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  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 12 2

    Session 12

    Which? Who? How? and SoWhat?:

    Using the Quality AnalysisTool to Answer Your

    Institutional VerificationQuestions

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 12 3

    How can I use the

    Quality Analysis Tool?

    Which FAFSA fields change the mostafter initial application? Who is the mostlikely to make changes? How caninstitutional verification profiles beassessed? The session describes how toanswer these questions with the Quality

    Analysis Tool and improve yourverification procedures.

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 12 4

    Roadmap of Online

    Resourcesn SFA download


    The software Install guide and desk reference

    n QA Program website (

    Query Guidance

    Web cast videosActivity Guides

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 12 5

    The Question Catch 22

    n Parents and teachers know

    n Hamlet tragically found out

    n The dilemmaAction



    When dealing with othersWhy didnt you ask me?Why dont you just tell me what to do?

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 12 6

    Question Quotes

    n It is better to know some of the questions thanall of the answers. James Thurber


    The important thing is not to stop questioning.Albert Einstein

    n In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then tohang a question mark on the things you havelong taken for granted. Bertrand Russell

    n A young man is embarrassed to question anolder one. Homer

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 12 7

    The Quality Analysis Tool(a.k.a. ISIR Analysis Tool)

    n Formulate your own questions

    n Find answers in your ISIR data

    n Figure out how to improve your institutionalverification procedures

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 12 8


    Verificationn Every institution has their own institutional

    verification system


    Many non-QA Program schools verify applicantsin addition to those selected by the centralprocessing system (CPS)

    n Only institutions formally participating in the QAProgram are exempt from following the

    prescribed CPS editsn Every school can analyze what they are doing

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 12 9

    How do you start?

    n Do you want to improve your institutionalverification process?

    n Retain or locate initial and paid on ISIRinformation

    SARA files

    EDExpressMainframe systems that can write SARA


  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1210

    Prerequisite Steps

    n Download and install software

    n Import initial and paid on data

    n Write queries that mirror your institutionsverification profiles - Query Guidanceonline

    n Remember where your data came from

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1211


    n Select cases if a given logical condition ismet

    n Same query engine as used in EDExpress

    n QA Tool Demonstration

    CPS Selected for Verification

    Parents AGI less than twice the sum ofparents worksheets A and B

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1212

    EstablishingInstitutionalVerification Profiles

    n Tools | Setup | Verification Edit Profile

    n Process | Verification Selection | Set InitialSchool Verification Flag

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1213

    Analysis Options

    n Which ISIR fields change?

    n Who makes changes?

    n How do you assess verification profiles?

    n And more!

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1214

    Analysis Guidance on

    qaprogram.air.orgn Activity Guide #1 ISIR field change

    n Activity Guide #2 which applicants

    n Activity Guide #3 assessing profiles

    n Web cast overview and introduction

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1215

    Which ISIR Fields

    Change?n Identify the most problematic ISIR data

    elements your verification process needs to

    addressn Help determine which information is most

    important to confirm with applicantsselected for verification

    n Identify areas that may benefit fromimproved education efforts

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1216

    Steps for ISIR Field

    Change Analysisn Plan Analysis

    Do you want to limit the number of ISIR fieldsexamined?

    Do you want to examine impact upon EFC or PellGrant eligibility?

    Do you want to analyze dependent and independentstudents separately?


    Separate verified and non-verified casesBuild new query using School Verification FlagUse as (or with other) selection criteria in all reports

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1217

    EFC-Focus: Field ChangeReport with CorrectedField Counts

    n Counts of records with a changes to specific ISIRFields

    n Counts of records with the specific changeexperiencing an EFC increase

    n Counts of records with the specific changeexperiencing an EFC decrease

    n Counts of records with the specific change notexperiencing an EFC change

    n Unduplicated corrected and non-corrected recordcounts

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1219

    Pell Focus: CorrectedRecords within an InitialEFC Range Report

    n Similar to Field Change Report, but focus is on thedeparture from specified EFC ranges

    n Contextual meaning of EFC decrease andincrease change from initial range

    n Use Initial Pell eligible as the initial EFC range toexamine which ISIR elements are most associatedwith the loss of Pell Grant eligibility

    n Use Initial Pell ineligible as the initial EFC range toexamine which ISIR elements are most associatedwith gaining Pell Grant eligibility

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1220

    What to Look for in theCorrected Records Report

    n Initial Pell eligible versionThe ISIR fields most associated with EFC

    increase (loss of eligibility)Over-award summary statistics

    n Initial Pell ineligible versionThe ISIR fields most associated with EFC

    decreases (gain of eligibility)

    Under-award summary statistics

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1221

    Questions to follow

    either report

    n How does your institution currently address the

    ISIR elements identified as being the most


    n Are you missing the same types of errors in your

    non-verified population?

    n Could education efforts reduce these errors?

    n Is there a way to reduce the number of non-

    corrected records selected for verification?*

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1222

    Who Makes Changes?

    n Identify ranges where changes to ISIRelements are most pronounced

    n Identify ranges where changes to ISIRinformation are most associated with EFCincreases

    n Identify ranges where changes to ISIR

    information are most associated with EFCdecreases

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1223

    Steps to take beforeWho Makes ChangesAnalysis

    n Plan AnalysisDo you want to examine impact upon EFC or Pell

    Grant eligibility?

    Do you want to analyze dependent and independentstudents separately?

    How do you want to define target population?

    n Define range(s)

    Select ISIR element(s)Tools | Custom Formats | Field Increments

    Minimum, Maximum, Increment

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1224

    EFC-Focus: Field RangeReport with CorrectedField Counts

    For target population:

    n Number of fieldscorrected

    n Number of recordsexperiencing an EFCincrease

    n Number of recordsexperiencing an EFC

    decreasen Number of records

    experiencing no EFCchange

    By Field Increment

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1225

    Pell-Focus: PellCorrected RecordsReport

    For initially Pell eligible amongtarget population:

    n Number of records corrected(Selected Fields)

    n Number of recordsexperiencing an EFC increase(decrease in Pell)

    n Number of recordsexperiencing an EFC decrease(increase in Pell)

    n Number of recordsexperiencing no change in Pell

    n Summary over and underaward information (limited toinitially Pell eligible)

    By Field Increment

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1226

    What to Look for in theField Range and Pell

    Corrected Recordsreports

    n Where were changes made?


    Where were changes most associated withEFC increase?

    n Where were changes most associated EFCdecrease?

    n Where were changes rare or have no effect

    on EFC?

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1227

    Questions to followeither Field Range orPell Change reports

    Most problematic ranges

    n Does your institution explicitly target this

    range for verification?n If not specifically targeted do you verify the

    majority of this range anyway?

    n Activity #2 provides detailed instructions for

    computing the percentage of a problematicrange your institution currently verifies

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1228

    Questions to followeither Field Range orPell Change reports

    Least problematic ranges

    n Would it be prudent to exclude (if

    permissible) these ranges fromverification?

    n Activity #2 provides detailed instruction forevaluating the implication of excluding lessproblematic ranges

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1229

    How Can Verification

    Profiles Be Assessed?n Assess the ability of specific institutional

    profiles to capture substantial changes to

    eligibility for need-based aidn Assess the tendency of specific institutional

    profiles to select applicants with little of noimpact upon eligibility for need-based aid

    n Determine which profiles to fine tune ordrop (if permissible)

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1230

    Steps to take before

    Assessing Profilesn Plan Analysis

    Do you want to examine impact upon EFC?

    What is a substantial change for you?

    n Define new Queries

    Verified and no change to EFC

    Verified and substantial change to EFC

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1231

    Three versions of

    List VerificationSelection Criteria byCode

    Selection Criteria1. Verified

    2. Verified and

    Substantial Change

    3. Verified and No


    Numbers generated1. Total

    2. Substantial Change

    3. No Change

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1232

    Calculate Substantialand No ChangePercentages

    For each profile

    n Substantial / Total * 100

    (79/202 * 100) = 39 percent

    n No Change / Total * 100

    (115/202 *100) = 57 percent

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1233

    Relate Percentages to

    Practicen Be reluctant to alter profiles selecting a

    high percentage of substantial changes


    Be eager (if permissible) to narrow thefocus of profiles selecting a highpercentage of no changes

    n Follow up analysis

    Which ISIR fields changes?Who makes changes?

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1234

    Tool Enhancements

    for 2003-04n Name change from Quality Analysis Tool to

    ISIR Analysis Tool.

    n Incorporate the use of the VerificationTracking Flag into reports and queryfunction.


    Allow prior year setup and user definedqueries to be carried forward from 02-3.

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1235

    Tool Enhancements

    Continuedn Include summary data on verification

    reports that provides detail on the

    verification tracking flags applied to therecords in the database.

    n Names of existing reports have beenchanged to make them intuitive to the user.

    n Sampling? TBD.n New release date May 2003.

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1236

    Related Sessions

    n Session #9 CPS Edits, VerificationSelection, and FSAs Quality Analysis Tool.

    n #40 Take the Quality Analysis Tool for aTest Drive. (Hands On Session)

    n Quality Assurance Focus Group for New

    QA Schools or New QA Coordinators atveteran QA SchoolsPC Lab.

  • 8/14/2019 description: tags: Session12


    Session 1237

    Thank You for Coming

    We appreciate your feedback andcomments. We can be reached:
