Developing a Booklet for Patients & Families on Cardiac/Stroke Unit

Post on 10-Nov-2014

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Development of a Patient and Family-centered orientation booklet for those placed within the Cardiac and Stroke unit, with the goal of reducing anxiety and confusion and of engaging patients and their family members as key partners in decision-making regarding their plan of care.


Kaiser Permanente, Northern California

Caritas in ActionHow Caring Science informs and inspires KP caregivers and affirms our commitment to provide our

patients and their families exceptional care

Caritas Consortium 2014 Welcome To The 4E Team:

Developing Booklet for Patients and Families on a Cardiac/Stroke Unit

Honoring Health, Healing & Wholeness

4E Patient Population

• Designated Stroke Center • Telemetry Unit • Med/Surg Overflow

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Patient Characteristics

Patients tend to be older adultsHealth event has sudden onsetHospitalization unexpectedPatients arrive to 4E unpreparedFamilies stay at bedside

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Typical bedside table

Important papers and business cards damaged, thrown away or lost.

Santa Rosa implemented Family Centered CareOffered staff training to deliver sensitive,

competent care to patientsInconsistent family care provided without

formal trainingNursing Research Council received Barnes

Grant to study family needs on an oncology unit

Page 5

2012 Events

Physical comfortResources and informationBetter communicationLess challenging computer access for elderlyNames of professionals providing careWhere to obtain emotional and spiritual


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Identified Family Needs

How to find way around hospitalHow to find amenities in local areaWhat to expect during hospital stayBe informed about hospital routinesList of commonly used hospital phone numbersUnderstand role of each therapist and


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Identified Family Needs (Cont.)

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Created a Welcome Book

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Key Booklet Features

Invites patients to be equal member of the team Introduces staff and explains roles Large print

Key Booklet Features (Cont.)

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Provides schedule of routines

Outlines progression from admission to day of discharge

Prepares patients for discharge process

Key Booklet Features (Cont.)

Page 11

List of important internal phone numbers

Identifies chaplain and other services w/ contact information

Key Booklet Features (Cont.)

Page 12

Map of general area with local amenities identified

Key Booklet Features (Cont.)

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Map of Hospital

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Lengthy projects take time (challenge for staff nurses to volunteer this time outside of work)

Finding mentor or manager who will support project through fruition is crucial

Important to engender “buy-in” from end users along the way

Follow up on everything and expect delays! Kaiser Permanente has many rules and multiple levels of

approval; know what these are before you start Important to build in flexibility for a constantly changing

environment Cost matters!!!

Things I’ve Learned:

Page 15

Using evidence based research is valuable Plan product roll-out carefully Check in with end users (staff and patients) to make

sure product is being used appropriately Always do post roll-out evaluation (s/p first week, 1

month, 3 months) and make adjustments as needed Be sure to recognize and show gratitude to supportive

personnel for their help


Developing a Booklet for Patients & Families on Cardiac/Stroke Unit

Intent to Contribute Statement:

Development of a Patient and Family-centered orientation booklet for those placed within the Cardiac and Stroke

unit, with the goal of reducing anxiety and confusion and of engaging patients and their family members as key

partners in decision-making regarding their plan of care.

As healthcare reform rolls out, many hospitals are being forced to reduce their operating costs. Staff is being

asked to work more efficiently than ever before. This efficient and often expedient way of working is for the most

part effective, but older patients and families sometimes complain that they are unable to absorb all the

information they are given during the admission process and are bewildered by the rapid pace of some of the

routines on our unit. This sometimes makes them feel uneasy and stressed which is not conducive to a peaceful

and healing environment. Our staff routinely provides printed discharge instructions and educational material for

clarification and patient reference, but we don’t usually offer instructions to patients and family members about

how each hospital unit works. This discrepancy was the genesis of our 4 East Cardiac/Stroke Center Book entitled

Join The Team. Our colorful, easy-to-read, large print book introduces new patients to our specialized unit and

explains what makes the care they receive on 4 East unique.

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… ContinuedAfter introducing photographs of the members of the various groups that make up our elite team, we identify

the most significant team member – our patient who is the center of all of our efforts and activity. Our patient

and family centered care philosophy as well as our commitment to keeping patients and their families informed

about, and included in, all decisions regarding their plan-of-care is reviewed. We also introduce our practice of

nurse knowledge exchange (NKE) and emphasize the importance of their participation in updating the plan-of-

care during each change-of-shift report. Photographs of the various groups that make up our team are

included, so that patients and families become familiar with the staff working on and around our unit, and we

outline the general daily activities that occur on our unit throughout their hospital stay. Patients can make

notations of special requests, questions, general information, and important personal phone numbers and then

refer back to these as needed. We also provide illustrated instructions on how to operate bedside phones, TVs

and call lights, and we include maps of the Medical Center and a quick area guide of downtown Santa Rosa

highlighting important necessities such as the location of the nearest gas stations, banks and Starbucks. Most

importantly, we manage patient and family

Developing a Booklet for Patients & Families on Cardiac/Stroke Unit

Page 18

… Continuedexpectations concerning room changes and our discharge process – two areas that frequently result in patient

and family distress. Finally, for our patient’s convenience, each book contains an attached, closable folder for

storing business cards and important documents accumulated throughout their hospital stay, and a back pocket

intended for storing educational material and discharge instructions. Our primary expectation is that our book

will alleviate some of the anxiety and anger that occasionally results from patient and family confusion about 4

East routines. Another expectation is that this book will organize the patient by providing a consistent place to

record information they want to remember. Many patients think of questions at night that they want to ask staff

in the morning, or can’t recall what their doctor said when families visit in the evenings. By providing patients a

section in the book to take notes, communication is facilitated and family satisfaction is improved. Finally, we

expect our book to nurture more patient control, independence and satisfaction and that is a very real and

authentic loving act of kindness and an example of caritas in action.

Developing a Booklet for Patients & Families on Cardiac/Stroke Unit

Inspired Contributor(s) : Wendy Gaus


Service Area: Marin/Sonoma

Medical Center: SRO

Affiliation: Adult Services


Year Shared: 2014

Venue: Caritas Consortium

Format: Podium

ID #: N/A

Keyword TAGs: Identifier

Consortium2014-June, Marin Sonoma, Santa Rosa, Podium, Poster, Patient Care Services, Adult Services

Education & Staff Dev, Hospital Initiatives, Patients/Families

Descriptor Authentic Relationship,

Mentoring/Empowering Others, Stroke, NKE/Handoff

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Developing a Booklet for Patients & Families on Cardiac/Stroke Unit

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Developing a Booklet for Patients & Families on Cardiac/Stroke Unit