Desc 483 - Quiz 1-4

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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Question 1 Marks: 1/1 A PMO is NOT used:Choose one answer.

a. to act as a central repository for project documentation.

b. to replace the project manager as being responsible for the project. correct

c. as a resource center.

d. as the place where project management improvements are identified and then disseminated to the rest of the organization.


Question 2 Marks: 0/1 The Larson and Gobeli study that compared projects that had been managed in a variety of structural types revealed that both new product development and construction projects tended to be least effectively executed when the organizational structure was a:Choose one answer.

a. balanced matrix.

b. functional organization.

c. project organization.

d. project matrix. incorrect


Question 3 Marks: 0/1 In the Atkinson model of project success, a project's impact to the surrounding community would be classified as:Choose one answer.

a. a strategic goal.

b. a stakeholder benefit.

c. an element of the iron triangle.

d. an organizational benefit. incorrect


Question 4 Marks: 1/1 Project members may be from:Choose one answer.

a. different departments.

b. other organizational units.

c. all of the above. correct

d. one functional area. Correct

Question 5 Marks: 0/1 The technical side of project management emphasizes:Choose one answer.

a. team building.

b. negotiation.

c. budgeting.

d. conflict management. incorrect


Question 6 Marks: 0/1 Which of the following types of activities is more closely associated with projects rather than processes?Choose one answer.

a. an activity that is day-to-day

b. an activity that uses existing systems incorrect

c. an activity that establishes its own work rules

d. an activity that is ongoing Incorrect

Question 7 Marks: 1/1 The technical challenges that the project has to face are typically at their lowest during the:Choose one answer.

a. termination phase. correct

b. planning phase.

c. conceptualization phase.

d. execution phase. Correct

Question 8 Marks: 0/1 Which of the following statements about project success criteria is best?Choose one answer.

a. Client acceptance is often referred to as conducting a "quality" check. incorrect

b. Project cost is an external performance measure.

c. Client acceptance is an internal performance measure.

d. Completion time is an internal performance measure. Incorrect

Question 9 Marks: 0/1 Which of the following is NOT a project constraint?Choose one answer.

a. the schedule

b. the technical specifications incorrect

c. the customer requirements

d. the budget Incorrect

Question 10 Marks: 0/1 Which of the following is accomplished through project management?Choose one answer.

a. A cellular phone company activates a new customer's service.

b. An automotive manufacturer produces a day's quota of vehicles.

c. A software developer creates a new crash-proof operating system.

d. A retailer restocks the shelves after a day of brisk sales. incorrect


Question 11 Marks: 0/1 Multiple project environments thrive on:Choose one answer.

a. rigid development processes. incorrect

b. narrow communication channels.

c. multi-layered bureaucracy.

d. improvisation by project teams. Incorrect

Question 12 Marks: 0/1 Which of the following does NOT constitute an impact of organizational culture on project management?Choose one answer.

a. how committed employees are to goals

b. how customers perceive mission and vision

c. the way departments interact with each other incorrect

d. how much trust exists among project team members Incorrect

Question 13 Marks: 0/1 Which statement regarding the Project Management Institute's Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK) is best?Choose one answer.

a. The institute's position that a properly planned project will not require any changes precludes the need for change control in the model. b. The PMBoK consists of seven knowledge areas of project management skills and activities.

c. Each element of the iron triangle is represented by its own area.

d. Project risk management is part of the integration section. incorrect


Question 14 Marks: 0/1 The dimension of project success that is realized first (chronologically) is:Choose one answer.

a. efficiency.

b. impact on the customer.

c. business success. incorrect

d. future potential. Incorrect

Question 15 Marks: 1/1 The functional structure is well-suited when:Choose one answer.

a. there are low levels of external uncertainty. correct

b. there is high instability in the environment.

c. there must be rapid response to external opportunities and threats.

d. project coordination is assigned to the lowest levels in an organization. Correct

Question 16 Marks: 1/1 A checklist screening model does not consider:Choose one answer.

a. governmental or stakeholder interference.

b. the riskiness of the new venture.

c. product durability and future market potential of the product line.

d. whether one criterion is more important than another. correct


Question 17 Marks: 1/1 The belief that organizations can sometimes gain tremendous benefit from creating a fully-dedicated project organization is captured by the term:Choose one answer.

a. heavyweight project organization. correct

b. matrix organization.

c. leveraged benefits.

d. benevolent society. Correct

Question 18 Marks: 0/1 The Larson and Gobeli study that compared projects that had been managed in a variety of structural types revealed that new product development projects tended to be most effectively executed when the organizational structure was a:Choose one answer.

a. project matrix. incorrect

b. project organization.

c. balanced matrix.

d. functional matrix. Incorrect

Question 19 Marks: 1/1 ABC company compares the way they manage projects with the way rival NBC company manages projects. ABC company is engaged in:Choose one answer.

a. ring level 0.

b. cutting edge practices.

c. competitive benchmarking. correct

d. corporate espionage Correct

Question 20 Marks: 1/1 A project typically has:Choose one answer.

a. no defined start or end date.

b. no defined start but a defined end date.

c. a defined start and end date. correct

d. a defined start date but no defined end date. Correct

Question 21 Marks: 1/1 There is no such thing as a project team:Choose one answer.

a. with a deliverable.

b. with a project manager

c. with an on-going, non-specific purpose. correct

d. with a goal. Correct

Question 22 Marks: 0/1 Companies that are structured by grouping people performing similar activities into departments are:Choose one answer.

a. functional organizations.

b. project organizations.

c. departmental organizations.

d. matrix organizations incorrect


Question 23 Marks: 0/1 The project maturity model developed by the Center for Business Practices would have __________ rings if a spider web diagram were used.Choose one answer.

a. five

b. three

c. six

d. four incorrect


Question 24 Marks: 0/1 A failing project becomes a black hole for money, time, and personnel as management continues to pour resources into it despite the growing expectation that it will fail miserably. This phenomenon is known in project management circles as:Choose one answer.

a. the Pareto principle.

b. the vanishing horizon.

c. negative outcome disposition. incorrect

d. escalation of commitment. Incorrect

Question 25 Marks: 0/1 The amount of corporate investment is typically at its highest in the:Choose one answer.

a. termination phase.

b. conceptualization phase.

c. planning phase.

d. execution phase. incorrect


Question 26 Marks: 0/1 A project manager is using the internal rate of return method to make the final decision on which project to undertake. Which of these four projects have the highest internal rate of return?Choose one answer.

a. $50,000 initial outlay with $5,000 cash inflows during the first two years, $15,000 during the third and fourth years, and $20,000 during the fifth year

b. $100,000 initial outlay with $10,000 cash inflows during the first two years, $20,000 during the third and fourth years, and $30,000 during the fifth year


c. $100,000 initial outlay with a $5,000 cash inflow during the first year, $15,000 cash inflow during the second year, and $25,000 cash inflows during years three through five d. $75,000 initial outlay with a $5,000 cash inflow during the first year, increasing by $5,000 per year through the fifth year


Question 27 Marks: 0/1 The dimension of project success that is realized last (chronologically) is:Choose one answer.

a. future potential.

b. impact on the customer. incorrect

c. business success.

d. efficiency. Incorrect

Question 28 Marks: 1/1 A dual hierarchy is the salient feature of a:Choose one answer.

a. bi-modal structure.

b. matrix structure. correct

c. project structure.

d. functional structure. Correct

Question 29 Marks: 1/1 Staffing fluctuations associated with project completion and initiation are most likely to occur in organizations that are:Choose one answer.

a. project structured.

b. functionally structured. correct

c. process structured.

d. matrix structured. Correct

Question 30 Marks: 0/1 Process management features __________ with respect to project management.Choose one answer.

a. greater numbers of goals and objectives incorrect

b. lower adherence to established practices

c. greater heterogeneity

d. greater certainty of performance Incorrect

Question 31 Marks: 1/1 Successful firms use project portfolio planning routinely to:Choose one answer.

a. develop products with long lead times and plan ahead. correct

b. make quantum jumps from one product to another.

c. move as quickly as possible into new territory.

d. move at glacial pace always within the same product line. CorrectQuestion 32 Marks: 0/1 The amount of corporate investment is typically at its lowest in the:Choose one answer.

a. conceptualization phase.

b. planning phase. incorrect

c. execution phase.

d. termination phase. Incorrect

Question 33 Marks: 1/1 All major decisions and authority are under the control of the project manager in a:Choose one answer.

a. process structure.

b. matrix structure.

c. functional structure.

d. project structure. correct


Question 34 Marks: 0/1 The Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide definition of a project indicates that a project is:Choose one answer.

a. designed to consume human resources.

b. limited by a budget. incorrect

c. temporary.

d. multifunctional. Incorrect

Question 35 Marks: 0/1 A strategic element consisting of statements such as "a 5% increase in freshman to sophomore retention" and "a 10% increase in the six-year graduation rate" is best described as a:Choose one answer.

a. goal.

b. strategy. incorrect

c. program.

d. mission. Incorrect

Question 36 Marks: 1/1 The management department at the university decides to add a new program in restaurant, hotel, and institutional management. As part of the development process they hold focus groups consisting of area business leaders, current and former students, and restaurant and hotel owners. These groups can be described as:Choose one answer.

a. stakeholders. correct

b. project workers.

c. project leaders.

d. clients. Correct

Question 37 Marks: 1/1 The systematic process of selecting, supporting, and managing a firm's collection of projects is called:Choose one answer.

a. profile management.

b. matrix project organization.

c. project portfolio management. correct

d. heavyweight project management. Correct

Question 38 Marks: 1/1 Centralized units within an organization or department that oversee or improve the management of projects are called:Choose one answer.

a. PERT units.

b. tiger teams.

c. project management offices. correct

d. central clearinghouses. Correct

Question 39 Marks: 0/1 The MBA redesign committee presents the results of their five-year project to their bemused Dean. They hope it is not just wishful thinking that they are in the:Choose one answer.

a. termination phase.

b. planning phase.

c. conceptualization phase.

d. execution phase. incorrect


Question 40 Marks: 0/1 Geoffco's project manager names three individuals and requests a project budget of $3,000,000 for the new 8-Pod, a backpack-sized personal music player for 8-track tapes capable of holding up to 100 songs from the '60s and '70s. This important step takes place during __________ of the project life cycle.Choose one answer.

a. conceptualization

b. planning incorrect

c. execution

d. termination Incorrect

Question 41 Marks: 0/1 Keith Monroe nails hundreds of pieces of culled lumber in the blazing July sun to form a parquet deck for his barn roof. He and his assistant are clearly in:Choose one answer.

a. way over their heads.

b. the termination stage of the project life cycle. incorrect

c. the execution stage of the project life cycle.

d. the planning stage of the project life cycle. Incorrect

Question 42 Marks: 0/1 The most basic level in Kerzner's project management maturity model is:Choose one answer.

a. initial process.

b. common processes.

c. ad hoc. incorrect

d. common language. Incorrect

Question 43 Marks: 1/1 The efficient frontier in project management is the set of portfolio options that offer:Choose one answer.

a. a maximum return for a maximum risk.

b. a minimum return for a minimum risk.

c. a minimum return for a maximum risk.

d. a maximum return for a minimum risk. correct


Question 44 Marks: 0/1 Which of the following is NOT an element of organizational structure?Choose one answer.

a. systems design to ensure effective communication

b. grouping together of individuals into departments

c. well-articulated mission, vision, and value statements

d. formal reporting relationships incorrect


Question 45 Marks: 0/1 Which statement about the Analytical Hierarchy Process is false?Choose one answer.

a. AHP can improve the process of developing project proposals.

b. AHP scores are significant.

c. AHP can be used to capture choice options that do not yield positive outcomes. d. AHP groups subcriteria that share the weight of a common higher-level criterion.



Question 46 Marks: 0/1 A project is exceptionally risky might still be undertaken by a firm if they have several other projects underway that are considered more of a sure thing. This approach to project selection is best described by the criterion called:Choose one answer.

a. risk.

b. desire for portfolio balance.

c. top management pressure.

d. strategic "fit". incorrect


Question 47 Marks: 1/1 Individual activities and their durations are developed during the __________ phase of the project life cycle.Choose one answer.

a. conceptualization

b. termination

c. execution

d. planning correct


Question 48 Marks: 0/1 A writer estimates it will take three months to generate spiffy documents to accompany a seminal work in operations management. He grossly underestimates the time required and misses his deadline by two months. This estimate was:Choose one answer.

a. subjective and inaccurate.

b. objective and accurate.

c. subjective and accurate.

d. objective and inaccurate. incorrect


Question 49 Marks: 0/1 A project manager is using the internal rate of return method to make the final decision on which project to undertake. Which of these four projects have the highest internal rate of return?Choose one answer.

a. $12,500 initial outlay with $10,000 cash inflows during the following five years b. $12,500 initial outlay with $5,000 cash inflows during the following five years c. $25,000 initial outlay with $5,000 cash inflows during the following five years d. $25,000 initial outlay with $10,000 cash inflows during the following five years


IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 50 Marks: 0/1 The information systems department prides itself on being on the often bleeding edge of high-tech course offerings. They were the first department to create on-line classes and the first to battle all of the issues associated with these offerings. When Wally interviewed for the new assistant professor position, he knew that his subcutaneous chip was only a hiring decision away. Corporate culture in this department is probably most affected by:Choose one answer.

a. technology

b. critical incidents.

c. the environment.

d. geographical location. Incorrect

 Take Quiz 2 [Feb 14: In-class, 60 min]

Question 1 Marks: 1 A large sample survey was used to ask a total of 2,615 managers within U.S. corporations what they considered to be the most important characteristic of effective leaders. The item that ranked #1 with an 83 percent selection rate was:Choose one answer.

a. imaginative.

b. dependable.

c. honest. correct

d. inspiring. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 2 Marks: 1 Two research studies conducted over a decade apart discovered that the major sources of conflict within project teams are:Choose one answer.

a. schedules and project priorities.

b. human resources and technical opinions. incorrect

c. personalities and cost.

d. administrative procedures and budget. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 3 Marks: 1 The tendency of employees in a functionally organized company to become fixated on their own concerns and work assignments to the exclusion of the needs of other departments is known as:Choose one answer.

a. siloing.

b. myopia.

c. nepotism. incorrect

d. layering. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 4 Marks: 1 To protect his poultry from meteorites, the gentleman farmer made hard hats for each bird and installed a meteor detection system that opened umbrellas throughout the yard if a meteor were detected. The safety of his flock thus assured, the farmer was surprised when he read his latest issue of Risk Management Magazine and discovered that this event was:Choose one answer.

a. high in probability and low in consequence.

b. low in consequence and low in probability.

c. low in probability and high in consequence. correct

d. high in consequence and high in probability. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 5 Marks: 1 The information systems department prides itself on being on the often bleeding edge of high-tech course offerings. They were the first department to create on-line classes and the first to battle all of the issues associated with these offerings. When Wally interviewed for the new assistant professor position, he knew that his subcutaneous chip was only a hiring decision away. Corporate culture in this department is probably most affected by:Choose one answer.

a. critical incidents.

b. geographical location.

c. the environment.

d. technology correct

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 6 Marks: 1 One project factor that directly impacts a firm's internal operations is the:Choose one answer.

a. expected return on investment. incorrect

b. need to develop employees.

c. financial risk.

d. impact on company's image.

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 7 Marks: 1 Project meetings do not generally serve this purpose for the project team:Choose one answer.

a. help all stakeholders increase their commitment to the project. incorrect

b. provide visibility for the project manager's role in managing the project.

c. define the project and all the major team players.

d. provide a forum for airing grievances with stakeholders and team members.

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 8 Marks: 1 The solution to external and internal problems that has worked consistently for a group and that is therefore taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think about, and feel in relation to these problems is known as:Choose one answer.

a. a frame of reference.

b. groupthink.

c. socialization.

d. organizational culture. correct

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 9 Marks: 1 Conflict associated with disagreement in project scope, priorities, or objectives is:Choose one answer.

a. administrative. incorrect

b. goal-oriented.

c. traditional.

d. interpersonal. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 10 Marks: 1 The second level in work breakdown structure contains the:Choose one answer.

a. work packages. incorrect

b. deliverables.

c. subdeliverables.

d. projects. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 11 Marks: 1 The behavioral side of project management emphasizes:Choose one answer.

a. planning.

b. scheduling.

c. leadership. correct

d. project selection. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 12 Marks: 1 A strategic element consisting of statements such as "a 5% increase in freshman to sophomore retention" and "a 10% increase in the six-year graduation rate" is best described as a:Choose one answer.

a. program.

b. goal.

c. mission.

d. strategy. incorrect

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 13 Marks: 1 Budget and schedule information for each activity in a project is contained in the:Choose one answer.

a. work breakdown structure.

b. scope baseline.

c. management plan. incorrect

d. project goal criteria. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 14 Marks: 1 The degree of risk associated with the project is typically at its highest during the:Choose one answer.

a. termination phase.

b. planning phase.

c. execution phase. incorrect

d. conceptualization phase. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 15 Marks: 1 When a project manager imposes a judgment on warring parties, he is involved in:Choose one answer.

a. mediation.

b. arbitration. correct

c. acceptance.

d. elimination. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 16 Marks: 1 A simple scoring model is used to decide among three projects that we'll call A, B, and C. The total score for project A is 30, for project B is 20, and for project C is 10. Which of the following statements is best?Choose one answer.

a. Project C is better than project B for this company at this point in time.

b. Project A is better than project B for this company at this point in time. correct

c. If project C is chosen, the company would benefit only half as much as if they had chosen project B. d. If project A is successfully completed, it will yield three times the benefits that project C would have provided.

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 17 Marks: 1 The PRAM step that occurs while the project work is being carried out is:Choose one answer.

a. identify.

b. manage.

c. ownership.

d. focus. incorrect

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 18 Marks: 1 Multiple project environments thrive on:Choose one answer.

a. multi-layered bureaucracy.

b. improvisation by project teams.

c. narrow communication channels.

d. rigid development processes. incorrect

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 19 Marks: 1 The simple scoring model has this advantage over a checklist model for screening projects.Choose one answer.

a. Scaling models ensure a reasonable link between the selected and weighted criteria and the business objectives that motivated their selection. b. Scaling models have been proven to make correct decisions better than 95% of the time while checklists only achieve 80% accuracy.

c. Scaling from 1 to 5 is extremely accurate.

d. Scaling models allow decision makers to treat one criterion as more important than another.


CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 20 Marks: 1 Which of the following is accomplished through project management?Choose one answer.

a. An automotive manufacturer produces a day's quota of vehicles.

b. A cellular phone company activates a new customer's service.

c. A software developer creates a new crash-proof operating system. correct

d. A retailer restocks the shelves after a day of brisk sales. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 21 Marks: 1 One source of information on future risks and the leading indicators that accompany risks is:Choose one answer.

a. the Delphi method.

b. past history.

c. multiple assessments.

d. a brainstorming meeting. incorrect

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 22 Marks: 1 A company facing an interest rate of 8% must choose among projects offering the following four-year cash flows. If the company is employing the net present value criterion, which project should they choose?Choose one answer.

a. $5,000 in year 1; $5,000 in year 2; $20,000 in year 3; and $30,000 in year 4

b. $15,000 in year 1; $15,000 in year 2; $15,000 in year 3; and $15,000 in year 4


c. $25,000 in year 1; $15,000 in year 2; $10,000 in year 3; and $5,000 in year 4 d. $5,000 in year 1; $5,000 in year 2; $25,000 in year 3; and $25,000 in year 4

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 23 Marks: 1 Because conflict is perceptual in nature:Choose one answer.

a. it often cannot be solved by any conventional means but must be refereed.


b. it is essentially static.

c. it is a state.

d. it doesn't really matter if one party has truly wronged another party. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 24 Marks: 1 Virtual teams are often slowed down by difficulty with:Choose one answer.

a. communication. correct

b. superordinate goals.

c. punctuated equilibrium.

d. task reliance. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 25 Marks: 1 Which of these is NOT characteristic of a project?Choose one answer.

a. Projects are ad hoc endeavors with a clear life cycle.

b. Projects are responsible for the newest and most improved products, services, and organizational processes. c. Projects provide a philosophy and strategy for the management of change.

d. Traditional process management functions of planning, organizing, and controlling do not apply to project management.


CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 26 Marks: 1 Principled negotiation is the art of:Choose one answer.

a. creating conflict to test for an adversary's weakness and reducing conflict once the weakness has been exposed. b. getting agreement with the other party while maintaining a win-win attitude.


c. refusing to compromise your principles for the sake of a business deal.

d. dividing your resources in the face of superior numbers. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 27 Marks: 1 Which of the following is NOT a project constraint?Choose one answer.

a. the schedule

b. the customer requirements correct

c. the budget

d. the technical specifications CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 28 Marks: 1 Souder's model selection criterion that encourages ease of adaptation to changes in tax laws, building codes, among others, is called:Choose one answer.

a. cost.

b. ease of use.

c. capability.

d. flexibility. correct

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 29 Marks: 1 The firm set aside a little extra money just in case an unforeseen element of cost pushed the project beyond what they had budgeted. This extra money is called:Choose one answer.

a. an escalation clause.

b. a sinking fund.

c. a contingency reserve. correct

d. a rainy day fund. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 30 Marks: 1 The status accounting step of configuration management functions primarily as:Choose one answer.

a. binding arbitration. incorrect

b. memory.

c. cost control.

d. a hierarchy. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 31 Marks: 1 In a partnership, each member of the project team is responsible for the project's outcomes and the current situation, whether it is positive or shows evidence of project problems. The term that best describes this responsibility is:Choose one answer.

a. exchange of purpose. incorrect

b. a right to say no.

c. joint accountability.

d. absolute honesty. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 32 Marks: 1 If all the project management studies discussed in the text are synthesized, it quickly becomes apparent that the key to understanding leadership behavior is to focus on:Choose one answer.

a. where in the organizational hierarchy the project leaders are located.

b. what the leaders do.

c. who the leaders are.

d. where in the organizational hierarchy the project team members are located.


IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 33 Marks: 1 A good starting point for matching employees to project work would be:Choose one answer.

a. finding out who has the most spare time.

b. observing what clusters of employees develop during informal situations.

c. conducting basic personality assessment.

d. making sure that every department in the organization has at least one representative on the project team.


IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 34 Marks: 1 Which of the following is NOT an element of strategic management?Choose one answer.

a. evaluating cross-functional decisions

b. formulating cross-functional decisions

c. implementing cross-functional decisions

d. eliminating cross-functional decisions correct

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 35 Marks: 1 A selection model that is broad enough to be applied to multiple projects has the benefit of:Choose one answer.

a. ease of use.

b. comparability. correct

c. flexibility.

d. capability. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 36 Marks: 1 A major player in the software industry stumbles from one new edition of its operating system and office automation package to another. As soon as one package is released, the programmers and developers have two weeks to latch onto a different team that is updating a different package. Failure to find another team to work for means an end to their employment. This organizational structure is best classified as a:Choose one answer.

a. functional organization. incorrect

b. project organization.

c. matrix organization

d. flexible organization. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 37 Marks: 1 The tale of Professor Larry Foster and his grade book filled with Fs was told by one generation of faculty to the next with a mix of envy, awe and delight. If there was one thing you could be sure of, there was no grade inflation in his department, whose culture was formed primarily by:Choose one answer.

a. environment.

b. critical incident. correct

c. rules and procedures.

d. reward system. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 38 Marks: 1 A design project is completed on time, under budget, to the customer's satisfaction, and in adherence to the technical specifications agreed. The new product takes the market by storm and everyone associated with the project receives a coveted gold star. Under the four dimensions of project success model, the project still needs to show:Choose one answer.

a. future potential. correct

b. impact on the customer.

c. efficiency.

d. business success. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 39 Marks: 1 The most recent addition to the four criteria of project success is:Choose one answer.

a. cost

b. performance

c. client acceptance correct

d. time CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 40 Marks: 1 The University of Puhonicks hires several professors that specialize in accounting, management, and economics and clusters each into one of three departments. The dean has obviously decided to group employees by:Choose one answer.

a. function.

b. geography.

c. project. incorrect

d. product. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 41 Marks: 1 Projects differ from classic organizational processes because projects are:Choose one answer.

a. multi-objective. incorrect

b. well established systems in place to integrate efforts.

c. discrete activities.

d. part of line organization. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 42 Marks: 1 The primary action during a configuration review is to:Choose one answer.

a. develop a breakdown of the project to the necessary level of definition. incorrect

b. identify the specifications of the components of the breakdown and of the total project. c. change the specifications last obtained by a process change control to match what people think it should be. d. meet with all the project stakeholders to agree to the current project definition.

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 43 Marks: 1 The belief that organizations can sometimes gain tremendous benefit from creating a fully-dedicated project organization is captured by the term:Choose one answer.

a. benevolent society.

b. matrix organization.

c. heavyweight project organization. correct

d. leveraged benefits. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 44 Marks: 1 An excellent starting point in negotiations is to:Choose one answer.

a. put yourself in their shoes.

b. deduce their intentions from your fears. incorrect

c. identify the person that is the source of the problem.

d. deduce their fears from your intentions. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 45 Marks: 1 A project manager is using the internal rate of return method to make the final decision on which project to undertake. Which of these four projects have the highest internal rate of return?Choose one answer.

a. $25,000 initial outlay with $10,000 cash inflows during the following five years b. $12,500 initial outlay with $5,000 cash inflows during the following five years c. $12,500 initial outlay with $10,000 cash inflows during the following five years


d. $25,000 initial outlay with $5,000 cash inflows during the following five years

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 46 Marks: 1 The final step in the process of systematically laying out all pre-work information is the creation of the:Choose one answer.

a. project goal criteria.

b. scope baseline.

c. management plan.

d. work breakdown structure. incorrect

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 47 Marks: 1 Regardless of which selection method a firm uses, it should always:Choose one answer.

a. be able to predict how much revenue will be returned to the firm each year.


b. be objective in their selection method.

c. use a weighted scoring technique.

d. know which project will ultimately succeed and which ones will fail. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 48 Marks: 1 A product is introduced into a market, gains the acceptance of a fickle public, and finally is supplanted by a new and improved offering. This phenomenon is known as the:Choose one answer.

a. beta.

b. Mendoza line.

c. product life cycle. correct

d. rule of 80. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 49 Marks: 1 The task-oriented behavior of summarizing accomplishes which specific outcome?Choose one answer.

a. Check on agreement.

b. Increase comprehension.

c. Guide and sequence discussion.

d. Check on understanding and assess progress. correct

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 50 Marks: 1 In the Atkinson model of project success, a project's impact to the surrounding community would be classified as:Choose one answer.

a. an element of the iron triangle.

b. an organizational benefit.

c. a stakeholder benefit. correct

d. a strategic goal. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 51 Marks: 1 A checklist screening model does not consider:Choose one answer.

a. the riskiness of the new venture.

b. governmental or stakeholder interference.

c. whether one criterion is more important than another. correct

d. product durability and future market potential of the product line. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 52 Marks: 1 A project management firm that promises to do everything for a major project and hand over a fully functional, ready-to-use deliverable is performing under a :Choose one answer.

a. turnkey contract. correct

b. all-inclusive contract.

c. umbrella contract.

d. cost-plus contract. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 53 Marks: 1 The most basic level in Kerzner's project management maturity model is:Choose one answer.

a. ad hoc.

b. initial process.

c. common processes.

d. common language. correct

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 54 Marks: 1 The first step in Block's framework of the political process as applied to stakeholder management is to:Choose one answer.

a. define the problem. incorrect

b. identify the goals of the principle actors.

c. assess your own capabilities.

d. assess the environment. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 55 Marks: 1 Which personality trait is a poor match for project work?Choose one answer.

a. people-oriented

b. outgoing

c. introverted correct

d. gregarious CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 56 Marks: 1 There is always a chance that the music loving public cannot be convinced of the need to return to the 8-track format for new releases. The probability that we don't sell one million units before the holiday season is:Choose one answer.

a. market risk. correct

b. organizational risk.

c. financial risk.

d. promotion risk. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 57 Marks: 1 The strong matrix is also known as the:Choose one answer.

a. dual matrix.

b. project matrix. correct

c. primal matrix.

d. functional matrix. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 58 Marks: 1 Which of the following is a non-traditional role of a project champion?Choose one answer.

a. cheerleader correct

b. administrative

c. leadership

d. control CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 59 Marks: 1 A simple scoring model for project evaluation requires:Choose one answer.

a. a summation for each criterion to achieve an overall criterion score.

b. a division of weights by scores to arrive at a standardized score for each criterion.

c. score values assigned to each criterion in terms of its rating.

d. importance weights from 1 to 10 assigned to each criterion. incorrect

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 60 Marks: 1 Expected commitments from other departments in support of the project would most likely be detailed in the:Choose one answer.

a. resource requirements section of the SOW. correct

b. risks and concerns section of the SOW.

c. acceptance criteria section of the SOW.

d. approach section of the SOW. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 61 Marks: 1 A commercial factor in project selection and screening might be:Choose one answer.

a. the likelihood that users of the project are injured.

b. the impact on the company's image.

c. the long-term market dominance.

d. a need to develop employees. incorrect

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 62 Marks: 1 The Analytical Hierarchy Process is used to decide among three projects that we'll call A, B, and C. The total score for project A is .650, for project B is .514, and for project C is .321. Which of the following statements is best?Choose one answer.

a. The analysis must be incorrect because project C's total score is odd.

b. The analysis must be incorrect because there are two total scores that exceed 0.50.

c. Project A is twice as good as project C.

d. The analysis must be incorrect because the total scores should sum to 1.00.


IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 63 Marks: 1 Projects are often underfunded in the concept stage because:Choose one answer.

a. the project's goals are too clearly defined.

b. there is complete trust in project managers by top management so more resources can be asked for at any time.

c. the project's top management sponsor is too influential. incorrect

d. the project requirements were deliberately understated. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 64 Marks: 1 The step that reflects the formal "go ahead" given to the project to commence once the scope definition, planning documents, and other contractual documents have been prepared and approved is the:Choose one answer.

a. work authorization. correct

b. send off.

c. work release.

d. go ahead. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 65 Marks: 1 The technical side of project management emphasizes:Choose one answer.

a. team building.

b. conflict management.

c. budgeting. correct

d. negotiation. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 66 Marks: 1 A matrix organization for project management has a distinct advantage because:Choose one answer.

a. workers must reconcile competing project and functional demands.

b. a significant amount of time is spent negotiating the sharing of critical resources.


c. project importance is enhanced by setting authority equal to that of functional departments.

d. dual hierarchies mean two bosses. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 67 Marks: 1 The Larson and Gobeli study that compared projects that had been managed in a variety of structural types revealed that construction projects tended to be most effectively executed when the organizational structure was a:Choose one answer.

a. balanced matrix.

b. functional matrix.

c. project matrix. correct

d. project organization. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 68 Marks: 1 Scope management for a project begins with:Choose one answer.

a. an organization breakdown structure. incorrect

b. a configuration statement.

c. a statement of goals.

d. a work package. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 69 Marks: 1 The PMO is used as a tracking and monitoring device under the:Choose one answer.

a. resource pool model. correct

b. radar model.

c. weather station model.

d. control tower model. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 70 Marks: 1 A project with the chance for a big payout may be funded if an important criterion is:Choose one answer.

a. opportunity.

b. top management pressure.

c. cost. incorrect

d. risk. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 71 Marks: 1 A project manager puts on his "nontraditional hat" and smoothly works the room, networking among functional managers and attempting to secure their cooperation with the project. This nontraditional role is best described as that of a :Choose one answer.

a. cheerleader. incorrect

b. politician.

c. visionary.

d. ambassador. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 72 Marks: 1 A functional organization structure is a plus for project management because:Choose one answer.

a. it allows for standard career paths. correct

b. functional siloing often exists.

c. commitment to project success is high and unwavering.

d. there is high customer focus. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 73

Marks: 1 Project management people skills include:Choose one answer.

a. budgeting.

b. project evaluation.

c. scheduling.

d. team building. correct

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 74 Marks: 1 Individual activities and their durations are developed during the __________ phase of the project life cycle.Choose one answer.

a. execution

b. planning correct

c. termination

d. conceptualization CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 75 Marks: 1 A business reality that makes effective project management critical is the fact that:Choose one answer.

a. product launch windows are widening.

b. inflation is rampant.

c. products are becoming increasingly simple.

d. product life cycles are compressing. correct

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 76

Marks: 1 ABC company compares the way they manage projects with the way rival NBC company manages projects. ABC company is engaged in:Choose one answer.

a. cutting edge practices.

b. ring level 0.

c. competitive benchmarking. correct

d. corporate espionage CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 77 Marks: 1 A spider web diagram is useful for:Choose one answer.

a. identifying industry standards for project management maturity.

b. coaching, evaluating, and auditing projects.

c. showing company performance on a number of criteria simultaneously. correct

d. collecting data on how a competitor manages projects. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 78 Marks: 1 The probability that project revenues will not be sufficient to repay the debts is:Choose one answer.

a. market risk.

b. promotion risk.

c. cost estimate risk.

d. financial risk correct

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 79

Marks: 1 It appeared that everyone on the project team was finally on board; Jim would bring the doughnuts to all team meetings and Jenny would make the coffee. Fully caffeinated and on a sugar high, the team was coming together and fully committed to the project development process. The team was now planted firmly in the:Choose one answer.

a. performing stage of group development.

b. forming stage of group development.

c. storming stage of group development. incorrect

d. norming stage of group development. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 80 Marks: 1 The greatest project risk occurs when:Choose one answer.

a. the probability of the event is low and the consequences of the event are high.


b. the probability of the event is high and the consequences of the event are high. c. the probability of the event is high and the consequences of the event are low. d. the probability of the event is low and the consequences of the event are low.

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 81 Marks: 1 Client interest is typically at its lowest during the:Choose one answer.

a. conceptualization phase.

b. termination phase. incorrect

c. planning phase.

d. execution phase. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 82

Marks: 1 The highest priority among strategic choice elements is:Choose one answer.

a. strategy. incorrect

b. objective.

c. mission.

d. goal. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 83 Marks: 1 Present-oriented tasks make use of the temporal skills of:Choose one answer.

a. time warping and polychronicity.

b. recapturing the past and predicting. incorrect

c. time conception and chunking time.

d. creating future vision and monochronicity. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 84 Marks: 1 Any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result, or item that must be produced to complete a project or part of a project is a:Choose one answer.

a. product.

b. work product.

c. deliverable. correct

d. tangible. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 85

Marks: 1 The idea that all members of a project team have the ability to offer a contrary position in order to achieve true partnership between the project manager and the team is called:Choose one answer.

a. exchange of purpose.

b. joint accountability.

c. absolute honesty. incorrect

d. a right to say no. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 86 Marks: 1 The manager of the Super Burrito Project is in the midst of an important project team meeting but Fred Fromage, the representative from the Cheese department, is nowhere to be found. After a brief investigation it is determined that Fred's manager in the Cheese department, has other plans for Fred's time and efforts over the next several days and he simply won't be available for Super Burrito Project work. The organizational structure being used here is unquestionably a:Choose one answer.

a. weak matrix.

b. strong matrix. incorrect

c. project organization.

d. chevre organization. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 87 Marks: 1 The Farm Fresh Egg project was too great for one person to pull off. The construction costs for the coop and chicken run were enormous and the sinister threat of avian flu hung over the area like a black cloud. It was only through the combined efforts of Matsushita Chickenworks and the City of Edmond that the project would be undertaken, since they would be able to:Choose one answer.

a. accept the risk.

b. transfer the risk.

c. share the risk. incorrect

d. minimize the risk. Incorrect

Marks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 88 Marks: 1 Project members may be from:Choose one answer.

a. one functional area.

b. other organizational units.

c. different departments.

d. all of the above. correct

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 89 Marks: 1 One practical step that should be taken in order for an organization to begin developing a core of project management professionals is to:Choose one answer.

a. formalize the organization's commitment with training programs.

b. review instances where projects were poorly managed.

c. fire the unprofessional project managers.

d. hire professional project managers. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 90 Marks: 1 All pieces of a project must be developed and assembled to produce the final product functionality. Designing, making, and assembling these components is the role of:Choose one answer.

a. baseline configuration.

b. systematic management.

c. baseline scope control.

d. configuration management. Incorrect

Take Quiz 3 [March 7: In-class, 50 min]

Question 1 Marks: 1 Which statement about project closeout activities is best?Choose one answer.

a. Because all projects are unique, the actual carryover from project to project is minimal.

b. Getting the project signed off discourages other closeout activities. correct

c. Closeout activities are impossible to ignore.

d. Closeout activities are usually given a high priority. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 2 Marks: 1 Use the data to calculate the earned value for the project. All amounts are in thousands of dollars. 

Duration (weeks)

5 10 15 20 25 % Comp

Conceptual Design 10 6 100%

Graphics Design 12 6 4 100%

Copyright 4 5 6 25%

Samples 4 2 30%

Tooling 6 9 4 10%

Production 2 6 14 5%

Total 10 18 22 26 24

Cumulative 10 28 50 76 100

Choose one answer.

a. $38,500

b. $61,125

c. $56,750

d. $46,550 IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 3 Marks: 1 As the 80th change order floated across his desk the project manager wished that he had kept the first seventy-nine. What money he had saved in scrap paper might well be lost in charges that could never be recouped from the client. "What I need is better:Choose one answer.

a. trend monitoring," muttered the manager.

b. configuration control," sighed the manager.

c. document control," whimpered the manager. correct

d. specification control," fumed the manager. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 4 Marks: 1 The organizational structure for the project team, including policies and procedures, is the:Choose one answer.

a. scope statement. incorrect

b. management plan.

c. work breakdown structure.

d. rules statement. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 5 Marks: 1 A measurement process that determines the project goals and then the degree to which the actual performance lives up to these goals is:Choose one answer.

a. gap analysis.

b. five degrees of separation.

c. a metric system.

d. goal-performance linkage. incorrect

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 6 Marks: 1 An important guideline to follow in a lessons learned meeting is to:Choose one answer.

a. include all stakeholders. incorrect

b. make sure to properly assign blame for all that went wrong.

c. make sure that events receive necessary spin.

d. fix the problems. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 7 Marks: 1 The primary action during a configuration review is to:Choose one answer.

a. develop a breakdown of the project to the necessary level of definition. incorrect

b. meet with all the project stakeholders to agree to the current project definition. c. change the specifications last obtained by a process change control to match what people think it should be. d. identify the specifications of the components of the breakdown and of the total project.

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1

Question 8Marks: 1 Which step in project management requires project managers to consider the types of records and reports they and their clients will require at the completion of the project?Choose one answer.

a. reporting

b. project closeout

c. completion phase

d. planning incorrect

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 9 Marks: 1 A young professor becomes obsessed with the latest release of Halo and completely loses sight of his research commitment to his colleagues, falling hopelessly behind schedule and consuming 80% of the department's computing budget. Addictive behavior notwithstanding, this sad tale would never have happened had:Choose one answer.

a. trend monitoring been regularly performed.

b. configuration controls been established.

c. document control been conducted assiduously.

d. design controls been appropriately deployed. incorrect

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 10 Marks: 1 The stage of configuration management where the breakdown of the project to the necessary level of definition is identified as:Choose one answer.

a. configuration review. incorrect

b. configuration control.

c. configuration identification.

d. status accounting. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 11 Marks: 1 The cat-skinning project management team considers the many ways to accomplish their objective before settling on one technique as part of their:Choose one answer.

a. need statement step.

b. alternative analysis step.

c. information gathering step.

d. project objectives step. incorrect

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 12 Marks: 1 The BOT option for large projects is designed to:Choose one answer.

a. automate the payment process.

b. limit risk for the customer in the short run. correct

c. automate the closeout process.

d. keep the door open for new projects between the customer and project organization.

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 13 Marks: 1 Use the data to calculate the earned value for the project. All amounts are in thousands of dollars. 

Duration (weeks)

5 10 15 20 25 % Comp

Conceptual Design 10 6 100%

Graphics Design 12 6 4 75%

Copyright 4 5 6 5%

Samples 4 2 25%

Tooling 6 9 4 10%

Production 2 6 14 10%

Total 10 18 22 26 24

Cumulative 10 28 50 76 100

Choose one answer.

a. $38,500 correct

b. $43,250

c. $54,750

d. $100,000 CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 14 Marks: 1 An S-curve report does NOT contain information on:Choose one answer.

a. cost.

b. time.

c. quality. correct

d. budget. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 15 Marks: 1 It is possible to measure:Choose one answer.

a. both positive and negative deviations from the budget with the tracking Gantt chart. b. only negative deviations from the schedule baseline with a tracking Gantt chart. c. only positive deviations from the schedule baseline with a tracking Gantt chart. d. both positive and negative deviations from the schedule baseline with the tracking Gantt chart.


IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 16 Marks: 1 Budget and schedule information for each activity in a project is contained in the:Choose one answer.

a. work breakdown structure.

b. management plan. incorrect

c. project goal criteria.

d. scope baseline. Incorrect

Marks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 17 Marks: 1 In the case of projects developed for external clients, work authorization typically addresses:Choose one answer.

a. contractual obligations.

b. resource requirements. incorrect

c. budget linkage.

d. audit trail establishment. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 18 Marks: 1 Once the project was successfully concluded, the team members returned to their roles in the organization, occasionally congregating at the water cooler to relive their halcyon days of yore. No one could argue that their project was:Choose one answer.

a. terminated by extinction incorrect

b. terminated by integration.

c. terminated by starvation.

d. terminated by addition. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 19 Marks: 1 Systems for monitoring the project's scope, schedule, and costs during the design stage fall under the heading of:Choose one answer.

a. design control. correct

b. specification control.

c. acquisition control.

d. configuration control Correct

Marks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 20 Marks: 1 If significant deviations from the project plan are detected, corrective action is taken and then:Choose one answer.

a. project goals are adjusted to reflect current reality.

b. the project stakeholders are informed of the budget or time difficulties. incorrect

c. the critical chain is reviewed for task dependency.

d. the monitoring and control cycle begins anew. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 21 Marks: 1 The statement of work should contain:Choose one answer.

a. expected project outcomes.

b. a brief and general description of the work to be performed.

c. All of these are elements of a statement of work. correct

d. information on the key objectives for the project. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 22 Marks: 1 Which of these statements about subdeliverables is best?Choose one answer.

a. Subdeliverables have direct assignable costs.

b. Subdeliverables have durations of their own. incorrect

c. Subdeliverables consume resources.

d. Subdeliverables summarize the outcomes of work packages. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 23 Marks: 1 Which type of project termination can occur for a project that is successful and for a project that is unsuccessful?Choose one answer.

a. termination by extinction correct

b. termination by addition

c. termination by integration

d. termination by starvation CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 24 Marks: 1 The status accounting step of configuration management functions primarily as:Choose one answer.

a. memory.

b. binding arbitration.

c. cost control. incorrect

d. a hierarchy. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 25 Marks: 1 In non-binding arbitration:Choose one answer.

a. the judge can offer suggestions for dispute resolution but cannot enforce these opinions.


b. the client and project organizations both agree to perform exactly what the judge decrees.

c. the client and project organizations are not bound by the rules of law.

d. the two parties agree to open up, or unbind, their books for inspection by the other party.


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 26 Marks: 1 In order to allocate costs more precisely, a company will assign:Choose one answer.

a. WBS codes to each activity. correct

b. level 4 codes to each package element.

c. activity codes to each subdeliverable.

d. bar codes to each activity. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 27 Marks: 1 All projects are promised in terms of the specific functionality or performance criteria they will meet. The key feature of the contractual documentation that specifies this functionality or criteria is the:Choose one answer.

a. valid consideration.

b. contracted terms.

c. contractual performance.

d. contractual requirements. correct

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 28 Marks: 1 Use the S-curve where the solid line is actual cost and the dashed line is budgeted cost to choose the best statement.

 Choose one answer.

a. With regards to budget, the project starts well but finishes badly. incorrect

b. The project is in a constant state of positive variance.

c. The project never experiences negative variance.

d. With regards to budget, the project starts badly but finishes well IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 29 Marks: 1 Use the data to calculate the schedule performance index for the project for the end of week 20. All amounts are in thousands of dollars. 

Duration (weeks)

5 10 15 20 25 % Comp

Conceptual Design 10 6 100%

Graphics Design 12 6 4 100%

Copyright 4 5 6 60%

Samples 4 2 100%

Tooling 6 9 4 50%

Production 2 6 14 20%

Total 10 18 22 26 24

Cumulative 10 28 50 76 100

Choose one answer.

a. 0.88

b. 1.14 incorrect

c. 0.94

d. 0.81 IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 30 Marks: 1 The project's scope fixed at a specific point in time is the:Choose one answer.

a. scope.

b. baseline. correct

c. historical standard.

d. design. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 31 Marks: 1 A testing plan would be outlined in which section of a statement of work?Choose one answer.

a. approach

b. acceptance criteria

c. risks and concerns

d. description and scope incorrect

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 32 Marks: 1 Milestones are generally considered to be:Choose one answer.

a. the end of the project for all team members except the project manager.

b. key project review gates. correct

c. demotivators for the project team.

d. points where two or more activities merge. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 33 Marks: 1 Earned value is:Choose one answer.

a. the total budget for the project.

b. the real budgeted value of the work that has actually been performed to date.


c. a cost estimate of the budgeted resources across the project's life cycle.

d. the cumulative total costs incurred in accomplishing the various project work packages.

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 34 Marks: 1 Use the data to calculate the schedule performance index for the project for the end of week 10. All amounts are in thousands of dollars. 

Duration (weeks)

5 10 15 20 25 % Comp

Conceptual Design 10 6 100%

Graphics Design 12 6 4 30%

Copyright 4 5 6 0%

Samples 4 2 0%

Tooling 6 9 4 0%

Production 2 6 14 0%

Total 10 18 22 26 24

Cumulative 10 28 50 76 100

Choose one answer.

a. 0.81

b. 1.24

c. 0.76 incorrect

d. 0.93 IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 35 Marks: 1 Earned value management jointly considers the impact of:Choose one answer.

a. planned cost, planned performance, and time.

b. project performance, planned performance, and cost.

c. performance, cost, and time. correct

d. time, cost, and planned cost. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 36 Marks: 1 The lowest level in work breakdown structure contains the:Choose one answer.

a. activities.

b. finite elements.

c. atoms.

d. work packages. correct

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 37 Marks: 1 Earned value management at the portfolio level requires:Choose one answer.

a. only positive variances for both budget and schedule. incorrect

b. only negative variances for both budget and schedule.

c. aggregation of all earned value measures across the firm's entire project portfolio.

d. a single project manager with a single metric system. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 38 Marks: 1 Organizational breakdown structure (OBS) allows companies to:Choose one answer.

a. define the work to be accomplished. correct

b. circumvent the onerous task of work breakdown structure.

c. assign the duties of tracking costs to the customer's accounting function.

d. issue a preliminary TPS report. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 39 Marks: 1 All pieces of a project must be developed and assembled to produce the final product functionality. Designing, making, and assembling these components is the role of:Choose one answer.

a. configuration management. correct

b. baseline scope control.

c. baseline configuration.

d. systematic management. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 40 Marks: 1 In the build-up stage of a successful project, it is important that:Choose one answer.

a. the project personnel are in a state of flux.

b. top management support exists.

c. there is a clear sense of earned value management.

d. an adequate budget exists. incorrect

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 41 Marks: 1 In earned value management analysis, the cumulative amount of the budget becomes the:Choose one answer.

a. scheduled value.

b. cost basis. incorrect

c. cost driver.

d. planned value. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 42 Marks: 1 Termination by addition occurs when:Choose one answer.

a. a new project is added to the organization and it commands all of the resources for the original project. b. new members join the project team once the project has begun and their skills are insufficient to successfully complete the project. c. scope creep adds too many activities to the project that prevent it from being completed on time or within budget.

d. the project is so successful that it becomes institutionalized. correct

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 43 Marks: 1 A successful project that also creates a need for a change to organizational structure is probably terminated by:Choose one answer.

a. starvation.

b. extinction.

c. addition. correct

d. integration. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 44 Marks: 1 The PMBoK definition stating, "a process that sets a project's scope by breaking down its overall mission into a cohesive set of synchronous, increasingly specific tasks," is for the:Choose one answer.

a. scope expansion.

b. work breakdown structure. correct

c. project plan.

d. deliverable statement. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 45 Marks: 1 A project management firm that promises to do everything for a major project and hand over a fully functional, ready-to-use deliverable is performing under a :Choose one answer.

a. turnkey contract. correct

b. umbrella contract.

c. all-inclusive contract.

d. cost-plus contract. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 46 Marks: 1 Project Terrace has an actual cost of $3,000, but their earned value (all dollar amounts are in hundreds) table appears below. What is their cost variance?

Duration in days

Activity 3 6 9 12 15% Comp

Landscape design

2 3 1 100

Retaining wall 5 3 100

Dirt work 4 2 60

Move utilities 6 3 10

Sprinkler system

4 3 50

Planting 12 20

Plan 2 8 14 9 15

Cumulative 2 10 24 33 48

Choose one answer.

a. -$250

b. $250

c. 1.08 incorrect

d. 0.92 IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 47 Marks: 1 Earned value management is also known as:Choose one answer.

a. the golden triangle method (GTM).

b. the achieved value method (AVM).

c. earned value analysis (EVA). incorrect

d. the program evaluation and review method (PERM). IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 48 Marks: 1 An example of an external intellectual issue is:Choose one answer.

a. the control of charges to the project.

b. the identification of outstanding commitments.

c. the determinants of requirements for audit trail data. correct

d. the screening of partially completed tasks. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 49 Marks: 1 Which of these tools allows a project team to make future projections of project status based on its current state?Choose one answer.

a. S-curve

b. tracking Gantt chart

c. earned value management incorrect

d. milestone chart Incorrect

Marks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 50 Marks: 1 An ex-gratia claim made when a project is closed down is made when:Choose one answer.

a. there is no contractual basis for a claim.

b. a third party causes either the client or project company to fail to perform to the terms of the contract.

c. the project company fails to perform to the terms of the contract. incorrect

d. the client company fails to perform to the terms of the contract. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 51 Marks: 1 Restrictions that affect project development are:Choose one answer.

a. stop-limits.

b. limitations.

c. constraints. correct

d. problems. CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 52 Marks: 1 The mountaineers all agreed that their quest to build a bridge between the two peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro was a noble one, but they had no idea how long it would take to complete until they finished their:Choose one answer.

a. project goal criteria.

b. scope baseline.

c. work breakdown structure.

d. management plan. incorrect

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 53 Marks: 1 The project baseline is established by combining data from the:Choose one answer.

a. work breakdown structure and the project budget.

b. S-curve and the project budget.

c. time-phased project budget and the PERT chart.

d. time-phased project budget and the work breakdown structure. correct

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 54 Marks: 1 Scope management for a project begins with:Choose one answer.

a. an organization breakdown structure.

b. a work package.

c. a configuration statement. incorrect

d. a statement of goals. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 55 Marks: 1 A static factor that may lead to early termination for a project is:Choose one answer.

a. loss of the project champion.

b. intermittent rewards.

c. less capital availability.

d. high sunk costs. correct


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 56 Marks: 1 What are work breakdown structure elements that must be completed to conclude the project deliverables?Choose one answer.

a. milestones incorrect

b. tasks

c. activities

d. work packages IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 57 Marks: 1 Measurement mechanisms should include a clear definition of:Choose one answer.

a. what to measure.

b. the reporting relationships among members of the project team. incorrect

c. the project baseline.

d. trigger points. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 58 Marks: 1 Which of these concerns does NOT belong in the assessment of team performance in a project final report?Choose one answer.

a. Were the stakeholder's concerns addressed? correct

b. How were our project team members trained for their duties?

c. Does the project manager have the ability to evaluate worker performance?

d. Were the best people in the organization selected to work on this project?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 59 Marks: 1 Project closeout documentation that can be used to predict trends, analyze feasibility, and highlight problem areas for similar future projects is:Choose one answer.

a. financial closeout.

b. post-mortem.

c. historical records.

d. post project analysis. incorrect

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question 60 Marks: 1 The costs attached to subdeliverables:Choose one answer.

a. are called phantom costs.

b. are the summary of the work packages that support it.

c. should be subtracted directly from deliverable costs. incorrect

d. are not recoverable unless explicitly stated in the work breakdown structure.

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Take Quiz 4

Question 1 Marks: 1 Once most of the design work is complete, at a point when the scope and capabilities of the project are quite well understood, a __________ may be developed.Choose one answer.

a. a non-parametric estimate

b. a parametric estimate

c. definitive estimate correct

d. comparative estimate Correct

Question 2 Marks: 1 Restrictions that affect project development are:Choose one answer.

a. constraints. correct

b. limitations.

c. stop-limits.

d. problems. Correct

Question 3 Marks: 1 The Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide definition of a project indicates that a project is:Choose one answer.

a. multifunctional.

b. limited by a budget.

c. designed to consume human resources.

d. temporary. correct

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 4 Marks: 1 The PMO is used to maintain and provide a cadre of skilled and trained project professionals as needed under the:Choose one answer.

a. cadre model.

b. control tower model.

c. resource pool model. correct

d. weather station model. Correct

Question 5 Marks: 1 Economic conditions are a part of an organization's:Choose one answer.

a. stakeholders.

b. external environment.

c. organizational hierarchy.

d. organizational structure. incorrect


Question 6 Marks: 1 Use the data to calculate the schedule performance index for the project for the end of week 10. All amounts are in thousands of dollars. 

Duration (weeks)

5 10 15 20 25 % Comp

Conceptual Design 10 6 100%

Graphics Design 12 6 4 30%

Copyright 4 5 6 0%

Samples 4 2 0%

Tooling 6 9 4 0%

Production 2 6 14 0%

Total 10 18 22 26 24

Cumulative 10 28 50 76 100

Choose one answer.

a. 0.93

b. 0.76 incorrect

c. 0.81

d. 1.24 Incorrect

Question 7 Marks: 1 Which of the following is NOT contained in a typical time-phased budget?Choose one answer.

a. cumulative time for each expense correct

b. cumulative expenses for each time unit

c. total expenses for each time unit

d. total expenses for each activity Correct

Question 8 Marks: 1 The project maturity model developed by the Center for Business Practices would have __________ rings if a spider web diagram were used.Choose one answer.

a. five correct

b. four

c. three

d. six Correct

Question 9 Marks: 1

Which of the following is a non-traditional role of a project champion?Choose one answer.

a. cheerleader correct

b. control

c. administrative

d. leadership Correct

Question 10 Marks: 1 Use the failure probability and consequence scores shown in the table to determine the overall risk factor for the project. Based on your analysis, the overall project has a: 

Maturity 0.3 Cost 0.6

Complexity 0.5 Schedule 0.4

Dependency 0.5 Reliability 0.5

Performance 0.6

Choose one answer.

a. low risk.

b. unacceptable risk.

c. high risk.

d. medium risk. incorrect


Question 11 Marks: 1 Research indicates that the number one reason for terminating research and development projects is:Choose one answer.

a. the low probability of achieving technical or commercial success. correct

b. the project costs more to complete than originally planned.

c. that the project is found to be inconsistent with organizational goals.

d. increased government restrictions. Correct

Question 12 Marks: 1 A project management firm that promises to do everything for a major project and hand over a fully functional, ready-to-use deliverable is performing under a :Choose one answer.

a. cost-plus contract.

b. umbrella contract.

c. all-inclusive contract.

d. turnkey contract. correct


Question 13 Marks: 1 The classic project S-curve is a plot of:Choose one answer.

a. elapsed time versus labor hours.

b. labor hours versus money expended.

c. number of personnel versus days behind schedule.

d. money expended versus elapsed time. incorrect


Question 14 Marks: 1 The first step in Block's framework of the political process as applied to stakeholder management is to:Choose one answer.

a. assess your own capabilities.

b. identify the goals of the principle actors.

c. define the problem. incorrect

d. assess the environment. Incorrect

Question 15 Marks: 1 Which of the following is accomplished through project management?Choose one answer.

a. A cellular phone company activates a new customer's service.

b. A retailer restocks the shelves after a day of brisk sales.

c. A software developer creates a new crash-proof operating system. correct

d. An automotive manufacturer produces a day's quota of vehicles. Correct

Question 16 Marks: 1 A budget containing disaggregated figures across the schedule when work is planned is a:Choose one answer.

a. temporal budget.

b. chronic budget.

c. calendar budget.

d. time-phased budget. correct


Question 17 Marks: 1 The operations team had a weekly gripe session during the two hours before their 7:30 p.m. appointments on Wednesday evenings during which everyone gleefully unloaded on the powers that controlled their miserable lives. This session was valuable since it:Choose one answer.

a. established a sense of security and consistency.

b. allowed them to feel like real men, if only for a little while.

c. created a clear process for addressing conflict and group norms. correct

d. rewarded good behavior. Correct

Question 18 Marks: 1 Which of the following is NOT an element of strategic management?Choose one answer.

a. evaluating cross-functional decisions

b. formulating cross-functional decisions

c. implementing cross-functional decisions

d. eliminating cross-functional decisions correct


Question 19 Marks: 1 Which of these is NOT characteristic of a project?Choose one answer.

a. Projects provide a philosophy and strategy for the management of change.

b. Projects are ad hoc endeavors with a clear life cycle.

c. Traditional process management functions of planning, organizing, and controlling do not apply to project management.


d. Projects are responsible for the newest and most improved products, services, and organizational processes.


Question 20 Marks: 1 Which statement about project closeout activities is best?Choose one answer.

a. Getting the project signed off discourages other closeout activities. correct

b. Closeout activities are impossible to ignore.

c. Closeout activities are usually given a high priority.

d. Because all projects are unique, the actual carryover from project to project is minimal.


Question 21 Marks: 1 Projects differ from classic organizational processes because projects are:Choose one answer.

a. discrete activities. correct

b. multi-objective.

c. well established systems in place to integrate efforts.

d. part of line organization. Correct

Question 22 Marks: 1 The best source of troubleshooting for problems is the:Choose one answer.

a. project champion.

b. project manager. incorrect

c. project customer.

d. project team. Incorrect

Question 23 Marks: 1 The mouse executive board meeting was drawing to a conclusion; the only way they would be able to detect the presence of the cat was to tie a bell around its tail. Under their risk management identification scheme, this would fall under:Choose one answer.

a. financial risk.

b. technical risk.

c. commercial risk. incorrect

d. execution risk. Incorrect

Question 24 Marks: 1 The first step in the Analytical Hierarchy Process:Choose one answer.

a. consists of constructing a hierarchy of criteria and subcriteria.

b. is analyzing the process you intend to improve before undertaking any improvement project.


c. requires supporting requirements to be combined into level II challenges.

d. requires Saatyfication of the team members. Incorrect

Question 25 Marks: 1 The second level in work breakdown structure contains the:Choose one answer.

a. subdeliverables. incorrect

b. work packages.

c. projects.

d. deliverables. Incorrect

Question 26 Marks: 1 The commitment of financial, human, and technical resources is highest during the:Choose one answer.

a. termination phase. incorrect

b. conceptualization phase.

c. execution phase.

d. planning phase. Incorrect

Question 27 Marks: 1 Michael wants to carry out his mentor's long range strategic vision of expanding the company's customer base by entering the casino business in Las Vegas. He issues a series of memos that explain the importance of these projects and makes sure that all necessary

resources are at the disposal of the project management team, which is fortunate to have such a :Choose one answer.

a. project manager. incorrect

b. creative originator at the helm.

c. entrepreneur.

d. godfather. Incorrect

Question 28 Marks: 1 In the case of projects developed for external clients, work authorization typically addresses:Choose one answer.

a. budget linkage.

b. resource requirements.

c. audit trail establishment.

d. contractual obligations. correct


Question 29 Marks: 1 The dimension of project success that is measured by both an internal and external criterion is:Choose one answer.

a. business success.

b. efficiency.

c. future potential. incorrect

d. impact on the customer. Incorrect

Question 30 Marks: 1 A typical risk management report form does NOT answer the question:

Choose one answer.

a. Who? incorrect

b. Why?

c. Where?

d. What? Incorrect

Question 31 Marks: 1 A commercial factor in project selection and screening might be:Choose one answer.

a. the likelihood that users of the project are injured.

b. the impact on the company's image.

c. a need to develop employees. incorrect

d. the long-term market dominance. Incorrect

Question 32 Marks: 1 Take the factors considered by earned value analysis and subtract those considered by project S-curves. The factor(s) you have remaining are:Choose one answer.

a. performance.

b. performance and cost. incorrect

c. time.

d. cost and schedule. Incorrect

Question 33 Marks: 1 A lessons-learned analysis falls under the project closeout management element of:Choose one answer.

a. finishing the work.

b. reviewing how it all went.

c. handing over the product.

d. putting it all to bed. incorrect


Question 34 Marks: 1 In order to facilitate acceptance for the project, the project team should start planning for the project's transfer and use during:Choose one answer.

a. the project development phase.

b. the project termination phase.

c. the project work phase.

d. the project close-out phase. incorrect


Question 35 Marks: 1 Which statement about the use of learning curves is best?Choose one answer.

a. Learning curve effects stay constant across projects. incorrect

b. It may be more likely to see learning curve effects in construction than in research and development. c. A job that is substantially re-engineered will have no disruption of its learning curve. d. Every worker performing an identical task will exhibit the same learning effect.


Question 36

Marks: 1 Which of these lists of duties is more reflective of managerial tasks?Choose one answer.

a. creating vision and strategies incorrect

b. communication by word and deed

c. problem-solving

d. long-term risk-taking Incorrect

Question 37 Marks: 1 The difference between projects that fail and those that are ultimately successful has to do with:Choose one answer.

a. whether the project is for an internal or external customer.

b. the fact that a successful project doesn't encounter problems.

c. whether the problem is time- or budget-related.

d. the plans that have been made to deal with problems as they arise. correct


Question 38 Marks: 1 Individual activities and their durations are developed during the __________ phase of the project life cycle.Choose one answer.

a. execution

b. termination

c. planning correct

d. conceptualization Correct

Question 39 Marks: 1

The salty project manager instinctively knew that this was to be no easy task. As she surveyed the project objectives and the resources she had at her disposal she did some quick mental arithmetic and parsed the next two years into pieces that were easier to manage and easier to explain to the team that sat in stunned silence all around her. The only way that this project would get off the ground and ultimately be delivered was thanks to her ability to:Choose one answer.

a. chunk time.

b. time warp.

c. create future vision. incorrect

d. recapture the past. Incorrect

Question 40 Marks: 1 Project closeout documentation that can be used to predict trends, analyze feasibility, and highlight problem areas for similar future projects is:Choose one answer.

a. historical records. correct

b. post-mortem.

c. financial closeout.

d. post project analysis. Correct

Question 41 Marks: 1 What is the total amount budgeted for March in this time-phased budget?

Activity January February March April

Survey 5,000

Design 3,000 3,000

Dirt 4,000

Foundation 10,000

Framing 35,000

Plumb 6,000

Wire 5,500

Choose one answer.

a. $66,000

b. $6,000

c. $41,000 correct

d. $35,000 Correct

Question 42 Marks: 1 The project baseline is established by combining data from the:Choose one answer.

a. time-phased project budget and the work breakdown structure.

b. time-phased project budget and the PERT chart.

c. work breakdown structure and the project budget.

d. S-curve and the project budget. incorrect

IncorrectQuestion 43 Marks: 1 The weak matrix is sometimes called the:Choose one answer.

a. departmental matrix.

b. functional matrix.

c. red pill matrix.

d. project matrix. incorrect


Question 44 Marks: 1 A wedding planner allows $10,000 for flowers and three weeks to receive all RSVPs back from the list of 700 guests. Both estimates are correct within a fraction of a percent. We could describe this factoid as:Choose one answer.

a. non-numeric and objective.

b. non-numeric and subjective.

c. numeric and objective. incorrect

d. numeric and subjective. Incorrect

Question 45 Marks: 1 Which of these is NOT an element of emotional intelligence?Choose one answer.

a. motivation

b. empathy incorrect

c. self-awareness

d. intelligence Incorrect

Question 46 Marks: 1 The trigger point of the punctuated equilibrium model occurs:Choose one answer.

a. halfway between the first meeting and the deadline. correct

b. during the second meeting.

c. when the project is 20% complete.

d. when the project is 80% complete. Correct

Question 47 Marks: 1 Which statement regarding project selection is best?Choose one answer.

a. Decision models must contain either objective or subjective factors.

b. Before selecting any project, the team should identify all the relevant issues that play a role in project selection.


c. Organizational reality can be perfectly captured by most decision-making models.

d. Every decision model has both objective and subjective factors. Incorrect

Question 48 Marks: 1 A key determinant of project success is a:Choose one answer.

a. clear project mission. correct

b. rapidly assembled team.

c. project leader voted on by the team.

d. slowly assembled team. Correct

Question 49 Marks: 1 One practical step that should be taken in order for an organization to begin developing a core of project management professionals is to:Choose one answer.

a. formalize the organization's commitment with training programs. correct

b. hire professional project managers.

c. review instances where projects were poorly managed.

d. fire the unprofessional project managers. Correct

Question 50 Marks: 1 Which statement regarding project selection and screening criteria is best?Choose one answer.

a. It is possible, given enough time and effort, to identify all relevant issues that play a role in project selection.


b. For many projects, more than 80% of the decision criteria are vital.

c. Decision models are either objective or subjective.

d. The most complete model in the world is still only a partial reflection of organization reality.


Question 51 Marks: 1 If viewed from a flow standpoint, the stage of configuration management that has provision for variable routing to the next step, depending on outcome at this stage, is:Choose one answer.

a. configuration identification. incorrect

b. configuration control.

c. status accounting.

d. configuration review. Incorrect

Question 52 Marks: 1 Net present value is being used to break the tie among four otherwise equal projects. If the interest rate is 4%, which of these anticipated four-year flows would yield the greatest net present value?Choose one answer.

a. $10,000 in year 1; $11,000 in year 2; $12,000 in year 3; and $13,000 in year 4 b. $10,000 in year 1; $10,000 in year 2; $13,000 in year 3; and $13,000 in year 4 c. $13,000 in year 1; $12,000 in year 2; $11,000 in year 3; and $10,000 in year 4


d. $11,000 in year 1; $11,000 in year 2; $12,000 in year 3; and $12,000 in year 4


Question 53 Marks: 1 The degree of risk associated with the project is typically at its highest during the:Choose one answer.

a. conceptualization phase.

b. planning phase.

c. termination phase. incorrect

d. execution phase. Incorrect

Question 54 Marks: 1 A strategic element consisting of statements such as "a 5% increase in freshman to sophomore retention" and "a 10% increase in the six-year graduation rate" is best described as a:Choose one answer.

a. goal. correct

b. program.

c. mission.

d. strategy. Correct

Question 55 Marks: 1 The most common organization used in business today is probably the:Choose one answer.

a. matrix organization.

b. project organization. incorrect

c. dis organization.

d. functional organization. Incorrect

Question 56 Marks: 1 One study has estimated that the average manager spends:Choose one answer.

a. about 20% of her time dealing with conflict.

b. about 10% of her time dealing with conflict.

c. about 80% of her time dealing with conflict.

d. about 40% of her time dealing with conflict. incorrect


Question 57

Marks: 1 Keith Monroe nails hundreds of pieces of culled lumber in the blazing July sun to form a parquet deck for his barn roof. He and his assistant are clearly in:Choose one answer.

a. the termination stage of the project life cycle.

b. way over their heads.

c. the execution stage of the project life cycle. correct

d. the planning stage of the project life cycle. Correct

Question 58 Marks: 1 The probability that funds allocated to the project will be insufficient to complete it is:Choose one answer.

a. financing risk. incorrect

b. operating risk.

c. cost estimate risk.

d. technical risk. Incorrect

Question 59 Marks: 1 The Larson and Gobeli study that compared projects that had been managed in a variety of structural types revealed that new product development projects tended to be most effectively executed when the organizational structure was a:Choose one answer.

a. project organization. correct

b. project matrix.

c. balanced matrix.

d. functional matrix. Correct

Question 60 Marks: 1

Which statement about the Analytical Hierarchy Process is false?Choose one answer.

a. AHP can improve the process of developing project proposals.

b. AHP can be used to capture choice options that do not yield positive outcomes.


c. AHP groups subcriteria that share the weight of a common higher-level criterion.

d. AHP scores are significant. Correct

Answer D is the correct response. The project cost and project schedule for work can be reliably estimated at the work package, or lowest, level of the WBS. The work package level is the lowest level of the WBS. IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.