Derek's Summer

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Summer began with the Tulip Festival in town. My daughter dressed for riding a float in the parade. Pictures like this can be shared online via…

Part of the summer was spent in Thailand where we learned about Thai culture, Buddhism, and we ate loads of wonderful Thai food. It was…

Time was spent visiting local schools to see how students learn in Thailand. To learn about how other teachers use technology you could join…

Children have a blast playing on the playground. The blue aprons keep them from getting their uniforms dirty. I spent some time in a sandbox…

One day was scout day where students were told how to wear their uniform. Seems like some information could be announced online via…

Thanks to my online course, I spent loads of time in my office learning about new ways to incorporate technology into the classroom. My favorite tool is...

Here’s the group of students that joined my wife and I for the study abroad class. Thailand is on the other side of the globe. Here’s a picture of it…

We lived a few days in a village with a farming family. Under the house, out of the sun was the best place to read. More reading at…

It’s amazing to see an elephant paint. I wonder why they do it. Maybe they are trying to express themselves. Maybe they should go to…

Summer is still going. Here’s my family camping out in a rustic cabin in Minnesota. We are trying to teach these kids to share. You can always share at…