Develop and Implement a Security Risk Management Program

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Security risk management – your first step to more securityPlanning mattersChief Information Officer or Chief Risk Officer, are you experiencing the following?Your team can’t seem to actively tackle their security agenda, let alone their actual security problems.Firefighting is getting you nowhere, and today’s threat landscape is becoming more unpredictable.There are various compliance requirements that need to be met. Too many security solutions are implemented and therefore are not being optimally run – this results in a waste of time, money and resources.Security risk management should be part of an overall enterprise risk management (ERM) strategy. If you put in the time, you will get a better idea of how to deal with the risks your organization faces. You can start to better align with business goals – and everyone wins.If you know the big picture, you can create a better roadmap. Organizations are frequently over or under-engineering their security set-ups because they don’t quite know what they’re up against in terms of vulnerabilities or threats. Knowing your risks means spending smarter.