Detect TB. Accurately. Easily. - · 7. Kaku T. et al. (2016) Assessment of accuracy of...

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Detect TB. Accurately. Easily. Fast and robust test results with TB-LAMP

Smear microscopy misses nearly every second positive TB case

“ We need new tests to rapidly diagnose people with TB; earlier, safer, easier and shorter

treatment for infection and disease; and effective new vaccines.”

Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General on World Tuberculosis day, 24. March 2016

Sensitive and simple tools are required for accurate TB testing


Performance Ease of use

Cost effectivenessSpeedMinimum training

> 95% of all TB deaths occur in low and middle income countries1

> In these countries smear microscopy is the primary tool for diagnosing TB1

> Approx. 4.3 million TB cases have not been diagnosed or received appropriate treatment1

TB cases worldwide TB deaths Smear microscopy

> Due to its poor sensitivity of 50% smear microscopy* does not provide accurate test results2, 3

* depending on staining method

50 %correct

50 %incorrect

10.4detected 4.3

missed90.000TB deaths occur in rest of the world

TB deaths occur in low/middle income countries



TB-LAMP is robust and easy to perform 1. Sample transfer and lysis

2. Loopamp™ PURE DNA extraction

3. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification

4. Result reading Features & Benefits

Transfer 60µl sputum with Pipette-60 into the heating tube.

Incubate the tube in the HumaLoop T heating unit for 5 min at 90°C.

Screw the heating tube onto the adsorbent tube.

Screw the injection cap onto the adsorbent tube. Extract the DNA into the reaction tube.

Incubate the tube for 2 min at room temperature to reconstitute the reagents in the cap.

Insert the tubes into the detection unit and turn the UV light on.

Incubate the reaction tube in the HumaLoop T reaction unit for 45 min.

Mix well by shaking.

Afterwards, shake the tube until a milky solution is obtained.

Mix the tube several times and tap until the reaction mix is collected at the bottom of the tube.

Positive results light green, negative results show no fluorescence.

> Preinstalled incubation times and temperatures for a failsafe operation

> Dried reagents for a high robustness

> Solution for up to 70 samples/day

TB-LAMP requires minimum equipment and reagents

Pipette-60 Set (1 pipette, 4 x 96 filter tips)

REF: 971000

LoopampTM PURE DNA Extraction Kit (90 tests)

Storage and shipment at 2 … 30°C

REF: 970000

LoopampTM MTBC Detection Kit (2 x 48 tests)

Storage and shipment at 2 … 30°C

REF: 972000

HumaLoop T (incubator for sample processing,

amplification and visual result reading)

REF: 961000

HuMax ITA (bench-top centrifuge with preinstalled program

for the incubation and mixing of Loopamp™ reaction tubes)

REF: 980000

TB-LAMP is a failsafe solution for peripheral microscopy centers

> TB-LAMP detects > 15 % more positive TB cases

> Is also applicable to confirm smear negative results4

> Can be used as first line test for all patient groups when the GeneXpert system is not available5

WHO recommends TB-LAMP for replacing smear microscopy

“ Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is a unique, temperature-independent

technique for amplifying DNA that is simple to use, providing a visual display that is

easy to read; additionally, the technique is robust and can be used at peripheral health

centers, where microscopy is performed.”

WHO Policy Guidance. The use of TB-LAMP for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. August 2016

Table 1: TB-LAMP test performance in smear+ and smear- patient samples in peripheral settings.

Bacterial culture was used as gold standard.

TB-LAMP provides accurate results in smear+ and smear- patient samples

TB-LAMPSample number

Sensitivitysmear +

Sensitivitysmear -

Specificity (culture -)

Ou et al. (2014) 6


92.1 %(152/165)

53.8 %(113/210)

98.3 %(938/954)

88.8 %(333/375)

96.8 %(924/954)

Kaku et al. (2016) 7, 8

47299.1 %

(113/114)51.2 %

(21/41)98.4 %


209100 %

(47/47)56.5 %

(13/23)97.8 %


Gray et al. (2016) 9

174597.2 %

(243/250)62 %

(88/142)96.6 %


Bojang et al. (2016) 10

261 100 % 90.3 %100 % (smear +)99 % (smear -)




09 ©


8 H


> For more than 45 years HUMAN provides IVD products for regions with limited infrastructure or remote areas.

> HUMAN has a well established distribution network in more than 160 countries.

> HUMAN offers solutions for all relevant areas of humanitarian aid, coordinated and controlled supply chains, local service and support.

Find more information about LAMP-related products on or

1. Global TB Report 2016, WHO.

2. Luelmo F. (2004) What is the role of sputum microscopy in patients attending health facilities? In: Frieden T, editor. Toman’s tuberculosis: case detection, treatment,

and monitoring – questions and answers. 2nd ed. Geneva: World Health Organization. pp. 7 – 13.

3. Perkins MD. (2000) New diagnostic tools for tuberculosis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 4 (12 suppl 2): S182 – 8.

4. WHO Policy Guidance (2016) The use of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (TB-LAMP) for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.

5. GLI model TB diagnostic algorithms (2017) GLI global laboratory initiative advancing TB diagnosis.

6. Ou X. et al. (2014) Diagnostic accuracy of the PURE-LAMP test for pulmonary tuberculosis at the country-level laboratory in China. PLoS One; 9(5): e94544.

7. Kaku T. et al. (2016) Assessment of accuracy of LAMP-TB method for diagnosing tuberculosis in Haiti. Jap J Infect Dis; Published online: March 18.

8. Kaku T. et al. (2016) Accuracy of LAMP-TB Method for Diagnosing Tuberculosis in Haiti. Jap J Infect Dis; 69(6): 488 – 492.

9. Gray CM. et al. (2016) Feasibility and operational performance of TB LAMP in decentralized setting. J Clin Microbiol; JCM-03036.

10. Bojang AL. et al. (2016) Comparison of TB-LAMP, GeneXpert MTB/RIF and culture for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in The Gambia. J Infect; 72(3): 332 – 33.

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