Developing Analytical Approaches to Forecast Wind Farm ...

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Developing Analytical Approaches to Forecast Wind Farm Production: Phase II

Kate Geschwind, 10

th Grade

Mayo High School

1420 11th Avenue Southeast

Rochester, MN 55904

Research Category: Mathematics


I would like to express my sincere appreciation to NeuroDimension, whose NeuroSolutions for

Excel software allowed me to efficiently create and test a variety of neural network models.



The importance of wind-generated electricity continues to grow in our society as wind and other forms of renewable

energy offer chances for a cleaner environment. Wind energy promises clean and renewable electricity, but it also is

an intermittent form of energy, with the output of a wind farm constantly changing from hour to hour.

Consequently, it is difficult to predict the energy output of a wind farm in advance. This makes it difficult for

utilities and transmission grid operators who are required to maintain the reliability of the electrical system. They

must have other non-intermittent power plants available to generate more or less energy, depending on the wind.

Predicting incorrectly not only can be costly for electric utilities, but it can also lead to power outages or shortages.

Because wind generation is still a developing technology, much ongoing research is focusing on predicting the

intermittent output of wind farms.

The goal of this project is to develop an analytical approach for forecasting wind farm production over different time

periods using artificial neural networks and regression analysis. Being able to more accurately forecast hourly wind

farm production will not only save money and help maintain reliability for electric utilities, but it will also likely

encourage the use of more wind farms as their output patterns become better understood. This project is a

continuation of a project from last year. The purpose of last year's project was to explain the historical hourly output

of a Minnesota wind farm using regression analysis. That project did not attempt to forecast wind farm output, and

the method used was limited to regression analysis. This year’s project continues last year’s research and moves

from explaining the output to predicting the output – a move that is required in order for this research to have

practical applications. This year’s project also introduces the use of artificial neural networks for the model

development process to determine if neural networks can produce models that outperform regression-based models.

Finally, this year's project applies the developed forecasting approach to multi-turbine wind farms in Minnesota and

Oklahoma and a wind turbine in Vermont to evaluate the robustness of the approach.

My hypothesis is that by using regression analysis, artificial intelligence systems, and certain variables that have a

high correlation to wind farm production such as wind speed, wind speed squared, wind speed cubed, a one hour lag

of the actual wind farm production, and the change in the one hour lag from the prior hour, a mathematical model


can be made that can accurately forecast wind farm production for various lengths of time for wind farms of

different sizes and locations.

Materials and Procedures

The following materials and data were used in this project:

Hourly electrical production data from wind farms of different locations and sizes, including:

o The WAPSI wind farm near Dexter, Minnesota, with 67 wind turbines and a 100.5 MW capacity.

o The Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority (OMPA) Wind farm near Woodward, Oklahoma, with

34 wind turbines and a 50 MW capacity.

o A single 10 kW wind turbine at Middlebury College in Middlebury, VT.

Weather data (wind speed, temperature, relative humidity, dew point, wind direction, cloud cover) from the

national weather station with the nearest location to the wind turbines.

A standard spreadsheet software program with regression analysis.

Neural network analysis software

The controlled variables in the project were the wind farms that were used (WAPSI, OMPA, Vermont turbine), and

the inputs to the software programs. The independent variables to the project were the temperature, dew point,

relative humidity, wind speed, wind speed squared, wind speed cubed, wind direction, cloud cover, turbine

availability, maximum wind cutoff, minimum wind cutoff, a one hour lag in the actual wind farm production, the

change in the one hour lag, and the actual wind farm production. The dependent variable in the project was the

estimated energy output of the given wind farm (Minnesota, Oklahoma, Vermont) as determined by the various

mathematical models created.

Hourly observed weather data from Rochester, Minnesota; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Burlington, Vermont was obtained

for the months of December 2009 through May 2010. Hourly forecasted weather data for Rochester, Minnesota was

also obtained from a commercial weather forecasting service for the months of December 2009 through May 2010.

The weather data for Rochester included temperature, dew point, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, and


cloud cover; and the weather information for Tulsa and Burlington was the wind speed. The hourly wind farm

output was also obtained for the same months.

The hourly information was then divided into two sections: December 2009 through February 2010 was used for

training data, and March 2010 through May 2010 was used for testing data. Hours with incomplete data were

excluded. Each training and testing data set consisted of data for over 2000 hours. The list of potential explanatory

variables was supplemented with derived explanatory variables: wind speed squared, wind speed cubed, a one hour

lag of the actual wind farm production, which is the actual wind farm production from the previous hour, and the

change in the one hour lag from the previous hour. The reasons for using these derived variables vary. For

example, the energy content of the wind varies with the cube of the wind speed, so the wind speed cubed was

calculated. The power extracted from the wind by a wind turbine is proportional to the drop in the wind speed

squared, so wind speed squared was derived. The one hour lag was calculated because the output of the wind farm

from one hour to the next does not appear to be completely random and will typically be related to the prior hour’s

output. Finally, the change in the one hour lag was used to evaluate if a “momentum” effect exists in the wind farm

output that could be explained through the use of a change variable.

The first step in the modeling was to use regression analysis on each set of training data to create different

explanatory models for each wind farm location. Different combinations of variables were used to create different

models. Each model was then applied to the testing data for its respective wind farm to create forecasts of varying

lengths into the future - one hour, six hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours. Model forecast output was compared to actual

observed output to calculate the root mean square error (RMSE) of a particular model. This was done by squaring

the difference between the models’ estimated hourly output and the actual production of the wind farm, and then

taking the square root of the mean of these hourly squared differences. RMSE was the primary metric used during

this project to compare the performance of the various models.

Next, artificial intelligence, or neural network models, were developed using the training data sets for each wind

farm. The types of neural networks tested were: the multilayer perceptron, the generalized feed forward network,

the CANFIS (Fuzzy Logic) network, the time-lag recurrent network, the support vector machine, and the function


approximation network. For most of the models, the input data was standardized so that no one variable

disproportionately influenced the training of the models. Each network model was then used with the testing data

for its respective wind farm to find the RMSE. During the development and training of the neural network models,

steps were taken to make sure that the models were not over-trained on the training data. Overtraining would

produce a model that performs well with the specific training data but poorly with other data, such as the testing


Training data sets from the different wind farms were combined to test to see if it was possible to create a single

model applicable to multiple wind farms. Data sets from two wind farms were assembled in different combinations

to form models. The combined data sets were then trained for both regression models and neural network models,

and these models were then used to calculate RMSE values on the testing data for each wind farm from which the

model had been derived.

Models were evaluated and ranked based on the value of their RMSE; the lower the RMSE, the more accurate the

model is in predicting the actual output of the wind farm. Because each of the three wind farms used for this project

is a different size, each RMSE was specific to the wind farm. In order to standardize the results and allow for model

performance to be compared across the wind farms, the RMSE for each wind farm was divided by the average wind

farm output to create an RMSE percentage value. The initial model results were determined for the one-hour

forecast period. Six-hour, 12-hour, and 24-hour forecasts were then developed for each artificial intelligence and

regression model, and RMSE values and RMSE percentage values were determined and compared.

The different regression and neural network models were not only compared against each other, but they were also

compared against the general persistence model and also the power curve model of the wind farm from which they

were derived. A common method of wind farm forecasting is the persistence method, which is often used as a

forecasting model for short time periods. The persistence model assumes that the output for the current hour will

equal the output from the previous hour. Prior research has generally shown that the persistence model is relatively

accurate for short-term forecasts, but the model loses this accuracy at a high rate as the forecast periods lengthen in


time. The power curve model is a basic technique that uses manufacturer’s data to estimate the output of a wind

turbine based on wind speed.

Results and Discussion

As described above, a variety of neural network and regression models were developed in an effort to develop an

accurate prediction model. Table 1 shows the RMSE values for the models developed for the Minnesota WAPSI

wind farm. Figure 1 shows the RMSE values for the top models for the Minnesota WAPSI wind farm expressed as

a bar graph by forecast time period.

Figure 1 and Table 1 illustrate that the neural network models generally perform the best over the different forecast

time periods for the Minnesota wind farm. The neural models, in particular the neural persistence model and the

model developed using wind speed, wind speed squared, wind speed cubed, and the two lag variables, perform well

for the forecast periods beyond one hour. In order to demonstrate performance comparable to the persistence model

for the shorter time periods (i.e., one hour), the models, whether regression models or neural models, needed a lag

variable. Without a lag variable, a model typically performed poorly until forecast periods of 12 and 24 hours were

considered. As the forecast period increased, the benefit of the lag variable typically decreased, and model

performance became more dependent on the wind speed variables.

Table 2 shows the RMSE values for the models developed for the Oklahoma wind farm, and Table 3 shows the

RMSE values for the Vermont wind farm models. Figures 2 and 3 show the RMSE values for the top models for the

Oklahoma and Vermont wind farm, respectively, expressed as a bar graph by forecast time period.

The results of modeling the Oklahoma wind farm were somewhat different than the Minnesota results. As shown in

Figure 2, regression models typically outperformed neural network models. Consistent with the Minnesota

modeling results, the lack of a lag variable in a model disadvantaged that model for short-term forecasts compared to

models that incorporated a lag variable. Using a lag variable and change-in-lag variable proved to be beneficial

even in longer-term forecasts.


The Vermont modeling results continue to show the benefit of using a lag variable to provide the most accurate

short-term forecasts of wind farm output. Similar to Minnesota’s results, neural networks were able to outperform

regression, with the neural model that used the wind variables and lag variable being the best or near-best

performing model for all forecast time periods. However, as the forecast time period increases, the performance

results for all of the top-performing, non-persistence Vermont models converge, with the neural models

demonstrating a slight advantage over the regression models.

Finally, Figure 4 and Table 4 show a comparison of the RMSE percentage values for the top performing models for

each of the three wind farm locations considered in this analysis. The RMSE percentage metric allows for an

apples-to-apples comparison of the model performance at the different wind farm locations. Figure 4 demonstrates

that the models created for the Minnesota wind farm are the best performing models with the lowest RMSE

percentage values. The Oklahoma models have moderately high RMSE percentage values, and the Vermont models

have the highest RMSE percentage values. This is likely due to the greater spatial diversity provided by larger wind


All of the top models created for this project were able to perform better than the basic forecasting techniques of the

power curve model and the persistence model, both of which proved to be inaccurate in longer-term forecasting.


This project included a significant amount of modeling of the electrical output of three different wind farms – one in

Minnesota, Oklahoma, and Vermont. Each wind farm differed substantially in size and location and was chosen

specifically to determine how wind farm size might affect the overall results. The modeling used different

mathematical techniques, with an emphasis on artificial neural networks, to determine the best performing modeling

approach for each wind farm for forecast periods ranging from one hour to 24 hours.

My hypothesis for this project is that by using regression analysis, artificial intelligence systems, and certain

variables that have a high correlation to wind farm production, a mathematical model can be made that can

accurately forecast wind farm production for various lengths of time for wind farms of different sizes and locations.


This hypothesis was shown to be partially true. Mathematical models can be made to accurately predict wind farm

production, but no one mathematical model or technique is best for all wind farms or for all time periods. Both

neural network and regression models were top performers, depending on the location and forecast time period.

For the Minnesota and Vermont wind farms, the neural network models performed best. For the Oklahoma wind

farm, although the neural network models performed well, the regression models performed slightly better for most

of the forecast time periods.

Electric utility grid operators and wind farm owners desiring to accurately forecast the output of their wind farms

should consider a variety of forecasting techniques to determine which technique works best for their particular

circumstance. However, this project did identify key factors that should be considered:

1. For short-term forecasts (one to six hours), using a minimal number of explanatory variables is most

effective. In particular, using a lag variable that reflects the prior hour’s output or change in output is

critical for short-term forecast accuracy.

2. The accuracy benefits of a lag variable diminish for forecast periods approaching 12 to 24 hours and likely

beyond. For these longer forecast time periods, explanatory input variables should include forecasts of

wind speed-related variables (wind speed, wind speed squared, and wind speed cubed).

3. Forecast accuracy will be higher as wind farm size increases. In this analysis, the RMSE values for the

Minnesota wind farm forecasts approximately doubled between one and 24 hours. For the smaller

Oklahoma wind farm, the RMSE values nearly tripled between the one and 24-hour forecasts, and the

RMSE values for the very small Vermont wind turbine increased by nearly a factor of nine between the one

and 24-hour forecasts.

This project showed that relatively straightforward models can be developed and trained to accurately forecast

hourly wind farm output, regardless of the size and location of that wind farm. Accurate predictions of wind farm

output can help minimize operational concerns created by wind farms and improve utility system reliability and

economics. This, in turn, will likely encourage renewable energy development using wind energy.


References/Bibliography Akilimali, Jean S.; Richardo Bessa; Audun Botterud; Hrvoje Keko; Vladmimiro Miranda; and Jianhui

Wang. Wind Power Forecasting and Electricity Market Operations. Argonne National Laboratory. April

6, 2010. Web.

Berry, Michael J. A. and Gordon S Linoff. Data Mining Techniques. Wiley Computer Publishing. 2004.


Butler, Charles and Caudill, Maureen. Naturally Intelligent Systems. Massachusetts Institute of

Technology. 1990. Print.

Cataloa, J.P.S.; V.M.F. Mendes; and H.M.I. Pousinho. An Artificial Neural Network Approach for Short-

Term Wind Power Forecasting in Portugal. November 2009. Web.

Chuanwen, Jiang; Liu Hongling; Ma Lei; Zhang Yan. A Review on the Forecasting of Wind Speed and

Generated Power. Science Direct. Volume 13, Issue 4. May 2009.

Crichton, Nicola. Regression Analysis. Blackwell Science. January 10, 2010. Web.

Giebel, Gregor and George Kariniotakis. Best Practice in Short-Term Forecasting. A Users Guide. Riso

National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, DTU. June 2009. Web.

Giesselmann, Michael G.; Shuhui Li; Edgar O’Hair; and Donald C. Wunsch. Comparative Analysis of

Regression and Artifical Neural Network Models for Wind Turbine Power Curve Estimation. Journal of

Solar Energy Engineering. November 2001, Volume 123.

Kandel, Eric; Thomas Jessell, and James Schwartz. Principles of Neural Science. McGraw-Hill

Medical; 4 Edition. 2000. Print.

Li, Lingling; Chengshan Wang; Minghui Wang; and Fenfen Zhu. Wind Power Forecasting Based on

Time Series and Neural Network. December 2009. Web.

Smith, Murray. Neural Networks for Statistical Modeling. Van Nostrand Reinhold Publishing. 1993.


Wind Power Forecasting: State-of-the-Art 2009. Argonne National Laboratory. 2009. Web.


Figures and Tables












1-Hour Forecast 6-Hour Forecast 12-Hour Forecast 24-Hour Forecast



Figure 1 - Selected Minnesota Models

Power Curve Model

Persistence Model

Full Input Regression (no lag)

Regression Model (Wind Speed and 1-hour Lag)

Neural FA Inputs: Wind, Wind^2,Wind^3 Non-Std.

Neural FA Inputs: Wind, Wind^2,Wind^3 Lag and Change in Lag

Neural FA: Persistence








1-Hour Forecast 6-Hour Forecast 12-Hour Forecast 24-Hour Forecast


SEFigure 2 - Selected Oklahoma Models

Power Curve Model

Persistence Model

Regression: MN and OMPA Lag and Change in Lag

Persistence Regression

Regression: Wind,

Wind^2, Wind^3, Lag, Change in Lag

Neural FA, Tulsa

Weather: Wind, Wind^2,Wind^3, Lag and Change in Lag

Time-Series Network: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3 15 PE










1-Hour Forecast 6-Hour Forecast 12-Hour Forecast 24-Hour Forecast


SEFigure 3 - Selected Vermont Models

Power Curve Model

Persistence Model

Regression: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3, Lag, Change in Lag

Regression: Lag and Change in Lag

Neural FA Burlington Weather: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3

Neural Persistence

Neural FA: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3, Lag












1-Hour Forecast 6-Hour Forecast 12-Hour Forecast 24-Hour Forecast




ge F




tFigure 4 - RMSE Percentage Values for Selected MN, OK, and VT


MN: Neural FA: Persistence

MN: Neural GFF MN and OMPA applied to OMPA: Wind, Wind^2,Wind^3 Lag

and Change in Lag

OK: Persistence Regression

OK: Regression: MN and OMPA Lag and Change in Lag

VT: Neural FA: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3, Lag

VT: Neural Persistence










Power Curve Model 34,198 34,198 34,198 34,198

Persistence Model 10,457 24,568 29,444 37,044

Regression ModelsRegression: Roch, OMPA Lag and Change in Lag Combined 10,185 19,271 23,476 29,122

Regression Model (1-hour Lag and Change in Lag) 10,196 22,071 25,813 30,284

Regression: Roch, OMPA Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3, Lag, Change in Lag Combined 10,205 18,278 21,705 24,081

Regression Persistence 10,327 19,365 24,230 29,604

Regression Model (Wind Speed and 1-hour Lag) 10,473 18,018 20,726 22,103

Full Input Regression (1-Hour Lag) 11,403 25,337 27,251 32,113

Regression: Wind Speed, Wind Speed^2, Wind Speed^3, Lag, Change in Lag 15,538 19,539 20,145 20,802

Full Input Regression (no lag) 42,175 42,175 42,175 42,175

Neural Network ModelsNeural FA: Persistence 10,268 14,719 17,078 19,547

Neural FA Inputs: Lag and Change in Lag 10,315 15,811 19,972 23,313

Neural FA Inputs: Wind, Wind^2,Wind^3 Lag and Change in Lag 10,356 15,166 18,431 20,520

Neural GFF MN and OMPA applied to OMPA: Wind, Wind^2,Wind^3 Lag and Change in Lag 10,368 14,895 17,977 20,303

Neural FA Inputs: Wind, Wind^2,Wind^3, and Lag 10,574 19,438 20,285 21,454

Neural GFF rom MN and OMPA applied to MN: Lag and Change in Lag 15 PE 11,802 19,431 25,115 29,916

Neural FA Inputs: Wind, Wind^2,Wind^3 Non-Std. 20,367 20,367 20,367 20,367

Neural FA: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3 20,395 20,395 20,395 20,395

Neural FA Inputs: Wind, Wind^2,Wind^3 20,419 20,419 20,419 20,419

Neural Function Approximation, no lag, minimal independent variables, standardized 21,678 21,678 21,678 21,678

Time-Series Network: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3 15 PE 22,029 22,029 22,029 22,029

Multilayer perceptron, 1 hidden layer, no lag, standardized 23,132 23,132 23,132 23,132

Neural Function Approximation, no lag, non-standardized 25,782 25,782 25,782 25,782

Fuzzy, no lag, standardized 26,388 26,388 26,388 26,388

Generalized Feed Forward, 2 hidden layers, no lag, standardized 27,479 27,479 27,479 27,479

Time Series Neural, no lag, non-standardized 29,296 29,296 29,296 29,296

Recurrent, no lag, non-standardized 37,746 37,746 37,746 37,746

Neural Function Approximation, (Not minimized on cross validation), no lag, non-standardized 40,580 40,580 40,580 40,580

Fuzzy, no lag, non-standardized 55,990 55,990 55,990 55,990

Multilayer Perceptron, 9 PE: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3 20,311 20,311 20,311 20,311

Minnesota Model RMSE Values on Testing Data Using Observed Weather

Table 1










Power Curve Model 21,477 21,477 21,477 21,477

Persistence Model 5,721 11,324 14,756 17,329

Regression ModelsRegression: MN and OMPA Lag and Change in Lag 5,498 13,447 15,152 16,291

Regression: Lag and Change in Lag 5,510 10,507 13,315 15,400

Regression: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3, Lag, Change in Lag 5,519 10,524 13,284 15,347

Persistence Regression 5,658 10,560 13,230 15,163

Regression: MN and OMPA Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3, Lag, Change in Lag 5,724 11,874 15,472 17,778

Neural Network ModelsNeural FA, Tulsa Weather: Wind, Wind^2,Wind^3, Lag and Change in Lag 5,573 10,008 14,030 17,535

Neural GFF, Tulsa Weather: Lag and Change in Lag with 10 PE 5,586 10,084 14,102 17,796

Neural GFF, Tulsa Weather: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3, 15 PE 16,770 16,770 16,770 16,770

Neural GFF MN and OMPA applied to OMPA: Wind, Wind^2,Wind^3 Lag and Change in Lag 6,196 24,530 25,845 26,423

Neural GFF, MN and OMPA applied to OMPA: Lag and Change in Lag 15 PE 6,424 24,981 26,185 26,715

Time-Series Network, Tulsa Weather: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3 15 PE 17,630 17,630 17,630 17,630

Neural FA, Tulsa Weather: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3 16,711 16,711 16,711 16,711

Neural Persistence, Tulsa Weather 5,634.1 10,246.1 14,309.8 17,917.7

Neural FA, Tulsa Weather: Lag and Change in Lag 5,540.4 9,868.7 13,885.0 17,661.5

Neural FA, Tulsa Weather: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3, Lag 5,629.9 10,300.3 14,781.6 19,032.0

Oklahoma Model RMSE Values on Testing Data Using Observed Weather

Table 2










Power Curve Model 1.090 1.090 1.090 1.090

Persistence Model 0.207 0.815 1.102 1.237

Regression ModelsRegression: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3, Lag, Change in Lag 0.404 0.709 0.822 0.918

Regression: Lag and Change in Lag 0.407 0.702 0.822 0.928

Regression: Persistence 0.442 0.712 0.841 0.939

Regression: Wind Speed and Lag 0.444 0.713 0.834 0.927

Neural Network ModelsNeural GFF, Burlington Weather: Lag and Change in Lag with 5 PEs 0.133 0.544 0.759 0.893

Neural FA, Burlington Weather: Lag and Change in Lag with 10 PEs 0.146 0.522 0.745 0.916

Neural GFF, Burlington Weather: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3, Lag and Change in Lag with 5 PE 0.168 0.572 0.789 0.920

Neural FA, Burlington Weather: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3 0.917 0.917 0.917 0.917

Time-Series Network, Burlington Weather: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3 15 PE 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998

Neural Persistence, Burlington Weather 0.099 0.505 0.725 0.880

Neural FA, Burlington Weather: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3, Lag 0.124 0.483 0.695 0.852

Vermont Model RMSE Values on Testing Data Using Observed Weather

Table 3










Power Curve ModelsPower Curve Model - MN 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91

Power Curve Model - OK 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03

Power Curve Model - VT 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95

Persistence ModelsPersistence Model - MN 0.2774 0.6518 0.7812 0.9828

Persistence Model - OK 0.2741 0.5425 0.7069 0.8302

Persistence Model - VT 0.3696 1.4551 1.9667 2.2081

Top Regression ModelsMN: Regression: Roch, OMPA Lag and Change in Lag Combined 0.2702 0.5113 0.6228 0.7726

MN: Regression: Wind Speed, Wind Speed^2, Wind Speed^3, Lag, Change in Lag 0.4122 0.5184 0.5345 0.5519

OK: Regression: MN and OMPA Lag and Change in Lag 0.2634 0.6442 0.7259 0.7804

OK: Persistence Regression 0.2711 0.5059 0.6338 0.7264

VT: Regression: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3, Lag, Change in Lag 0.7221 1.2650 1.4674 1.6397

VT: Regression: Wind Speed and Lag 0.7922 1.2734 1.4891 1.6542

Top Neural Network ModelsMN: Neural FA: Persistence 0.2724 0.3905 0.4531 0.5186

MN: Neural GFF MN and OMPA applied to OMPA: Wind, Wind^2,Wind^3 Lag and Change in Lag 0.2751 0.3952 0.4769 0.5387

OK: Neural FA: Lag and Change in Lag 0.2654 0.4728 0.6652 0.8461

OK: Neural FA, Tulsa Weather: Wind, Wind^2,Wind^3, Lag and Change in Lag 0.2670 0.4795 0.6721 0.8401

VT: Neural Persistence 0.1772 0.9025 1.2951 1.5706

VT: Neural FA: Wind, Wind^2, Wind^3, Lag 0.2205 0.8616 1.2416 1.5210

RMSE Values on Testing Data Using Observed Weather - RMSE/Mean Farm Output

Table 4