Dept of Works Road Maintenance Specification (Ed 0 Rev 3)

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  • 8/12/2019 Dept of Works Road Maintenance Specification (Ed 0 Rev 3)




    (Edition 0, Revision 3)(Issued October 2002)

    Based on the Department of WorksMinor Works Speifiation


  • 8/12/2019 Dept of Works Road Maintenance Specification (Ed 0 Rev 3)


    Ta#$e of Contents


    1.0 Trafc Control...................................................................

    2.0 Structural Maintenance o Bituminous (Sealed)Pavement.........................................................................2.1 Pothole Patching................................................................................................2.2 Pavement Reair................................................................................................2.3 Edge !ailure.......................................................................................................2." Patching o# $lligator %rac&s...............................................................................2.' Patching o# airline %rac&s................................................................................2. Resealing o# *ituminous +ur#aces......................................................................

    2.6.1 General (Sub-Clause 6.2.1)...................................................................2.6.2 Bituminous Material (Sub-Clause 6.2.2)...............................................

    2.6.3 Aggregates (Sub-Clause 6.2.4)..............................................................2.6.4 Plant and !ui"ment (Sub-Clause 6.2.#)..............................................2.6.$ Sur%a&e Pre"aration (Sub-Clause 6.2.')...............................................2.6.6 S"raing (Sub-Clause 6.2.12)................................................................2.6. Co*er Aggregate Su""l (Sub-Clause 6.2.14).......................................2.6.# +olling (Sub-Clause 6.2.1$)..................................................................2.6.' Measurement..........................................................................................2.6.1, Pament.................................................................................................

    2. Reconstruction...................................................................................................2..1 +e&onstru&tion o% Base-&ourse..............................................................2..2 +e&onstru&tion o% Sub-base and Subgrade............................................

    3.0 Structural Maintenance o nsuraced !oads...................3.1 Regravelling......................................................................................................

    3.1.1 Materials..............................................................................................3.1.2 S"reading o% Gra*el.............................................................................3.1.3 Com"a&tion..........................................................................................3.1.4 Measurement and Pament..................................................................

    3.2 !illing and Patching..........................................................................................3.3 -rading.............................................................................................................

    3.3.1 "es o% Grading.................................................................................3.3.2 Cross-%all.............................................................................................

    3.3.3 Grading "erations.............................................................................3.3.4 Measurement and Pament..................................................................

    ".0 Maintenance o #raina$e.................................................".1 +ide rains.......................................................................................................

    4.1.1 +emo*al o% Silt %rom Side /rains........................................................4.1.2 urn-uts.............................................................................................4.1.3 0ined /rains........................................................................................

    ".2 %ulverts............................................................................................................

    %.0 Maintenance o S&oulders...............................................

    '.0 Sloes............................................................................

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  • 8/12/2019 Dept of Works Road Maintenance Specification (Ed 0 Rev 3)


    .0 !oad *urniture................................................................

    +.0 ,er- and C&annel............................................................

    .0 Control o !oadside /e$etation........................................

    .1 4egetation Removal and rimming...................................................................2 erbicides..........................................................................................................3 %utting o# rees................................................................................................

    10.0 Premi (Cold Mi SPT) or Patc&in$...........................10.1 *inder...............................................................................................................10.2 Prearation o# %utbac& *itumen......................................................................10.3 -radation o# $ggregate....................................................................................10." 5uantit6 o# %utbac& *itumen...........................................................................10.' /i7ing and %uring............................................................................................10. andling On +ite..............................................................................................

    11.0 Sta-ilised Material or Pot&ole and 4d$e Brea5Patc&in$.........................................................................

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    his +eci#ication alies to all maintenance 8or&s to be carried out on ational andProvincial Roads #or 8hich the eartment o# 9or&s has the role o# the E7ecuting $genc6.

    he 9or&s shall be e7ecuted in accordance 8ith the eartment o# 9or&s +eci#ication #orRoad and *ridge 9or&s, $ugust 1' Edition and as amended in this +eci#ication. heamendments in this +eci#ication ta&e recedence over the relevant %lauses in the+eci#ication !or Road and *ridge 9or&s. Re#erences to the relevant clauses are sho8n in


    he #ollo8ing items are included

    +tructural maintenance o# bituminous (sealed) avements (including atching,

    resealing:resur#acing and reconstruction)

    +tructural maintenance o# unsealed avements (gravel or earth)

    /aintenance o# drains

    /aintenance o# shoulders

    /aintenance o# sloes

    /aintenance o# road mar&ings and signs

    /aintenance o# &ilometre osts, guardrails and osts

    /aintenance o# &erbs and channels

    Premi7 (cold mi7 ashalt) #or atching

    +tabilised gravel #or atching

    4egetation control

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    1.0 T!**IC C76T!7

    his clause shall be read in con;unction 8ith %lause 1.< ra##ic %ontrol o# the +eci#ication #orRoad and *ridge 9or&s.

    he %ontractor shall ensure that tra##ic control measures are in lace at all times to ensure thatboth the sa#et6 o# edestrian and vehicular tra##ic is maintained and that the sa#et6 o# the%ontractor=s emlo6ees is not comromised.

    he %ontractor shall submit a ra##ic /anagement Plan to the Engineer, #or aroval, rior toan6 8or&s commencing on site. he ra##ic /anagement Plan must include the #ollo8ing

    Proosed signage and sign la6out #or all 8or&s re>uired under the %ontract (including

    detailed s&etches).

    5uali#ication o# ersonnel involved 8ith the control o# tra##ic.

    $n6 other measures the %ontractor deems necessar6 to control tra##ic.

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    2.0 ST!CT! MI6T466C4 7* BITMI67S(S44#) P/4M46T

    he aim o# ongoing structural maintenance o# bituminous sealed avements is to rovide sa#edriving conditions, a uni#orm seal aroriate to the classi#ication o# the road and to minimise

    the rate o# deterioration o# the avement. he maintenance o# sealed avements includes theatching o# otholes, avement reair o# localised de#ormations, reair o# avement edgebrea&, crac& sealing, avement resealing and, 8here necessar6, the reconstruction o# theavement. he e7tent o# 8or&s shall be as detailed in the +coe o# 9or&s or as directed b6 theEngineer.

    he %ontractor shall ensure that the 8or&s are underta&en in a lanned and controlled manner,causing as little inconvenience to the road user as ossible. 9hen comlete, the road shall bele#t in a smooth, #ree draining, 8ater tight, 8ell comacted and stable condition.

    $ll maintenance 8or& shall be carried out in 8arm, dr6 8eather. 9here 8or&s have to becarried out in 8et 8eather due to its urgenc6, bitumen emulsion shall be used.

    %&' Potho$e Pathin(

    Pothole atching shall be underta&en on a regular c6cle as aroved b6 the Engineer. 6icall6,atching 8ill be directed 8hen the othole is greater than 200mm in diameter and:or greaterthan '0mm dee. he method o# reair shall be as #ollo8s

    (a) rim othole to a regular shae 8ith vertical sides and a sound base. he trimmed otholeshall be dried and all loose material removed. $ tac& coat o# binder (medium curing

    bitumen, hot straight run bitumen, or bitumen emulsion) shall then be alied to the baseand sides and allo8ed to cure. +u##icient remi7, reared in accordance 8ith %lause 11

    o# this +eci#ication, shall then be laced to the #ull deth o# the othole and levelled8ith a ra&e, slightl6 roud (above the level) o# the rest o# the road. %omaction shallthen be carried out b6 a heav6 hand tamer, mechanicall6 oerated tamer or roller toachieve ma7imum comaction and a sur#ace #inish #lush 8ith the surrounding roadsur#ace. ?oose material shall be brushed #rom the road and tra##ic allo8ed to ass overthe reaired section o# road.

    (b) In the case o# dee otholes, 8here the deth e7ceeds 1'0mm, the lo8er art ma6 be #illed8ith an aroved stabilised base material reared in accordance 8ith %lause 12 o# this+eci#ication, comacted and treated 8ith binder. he balance shall be treated 8ith

    remi7 as seci#ied in +ub %lause 2.1(a).

    (c) !or both +ub@%lause 2.1(a) and (b), a minimum thic&ness o# '0mm o# remi7 shall belaced in the othole.

    he unit o# measurement #or othole atching shall be the area o# reair in s>uare metres.

    Pothole atching, as measured above, shall be aid #or at the tendered unit rate. he rate shallbe comensation #or #urnishing, mi7ing and lacing all materials, e7cavation and rearation o#reair including all labour, e>uiment, tools, signs and incidentals necessar6 to comlete the8or& including the recti#ication o# an6 de#ective 8or& and tra##ic control.

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    %&% Pa)ement Repair

    Pavement reairs shall be underta&en as directed b6 the Engineer 8here there are localisedareas o# de#ormation and avement #ailure. he treatment o# the isolated avement #ailure 8illt6icall6 incororate areas o# 0.2'm2and greater (t6icall6 u to 'm2) b6 the e7cavation and

    relacement o# the avement and unstable subgrade material, and the lacement o# abituminous sur#acing to restore the riding sur#ace to a smooth condition.

    he de#ormation shall be e7cavated to a regular shae, 8ith vertical sides and a sound base.$ll unsuitable material is to be removed. he base o# the e7cavation shall be comacted to a%haracteristic 4alue o# 100A o# the /a7imum r6 ensit6 as determined b6 $+12

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    to lines and levels, to match the camber o# the e7isting avement and comacted b6 a heav6hand tamer, mechanicall6 oerated tamer or roller to achieve ma7imum comaction and asur#ace #inish #lush 8ith the surrounding road sur#ace, or as other8ise directed b6 theEngineer.

    9here the di##erence in level bet8een the e7isting avement sur#ace and #ailed area is greaterthan 1'0mm, the #ailed area shall be bacilled to a level '0mm belo8 the e7isting avementsur#ace 8ith an aroved stabilised base material reared in accordance 8ith %lause 12 o#this +eci#ication, comacted and treated 8ith binder. he balance shall be treated 8ith remi7as seci#ied above.

    9here necessar6, and as directed b6 the Engineer, the shoulder shall be #illed 8ith an arovedbase material coml6ing 8ith %lause '.2 o# the +eci#ication #or Road and *ridge 9or&s andcomacted to a standard accetable to the Engineer. he shoulder shall be trimmed #lush 8iththe reaired edge and graded 8ith cross@#all to drain a8a6 sur#ace 8ater.

    he unit o# measurement #or edge brea& reair shall be the area o# reair in s>uare metres. he

    resheeting and regrading o# the shoulder shall be aid in accordance 8ith %lause ' o# this+eci#ication.

    Edge reair, as measured above, shall be aid #or at the tendered unit rates. he rates shall becomensation #or #urnishing, mi7ing and lacing all materials, e7cavation and rearation o#reair including all labour, e>uiment, tools, signs and incidentals necessar6 to comlete the8or& including the recti#ication o# an6 de#ective 8or& and tra##ic control.

    %&+ Pathin( of A$$i(ator Craks

    Patching o# alligator crac&s shall be underta&en as directed b6 the Engineer to maintainavement integrit6 and to minimise ingress o# 8ater into the avement. he cause o# localisedareas o# alligator crac&ing shall be identi#ied (i# ossible) and the Engineer advised.

    he method o# reair, measurement and a6ment shall be in accordance 8ith +ub@%lause 2.2o# this +eci#ication.

    %&, Pathin( of -air$ine Craks

    Patching o# hairline crac&s shall be underta&en as directed b6 the Engineer to maintainavement integrit6 and to minimise ingress o# 8ater into the avement. airline crac&s shall bereaired b6 the alication o# a #og seal or a slurr6 seal.

    $ #og seal consists o# a mi7ture o# one art o# bitumen emulsion and one art o# 8ater. he#og seal shall be alied on the crac&ed sur#ace at the rate o# 0." to 0.' litres er s>uare metre,thinned out b6 s>ueegee and then blinded 8ith sand a#ter the emulsion has bro&en.

    $ slurr6 seal shall be reared 8ith sand 8ith gradation as sho8n in able 1, < er cent b68eight o# slo8 setting bitumen emulsion and 1" er cent b6 8eight o# 8ater, and mi7edthoroughl6 so that it has the consistenc6 o# a slurr6. his mi7 shall be ushed into crac&s andminor deressions b6 a s>ueegee and lightl6 tamed.

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    TAB.E '


    ".' 100

    2.3 uare metres.

    airline crac& reair, as measured above, shall be aid #or at the tendered unit rates. he ratesshall be comensation #or #urnishing, mi7ing and lacing all materials including all labour,e>uiment, tools, signs and incidentals necessar6 to comlete the 8or& including therecti#ication o# an6 de#ective 8or& and tra##ic control.

    %&3 Resea$in( of Bit*mino*s S*rfaes

    his +ection identi#ies amendments to %lause .2 o# the +eci#ication #or Road and *ridge9or&s. $ll re#erences to the +eci#ication clauses are in brac&ets.

    2.'.18eneral (Su-9Clause '.2.1)

    his 8or& shall consist o# al6ing one coat o# bitumen and cover aggregate to a reviousl6constructed bituminous sur#ace. !urther alications o# bitumen and cover aggregate ma6 bemade as directed b6 the Engineer.

    2.'.2Bituminous Material (Su-9Clause '.2.2)

    *inder shall be %lass 10 grade bitumen con#orming to $+200< 1

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    9here a rime coat is re>uired, an6 area in 8hich the rime coat has been insu##icientl6alied or is de#ective in an6 8a6 shall be rerimed as directed b6 the Engineer.

    $ minimum o# sevent6 t8o (2) hours, or such longer eriod as ma6 be necessar6 #or therime coat to become comletel6 dr6, shall elase be#ore an6 #urther bituminous material is

    alied.2.'.'Sra;in$ (Su-9Clause '.2.12)

    he actual sra6 rate shall be 8ithin 'A o# the ordered sra6 rate.

    2.'.Cover $$re$ate Sul; (Su-9Clause '.2.1")

    he actual sread rate shall be 8ithin 10A o# the ordered sread rate.

    2.'.+!ollin$ (Su-9Clause '.2.1%)

    Immediatel6 a#ter sreading, the aggregate shall be rolled 8ith one or more neumatic t6redrollers #or a minimum o# 1 hour #or each 1200 litres o# bituminous material sra6ed or u untilthe aggregate has redominantl6 been turned over until the $? is ositioned verticall6.

    +teel 8heeled rollers shall not be used.


    /easurement o# bituminous sur#ace treatment shall beC

    (a) he volume o# residual bitumen in litres seci#ied or ordered #or an6 section calculated#rom the sra6ed area and the authorised rate o# alication or the actual volumesra6ed and acceted 8hichever is the lesser.

    (b) he >uantit6 o# adhesive agent in litres actuall6 used as directed.

    (c) he >uantit6 o# recoating material in litres actuall6 used as directed.

    (d) he >uantit6 o# cover aggregate in cubic metres calculated #rom the seci#ied or directedsur#ace area o# the 8or& and the authorised rate o# alication or the actual volumesread and acceted 8hichever is the lesser.

    he volume o# bituminous binder material shall be determined at the temerature o#alication and converted to litres at 1'D% in accordance 8ith the re>uirements o# $+/esignation 12'0@

  • 8/12/2019 Dept of Works Road Maintenance Specification (Ed 0 Rev 3)


    %&4 Reonstr*tion

    2..1!econstruction o Base9course

    Reconstruction o# base@course shall be carried out as directed b6 the Engineer 8here there aredee corrugations or other de#ormations over an e7tensive area or 8hen the cross@#all(camber) is outside the seci#ied limits.

    he seal shall be scari#ied over the a##ected area, the material collected and screened to obtainsuitable material #or reuse. he recovered materials shall be stoc&iled searatel6.

    he base course shall be lightl6 scari#ied, and an aroved base material coml6ing 8ith%lause '.2 o# the +eci#ication #or Road and *ridge 9or&s added to obtain the re>uired cross#all and to #ill an6 corrugations and deressions. 9ater shall then be sra6ed to obtain theotimum moisture content and the base course mi7ed thoroughl6 and graded to the seci#iedshae. he reshaed base course shall then be comacted, commencing #rom the edgesto8ards the centre o# the road, to achieve a %haracteristic 4alue o# 102A o# the /a7imum

    r6 ensit6 as determined b6 $+12

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    e7ceeding 1'0mm to achieve a %haracteristic 4alue o# 102A o# the /a7imum r6 ensit6 asdetermined b6 $+12uare metresC the solid volume o#

    base material removed and stoc&iled in cubic metresC the solid volume o# sub base materialremoved and stoc&iled in cubic metresC the solid volume o# subgrade material removed andrelaced in cubic metresC and the solid volume o# base, sub@base and subgrade material lacedincluding the sul6, lacement and comaction in cubic metres.

    he reconstruction o# base, sub@base or subgrade, as measured above, shall be aid #or at thetendered unit rates. he rates shall be comensation #or removal and stoc&iling o# e7isting

    materials, the #urnishing, mi7ing, lacing comaction and trimming o# all materials including alllabour, e>uiment, tools, signs and incidentals necessar6 to comlete the 8or&, including therecti#ication o# an6 de#ective 8or& and tra##ic control.

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    3.0 ST!CT! MI6T466C4 7* 6S!*C4#!7#S

    Fnsur#aced roads are those 8ithout a bituminous sur#acing. Earth (natural) and gravel roadsare included in this categor6. he maintenance o# an earth or gravel road di##ers #rom that o# a

    bituminous sur#aced road onl6 8ith regard to the carriage8a6.

    "&' Re(ra)e$$in(

    Regravelling shall also include #irst alication o# gravel to earth roads.


    /aterials shall coml6 8ith %lause '.2 o# the +eci#ication #or Road and *ridge 9or&s, asamended b6 this %lause and shall be aroved b6 the Engineer rior to incororation into the8or&s.

    Particle sie distribution o# gravel sur#acing is given in able 2 belo8

    TAB.E %


    '7mm 7&,mm +&4,mm

    1mm 100


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    he road sur#ace shall be moistened, b6 sra6ing 8ater uni#orml6 over the 8idth o# theavement. $ la6er o# gravel shall than be sread to a uni#orm thic&ness over the sur#ace, 8ateradded to obtain otimum moisture content, thoroughl6 mi7ed, comacted and trimmed to theseci#ied lines and levels. $lternativel6, gravel 8ith the re>uired moisture content shall bedelivered to site, sread, comacted and trimmed to the seci#ied lines and levels.


    %omaction shall be carried out 8ith an < to 10 tonne vibrating steel 8heeled@roller.%omaction should commence as soon as the grader has shaed the sur#ace. Rolling shall startat the outer edges o# the road and 8or& to8ards the centre o# the road. Rolling shall continueuntil a %haracteristic 4alue o# 100A o# the /a7imum r6 ensit6 as determined b6$+12

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    3.3.1T;es o 8radin$

    ?ight grading shall consist o# light trimming o# the sur#ace to remove corrugations androughness on a routine basis. In the dr6 season, loose material shall be bladed to8ards theedge o# the road, and in the 8et season the material shall be graded to8ards the centre o# the

    road.eav6 grading shall be carried out 8ith a grader o# at least 13'P, and shall consist o#scari#6ing and cutting into the bottom o# de#ormations and then shaing the sur#ace. eav6grading shall be ermitted onl6 8ith the rovision o# additional gravel material i# the thic&nesso# remaining gravel is less than 'mm.

    I# additional gravel is re>uired, it shall con#orm to +ub@%lause 3.1.1 o# this +eci#ication.


    he cross@#all on gravel and earth roads shall be maintained bet8een " and er cent, or as

    directed b6 the Engineer. $ camber board shall be available at site and shall be used at intervalso# 100m or less to ensure that the cross@#alls are 8ithin the above limits.

    3.3.38radin$ 7erations

    -rader oerators shall be s&illed and have e7erience oerating graders in the maintenance o#gravel roads. he oerator shall ta&e recautions that the cro8n o# the road is not #lattenedand that lastic materials #rom the side drains are not deosited on the carriage8a6.

    !or heav6 grading, the grader shall 8or& on one side o# the road at a time, and 8or& in assesaro7imatel6 200m in length. -raders shall not sto at ;unctions or bends to cause a haardto users o# the road. he sur#ace shall be cambered to #all a8a6 #rom the cro8n at a sloe o# "

    to er cent, and this shae shall be maintained over culverts. +uerelevated sections or bendsshall have a constant grade #rom shoulder to shoulder. In transitions #rom bends to straightsections, the camber o# the outside hal# o# the road shall be reduced graduall6 to the normalcross@sectional shae #or straight sections.

    /aterials re>uiring increased moisture content shall be sra6ed 8ith 8ater to achieve otimummoisture content and thoroughl6 mi7ed b6 the grader.

    he comaction e>uiment shall #ollo8 closel6 behind the grader once the road has beenshaed. Rolling shall start #rom the outer edge o# the road, and graduall6 8or& to8ards thecentre. 9ater shall be added as necessar6 to give the correct moisture content #or comaction.

    $ll graders shall be #itted 8ith 6ello8 #lashing 8arning lights. !lashing lights and headlamsshall be s8itched on 8hen the grader is 8or&ing.

    3.3."Measurement and Pa;ment

    he unit o# measurement #or heav6 and light grading shall be the area o# the avement ins>uare metres. he unit o# measurement #or an6 additional gravel re>uired shall be the solidvolume o# material laced in cubic metres.

    he grading 8or&s, as measured above, shall be aid #or at the tendered unit rates. he ratesshall be comensation #or the #urnishing, mi7ing, lacing comaction and trimming o# allmaterials including all labour, e>uiment, tools, signs and incidentals necessar6 to comlete

    the 8or& including the recti#ication o# an6 de#ective 8or& and tra##ic control.

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    ".0 MI6T466C4 7* #!I684

    +&' Side Drains

    he bottom o# side drains shall be maintained at a level o# at least '00mm belo8 the #ormation

    level or as directed b6 the Engineer. $ll side drains that are too shallo8 and are not er#ormingroerl6 shall be deeened during the maintenance oerations as and 8here directed b6 theEngineer. urnouts shall be constructed at #re>uent intervals as directed to control the volumeo# 8ater #lo8ing in drains. +tee sections o# drains sho8ing signs o# erosion shall be lined 8ithconcrete, masonr6, or rira 8here directed. $n6 damage to the lining shall be reaired duringmaintenance oerations.

    ".1.1!emoval o Silt rom Side #rains

    +ilt shall be removed #rom the drains as directed b6 the Engineer. rains shall be dug out totheir design grade so that 8ater does not ond and there is clear assage #or 8ater #lo8. 9astematerial shall be disosed o# #rom site in an area aroved b6 the Engineer.

    he unit o# measurement #or removal o# silt shall be the volume o# silt removed in cubicmetres.


    urnouts shall be constructed so that the6 have a longitude gradient bet8een 1 in 100 and 1 in'0, and shall be o# su##icient length to run out to ero deth at the end. he location o#turnouts shall be as detailed on the ra8ings or as directed b6 the Engineer. he ;unction o#side drains and turnouts shall have a minimum radius o# #ive metres. %are shall be ta&en inconstruction o# turnouts 8here cultivations are ad;acent to the road. In such cases the+uerintendent shall be re>uested to discuss the construction o# turnouts 8ith lando8ners.

    he unit o# measurement #or construction o# turnouts shall be the number constructed in unitso# one or more.

    ".1.3ined #rains

    %lause .11 o# the +eci#ication #or Road and *ridge 9or&s shall al6 #or construction andreair o# lined drains carried out as art o# the maintenance oerations.

    +&% C*$)erts

    %lauses .2 to . o# the +eci#ication #or Road and *ridge 9or&s shall al6 #or the

    construction, relacement and reair o# culverts carried out as art o# the maintenanceoerations.

    9here erosion has occurred in outlets and outlet channels o# culverts, an energ6 dissiatingstructure shall be constructed as detailed on the dra8ings or as directed b6 the Engineer. hisincludes #an discharge constructed in masonr6 or concrete, stone gabions or mattressdo8nstream o# the outlet.

    $ll silt and debris shall be removed #rom culverts and bloc&ed inlets and outlets cleared as arto# maintenance oerations. %ulverts shall be cleaned using aroriate long handled tools toensure that the invert is clear o# an6 obstruction or silt. 9aste material shall be disosed #rom

    site in an area aroved b6 the Engineer. rees or branches bloc&ing inlets to culvert shall be

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    cut or sa8n to #acilitate removal. he unit o# measurement shall be the volume o# materialremoved in cubic metres.

    Reair and reconstruction o# masonr6 head8alls #or culverts shall be carried out in accordance8ith -rou o# the +eci#ication #or Road and *ridge 9or&s.

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  • 8/12/2019 Dept of Works Road Maintenance Specification (Ed 0 Rev 3)


    %.0 MI6T466C4 7* S7#4!S

    /ethods used #or reair and maintenance o# earth and gravel shoulders shall generall6 be thesame used #or gravel and earth roads. +ur#ace de#ects 8ill generall6 be reaired b6 mechanicalgrading methods. Isolated otholes 8ill generall6 be reaired using manual methods.

    !or all shoulder grading the grader shall cut the shoulder such that 8hen comacted it is level8ith the carriage8a6 edge and sloes a8a6 to the ditch at a steeer cross@#all than thecarriage8a6. +ediment #rom drainage ditches shall not be graded onto the shoulder.

    9here the shoulder is lo8er than the carriage8a6, regravelling o# the shoulder shall be carriedout at the locations directed b6 the Engineer and in accordance 8ith %lause " o# this+eci#ication. 9here heavier damage has occurred to the shoulders due to erosion or8ashouts, reairs shall be carried out in accordance 8ith %lause o# this +eci#ication.

    9here grassed shoulders e7ist, the6 shall be chec&ed to determine 8hether the shoulder levelhas built u above the level o# the edge o# carriage8a6 and, 8here directed b6 the Engineer,

    trimming o# the shoulder 8ill be underta&en. I# this has occurred, the shoulder shall be gradedto a cross@#all that 8hen the shoulder is comacted it is level 8ith the carriage8a6 edge andsloes a8a6 to the ditch at a steeer cross@#all than the carriage8a6 9here there are bushesand high grass gro8ing on the shoulder, these shall be cut as short as ossible.

    he unit o# measurement #or the maintenance o# shoulders shall be the area o# the shoulder ins>uare metres. he unit o# measurement #or an6 additional gravel re>uired shall be the volumeo# material sulied and laced in cubic metres.

    he shoulder 8or&s, as measured above, shall be aid #or at the tendered unit rates. he ratesshall be comensation #or the #urnishing, mi7ing, lacing comaction and trimming o# allmaterials including all labour, e>uiment, tools, signs and incidentals necessar6 to comletethe 8or& including the recti#ication o# an6 de#ective 8or& and tra##ic control.

    /$IE$%E +PE%I!I%$IO Page 1'Edition 0 Revision 3 Issue date October 2002

  • 8/12/2019 Dept of Works Road Maintenance Specification (Ed 0 Rev 3)


    '.0 S7P4S

    +evere damage, 8hen a landslide or a 8ashout cuts the road, shall be reaired b6 a seci#iccontract. ?ess severe damage shall be reaired as art o# maintenance 8or&. !or all slis andsettlements that a##ect the road, 8arning signs, cones and barriers shall be laced around the

    site. In the case o# a landslide bloc&ing the road, all material shall be removed and carrieda8a6. +ide ditches shall be cleared o# all debris and shae o# the ditch shall be reinstated.

    /$IE$%E +PE%I!I%$IO Page 1Edition 0 Revision 3 Issue date October 2002

  • 8/12/2019 Dept of Works Road Maintenance Specification (Ed 0 Rev 3)


  • 8/12/2019 Dept of Works Road Maintenance Specification (Ed 0 Rev 3)


    +.0 ,4!B 6# C664

    amaged &erb and:or channel shall be relaced in accordance 8ith %lause .13 o# the+eci#ication #or Road and *ridge 9or&s. e#ective &erb and:or channel sections shall berelaced i# otentiall6 dangerous to edestrians. +un&en and raised &erb and:or channel

    sections shall be laced to roer lines and levels.

    /$IE$%E +PE%I!I%$IO Page 1