DEVANG MEHTA I.T. AWARDS - VVP Engineering College · in the world entice us like balloons and our...

Post on 10-Jul-2020

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Scholars from I.T. Dept. of

our esteemed college got

recognition at state level

for their academic

excellence on Late Shri

Devang Mehta IT awards

2012 Ceremony on 6th

august, 2012 held at the

Tagore Auditorium,


The event comprise of

Devang Mehta Memorial

Lecture delivered by Mr.

Som Mittal, President,


Students who got Academic Excellence certificates


No. Name of the Student Year Branch


(Rounded off)





Attachment and Detachment A Science of Spirituality

Professor Avani Vasant, H.O.D. - I.T. Dept.

Have you observed a balloon seller?. He inflates a few

balloons, ties a thread around each one and wraps those

threads around his fingers. When someone comes to buy a

balloon, he removes one from one of his fingers and gives it

away. Then he inflates another balloon and ties it to his

finger again.

Our mind is like the balloon seller. Myriad different objects

in the world entice us like balloons and our desires are like

the threads that keep our mind attached to the objects. The

moment one desired object is acquired, it gets detached from

our mind. But our mind immediately inflates another one and

promptly gets attached to it!

Now, when does the balloon seller stop this repeated activity

of detaching and reattaching balloons to his fingers?

Possibly, at the end of his work day when he thinks he must

go home now. Then he disposes off his last balloon and does

not inflate any more balloons. So, now he becomes detached

from the balloons, but only temporarily. Again, the next

morning, he is out to repeat the cycle of inflating, attaching

and detaching balloons. Likewise, we also take a temporary

respite when our life ends, but only to restart the repetitive

cycle of desires all over again in the next life.

Is there a final end to this cycle? When the balloon seller

becomes old, he may finally decide that he can no longer

continue going out and selling balloons.So, he will then hang

up his boots and be free from the repetitive inflate-attach-detach cycle. Similarly, we have to develop a lasting

vairagya bhav– cultivate a strong determination -- that makes us lose all interest in worldly pursuits driven

otherwise by unending desires. That is when we will be released from the repetitive cycle of birth and death.

It is said that a sincere spiritual seeker should cultivate true detachment. So then, he would tell himself that he

should reduce his attachment, for example, to smoking. He may manage it with considerable effort after some

time. But that is only one attachment gone and we tend to have so many of them! We can imagine the plight of

someone trying to detach himself from good food, sports, entertainment, hobbies, spouse, children, grand

children, friends and so on. It is like the balloon seller having too many balloons tied around his fingers and

their threads getting entangled with each other, complicating the process of detachment.

How does one manage to get detached from the whole of samsara without having to go on trying infinitely to

painfully detach from many objects one by one? As we can see, there are so many different objects at the far

end of our attachments. Trying to get rid of those objects one by one is indeed extremely difficult. However, at

the near end, there is just a single entity involved in all these attachments. That single entity is your limited

bodily identity or ego. That is the driver behind the various attachments forming. So, if this single entity is

removed, all the many objects at the far end will be instantly detached. Thus, it should be relatively easier to

detach yourself from samsara if you can manage to get rid of your ego.



Hitul Marvaniya, Assistant Professor,I.T. Dept.

Cyber methodology is a newly emergent field that focuses

on the creative development and use of computational and

technological research methodologies for the analysis of

next-generation data sources such as the Internet.

The Nature of Cyber methodology

Cyber methodology is the component of internet and

technology studies that is specifically concerned with the use

of innovative technology-based methods of analysis, new

sources of data, and conceptualizations in order to gain a

better understanding of human behaviour. It is characterized

by the use, as primary data sources, of emergent entities such

as virtual worlds, blogs, texting, on-line gaming, social

networking sites, video sharing, wikis, search engines, and

numerous other innovative tools and activities available on

the web. Major components of cyber methodology include:

1. Basic Cyber-Literacy, a core knowledge of

information technology and Internet tools such as

statistical and analytic software, electronic library

resources, digital devices, and use of the Internet

as a source of data.

2. The Research Life Cycle, knowledge of the data lifecycle from acquisition and input to archiving and


Non-Linear Technologies, including hyperlinks, dynamics surveys, and technological methods such as neuro


1. Programming Concepts, including the ability to create new interactive research tools.

2. Analytical Methods and their relationship to different types of data: non-linear, qualitative, spatial, time-

variant processes, and agent-based information such as rules of social interaction and agent mental


3. Modes of Interaction extending beyond person-to-person interviews, on-site fieldwork, and anonymous

surveys to contemporary environments such as online and virtual communities and interaction through

games and virtual environments.

4. Research Presentation including the use of new media techniques, issues raised by intended or unintended

rapid dissemination of results by electronic means to untargeted audiences, and the dynamic potentially

interactive nature of cyber-research. Meta-Literacy, the ability to critically evaluate the methods, tools, and

results of cyber-research.


Get Ready To Receive The Truth

Komil Vora, Assistant Professor,I.T. Dept.

A milkman, deeply influenced by Gautama Buddha insisted

that Buddha visit him and share his nuggets of wisdom. In

lieu of this, the milkman offered to present milk to Buddha.

The Buddha agreed. In the evening when Buddha set out to

visit the milkman he took with him a container in which he

intentionally put some mud. The milkman took the container

but just as he was about to pour milk into it, realised that the

container had some impurity. So he cleansed the container

and removed all the impurities. He then poured the milk into

it and gave it to the Buddha.

Upon receiving the container, the Buddha got up to leave.

Surprised, the milkman asked him why was he leaving before

imparting any wisdom. The Buddha replied that he just had.

He explained to the milkman that the mind is similar to the

container and thoughts that preoccupy us are like the

impurities he found in the container. To attain wisdom, we

must purify the mind by making it free of all impure thought.

The Buddha asked the milkman to cleanse himself of his

thoughts as only then will he be able to imbibe any further

learning. First empty your mind; only then you can make

room for wisdom to come in. Prepare the mind to face

situations in a way that enables you to harness its potential.

Living with a mind that is narcisstic will impede progress. A

life that is full of ego leaves no room for receptivity as one thinks about nothing else other than its own self.

Trying to deride the discovery of a scientist, a man once said to him that all discoveries were nothing but

chance occurrences. Calmly, the scientist replied: “You are right. But such chances took place only with the

scientists.” This was a befitting answer. It is only a prepared mind that is able to achieve the goal. There is

nothing mysterious about it. It is quite understandable that only a mind that has engrossed itself in trying to

unravel a phenomenon, would eventually decipher it. However, a price must be paid to attain such a state –

that price is working hard to prepare the mind to receive. To make the mind receptive, you need to be sincere

in your efforts, objective and unbiased in your approach and ready to admit a mistake and reassess your

approach to the target. I recall here an anecdote about the famous Sufi saint – Bahaullah. He once visited

another saint Fariduddin for receiving guidance. Bahaullah gained the wisdom in a very short span of time.

Seeing this some other of Fariduddin’s disciple accused him of favouritism. As Fariduddin heard of these

charges, he told his disciple that Bahaullah was like dry wood while all of them are like wet wood. This was a

classic example of receptivity. Dry wood is highly combustible and catches fire easily. High levels of

receptivity enable us to imbibe spiritual guidance. In order to be receptive to truth, one must make the effort to

be ready to recognize and receive the truth. Human beings have become conditioned entities on account of

habit. It is this conditioning that is a major obstacle on the path. To be able to overcome this hurdle, we must

be ready to revisit existing ideas; be willing to rise above all kinds of biases and prejudices and become

receptive to truth that may come from anywhere.


Courtsey: Farida Khanam

“Heya wassup?”

“Nm ya.. itz borin..”

“Wht plnz 4 d day?”

While the above stated words cannot be found in any lexicon

of the English language, all of us can interpret their meanings

in a fraction of a second. This is the power of the new age

‘chat-lingo’, a language that has evolved over the time

through excessive usage of social networking sites, mobile

phones, chat rooms et al and has revolutionized our ways of

communication entirely.

Today, most of us are so accustomed to this new way of

writing and speaking that we do not think twice before using

the same expressions and acronyms even in formal

communication. The grammar goes for a toss and vocabulary

can take a walk! I often find my students writing about as

‘abt’, you as ‘u’ in exams too. All this is ending into poor

communication skills and major lack of expression.

For a major percentage of today’s ‘educated’ youth, it is a nightmare to write/speak even the simplest in

simple, straightforward, grammatically correct English. And these are the same people who “rock wen it cums

2 sms-ing nd chatin !!”

The reason for this cannot be that people are too lazy to type out the whole word, since it's also the latest

fashion to change ‘man' to ‘mahn,' ‘my' to ‘mah' and ‘hot' to ‘hawt.' So the only reason seems to be that the

fashion addicted youth are keen on being a part of this new drift of disfiguring words, and appearing cool in

front of peers.

Cool, is it, to knock off vowels from words? I should've thought ‘a,' ‘e,' ‘i,' ‘o' and ‘u' were five letters

inseparable from the English alphabet and language. But the world is carrying on without them. And what's so

cool about replacing ‘s’ with ‘z' and ‘th' with ‘d’?

Well, I am not trying to find pills for the inexorable fashion fever being spread these days. In fact, I too am an

active participant of this fashion-generation. All I want to convey through his article is that true meaning of

fashion is “trend”. Being fashionable is actually being trendy. Being trendy, not only in what you dress or the

way you look ‘kewl’, but in the way you live life. Fashion should be in your attitude.

Linguistic Capers


Radhika Kotecha, Assistant Professor,I.T. Dept.

However, while any language is a dynamic form of

expression, subject to variations and changes, it is an entirely

different thing to mutilate it beyond recognition, and in the

process, mar our proficiency in it as well.

Just think of the words we use most often when asked to

describe the following:

A beautiful scene?

Awesome, Amazing!

A good friend?

Awesome, amazing!

An enjoyable party?

Awesome, amazing!

Of all the millions of adjectives that are available to us, if

these are the only ones that come to our minds every time,

then it’s time we take a reality check.

Subsequently, although this form of language is widely

accepted and appreciated, we do need to stop and think of the

damage it is doing to the basics of English and our

knowledge of the same.

We are living today in an era of massive globalization and English is the global language. Hence, a basic

working knowledge of the language is a minimum requirement, and this is where we must realize that what

may be totally cool with friends is not acceptable in professional environment. Therefore it becomes

necessary for us to have a decent grasp of the language, in order to convey our thoughts and ideas in an

effective manner.

What I would like to suggest here is, that while we may definitely continue to communicate informally in

any way we like, we must also make a conscious effort to keep in touch with English as it should be. Read

one good piece of writing for every thousand messages you type and you will still see the difference as far as

your command over the language is concerned. Also, less of abbreviations and more of grammar during

conversation will work wonders for your expression as well as presentation. A little variation in our routine

manner of communication is bound to benefit us enormously in the long run.

So, people, go ahead… Revel the joys of the ‘kewl chat-lingo’, but remember to appreciate the beauty of the

original form as well and have the best of both worlds!

The God Particle


If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?

Scientists working at the world’s biggest experiment Large

Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva reckon they may have

found the last piece of the jigsaw that explains how the

universe works.

Physicists working at world’s biggest experiment, CERN’s

Large Hadron Collider said that they had discovered a new

subatomic particle that looks for all the world like the Higgs

boson, a potential key to an understanding of why elementary

particles have mass and indeed to the existence of diversity

and life in the universe.

LHC is a 27 mile tunnel deep under the border between

France and Switzerland, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

was built to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang, when

the universe started and to find the Higgs boson. The LHC

costs about around 10 billion USD to build and involved

10,000 scientists from around 100 countries.

Scientists all over the world are searching for existence of

this particle for around 50 years. Scientists have already

cautioned that the discovery may not answer all the questions they have about pressing mysteries in nature.

Nonetheless, the scientific world was in agreement that the discovery was of major importance.

The find was hailed across the globe, with renowned British physicist Stephen Hawking calling for the man

who lent his name to the particle, Peter Higgs, to be given the Nobel Prize.

After the initial excitement, however, scientists are embarking on a long journey to confirm the particle is

indeed the Higgs boson — and if so, exactly what form it takes.


The Higgs boson is frequently referred to as ‘the god particle’, a name adopted after Leon Lederman’s book.

Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman, the Higgs boson is a particle believed to bestow mass on all

other particles.

The Higgs boson is a type of elementary particle within the Standard Model of particle physics. It plays a key

role in modern scientific theories of the universe and its existence or non-existence is considered pivotal in

determining which theories about the nature of the physical universe are more likely to be correct.In particle

physics, a boson (named for physicist Satyendra Nath Bose)

Kinnari A. Vaishnav, Lecturer, I.T. Dept.

Fig.1 Large Harden Collider

The existence of the Higgs boson was predicted in 1964 to

explain the Higgs mechanism—the mechanism by which

elementary particles are given mass. While the Higgs

mechanism is considered confirmed to exist, the boson

itself—a cornerstone of the leading theory—had not been

observed and its existence was unconfirmed. Its tentative

discovery in 2012 may validate the Standard Model as

essentially correct, as it is the final elementary particle

predicted and required by the Standard Model which has not

yet been observed via particle physics experiments.




Fig.2 Higgs boson

Reflections on your true interests helps you carry out your

tasks in your daily life with peace, contentment and

happiness. Unfortunate events like a death in the family, theft

of valuables, may take place once in a lifetime. The suffering

that follows is understandable. However, people suffer on

account of imagined calamities and forego a thousand

moments of happiness.

When you start imagining, even an insignificant irritation

assumes great magnitude. Why worry about catastrophes

that areunlikely to occur? Why not think about certainty –

death itself? Once you annihilate the fear of death through

jnana, lesser fears will melt away.

Adapt to any condition. Life is found in the deep sea and in

the bowels of the earth. Many creatures live their whole lives

thus quite happily. Family, friends, shastras and sadguru ask

you to stop worrying. Yet you love to worry! When Vedanta

is proclaiming the oneness of Brahmn and Atman marked by

great joy and freedom from fear, the stupid mind is afraid of

normal life itself. There is effortless ananda in deep sleep.

While awake, you close your eyes and your mind is

frightened of the dark. When the mind is fearful of even

joyous sleep or samadhi, what will it not be afraid of?

Don’t dwell in the past or worry about the future. Don’t have expectations. Indulging in thoughts of making

vast sums of money; receiving abundant love; getting recognition and honour for a lifetime of work... If you

think you will be happy when some of these dreams come true, you are chasing a mirage. Be happy as you

now are and enjoy peace.

Do not entertain expectations such as, ‘my friend may come to my house today’; ‘let this news appear on front

page in today’s newspaper’; ‘let the letter arrive by the time I come home’. Simply remain happy and in peace.

Cultivate patience. A few drops of tea are spilled on a clean shirt, a delicate article slips and breaks, mango

pickle is not served with the meal and similar trivial things make us angry. You earn a bad name for making

issues of petty things, because of lack of patience.

Don’t give importance for change of place. Why do you desire a change of place, to live on a hill or on the

bank of a river? You are not lying on a bed of nails here. Experience joy wherever you are now.

Don’t get yourself attached to a place. Be it the shade of a tree, or the room in your house, or the waiting hall

in a railway station, or a busy street– all should mean the same to you. Aren’t you the embodiment of great

joy? Don’t long for extraordinary experience, This disturbs the mind. To be as you are is atma-swarupa or the

nature of Self. Experience Atmananda.

Some Easy Lessons For You


Rushabh D. Doshi, Lecturer, I.T. Dept.

Don’t crave for gadgets like a mobile phone, camera... Jnana

means leading a normal life without add-ons and not missing

them too. Ask yourself: “What is the need for these things for


Don’t indulge in self-praise: Attributing undue importance to

some ordinary work you have done, and describing it at

length to others is a form of self-praise. Do all your tasks

which come up in the regular course without hesitation.

Don’t think of illogical obstacles and difficulties. And

evaluate every task in terms of spiritual value.

Don’t get addicted to work; enjoy work. Often, an intense

desire to excel itself leads to frustration; raising the bar

constantly gives rise to tension which robs you of peace of

mind and contentment.


Rachit Adhavaryu, Lecturer, I.T. Dept.

Virtual Reality


Virtual reality (VR) is a term that applies to computer-

simulated environments that can simulate physical presence

in places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds.

Most current virtual reality environments are primarily visual

experiences, displayed either on a computer screen or

through special stereoscopic displays, but some simulations

include additional sensory information, such as sound

through speakers or headphones. Some advanced, haptic

systems now include tactile information, generally known as

force feedback, in medical and gaming applications.

Furthermore, virtual reality covers remote communication

environments which provide virtual presence of users with

the concepts of telepresence and telexistence or a virtual

artifact (VA) either through the use of standard input devices

such as a keyboard and mouse, or through multimodal

devices such as a wired glove, the Polhemus, and Omni-

directional treadmills. The simulated environment can be

similar to the real world in order to create a lifelike

experience—for example, in simulations for pilot or combat

training—or it can differ significantly from reality, such as in

VR games. In practice, it is currently very difficult to create a high-fidelity virtual reality experience, due largely to technical limitations on processing power, image

resolution, and communication bandwidth; however, the technology's proponents hope that such limitations

will be overcome as processor, imaging, and data communication technologies become more powerful and

cost-effective over time.

Virtual reality is often used to describe a wide variety of applications commonly associated with immersive,

highly visual, 3D environments. The development of CAD software, graphics hardware acceleration, head

mounted displays, database gloves, and miniaturization have helped popularize the notion.


Adding Intelligence to Internet

Dolly H. Patira, Lecturer, I.T. Dept.

required to share limited satellite bandwidth among many users and to hide the quarter-second latency of a

geosynchronous satellite. The controls are a distributed algorithm, in which part runs on warehouses and part

runs on kiosks. All warehouses and kiosks must cooperate and must coordinate the use of satellite resources.

Multicast groups are defined to allow communication between cooperating entities (e.g., between a warehouse

and multiple kiosks).

To identify which controls make sense, it is useful to look at the characteristics of Internet traffic. Three of

them represent Web pages: pages that are popular for months or longer (e.g., news service such as;

pages that are popular for a short time (e.g., hours, days, or weeks, such as those resulting from Olympic

Games); and pages that are accessed only a few times. One of the facts known about this traffic is that most of

the requests and most of the bytes transferred in client workloads come from a small number of servers. For

example, in a study of proxy or client uniform resource locator (URL) reference traces from Digital Equipment

Corporation (DEC), America Online, Boston University, Virginia Tech, a gateway to South Korea, and one

high school, 80% to 95% of the total accesses went to 25% of the servers.

Source: seminar topics/

Satellites have been used for years to provide communication

network links. Historically, the use of satellites in the Internet

can be divided into two generations. In the first generation,

satellites were simply used to provide commodity links (e.g.,

T1) between countries. Internet Protocol (IP) routers were

attached to the link endpoints to use the links as single-hop

alternatives to multiple terrestrial hops. Two characteristics

marked these first-generation systems: they had limited

bandwidth, and they had large latencies that were due to the

propagation delay to the high orbit position of a

geosynchronous satellite. In the second generation of systems

now appearing, intelligence is added at the satellite link

endpoints to overcome these characteristics. This intelligence is

used as the basis for a system for providing Internet access

engineered using a collection or fleet of satellites, rather than

operating single satellite channels in isolation. Examples of

intelligent control of a fleet include monitoring which

documents are delivered over the system to make decisions

adaptively on how to schedule satellite time; dynamically

creating multicast groups based on monitored data to conserve

satellite bandwidth; caching documents at all satellite channel

endpoints; and anticipating user demands to hide latency.

Intelligent controls reside in the warehouse and kiosk and are

Curruption in India


Komal M. Shukla, Lecturer, I.T. Dept.

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts

absolutely. It is not easy to define corruption. But in a narrow

sense, corruption is mostly concerned with bribe and it takes

several forms. Corruption is a global phenomenon and it is

omnipresent. Corruption has progressively increased and is

now rampant in our society.

Corruption is both a major cause and a result of poverty

around the world. It occurs at all levels of society, from local

and national governments, civil society, judiciary functions,

large and small businesses, military and other services and so


Corruption in India is a consequence of the nexus between

Bureaucracy, politics and criminals. India is now no longer

considered a soft state. It has now become a consideration

state where everything can be had for a consideration. Today,

the number of ministers with an honest image can be counted

on fingers. At one time, bribe was paid for getting wrong

things done but now bribe is paid for getting right things

done at right time.

Indian administration is tainted with scandals. India is among

55 of the 106 countries where corruption is rampant,

according to the Corruption Perception Index 2004 Report

released by Transparency International India. Corruption in

India leads to promotion not prison. It is very difficult to

catch big shark. Corruption in India has wings not wheels. As nation grows, the corrupt also grow to invent

new methods of cheating the government and public.

The causes of corruption are many and complex. Following are some of the causes of corruption.

· Emergence of political elite who believe in interest-oriented rather than nation-oriented programs and


· Corruption is caused as well as increased because of the change in the value system and ethical qualities of

men who administer. The old ideals of morality, service and honesty are regarded as an achromatic.

· Tolerance of people towards corruption, complete lack of intense public outcry against corruption and the

absence of strong public forum to oppose corruption allow corruption to reign over people.

· in a highly inflationary economy, low salaries of government officials compel them to resort to the road of

corruption. Graduates from IIMs with no experience draw a far handsome salary than what government

secretaries draw.

· Complex laws and procedures alienate common people to ask for any help from government.

Corruption is an intractable problem. It is like diabetes, can only be controlled, but not totally eliminated. It

may not be possible to root out corruption completely at all levels but it is possible to contain it within

tolerable limits. Honest and dedicated persons in public life, control over electoral expenses could be the most

important prescriptions to combatcorruption.Corruption is a global problem that all countries of the world have

to confront, solutions, however, can only be home grown.


Indian IT companies turn job creators in overseas markets

Manisha D. Dangar, Lecturer, I.T. Dept.

Far from being accused of taking away jobs from countries such

as the US, Indian information technology firms are now

beginning to create jobs in these countries.

Companies such as HCL Technologies have plans to create

10,000 jobs by 2015 in the US and European markets and

others like WNS Holdings Ltd. has announced to set up an

office in Columbia, South Carolina from July. Others such as

Tech Mahindra, NIIT Technologies and Cigniti also said would

continue hiring that have centers in the US, Europe and Africa.

Cheaper Workforce

While issues around visa for offsite employees are still a

problem, the real driver for local hiring is access to cheaper

workforce. Also, servicing clients on their time zone is

assuming importance.

“Our office in the US has 50 percent local staff. We would

continue hiring more in such on-shore or near-shore locations

globally. Establishing such facilities is to address the local

clients and helps in providing lower cost services to these

nations.” Mr. Arvind Thakur, Chief Executive Officer, NIIT

Technologies, told Business Line.

He said providing services through local people is cheaper and also serves customers at same time zone. The

company has 647 employees in the US and 739 in Europe. Middle East, Africa region. NIIT Technologies 95

percent of employees in continental Europe are locals, Mr. Thakur said.

Looking at such benefits, WNS is setting up its first local office in North America and would start operation

with at least 100 people. The company plans to ramp this up to around 800 in next few years.

“The ‘new normal’ has brought in a new set of challenges that is changing the market dynamics in

unprecedented ways,” Mr. Naveen Narayanan, Head Talent Acquisition, HCL Technologies, said.

He said the economic slowdown across the world, especially in developed economies such as US and Europe,

is putting pressure on social and community systems.

Job loss numbers keep increasing creating serious unemployment challenge and, therefore, HCL Technologies

is pulling its resources to increase job creation in local communities of operations, he said.

Infosys, which has 6.46 percent of its total workforce of international origin, said it intends to take it to 15

percent. “At any point of 30 percent of the total workforce will be onsite,” an Infosys spokesperson said.

Infosys’ Chief Executive Officer, Mr. S. D. Shibulal, during

the fourth quarter results had said that the company plans to

hire 1,200 employees in the US.

Similarly, Wipro Technologies has 675 employees in its

Atlanta development center and 80 percent of them are


Small Firms

It is not just big firms that have set their eyes on the local

talent. Small firms too are taking this route to avoid pressures

in getting H1 visas and spending premium on such

employees. Cigniti, an IT solutions firm that has recently

tuned its focus only on testing tools, is planning to 50 testing

experts in the US this year. It would focus on optimizing and

rationalizing testing tools practice on the client lacations.

The company with about 500 employees has already

recruited 200 for its US operations. “Majority of them would

be locals as hiring them would be easier,” Mr. Sriram

Rajaram, President, Cigniti, said.

Other than the US and Europe, companies are hiring locals.

Tech Mahindra’s BPO(which is called Business Services

Group) has hired 1,100 in the Philippines for its center there.

“We have set up the center for a non-BT telecom player there last year. Over 99 percent of the people we hired

there are locals,” Mr. Rajeev Narang, Vice-President (Human Resources) of Tech Manhindra, said. In Africa,

Tech Mahindra has about 2,000 employees in seven countries to serve Airtel. Majority of them too are hired

from the local pool.

Similarly, Mahindra Satyam, Which opened aerospace and defence delivery center at Toulouse in France, said

it would hire 80 people locally for the center in the areas of engineering, IT and communication domains, Mr.

C. P. Gurnani, Chief Executive Officer of Mahindra Satyam said.

Courtesy: The Hindu


Habits for Success

Ishita Kothari, Student I.T. Dept.

“The future is not some place we are going to but one we are

creating the paths are not to be found, but made and the

activity of making them changes both the maker and

destination.” The habits to success are an identified set of

problem solving, life related skills, necessary to effectively

operate in society & promote strategic reasoning,

insightfulness, perseverance, creativity, imagination,

innovation & humor.

Remaining open to continuous learning enriches one’s mind,

spreads knowledge & eradicates superstitions & negative

approach towards things. The understanding & application of

these habits modifies the skill to work with awareness &

thought to gain positive output.

The Habits are:

Be Pro Active: This is the ability to control one’s

environment, rather than have it control you, as is so often the

case. Self determination, choice & power to decide

responsible to stimulus conditions & circumstances.

Thinking about your thinking: It makes one more perfect in

making accurate decisions. Past knowledge would be a bridge

between the problem & solution.

Begin with the end in mind: This is the habit of personal leadership. Leading oneself that is towards what

you consider your aims. By developing the habit of counliating on relevant activities you will built platform to

avoid distiactions & become more productive & successful.

Put first things first: This is the habit of personal management. This habit indicates to set priorities. It is

about organizing & implementing activities in live according to the goals.

Thinking independently: It means to co-relate our ideology. This habit also teaches one to learn with others.

Think Win/Win: This is the habit of inpersonal leadership. It is necessary because achievements are largely

dependent on co-operative efforts with others. Win-Win is based on assumption & that success follows co-

operative approach than cofiontation of win or lose.

Seek first to understand & then to be understood: It is one of the great quotes of modern age. This is habit

of communication. ‘Diagnose before you prescribe. Simple & effective & essential for developing &

maintaining the relationships in all aspects of life.

Synergize: Habit of creative co-operation ‘Whole is better than parts.’ This habit teaches us to look at positive

past of person’s contribution.

To smile,

To apologize,

To be unselfish,

To admit mistakes,

To enjoy your work,

To laugh at yourself,

To think and then act,

To forgive and forget,

To control bad temper,

To make someone happy,

To learn from mistakes,

To respond and not react,

To be honest and truthful,

To refrain from criticizing,

To shoulder deserved blame,

To keep cool when provoked,

To listen without interrupting,

To respect other’s point of view,

To do a little more than expected,

To be well mannered to near & dear ones.

It Isn’t Easy

Komal N. Makadiya, Student I.T. Dept. (7th


It is the Tri-color flag that we all are proud of;

The nation’s glory always is what we shout of.

Triumphant is India in all fields today

And it goes on brightening more everyday.


August 1947 was the glorious day

When our national heroes made us gay.

Many conquerors in past tried to shake India’s glory,

But none could make an impact on our history;

Victory was achieved by our leader’s long journey,

It indeed is a worth telling story.

Even earthquakes and bomb-blasts couldn’t abske our


And India goes on progressing further and further;

Hearts are free from the feeling of “OTHER”,


“Mera Bharat Mahan” is everyone’s cry,

After 65 long years, the birds freely fly;

The agricultural lands are not more dry,

Blue is now the beautiful sky.

“Vande Mataram, Vande Mataram” are our heart beats,

Let’s celebrate this day with lots of feasts.

All around we see HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY greets,

As people on this day enjoy happy meets.

Komal N. Makadiya, Student I.T. Dept. (7th


Independence Day

Jashn-E-Dosti……… - A dedication to My Best Buddies…

Aashka Kotecha, Student I.T. Dept.

Friends are the Family we choose,

Nasha hai isme without a Booze;

Service hai dil ki isme without a Pay,

Saath hai dost chahe Night ho ya Day;

Dost ho saath to bohot kuch hota Hai,

Kyunki har ek Friend zaruri hota Hai;

Kare saath milke masti aur Ladaai,

Ban jati hai aasan har mushkil Padhai;

Seasons like summer and winter may Fall,

Our day ends with a comment like LOL;

Nibhayenge friendship ye karte hum wada Hai, Kyunki jo mera hai wo tera hai, jo tera hai wo mera Hai;

Chahe kitna bhi tension dete rahe hume Folk,

Hum to chill karenge by opening a Coke;

Lets together wish on this Friendship Day,

‘Long Live Our Friendship’ may God listen to this Pray;