Desperation Desperate To Have Peace Introduction Welcome Pray Desperate: having an urgent need or...

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Desperate To Have Peace

Introduction• Welcome• Pray• Desperate: having an urgent need or desire;

leaving little or no hope• This webisode is about being desperate to

have peace

Phil. 4:7 ESV(7) And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Introduction (Cont)• Knowing that no matter what everything

will be okay

• Discussion Question

Discussion Question• Think of a time in your life when you

were desperate to have peace.

Testimony• I had worked at a nonprofit organization for 7

years, had 2 babies and felt God calling me to resign my job.

• At the time, Brian and I were volunteer youth pastors at our church and working full-time jobs.

Testimony (Cont)• At the time, Brian and I were volunteer youth

pastors at our church and working full-time jobs.

• A couple months later, the Lord called us into full-time ministry.

Testimony (Cont)• A couple months later, the Lord called us into

full-time ministry.

• He specifically told Brian to resign from his well-paid job.

Testimony (Cont)• He specifically told Brian to resign from his

well-paid job.

• After giving his 30 day notice to his employer, we approached our senior pastor about coming on staff full-time.

Testimony (Cont)• After giving his 30 day notice to his employer,

we approached our senior pastor about coming on staff full-time.

• “Sorry, we don’t have the funds to support you.”

Testimony (Cont)• “Sorry, we don’t have the funds to support


• What now?

Testimony (Cont)• What now?

• We obeyed God by resigning from our employment

Testimony (Cont)• We obeyed God by resigning from our


• We still had a bills to pay but no full-time ministry opportunity in sight

Testimony (Cont)• We still had a bills to pay but no full-time

ministry opportunity in sight

• I desperately needed peace that everything was going to be okay.

Testimony (Cont)• I desperately needed peace that everything

was going to be okay.

• Discussion Question

Discussion QuestionDiscuss in your group how you relate to Kelly’s story.

Biblical Example• We’re talking about inner peace today.

Knowing that everything is okay.

• God leading Israelites out of Egypt

Biblical Example (Cont)• God leading Israelites out of Egypt

• Pillar of smoke and fire

Biblical Example (Cont)• Pillar of smoke and fire

• God promised to provide all their needs

Biblical Example (Cont)• God promised to provide all their needs

• He did not lead them into the desert to starve and die

Biblical Example (Cont)• He did not lead them into the desert to starve

and die

• God has not forgotten you (Luke 12:6-7)

Luke 12:6-7• (6) Are not five sparrows sold for two

pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. (7) Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Biblical Example (Cont)• We are so much more valuable than a

sparrow. If He won’t forget a sparrow, He is most definitely concerned with us.

• Much of our lack of peace, anxiety, and worry is our own doing

Biblical Example (Cont)• Much of our lack of peace, anxiety, and worry

is our own doing

• 98% of things we worry about never happen

Biblical Example (Cont)• 98% of things we worry about never happen

• Matthew 6:26-34

Matthew 6:26-34(26) Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? (27) Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? (28) "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.

Matthew 6:26-34(29) Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. (30) If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you--you of little faith? (31) So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'

Matthew 6:26-34(32) For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. (33) But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (34) Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Biblical Example (Cont)• We see God has all of our needs covered

• Looking at Solomon, we see we can’t provide all we need to the level that God can

Biblical Example (Cont)• Looking at Solomon, we see we can’t provide

all we need to the level that God can

• How do we have that inner peace?

Biblical Example (Cont)• How do we have that inner peace? Trust God

with everything and know He will provide and take care of us

• Discussion Question

Discussion Question• How do these biblical truths relate to your

own personal story of being desperate for peace?

Fulfillment• We had two months of savings built up

• Our senior pastor suggested we get a hold of this little church in a town of 600 people, 6 hours away who was looking for a pastor.

Fulfillment (Cont)• Our senior pastor suggested we get a hold of

this little church in a town of 600 people, 6 hours away who was looking for a pastor.

• We had no intention of moving to such a small town in the middle of nowhere so we dismissed the idea.

Fulfillment (Cont)• We had no intention of moving to such a small

town in the middle of nowhere so we dismissed the idea.

• I had a great-aunt who had passed away and we were planning to attend the funeral across the state.

Fulfillment (Cont)• I had a great-aunt who had passed away and

we were planning to attend the funeral across the state.

• On our way home we decided to drive through this little town and see the church.

Fulfillment (Cont)• On our way home we decided to drive through

this little town and see the church.

• We fell in love with the town as the Lord tugged on each of our hearts individually.

Fulfillment (Cont)• We fell in love with the town as the Lord

tugged on each of our hearts individually.

• We told our pastor that we would like to show interest in becoming the new lead pastors of that little church.

Fulfillment (Cont)• We told our pastor that we would like to show

interest in becoming the new lead pastors of that little church.

• Within weeks, we met with the board, interviewed, preached, and was voted in.

Fulfillment (Cont)• Within weeks, we met with the board,

interviewed, preached, and was voted in.

• We were thrilled!

Fulfillment (Cont)• We were thrilled!

• I struggled with the insecurity of the 85% pay cut to go pastor this church.

Fulfillment (Cont)• I struggled with the insecurity of the 85% pay

cut to go pastor this church.

• Were my kids going to suffer?

Fulfillment (Cont)• Were my kids going to suffer?

• Would we be able to buy Christmas and Birthday presents?

Fulfillment (Cont)• Would we be able to buy Christmas and

Birthday presents?

• The last Sunday at our home church a retired pastor encouraged me:

Fulfillment (Cont)• The last Sunday at our home church a retired

pastor encouraged me:

• “Don’t worry, God will honor you for answering the call he has on your life.”

Fulfillment (Cont)• “Don’t worry, God will honor you for

answering the call he has on your life.”

• “My wife worried when we went into full-time ministry and we took a drastic cut in pay that our kids would suffer.”

Fulfillment (Cont)• “My wife worried when we went into full-time

ministry and we took a drastic cut in pay that our kids would suffer.”

• “Those were the best times! We always had food on the table and the biggest Christmas’ ever!”

Fulfillment (Cont)• “Those were the best times! We always had

food on the table and the biggest Christmas’ ever!”

• “God will honor you and take care of your family because of your faithfulness.”

Fulfillment (Cont)• “God will honor you and take care of your

family because of your faithfulness.”

• Conclusion

Conclusion• We packed up, left our family and friends and

moved across the state.

• Not once did we miss a meal, or a birthday.

Conclusion (Cont)• Not once did we miss a meal, or a birthday.

• We had great Christmas’ and all our needs fulfilled

Conclusion (Cont)• We had great Christmas’ and all our needs


• When the paychecks were meager or absent, the Lord always provided.

Conclusion (Cont)• When the paychecks were meager or absent,

the Lord always provided.(short $300, prayed, God provided)

• Like the children of Israel, God did not lead us to the desert to starve.

Conclusion (Cont)• Like the children of Israel, God did not lead us

to the desert to starve.

• He was faithful and provided for our every need.

Conclusion (Cont)• He was faithful and provided for our every


• His peace transcended all understanding.

Conclusion (Cont)• His peace transcended all understanding.

• Pray

TeaserNext time join us as we discuss being desperate for truth