DER HANNOVERANER - · nenberg aboard Damon Hill at the Olympic Games in London 2012...

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SportComplemento wins in Drachten

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AuctionWith a record amount into the new year

2 Der Hannoveraner 03|2017


„I am a perfectionist!“At the show of privately owned stallions in Verden in February, Helen Langehanenberg impressed with her presentation of Damsey FRH, whom she rides since only a year. The team world champion has young Hanoverian hopefuls in her barn in addition to the expressive 15-year old stallion. By Britta Züngel

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Her name stands for elegance and grace, for a training method, which very carefully prepares

horses for international competitions. It also stands for ambition, continuity and for making great de-mands upon herself. The rides of Helen Langeha-nenberg aboard Damon Hill at the Olympic Games in London 2012 and at the World Equestrian Games in Normandy 2014 remain unforgettable. They won team silver both times; in Caen, they be-came vice world champions in the individual com-petition. Since the beginning of last year, she has the privately owned stallion Damsey FRH in her barn. The pair delivered their first joint presentati-on at the show for privately owned stallions in Ver-den. Exactly one year later, they opened the show in the Niedersachsenhalle with a perfect presenta-tion.

The 2002-born son of Royal/Ritual has gained in expression during the past months. He danced un-der the lights with ease and clearly enjoyed the applause from the spectators. “Our first presenta-tion in Verden last year went well,” Helen Lange-hanenberg remembers. “After all, one can never be sure, how strange horses may react. Stallion pre-sentations are more important for the breeder than for the rider.“ She also participated in the stallion presentation of the state stud aboard Sa-rotti Mokka Sahne by Soliman de Hus/Lauries Crusador xx (breeder: Jörg Bätje, Kranenburg). “It is our desire that the good horses, which we ride, also become producers. It is a double-edged sword though.” Damsey FRH had arrived at her barn in Billerbeck shortly before. Steffen Frahm, who used to be the trainer/rider at the stallion station of Jens Meyer in Dorum, had been responsible for the trai-ning. The participation in the National Champion-ships, in the World Championships for young dres-sage horses and in the final of Nürnberg’s Burgpokal in 2015 provided excellent results and secured the pair a spot on Germany’s Nations Cup-team.

His own personalityDamsey is difficult to describe, “He has his very own personality. He is very sweet, but knows ex-actly, what it is that he wants,” Helen Langeha-nenberg says with a smirk. “Sometimes he is very studdish. But then again, it is understandable. Af-ter all, the black-brown has been a breeding stalli-on for many years. He is about to make a name for himself as an excellent dressage horse producer. Damsey FRH was born on the farm of Dorit and Hermann Kothe, who managed a stallion station on this farm called Alsenhof in Wacken at that time. “He was the foal from one of the first bree-dings of our stallion Dressage Royal,” Hermann Kothe explains. Dam Ria Grande was honored as

Hanoverian Mare of the Year 2013. Since 2006, Damsey FRH stands at the station of Jens Meyer. He has an ideal owner in Louise Leatherdale, who supports his development and career with great commitment. “Damsey’s highlights are his basic gaits and his piaffe and passage,” Helen Langeha-nenberg raves. “He basically knows everything and is far and well trained. I experienced many mo-ments in the beginning, during which I felt that I did not quite know him yet. I am a perfectionist; everything has to run smoothly!” Our daily work is more geared towards throughness and rideability than towards practicing movements. Damsey FRH came to me rather late in his life; we are lacking a mutual foundation.” The successes of the pair over the last twelve months are, however, significant: They won eleven blue ribbons and represented Germany in Falsterbo. Mid February, they celebra-ted an excellent second placement at their World-Cup debut in Neumünster. Helen Langehanenberg is especially proud of Damsey’s distinction as FRH-horse, “This title is only bestowed upon a very se-lected group of horses. It is an honor for horse and rider.”

In addition to Damsey FRH, young Hanoverian ta-lents are standing in Billerbeck. Love-Light by Lau-dabilis/Rotspon (breeder: Frieder Heilemann, Weil-heim) is one of the future hopefuls. She came in training with her rider Iris Lüpertz. The pair already had successes at Prix St. Georges. “A very interes-ting mare,” Helen Langehanenberg declared. Rider Iris Lüpertz had many professional commitments, and so Helen Langehanenberg started riding the ten-year old. They got along brilliantly from the start and celebrated the first Grand-Prix placement in Ankum in January, a fifth place. “It was great, but we are lacking consistent steadiness. The mare learns very quickly. ‘Lighty’ is a diligent horse; she does not want to make mistakes,” the trainer re-veals. The dark-brown descends from a perfect damline. Its poster child is Ann-Kathrin Linsenhoff’s team European champion Sterntaler-Unicef.

St.Pr.St. Brisbane by Belissimo M/Fürst Heinrich (breeder: Hannes Brüning, Ochtmannien) just re-cently moved into the barn of Helen Langehanen-berg. The important chestnut mare is not unk-nown! She is one of the very best that Hannover has to offer. She was celebrated as the champion family with her dam St.Pr.St. Faconnable at the show in Bruchhausen-Vilsen three consecutive times. She placed second at the Herwart byd. De-cken-Show in 2013, and, at the Friedrich Jahncke-Show, she not only won the family class but also her class for individual mares. She is related to Slibovitz, who became Team World Champion with Uwe Schulten-Baumer. Brisbane’s training is exem-

A good team: Damsey FRH with Louise Leatherdale and Helen Langehanenberg. Photo: Beelitz

Damsey FRH and Helen Langehanen-berg take a look at the new book ‘Hannoveraner’. Photo: Beelitz

4 Der Hannoveraner 03|2017


plary. Rieke Schnieder rode her in the National Championships for dressage horses in 2014, the year after Brisbane delivered a foal by Don Princi-pe. She was sold shortly thereafter and returned for training with her new rider to Helen Langeha-nenberg. “We’ll see, how far she’ll go,” so the trai-ner.

“I do not pay a lot of attention to the breeding, since, in the end, it is the individual horse that counts,” Helen Langehanenberg admits. St.Pr.St. Brisbane is an ideal case, since she is not only a successful mare on breed shows, but she also won her first S-level dressage class at the beginning of the year. “It shows how closely connected bree-ding and showing actually are. The criteria for the selection are to make riding easier. The progress, which occurred during the past years with respect to breeding horses, is quite impressive,” Helen Langehanenberg comments while naming a good exterior, good basic gaits and a good interior as the most important points. “There is no better foundation! The exterior is like a toothed wheel. If it catches somewhere, the whole system does no longer run smoothly.

Another important point is the uphill tendency.” The successful rider is not willing to budge at all with respect to honesty and to enjoying the trai-ning. “I don’t do, I don’t want to, I cannot – these phrases don’t work for horses! Horse must be open to learning. You cannot force a horse to do something. Once horses have learned, how easy and effortless training can be, they will enjoy it,” Helen Langehanenberg is certain. “I do not have a magic wand for the training though. The beauty of the sport of riding is that there are so many diffe-rent riders, which will be happy working with very different types of horses and, in time, will become ideal partners.”

Part of her lifeThe name Helen Langehanenberg is closely con-nected with Damon Hill. Her voice changes, when somebody asks her about the Westphalian stallion. “’Dami” has been a part of my life for a certain period. I cannot put in words all that I learned from him, i.e. less often is more. It was a fantastic time in my life with the Olympic Games being the high-light.” They became Vice European Champions in Herning in 2013. In 2014, they won team gold and individual silver at the World Equestrian Games. During the same year, the cooperation with the owners of the stallion came to an end. Two years have passed, and now she has a neutral relation to what happened. Helen Langehanenberg still en-joys remembering the exciting duels with Valegro and Charlotte Dujardin. “Isn’t that what makes our

sport so attractive?” Helen Langehanenberg re-calls the past, “Everything depends on the daily form; the journey is as exciting as a thriller.”

A Hanoverian actually opened the door to interna-tional competitions for Helen Langehanenberg. It was Princeton by Prince Thatch xx/Watzmann (breeder: Friedrich Helling, Bohmte). In 1999, the family was looking for a transition horse. The then 16-year old rider did not like the idea at all, since she was to sell her pony Flummi for it. She found Princeton in an advertisement. He turned out to be a difficult horse. It did not stop Helen Langehanen-berg to carefully train the dark bay from the L-level to Grand Prix and to obtain her golden riding badge on him. “In time, I became braver, and he became better behaved,” she says with a smile. “We found a way to avoid difficult situations. I am very grateful to Princeton, since he taught me a lot. Even though I had a lot of respect for him, I really loved him.” She never gave the gelding away. He enjoyed his retirement with his rider. Flummi also returned to Helen Langehanenberg, when he reti-red.

Responsibility towards the horseHelen Langehanenberg learned how to ride from Ingrid Klimke. She learned from the riding master to pay great attention to the basics when training hor-ses, “I already took lessons regularly from her, when I was riding my pony.” She was introduced to everything: dressage, jumping, cross-country trai-ning and the riding of young horses. The young pro-tégé quickly decided that she wanted to get her equine education in Muenster with Ingrid Klimke, even though she is from a family, which did not have a lot to do with the sport of riding. After three years, Helen Langehanenberg took the plunge into independence in Havixbeck.

In July of 2013, she moved to the facility in Biller-beck, where she lives with her husband and her daughter. The team behind Helen Langehanenberg consists of professional equestrians with master degrees, of trainees and annual interns. The most important rule in Billerbeck is the wellbeing of the horses and the proper attitude. “Everybody must realize that we work with animals, which we can-not just change to a stand-by mode. Self-confidence is very important to me. It is necessary to be able to handle everything with overview and a lot of feel for the horse,” so Helen Langehanenberg. “This is our big responsibility towards the horse.” Helen Langehanenberg enjoys having many young horses in her barn, “I have very good rising youngsters. Luckily one never knows, what is in store! I am cu-rious to find out!” n

Love-Light already obtained successes at Grand Prix Special with Helen Langehanenberg. Photo: Lafrentz

Helen Langehanenberg with her husband David Lichtenberg and her team. Photo: Beelitz


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CSI**** Al Shira‘aa/UAE

W Diva Rosa MFS by Wallenberg/Emilion (breeder: Gordon and Caroline Inside, Damsi-de of Melrose/Great Britain) proved her qua-lity in the first qualification for the Grand Prix placing second with rider Joao Marquilhas from Portugal. Vladimir Tuganov rode Sinfo-nie by Satisfaction/Don Juan (breeder: Gud-run Wenzel, Bad Gandersheim) also into se-cond place in the second qualification. Sama Dubai FBH by Stakkato/Landcapitol (bree-der: Wilhelm Winkeler, Herzlake) was the best Hanoverian in the final Grand Prix. Abdullah Mohd Al Marri took every risk with the ten-

year old and finished the class in fourth place with the fastest round but one jumping fault.

CSI**** Amsterdam/The Netherlands

Nine-year old Calanda by Calido/Chasseur (breeder: Heinz Lorenz, Regesbostel) and ri-der Marcus Ehning celebrated a victory in their first class in Amsterdam, a two-phase jumping class.

CSI***** Basel/Schwitzerland

Marcus Ehning and Calanda by Calido/Chasseur (breeder: Heinz Lorenz, Regesbos-tel) finished the opening class with a penalty-free round and placed fourth in this speed class. The pair was rewarded with a third placement for the second faultless round the

Lordan wins in WellingtonLordan and Nayel Nassar won the World Cup-jumping class in Wellington. Fine Lady and Eric Lamaze also say ‘Hi’ from Florida with two victories. Complemento and Sjaak Sleiderink won the Grand Prix of Drachten. By Britta Züngel


next day. Christian Rhomberg from Austria and his mount Corbusier (Rhld.) by Cristal-lo/Casco (breeder: B.A.T.H van Uhm, Stok-kum/The Netherlands) enjoyed a fifth place-ment in an accumulator class.

CSI*****-W Bordeaux/France

13-year old Hello Annie (VA) by Contendro/For Pleasure (breeder: Joachim Tobaben, Ot-tensen) finished a 1,45-meter speed class at the top of the leader board with rider Scott Brash. The clear round of All Star (VA) by Argentinus/Alme (breeder: Horst Zöllmer, Sü-dergellersen) and rider Denis Lynch in the qualifier for the World Cup-jumping class

Lordan and Nayel Nassar won the World Cup-jumping class in Wellington. Photo: FEI/Parks


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(breeder: Breeding Farm Lewitz, Mühlen) to the second largest city of Mexico. They follo-wed in second place.

Juan Manuel Luzarde rode Quidandro by Quality/Quidam’s Rubin (breeder: Gerhard Heise, Einbeck) into third place in a jumping class for the Guadalajara Cup. Hector Caro followed in fifth place aboard Craig by Can-turo/Contender (breeder; Cornelia Cordes, Hämelhausen). Quidandro again placed third in another 1,45-meter class.

Juan Manuel Luzarde banked on his second Hanoverian for the qualification to the World-Cup jumping competition: The rider from Uruguay delivered the fastest four-penalty round in the jump-off aboard proven Stan by Stakkato/Sacramento Son (breeder: Isa Probst, Weyhausen) finishing in fourth place.

CSI***** Hongkong/China

Philipp Weishaupt had brought Call me Eva by Chacco-Blue/Stakkato (breeder: Karl-Heinrich Ostermeyer, Laatzen) to the Asia-World-Expo-Arena. The pair finished a jum-ping class with jump-off in third place.

CSI** Kronenberg/The Netherlands

Lorena by Lordanos/Landclassic (breeder: Hergen and Irmtraud Forkert GbR, Bremen) and rider Esther Forkert impressed with a good performance in a two-phase jumping class of the Youngster-Tour placing second. Cocominka Est (Rhld.) by Cassini Boy Juni-or/Sandro Boy Junior (breeder: Sjaak Bindels,

Siebengewalt/The Netherlands) finished the following speed class in fourth place. Katrin Eckermann competed the 2011-born mare for the first time at the international level.

Clarissa Crotta had tacked up Venice Beach by Voltaire/Escudo (breeder: Carsten Meyer-Nordhorn, Raddestorf). The pair crossed the finish line of the jump-off to a 1,40-meter jumping class in the fifth-fastest time.

CSI* Le Mans/France

Checkpoint Chacco (Rhld.) by Chacco-Blue/Ferragamo (breeder: Johann and Hanno Klinken, Mönchengladbach) and his rider Francois Xavier Boudant finished the Grand Prix with the fastest, four-penalty round be-fore the jump-off and finished in fifth place.

CSI*****-W Leipzig/Germany

Friederike Eggersmann and her mount Lau-ricio (Rhld.) by Laudabilis/Riccione (breeder: Karl-Theo Hensen, Jüchen) returned home from “Partner Pferd” with two victories. They won the speed class and the two-phase jum-ping class of the Large Tour for the Amateur-Trophy. Soraja von der Mühle by Stolzen-berg/Calypso II (breeder: Annerose König, Lossa) and her rider Florian König followed in third place in the two-phase jumping class. The next day, this pair won another jumping class against the clock with a three second lead. Chazetto by Chacco-Blue/Azett (bree-der: Breeding Farm Lewitz, Mühlen) and rider Gerrit Flücken followed in fifth place. The ten-year old with his seventeen-year old rider just

was rewarded with a third place. The pair also finished the World Cup-jumping class without any jumping faults placing fourth.

Henrik von Eckermann rode Cortina (Rhld.) by Contendro/Wächter (breeder: Karl Schnei-der, Wachtberg) into third position in a jum-ping class for six- and seven-year olds to win the “Young Sires Masters”.

CSI** Drachten/The Netherlands

67 horses participated in the Grand Prix – in the end, a Hanoverian was the winner: Com-plemento by Contender/Voltaire (breeder: Heiko Oltmanns, Neuengland) and rider Sjaak Sleiderink found the fastest way to the finish-line without making any mistakes. Starpower TN by Stakkato/Escudo (bree-der: Manfred Schäfer, Köchingen) and Zoi Snels were even faster, but had one rail down, which spelled fourth place.

CSI*** Drachten/The Netherlands

Amelie (VA) by Adlantus As/Landor S (bree-der: Lüder Müller-Rulfs, Ritterhude) delivered a faultless round in a two-phase jumping class with rider Dayro Arroyava from Colum-bia finishing in fifth place. The pair placed fifth again in a speed class.

Lars Bak Andersen rode Arcado L by Argen-tinus/Chasseur (breeder: Hartmut and Bärbel Lehmkuhl, Ganderkesee) into third position in the second qualification of the Medium Tour.


Vladimir Tuganov from Russia enjoyed a third placement in the qualification for the Grand Prix aboard his mount Sinfonie by Satisfac-tion/Don Juan (breeder: Gudrun Wenzel, Bad Gandersheim).

CSI-W Guadalajara/Mexico

A rider from Mexico won the opening class of the World Cup-show. Juan Carlos Alvarez del Castillo rode Premiere (Rhld.) by Pascavello/Charmant AA (breeder: Walter Binkele, Seel-bach) to victory in the two-phase jumping class. Rodrigo Lambre from Brazil had brought Chapilot by Chacco-Blue/Pilot

When time is of the essence, Hello Annie and Scott Brash are hard to beat: The pair won the speed class in Bordeaux. Photos: Lafrentz


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missed the victory in the final finishing se-cond. Cortina (Rhld.) by Contendro/Wachter (breeder: Karl Schnieder, Wachtberg) and ri-der Henrik von Eckermann finished the final of the Youngster Tour in third place. Andreas Kreuzer rode Quick Jumper by Quidam’s Rubin/Escudo (breeder: Ulrike and Reinhold Bosse, Sickte) into second place in a jumping class against the clock. This pair finished the Championship of Leipzig in third place. Since the beginning of the year, Alberto Zorzi from Italy rides Cornetto K by Cornet Obolensky/Calido (breeder: Johann and Johannes Krull GbR, Dörpen), who had placed ninth at the Olympic Games. The pair had no jumping faults in the championship, which was rewar-ded with a fifth placement. Scott Brash had tacked up Hello Annie (VA) by Contendro/For Pleasure (breeder: Joachim Tobaben, Ot-tensen). They placed third in the qualification for the World-Cup jumping class.

CSI** Lier/Belgium

Florence Seydourx rode L B Solero by Salie-ri/Radiator (breeder: Klaus Bünger, Oetzen) into fifth place in a two-phase jumping class.


Lublin in the eastern part of Poland was the second site of the Tour Cavaliada. Cashman by Cashman/Götz (breeder: Horst Schmidt, Ihlienworth) finished the puissance in second place with rider Zigmantas Sarka. Michal Tys-zko from Poland enjoyed a fourth placement in the Grand Prix aboard his mount Surrimo by Stakkato/Argentinus (breeder: Elke and Claudia Tegtmeyer, Norderney).

CSI** Opglabbeek/Belgium

Ivo Biessen from the Netherlands rode Scen-letha by Scendix/Contendro (breeder: Egon Schröder, Hittbergen) into fourth place in a speed class for seven-year olds. The black mare was reserve champion at the Herwart byd. Decken-Show, before she started com-peting in jumping competitions. She already twice participated in the World Champion-ships for young jumping horses.

CSI** Oliva/Spain

The Mediterranean Equestrian Tour I took place during the last two weeks of January. Bella Brown (VA) by Balou du Rouet/Lorda-nos (breeder: Gerd Janssen, Neuschoo) fini-

shed the speed class for five-year olds in se-cond place with rider Matteo Checchi. Due to heavy winds, the classes on Saturday and Sunday had to be cancelled.

Michael Wittschier is a regular at the Costa del Azahar. The businessman was one of the winners this year as well. At the beginning of the second week, he won the first speed class of the Bronze 4-Tour aboard his proven Galaxy HS (VA) by Go on Top/Acorado (breeder: ZG Spreckels and Hoops, Hammah). Cover Girl by Contendro/Cavalier (breeder: Siglinde Hoffmann, Kürten) followed in fourth place with Chantal Hebbel. Galaxy HS and Michael Wittschier finished the second quali-fication on place two. The pair won again the next speed class, before placing second in a two-phase jumping class, in which Cover Girl followed in fifth place.

Matteo Checchi and Bella Brown (VA) cele-brated another Hanoverian victory in a jum-ping class with jump-off for five-year olds. Emma Stoker rode Shariva (VA) by Stolzen-berg/Raphael (breeder: Herbert Merkel, Wingst) into third place in a two-phase jum-ping class for six-year olds. David Simpson finished fifth with his mount Diarados Black Diamond by Diarado/Glorial (bree-der: Breeding Farm Lewitz, Mühlen). The rider from Ireland rode Starfighter (VA) by Sta-lypso/Contendro (breeder: Schirrmacher GbR,

Hemmoor) to victory on the same afternoon in a 1,40 meter-class against the clock.

Galaxy HS and Michael Wittschier won a speed class during the third week of the com-petition. Cover Girl and Chantal Hebbel fol-lowed in fifth place. Cornetinus by Cornet’s Balou/Argentinus (breeder: Nicole Nehm, Bergen) became one of the best five-year olds. He finished the two-phase jumping class in third place with rider Julie de Pelsma-eker.

Two horses from Hessen did well: Frederick (Hess.) by For Keeps/Lone Star (breeder: Christel and Helge Deußer, Hünfelden) fini-shed a two-phase jumping class of the Gold 3-Tour in fifth place with rider Peter Burri. The decision of a jumping class with jump-off was close. Chica Fino (Hess.) by Calido/Le-visto (breeder: Karl-Heinz Jirjahn, Lüchow) finished second with rider Camille Demolie from France.

CSI** Roosendaal/The Netherlands

Zoi Snels rode Starpower TN by Stakkato/Escudo (breeder: Manfred Schäfer, Köchin-gen) into second place in a two-phase jum-ping class of the Medium Tour. Corbusier (Rhld.) by Cristallo/Casco (breeder: B.A.T.H. van Uhm, Stokkum/The Netherlands) finished

Lauricio and Friederike Eggersmann won two jumping classes in Leipzig.


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the Grand Prix in second place with rider Christian Rhomberg from Austria.

CSI***-W Sharjah/UAE

It is all about collecting World Cup-points at the United Arabic Emirates. Fourteen-year old Callahan (VA) by Contendro/For Pleasure (breeder: Joachim Tobaben, Ottensen) fini-shed fifth in the qualification with rider Ahmad Saber Hamcho from Syria. Because of a jumping fault, Primus vom Neumühler Hof by Perigueux/Livello (breeder: Bruna Gericke, Tangeln) and Annabel Joost did not qualify for the jump-off and finished the class in fourth place.

CSI** Vejer de la Frontera/Spain

Armando Trapote and his mount Chance by Chacco-Blue/Grannus (breeder: Wilhelm Ovelhey, Isernhagen) delivered a faultless round and finished the speed class in fifth place.

CSI** Wellington/USA

While winter has taken hold of Europe, many competitors, who made a name for him- or herself, meet in Florida. Enrique Gonzales and Chacna by Chacco-Blue/Narew xx (breeder: Breeding Farm Lewitz, Mühlen) ce-lebrate a Grand Prix-victory mid January. Tay-lor Land and his mount For Edition by For-syth/Leggiero (breeder: Holger Baum, Wallau) had no jumping faults in the jump-off of a 1,45 meter-jumping class for riders U25 to finish this class in fourth place.

CSI*** Wellington/USA

Eric Lamaze from Canada rode Fine Lady by Forsyth/Drosselklang II (breeder: Wilhelm Leymann, Bassum) to victory in the 130,000 US-Dollar Grand Prix. The bronze medal win-ner from Rio set the standard as the fourth competitor in the jump-off, a standard, which was not beat. Alsvid by Escudo/Azur (bree-der: Mareike Decker van Leeuwen, Bierber-gen) and rider Richie Moloney finished a speed class in second place.

CSI***-W Wellington/USA

Hanoverian horses did very well at the Palm Beach Masters on Deeridge Farm. Lordan by Lordanos/Landor S (breeder: Gerd Sosath, Lemwerder) and rider Nayel Nassar delivered

a grandiose performance and won the World Cup-jumping class. “I never thought to win! Lordan is an incredible partner. He has been in my barn for so long. Every time that I ride him over a jumping course, I am happy that I have him,” the 26-year old from Egypt, who speaks German fluently, raved after his victo-ry.

Andrew Ramsey rode Stranger by Stakkato/Cheenook (breeder: Ulrich Hennings, Suhlen-dorf) into third place in the opening jumping class. Sensation by Sympatico/Acord II (breeder: Dirk Aufdemkamp, Bissendorf) fol-lowed in fourth position with rider Alison Ro-bitaille. For Edition by Forsyth/Leggiero (breeder: Holger Baum, Hofheim Wallau) and Taylor Land had no jumping faults in the 1,60 meter-jumping class with jump-off placing second.

CSI**** Wellington/USA

Beth Underhill and her mount Count me in by Count Grannus/Sherlock Holmes (breeder: Friedrich Lüßmann, Neustadt) finished in the top five in two classes on the first weekend in February: The pair placed third in the opening jumping class and fourth in a jumping class with jump-off.

Hannoveraner NewsSabine Schut-Kery, a partner of the Hanno-veraner Verband in the USA, was awarded the “Carol Lavell Advanced Dressage”-Pri-ze. The dressage rider, who lives in Califor-nia, competed Sanceo by San Remo/Ramiro’s Son II (breeder: Gerhard Dust-mann, Melle) at the Grand Prix-level. The prize money will allow her to focus entirely on training and competing Sanceo, while she spends time with him in Europe. “Fur-thermore, the prize money will help me reach my goal of training Sanceo to become the best possible international Grand Prix horse.”

Deep Impact by De Niro/Rubinstein (breeder: Bernhard Menke, Lengerich) and his new rider Severo Jurado Lopez, who represented Spain at the Olympic Games, celebrated their debut in the dressage ring at the DDN in Esbjerg/Denmark. Robert Acs used to ride the fourteen-year old black, before Andreas Helgstrand bought him as a birthday present for his wife.

Forsyth and Toni Haßmann. Photo: Frieler

Forsyth by For Pleasure/Dorian (breeder: Heinrich Eckhoff, Beckdorf) will become a state stud sire. The State Stud Moritzburg is leasing the 1995-born bay. Forsyth was not only highly successful with rider Toni Hassmann and rider Franziska Baum-Gundlach, his daughter Fine Lady is currently one of the best jumping horses in the world.

Chazetto and Gerrit Flücken competed success-fully in Leipzig. Photo: Lafrentz


Der Hannoveraner 03|2017 9

CSI***** Wellington/USA

”She is truly incredible. In actual fact, I never wanted to compare another horse to Hick-stead – but she is about to become the se-cond ‘horse of my life’!” Eric Lamaze shared these words about Fine Lady by Forsyth/Drosselklang II (breeder: Wilhelm Leymann, Bassum) after winning the 130,000-US-Dol-lar “Ruby et Violette WEF Challenge Cup”. Then the fourteen-year old had one jumping fault in the jump-off of the Grand Prix and finished in fourth place.

DI**-W Wellington/USA

Promptly at the beginning of the New Year, Florida opens its dressage arenas offering in-ternational dressage competitions at its fi-nest. In spite of numerous victories and placements, DER HANNOVERANER will only publish the results of classes, which had a minimum of ten participants. The show season started with a World Cup-competiti-on.

Susan Pape had brought two privately owned stallions to Wellington. The judges saw Harmony’s Fiorano by Rousseau/Rotspon (breeder: Anke by Riegen, Neuenkirchen) in fourth position in the Grand Prix and his sta-ble-mate Harmony’s Don Nobless by Dan-


cier/Don Davidoff (breeder: ZG Hey, Langen) in fifth. The performance of Don Diego Ymas (VA) by Don Frederico/Wolkenstein II (breeder: Claus Schütt, Hemmoor) and his ri-der Juan Matute Guimon in the freestyle was rewarded with a fifth placement.

CDI**-W Wellington/USA

Harmony’s Fiorano by Rousseau/Rotspon (breeder: Anke by Riegen, Neuenkirchen) re-ceived the fifth-best score in the Grand Prix on the last weekend in January. Don Diego Ymas (VA) by Don Frederico/Wolkenstein II (Breeder: Claus Schütt, Hemmoor) and Juan Matute Guimon finished the freestyle in fifth place. The rider from Spain rode his second Hanoverian, Quantico Ymas (VA) by Figh-ting Fit/Constant (breeder: Marijke Goethals, Eeklo/Belgium) into third place in the Special, one place behind Harmony’s Don Nobless by Dancier/Don Davidoff (breeder: ZG Hey, Langen) and Susan Pape, who finished se-cond.

CDI***** Wellington/USA

The entire dressage program was offered on the second weekend in February. Susan Pape started out riding Harmony’s Don Nobless by Dancier/Don Davidoff (breeder: ZG Hey, Langen) into second place in the three star-Grand Prix. The pair obtained the third-best result in the Special followed by Fabian J.S. by Feiner Graf/Denberg (breeder: Silke Mos-goll, Damme) with Leah Wilson from Canada

in fourth and Don Diego Ymas (VA) by Don Frederico/Wolkenstein II (breeder: Claus Schütt, Hemmoor) with rider Juan Matute Guimon from Spain in fifth. Steffen Peters rode the championship-proven mare Rosa-munde (Rhld.) by Rock Forever/Fidermark (breeder: Hannelore Koch, Nürmbrecht) into second place in the Grand Prix of the CDI*****.

Jennifer Baumert started the competitions of the Small Tour with a fourth placement at Prix St. Georges aboard Handsome by Hochadel/Weltmeyer (breeder: Friedrich and Edda Kröner, Schüttorf). Lemony’s Nicket (VA) by Londonderry/Weltmeyer followed closely in fifth place with rider Michael Klim-ke, who had crossed the big ocean with his horse to participate in the Florida dressage show circuit. Jennifer Baumert also presented Handsome at Inter I placing fourth. Lemony’s Nicket was not entered.

CDI*** Boneo/Australia

Sancette by Sandro Hit/Contender (breeder: Dietrich Meyer, Bierde) and Mary Hanna won the freestyle in Boneo, which is located south of Melbourne. The pair had completed the Grand Prix earlier with the second-best score. The judges gave the second best score in Prix St. Georges to Samantha Bingham and Rich-field (Rhld.) by Riccione/Ferragamo (breeder: Horst Widdig, Neunkirchen). The pair placed third at Inter I.n

Grand Prix-Debut

Complemento by Contender/Voltaire cele-brated his first Grand Prix-victory of his care-er in Drachten with his Dutch rider Sjaak Sleiderink. The 14-year old dark bay is a rather experienced jumper though. He com-peted in Nation Cups and World Cup-jum-ping classes. His breeder Heiko Oltmanns from Neuengland raised Complemento as a stallion. “He is a big horse and still quick,” he says. He sold the talented jumper after the pre-selection for the stallion licensing as a three-year old. With the sale, Complemento’s travels through Europe began.

In 2009, Complemento won the final qualifi-cation at the Bundeschampionat in Waren-dorf with Philipp Weishaupt. After celebra-ting the first successes at the S-level with

rider Adolfo Pacheco, Complemento went to East Europe. Mikhail Atoyan and Valeria So-kolova from Russia were the next riders fol-lowed by Valdemares Zukauskaus from Lithuania. The dark bay obtained the biggest successes with rider Andrius Petrovas, before Ben Schröder brought him to the Nether-lands. After numerous top placements, Ben Schröder handed Complemento over to his main rider Sjaak Sleiderink at the end of last year.

Complemento’s damline of Sedalia is very athletic. His full-sister L.B. Con Amore won Hannover’s Jumper Horse Championships with Gilbert Böckmann and competed inter-nationally with Angelica Augustsson Zano-telli. Gerd Wiltfang’s Askan also belongs to this line just as Helena Weinberg’s Gavi, Rod-

rigo Pessoa’s Status FRH and Christian Glienewinkel’s Derby Champion Professional Aircare. In addition to Celle’s state stud sire Sao Paulo, who just recently passed away, privately owned stallion Chacoon Blue cur-rently passes on the valuable genes. Photo: DigiShot

Complemento and Sjaak Sleiderink

10 Der Hannoveraner 03|2017


„T he overall quality was good. All horses were well prepared and jumped well,” Dieter

Smitz summarized. He repeatedly returned to Ver-den to serve as judge. He especially praised the breeders and exhibitors for the breeding decisions and for the preparation of the horses. Since there were fewer entries than in previous years, there was no need for dividing the participants in groups.

It does not get any more beautifulThe champion of the vintage from 2013 was in a class of his own! “Of extreme modern type, equip-

ped with a lot of overview. A truly beautiful horse, which had a handle on every situation,” Dieter Smitz raved. “It does not get any more beautiful!” He and his judging colleague Thomas Schönig rewarded the youngster with a nine and better three times. The beautiful dark bay Vince Vega PJ by Viscount/Cassus (breeder/exhibitor: Horse Bree-ding Dr. Jacobs GbR, Bierbergen) received the highest score of the day with a total of 27,7 points. Vince Vega PJ’s talent for jumping is not a coinci-dence. He descends from a highly successful dam-line with secured heredity. His dam Hann. Pr.A. Candy Jo PJ had also finished the free-jumping competition in second place in her class. Grand-dam St.Pr.St. Emmy Jo successfully competed in jumping classes up to the S-level, and she is the full sister to Celle’s state stud sire Embassy and to Embassy II, with whom Hans-Dieter Dreher collec-ted numerous international successes. Family Ja-cobs repeats its success from last year with this victory.

From the finestThe spectators also rewarded the horse, which fini-shed in second place, with great applause. “I am in the lucky position to have the opportunity to com-ment on the two exceptional jumpers,” Dieter Smitz said. He alternated commenting on the per-formances with co-judge Thomas Schönig. Sun Star Odessa by Spartacus/Cassini II (breeder/ow-ner: Ludwig and Lutz Decker GbR, Bierbergen) im-pressed the judging team with great ability and excellent technique. The grey mare presented her-self at her finest and obtained an overall score of 27,1, which spelled second place. Her dam St.Pr.St. Casa Odessa had also placed in a top position at Verden’s free jumping competition. She represents the damline of Klaseta, out of which Hannover’s foundation sire Grannus originated. Sun Star Odessa’s one-year older full sister was awarded Hannover’s premium aspirant-status and was suc-cessfully presented at the Herwart byd. Decken-Show in 2015.

The ranking continued with a bit of a gap to the top two horses. Quatschmann, who had placed third in his division last year, was able to repeat his success and again finished in third place with a total of 25,9 points. The striking liver chestnut (breeder/owner: Andrea Tietze, Hänigsen) captiva-ted the audience with a lot of overview and ability. He left a good impression from the start and mas-tered the tasks well. Quatschmann goes back to the damline of Nachbarin I, which also produced

Vince Vega PJ by Viscount/Cassus wins the free-jumping competition. Photo: Ernst

Good horses in breedingThe winner of the 21st free-jumping competition for four-year olds from the Hanoverian jumper breeding program obtained the score of 9 three times. Vince Vega PJ, the proud champion, is yet another winner out of the breeding program of Dr. Jacobs GbR. A total of 28 horses were presented to the judging committee.By Britta Knaup

Der Hannoveraner 03|2017 11


the sire Stolzenberg, who is stationed in Adel-heidsdorf and who was awarded the Grande Prize in 2011.

Timid start with surprisesFourth-placed Cypress Hill PJ, a horse, which is still maturing, started the first round a little timid. His performance improved from one jump to the next. He impressed with his ability. This son of Cador/Acord II is – just like the winner – owned by Horse Breeding Dr. Jacobs GbR. Two other sons of his dam Atina already successfully compete in jum-ping classes up to the S-level. Two Hanoverian pre-mium aspirants shared fifth place with the same amount of total points and also with identical indi-vidual scores. Long-legged Hann.Pr.A. Baccary by Balou du Rouet/Silvio caught everybody’s atten-tion with her markings, before she even completed her first jump. After a bit hectic start, she perfor-med increasingly better throughout her perfor-mance. The chestnut mare, which was bred and is owned by Jürgen Uhlenwinkel, Grethem, was dy-namic and impressed with incredible responsive-ness. Equipped with enough potential, she maste-red the demands with ease. Her seven-year old full-brother Bon Balou already won jumper horse classes at the M-level last year..

Hann. Pr.A. Corina Blue (breeder/exhibitor: Kurt-Heinrich Böttcher, Brüninghorstedt) entered the arena a bit timid and unimpressive. The judges de-scribed the dark bay daughter of Chacco-Blue/Sandro as respectable. She started to really im-press with easiness and lightness, which she de-monstrated throughout her performance. She ap-peared to play with the increasing level of difficulty remaining relaxed, supple and powerful. Once again Sire Chacco-Blue clearly passed on his heritable trait of ability. Hann. Pr.A. Corina Blue had already impressed with her performance at the mare performance test and had received top scores. With her successes, she seamlessly takes her place amidst her siblings: Over the passed se-venteen years, a total of seven siblings placed within the top five of their respective free-jumping competitions, two were victorious in the Nieder-sachsenhalle. In 2000, St.Pr.St. Desiree by Dinard L was the best; in 2013. Gin Tonic by Graf Top won his division. Contero and AD Dinzy, both S-level competitors, are proof that the descendants are able to transfer the talent, which they exhibit in the free-jumping competitions, to S-level competi-tions.




No. Horse, exhibitor












l sco


1. 16 Vince Vega PJ by Viscount/Cassus Pferdezucht Dr. Jacobs GbR, Bierbergen

9,2 9,0 9,5 27,7

2. 28 Sun Star Odessa by Spartacus/Cassini II Ludwig and Lutz Decker GbR, Bierbergen

8,9 9,2 9,0 27,1

3. 9 Quatschmann by Quaid/Escudo Andrea Tietze, Uetze

8,5 8,8 8,6 25,9

4. 29 Cypress Hill PJ by Cador/Acord II Pferdezucht Dr. Jacobs GbR, Bierbergen

8,4 8,8 8,5 25,7

5. 14 Hann.Pr.A. Baccary by Balou du Rouet/Silvio Jürgen Uhlenwinkel, Grethem

8,4 8,7 8,5 25,6

5. 18 Hann.Pr.A. Corina Blue by Chacco-Blue/Sandro Kurt-Heinrich Böttcher, Warmsen

8,4 8,7 8,5 25,6

7. 4 Pete Smirk by Providence/Lafontaine Fred Schröder, Syke

8,3 8,6 8,5 25,4

8. 15 Van Tao by Van Helsing/Cranach Renzo Casagrande, Wunstorf

8,2 8,6 8,4 25,2

9. 13 Baloulina by Balou du Rouet/Landadel ZG Rippe & Lachnit, Nienburg

8,2 8,5 8,4 25,1

10. 32 Gabriela Koukalová by Grey Top/Stakkato Martin Klintworth, Ohrensen

8,1 8,3 8,2 24,6

Sun Star Odessa by Spartacus/Cassini II was the second-best four-year old.

The exhibitor of this year’s champion enjoyed not only the victory sash but also a voucher for the stud-fee of Celle’s state stud sire Grey Top. Her-mann-Jürgen Rump, Vice President of the Hanno-veraner Verband, delivered the congratulations and prizes to the owners of the top ten horses. The judges appeared very satisfied about the event. “I had a different perspective from the judge’s table. The judging was really good,” so Thomas Schönig, who judged the free-jumping competition for the first time this year. Dieter Smitz agreed with the praise. “The vintage of 2013 presented itself in a uniformly strong fashion.”n

12 Der Hannoveraner 03|2017

Breeder´s portrait

Breeding is a family affairFrank Sinatra by Flammengold and Le Chic by Lauries Crusador xx are two licensed stallions out of the breeding program of Family Biederbeck in Edertal, Hessen.By Jürgen Stroscher

T here is always something going on at Family Biederbeck’s farm in Wellen, a part of the mu-

nicipality Edertal. All chairs at the large kitchen table are taken, when Family Biederbeck meets up with all employees for a joint lunch. Numerous fa-milies spend their vacations on the family farm Talhof from March until November. When school-classes and children groups populate the village of log cabins, then the peacefulness of the secluded place quickly ends.Young horses spend their time together in a herd in large run-in sheds, when they are not romping outside in the fields. The facility works at full capacity with 120 horses; the box stalls are always occupied. The horses of many dif-ferent breeds present an impressive sight in the spacious stables. First there were Haflingers, then Shetland ponies were added. It would not work without Warmbloods as riding horses. Then Ger-man Riding Ponies and South German cold-bloo-ded horses made their appearance in the Bieder-beck facility. All horses have a special job in the family business and all are used for breeding of high-quality horses. The once strictly agricultural business has matured into a successful tourist in-dustry. The initiators Marlis and Heinrich Bieder-beck will soon celebrate their golden anniversary. The ‘Talhof’ offers versatile recreational activities to riders as well as non-riders with more than 120 beds and more than 10,000 overnight stays. “It was not actually planned like that,” the 78-year old senior chef Heinrich Biederbeck explains. As the youngest son in the family, Heinrich Bieder-beck and his wife Marlis wanted to move away from the village Edertal to the small farm in Wel-len. Animals are part of a farm in the eyes of the trained farmer. Milk cows and pigs for meat con-

sumption go without saying! Goats, chicken, ducks, rabbits, geese, cats, dogs and whatever else that has four legs, joint in. “My father preferred cattle, but I did not want to be without horses. And then one day my wife had the idea to offer vaca-tions on the farm,” Heinrich Biederbeck shares with a smile. Said and done! Marlis Biederbeck is a woman of action. She made inquiries and, with the help of friends, contacted the railway and regional pre-schools. “On short notice, the first families from Essen announced their arrival in 1977, and my husband had to build an addition to the house,” the 75-year female senior chef remem-bers. Marlis Biederbeck with her humor, commit-ment and passion still today is a motivating force in the family business. The original ‘vacation on the farm’-idea has developed into a modern vacation site and a rider’s paradise.

“We started out at a very small level. In addition to farming, I worked in excavating during the summer and in the forest during the winter. All surpluses went back into the business, which allowed us to step-by-step renovate the house and build new quarters for guests.” Heinrich Biederbeck always thought of something to increase the attraction for children and families. For instance, he found sever-al construction vehicles in the east after the turn of the century and brought them to the farm, which required a tremendous effort. Then he built a cast-le with the vehicles for groups of children and classrooms. The couple always knew to make the best by using modest resources. Later on, the log cabins were built. “The horse always played a sig-nificant role. Without them, this would not exist. The horses were the decisive factor for children but

Sonja Biederbeck officially manages the family business. Her parents Marlis and Heinrich Biederbeck support her. Photo: Stroscher

Der Hannoveraner 03|2017 13

Breeder´s portrait

also for adults to spend their vacation with us,” the couple is in agreement. “More than forty hor-ses are available for riding lessons,” Sonja Bieder-beck describes the size of today’s equestrian busi-ness. The 35-year old daughter officially is the boss of the entire business. With a degree in agricultural business and as a professional cook, she took over the management a few years ago. By order of a catering company, for which she still today works on a small scale, she already cooked for important political figures like Vladimir Putin and Gerhard Schröder. She learned to ride together with her ol-der sister Susanne (45) and holds a category C trainer-license. Susanne Biederbeck developed greater sport ambitions and, hence, warmblood horses obtained a greater significance in the stable of Family Biederbeck.

The Hanoverian mare Winni by Wiesengrund/Ar-gentan, born 1977, was the first active broodmare. Susanne Biederbeck started a successful career as dressage competitor aboard the state’s premium mare. “I was a passionate recreational rider. Be-cause of my breeding experiences with Haflinger horses, I developed the ambition to breed perfor-mance horses,” Heinrich Biederbeck recalls. Without much hesitation, he bred Winni to Fürs-tengold. The filly Fürstin was born the following year. She became a very special broodmare. The 1988 born Fürstin delivered eight foals, which all competed successfully in the sport including the 2000-born chestnut mare Antigone by Almaz, a li-censing champion in Hessen. Antigone produced the licensed stallion Le Chic by Laurice, a Hanove-rian premium sire. The now five-year old Le Chic currently collects show experience in dressage hor-se classes with rider Maximilian Felten. “When we bought Winni, we had hopes that we might use her as a broodmare at some point. The purchase of the foals Stella and Starlett with their dam Marlin be-came even more important for us.” While chatting with locals in a restaurant, Heinrich Biederbeck found out that an adjacent farm was going to give up its breeding program. “I immediately drove to the breeder and brought the mare with her twins to our farm. I led them home on foot for 15 kilo-meters.” The effort in 1985 paid off quickly for the then young breeder. Stella by Steppenwolf turned out to be a first-rate riding horse. Susanne Bieder-beck trained the mare with her former coach up to the S-level. Full-sister Starlett, on the other side, impressed with her qualities as a broodmare. She became a foundation mare in Family Biederbeck’s breeding program. Marlin, who was registered in the Rhineland, carried Hanoverian and Thorough-bred blood through sire Martinez by Maigraf xx. “The Hannoveraner Verband has always been a role model for us as Hessian breeders. Hence Ha-

noverian blood is very important to us as a base for our Warmblood breeding program.” To add even more Thoroughbred blood to our breeding lines, the family bought the Bavarian mare Legendin as a foal in 1994. The pedigree of Legendin carries only Thoroughbred blood on the sire side with Le-gal Legend xx, Solford xx and Northern Dancer xx. Legendin is the dam of the stallion Frank Sinatra (Hess.) by Flammengold. The fifteen-year old black-brown stallion was licensed in 2011 based on his performance successes as an S-level dressage competitor. His rider was Volker Brodhecker.

Love decidesVolker Brodhecker is an experienced dressage rider and owns a stallion station in Wolfskehlen, South Hessen. Since 1995 he is the son-in-law of Marlis and Heinrich Biederbeck. The Biederbecks did not know what to think about the marriage of daugh-ter Susanne and Volker Brodhecker. On one side they were very happy for the couple, on the other side, the oldest daughter usually takes over the fa-mily business. Daughter Sonja has certainly proven her leadership qualities, and so a cooperative con-cept was worked out between the farm of Family Biederbeck and the Burghof of Family Brodhecker. “The youngsters of both farms grow up here with us and go to Susanne and Volker, when they turn three,” Sonja explains the cooperation. It is in the planning to even increase the number of broodma-res on the Talhof and to raise all youngsters there. Currently they breed with seven own mares; the first foal by De Sandro has already been born. “Since all three grandchildren successfully compe-te in jumping classes, it is our goal to breed perfor-mance-oriented jumpers in the future,” Grandma Marlis says with pride. All efforts of Family Bieder-beck are always made with the family in mind.n

Family Biederbeck can rely on their expert employees Boris Nörtling and trainee Katharina Betz – here with broodmare Lady Like by Lauries Crusador xx. Photo: Stroscher

Maximilian Felten rides the five-year old, licensed stallion Le Chic. Photo: private

14 Der Hannoveraner 03|2017


Sam XL by Stanley/Conteur was the most expensive jumper. He sold for Euro 33,000. Photos: Ernst

With a record into the new yearVerden’s auction year had a sensational start in the sold-out Niedersachsenhalle in January. The first horse in the New Year and the first horse of the collection obtained a record sale price of 200,000 Euros. Even the average price of 18,879 Euros sets a new standard in the marketing of horses.By Malte Kanz

W hat a sensational start into a new year! The first auction of 2017 took place on January

21st. The first horse in the ring obtained the top selling price of 200,000 Euros. The other 88 auc-tion participants obtained great interest from pro-spective buyers as well. Forty-three horses found new homes in foreign countries for an average price of EUR 18,879, while 44 horses remain in Germany. Spain bought the largest contingent, a total of ten horses, followed by France with nine purchases and Switzerland with six. The average price for ninety-two sold horses at the January auction in 2016 was 17,244 Euros. The figure went up. Auction manager Jörg-Wilhelm Wegener was

pleased with the positive outcome and the collec-tion of horses, which was of extremely good quali-ty, “Verden’s auction program went full speed ahead in January of 2017! We could not have asked for a better start!” Breeding manager Dr. Werner Schade added, “The attractive collection is a strong sign for the trust of our breeders in Verden’s auction program.” The collection im-pressed with its versatility. It was a colorful group of horses for a variety of demands, which is a result of the modernized auction concept. The idea is to speak to all prospective buyers in a bi-monthly rhythm offering horses for every demand. Competi-tors and recreational riders - no matter what disci-pline - were able to choose from a selection of healthy, top-quality horses. Adding horses to Verden’s auctions, which carry the so-called “elite attribute”, also bears fruit in 2017 and with that the entire market will be served.

Strong dressage collectionA lively interest in the collection of dressage horses was apparent in advance. Interested horse enthu-siasts were able to view the auction horses on the internet already before Christmas. This option was used a thousand-fold. For instance, the video of Darjeeling, the top seller, was clicked on more than14,000 times on the social network Facebook. This son of Don Darius/Royal Blend (breeder: Klaus Knoop, Bremen; exhibitor: Filijan Müller, Nienburg) impressed during the training period with his “Ha-noverian disposition” – as auction trainer Hans-Heinrich Meyer zu Strohen appropriately described him. This 2013-born, exceptional talent was the first horse to be sold in 2017. He found a new home in Luxembourg with regular customers of the Hannoveraner Verband. There he will be the stable mate of Quizmaster, the Bundeschampion from 2015, who had sold on Verden’s elite auction in 2015. Sascha Schulz, who is renowned beyond the borders of Luxembourg for being a successful trainer of young horses all the way up to Grand Prix, will also be responsible for the continued trai-ning of Darjeeling. He currently is highly successful with Sacre Coeur, one of Verden’s auction horses, at the Grand Prix-level.

Darjeeling’s breeder Klaus Kropp is an active Ha-noverian breeder for more than ten years. He took over the breeding program from his father Bern-hard Kropp, who bred the two approved stallions Flintstone by Wanderkönig and Grömitz by Gimpel among many other horses. Darjeeling’s dam St.Pr.St. Royals Roxana already is a product of the breeding program of Family Kropp. Darjeeling is the second foal of the 2007-born dam. His high rideability comes to no surprise. St.Pr.St. Royals Ro-xana completed the mare performance test with a


Der Hannoveraner 03|2017 15


Top seller Darjeeling by Don Darius/Royal Blend enters Verden’s auction history with a sale price of 200,000 Euros.

score of 9,0 in the guest-rider test. Fräulein Polly obtained the largest number of clicks at Facebook, more than 15,000. This four-year old daughter of Fürst Romancier/Connery took second place in the price ranking with a sale price of 76,000 Euros. Hubertus Poll from Gilten is the breeder and exhibitor of the powerfully moving, charming dark bay. In addition to her first-rate basic gaits, she also impressed with her very good rideability, which the guest-riders confirmed with a

score of 9,5 in her mare-performance test. New customers from Hessen fell in love at the first sight and bought this dressage ta-lent. A very special horse became the top-seller of the jumping horses. Sam XL brought honor to his name. He entered the ring with head number 90 (breeder/exhibitor: H.&W. Wilking GbR, Stemwede). This large-framed son of Stanley/Conteur measures 1,80 meter (17.3 hands) and showed off his ability not

StatisticsRiding horsesOffered for sale 89 horses

Sold 87 horses

Net proceeds 1.642.500,00 Euro

Average price 18.879,31 Euro

Top price 200.000,00 Euro

Lowest price 6.000,00 Euro

Price range6.000 to 7.999 Euro 8 horses

8.000 to 10.999 Euro 17 horses

11.000 to 14.999 Euro 19 horses

15.000 to 24.999 Euro 30 horses

25.000 Euro and morer 13 horses

Sale by areasIGermany 44 horses

Foreign countries 43 horses

In memoriam

Kalman de Jurenak †

Kalman de Jurenak passed away peacefully in his sleep on February 2nd just two days before his 93rd birthday in a hospital near Sydney/Australia. We mourn his death with his wife Annabell and their children. He was born in Szentes, Hungary in 1924 and grew up there on the farm of his father. He was unable to finish his agricultural studies, be-cause he served in WWII as a cavalry officer. He returned to his homeland after spending time in Russian captivity. As a cavalry officer, he gained a lot of experience all around the horse. His acquired equestrian wisdom hel-ped him built up a secure means of liveli-hood. Riding master Otto Lörke helped him further his riding skills.

He immigrated to Australia and started his own riding school. Later he became the nati-onal trainer at the Australian Riding Associa-

tion. He looked after the three-day-event team for the Olympic Games in Rome in 1960 and after the jumping team for Tokyo in 1964. After that, he also tended to the riders from New Zealand. During the founding ye-ars of the Hanoverian Society in New Zealand and in Australia, he met former general ma-nager Dr. Walter Hartwig, who brought him to Verden in 1979. He was employed as trai-ner of the auction horses, mainly for the jum-pers. Kalman and Annabell Jurenak earned special merits for their services, which they rendered to foreign customers – not only in Verden but in their respective countries as well. Kalman de Jurenak organized clinics worldwide, which were highly valued be-cause of his expertise but also because of his charming demeanor with his students. The English speaking press spoke very highly of him. He trained riders in their home country on his clinics. These riders turned into poten-tial buyers. He also tended to the riding needs, after they had purchased a horse in Verden. He mainly conducted his clinics in Great Britain, North America, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. Everything hap-pened only with his ‘private secretary’ Anna-

bell at his side. Foreign customers truly ap-preciated his special gesture of inviting them to his home first in Kirchlinteln, then in Lut-tum before the gala evenings in April and October. He continued his invitations a few more times even after he retired in 1989.

Foreign customers really appreciated his per-sonal care, which he offered always in style. This has never been achieved to that extent again to this day. It contributed to many auc-tion horses being sold to foreign countries for high prices. The breeders, exhibitors and the Hannoveraner Verband are very grateful to him. After serious consideration, the couple de Jurenak decided to re-immigrate to Aust-ralia in 2010, after they were able to sell their large property in Luttum. They found a town-house near Sydney, which placed them near their children and grandchildren. The interna-tionally renowned equine journalist Pegotty Henriques described Kalman de Jurenak in the Australian equestrian magazine called “The Horse Magazine” as follows: “To a cer-tain extent, he belongs in a different world of good manners, charm and politeness!” Rainer Kiel

only during the auction time; the jumping talent already celebrated victories in jum-ping-horse classes at the A-level. He sold for EUR 33,000 to a training facility in Lower Saxony. n

16 Der Hannoveraner 03|2017


Good qualities are important

Emilio Sanchez was born in Wahnebergen in 2012 on the farm of breeder Hinrich Engelke. He spent his youth at the stallion raising facility Hun-nesrück. Once his training started in the State Stud Celle, the bay quickly exhibited his exceptional ta-lent for dressage. Last July, he won the renowned

The station’s favorite

Libertad returned home to the stallion station Pape from the 50-day-test in Schlieckau with the ideal score of 10 for interior, character, perfor-mance willingness, canter and rideability. Ingo Pape had invested in the outstanding and expres-

The best of their age groupFor the sixth time, those young stallions, which finished the test with the best results, were awarded the Weltmeyer- or the Stakkato-Prize. The breeders were honored during the show of the privately owned stallions in February. By Britta Züngel

Estobar NRW

St.Pr.St. Diamant Lady



Don Crusador

St.Pr.St. Welina


St.Pr.St. Rheinfee


St.Pr.St. Florabelle

Don Bosco

St.Pr.St. Larissa




St.Pr.St. Shelbyville


St.Pr.St. Wieneria

San Remo


Lauries Crusador xx

Windsor Queen

Walt Disney


Sandro Hit

Donja Anjana



Riding-Horse Championships with his trainer Wolf-hard Witte on the Lohberg, just a few kilometers from his place of birth. The stallion brought to bear his good qualities with continued training. He completed the 50-day-test in Neustadt/Dosse with a final score of 8,58, which placed him in the lead. He not only convinced with his interior qualities. He moved the judges to giving him top scores with his basic gaits and his rideability. The approval in Verden followed in December. High carat-dressage blood runs through the veins of Emilio Sanchez. Valuable blood returns to Hannover via his sire Estobar NRW. The dam side is special as well: Dam St.Pr.St. Diamant Lady is a full sister to Juan Matute’s Dhannie Ymas; great-granddam Wonja is a full sister to the World Cup-champion Walk on Top by Wenzel. As the top seller of the elite auction in April of 1989, he started his journey into the world of dressage and became one of the best dressage horses of his time with Louise Nathorst from Sweden. n

sive black on the stallion sales in 2014. Sandra Baljeu from Wagenfeld was the exhibitor of Liber-tad in Verden. She had bought the black colt from her friend and breeder Mona Dieckmeyer in Warm-sen and raised him. “His quality on the lungeline was remarkable; I also liked his good hind leg very much,” the stallion manager remembers. He raves about Libertad’s relaxed, natural way of presenting himself.

His outstanding working willingness turned Liber-tad into the favorite of the entire team at the sta-tion Pape from the beginning. His sire is the Grand-Prize recipient Londontime. His dam’s sire San Remo also stood at the station of Family Pape. San Remo’s son Sammy Davis Junior just won the Lou-isdor-Prize in Frankfurt with rider Dorothee Schnei-der. “Even though I did not pay a lot of attention to the pedigree, I liked that the name San Remo was on his paper,” Ingo Pape shares. n

Der Hannoveraner 03|2017 17


For the third time

The family of Dr. Jacobs enjoyed for the third time that a colt, which was born in Bierbergen, was the recipient of the Stakkato-Prize. Bilbao City was one of the most exciting participants of the 50-day-test in Marbach. His report card is impres-sive to read: Five times 9,0 and five times 8,5 led to a final score of 8,64. The chestnut was born in April of 2012. He was the only foal out of the mare Petite Fleur PJ. In spite of several additional co-verings and embryo transfer, all efforts were in vain, and Petite Fleur PJ was sold as a jumper. Me-anwhile she helped her 17-year old rider Tina Hen-sel to obtain the first M-level placements of her career. The pair qualified to compete in the Ama-teur-Tours in Munich, Frankfurt and Leipzig. The dam’s sire Perigueux also is a product of the bree-

Performance blood from LemwerderGerd Sosath is on a successful course with his Ha-noverian breeding program. His Lordan by Lordano s/Landor S won the World Cup-jumping competiti-on in Florida with rider Nayel Nasser just one week after Diamant de Plaisir was awarded the Stak-kato-Prize. The bay already completed the 50-day-test in Adelheidsdorf in February with a final score of 8,60. He not only convinced at and over a fence, but also with his character and willingness. Dia-mant de Plaisir again demonstrated these virtues in August at Verden’s riding stadium, when he be-came the Hanoverian Jumper Horse Champion of four-year olds with rider Hendrik Sosath. Europe’s most selected jumping genes are united in his pe-digree. The number of successful S-level horses out

Honoring Stakkato

Stakkato Boy RM participated in the test in Adelheidsdorf and convinced across the board with an exemplary performance: 10 for perfor-mance willingness, 9,5 for overall impression and a final score of 8,88. “We had tears in our eyes during the award presentation in Verden,” Julia Raupach from Ankum shares. She accepted the Stakkato-Prize for her father, Dr. Karl Raupach. Stakkato Boy’s granddam Landliebe came to Family Raupach as a two-year old. After a few jumping competitions, she became a broodmare. Her daugh-ter St.Pr.St. Lady in Black completed her mare per-formance test as a three-year old. “We inseminated her with Stakkato’s semen as soon as she was fini-shed with her test,” Julia Raupach remembers. Af-ter delivering Stakkato Boy RM, she became a jum-

Balou du Rouet

Petite Fleur PJ

Baloubet du Rouet



Salü II

Galoubet A

Mesange du Rouet


Georgette II


St.Pr.St. Sensation



Diamant De Semilly

Lady Pleasure

Le Tot de Semilly

Venise Des Cresles

For Pleasure

St.Pr.St./El. Lady Heida

Grand Veneur

Venue Du Tot


Miss des Cresles

Furioso II


Landor S

St.Pr.St./El. Formosa


St.Pr.St. Lady in Black



Lord Pezi







Miss Playback



ding program of Dr. Karl-Otto Jacobs and his daughter Dr. Bonny-Jasmin Jacobs. He not only is a recipient of the Grande-Prize, he also successfully represents the Hanoverian breed as an internatio-nal jumper with rider Eva Bitter. n

of the damline is impressive. The strong perfor-mance lines from Lemwerder are consolidated in the pedigree of this young stallion, which reflects inbreeding on the damline of Landor S, who is the sire of Diamant de Plaisir’s granddam. n

per; now she competes at the M-level with brother-in-law Matthias Janssen. The colt was sold to the syndicate Rhein-Maas on the stallion sales. It is the breeder’s dream to – one day – be able to witness him compete at the international level. n


18 Der Hannoveraner 03|2017


N either ice nor snow kept far more than 200 horse breeders, trainers and riders from the

entire area around the river Elbe and the river We-ser from visiting this special event at the end of January. “We have never come together for a se-minar in this constellation,” the training ambassa-dor of the FN, Christoph Hess, said. Two other speakers were at his side: stallion manager Ingo Pape from Hemmoor and stallion manager Jens Meyer from Dorum.

The collective goal of breeders and riders is a good, successful sport horse. Many factors have to come together to meet this goal. It starts with the idea of the breeder to breed a mare and does not end with the birth of a foal. The following careful, age-ap-propriate training of the young horse is of central significance: first the work in hand from the ground and then under saddle with a rider. The successful

presentation on breed shows and in competitions marks the continued joint path.

The focus of this seminar was on the training of horses at different age stages. Nine horses were presented under saddle. First each horse was pre-sented in hand and the breeder was asked, under which criteria he had selected the stallion for his mare and what he had hoped for. The speakers briefly evaluated the exterior of the horse confron-ting the spectators with the hope and the reality. Afterwards the three- and four-year olds were lun-ged to familiarize the young horses with the new environment. A quiet, focused atmosphere is de-cisive to create the necessary trusting relationship between horse and rider. It was impressive, how the riders were able to demonstrate the solid basic training, which these horses had received, accom-panied by the expert comments of the speakers. The five- and six-year old also hinted their true ta-lent during the work. At the end, Lena Stegemann presented a seven-year old gelding from the stati-on Pape. The good co-operation of trainer, rider and horse clearly demonstrated to the audience that even a less than ideal conformation and a very attentive interior do not have to be a disad-vantage in a horse, if the training is careful, conser-ving and consistent.

The speakers knew to deliver in their lectures an extensive picture about the breed history. They also gave good training advice to the riders. At the same time, they clearly defined the necessary “equipment” of a modern dressage horse. It is not always the big movement that a horse needs to have. In dressage classes at the S-level, the rider must be able to ride the movement small – collec-tion is the goal! Collection requires powerful lift-off out of the hindquarters and the corresponding carrying power. A horse that is willing in his mind and ready to accept and execute these gymnastic exercises is a true sport horse.

Chances go upBreeders and riders win together, Christoph Hess said. They win together, when breeding stallions are carefully selected and are a good fit to the ma-res, then there is striving for breed progress. Nobo-dy can calculate a breeding success in advance. The chances go up though, if a sire has proven his performance ability and if there is equivalent infor-mation available about the dam. Bridges were built at the seminar between breeding, training and competition. “We also organize these mee-tings to raise the interest in breeding horses,” Christoph Hess explains the reason for this semi-nar. The presentation of the horses was very exci-ting. n

A collective goal“Breeding, training and competition – a collective goal” – Personal members of the German Equestrian Federation and the forum of young breeders from the breeding club Stade invited to this seminar in February. By Ira Hagemann

Jens Meyer, Ingo Pape and Christoph Hess (left to right) met for the seminar in the indoor arena of Uwe Wichers. Photo: Kordländer

Der Hannoveraner 03|2017 19

Hannoveraner Verband

Operations manager, horse breeder and rider Hans-Henning v. d. Decken did an

interview with DER HANNOVERANER, in which he explains his reasoning and his thin-king about making himself available for this office. .

DER HANNOVERANER: What connects you to the Hanoverian breed?Hans-Henning v. d. Decken, “The horse bree-ding program at my parents’ home greatly influenced me. At a young age, I already wan-ted to make breeding of horses and riding my profession. I trained with Holger Schmezer, and was an auction rider in Verden during the time of Hans Joachim Köhler. As a ‘Pfer-dewirtschaftsmeister‘ I built up a business, in which I offer the training of young horses, boarding for broodmares and youngsters.

DER HANNOVERANER: Since when and in which areas do you volunteer for the Hannoveraner Verband?Hans-Henning v. d. Decken, “I am the presi-dent of the regional society of Stade since eight years. I am a member of the board of the Hannoveraner Verband for just as long and I serve on the licensing commission for young stallions. Furthermore, I serve as a judge at mare shows and broodmare tests in Germany as well as in foreign countries. Since two years, I am a member of the selec-tion team for Verden’s foal auctions. I greatly enjoy judging the Hanoverian riding horse championships in Verden, at which partici-pants for the Bundeschampionat qualify.”

DER HANNOVERANER: What motivated you to take on voluntary responsibili-ties for the Hannoveraner Verband?Hans-Henning v. d. Decken, “I found out about the responsibilities, because I was asked or nominated. I accepted the responsi-bilities, because it allowed me to share my experiences. If you want to make something happen, you must take on responsibility. It became clear to me that it is very important – especially during these moving times – to not only criticize, but to help find solutions so that we are able to handle the impending changes.”

DER HANNOVERANER: How do you as-sess the situation of the Hannoveraner Verband?Hans-Henning v. d. Decken, “Important chan-ges were implemented over the past years under the leadership of Manfred Schäfer. Opening the association, the merger with Hessen and the Rhineland, redesigning the Niedersachsenhalle, the generational change of personnel in the headquarters, realizing numerous individual projects and the world-wide marketing program for the Hanoverian horse are important prerequisites for maintai-ning our position in the marketplace.

It is necessary under today’s conditions that the Hannoveraner Verband is able to act quickly and lastingly. I was a member of the team, which worked on the board reform. The work, which was performed, was very valua-ble. An important component of the develop-ment of our association is the democratic

collaboration of the vari-ous bodies and the dele-gates. That needs to stay. On the other hand, we must make sure that the abi-lity to act at any time is secured. To establish this balance is the responsibility of the board reform. It will help us to adjust to structural changes and to the dynamics, which are con-nected with change. I also wish to maintain the cohesion between our breeders, to pro-pose reaching out beyond everybody’s own issues and to proudly represent the brand ’Hannoveraner’.

DER HANNOVERANER: Where do you see a need for action in the breed?Hans-Henning v. d. Decken, “We must place performance in the forefront. The predisposi-tion ‘performance’ must be secured geneti-cally when using breeding lines as well as selecting sire and dam. It will help us to get ahead from a breeding standpoint, it will support the marketing of our horses, and it will give us the opportunity to bring many horses into international competition. We have to face up to new breed methods like the genomic selection and the appropriate requirements.

Due to the declining number of breedings in all horse breeds, the supply of horses will be reduced in the coming years. This has already happened with the top horses, which leads to very high sale prices. The training remains the deciding factor. Even though the cost of trai-ning is high, one should not try to be thrifty certainly not with horses of better quality. I see very good sale opportunities for healthy horses of good quality.”

DER HANNOVERANER: How does your family feel about the candidacy to be-come president and what would change for them?Hans-Henning v. d. Decken, “My family sup-ports my decision whole-heartedly. I will have to retire from my board duties with the regio-nal breeding club. In the event that I am elec-ted, my focus will be on the duties of the president for the entire Hannoveraner Verband.”n

Submit experiencesManfred Schäfer, the president of the Hannoveraner Verband, shared with the entire board during the board meeting in December 2016 that he will nominate Hans-Henning v.d. Decken as his successor at the board elections in April. By Rolf Hillmann

Hans-Henning by d. Decken

20 Der Hannoveraner 03|2017

Hannoveraner Verband

It was planned to put to vote extensive by-law changes for a reform of the governing bodies of

the Hannoveraner Verband at the meeting of the delegates. The reform had been explained to bree-ders and delegates in DER HANNOVERANER and on general meetings of the breeding clubs. The de-legates, who were present, were in agreement about the necessity of such a reform. A petition of the breeding club Osnabrück/Emsland with respect to the flow of information created uncertainty du-ring the days leading up to the meeting. It put the consensus in question, which had been broad-based until then. “This decision is too important. If there is any uncertainty among our breeders, we must first clear it up,” President Manfred Schäfer said. The executive board had decided to not allow voting on the by-law changes under these circum-

stances. Meetings during the winter should be used to continue spreading information on this topic.

Professor Stricker from the Transfer Centre Stein-beis presented the planned by-law changes to the audience in a first reading – so to speak. He had drawn them up together with a team, which con-sisted of Hans-Heinrich Brüning, Matthias Klatt, Hermann-Jürgen Rump, Gerhard Senckenberg, Hans-Henning byd. Decken and first Gerhard Wie-chers then Dr. Henrik von der Ahe. The first draft had been discussed and details were again chan-ged in two board meetings. The entire board una-nimously agreed to present the by-law draft to the delegates for voting. To obtain the largest possible consensus had taken center-stage throughout the elaborations. The delegates of the Hannoveraner Verband had been informed on special meetings, which were called on the regional level just for this reason. The planned by-law changes were also pu-blished online, and, in addition, Professor Stricker explained cornerstones of the board reform in DER HANNOVERANER, issue 12/2016. The Hannovera-ner Verband has never before informed about up-coming by-law changes to such an extent.

The delegates from the breeding club Osnabrück/Emsland still notified the Hannoveraner Verband in writing that the time was not sufficient to bring a decision on these by-law changes. The breeding club Hannover proposed adding a change to the by-law draft. The speaker of the Verband’s council should not be a member of the board. Hans-Hein-rich Brüning declared to the meeting of the dele-gates that he could not accept the submitted draft of the by-law change. The delegates agreed to this proposal and it was added to the by-law draft.

Time for innovationsThe delegates of the Hannoveraner Verband as well as the chairmen and managing directors of the breeding clubs came to Verden the end of January to hear about the past year and the perspectives for 2017.By Ulrich Hahne


Prof. Dr. Michael StrickerSteinbeis Transfer Center Structure of the governing body of the Hannoveraner Verband

Meeting of the delegates (150 delegates)

Studbook committee

Verband’s counsel (21 members)




Presidents of the breeding clubs (born members)

Vice President (selected out of the members

of the Verband’s counsel)

Board members (selected out of the members

of the Verband’s counsel)







ent w

ith th

e Ve







in a



t with




s co


lIn addition to the President, another board member ca be appointed out of the

membership – Then: Counsel + 1The breeding clubs make suggestions

He appoints committee membersThe Verband’s counsel votes on a speaker, who is not a board member.

President of the Hannoveraner Verband

(out of the membership)

President of the Hannoveraner Verband

Manager of the training and marketing centre

Breeding Manager

Managing DirectorSelected members

The board (5 members)


There also was unanimity within the delegates about the necessity of the planned reform regar-ding the governing bodies of the Hannoveraner Verband. A large majority of the people that were present, supported the three-part system consis-ting of the council, the board and the manage-ment. The three-part system is portrayed in the chart above and will be further explained (see below).

- Nothing changes with respect to the meeting of the delegates and its responsibilities

- It elects the President of the Hannoveraner Ver-band from the membership.

- The current entire board will become the Verband’s counsel. It has 21 members: nine chair-men of the regional clubs as born members, the president of the Hannoveraner Verband as well as eleven additional members, which the meeting of the delegates will elect.

- A board consisting of five members will be elec-ted. It consists of the president of the Hannovera-ner Verband and up to four additional members of the Verband’s counsel. The members of the delegates will elect those for the board. It is new that another member of the board will be elected from the membership in addition to the presi-dent. If a suitable person is available from the circle of breeders, who has special qualifications in a certain area, then this person can directly be voted into the board. The number of members of the Verband’s counsel increases by one person in this case.

- The board appoints the management (breeding manager and managing director) in agreement with the Verband’s counsel.

- The Verband’s counsel elects a speaker out of its members, who is not also a member of the board.

So much to the members of the governing bodies. Now to their main responsibilities. The Verband’s counsel essentially has two main responsibilities. It develops the principle direction of the Hannovera-ner Verband on one side. Hence it makes sense that the board members are part of the Verband’s counsel. Furthermore, the counsel is to monitor the statutory proceedings of the board. To perform this task, the Verband’s counsel can meet without the board members.

The board monitors the work of the management. It governs its work and the cooperation between the board and the management with rules of pro-cedure. The Verband’s counsel must approve these. All board members are authorized to act individu-ally in affairs, which concern the Verband. On Janu-ary 27, the meeting of the delegates demanded the “four-eyes-principle”, which means that two board members have to always sign jointly. Until now, only the president of the Hannoveraner Ver-band was authorized to act individually. The ma-nagement handles the daily operations in ac-cordance with the resolutions of the governing bodies.

The by-law changes are now put to vote in the up-coming meeting of the delegates at the beginning of April. To proceed in this fashion found high ac-ceptance. For further detailed information, the en-tire by-law changes are published on the home-page of the Hannoveraner Verband at Dr. Werner Schade, Dr. Henrik von der Ahe and Ulrich Hahne are available, if the-re are any questions. n


May 6 Verden AuctionSport horses and foals

July 15 Verden AuctionSport horses and foals

August 4/5 Verden AuctionFoals and broodmares

October 13/14 134th Elite-AuctionSport horses and foals

October 26 to 28 Stallion licensing and sales

Licensed and not licensed


Dante‘s Peak FRH and Jessica von Bredow-Werndl Photo: Schreiner