Developing Customer Journey Maps

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Customer Journey Maps to Improve the Claims Experience

Friday 29 May 2015

With an Asia Pacific regional presence and focus, we provide human-centred business design and innovation services for clients across a variety of sectors.

About Make

Owen HoddaHuman-Centred Design Lead

0401 855 380

We take a human-centred approach to deliver viable business outcomes

Customer Journey Maps to Improve the Claims Experience

• Describing the end to end customer experience in order to determine the key touch-points

• Identifying the most critical touch points on the journey to pinpoint the key moments of truth

• Identifying the places where investment in higher levels of service are more likely to attract or retain customers

• Overcoming common organisational obstacles

• Understanding how the customer journey extends beyond your processes

• Uncovering your true customer goals, and mapping them to your touchpoints

• Research methods to build an empathetic understanding of customer experience

Why Journey Maps?











Developing Customer Journey Maps

Developing Customer Journey MapsSome Principles

bigger than you

through your customers eyes

solve for the system

Journey maps must be built through your customers eyes (and hands and heart and mind)

Your customers’ journey is bigger than your process

Use journey maps to solve for the system, not fix pain points - set the future you want to see

Bigger Than You

•The customer’s journey begins before the map and extends beyond it

• Often the greatest value can be found when exploring influencing factors outside of the actual process

• Important to remember the goal people are aiming to achieve – nobody wants to complete a claim process,instead they want to have their issue taken care of

•Uncovering true customer goals

• A goal is a state of existence, not the completion of a task

• Important to remember, as often a customer goal is not increased efficiency, but to actually be led towards a state of being

Solve For The System

•Organisational obstacles

• Sell the value, not the artefact

• Journey maps have a value differentiator, ensure you capitalise on it

• Distribute your maps as widely as possible

•Identifying where to invest

• Important to understand that the process is about improving the customer experience

• Don’t fall into the trap of fixing “pain points” – that leads to a process improvement and “whack a mole” mindset

Through Your Customers Eyes

•Identifying touch points

• You have to look through your customers’ eyes – there’s no point identifying touch points from within

• What about touch points you don’t own? – how to identify? How to design for?

• Invisible touch points – things that influence your customers but are no necessarily part of your process

•Identifying key moments of truth

• Most moments of truth are actually just hygiene factors

• A real moment of truth is when you deal with something off script – something unexpected

• Customers will likely not be able to articulate a moment of truth (because they won’t know it until they see it) – so you need to be able to build the ability to respond to a moment of truth in your system

•How to build an empathetic understanding of your customers

• Spend time with them!!

• Research – Don’t just speak with your customers - it’s important to also watch them and experience their own experiences. Hear, see & do

• Building empathy is different to building understanding

• Remember, this is a journey of their experience – a journey map should be a simplified distillation of what you heard from customers - no internal assumptions

Hear: What do customers experience, remember, question?

See: What do customers do, touch and keep?

Do: Gain your own perspective and understanding

Journey maps must be built through your customers eyes (and hands and heart and mind)

Your customers’ journey is bigger than your process

Use journey maps to solve for the system, not fix pain points - set the future you want to see

bigger than you

through your customers eyes

solve for the system

Human-Centred Business Design