Describe the cooking methods and name one …...Describe the cooking methods and name one suitable...

Post on 14-Mar-2020

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Describe the cooking methods and name one suitable food for each method.


Shallow frying

Deep frying

Stir frying







Complete the following table by filling in the gaps.



1 Al Dente -

2 Dishes prepared to order and priced individually

3 Egg Wash -

4 Garnish -

5 Flamed or lit

6 Gateau -

7 En croute -

8 Croutons -

9 A richly flavoured liquid used to flavour and tenderise meat

10 Basic preparation time

11 Roux -

12 Saute -

13 A pastry

14 List of dishes available

15 Puree -

16 Vol au vont -

17 A meal at a set price, set menu

18 La brochette -

19 Sprinkled with cheese and/or breadcrumbs and browned

20 Bain-marie -

There are many different reasons why we eat the food we do. Complete the spider diagram below on possible reasons why we eat different foods.

Explain the reasons for food choice in more depth by completing the following table;

Reason Why

Cost Food costs are rising. Some people can not afford expensive foods. Supermarkets own brands tend to be cheaper so many people may eat and buy them.

What are multi cultural foods?

Why are multicultural foods becoming more popular?

Other cultures have many differences to traditional English foods. The following factors need

thinking about when discussing multicultural foods:

Seasoning - In traditional English cooking we tend to use salt, pepper, stocks and gravy’s to

flavour food. In other cultures they use herbs and spices more. Write I list of all the herbs and

spices you can think of.

Herbs Spices

Seasonal and Local – due to weaker transporting links than we have and traditional reasons some other cultures use only local and seasonal food as it is cheap and available. Religion – Many religions have strong views on foods which can be consumer and how animals should be killed. Complete the following chart on how religion effects food consumption; Religion What are their beliefs on food

List the needs of each client group below.



Young professionals




Health conscious



Pregnant women

Manual workers


Food allergies


Make a list of some foods you would give to someone with type 2 diabetes

What ingredients go into a stock? What is a stock used for? What is a roux? What other kinds of sauces are there? How do we make a puree soup? Why do we eat starters? What ingredients are in short crust pastry? How do we successfully rub in? What is baking blind? What is made with choux pastry? What are the 4 methods of making cakes? What are examples of cakes made with each method? Give some examples of hot puddings. Give some examples of cold desserts.

What makes bread rise? How does bread rise? Give some examples of bread based products. Name 3 types of tea. Name 3 types of coffee. Name 5 types of fresh fruit juice. Name 5 take away chains. Name 10 take away foods suitable for a lunchtime. Name 5 different breakfasts you could serve on a breakfast menu in a restaurant. What are cook chilled foods? What are convenience foods?

What is HACCP?

HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point.

HACCP is a system to identify specific hazards and risks associated with

food production and to describe ways to eliminate or reduce problems

HACCP identifies control points and critical control points in the making

of a food product and works out ways to eliminate or reduce the problems

HACCP helps lay down the foundations for safe food products since it

sets up a quality assurance programme.

Many food companies use the HACCP system to help with safe food production.

All stages of the food process are assessed from the raw materials, through

the making process to the distribution and sale of the product.

Food Safety is a major consideration for any food manufacturer. Selling food

which is not safe to eat costs money and damages business.

What is a hazard?

In food products, a hazard is anything that can harm a customer. A hazard may


Biological: such as salmonella in chicken

Chemical: such as cleaning chemicals in food

Physical: such as glass in food

What is a critical control point?

A control point is the step in the making process where hazards must be

controlled. This step has to be carried out correctly to make sure that the

hazard is removed or reduced to a safe level. The hazard may be chemical,

physical or biological. Some hazards are high risk and the control points for

these hazards are called critical control points as it is critical (essential) that

the hazard is removed or reduced.


Several laws cover the regulations for the preparation, storage and sale of food.

The main ones are outlined below. Select at least one to write about for your


The Food Safety Act 1990

The food safety act aims to ensure that food for sale is safe to eat and is not

presented to the customer in a misleading way. The Act is very detailed but the

main aims are:

All food produced or prepared is safe to eat

Prevent the sale of food which may cause food poisoning

Prevent the sale of food which is contaminated

To make sure food matches the claims manufacturers make about them

The Act is enforced by trading standards officers and environmental health

officers who can enter premises and inspect food to investigate possible


Food safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995

These regulations give specific instructions about food hygiene standards in the

UK and the EU.

The main aims are to ensure high standards of hygiene in the food industry and

to ensure all products are prepared, supplied or sold under hygienic conditions.

In addition, the regulation requires the food industry to assess risks involved in

each stage of production and to control these risks.

An example of this would be HACCP: Hazards are identified and safety rules are

made for each critical control point.

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Employers are responsible for the health and safety of their employees and if

they don’t meet the criteria of this act then they can be criminally prosecuted.

The Health and safety at Work Act is the single most important act governing

health and safety in this country. It applies to all work and to all places of work.

It states that all employers must ensure the health and safety of people at

work. It further rules that employers must protect other people who might be

affected by these work activities. Each company must:

Design procedures which will make work healthy and safe

Provide suitable, safe equipment

Locate and reduce hazards before accidents occur

It also states that every person working for the company is legally responsible

for working in a safe way that does not harm other workers or the general

public. Each employee must:

Follow procedures correctly so work is done safely

Use all equipment safely

Work in a way that keeps the number of hazards to a minimum


Do a HACCP for pizza by filling in the table below. What are the

hazards for each stage of the process and how would you control


Production Point Hazards Controls

Buying ingredients

Delivery of


Storing ingredients


Preparation of




1 Name 6 foods which are high in fat and sugar ₪ ……………………………….. ₪ ……………………………….. ₪ ……………………………….. ₪ ……………………………….. ₪ ……………………………….. ₪ ………………………………..

2. Why is it important to only eat small amounts of foods containing fat and sugar? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. Which are the better options to try and reduce the amount of fat and sugar in your diet?

The dangers of eating too much fat and


This is the smallest section on the eatwell

guide, which means food containing fat

and sugar should make up the smallest

part of your diet. It is ok to eat these

foods in small quantities and as a treat.

If you eat them too often you are

increasing the risk of:

Tooth decay

Obesity (being overweight)

High Blood Pressure

Heart Disease (CHD)



Task: Match up the foods in column 1 to the higher fibre alternatives in column 2

Column 1 Column 2

White bread Bran Flakes

Cornflakes Cereal bar

Orange squash Brown rice

Mashed potatoes Oaty biscuit

Chocolate bar Jacket Potatoes

White rice Fruit Smoothie

Rich tea biscuit Wholemeal bread

Fibre is found in all plant foods including ______, beans, c______ fruits and


We need fibre in our diets. It is really important because

It makes us feel ______

It helps with ___________ of food

Keeps your bowels healthy (helps prevent _______________)

Helps prevent _______ of the colon

We need _____ g of fibre every day

18-24 Vegetables Full Cancer Constipation

Digestion Peas Cereals

Fruit and Vegetables are excellent sources of fibre. Can you name 5 types of

fruit and 5 types of vegetables?

Fruit Vegetables

Discuss the importance of establishing good eating habits from an early age.

• Why are fats needed by the body?

• What is the difference between animal and vegetable fat?

• Why is saturated fat less healthy?

• Why do we need cholesterol?

• Where do we get it from?

• What happens if we have too much?