

SANS 213/CISPR 13, sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment — Radio

disturbance characteristics — Limits and methods of measuremenL

SANS 528-21150 639-2, Codes for the representation of names of languages — Pad 2: Alpha -3


SANS 894, Test specifications for SD and HD Level Integrated Receiver Decoders.

SANS 2200/CISPR 20, sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment —

Immunity characteristics — Limits and methods of measurement.

SANS 1381 8-1/ISOIIEC 13818-1. Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and

associated audio information: Systems.

SANS 50065/IEC 60065, Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus — Safety requirements.

SANS 60320-I IIEC 60320-1, Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes —

Part 1: General requirements.

SANS 60799/lEG 60799, Electrical accessories — Cord sets and interconnection cord sets.

SANS 61000-3-2, Electromagneticcompatibility (EMC) — Part 3-2: Limits — Limits for

harmonic current emissions (equipment input current 16 A per phase).


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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

SANS 61000-3-3/IEC 61000-3-3, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 3-3: Limits —

(ion of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in pub/ic low-voltage supply systems,

for equipment with rated current 16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection.

SANS 61000-4-2/IEC 61000-4-2, ElectromagnetiC compatibility (EMC) — POd 4-2: Testing and

measurement techniques — Electrostatic discharge immunity test.

SANS 61000-4-3/lEG 61000-4-3, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMO) — Part 4-3: Testing and

measurement techniques — Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test.

SANS 61000-4-4IIEC 61000-4-4,ElectromagnetIc compatibility (EMG) — Part 4-4: Testing and

measurement techniques — Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test.

SANS 61000-4-5/IEC 61000-4-5, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-5: Testing and

measurement techniques — Surge immunity test.

SANS 61000-4-1 1/lEO 61000-4-Il, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMO) — Part 4-Il: Testing and

measurement techniques — Voltage dips, shod interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests.

SANS 3004681ETS1 EN 300468, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Specification for Service

lnfonnation (SI) in OVA syslom.s.

SANS 300744/ETSI EN 300744, Digital Video broadcasting (OVA); Framing structure channel

coding and modulation for digital terrestrial television.

SANS 302755/ETSI EN 302755, Digital Video Broadcasting (OVA); Frame structure channel coding

and modulation for a second generation digital terrestrial television broadcasting system (DVB-T2).

SMPTE ST 274, Television — 1920 x 1080 image sample structure, digital representation and digital

timing reference sequences for multiple picture rates.

SMPTE ST 296, 1280 x 720 progressive image 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 sample structure — Analog and

digital representation and analog interface.

3 DefinitionS, abbreviations and symbols

For the purposes of this document, the following definitions, abbreviations and symbols apply.

3.1 Definitions

3.1.1audio descriptionancillary service, primarily provided for the visually impaired, that provides a spoken description of

the video component of a service

3.1.2digital terrestrial televisionOTTterrestrial delivery of digital transmissions in the UHFNHF frequency bands using the DVB-T2

standard as set out in SANS 302755

3.1.3free-to-air . -

service which is broadcast and capable of being received without payment of subscription fees

3.1,4multiplex'fluxgroup of digital terrestrial television (DTT) channels that are combined together into one output

signal for broadcast


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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

3,1.5private data streamDVB data stream desIgned for a specific application which is ignored by other DVB decoders that

are not designed to use the data

3.1.6set-top box decoderSTB decoderdecoderstand-alone device that converts a DVB-T signal into analogue video and audio signals for

presentation on a television receiver or another suitable display device

3.2 Abbreviations and symbols

a/v AudioNisUaI

AC-3 Audio Coding 3 (Dolby Digital used for 5,1 rnultichannel digital audio)

ACE Active Constellation Extension

AD Audio Description

AEC Automatic Frequency Control

AFD Active Format Descriptor

API Application Programming Interlace

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

AVC Advanced Video Coding

BAT Bouquet Association Table

BCH Bose Chaudhllri Hoequerighem Code

BER Bit Error Rate

bw Bandwidth

Copy Generation Management System AnalogAtndtl

C/(N1-I) Ratio of Carrier to Noise plus Interference


C/N Ratio

CPU Central processing Unit

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check

CVBS Composite Video Baseband Signal

DTT Digital Terrestrial Television

DVB Digital Video

DVB-H Digital Video — Handheld

DVB-T Digital Video — Terrestrial

DVB-T2 Second Generation Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial System

Enhanced Audio Coding 3

EDID Extended Display Identification Data

E-EDID Enhanced Extended Display Identification Data

EEPROM Electrically Erasable programmable Read-OnlY Memory

EIT Event Information Table

EPS Electronic Programme Guide

EPT Effective Protection Target


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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

Centre Frequency

FEC Forward Error Correcflon

FEF Future Extension Frame

FFT Fast Fourier Transform

FM Frequency Modulation

FTA Free To Air

HO High Definition

HOOP High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection

HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface

HOTV Television

HE-AAC V2 High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding

HEM High Efficiency Mode

HL High Level

HP High Profile

Wanted Carrier

I/CSignal Level Ratio

ID Identification

IDTV Integrated Digital Television

IRD Integrated Receiver Decoder

L Level

LCN Logical Channel Number

LED Light-EmittinQ Diode

MFN Network

MHEG Multimedia and Hypermedia Information Coding Experts Group

MISO Multiple Input Single Output

ML Main Level

MP Main Profile

MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group

N Gaussian Noise

NEC Nippon Electric Company

NF Noise Figure

NICAM Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex

NIT Network Information Table

NM Normal Mode

NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory

OFOM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

P profile

PAL Phase Alternating Line


PCM Pulse Code Modulation

PER Packet Error Ratio

PES Packetized Elementary Stream

PID packet Identifier


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SANS 862:2013Edition 2,1

PIN Personal Identification Number

PLP Physical Layer Pipe

Pmin. Minimum Input Signal Level

PP Pilot Pattern

PSI programme-specific Information

PTS Presentation Time Stamp

QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

QEF Quasi Error Free

QPSK Quaternary Phase Shift Keying

R Code Rate

RCA Radio Corporation of America

RCU Remote Control Unit

RF Radio Frequency

RGB Red/Greenfalue

r.m.s. Root Mean Square

RST Running Status Table

Rx Transmission Receiver

so Standard Definition

SDT Service Description Table

SDTV Standard-Definition Television

SEN Single Frequency Network

SI Service Information

siso Single Input Single Output

SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers

S/POlE sony/Phillips digital interface

soi Signal Quality Indicator

Signal Strength Indicator

SSU System Software Update

STB Set-Top Box

TOT Time and Date Table

TFS Time Frequency Slicing

TOT Time Offset Table

TPS Transmission Parameter Signalling

TR Tone Reservation

TS Transport Stream

T0 Useful symbol time

TV Television

UHF Ultra-High Frequency

USB Universal Serial Bus

VCR Video Cassette Recorder

VHF Very High Frequency


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4 Performance requirements

4.1 General

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

The DTT transmissions in South Africa utilize MPEG-4 coding. Transmission shall be DVB-T2 in

accordance with SANS 302755, and shall be in the VHF and UHF bands.

Table 1 indicates some of the major hardware and firmware functions in the STB decoder, Detailed

requirements are specified in the appropriate performance requirements.

Table I —Main bardwarelflrmware functions for the various IRD configurations



[MPEG.2 MP@ML SDTV video


[Audio docodlnglprOcessin9

including down-mix to stereo

E-AC-3 (E-AC-3 converted to AC-3) digital output

HE-AAC V2 (Mono or stereo audio pairs)


(HDTV) subtitling

flietext and API


Embedded STB Control


[DVS-T_front end

DVB-T2 front end

UHF re-modulator

RF female Input connector

RF male output connector

Analogue SD video output

HDMI output


Analogue audio left output

Analogue audio right output


i2 V DC input

M = Mandatory

Amdt I

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2 3


4.2.2 OTT modulation and coding

The STB decoder shall support the B K mode of operation in accordance with SANS 300744 (the

DVB-T standard). The decoder shall be capable of achieving full specified performance with any of

the combinations of modulationFEC coding and guard interval as

specified in SANS 300744.

The STB decoder shall support the 16K and 32 K modes, as well as the normal and extended

carrier modes as defined in SANS 302755.

The decoder shall be capable of achieving full specified performance with any of the modes of

operation defined for DVB-T2 in SANS 302755.

4.3 Radio frequency

4.3.1 DII tuner/demodulator

The STB decoder shall be provided with a single oTT tuner/demodulator for the reception of signals

from terrestrial transmitters broadcasting in accordance with SANS 300744 (for OVB-T) and

SANS 302755 (for DVB-T2). It shall be capable of receiving transmissions broadcast with any

allowable combination of modulation and transmission parameters in accordance with

tables 3 and 4.

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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

4.2 Spectrum and D1'T modulation and coding

4.2.1 spectrum

The STB decoder shall operate within the VHF and UHF television broadcasting bands as shown in

table 2 using 8 MHz channel spacing.

Table 2 — Mandatory frequency bands



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Table 3— ModulatiOn and transmission parameters

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

Both input modes to be supported

Amdt I



QPSK, 16-QAM, QPSK, I6-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM

ConstellatIOn 64-QAM(rotated and non-rotated)

Code rate1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8

1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6

Guard intervalTu/4 T0/128, T0/18, 114

Transmission mode 8 KI K, 2 K, 4 K, 8 K, 16 K, 32 K normal and extended

PIlot patternN/A

PPI, PP2, PP3, PP4, FF5, PPS, PP7, PPB

SlSO/ MISO N/ABoth modes to be supported

PAPR N/A No PAPR used, ACE-PArR only used,

TR PAPR only used, ACE and TR PAPR used;

FEC frame length N/A64800, 16200

Mode A (single PLP) or

Input Mode B (Multiple PLPs — Common PLP. Type I

Input mode N/A and 2 up to the maximum allowed figure 255).

The STB Decoder shall automatically detect whichmode is being used.

Both input modes to be suppQrted

STB decoder not required to demodulate or decode

content of FEE parts and auxiliary streams but the

streamsexistence of FEE or auxiliary streams (or both) shall

not cause the STB decoder to malfunction.


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SANS 862:2012Edition 2














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standard. No paper copy may be photocopied or reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

4.3.2 TunIng General

The decoder shall ignore all services originating from any non-DTT sources such as ENS-H

services, to avoid confusing the consumer. AutomatiC tuning

The STB decoder shall be capable of performing automatic tuning over the frequency ranges

indicated in table 2, to find all the multiplexes and services received in the complete frequency

range The STB decoder shall automatically detect which mode is being used (see table 3). It shall

also be able to interpret and respond to tuning parameters found in the SI/PSI (e.g. within the NIT).

When receiving a DVB-T2 signal with multiple PLPs (i.e. Mode B), the decodet' shall analyse and

interrogate the SI information per PLP.

The decoder shall display a given service only once in the service list (thereby avoiding duplication

of the same service) even if this service (i.e. the same path comprising an original network

Identifier, transport stream identifier and service identifier) is received from more than one

transmitter. In such a case, the service emanating from the transmission with the highest quality (as

defined by signal strength and signal quality) shall be the one chosen to be entered into the service


4.3,2.3 Manual tuning

In addition to automatic tuning, the STB decoder shall be capable of performing manual tuning

where the channel number or frequency (or both) is entered by the viewer. The decoder shall tune

to the channel entered by the viewer, search all available DTT modes, add any new services and

replace existing services in the service list.

The decoder shall display a given service only once In the service list (thereby avoiding duplication

of the same service), even if this service (i.e. the same path comprising an original network

identifier, transport stream Identifier and service Identifier) is received from more than one

transmitter. In such a case, the service emanating from the transmission with the highest quality (as

defined by signal strength and signal quality) shall be the one chosen to be entered into the service


4.3.3 Tuner performance

4.3,3.1 Noise

The maximum noise figure (NF) of the decoder tuner shall not exceed 6dB across the operational

frequency range in accordance with table 5.

TableS— Maximum noise figures for set-toj) box decoders



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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

4.3.3,2 Return loss

input return loss measured at the antenna input shall be equal to or loss than —6dB (75 0) across

the operational frequency range.

4,3.3.3 Centre frequencies and signal bandwidth

The decoder tuner shall be capable of tuning to the centre frequency, of the incoming DVB-T and

DVB-T2 signal, as follows:

a) in the case of VHF tuning

= 178 MHz 4' (K — 4)X8MHZ


is the centre frequency of the incoming DVB-T signal, in megahertz;

K is an integer from 4 to 13.

b) in the case of UHF tuning

fc = 306 +


f0 is the centre frequency of the incoming OVB-T signal, in megahertz;

K is an integer from 21 to 68.

NOTE I For a DV8-T signal, an 8 MHz channel corresponds to a signal bandwidth of 7,61.

NOTE 2 For a OVB-T2 signal, an 8 MHz channel corresponds to a signal bandwidth oF 761 MHz in the

normal carrier mode, and 7,71 MHz for FFT size 8 K and 7,77 MHz for FFT size 16 K and 32 K in the extended

carrier mode

4,3.3.4 MaXiflThfll frequency offset

The Sm decoder shall be able to receive signals with an offset of up to 50 kHz from the nominal

centre frequency. ratio,1 The C/N shall be less than one uncorrected error event per hour over the entire frequency


NOTE This requirement is given as QEF in SANS 300744, where QEF means less than one uncorrected

error event per hour and corresponds to BER = 10-Il at the input of the MPEG de.muitlplexer.

SANS 302755 defines QEF for DVB-T2 as "less than one uncorrected error event per transmission

hour at the level of a 5 Mbit/s single TV service decoder", approximateJY correspondino to a TS

PER < 10-7 before the The C/N values in tables 6 and 7 are specified for two profiles:

a) Profile 1: Gaussian noise (N) is applied together with the wanted carrier (I) in a signal bandwidth

of a OVB-T signal. No echo is applied.


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SANS 862:2013Edition 2,1

b) profile 2: the wanted carrier (I) includes the direct path signal and an echo. The echo has the

same power (0dB echo) as the direct path signal and Is delayed from 1,95 ps to 0,95 times the

guard interval length, and has a 0 degree phase at the channel centre. The C/N as given in table 7 applIes generally for all Input Mode A (single PLP) and Input

Mode B (multiple PLP5) including TFS (using 2-6 frequencies). When IFS is supported, the levels

of all RF channels involved are identical and the 0 dU echo profile is also identical on all RF

channels.Amdt I

Table 6— Minimum required CR4 for QEF reception of DVB-T (with 114 guard

interval and FFT size B K) for profiles I and 2



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Table 7—Maximum required C/N for QEF reception of DVB-T2 at TS output

(with 118 guard Interval, PP2 and PET size 32K) for profiles I and 2

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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1



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standard, No paper copy may be photocopied or reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1 MinImum decoder Input signal levels

The 8Th decoder shall provide QEF reception in both the VHF and the UHF bands for the minimum

input signal levels (Prom.), which can be derived as follows:

Pmmn. = —105,2 + NW + CIN


Pmin. Is the minimum input signal level, in decibels (dBm);

NF is the noise figure, in decibels (dBm);

C/N is as specified In tables 6 and 7, in decibels (dAm).

The required Pmin. are summarized in tables 8 and 9.

Table Input signal levels (Pmin.) for QEF reception of DVB-1'

(with 114 guard Interval and FET size B K) for profiles I and 2

Minimum input signal level (F'mln.)

Profile 1: Gaussian Profile 2: 0 dE echo

—93,1 —89,4

—91,3 —84,5

—90,3 —80,8

—89,3 —

—88,5 —

—87,4 —84,9

—85,1 —80,3

—83,6 -'76,1

-82,6 —

—82,2 —

—81,7 —79,2

—79,5 —75,0

—78,0 —70,6

—78,6 —




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SANS 862:2013Edition 2,1

Table 9—Minimum input signal levels (Pmin.) for QEF reception of DVB-T2

(with 118 guard interval, PP2 and EFT size 32 K extended bandwidth for profiles I and 2)

1 24

Minimum input signal level (Pmln.)


Prof lie 1: GaussIan ProfIle 2:0dB echo

—95,6 —93,9

—94,4 —92,3

—93,5 —90,7

—92,5 —89,3

-91,9 —88,2

—91,4 —87,0

—90,4 —88,2

—89,0 —86,4

—87,7 —84,8

—86,6 —82,8

'45,8 —81,3

—85,3 —80,2

—86,1 —83,1

—84,3 —81,1

—82,9 —79,4

—81,4 —77,1

—80,4 —75,1

—79,7 —73,6

—82,1 —78,5

—79,7 —76,0

—78,3 —74,0

—76,2 —71,1

—74,8 '48,3

—74,0 —65,5I Maximum STB decoder input signal levels

The STB decoder shall provide QEF reception for DVB-T and DVB-T2 signals up to an input level of

—35 dbm. The analogue TV input signal level is restricted to —20 dBm maximum (where the

analogue TV signal is defined as the r,m.s. value of the vision carrier at peaks of the modulated


This maximum input signal level is valid for the following combination of modes:

8 K, 64QAM, R = 2/3, &Tu = 1/8

8K, 64-QAM, R = 2/3. = 1/4;

BK, 64-QAM, R = 3/4. &T0 = 1/4.

The DVB-T2 signal input is valid for the modes shown in table 10.


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standard. No paper copy may be photocopied or reproduced in any way.

4,3.3.8 STB decoder immunity to analogue signals in other channels

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

Table 10— Minimum required IIC for QEF reception with interferingDVB-TIDVB-T2 signals



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The 5Th decoder shall maintain QEF reception with adjacent-channel PAL-I carriers of up to 33 dB

higher power levels.

NOTE In South Africa the PAL FM sound carrier level relative to the vision carrier is —13 dB, and the level of

the NICAM signal relative to the vision carrier is —20 dB.

On channels other than adjacent channels QEF reception shall be maintained with analogue PAL

carriers up to 44 dB higher than the wanted DVB-T signal. This applies to IJVB-T transmissions with

the combination of modes given in

For DVB-T2, the requirements in this subclause refer to signals in the UHF and VHF bands for the

modes defined in table 4. STB decoder immunity to digital signals in other channels

Table 10 gives the lowest values of thesignal level ratio (I/C) at which the

decoder shah maintain QEF performance in the presence of an interfering DVB-T signal. This

requirement applies to DVB-T transmissions with the combination of modes given in, and for

DVB-T2 with the modes given in table 4. Immunity to co-channel Interference from analogue TV signals

The sensitivity for interference from analogue TV is specified as the minimum

ratio (C/I) requ red for QEF reception.

The SIB decoder shall operate at QEF at values specified in tables 11 and 12 when an 8MHz

DVB-T or IJVB-T2 signal is exposed to interference from a co-channel PAL-I signal including video

with teletext, and an FM sound carrier (see

Table ii — C/I for QEF in the presence of a co-channel analogue TV carrier

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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

Table 12— C/I for QEE of DVB-T2 in the presence of a co-channel analogue TV carrier

Constellation 266-QAM I

Code rate 3/5 2/3

Lc/ 3dB 5dB 7dB PerformanCe in time-varying channels

The STB decoder shall be able to operate with all signal-time variations that naturally exist in

connection with fixed roof-top reception (e.g. swaying mast, moving antenna) and in-house portable

reception (e.g. people in the vicinity of the receiving antenna).

The Increase in required C/N for QEP reception shall be less than 3dB for a 0 d13 echo with

frequency separation equal to 20 Hz and a delay of 20 is (corresponding to a Doppler shift of

± 10Hz (after AFC)), compared to a 0dB echo with frequency separation equal to 1 Hz and a delay

of 20 pa (corresponding to a Doppler shift of ± 0,5 Hz (after AFt)), for the following modes:

8 K, 64-QAM, R = 2/3, 1/8;

BK, 64-QAM, R = 2/3, A/I0 1/4.

The increase in required C/N for QEF reception shall be less than 3dB for a 0dB echo with

frequency separation equal to 10 Hz and a delay of 20 is (corresponding to a Doppler shift of

± 5 Hz (after AFG)). compared to a 0dB echo with frequency separation equal to 1 Hz and a delay

of 20 ps (corresponding to a Doppler shift of ± 0,5 Hz (after AFC)), for mode 8 K, 64-QAM, R 3/4,

A/Ia = 1/4 and for DVB-T2 for the modes given in table 4.

4.3.3,12 SynchronizatIon for varying echo power levels In single frequency networks

For modes

BK, 64-QAM, ft = 2/3, A/Ta = 1/8,

8K, 64-QAM, ft = 2/3, A/Ta = 1/4,

8K, 64-QAM, ft = 3/4, A/L = 1/4,

the reception shall be QEF at the C/N specified in table 13 (defined at 0dB level crossing) when the

channel contains two paths with relative delay from 1,95 ps up to 0,95 timeS guard interval length

and the relative power levels of the two paths are dynamically varying, including 0 dB echo level


Table 13— C/N for QEE reception of DVB-T with dynamically

varying echo power levels

RModulation Coda rate


2/3 26,2



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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

For the DVB-T2 modes given in table 4, the required C/N value, specified in table 14, for QEF

reception shall be obtained when the channel contains two paths with relative delay from 195 p5 up

to 095 times guard interval length and the relative power levels of the two paths are dynamically

varying, including 0 dB echo level crossing. The C/N value is defined at 0dB level crossing.

Table 14— C/N for QEF reception of DVB-T2 with dynamicallyvarying echo power levels

4,3.3,13.1 II there are more than one FFT window positions for the time synchronization that will

give an aggregate available CI(N+l) larger than or equal to the required EPT, the STB decoder shall

be able to find one of these positions independently of echo profile. The decoder shall also be able

to correctly equalize the signal for echoes up to

a) 7 T,,/24 (the interval of correct equalization — for an 8 MHz DVB-T signal, up to 260 ps), and

b) 57/64 (= 89,1 %) of the Nyquist time for the scattered pilots (after time interpolation) for a

particular FFT size, pilot pattern and RF bandwidth for DVB-T2.

4,3,3.13.2 For modes

8 K, 64-QAM, R = 2/3, A/T0 = 118,

OK, 64-QAM, R = 2/3, 1/4,

8 K, 34-QAM, R = 3/4, A/Ta = 1/4,

the C/N for profile 2 (specified in for QEF reception shall be obtained when the channel

contains two static paths with relative delay from 1,95 ps up to 0,95 times guard interval length,

independently of the relative amplitudes and phases of the two paths.

For the DVI3-T2 modes shown in table 4, the required C/N value for profile 2 (specified In table 7)

for QEF reception shall be obtained when the channel contains two static paths with relative delay

from 1,95 ps up to 0,95 times guard interval length, independently of the relative amplitudes and

phases of the two paths. In the case of specific echo attenuation, the C/N shall have approxiniateiy the same

value, independent of the actual delay length. The deviation in C/N from the median value shall be

less than I dU for any echo length from 1,95 ps up to 0,95 times guard interval length.

In the case of echoes outside the guard interval, for

a) an 8 MHz DVB-T signal: QEF reception shail be possible with echo levels up to the values

defined In table 15;

b) an 8 MHz DVB-T2 signal: QEF reception shall be possible with echo levels up to the values

defined in table 18.



© SABS. licence only; copying and networking prohibited. Note that only one printcut of the standard may be made. C/(N+i) performance in single frequency networks

The STB decoder shall recover from changes in modulation parameters and output error-free IS.

This should take less than I a for any change. The STB decoder shall be able to detect a change of

modulation parameters signalled in the TPS data of the DVB-T signal, in order to reduce the

recovery time.

The STB decoder tuned to a transmission shall automatically recover from changes in P1,

LI pro-signalling data and Li post signalling. An error-free TS shall be available within 5 s for any

P1 or Li (or both) pro-signalling change. An error-free TS shall be output within 5 s for any LI post-

signalling FEF change and within 2s for any other Li post-signalling change.

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your personal use. No local area network. wide area network, intranet or inlernet storage and access is permitted. You can make one paper copy of the

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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

Table 15 — QEF reception for echoes outside the guard interval for 8 MHz DVB-T

Table 16— QEF reception for echoes outside the guard Interval for 8 MI* DVB-T2

4.3.4 Response to changes In modulation


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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

4.3.6 Bypass

The path from RE input to RE output shall allow HF bypass independently of the operational or

standby status of the decoder, so that connocted equipment (e.g. a TV set) can continue to operate.

The RF bypass gain shall be in the range —1 dB to +3dB over the frequency ranges in table 2.

4.3.6 UHF re-modulator The STB decoder shall provide a UHF re-modulated output for use with a PAL TV receiver

which shall

a) modulate the decoded baseband signal onto PAL-I in accordance with ITU-R BT.624-4, except

that dual side bands shall be allowed;

b) have a peak signal level of 3 mV nominal across 75 0 (—39 dBm);

c) have a return loss at the output of less than 6 dB;

d) be tunable from 470 MHz to 854 MHz;

e) be preset at the factory to channel 63;

f) support PAL mono-audio output, with a volume control;

g) have an audio FM deviation of 40 kHz ± 5kHz at —12dB full-scale transmitter output setting

(equivalent to +6 dBm studio sound level);

h) have a carrier ratio of 16dB ± 4 da;

i) produce spurious output levels that do not exceed

1) in band (as in table 2): 12 dl3pV max.,

2) out of band (30 MHz to 1 GHz, excluding in band above): 43 dBIJV max.; and

j) with the "RF out" terminated in 75 0. exhibit an output voltage leakage to the "HF in" terminal of

( SfidBpVmax. The HF output shall be combined with an HF bypass facility that provides feeds for

analogue TV5 and VCRs. The second-order intermodulation at the HF output, measured in

accordance with IEC 60728-5 with 85 dBpV input, shall be equal to or lower than —60 dBc.

4,3.7 TIme interleaving

The STB decoder shall, at least, include time-interleaving capability that corresponds to the

maximum time interleaving in accordance with SANS 302755, I.e. 219 + 216 OFDM cells for a data

PLP and its common PLP together.

4.4 and decoding

4.4.1 support of MPEG-4

The decoder shall support MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 level 3 decoding for standard definition display only.



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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

The transport stream shall comply with SANS 13818-1. and the video profile level shall be main

profile level 3 In accordance with ISO/IEC 14496-10.

The STB decoder shall support standard-definition video resolution of 720 x 576. The decoder shall

support MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 video decoding for both and standard-definition display.

The STB decoder shall support the minirnufli set of resolutions and frame rates given in table 17.

4.4.2 Video

Table 17— Video decoder — Resolutions and frame rates

Video decoding shall be in accordance with to The set-top box decoder shall

provide an HO output and aSD output. HO video for SD output

For RF-PAL and CVBS outputs, the decoded HO video shall be by the SD format

converter to SD resolution for output via these outpllts. Down.Conversion of pictures shall be

implemented from any the incoming encoded HO full screen luminance resolution values

(1920 x 1080, 1440 x 1080, and 1280 x 720) to so resolution (720 x 576).

When any 1:1 pixel aspect ratio format (i.e. 1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080) in the

decoder composition output to 720 x 576 resolutIon, the target shalt be 720 x 576 pixels centred in

the 720 x 576 grid with nine black pixels inserted at the start of the 720 pixel active line and nine

pixels inserted at the end of the 720 pixel active tine. TheHO video shall be

displayed as 16:9 letterbox on 4:3 displays. Centre cut shall not be allowed as a display option,

since it would limit the safe area to 4:3 for HO production.

The SD format converter shall apply appropriate re-interlacing (field mode integration re-Interlacing).

It shall process and output 720 x 576i25 in a 4:3 frame aspect ratio or 16:9 frame aspect ratio video

with colours in accordance with the standards listed in table 18.

4,4.2.1 General

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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

Table 18— Video decoder — Colour frame aspect ratio

I 2 3

resolution In the decoder Standards for appropriatecomposition output colour processing


(horizontal x vertical)

720 x 576 lTU-R BT.1700 Note that 576 lines in both

interlaced scan (5761) andprogressive scan (576p) shallbe processed and output with

equal colour parameters.

1280 x 720 ITU-R 61.709-5 The colour parameters in

SMPTE ST 296 are the same(SMPTE ST 296) as In ITU-R BT.709-S.

1920 X 1080lTU-R 61.709-5 The colour parameters in

SMPTE ST 274 are the same(SMPTE ST 274) as in rru-a 61.709-5. Aspect ratio

The STB decoder shall support both 16:9 (widescreen) and 4:3 picture format changes including

support for the correct aspect ratio and use of the active format descriptor (AFD) as defined in

ETSI TS 101 154.

For the HO outpllt, the STB decoder shall be able to use the EDID information provided by the

display to automatically determine the STU decoder output.

The STB decoder shall provide an "Original Format option i.e. to output the same formal as

received if supported by the display, as indicated by the EDID information, lithe received format is

not supported, the 5Th decoder shall select the display mode that provides the best possible video

quality. This is to prevent the STB decoder output from going black, if there is a mismatch between

received format and display capabilities.

For the SD format, the decoder shall support manual selection of the required

aspect ratio.

For SD video andlID video, the combination of coded frame aspect ratio information

plus the use of the AFD, embedded by the MPEG encoder into the video sequence header, shall

provide the viewer with the following options:

a) 16:9 material on 4:3 displays: the decoder shall provide the following viewer options:

1) display the material as a 16:9 letterbox within a 4:3 frame; or

2) perform a 4:3 centre cut-out on the originating material and present this full frame within the

4:3 display. In this case the decoder shall support a 'pan and scan' operation;




it shall also be possible to manually set the default output format from the SIB decoder to a fixed


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standard, No paper copy may be photocopted or reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2,1

b) 4:3 material on 16:9 displays: the decoder shall allow "pillarboxing" of 4:3 material into a 16:9

frame, in order to maintain the correct aspect ratio of the originating material. Support of still pictures

The STB decoder shall be able to decode and display still pictures (frame), i.e. a video sequence

that contains a single intra-coded picture. Such a video bitstream will cause the buffer to underfiow.

In this situation, while the decoding process shaH continue to examine the buffer, the display

process associated with the decoder shall repeat the previously decoded picture until the normal

operation of the buffer can resume. Outputs

A PAL-I modulated SD video and audio signal shall be presented as specified in on a

connector as defined in 4,12.3,

The decoder shall also provide a composite (CVBS) video output with CGMSA-A (copy once set) on

anRCA socket as defined in 4.12.3. The composite video signal levels shall be in accordance with

lEO 61938. For HD content, the decoder shall derive aversion for output via this

interface as described in 4.4.3. The decoder shall provide a single HDMI output with I-IDCP enabled

(copy never set) for HD content.Amdt I

4.4.3 AudIo General

The STB decoder shall support the possibility of adjusting the audio-delay on the S/PDIF output (if

available) up to 250 ms. It should be adjustable in 10 ms steps, as the STB decoder might have

several different user set-ups, resulting in different a/v delays, e.g. the STB decoder might be

connected to several types of external audio.ampliflers and the STB decoder might be connected to

several types of external screens.

Receivers shall support decoding of E-AC-3 elementary streams. Receivers shall also support the

conversion of E-AC-3 elementary streams to an AC-3 bitstream for output via E-tDMl and SPDIF.

The decoding and conversion of an E-AC-3 elementary stream shall comply with the requirements

in ETSI TS 102 366. support for decoding MPEG-I Layer II (Musicam) is not required. The decoder

shall use the language descriptors in ISO 639-4 to determine the languages of audio service

elements, handle dynamic changes, and present audio service information.

The decoder shall also comply with the HE-AAC V2 encoding in accordance with ISO/IEC 14496-3

and ISO/lEG 13818-7. The use of HE-MO V2 shall primarily be for mono or stereo video services

or radio services (or both). Audio mode

Receivers shall be capable of decoding the first independent substream of an E-AC-3 elementary

stream (independent substream 0) containing up to 5.1 channels of audio. Receivers shall

implement E-AC-3 decoding functionality that is capable of outputting at least two channels of

decoded PCM. Receivers shall support downmixing of E-AC-3 streams that contain more than two

channels of audio. Bit rate

Receivers shall support decoding of E-AC-3 elementary streams encoded at bit rates of up to

3 024 kbit/s.


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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

4,4.3.4 SamplIng frequency

Receivers shall support decoding of E-AC-3 elementary streams encoded at a sample rate of

48 kHz. Substream support

Receivers shall be able to accept E-AC-3 elementary streams that contain more than one

substream. Receivers shalt be capable of decoding independent substream 0. Support for decoding

of additionat dependent substreams is optional. AudIo description

4.4,3.6.1 General

Receivers shall be capable of decoding two different programme elements (main

audio and audio description) carried either in two separate E-AC-3 elementary streams, or in

separate independent substreams within a single E-AC-3 elementary stream, and then combining

the programme elements Into a complete programme. Receivers shall, in addition to the decoding

requirements specified In sections to, implement audio description decoding with the

capabilities given in to,2 AudIo mode

The audio description (AD) decoder shall be capable of decoding a single independent substream

from an E-AC-3 elementary stream containing up to 5.1 channels of audio. The AD decoder shall be

capable of outputting at least two channels of decoded PCM. The AD decoder shall support

downmixing of E-AC-3 streams that contain more than two channels of audio. sampling frequency

The AD decoder shall support decoding of E-AC-3 substreams and elementary streams encoded at

a sample rate of 48 kHz. If the sample rate of the AD service does not match the sample rate of the

main audio service, the receiver shall decode only the main audio service.

4.4,3.6.4 Substream support

The AD decoder shall support decoding of a single independent substreani. Substream ID values of

0, 1, 2 and 3 shall be supported. Receivers shall be able to select a single independent substream

from an E-AC-3 elementary stream that contains multiple independent substreams and route this

single substrearfl to the AD decoder. Receivers shall support AD services delivered within the same

E-.AC-3 bitstream as the main audio service, and delivered using a separate E-AC3 elementary

stream carried in a separate PID within the broadcast transport stream MixIng metadata

The AD decoder shall support extraction of mixing metadata from the E-AC-3 bitstream and delivery

of this mixing metadata to an audio mixing component within the receiver. The

AD synchronization requirements.

If audio access units from two audio services, which are to be simultaneously decoded, have

identical values of PTS indicated in their corresponding PES headers, then the corresponding audio

access units shail be presented to the audio decoder for simultaneous synchronous decoding.

Synchronous decoding means that for corresponding audio frames (access units), corresponding

audio samples are presented at the identical time. 29


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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

If the PTS values do not match (indicating that the audio encoding was not frame synchronous)

then the audio frames (access units) of the main audio service may be presented to the audio

decoder for decoding and presentation at the time indicated by the P15. An AD service, which is

being simultaneously decoded may have its audio frames, which are in closest time alignment (as

indicated by the PTS) to those ol the main service being decoded, presented to the audio decoder

for simultaneous decoding. In this case, the associated service may be reproduced out of sync by

as much as 1/2 of a video frame.

4,4.3.7 Mono-audiO General

There shall be a configurable option in the on-screen menu to replace the analogue Stereo Left

signal output via one of the RCA sockets with a derived analogue monofeed. HDMI outputs

I Receivers shall include an HDMI output with HDCP enabled (copy never set), as described In

4.12.3, and the following audio-specific requirements shall be implemented: Amdt I

a) Receivers shall determine the audio decoding capability of a connected HDMI sink device bY

reading the E-EDID structure of the sink device.

b) If the 1-IDMI sink device indicates support for E-AC-3 decoding, the receiver shall output the

E-AC-3 elementary stream directly to the HDMI sink device.

c) If the HOMI sink device does not Indicate support for E-AC-3 decoding, but supports AC-S

decoding, the receiver shall convert the E-AC-3 elementary stream to an AC-S bitstream before

HDMI output.

d) If the sink device does not indicate support for either AC-S or F-AC-a decoding, or the user has

selected "stereo" output via the on-screen menu, the receiver shall decode the elementary

stream to stereo PCM before HOMI output.

4, S/PDIF audio outputs

Receivers shall include an S/PDIF output, as described In 4,12.3, and the following requirements

shall be implemented:

a) The receiver shall convert the F-AC-3 elementary stream to AC-a before S/PDIF output.

b) If the user has selected "stereo" output via the on-screen menu, the receiver shall deoode the

elementary stream to stereo PCM before SIPDIF output. Analogue audio outputs

Receivers shall include an analogue audio output, as described in 4.12.3, and deoode the audio

elementary stream before analogue audio output.

4.5 Subtitling

The STB decoder shall be capable of displaying subtitles for the hearing impaired in accordance

with ETSI EN 300 743. The decoder shall be capable of overlaying the subtitle text on the picture.

The subtitles for the hearing impaired may differ from the normal subtitles by the amount of text

displayed per second, which is controlled by the broadcasted content.


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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

The decoder shall be capable of displaying subtitles In the eleven official languages when

transmitted. The order of the transmitted subtitle services will be determined by the broadcaster.

The language codes of the transmitted subtitle descriptors shall be in accordance with SANS 528-2

and as given below:

Afrikaans (Afrikaans) air

English (English)

Ndebele (IsiNdebele) nbl

Sotho, Northern (Sepedi) nso

Sotho, Southern (Sesotho) sot

Swati (SiSwati) ssw

Tsonga (Xitsonga) tao

Tswana (Setswana) tsn

Venda (Tshivenda) yen

Xhosa (IsiXhosa) xho

Zulu (IsiZulu) zul

The decoder shall provide the option of enabling or disabling the display of subtitles. When enabled,

subtitles will automatically be displayed. When disabled, the decoder shall allow manual selection

from the available UsI of broadcasted subtitle services. The decoder shall allow the user to configure

the preferred first and second language subtitle services, which will be automatically displayed,

when available. Should neither be available, the first available subtitle language shall be presented.

The decoder shall provide the option of disabling the language presented or of selecting another

available language.

The presence of subtitle services shall be indicated by a subtitle icon on the Now and Next Banner.

When the languages button is selected on the remote control unit, the list of available subtitle

languages shall be displayed and the user can select his preference.

The decoder shall be capable of displaying subtitling and interactive graphics where


4.6 Teletext

MHEG-5 shall be used to provide all Interactive services, including teletext-like services.

4.7 service information (SI) andinformation (PSI)

4.7.1 SI tables

The general implementation of SI and PSI shall be in accordance with SANS 300744 and

SANS 300468. Table 19 sun,marizes the SI table structure and the mandatory and optional

descriptors as defined in SANS 300468.

The STB decoder shall be able to process the PSI/SI tables, including the mandatory and optional•

PSI/SI tables, both for the 'Actual" and for "Othel" transport streams.

4.7.2 Networks and bouquets

It is anticipated thatbouquets: will be allocated on a regional basis. Services will be broadcast on

both a national and regional basis with the SI tables containing information on all events. The STB



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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

decoder shall use the descriptors in the BAT and the LCN functionality to construct accurate Now

and Next Information for the region identified on the appropriate menu screen.

Table 19— SI table structure

Actual transport stream Other transport stream

Mandatory Optional

Mandatory N/A

— Mandatory Optional

EIT present-/following Mandatory Mandatory

Eli schedule Mandatory Mandatory

TOTMandatory N/A

TOTOptional NIA

RSTOptional N/A

Amdt I

4.7.3 Service configuration

The STB decoder shall automatically detect configuration changes, such as service information

(see table 19), modulation (see 4.2) and frequency (see 4.2) as well as the adding or the deleting

of services, and shall amend its operation accordingly without user intervention or disruption to


NOTE It Is anticipated that the OTT service wilt include a dynamic element In terms of the use of available


4.7.4 FITactual/other and EIT schedule

Only [IT presentlfoltoWin9 (Now and Next) information shall be broadcast, inclyding extended event

information, for services carried in all OTT transport streams, I.e. [IT presentlfollowing including

genre tables, parental control and series descriptors. Schedule information for a full function EPG

will be carried in [IT schedule.Amdt I

4.7.5 services

The STB decoder shall support the use of time.exclusiVe services, i.e. where part of the multiplex

capacity is used to support different services depending upon the time of the day. The services shall

be shown within the relevant channel listings and users shall be able to select them as for normal

services. During the time period when a service is not using the multiplex capacity (I.e. the service

is inactive) the decoder shall display the notification screen (the Placehotder) provided by an

MHEG application which will typically provide the service name and its hours of operation. The

location and parameters of the placeholder screens will be defined by the Mt-lEG application

The decoder shall provide seamless transitions between active and inactive states so that the user

experiences the replacement of the Placehoider screen with the active service, and vice versa.


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your personal use. No local area network, wide area network. intranet or internel storage and access Is permitted. You can make one paper copy of the

standard. No paper copy may be photocopied or reproduced in any way.

SANS 562:2013Edition 2.1

4.8 Memory

4.8.1 The STB decoder shall have a memory capacity of

a) 64 Mbytes flash memory and

b) 256 Mbytes RAM.

4.8.2 settings and parameters, for example security-related data, shall be stored in non-volatile


4.8.3 There shall be at least 32 Mbytes of free flash memory in the STB decoder dedicated for

MHEO file system acceleration cache and 512 KB dedicated for the MHEG non-volatile memory

persistent store.

4.8.4 Manufacturers may emulate EEPROM in flash memory in which case some parts of this

( data shall be enciphered in the NVRAM.

4.8.5 The memory specification has been chosen to allow for the lowest component price

assuming the use of NAND Flash, but manufacturers are free to propose alternative technologies,

such as a hybrid solution making use of NOR and WAND Flash, where these comply with the

requirements of this standard.

4.9 Graphics capabilities

4.9.1 ResolutiOn

The colour resolution shall be at least 16 bits (4:4:4:4) and the STB deooder shall include a look-up

table capable of storing a minimum of 256 x 24-bit ROB colour/transparency entries.

4.9,2 MultIple display planes

The STB decoder shall have three display planes:

a) Graphics plane ("front" plane), that supports full screen MHEG-5 graphics and on-screen display

information. The sizing of the graphics display plane shall be a 4:3 aspect ratio, regardless of the

( video aspect ratio.

b) Video plane, that supports a full screen MPEG video stream or still image.

c) Background plane ("back" plane), that comprises a single-colour (24-bit ROB) background with a

default setting of black.

Each display plane shall have the capability of blending with active video. A minimum of 16

individual transparency levels shall be supported.

4.10 Standby operation

4.10.1 Passive standby operation

Passive standby shall be provided and shall be the main standby mode, with the main CPU

disabled but the RCU Rx function active and the re-modulator bypass active.


© SASS. Single-user licence only; copying and networking prohibited. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.

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your personal use, No local area network, wide area network, intranet or internet storage and access is peirnlltod. You can make one paper copy oF the

standard. No paper copy may be photocopied or reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2,1

4.10.2 Active standby operation

Where it is not possible to provide a passive standby with the power requirements given in

4,10.4(c), the STB decoder shall provide an active standby slate. After selecting standby, the

decoder shall remain in active standby for 5 mm before switching to passive standby.

This mode shall support the downloading of data using DVB-SSU (including SIB decoder control

information, if this capability is installed) to the STB decoder flash memory.

4,10.3 Power"Up times

The STB decoder shall generate an message within lOs of the start of a reboot

operation confirrfliflg that the decoder is powering up.

The following time limits shall apply to transitions in and out of standby operations:

a) 5Th decoder off to service display: a maximum of 20 s;

b) active standby to service display: a maximum of 5 s;

c) passive standby to service display: a maximum of los.

4.10.4 Power consumption

The decoder, together with its power supply, shall have the following maximum power consumption:

a) normal operation: 10W;

b) standby (active): 6 W;

c) standby (passive): 3 W.

NOTE These values will be reviewed to reduce energy consumption when technologically possible.

4.11 Power supply

The Sm decoder shall be capable of operating in a voltage range of 10,8 V to 14,4 V d.c. with a

socket for connection to a 12 V d.c. source. Protection against overvoltage or undervoltage and

reversed polarity shall be incorporated.

In addition, the decoder may have the optional capability of operating on a 230 V ac. ± 10% mains

supply. The mains supply power unit may, at the discretion of the manufacturer, be incorporated in

the decoder.

A d.c. power supply of +5 V capable of supplying a maximum current of 100 mA suitable for

powering an external antenna amplifier shall be available on the input RF connector. The d.c. power

supply should not degrade the performance of the RF input. The d.c. power supply shall be

protected against short circuits. It shall be possible to switch the d.c. power supply on or off via a

selection In the menu structure. The default at first-time initialization and resetting to factory default

shall be the d.c. supply switched off.

34 ©SABS

© SABS. Single-user licence only: copying and networking prohibited. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.

Copyright protected. This standard is exclusively for Calvo Mawela of Multicliolco for use on the local drive of Personal Computer with access only for

your personal lisa. No local aree network, wide area network, inlranet or internet storage and access is permitted. You can make one paper copy of the

standard. No paper copy may be photocopied or reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

4.12 tnterfaces

4.12.1 LED indications Ri-colour LEDS

The STB decoder shall have a minimum of two bi-colour LED5 (LED1 and LED2) on the front panel.

The two LEDs shall be clearly distinguishable from each other either by their physical position

(separation, left side LED and right side LED), or by means of a label.

LED1 shall be defined as the power LED on the left-hand side.

LED2 shall be defined as the status LED on the right-hand side.

The colours of the power LED shall be red/green.

The colours of the status LED shall he red/green. Power LED — Red/green

The power LEO indications shall be as follows:

a) standby: red;

b) operate: green: and

c) reception of RCU command: flashing single burst (either red or green). Status LED Red/green

The status LED indications shall be as follows:

a) system boot/programme search: flashing green:

b) normal operation: continuous green;

c) fault/no signal found: continuous red;

d) software download in progress: flashing red.

4.12.2 controls

The following controls shall be provided on the front panel:

a) programme selector Pt and P-i

b) volume selector V+ and V—;

c) standby/on.

4.12.3 connectors

The following connectors shall be used:

a) An RE input female connector that complies with IEC 61169-2.



© SABS. Single-user licence only; copying and networking prohibited. Note that only one printout of the standard may benlade.

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SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

b) An RF output male Connector that Complies with IEC 61169-2.

c) Colour-coded RCA sockets for composite (CVBS) video and stereo audio.

d) A dc. power jack of length 9,5 mm, outside diameter (00) of 5,5 mm, centre pin of 2,5 mm, and

with the centre pin as +12 V and the outer contact as earth.

e) A USB 2,0 port via a LJSB type A jack (for future use).

if) HDMI — type A with I-lOOP enabled (copy never set).Amdt I

g) S/PUIF (electrical).

The use of a 08 ac. power inlet in accordance with SANS 60320-1, if the power supply Is built into

the STB decoder is optional.

4.12.4 identIfication

The decoder shall have an external label with the following information:

a) identification of the manufacturer or the supplier (or both);

14 model number of the decoder; and -

c) serial number of tile decoder.

5 Sit decoder control

5.1 control requirements

The minimum hardware and software requirements for STB decoder control shall be implemented

in accordance with the STB decoder control specification for free-to-air OTT in South Africa.

Manufacturers can obtain the STB decoder control specification from the incumbent terrestrial free-

to-air broadcasting service licensees in South Africa or their appointed agents (trusted third parties)

(see foreword).

5.2 Menu operation

The menu structure shall Include a dedicated page for STB decoder control support, accessed from

the Main Menu page. The dedicated page shall contain the unique South African OTT identification

number, plus headings for the following minimum information:

a) the system name: a maximum of 10 characters; and

b) the software version number: a maximum of 8 characters.

53 South African OTT identification number

Each SIB decoder shall have a unique South African OTT identification number stored securely In

fully write-protected, non-volatile memory. This number shall be the same as the serial number of

the STB decoder. The decoder serial number shall be a maximum of 14 digits. The unique address

comprises only 10 of the digits. Numbering shall be from the most significant digit first and

subsequently as shown in table 20.


© SABS. Single-user licence only; copying and networking prohibited. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made. —

Copyright protected. This standard is exclusively for Calve Mawela of Multicholce for use on the local drive of your Personal Computer with access only for

your personal use. No local area nelwork, wide area network. intranel or internet storage and access is permitted. You can make one paper copy of the

standard, rio paper copy may be photocopied or reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

Table 20— South African DTT Identification number

2 3 6 7 8 9 loll 12 13 14

South African DTT Identification number

Manufacturer's Manufacturers Trans-

Identification model mission Unique serial

numbers number" typed'

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 9th 10th 11th 12th Check° checke

digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit

The format of the numbers shall be ASCII.

° The manufacturer's code is allocated by free-to-air broadcasting service licensees (see foreword).

The manufacturer's model number is selected by the manufacturer.

The transmission type e.g. I DYF Is selected by the manufacturer.

The serial number Is made up of consecutive numbers.

Two check digits using an approved cyclic redundancy check digit scheme.

6 Applications

6.1 MHEG-5 interactive application environment

The 8Th decoder shall implement ali the mandatory requirements of the MI-lEG-b Profile for South


6.2 Electronic programme guide (EPO) and cached applications

The EF'G shall be provided by an MHEG application and shall include the Now and Next Banner.

The application shall be delivered over broadcast object carousel by the PTA broadcasting service

licensees in South Africa or their appointed agents (trusted third parties) (see foreword).

The EPG function shalt be launched by a single press of a key on the RCU. The EPO schedule data

shall describe all the services carried on the DTT PTA platform for that region for the current day

plus the following 7 d.

In order to provide a timely response) when a service carrying the appropriate signalling is selected

the decoder shall cache both the MHEG EPG application and the EPG schedule data. In addition,

when the 8Th decoder is in active standby, it may download and cache the PPG application and

schedule data as described in 4.10.2 and 4.10.3.

6.3 Secure downloads and updates

6.3.1 Support for downloads

The STB decoder control function shall support the over-the-air downloads of authorized software.

6.3.2 Secure download function The STI3 decoder operating system shall include the DVB-SSU enhanced profile download

function that supports the partial or total updating of any code stored in flash memory (a code

update). All downloads shall be subject to authentication by a double signature process. with

downloads signed by both the manufacturer and the body responsible for the engineering channel

on the DTT frequency network.Amdt I

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your personal use. No local area network, wide area network, intranel or Inlernet storage and access is pennilted. You can make one paper copy oF the

standard, No paper copy may be photocopied 01 reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

To support reliable downloads, the loader shalt be capable of starting from any segment in the

download, and of receiving subsequent segments in any order. Where a downloaded segment is

found to contain an error, the loader shall repeat the download for that segment alone, rather than

restart the whole process.

The download function employed In the decoder shall be approved by the free-to-air broadcasting

service licensees or their appointed agents (trusted third parties) (see foreword). The decoder shall

check for the presence of an applicable code update whenever power is applied or whenever the

decoder comes out of passive standby.

The decoder shall check for updates at least every 7 days if a check has not been triggered. An applicable code update is one that is labelled as

a) intended for the specific hardware build of the SIB decoder, and

b) being a version with a later version number than that of the code currently stored In the flash

( memory. On detecting the presence of an applicable code update, the 5Th decoder shall present an

advisory message to the user and prompt one of three responses;

a) update now;

b) update later; or

c) do not update. Where the user requests an immediate update, the decoder shall commence the update

process whilst displaying a dynamic indication of its progress.

6.3.2,5 Should the update process fall to complete. the decoder shall abort the process once an

error is detected or after a time-out period of 10 mm from initiation. Unique error messages shall be

displayed for

a) failure to complete the download of the new data:

b) failure of the CRC check; and

c) failure to complete the update within the time-out period.

6.3.2,6 where an update is requested for later, the decoder shall take no action until next placed in

standby, when it wilt first complete the update process. Advisory messages and indications shalt be

provided to the user as In (See also 4.10.3.) If an 5Th decoder is not placed in standby within 24 h of an applicable code update being

detected, the decoder shall Initiate the update process at the following local time of 03:00, as

determined from the appropriate SI tables.

6.3.3 over-the-air updates

Over-the-air updates shall use the IJVB system software update mechanism (DVB-SSU enhanced

profile) specified in ETSI TS 102 006. The SIB decoder shall ensure the security of downloaded

data by the use of a digital signature mechanism specified by the free-to-air service

licensees (see foreword).Amdt I


© SABS. SIngle-user licence only: copying and networkIng prohibited. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.

Copyright protected This standard is exclusively for Calvo Mawola of Muttichotce for use on the local drive of your Personal Computer with access only for

your personal use. No local area network, wide area network iniranet or internal storage arid access is permitted. You can make one paper copy of the

standard. No papor copy may be photocopied or reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

Each software release has a unique model or version reference which shall be used by the decoder

to establish whether it is to be downloaded. The decoder shall only respond to updates that contain

this unique identifier. In particular. the decoder shall not respond to updates targeted at other

decoder models produced by the same manufacturer.

The system shall allow for separate test keys to enable laboratory and field trial tests of new

software without affecting the in-field population of decoders.

Decoders shall be supplied with the download mode enabled, such that any updates issued after

the production date will immediately be recognized and processed as part of the initial setting up


'7 User interface

The STB decoder shall imploment all the mandatory requirements of the OTT Free to Air User Inleffaco


Amdt I

8 Remote control unit (RCU)

8.1 Minimum functionality

8.1.1 ProtocOl

Each STB decoder shall be supplied with an RCLJ with which the full functionality of the decoder

shall be operated.

The decoder shall use a standardized RCU protocol.

For nteroperability. the manufacturers should use the NEC protocol for the RCU,

8.1.2 Infrared frequency

The infrared carrier frequency for the RCU shall be 38 kHz.

8.1.3 Keys and layout It shall be possIble to perform the following functions by means of the RCU:

a) enter the programme channel number by numeric keys:

b) access and navigate the menu structure;

c) access the EPO (Now and Next Banner and event) and programme informatiOn

d) confirm an option selection;

e) control the on-screen cursor (up. down, left, right);

f) exit from the menu and information structure;

g) select the next service up or down (P+ and P—);

h) increase or decrease the audio level;

I) adjust the audio level to zero (mute) and restore to previous setting;

J)display and suppress subtitles;


© SABS. Single-user licence only; copying and networking prohIbited. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.

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your personal use. No local area network, wide area network, intranet or Internet storage and access is permitted. You can make one paper copy of the

slandard. No paper copy may be photocopied or reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2,1

k) toggle between normal and standby operation;

I) toggle between television and radio services; and

m) provide a short cut to interactive services and overlay text. The RCU shall implement all the keys in accordance with the SA-MHEG profile. The design requirements for the RCU will be provided by the free-to-air broadcasters.

8.1.4 Operation Response time

The design of the STB decoder and the RCU operating system shall ensure a maximum time of

100 ms between the release of the key and the commencement of the specified response. Channel entry

All television, radio and interactive services shall be assigned a three-digit LCN. The RCU shall be

configured for three-digit LCN operation. N-key rollover

The design of the keypad and the RCU operating system shall prevent unintended repeated entries.

This shall include a delay of 100 ms between the completion of a key press and the recognition of

the next entry

8.2 Alternative RCU design

Manufacturers should make available alternative RCUs for those with impaired vision or impaired

manual dexterity (e.g. over-sized keys and character fonts, and shaped keys).

8.3 Reliability

8.3.1 Robustness

The RCU shall be designed to withstand frequent usage. It shall have a robust case which is

resistant to damage when dropped onto hard surfaces.

8.3.2 Environmental

The RCU shall be designed to work in the same environmental conditions (i.e. ambient temperature

and humidity) as the SIB decoder.

8.4 Packaging

The RCU shall be included in the same shipping carton as the 5Th decoder. The internal packaging

shall be sufficient to prevent any damage or scuffing to the RCU during transit. Batteries shall be

provided separately and packaged to prevent accidental during transit.


© SABS. Single-user licence only; copying and networking prohibited. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.

Copyright protected This standard is exclusively for CalvoMawela of Multicholce for use on the local drive of your Personal Computer with access only for

your personal use, No local area network, wide area network, intranet or internet storage and access is permitted. You can make one paper copy of the

standard No paper copy may he photocopied Of reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

9 CompHance

9.1 Health and safety

The STB decoder and all accessories shall comply with SANS 60065.

9.2compatibility (EMC)

9.2.1 The 5Th decoder and all accessories shall comply with the following standards:

a) Emissions: SANS 213;

b) Immunity: SANS 2200.

9.2.2 The following test methods shall be used:

a) SANS 61000-3-2;

b) SANS 61000-3-3;

c) SANS 61000-4-2:

d) SANS 61000-4-3:

e) SANS 61000-4-4:

I) SANS 61000-4-SI

g) SANS 61000-4-11.

9.3 Performance

Compliance of the STB decoder and the RCU with the performancerequirements shall be

determined using the relevant test methods given in SANS 894.

io Accessories

The 5Th decoder shall be supplied with the following accessories:

a) 230 V ac. to 12 V d.c. converter (in the case of an external power supply).

b) Mains cord set, of length at least 1,5 m, that complies with SANS 60799 and that incorporates a

plug that complies with SANS 164-1, and an appliance connector C7 that complies with

SANS 60320-1 (in the case of an internal power supply).

c) RF flexible coaxial 75 0 cable, of length ?t least 1,5 m (RG6 or equivalent doubie.Screened),

fitted with TV aerial connectors (one male and one female) at either end.

d) Composite (CVBS) video/stereo audio cable, of length al least 1,5 m. terminated with RCA


e) Remote control unit (RCU), that complies with the requirements in clause 8, together with "M" or

"AAA" sized batteries.

I) User manual.


© SABS. Single-user licence only; copying and networkingprohibited. Note that only one printout of the standard may be mode.


test level (4 kV contact/S kV air);

test level (10 V/m);

test level 3;

test level 4;

Gopyrighi protected. This standard is exclusively For Catvo Mawela oF Multlchoice for use on the local drive of your Personal Computer with access only (or

your personal use. No local area network wide area network, inlranel or Internet storage and access is permitted. You can make one paper copy of the

standard. No paper copy may bephotocopied or reproduced in any way.

SANS 862:2013Edition 2.1

g) Quick guide (in English and at least one other official language) that contains a basic wiring

diagram, which shows alternative connections for installations with and without a VCR, and with

and without baseband (video and audio) input to the television display.

ii Packaging

11.1 The SIB decoder shall be securely packaged to protect it against possible damage during


11.2 The packaging shall contain all the accessories set out in clause 10, and the following

information which shall be visible on the outside of the packaging:

a) the identification of the manufacturer:

b) the model number of the decoder:

c) the serial number of the decoder.


ETSI ES 202 184, MHEG-5 Broadcast Profile.

ISO/IEC 13522-5, Information technology — Coding of multimedia and hypennedia information —

Pad 5: Support for base-level interactive applications.

NorDig unified requirements for into grated receiver decoders for use in cable, terrestrial

and IP-besed networks. Ver 2.2.1. NorDig Unified. 2010.



© SABS. Single-user licence only: copying and networking prohibited. that only one prIntout of the standard may be made.

Copyright protected. ThIs standard is exclusively for Calvo Mawela of Multichoice tar use on the local drive of your Personal Computer with access only br

your personal use. No local area network, wide area network, lntranet or internet storage and access is permitted. You can make one paper copy of the

standard. No paper copy maybe photocoplod or reproduced in any way.

SASS Standards Division

The objective of the SASS Standards Division is to develop promote and maintain South African

National Standards. This objective is incorporated in the Standards Act, 2008 (Act No.8 of 2008).

Amendments and Revisions -

South African National Standards are updated by amendment or revision. Users of South African

National Standards should ensure that they possess the latest amendments or editions.

The SASS continuously strives to improve the quality of its products and services and would

therefore be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this standard would

inform the secretary of the technical committee responsible the identity of which can be found in

the foreword.

The SASS offers an individual notification service, which ensures that subscribers automatically

receive notification regarding amendments and revisions to South African National Standards.

Tel: +27 (0)124286883 Fax: +27 (0) 124286928 E-mail:

Buying Standards

Contact the Sales Office for South African and international standards, which are available in both

electronic and hard copy format.

Tel: +27 (0) 12 428 6883 Fax: +27 (0) 12428 6928 E-mail:

South African National Standards are also available online from the SASS website

Information on Standards

The Standards Information Centre provides a wide range of information on both

national and international standards. The Centre also offers an individual updating service called

INFOPLUS, which ensures that subscribers automatically receive notification regarding

amendments to, and revisions of, international standards.

Tel:+27(0)124287911/0861 277227 Fax: +27 (0)124286928 E-mail:


The copyright in a South African National Standard or any other publication published by the SASS

Standards Division vests in the SABS or, In the case of a South African National Standard based on

an international standard, in the organization from which the SASS adopted the standard under

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Details and advice can be obtained from the Manager — Standards Sales and Information Services.

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© SAnS. Single-user licence only; copying and networking prohibited. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.

" (I


Private Bag X860, Pretoria, 0001. Tel: +27124278270 Fax: *27124278115Tel: +27 469 5223 Fax: +27 462 1646Private Bag X9151, Cape Town, 8000

23 August 2013

Mr Imtiaz PatelChief Executive OfficerMultichoiceP0 Box 1502Randburg2125

Dear Mr Patel

Set Top Boxes Round table 10 september, 10:00, Johannesburg

As you are aware, the government sees the digital migration process of the

broadcasting services as critical in meeting a number of the country's socio-economic

needs. The digital migration process is, as you know, seen as leading to a "digital

dividend" that will enable the country to transform our communications environment

to enable faster and cheaper broadband services among other benefits.

There have been many delays in the digital migration process, and the Ministry of

Communications accepts our fair share of responsibility for the delays. But we have to

move on. We simply cannot afford any further delays! It's just not in the country's


Government is ready to move fast. But we cannot take significant steps forward

because of the differences among key stakeholders on the Set Top Boxes (STBs),particularly whether they should have a control capability or not. To try to secure a

degree of consensus on the matter round table discussions will be held on the above

date. You are invited to send two representatives to participate in the discussions. You

will be notified of the venue shortly.

Enclosed is an outline of the process envisaged. Kindly respond to this document as

soon as possible. You can contact me throughand or 012-4278000.

We look forward to seeing you on the10th and convey good wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Yunus Carrim MPMinister of Communications


®rr, OS) )iiR)SIN I SNA1 tONAL


MO: (lien Marques, Esq.,Electronic Media Network Proprietary Urn ited137 I lendrik Verwoerd Drive,Randhurg 2194,South Africa

14 April 2015

Dear Glen

CBS licensed p'rarjjnjjn'

loilowi rig our conversation, I am just dropping you a quick note to explain CBS's position C MNet were

to seek to license CBS progranini rig (SD and I-ID content) lbr free—to—air I near broadcast. Given that iiithese circumstances the CBS progranirning Id be ci istributed free—to—air over analogue or digital

terrestrial networks CBS would riot require encryption of its progranim rig.

With best wishes

Michelle PayneV ice President Regional Sales, C l3S Stud ins International

The CompanyEurope, Middle East & Africa

Multichoice (Pty) Limited

251 Oak Avenue

Rand burg

South Africa

Date: 1p't'( toil

To whom it may concern,

The Walt Disney Company Limited hereby confirms that when licensing programming content in the

sub-Saharan region, including high definition content, it does not typically require encryption of that

content for broadcast on free-to-air over an analogue or digital terrestrialN

television network. / N/ g \Notwithstanding the toregoin4, TheWalt Disney

Limit\d tak1s the protection of its content

very seriously and considers the recjuirements content licence a case by case basis

/Yours faithfully, \ 1; 1

N. •//

For and on behalf of the Walt Disney Company Limited

Sasha Haines

Deputy Regional Counsel

the Wait Disney company Ltd.3 Queen Street. Harnniersnhith. LondorrW6 9PE. Un,tect i<ingdom

lei (0)208222TheWait Disnay Company Limited. Registered clOse: 3 Queen Caroline Street. Ranimersnirth. London W6 9P5

Registered i. Errgland anti Waies, Registered No. 530001