Design thinking and public health

Post on 07-May-2015

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My presentation at the 2011 National Health Communication, Ma


Designing for Change in Public Health Programs

R. Craig Lefebvre, PhDchief maven, socialShift


What We Have Are Puzzles

Consumer-Based Health Communications

CDC Health Communication

National Social Marketing Centre Customer Triangle

What’s Next?

An Approach to Innovation

Design Thinking

A way of looking at the world with an eye toward changing it – Warren Berger, Glimmer.

Design Process

The Glimmer Design Principles

1. Ask stupid questions - What is design? Who is Bruce Mau? And, by the way, does it have to be a light bulb?

2. Jump fences - How do designers connect, reinvent, and recombine? And what makes them think they can do all these things?

3. Make hope visible - The importance of picturing possibilities and drawing conclusions.

4. Go deep - How do we figure out what people need - before they know they need it?

5. Work the metaphor - Realize what a brand or business is really about - then bring it to life through designed experiences.

Glimmer Design Principles II

6. Design what you do - Can the way an organization behaves be designed?

7. Face consequences - Come to terms with the responsibility to design well. And recognizing what will happen if we don’t.

8. Embrace constraints - Design that does “more with less” is needed more than ever in today’s world.

9. Design for emergence - Apply the principles of transformation design to everyday life.

10. Begin anywhere - Small actions are more important than big plans.

How Designers Think and Act

1. QUESTION everything, believing there’s always a better way.

2. CARE about what people actually need.  

3. CONNECT ideas that seem unrelated, via “smart recombinations.”

4. COMMIT ideas to life through visualization and prototyping.


Design Thinking

Collaborative, especially with others having different and complimentary experience, to generate better work and form agreement

Abductive, inventing new options to find new and better solutions to new problems

Experimental, building prototypes and posing hypotheses, testing them, and iterating this activity to find what works and what doesn’t work to manage risk

Personal, considering the unique context of each problem and the people involved

Integrative, perceiving an entire system and its linkages

Interpretive, devising how to frame the problem and judge the possible solutions

Characteristics of Services

Complex experiences over time

Multiple touchpoints

Lack of ownership





Quality is difficult to measure

Service Design

“The design of the overall experience of a service as well as the design of the process and strategy to provide that service.”

- Stefan Moritz

Technical Assistance

The providing of advice, assistance, and training pertaining to the installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment.

Aid given by governments and other agencies to support the economic, social and political development of developing countries.

The provision of advice, assistance, and training to ensure the successful development and operation of programs.

State Early Childhood Training and Technical Assistance Network

The Design Brief

What would an insanely great TA delivery system look like?

What would it do?

What would it feel like?

How would the world be different for a grantee that received TA through this system? For the clients who entered that grantee’s treatment program? For the Federal agency that funded this system? And for the people who provided it?

you're going to like irrelevance even less.

If you don't like change