Developing Effective Speaking and Listening Skills for Students with ...

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Developing Effective Speaking and Listening Skills for Students with Disabilities Goals and Outcomes

Overarching Objectives of the December 2014 Network Team Institute

Teachers will be able to

o Identify and plan to implement effective discussion practices. o Scaffold speaking and listening instruction for students with disabilities. o Identify the primary design considerations when creating curriculum from scratch.

Leaders will be able to o Identify effective discussions and provide focused feedback to help teachers improve speaking and listening instruction. o Identify the primary design considerations when creating curriculum from scratch. o Provide focused feedback to help teachers improve their instruction.

High-Level Purpose of this Session

The purpose of this session is lead participants to view listening and speaking as skills and habits of academic learning that need to be taught,

practiced, and supported.

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Related Learning Experiences

Speaking and Listening Instruction: Identifying and Using Effective Approaches to Facilitating Classroom Discussions.

Key Points

Speaking and listening is a double edged sword for students with disabilities; that is-

o Students often struggle with speaking (verbal expression deficits) and/or listening (language processing) so teachers must design

instruction to scaffold skill development and provide supports and workarounds as students’ skills develop.

o Used effectively, speaking and listening develop students’ critical thinking skills which support reading and writing skills.

Universal Desgin for Learning provides teachers a framework and guidance to develop appropriate supports and strategies for listening and


Listening and speaking are skills and habits that must be taught, planned for and practiced, just like reading and writing. For students with

disabilities, teachers should consider adapting lessons to include diverse and rich opportunities for listening and speaking to support ciritcal


Session Outcomes

What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? How will we know that they are able to do this?

Identify the skills and habits that are valued within the Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards

Identifiy potential listening and speaking barriers and develop solutions for students with disabilities

Leverage listening and speaking to scaffold critical thinking and reading and writing skills for students with disabilites

Plan and integrate listening and speaking scaffolds into their instructional practices to support students with disabilities

Complete Activity 1-Identifying the Speaking and Listening Skills and Habits in the CCSL standards

Complete Activity 2- Identifying Listening and Speaking as Scaffolds for Reading and Writing

Complete Practice Activities-3- RASA Listening Protocol and 4-Tool for Building Academic Conversations

Complete Application Questions for 10.2.3 Lesson 1and complete 3-2-1 Activity

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Session Overview

Section Time Overview Prepared Resources Facilitator


Introduction 5 min Participants are introducted to the

objectives and the agenda for the



What Skills and Habits are Valued in the Speaking & Listening Standards?

10 min Particpants go through a 4 step

process to examine the CCR

anchor standards and the

Speaking and Listening Standards

to find the valued speaking and

listening skills and habits.


CCR Anchor Standards

Speaking & Listening Standards-

grades 9-10 and 11-12

Activity 1: Skills and Habits


Position mic

runners at

various spots

around the

room for report


What are Potential Barriers

& Possible Solutions?

20 min Participants are led through a

discussion process to identify: a)

when listening and speaking are

scaffolds for reading and writing b)

profiles of students with receptive

and expressive language deficits

c) Universal Design for Learning

as a Framework to address

strategies and solutions.


Activity 2: Listening and

Speaking as Scaffolds for

Reading and Writing

UDL Framework and Principles

Position mic

runners at

various spots

around the

room for report


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How Can I Teach &

Scaffold Student Listening

Skills and Habits?

25 min Participants are provided and

discuss listening scaffolds and a

listening protocol. Afterwards,

participants analyze and apply

listening scaffolds to 10.2.3

Lesson 1.


Lesson 10.2.3 Lesson 1, The

Preamble and Articles 1-10 of the

Universal Declaration of Human


Activity 3: RASA Protocol

10.2.3 Lesson 1. Listening

Application Questions

Position mic

runners at

various spots

around the

room for report


How Can I Teach &

Scaffold Student Speaking

Skills and Habits?

25 min Participants are provided and

discuss speaking scaffolds and a

scaffolding tool. Afterwards,

participants analyze and apply

listening scaffolds to 10.2.3

Lesson 1.


Video link-The 30 Articles of

Human Rights


Video Link-Teaching Channel,

Literary Analysis through

Interactive Stations,



Activity 4: Tool for Building

Academic Conversations

10.2.3 Lesson 1. Speaking

Application Questions

Position mic

runners at

various spots

around the

room for report


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Reflection and Closing 5 min Participants complete a 3-2-1

exercise to consolidate and apply

what they have learned.

PowerPoint Position mic

runners at

various spots

around the

room for report


90 min Total for this session

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Session Roadmap

Section: Introduction

In this section, you will be introducted to the objectives and the agenda

for the session.

Materials used include: PowerPoint

Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

1 0 min

Introduce yourself.

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

2 1 min

Review the session objectives.

3 1 min

Review the visual organizer for the session and point out that you are in

the introductory session.

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

4 3 min

Ask participants to discuss with their shoulder partners what we mean by

“listening” and “speaking”? Ask a couple participants to share out their




5 min

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Section: What Skills and Habits are Valued in the Speaking & Listening Standards?

In this section, you will go through a 4 step process to examine the

CCR anchor standards and the Speaking and Listening Standards to

find the valued speaking and listening skills and habits.

Materials used include: PowerPoint, CCR Anchor Standards, 9-10 and 11-

12 Speaking and Listening Standards, Activity 1: Skills and Habits Activity

Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

5 1 min

Sharing the visual for the PowerPoint, point out we are progressing to the

next section.

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

6 9 min

Have participants refer to their packet and Activity 1. Explain the activity.

Have participants work in triads to complete the acitivty. Have teams share






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Section: What are Potential Barriers & Possible Solutions?

In this section, you are led through a discussion process to identify:

a) when listening and speaking are scaffolds for reading and writing

b) profiles of students with receptive and expressive language

deficits c) Universal Design for Learning as a Framework to address

strategies and solutions.

Materials used include: PowerPoint, Activitiy 2: Listening and Speaking as

Scaffolds for Reading and Writing, UDL Frameworks and Principles

Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

7 1 min

Sharing the visual for the PowerPoint, point out we are progressing to the

next section.

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

8 1 min

Lead participants through considering that speaking and listening are not

disconnected skills from reading and writing. So we need to consider the

intersections of all skills and how they relate to each other.

9 1 min

Briefly lead participants through the chart regarding the signs of listening

and speaking disabilities.

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

10 2 min

Speaking and listening can be a double edged sword for students with

disabilities. Let’s consider how this is so.

Auditory processing weaknesses manifested as delays, vocabulary deficits

and dificulty in language processing are for many students with disabilities

a single or a complex cluster of challenges that they bring to academic

settings. These difficulites are often referred to as receptive langauge


Likewise, students with disabilties can experience difficulty with expressive

language, also known as an expressive language disorder.Students with

expressive language disorders may understand what is said to them or

written in passages, but they have substantial difficulty communicating.

They have difficulty with language processing and the connection between

words and ideas they represent.

Students with disabilities can experience both types of disabling features to

varying degrees or they may more difficuly with one or the other. The point

is, both can present as potential barriers without careful consideration and

instructional design by teachers.

But let’s also consider this, for students with disabilities, listening and

speaking can potentially scaffold critical thinking, and can support improved

reading and writing. Through listening and thinking you are providing meta-

cognitive support and insight to the internal processing of critical thinking.

The idea that you learn to read and get better by reading also applies to

speaking and listening-through providing increased and purposeful

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

scaffolded oppportunities to listen and speak, students with disabilities can

improve their critical thinking skills and improve their skills in these

speaking and listening AND this will have a direct positive impact on their

reading and writing skills.

Consequently, speaking and listening is a double edged sword.

Discuss this concept with your table team and your thoughts on this

statement and your reasoning.

11 7 min

Prepare participants to complete Activity 2. Independently generate and

list ways that listening and speaking can be a means to scaffold student

skill critical thinking, reading and writing skills development. Next, as a

group generate a master list. Be prepared to share.

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

12 8 min

Introduce the UDL Framework to Participants. Universal Design for

Learning is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all

individuals equal opportunities to learn. UDL provides a blueprint for

creating instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that

work for everyone--not a single, one-size-fits-all solution but rather flexible

approaches that can be customized and adjusted for individual needs.

UDL is necessary because individuals bring a huge variety of skills, needs, and interests to learning. Neuroscience reveals that these differences are as varied and unique as our DNA or fingerprints. Three primary brain networks come into play:

The Affective Network (Multiple Means of Engagement)-How learners get engaged and stay motivated. How they are challenged, excited, or interested. These are affective dimensions. (The Why of Learning)

The Recognition Network (Multiple Means of Representation)-How we gather facts and categorize what we see, hear, and read. Identifying letters, words, or an author's style are recognition tasks. (The What of Learning)

The Strategic Network (Multiple Means of Action and Expression)-Planning and performing tasks. How we organize and express our ideas. Writing an essay or solving a math problem are strategic tasks. (The How of Learning)

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

Ask pairs to discuss how this information matches what they think about teaching and supporting all students.

Remind teachers: UDL is a powerful framework for addressing the entire

range of diversity in their classrooms. However, it is not a substitute for

understanding and addressing the individual needs of students with IEPs.

Be proactive and consult, collaborate, and plan with students’ special

education teachers. This is really important, especially for students with

more significant needs since IEP goals and accommodations must be

addressed. Special education teachers can support general education

teachers’ thinking about meeting students’ unique learning needs.





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Section: How Can I Teach & Scaffold Student Listening Skills and Habits?

In this section, you are provided and discuss listening scaffolds and a

listening protocol. Afterwards, you will analyze and apply listening

scaffolds to 10.2.3 Lesson 1.

Materials used include: PowerPoint, , 10.2.3 Lesson 1, Preamble and the

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, RASA Protocol, 10.2.3 Lesson 1

Listening Application Questions.

Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

13 0 min

Sharing the visual for the PowerPoint, point out we are progressing to the

next section.

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

14 10 min

Before sharing the following with participants, remind them that although

we have addressed this before, we need to be continually aware of the

point where a scaffold or support approaches lowering the bar or changing

the target for students. We TEMPORARILY scaffold, with the goal of

students’ independently mastering the learning target.

1. Engage students’ metacognitive skills

have them define and describe “good listening” Just as you

did in the last exercise, you are OVERT and apparent what

“good listeners” already know. You are making the

individual cognitive process a social collaborative process

in order to support their understanding and skill

development-you are SCAFFOLDING learning.

have them listen with a purpose. This refines the purpose,

reduces the cognitive load and allows them to focus their

limited cognitive reserve on what is important. This is a

scaffolded approach to improving their listening skills.

2. For deeper thinking and quality responses, provide students time

to think or “consolidate.”

This provides every student the message—you are

expected to think and be prepared to respond, which when

we quickly call on students, you let all others “off the

listening/thinking hook.”

This can support students’ need for time to think. Discuss

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

the need for proccessing time to understand the

statement/question and then the time to develop and

organize one’s thoughts.

Processing can be scaffolded by pair mini-discussions.

Another scaffold can be a visual framework to organize

their response. Give an example.

3. Provide varied and multiple listening practice opportunities.

More opportunities to engage and practice is very

important. Like any skill that you want to support, you must

have practice time.

Pair and triads are preferred groupings and provides the

support students need to a) feel supported before

sharing/interacting in a larger group b) it provides more

opportunities for practice.

Consider FIRST scaffolding student skills with

materials/media that can engage all students so that the

focus can be on the skill development and the cognitive

load is reduced for materials/content that can feel too

challenging. Remember, you are trying to build skills and

habits and in order to do so, you must provide

media/content that could potentially be a barrier. For

example, show a visual that engages thinking on the topic,

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

4. Provide visual and auditory representations (multiple means of

engagement, multiple means of representation, Auditory-Masterful

reading. We’ll hear a demonstration of this)

5. Scaffold the development of active listening skills, through tools

such as RASA. Explain how RASA overtly addresses discrete

characteristics of listening.

6. Your practices and strategies? Where do they fit in the UDL


15 1 min

Share part of the brief audio clip of Eleanor Roosevelt reading the

Preamble and first 10 articles. Ask participants how adidtional visual

supports can support students with this masterful reading. (e.g.,

vocabluary list with definitions)

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

16 4 min

Have students take out the RASA handout. Explain what RASA stands for

and its aim to support students to develop effective listening skills. Explain

the two parts. Part one can be used as a scoring card and to provide

feedback to students regarding their demonstrating of the essential

indicators of effective listening. For example, teachers can assign a

discussion activity to pairs and move throughout the room and note how

each individual student is using these moves. (Students can have the

same on their desks as a reminder of the moves.) Another way to use this

tool is to have students use it to observe other students, and note the

moves of other students. FEEDBACK is important. Another is practice with

pair-partners. The first pair implements the practice, the second pair just

observes, take notes on the RASA protocol and provides feedback to the

first pair. Another support could be to video tape students pairs and use

the video clip and this feedback together. Ask participants to discuss

variations on these suggestions or additional ideas.

Explain the second part. The RASA student cards are scaffolds to guide

student as they respond to their partner-to summarize to check for

understanding, to ask for clarification and to ask for elaboration. Again, by

providing these sentence starters, it provides support to students to focus

their listening. A variation is to provide each students with only one strip

(see where you’d cut), and have them focus on only one type of feedback.

Ask participants to discuss variations on these suggestions or additional


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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

In summary, RASA provides students who have receptive language

processing difficulties with 1-overt cues to the characteristics of effective

listening, 2-a mechanism to practice and to get feedback and 3- a visual

reference support.

17 5 min

Prepare participants to complete the following activity as PAIRS. Read

through the 10.2.3 Lesson 1 and have them conduct the following. As

pairs, annotate:

where students are engaged in the lesson in listening and


supports built into the lesson for listening and speaking

potential barriers for students with disabilities around

listening and/or speaking

where additional listening and speaking could scaffold other

parts of the lesson (Consider recommendations on slide


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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

18 5 min

Prepare participants by reviewing the activity. Have them work as table

teams to complete this activity. Afterwards, go through each bullet and

have them share out with the larger group.

• You are adapting this lesson for your class. Which

recommendations would you implement in this lesson to support

listening skill development for your students with disabilities?

(Consider the UDL Framework and recommendations on slide 14-


• Which listening scaffolds would you implement to enhance other

skill development for your students with disabilities? (Consider

your ideas on slide 11)


time: 25 min

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Section: How Can I Teach & Support Student Speaking Skills and Habits?

In this section, you are provided and discuss speaking scaffolds and

a scaffolding tool. Afterwards you analyze and apply listening

scaffolds to 10.2.3 Lesson 1.

Materials used include: PowerPoint, Video link- the 30 Articles of Human

Rights , Video link-

Teaching Channel Literacy Analysis through Interactive Stations

understanding , Activity 4-Tool for Building Academic Conversations, 10.2.3

Lesson 1 Speaking Application Questions

Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

19 0 min

Sharing the visual for the PowerPoint, point out we are progressing to the

next section.

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

20 5 min

Before sharing the following with participants, remind them that although

we have addressed this before, we need to be continually aware of the

point where a scaffold or support approaches lowering the bar or changing

the target for students. We TEMPORARILY scaffold, with the goal of

students’ independently mastering the learning target.

1. Provide varied and multiple practice opportunities, including multiple

means of action and expression . (Knovio, Telligami, website-

o “Speed dating” analogy, switching to new discussion

partners every minute with the goal of improving their

response each time with more clarity/detail.

2. Ensure/Build in equitable opportunities for participation.

Build in think response time, use equity sticks or app (share


3. Provide “safe” opportunities for participation that will lead to

engagement and greater participation.

Pairs, small group

4. Scaffold the development of building academic discussion, through

tools such as the Tool for Building Academic Conversations.

5. Incorporate multiple means of action and expression to support

developing critical thinking skills and support reading and writing

skills. We’ll look at how one teacher did this using mutiple verbal

and non-verbal ways for students to think, express, and clarify their


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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

21 5 min

Have participants refer to the Tool for Building Academic Conversations.

Discuss the tool and how it supports speaking skills, focusing on the visual

symbol that represent the conversation move. Point out questions frames

and sentence starters could be used by both teachers and students.

Students could be provided a visual symbol prior to small group

discussion and they are responsible for using that conversation

move in the discussion. This reduces their cognitive load and

supports their listening skill development.

Using this provides developing a common language for

conversation moves and supports academic discussion using these


You can use this a a prediscussion tool and as an exercise have

students match moves,visual symbols, sentence starters and

question frames.

Focus on one or two moves at a time.

Query participant ideas.

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

22 5 min

Literary Analysis through Interactive Stations

In six groups, students will spend five minutes at each of the three stations,

and then rotate and repeat until each student has completed each of the

three station assignments. Stations are as follows:

• Wall of Silence. Students will each contribute one quote from the

text to a large paper hanging on the wall. Quotes will be related to

“silence,” and students will have them prepared from a prior activity.

Each student will then respond to at least one of the other quotes

by asking a question, making a connection, or simply writing their


• Power Tableau. As a group, students will come up with a way to

represent the dynamics of power and silence in “No Name Woman”

by embodying them in a frozen, silent tableau.

• Circle Discussion. Students will be seated in a circle. Each will have

a sheet for notes. They will respond to the question “How would ‘No

Name Woman’ be different if characters were more open with each


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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

23 5 min

Participants will view this video of how a teacher uses varied activities to

support student discussion and critical thinking. Show TC video clip,

Literary Analysis through Interactive Stations.

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

24 5 min

• Again, you are adapting this lesson for your class. Using the UDL

framework and referring to slides 20-23, which recommendations

would you implement in this lesson to support speaking skill

development for your students with disabilities?

• Which speaking scaffolds would you implement to enhance other

skill development for your students with disabilities? (consider

ideas from slide 11)?





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Section: Reflection and Closing

In this section, you will complete a 3-2-1 exercise to consolidate and

apply what you have learned.

Materials used include: PowerPoint

Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

25 0 min

Sharing the visual for the PowerPoint, point out we are progressing to the

next section.

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Slide Time Picture Script/Activity Directions

26 5 min

Explain and have participants complete the 3-2-1 activity and share out in

large group.


time: 5 min

Turnkey Materials Provided


CCR Anchor Standards

Speaking & Listening Standards-grades 9-10 and 11-12

Activity 1: Skills and Habits Activity

Handout-(chart) Universal Design for Learning Principles

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Activities 2: Listening and Speaking as Scaffolds for Reading and Writing

10.2.3 Lesson 1, The Preamble and Articles 1-10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Activity 3: RASA Protocol

Activity 4: Tool for Building Academic Conversations

Video link-The 30 Articles of Human Rights

Video Link-Teaching Channel, Literary Analysis through Interactive Stations,
