Post on 26-Jul-2015

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Nowadays most hotels feature an element of contemporary design. “Design hotels” have become a hotel segment. So, what makes our member hotels so special? Each offers far more than a designer chair in the lobby; every hotel in our collection provides a specific experience. Architecture, design, service, gastronomy and other special qualities such as the perfect location come together like interlocking pieces of a puzzle to form a consistent and coherent concept. Every single member provides an individual, aesthetic and service-driven hotel experience and reflects the vision of an independent hotelier - an "Original" with a passion for cultural authenticity and genuine hospitality that is rooted and enhanced by thought-provoking design and architecture. Each of our member hotels was “Made by Originals”!Member selection has remained an extraordinary process throughout the history of Design Hotels™. Whenever we choose a member, we always look for its distinguishing factor - the originality in its concept. A set list of selection criteria does not exist - deliberately! It is about scrutinizing key areas to find exactly the right members: holistic concepts, location, architecture, design, local integration, corporate ethics and - most importantly - the people behind the concept and their commitment towards their hotel. Naturally, the people behind every hotel and their guests play a very large role because they breathe life and a distinctive energy into the hotel. The architecture and interior design must create the right ambience for interaction. When like-minded people come together in the right environment, the result is a fascinating place to be.

Market segmentation

• Each hotelier is an ambassador of his country/city in a foreign country/city

• More than 200 hotels are refered on

• Every hotels are independent and unique

• « They consider authenticity to be a very real value in today’s world » Daniele KIHLGREN

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Customer engagement points for one of the member hotel

Customer engagement points for one of the member hotel

Digital IQ

Engagement for the 4 points in customer decisions journey